The Mizar article:

Non-Negative Real Numbers. Part I

Andrzej Trybulec

Received March 7, 1998

Copyright (c) 1998 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: ARYTM_2
[ MML identifier index ]


 constructors ARYTM_3, XBOOLE_0;
 requirements BOOLE, SUBSET;
 definitions TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ORDINAL1;
 schemes ARYTM_3;


reserve r,s,t,x',y',z',p,q for Element of RAT+;

 func DEDEKIND_CUTS -> Subset of bool RAT+ equals
:Def1: { A where A is Subset of RAT+: r in A implies
      (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s }
   \ { RAT+};
   set C = { A where A is Subset of RAT+: r in A implies
      (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s };
A1: C \ {RAT+} c= C by XBOOLE_1:36;
     C c= bool RAT+
    proof let e be set;
     assume e in C;
      then ex A being Subset of RAT+ st e = A &
       for r holds r in A implies
      (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s;
     hence thesis;
   hence thesis by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;

 cluster DEDEKIND_CUTS -> non empty;
   set X = { s: s < one };
      now assume one in X;
      then ex s st s = one & s < one;
     hence contradiction;
then A1:  X <> RAT+;
    {} <=' one by ARYTM_3:71;
    then {} < one by ARYTM_3:75;
    then A2:   {} in X;
      X c= RAT+
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in X;
       then ex s st s = e & s < one;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider X as non empty Subset of RAT+ by A2;
      r in X implies
      (for s st s <=' r holds s in X) & ex s st s in X & r < s
    proof assume r in X;
     then A3:   ex s st s = r & s < one;
     thus for s st s <=' r holds s in X
      proof let s;
       assume s <=' r;
        then s < one by A3,ARYTM_3:74;
       hence thesis;
      consider s such that
A4:    r < s and
A5:    s < one by A3,ARYTM_3:101;
     take s;
     thus s in X by A5;
     thus r < s by A4;
    then X in { A where A is Subset of RAT+: r in A implies
      (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s };
   hence thesis by A1,Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;

 func REAL+ equals
:Def2: RAT+ \/ DEDEKIND_CUTS \ {{ s: s < t}: t <> {}};

reserve x,y,z for Element of REAL+;

set IR = { A where A is Subset of RAT+: r in A implies
          (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s},
    RA = {{ s: s < t}: t <> {}};

 not ex x,y being set st [x,y] in IR
proof given x,y being set such that
A1: [x,y] in IR;
 consider A being Subset of RAT+ such that
A2: [x,y] = A and
A3: r in A implies
     (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s by A1;
     A = {{x},{x,y}} by A2,TARSKI:def 5;
then A4: {x} in A by TARSKI:def 2;
    for r,s st r in A & s <=' r holds s in A by A3;
  then consider r1,r2,r3 being Element of RAT+ such that
A5: r1 in A & r2 in A & r3 in A and
A6: r1 <> r2 & r2 <> r3 & r3 <> r1 by A4,ARYTM_3:82;
    [x,y] = { { x,y }, { x } } by TARSKI:def 5;
  then (r1 = { x,y } or r1 = { x }) &
       (r2 = { x,y } or r2 = { x }) &
       (r3 = { x,y } or r3 = { x }) by A2,A5,TARSKI:def 2;
 hence contradiction by A6;

Lm3: RAT+ misses RA
   assume RAT+ meets RA;
   then consider e be set such that
A1:  e in RAT+ and
A2:  e in RA by XBOOLE_0:3;
    consider t such that
A3:  e = { s: s < t } and
A4:  t <> {} by A2;
      {} <=' t by ARYTM_3:71;
    then {} < t by A4,ARYTM_3:75;
then A5:  {} in e by A3;
      e c= RAT+
     proof let u be set;
      assume u in e;
       then ex s st s = u & s < t by A3;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider e as non empty Subset of RAT+ by A5;
    consider s such that
A6:  s in e and
A7:  for r st r in e holds r <=' s by A1,ARYTM_3:99;
      ex r st r = s & r < t by A3,A6;
    then consider r such that
A8:  s < r and
A9:  r < t by ARYTM_3:101;
      r in e by A3,A9;
   hence contradiction by A7,A8;

theorem Th1:
 RAT+ c= REAL+ by Def2,Lm2,Lm3,XBOOLE_1:86;

Lm4: REAL+ c= RAT+ \/ DEDEKIND_CUTS by Def2,XBOOLE_1:36;
   DEDEKIND_CUTS c= IR by Def1,XBOOLE_1:36;
 then RAT+ \/ DEDEKIND_CUTS c= RAT+ \/ IR by XBOOLE_1:9;
then Lm5:
 REAL+ c= RAT+ \/ IR by Lm4,XBOOLE_1:1;
   REAL+ = RAT+ \/ (IR \ { RAT+} \ RA) by Def1,Def2,Lm3,XBOOLE_1:87;
then Lm6:

theorem Th2:
 omega c= REAL+ by Th1,ARYTM_3:34,XBOOLE_1:1;

 cluster REAL+ -> non empty;
 coherence by Th2,ORDINAL2:19;

definition let x;
 func DEDEKIND_CUT x -> Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS means
:Def3: ex r st x = r & it = { s : s < r } if x in RAT+
  otherwise it = x;
   thus x in RAT+ implies
    ex IT being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS, r st x = r & IT = { s : s < r }
    proof assume x in RAT+;
      then reconsider r = x as Element of RAT+;
      set IT = { s : s < r };
        not ex s st s= r & s < r;
      then not r in IT;
then A1:    IT <> RAT+;
        IT c= RAT+
       proof let e be set;
        assume e in IT;
         then ex s st s = e & s < r;
        hence thesis;
      then reconsider IT as Subset of RAT+;
        t in IT implies
          (for s st s <=' t holds s in IT) & ex s st s in IT & t < s
       proof assume t in IT;
        then A2:      ex s st t = s & s < r;
        thus for s st s <=' t holds s in IT
         proof let s;
           assume s <=' t;
           then s < r by A2,ARYTM_3:76;
          hence s in IT;
         consider s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A3:       t < s0 and
A4:       s0 < r by A2,ARYTM_3:101;
        take s0;
        thus s0 in IT by A4;
        thus t < s0 by A3;
      then IT in IR;
     then reconsider IT as Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS by A1,Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
     take IT,r;
     thus x = r & IT = { s : s < r };
A5:  not x in RAT+;
      x in REAL+;
    then x in DEDEKIND_CUTS by A5,Lm4,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   hence thesis;

   not ex y being set st [{},y] in REAL+
 given y being set such that
A1: [{},y] in REAL+;
 per cases by A1,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
 suppose [{},y] in RAT+;
 hence contradiction by ARYTM_3:68;
 suppose [{},y] in IR;
 hence contradiction by Lm1;

 (for r holds r < s iff r < t) implies s = t
proof assume
A1: for r holds r < s iff r < t;
    s <=' s & t <=' t;
  then s <=' t & t <=' s by A1;
 hence s = t by ARYTM_3:73;

definition let x be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
 func GLUED x -> Element of REAL+ means
:Def4: ex r st it = r & for s holds s in x iff s < r
   if ex r st for s holds s in x iff s < r
  otherwise it = x;
  proof let IT1,IT2 be Element of REAL+;
   hereby assume ex r st for s holds s in x iff s < r;
    given r1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A1:  IT1 = r1 and
A2:  for s holds s in x iff s < r1;
    given r2 being Element of RAT+ such that
A3:  IT2 = r2 and
A4:  for s holds s in x iff s < r2;
       for s holds s < r1 iff s < r2
      proof let s;
          s in x iff s < r1 by A2;
       hence thesis by A4;
    hence IT1 = IT2 by A1,A3,Lm7;
   thus thesis;
    given r such that
A5:   for s holds s in x iff s < r;
      r in RAT+;
    then reconsider y = r as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
    take y,r;
    thus y = r;
    thus for s holds s in x iff s < r by A5;
A6:  not ex r st for s holds s in x iff s < r;
   now assume x in RA;
      then consider t such that
A7:    x = { s: s < t} and t <> {};
        for s holds s in x iff s < t
       proof let s;
        hereby assume s in x;
          then ex r st s = r & r < t by A7;
         hence s < t;
        thus s < t implies s in x by A7;
     hence contradiction by A6;
    then x in DEDEKIND_CUTS \ RA by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    then reconsider y = x as Element of REAL+ by Lm6;
   take y;
   thus thesis;

 for B being set st B in DEDEKIND_CUTS & r in B ex s st s in B & r < s
proof let B be set;
 assume B in DEDEKIND_CUTS;
  then B in IR by Def1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
  then ex A being Subset of RAT+ st B = A &
   for t st t in A holds
    (for s st s <=' t holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & t < s;
 hence thesis;

   reconsider B = {} as Subset of RAT+ by XBOOLE_1:2;
     r in B implies
      (for s st s <=' r holds s in B) & ex s st s in B & r < s;
   then {} in { A where A is Subset of RAT+: r in A implies
      (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s };
  hence thesis by Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;

    now let e be set;
   thus e in DEDEKIND_CUTS /\ RAT+ implies e = {}
    proof assume that
A1:   e in DEDEKIND_CUTS /\ RAT+ and
A2:   e <> {};
A3:    e in DEDEKIND_CUTS by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then reconsider A = e as non empty Subset of RAT+ by A2;
        A in RAT+ by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then ex s st s in A & for r st r in A holds r <=' s by ARYTM_3:99;
     hence contradiction by A3,Lm8;
   thus e = {} implies e in DEDEKIND_CUTS /\ RAT+ by Lm9,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
 hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1;

 DEDEKIND_CUT x = {} iff x = {}
 thus DEDEKIND_CUT x = {} implies x = {}
  proof assume
A1:  DEDEKIND_CUT x = {};
   per cases;
   suppose x in RAT+;
    then consider r such that
A2:  x = r and
A3:  DEDEKIND_CUT x = { s : s < r } by Def3;
A4:  x <> {};
      {} <=' r by ARYTM_3:71;
    then {} < r by A2,A4,ARYTM_3:75;
    then {} in DEDEKIND_CUT x by A3;
   hence contradiction by A1;
   suppose not x in RAT+;
   hence x = {} by A1,Def3;
A5: not ex e being set st e in { s : s < {} }
   proof given e being set such that
A6:    e in { s : s < {} };
       ex s st s = e & s < {} by A6;
    hence contradiction by ARYTM_3:71;
 assume x = {};
  then ex r st {} = r & DEDEKIND_CUT x = { s : s < r } by Def3;
 hence DEDEKIND_CUT x = {} by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 1;

 for A being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS
  holds GLUED A = {} iff A = {}
proof let A be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
 thus GLUED A = {} implies A = {}
  proof assume
A1: GLUED A = {};
   per cases;
   suppose ex r st for s holds s in A iff s < r;
    then A2:  ex r st GLUED A = r & for s holds s in A iff s < r by Def4;
   assume A <> {};
    then consider r such that
A3:   r in A by SUBSET_1:10;
       r < {} by A1,A2,A3;
    hence contradiction by ARYTM_3:71;
   suppose not ex r st for s holds s in A iff s < r;
   hence A = {} by A1,Def4;
A4: A = {};
  then for s holds s in A iff s < {} by ARYTM_3:71;
  then consider r such that
A5:  GLUED A = r and
A6:  for s holds s in A iff s < r by Def4;
A7: GLUED A <> {};
    {} <=' r by ARYTM_3:71;
  then {} < r by A5,A7,ARYTM_3:75;
 hence contradiction by A4,A6;

 for A being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS
proof let A be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
 per cases;
 suppose ex r st for s holds s in A iff s < r;
  then consider r such that
A1: r = GLUED A and
A2: for s holds s in A iff s < r by Def4;
  consider s such that
A3: r = s and
A4: DEDEKIND_CUT GLUED A = { t : t < s } by A1,Def3;
  proof let e be set;
   assume e in DEDEKIND_CUT GLUED A;
    then ex t st t = e & t < s by A4;
   hence e in A by A2,A3;
 let e be set;
A5: e in A;
  then reconsider s = e as Element of RAT+;
    s < r by A2,A5;
 hence e in DEDEKIND_CUT GLUED A by A3,A4;
A6: A = {};
   then GLUED A = {} by Lm12;
  hence DEDEKIND_CUT GLUED A = A by A6,Lm11;
 suppose that
A7: A <> {} and
A8: not ex r st for s holds s in A iff s < r;
A9: GLUED A = A by A8,Def4;
    now assume GLUED A in RAT+;
    then GLUED A in RAT+ /\ DEDEKIND_CUTS by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then GLUED A = {} by Lm10,TARSKI:def 1;
   hence contradiction by A7,Lm12;
 hence DEDEKIND_CUT GLUED A = A by A9,Def3;

 for x,y be set st x in IR & y in IR holds x c= y or y c= x
proof let x,y be set;
 assume x in IR;
  then consider A' being Subset of RAT+ such that
A1: x = A' and
A2: r in A' implies
    (for s st s <=' r holds s in A') & ex s st s in A' & r < s;
 assume y in IR;
  then consider B' being Subset of RAT+ such that
A3: y = B' and
A4: r in B' implies
    (for s st s <=' r holds s in B') & ex s st s in B' & r < s;
 assume not x c= y;
  then consider s being set such that
A5: s in x and
A6: not s in y by TARSKI:def 3;
  reconsider s as Element of RAT+ by A1,A5;
 let e be set;
A7:  e in y;
  then reconsider r = e as Element of RAT+ by A3;
    r <=' s by A3,A4,A6,A7;
 hence e in x by A1,A2,A5;

definition let x,y be Element of REAL+;
 pred x <=' y means
:Def5:  ex x',y' st x = x' & y = y' & x' <=' y'
   if x in RAT+ & y in RAT+,
  x in y if x in RAT+ & not y in RAT+,
  not y in x if not x in RAT+ & y in RAT+
   otherwise x c= y;
  proof let x,y;
A1: not(x in RAT+ & y in
 RAT+ implies ex x',y' st x = x' & y = y' & x' <=' y') or
   not(x in RAT+ & not y in RAT+ implies x in y) or
   not(not x in RAT+ & y in RAT+ implies not y in x) or
   not(not(x in RAT+ & y in RAT+ or x in RAT+ & not y in RAT+
         or not x in RAT+ & y in RAT+) implies x c= y);
  thus y in RAT+ & x in RAT+ implies ex y',x' st y = y' & x = x' & y' <=' x'
   proof assume
       y in RAT+ & x in RAT+;
     then reconsider y' = y, x' = x as Element of RAT+;
       y' <=' x' by A1;
    hence thesis;
  thus y in RAT+ & not x in RAT+ implies y in x by A1;
  thus not y in RAT+ & x in RAT+ implies not x in y by A1;
A2: not(y in RAT+ & x in RAT+ or y in RAT+ & not x in RAT+
         or not y in RAT+ & x in RAT+);
     x in REAL+ & y in REAL+;
   then x in IR & y in IR by A2,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  hence y c= x by A1,A2,Lm14;
 antonym y < x;

 x = x' & y = y' implies (x <=' y iff x' <=' y')
proof assume that
A1: x = x' and
A2: y = y';
 hereby assume x <=' y;
   then ex x',y' st x = x' & y = y' & x' <=' y' by A1,A2,Def5;
  hence x' <=' y' by A1,A2;
 thus thesis by A1,A2,Def5;

 for B being set st B in DEDEKIND_CUTS & B <> {}
   ex r st r in B & r <> {}
proof let B be set such that
A2: B <> {};
   B in IR by A1,Def1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
 then consider A being Subset of RAT+ such that
A3: B = A and
A4: r in A implies
     (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s;
  reconsider A as non empty Subset of RAT+ by A2,A3;
  consider r0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A5: r0 in A by SUBSET_1:10;
  consider r1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A6: r1 in A and
A7: r0 < r1 by A4,A5;
A8: r1 <> {} or r0 <> {} by A7;
    for r,s st r in A & s <=' r holds s in A by A4;
  then consider r1,r2,r3 being Element of RAT+ such that
A9: r1 in A & r2 in A & r3 in A and
A10: r1 <> r2 & r2 <> r3 & r3 <> r1 by A5,A6,A8,ARYTM_3:82;
    r1 <> {} or r2 <> {} by A10;
 hence thesis by A3,A9;

 for B being set holds B in DEDEKIND_CUTS & r in B & s <=' r implies s in B
proof let B be set such that
A2: r in B and
A3: s <=' r;
    B in IR by A1,Def1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
  then ex A being Subset of RAT+ st B = A &
   for t st t in A holds
    (for s st s <=' t holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & t < s;
 hence s in B by A2,A3;

 for B being set st B in DEDEKIND_CUTS & B <> {} holds {} in B
proof let B be set such that
A2: B <> {};
  reconsider B as non empty Subset of RAT+ by A1,A2;
  consider r such that
A3: r in B by SUBSET_1:10;
    {} <=' r by ARYTM_3:71;
 hence thesis by A1,A3,Lm17;

 for B being set st B in DEDEKIND_CUTS \ RA & not r in B & B <> {}
    ex s st not s in B & s < r
proof let B be set such that
A2: not r in B and
A3: B <> {};
A4: B in DEDEKIND_CUTS by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
   then A5: r <> {} by A2,A3,Lm18;
A6: for s st not s in B holds not s < r;
    B = { s: s < r}
    thus B c= { s: s < r}
     proof let e be set;
A7:    e in B;
       reconsider B as Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
         B c= RAT+;
       then reconsider t = e as Element of RAT+ by A7;
         not r <=' t by A2,A4,A7,Lm17;
      hence e in { s: s < r};
    let e be set;
    assume e in { s: s < r};
     then ex s st s = e & s < r;
    hence e in B by A6;
  then B in RA by A5;
 hence contradiction by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;

DEDEKIND_CUT x in RA implies x in RAT+
proof assume
 assume not x in RAT+;
  then DEDEKIND_CUT x = x by Def3;
 hence contradiction by A1,Def2,XBOOLE_0:def 4;

 DEDEKIND_CUT x c= DEDEKIND_CUT y implies x <=' y
proof assume
 per cases;
 suppose that
A2:  x = {} and
A3: not y in RAT+;
A4: DEDEKIND_CUT y = y by A3,Def3;
     y <> {} by A3;
   then x in y by A2,A4,Lm18;
  hence thesis by A2,A3,Def5;
A5: y = {};
  then DEDEKIND_CUT y = {} by Lm11;
  then DEDEKIND_CUT x = {} by A1,XBOOLE_1:3;
  then x = {} by Lm11;
  hence thesis by A5;
 suppose that
A6: x in RAT+ and
A7: y in RAT+;
  consider rx being Element of RAT+ such that
A8: x = rx and
A9: DEDEKIND_CUT x = { s : s < rx } by A6,Def3;
  consider ry being Element of RAT+ such that
A10: y = ry and
A11: DEDEKIND_CUT y = { s : s < ry } by A7,Def3;
 assume y < x;
  then ry < rx by A8,A10,Lm15;
  then ry in DEDEKIND_CUT x by A9;
  then ry in DEDEKIND_CUT y by A1;
  then ex s st s = ry & s < ry by A11;
 hence contradiction;
 suppose that
A12: x in RAT+ and
A13: not y in RAT+ and
A14: x <> {};
  consider rx being Element of RAT+ such that
A15: x = rx and
A16: DEDEKIND_CUT x = { s : s < rx } by A12,Def3;
A17: DEDEKIND_CUT x in RA by A14,A15,A16;
A18: DEDEKIND_CUT y = y by A13,Def3;
   then DEDEKIND_CUT x <> y by A13,A17,Lm20;
   then not DEDEKIND_CUT y c= DEDEKIND_CUT x by A1,A18,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
   then consider r0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A19: r0 in y and
A20: not r0 in DEDEKIND_CUT x by A18,SUBSET_1:7;
    rx <=' r0 by A16,A20;
  then x in y by A15,A18,A19,Lm17;
 hence x <=' y by A12,A13,Def5;
 suppose that
A21: not x in RAT+ and
A22: y in RAT+ and
A23: y <> {};
  consider ry being Element of RAT+ such that
A24: y = ry and
A25: DEDEKIND_CUT y = { s : s < ry } by A22,Def3;
A26: DEDEKIND_CUT y in RA by A23,A24,A25;
A27: DEDEKIND_CUT x = x by A21,Def3;
   then not x in RA by A21,Lm20;
   then not DEDEKIND_CUT y c= DEDEKIND_CUT x by A1,A26,A27,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
   then consider r0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A28: r0 in DEDEKIND_CUT y and
A29: not r0 in x by A27,SUBSET_1:7;
    ex s st s = r0 & s < ry by A25,A28;
  then not y in x by A24,A27,A29,Lm17;
 hence x <=' y by A21,A22,Def5;
 suppose that
A30: not x in RAT+ and
A31: not y in RAT+;
    x = DEDEKIND_CUT x & y = DEDEKIND_CUT y by A30,A31,Def3;
 hence x <=' y by A1,A30,A31,Def5;

 x <=' y & y <=' x implies x = y
proof assume that
A1: x <=' y and
A2: y <=' x;
 per cases;
 suppose that
A3: x in RAT+ and
A4: y in RAT+;
  reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of RAT+ by A3,A4;
    x' <=' y' & y' <=' x' by A1,A2,Lm15;
 hence thesis by ARYTM_3:73;
 suppose that
A5: x in RAT+ and
A6: not y in RAT+;
    x in y & not x in y by A1,A2,A5,A6,Def5;
 hence thesis;
 suppose that
A7: not x in RAT+ and
A8: y in RAT+;
    y in x & not y in x by A1,A2,A7,A8,Def5;
 hence thesis;
 suppose that
A9: not x in RAT+ and
A10: not y in RAT+;
    x c= y & y c= x by A1,A2,A9,A10,Def5;
 hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 10;

DEDEKIND_CUT x = DEDEKIND_CUT y implies x = y
  then x <=' y & y <=' x by Lm21;
 hence x = y by Lm22;

 hence thesis by Lm23;

definition let A,B be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
 func A + B -> Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS equals
:Def6: { r + s : r in A & s in B};
      { r + s : r in A & s in B} in DEDEKIND_CUTS
     proof set C = { s + t: s in A & t in B};
         C c= RAT+
        proof let e be set;
         assume e in C;
          then ex s,t st e = s + t & s in A & t in B;
         hence thesis;
       then reconsider C as Subset of RAT+;
         r in C implies
        (for s st s <=' r holds s in C) & ex s st s in C & r < s
        proof assume r in C;
          then consider s0,t0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A1:        r = s0 + t0 and
A2:        s0 in A & t0 in B;
         thus for s st s <=' r holds s in C
          proof let s;
           assume s <=' r;
            then consider s1,t1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A3:          s = s1 + t1 and
A4:         s1 <=' s0 and
A5:          t1 <=' t0 by A1,ARYTM_3:95;
A6:          s1 in A by A2,A4,Lm17;
              t1 in B by A2,A5,Lm17;
            hence s in C by A3,A6;
          consider s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A7:       s1 in A and
A8:       s0 < s1 by A2,Lm8;
         take t2 = s1 + t0;
         thus t2 in C by A2,A7;
            s0 <=' s1 & s0 <> s1 by A8;
          then r <=' t2 & r <> t2 by A1,ARYTM_3:69,83;
         hence r < t2 by ARYTM_3:75;
       then A9:     C in IR;
         A <> RAT+ by Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
       then consider a0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A10:     not a0 in A by SUBSET_1:49;
         B <> RAT+ by Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
       then consider b0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A11:     not b0 in B by SUBSET_1:49;
         now assume a0 + b0 in C;
         then consider s,t such that
A12:       a0 + b0 = s + t & s in A & t in B;
           a0 <=' s or b0 <=' t by A12,ARYTM_3:89;
        hence contradiction by A10,A11,A12,Lm17;
       then C <> RAT+;
      hence thesis by A9,Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
   hence thesis;
  proof let IT,A,B be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
   set C = { r + s : r in A & s in B},
       D = { r + s : r in B & s in A};
A13:  C c= D
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in C;
       then ex r,s st e = r + s & r in A & s in B;
      hence e in D;
      D c= C
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in D;
       then ex r,s st e = r + s & r in B & s in A;
      hence e in C;
   hence thesis by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

 for B being set st B in DEDEKIND_CUTS ex r st not r in B
proof let B be set;
  then reconsider B as Subset of RAT+;
    B <> RAT+ by A1,Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
 hence thesis by SUBSET_1:49;

definition let A,B be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
 func A *' B -> Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS equals
:Def7: { r *' s : r in A & s in B};
  proof per cases;
A1:  A = {};
       not ex e being set st e in { r *' s : r in A & s in B}
      proof given e being set such that
A2:      e in { r *' s : r in A & s in B};
          ex r,s st e = r *' s & r in A & s in B by A2;
       hence contradiction by A1;
    hence thesis by Lm9,XBOOLE_0:def 1;
A3:  A <> {};
    set C = { r *' s : r in A & s in B};
      C c= RAT+
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in C;
       then ex r,s st r*'s = e & r in A & s in B;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider C as Subset of RAT+;
      r in C implies
      (for s st s <=' r holds s in C) & ex s st s in C & r < s
     proof assume r in C;
      then consider r0,s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A4:    r = r0 *' s0 and
A5:    r0 in A and
A6:    s0 in B;
      thus for s st s <=' r holds s in C
       proof let s;
        assume s <=' r;
         then consider t0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A7:       s = r0 *' t0 and
A8:       t0 <=' s0 by A4,ARYTM_3:87;
           t0 in B by A6,A8,Lm17;
        hence s in C by A5,A7;
       consider t0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A9:     t0 in B and
A10:     s0 < t0 by A6,Lm8;
      per cases;
A11:      r0 = {};
       consider r1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A12:     r1 in A and
A13:     r1 <> {} by A3,Lm16;
      take r1 *' t0;
      thus r1 *' t0 in C by A9,A12;
A14:     r = {} by A4,A11,ARYTM_3:54;
       then A15:      r <=' r1 *' t0 by ARYTM_3:71;
         t0 <> {} by A10,ARYTM_3:71;
       then r1 *' t0 <> {} by A13,ARYTM_3:86;
      hence r < r1 *' t0 by A14,A15,ARYTM_3:75;
A16:     r0 <> {};
      take r0 *' t0;
      thus r0 *' t0 in C by A5,A9;
         s0 <> t0 by A10;
then A17:     r <> r0 *' t0 by A4,A16,ARYTM_3:62;
         r <=' r0 *' t0 by A4,A10,ARYTM_3:90;
      hence r < r0 *' t0 by A17,ARYTM_3:75;
then A18:  C in IR;
    consider r0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A19:  not r0 in A by Lm25;
    consider s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A20:  not s0 in B by Lm25;
      now assume r0 *' s0 in C;
      then consider r1,s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A21:    r0 *' s0 = r1 *' s1 and
A22:    r1 in A and
A23:    s1 in B;
        r0 <=' r1 or s0 <=' s1 by A21,ARYTM_3:91;
     hence contradiction by A19,A20,A22,A23,Lm17;
    then C <> RAT+;
   hence thesis by A18,Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
  proof let D,A,B be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
A24:  D = { r *' s : r in A & s in B};
      now let e be set;
        e in D iff ex r,s st e = r*'s & r in A & s in B by A24;
      then e in D iff ex r,s st e = r*'s & r in B & s in A;
     hence e in D iff e in { r *' s : r in B & s in A};
   hence D = { r *' s : r in B & s in A} by TARSKI:2;

definition let x,y be Element of REAL+;
 func x + y -> Element of REAL+ equals
   x if y = {},
   y if x = {}
 func x *' y -> Element of REAL+ equals

theorem Th4:
 x = {} implies x *' y = {}
proof set A = DEDEKIND_CUT x, B = DEDEKIND_CUT y;
A1: x = {};
     not ex e being set st e in { r *' s : r in A & s in B}
    proof given e being set such that
A2:    e in { r *' s : r in A & s in B};
        ex r,s st e = r *' s & r in A & s in B by A2;
     hence contradiction by A1,Lm11;
  then { r *' s : r in A & s in B} = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
  then A3:  A *' B = {} by Def7;
 thus x *' y = GLUED(A *' B) by Def9 .= {} by A3,Lm12;


theorem Th6:
 x + y = {} implies x = {}
proof assume
A1: x + y = {};
 per cases;
 suppose y = {};
  hence x = {} by A1,Def8;
A2: y <> {};
A3: x <> {};
  then GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT x + DEDEKIND_CUT y) = {} by A1,A2,Def8;
  then A4: DEDEKIND_CUT x + DEDEKIND_CUT y = {} by Lm12;
    DEDEKIND_CUT x <> {} by A3,Lm11;
  then consider r0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A5: r0 in DEDEKIND_CUT x by SUBSET_1:10;
    DEDEKIND_CUT y <> {} by A2,Lm11;
  then consider s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A6: s0 in DEDEKIND_CUT y by SUBSET_1:10;
    r0 + s0 in { r + s : r in DEDEKIND_CUT x & s in DEDEKIND_CUT y } by A5,A6;
 hence contradiction by A4,Def6;

 for A,B,C being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS
  holds A + (B + C) c= A + B + C
proof let A,B,C be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
 let e be set;
 assume e in A + (B + C);
  then e in { r + s : r in A & s in B + C} by Def6;
  then consider r0,s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A1: e = r0 + s0 and
A2: r0 in A and
A3: s0 in B + C;
    s0 in { r + s : r in B & s in C} by A3,Def6;
  then consider r1,s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A4: s0 = r1 + s1 and
A5: r1 in B and
A6: s1 in C;
A7: e = r0 + r1 + s1 by A1,A4,ARYTM_3:57;
    r0 + r1 in { r + s : r in A & s in B} by A2,A5;
  then r0 + r1 in A + B by Def6;
  then e in { r + s : r in A + B & s in C} by A6,A7;
 hence e in A + B + C by Def6;

 for A,B,C being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS
  holds A + (B + C) = A + B + C
proof let A,B,C be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
    A + (B + C) c= A + B + C & A + B + C c= A + (B + C) by Lm26;
 hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 10;

 for A,B being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS st A + B = {}
  holds A = {} or B = {}
proof let A,B be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS such that
A1: A + B = {};
 assume A <> {};
  then consider r0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A2: r0 in A by SUBSET_1:10;
 assume B <> {};
  then consider s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A3: s0 in B by SUBSET_1:10;
    r0 + s0 in { r + s : r in A & s in B} by A2,A3;
 hence contradiction by A1,Def6;

theorem Th7:
 x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z
 per cases;
A1:  x = {};
  hence x + (y + z) = y + z by Def8
      .= (x + y) + z by A1,Def8;
A2: y = {};
  hence x + (y + z) = x + z by Def8
      .= (x + y) + z by A2,Def8;
A3: z = {};
  hence x + (y + z) = x + y by Def8
      .= (x + y) + z by A3,Def8;
 suppose that
A4: x <> {} and
A5: y <> {} and
A6: z <> {};
A7: now assume GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT y + DEDEKIND_CUT z) = {};
      then DEDEKIND_CUT y + DEDEKIND_CUT z = {} by Lm12;
      then DEDEKIND_CUT y = {} or DEDEKIND_CUT z = {} by Lm28;
     hence contradiction by A5,A6,Lm11;
A8: now assume GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT x + DEDEKIND_CUT y) = {};
      then DEDEKIND_CUT x + DEDEKIND_CUT y = {} by Lm12;
      then DEDEKIND_CUT x = {} or DEDEKIND_CUT y = {} by Lm28;
     hence contradiction by A4,A5,Lm11;
 thus x + (y + z) = x + GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT y + DEDEKIND_CUT z) by A5,A6,Def8
         DEDEKIND_CUT z)) by A4,A7,Def8
       DEDEKIND_CUT z) by Lm13
    .= GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT x + DEDEKIND_CUT y) + z by A6,A8,Def8
    .= (x + y) + z by A4,A5,Def8;

   IR is c=-linear
proof let x,y be set;
 assume x in IR;
  then consider A' being Subset of RAT+ such that
A1: x = A' and
A2: r in A' implies
    (for s st s <=' r holds s in A') & ex s st s in A' & r < s;
 assume y in IR;
  then consider B' being Subset of RAT+ such that
A3: y = B' and
A4: r in B' implies
    (for s st s <=' r holds s in B') & ex s st s in B' & r < s;
 assume not x c= y;
  then consider s being set such that
A5: s in x and
A6: not s in y by TARSKI:def 3;
  reconsider s as Element of RAT+ by A1,A5;
 let e be set;
A7:  e in y;
  then reconsider r = e as Element of RAT+ by A3;
    r <=' s by A3,A4,A6,A7;
 hence e in x by A1,A2,A5;

 for e being set st e in REAL+ holds e <> RAT+
proof let e be set;
 assume e in REAL+;
  then e in RAT+ \/ DEDEKIND_CUTS by Def2,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
   then e in RAT+ or e in DEDEKIND_CUTS by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  hence thesis by Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;

 for B being set holds B in IR & r in B & s <=' r implies s in B
proof let B be set such that
A1: B in IR and
A2: r in B and
A3: s <=' r;
    ex A being Subset of RAT+ st B = A &
   for t st t in A holds
    (for s st s <=' t holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & t < s by A1;
 hence s in B by A2,A3;

 y < x implies ex z st z in RAT+ & z < x & y < z
proof assume
A1: y < x;
 per cases;
 suppose that
A2: x in RAT+ and
A3: y in RAT+;
  reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of RAT+ by A2,A3;
    y' < x' by A1,Lm15;
  then consider z' being Element of RAT+ such that
A4: y' < z' & z' < x' by ARYTM_3:101;
    z' in RAT+;
  then reconsider z = z' as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
 take z;
 thus thesis by A4,Lm15;
 suppose that
A5: not x in RAT+ and
A6: y in RAT+;
    x in REAL+;
  then x in IR by A5,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider A being Subset of RAT+ such that
A7: x = A and
A8: r in A implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s;
  reconsider y' = y as Element of RAT+ by A6;
    y' in x by A1,A5,Def5;
  then consider s such that
A9: s in A and
A10: y' < s by A7,A8;
    s in RAT+;
  then reconsider z = s as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
 take z;
 thus z in RAT+;
 thus z < x by A5,A7,A9,Def5;
 thus y < z by A10,Lm15;
 suppose that
A11: x in RAT+ and
A12: not y in RAT+;
    y in REAL+;
  then y in IR by A12,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider B being Subset of RAT+ such that
A13: y = B and
A14: r in B implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in B) & ex s st s in B & r < s;
  reconsider x' = x as Element of RAT+ by A11;
A15: not x' in y by A1,A12,Def5;
    B <> {} by A12,A13;
  then consider y1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A16: y1 in B by SUBSET_1:10;
    {} <=' y1 by ARYTM_3:71;
  then A17: x' <> {} by A13,A14,A15,A16;
    ex z' st z' < x' & not z' in y
   proof assume
A18:  not ex z' st z' < x' & not z' in y;
     set C = { s: s < x' };
       y = C
       thus y c= C
        proof let e be set;
A19:        e in y;
          then reconsider z' = e as Element of RAT+ by A13;
            not x' <=' z' by A13,A14,A15,A19;
         hence e in C;
       let e be set;
       assume e in C;
        then consider s such that
A20:      e = s and
A21:      s < x';
       thus e in y by A18,A20,A21; :: ??
     then y in RA by A17;
    hence contradiction by Def2,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
  then consider z' such that
A22: z' < x' and
A23: not z' in y;
    z' in RAT+;
  then reconsider z = z' as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
 take z;
 thus z in RAT+;
 thus z < x by A22,Lm15;
 thus y < z by A12,A23,Def5;
 suppose that
A24: not x in RAT+ and
A25: not y in RAT+;
A26: not x c= y by A1,A24,A25,Def5;
    x in REAL+;
  then x in IR by A24,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider A being Subset of RAT+ such that
A27: x = A and
      r in A implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s;
    y in REAL+;
  then y in IR by A25,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider B being Subset of RAT+ such that
A28: y = B and
      r in B implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in B) & ex s st s in B & r < s;
  consider z' being Element of RAT+ such that
A29: z' in A and
A30: not z' in B by A26,A27,A28,SUBSET_1:7;
   z' in RAT+;
  then reconsider z = z' as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
 take z;
 thus z in RAT+;
 thus z < x by A24,A27,A29,Def5;
 thus y < z by A25,A28,A30,Def5;

 x <=' y & y <=' z implies x <=' z
proof assume that
A1: x <=' y and
A2: y <=' z;
 per cases;
 suppose that
A3: x in RAT+ and
A4: y in RAT+ and
A5: z in RAT+;
  reconsider x' = x as Element of RAT+ by A3;
  reconsider y' = y as Element of RAT+ by A4;
  reconsider z' = z as Element of RAT+ by A5;
A6: x' <=' y' by A1,Lm15;
     y' <=' z' by A2,Lm15;
  then x' <=' z' by A6,ARYTM_3:74;
 hence x <=' z by Lm15;
 suppose that
A7: x in RAT+ and
A8: y in RAT+ and
A9: not z in RAT+;
  reconsider x' = x as Element of RAT+ by A7;
  reconsider y' = y as Element of RAT+ by A8;
    z in REAL+;
  then z in IR by A9,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider C being Subset of RAT+ such that
A10: z = C and
A11: r in C implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in C) & ex s st s in C & r < s;
A12: x' <=' y' by A1,Lm15;
    y in C by A2,A8,A9,A10,Def5;
  then x' in C by A11,A12;
 hence x <=' z by A9,A10,Def5;
 suppose that
A13: x in RAT+ and
A14: not y in RAT+ and
A15: z in RAT+;
  reconsider x' = x as Element of RAT+ by A13;
    y in REAL+;
  then y in IR by A14,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider B being Subset of RAT+ such that
A16: y = B and
A17: r in B implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in B) & ex s st s in B & r < s;
  reconsider z' = z as Element of RAT+ by A15;
A18: x' in B by A1,A14,A16,Def5;
    not z' in B by A2,A14,A16,Def5;
  then x' <=' z' by A17,A18;
 hence x <=' z by Lm15;
 suppose that
A19: x in RAT+ and
A20: not y in RAT+ and
A21: not z in RAT+;
  reconsider x' = x as Element of RAT+ by A19;
    y in REAL+;
  then y in IR by A20,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider B being Subset of RAT+ such that
A22: y = B and
   r in B implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in B) & ex s st s in B & r < s;
    z in REAL+;
  then z in IR by A21,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider C being Subset of RAT+ such that
A23: z = C and
   r in C implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in C) & ex s st s in C & r < s;
A24: x' in B by A1,A20,A22,Def5;
    B c= C by A2,A20,A21,A22,A23,Def5;
 hence x <=' z by A21,A23,A24,Def5;
 suppose that
A25: not x in RAT+ and
A26: y in RAT+ and
A27: z in RAT+;
    x in REAL+;
  then x in IR by A25,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider A being Subset of RAT+ such that
A28: x = A and
A29: r in A implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s;
  reconsider y' = y as Element of RAT+ by A26;
  reconsider z' = z as Element of RAT+ by A27;
A30: not y' in A by A1,A25,A28,Def5;
    y' <=' z' by A2,Lm15;
  then not z' in A by A29,A30;
 hence x <=' z by A25,A28,Def5;
 suppose that
A31: not x in RAT+ and
A32: y in RAT+ and
A33: not z in RAT+;
    x in REAL+;
  then x in IR by A31,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider A being Subset of RAT+ such that
A34: x = A and
A35: r in A implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s;
  reconsider y' = y as Element of RAT+ by A32;
    z in REAL+;
  then z in IR by A33,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider C being Subset of RAT+ such that
A36: z = C and
A37: r in C implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in C) & ex s st s in C & r < s;
A38: not y in A by A1,A31,A34,Def5;
A39: y in C by A2,A32,A33,A36,Def5;
    A c= C
   proof let e be set;
A40:  e in A;
     then reconsider x' = e as Element of RAT+;
       x' <=' y' by A35,A38,A40;
    hence e in C by A37,A39;
 hence x <=' z by A31,A33,A34,A36,Def5;
 suppose that
A41: not x in RAT+ and
A42: not y in RAT+ and
A43: z in RAT+;
    x in REAL+;
  then x in IR by A41,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider A being Subset of RAT+ such that
A44: x = A and
   r in A implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s;
    y in REAL+;
  then y in IR by A42,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider B being Subset of RAT+ such that
A45: y = B and
   r in B implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in B) & ex s st s in B & r < s;
  reconsider z' = z as Element of RAT+ by A43;
    A c= B by A1,A41,A42,A44,A45,Def5;
  then not z' in A by A2,A42,A45,Def5;
 hence x <=' z by A41,A44,Def5;
 suppose that
A46: not x in RAT+ and
A47: not y in RAT+ and
A48: not z in RAT+;
    x in REAL+;
  then x in IR by A46,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider A being Subset of RAT+ such that
A49: x = A and
      r in A implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s;
    y in REAL+;
  then y in IR by A47,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider B being Subset of RAT+ such that
A50: y = B and
      r in B implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in B) & ex s st s in B & r < s;
    z in REAL+;
  then z in IR by A48,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then consider C being Subset of RAT+ such that
A51: z = C and
      r in C implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in C) & ex s st s in C & r < s;
A52: A c= B by A1,A46,A47,A49,A50,Def5;
    B c= C by A2,A47,A48,A50,A51,Def5;
  then A c= C by A52,XBOOLE_1:1;
 hence x <=' z by A46,A48,A49,A51,Def5;

   for X,Y being Subset of REAL+ st
  (ex x st x in X) & (ex x st x in Y) &
   for x,y st x in X & y in Y holds x <=' y
  ex z st
   for x,y st x in X & y in Y holds x <=' z & z <=' y
proof let X,Y be Subset of REAL+;
 given x0 being Element of REAL+ such that
      x0 in X;
 given x1 being Element of REAL+ such that
A1: x1 in Y;
A2: for x,y st x in X & y in Y holds x <=' y;
  set Z = {z' : ex x,z st z = z' & x in X & z < x};
 per cases;
 suppose ex z' st for x' holds x' in Z iff x' < z';
  then consider z' such that
A3: for x' holds x' in Z iff x' < z';
    z' in RAT+;
  then reconsider z = z' as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
 take z;
 let x,y such that
A4: x in X and
A5: y in Y;
 thus x <=' z
   assume z < x;
    then consider x0 being Element of REAL+ such that
A6:  x0 in RAT+ and
A7:  x0 < x and
A8:  z < x0 by Lm31;
    reconsider x' = x0 as Element of RAT+ by A6;
A9:  z' < x' by A8,Lm15;
      x' in Z by A4,A7;
   hence contradiction by A3,A9;
     y < z;
  then consider y0 being Element of REAL+ such that
A10: y0 in RAT+ and
A11: y0 < z and
A12: y < y0 by Lm31;
  reconsider y' = y0 as Element of RAT+ by A10;
    y' < z' by A11,Lm15;
  then y' in Z by A3;
  then ex y'' being Element of RAT+ st y' = y'' &
    ex x,z st z = y'' & x in X & z < x;
  then consider x1,y1 being Element of REAL+ such that
A13: y1 = y' and
A14: x1 in X and
A15: y1 < x1;
    y < x1 by A12,A13,A15,Lm32;
 hence contradiction by A2,A5,A14;
A16: not ex z' st for x' holds x' in Z iff x' < z';
A17: now assume Z in RA;
      then consider t such that
A18:    Z = { s: s < t } and
         t <> {};
        for x' holds x' in Z iff x' < t
       proof let x';
        hereby assume x' in Z;
          then ex s st s = x' & s < t by A18;
         hence x' < t;
        thus x' < t implies x' in Z by A18;
     hence contradiction by A16;
A19: now
      assume Z = {};
      then A20:     for x' st x' in Z holds x' < {};
        for x' st x' < {} holds x' in Z by ARYTM_3:71;
     hence contradiction by A16,A20;
    Z c= RAT+
   proof let e be set;
    assume e in Z;
     then ex z' st e = z' & ex x,z st z = z' & x in X & z < x;
    hence e in RAT+;
  then reconsider Z as non empty Subset of RAT+ by A19;
      t in Z implies
     (for s st s <=' t holds s in Z) & ex s st s in Z & t < s
   proof t in RAT+;
     then reconsider y0 = t as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
    assume t in Z;
    then ex z' st z' = t & ex x,z st z = z' & x in X & z < x;
    then consider x0 being Element of REAL+ such that
A21:  x0 in X and
A22:  y0 < x0;
    thus for s st s <=' t holds s in Z
     proof let s;
         s in RAT+;
       then reconsider z = s as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
      assume s <=' t;
       then z <=' y0 by Lm15;
       then z < x0 by A22,Lm32;
      hence s in Z by A21;
     consider z such that
A23:  z in RAT+ and
A24:  z < x0 and
A25:   y0 < z by A22,Lm31;
     reconsider z' = z as Element of RAT+ by A23;
    take z';
    thus z' in Z by A21,A24;
    thus thesis by A25,Lm15;
  then A26:  Z in IR;
    now assume
A27:  Z = RAT+;
    per cases;
   suppose x1 in RAT+;
    then reconsider x' = x1 as Element of RAT+;
      x' in Z by A27;
    then ex z' st x' = z' & ex x,z st z = z' & x in X & z < x;
   hence contradiction by A1,A2;
A28:   not x1 in RAT+;
    x1 in REAL+;
    then x1 in IR by A28,Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    then consider A being Subset of RAT+ such that
A29:  x1 = A and
       r in A implies
       (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s;
      x1 <> RAT+ by Lm29;
    then consider x' being Element of RAT+ such that
A30:   not x' in A by A29,SUBSET_1:49;
      x' in RAT+;
    then reconsider x2 = x' as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
A31:  x1 < x2 by A28,A29,A30,Def5;
      x2 in Z by A27;
    then ex z' st x' = z' & ex x,z st z = z' & x in X & z < x;
    then consider x such that
A32:  x in X and
A33:  x2 < x;
      x1 < x by A31,A33,Lm32;
   hence contradiction by A1,A2,A32;
  then A34: Z in IR \ {RAT+} by A26,ZFMISC_1:64;
  then Z in IR \ {RAT+} \ RA by A17,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
  then reconsider z = Z as Element of REAL+ by Def1,Lm6;
A35: now assume z in RAT+;
    then z in {{}} by A34,Def1,Lm10,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence contradiction by TARSKI:def 1;
 take z;
 let x,y such that
A36: x in X and
A37: y in Y;
 hereby assume z < x;
   then consider x0 being Element of REAL+ such that
A38: x0 in RAT+ and
A39: x0 < x and
A40: z < x0 by Lm31;
   reconsider x' = x0 as Element of RAT+ by A38;
     x' in z by A36,A39;
  hence contradiction by A35,A40,Def5;
 assume y < z;
  then consider y0 being Element of REAL+ such that
A41: y0 in RAT+ and
A42: y0 < z and
A43: y < y0 by Lm31;
  reconsider y' = y0 as Element of RAT+ by A41;
    y' in z by A35,A42,Def5;
  then ex z' st y' = z' & ex x,z st z = z' & x in X & z < x;
  then consider x0 being Element of REAL+ such that
A44: x0 in X and
A45: y0 < x0;
    y < x0 by A43,A45,Lm32;
 hence contradiction by A2,A37,A44;

Lm33: one = one;
Lm34: {} = {};

 for A,B being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS st A + B = A & A <> {}
  holds B = {}
proof let A,B be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS such that
A1: A + B = A and
A2: A <> {} and
A3: B <> {};
  consider y' such that
A4: y' in B and
A5: y' <> {} by A3,Lm16;
    A <> RAT+ by Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
  then consider r such that
A6: not r in A by SUBSET_1:49;
  consider n being Element of RAT+ such that
A7: n in omega and
A8: r <=' n *' y' by A5,ARYTM_3:103;
    defpred _P[Element of RAT+] means $1 *' y' in A;
A9: not _P[n] by A6,A8,Lm17;
  consider A0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A10: A0 in A by A2,SUBSET_1:10;
A11: {} <=' A0 by ARYTM_3:71;
        {} *' y' = {} by ARYTM_3:54;
then A12:   _P[{}] by A10,A11,Lm17;
  consider n0 being Element of RAT+ such that
      n0 in omega and
A13: _P[n0] and
A14: not _P[n0 + one] from DisNat(Lm33,Lm34,A7,A12,A9);
A15:  (n0 + one) *' y' = n0 *' y' + one *' y' by ARYTM_3:63
         .= n0 *' y' + y' by ARYTM_3:59;
    A + B = { t + s : t in A & s in B} by Def6;
 hence contradiction by A1,A4,A13,A14,A15;

 x + y = x implies y = {}
proof assume that
A1: x + y = x and
A2: y <> {};
A3: x <> {} by A1,A2,Th6;
then A4: DEDEKIND_CUT x <> {} by Lm11;
        DEDEKIND_CUT y) by A1,A2,A3,Def8
     .= DEDEKIND_CUT x + DEDEKIND_CUT y by Lm13;
  then DEDEKIND_CUT y = {} by A4,Lm35;
 hence contradiction by A2,Lm11;

 for A,B being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS st A <> {} & A c= B & A <> B
  ex C being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS st A + C = B
proof let A,B be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS such that
A1: A <> {} and
A2: A c= B and
A3: A <> B;
  set DIF = { t : ex r,s st not r in A & s in B & r + t = s};
    not B c= A by A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
  then consider s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A4: s1 in B and
A5: not s1 in A by SUBSET_1:7;
    s1 + {} = s1 by ARYTM_3:92;
  then A6: {} in DIF by A4,A5;
    DIF c= RAT+
   proof let e be set;
    assume e in DIF;
     then ex t st t = e & ex r,s st not r in A & s in B & r + t = s;
    hence thesis;
  then reconsider DIF as non empty Subset of RAT+ by A6;
      t in DIF implies
     (for s st s <=' t holds s in DIF) & ex s st s in DIF & t < s
   proof assume t in DIF;
    then ex x' st x' = t & ex r,s st not r in A & s in B & r + x' = s;
    then consider r0,s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A7:  not r0 in A and
A8:  s0 in B and
A9: r0 + t = s0;
    thus for s st s <=' t holds s in DIF
     proof let s;
          s <=' t;
       then consider p such that
A10:    s + p = t by ARYTM_3:def 12;
A11:     p <=' t by A10,ARYTM_3:85;
         t <=' s0 by A9,ARYTM_3:85;
       then p <=' s0 by A11,ARYTM_3:74;
       then consider q such that
A12:    p + q = s0 by ARYTM_3:def 12;
         r0 + s + p = q + p by A9,A10,A12,ARYTM_3:57;
       then A13:      r0 + s = q by ARYTM_3:69;
         q <=' s0 by A12,ARYTM_3:85;
       then q in B by A8,Lm17;
      hence s in DIF by A7,A13;
     consider s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A14:  s1 in B and
A15:  s0 < s1 by A8,Lm8;
     consider q such that
A16:  s0 + q = s1 by A15,ARYTM_3:def 12;
    take t + q;
A17:  r0 + (t + q) = s1 by A9,A16,ARYTM_3:57;
    hence t + q in DIF by A7,A14;
A18:  t <=' t + q by ARYTM_3:85;
       t <> t + q by A9,A15,A17;
    hence thesis by A18,ARYTM_3:75;
  then A19:  DIF in IR;
    B <> RAT+ by Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
  then consider s2 being Element of RAT+ such that
A20: not s2 in B by SUBSET_1:49;
   assume s2 in DIF;
    then ex t st t = s2 & ex r,s st not r in A & s in B & r + t = s;
    then consider r,t such that
       not r in A and
A21:  t in B and
A22: r + s2 = t;
      s2 <=' t by A22,ARYTM_3:85;
   hence contradiction by A20,A21,Lm17;
  then DIF <> RAT+;
  then reconsider DIF as Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS by A19,Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
 take DIF;
  set C = { r + t : r in A & t in DIF};
    B = C
    thus B c= C
     proof let e be set;
A23:    e in B;
       then reconsider y' = e as Element of RAT+;
      per cases;
A24:     y' in A;
         y' = y' + {} by ARYTM_3:92;
      hence thesis by A6,A24;
A25:     not y' in A;
       consider s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A26:     s0 in B and
A27:     y' < s0 by A23,Lm8;
A28:    not s0 in A by A25,A27,Lm17;
       set Z = { r : ex x' st not x' in A & x' + r = s0 };
A29:   s0 + {} = s0 by ARYTM_3:92;
      for r2 being Element of RAT+ st r2 < s0
    ex s,t st s in A & t in Z & r2 = s + t
    proof let r2 be Element of RAT+;
     assume A30: r2 < s0;
then A31:     r2 <=' s0 & r2 <> s0;
     per cases;
A32:    r2 in A;
       take r2,{};
      thus r2 in A by A32;
      thus {} in Z by A28,A29;
      thus r2 = r2 + {} by ARYTM_3:92;
A33:     not r2 in A;
      consider q being Element of RAT+ such that
A34:    r2 + q = s0 by A30,ARYTM_3:def 12;
        q <> {} by A31,A34,ARYTM_3:92;
      then consider n being Element of RAT+ such that
A35:    n in omega and
A36:    s0 <=' n *' q by ARYTM_3:103;
       defpred _P[Element of RAT+] means $1 *' q in A;
A37:   not _P[n] by A28,A36,Lm17;
      consider y0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A38:   y0 in A by A1,SUBSET_1:10;
        {} *' q = {} by ARYTM_3:54;
then A39:   _P[{}] by A38,Lm18;
      consider n0 being Element of RAT+ such that
         n0 in omega and
A40:   _P[n0] and
A41:   not _P[n0 + one] from DisNat(Lm33,Lm34,A35,A39,A37);
A42:    (n0 + one) *' q = n0 *' q + one *' q by ARYTM_3:63
         .= n0 *' q + q by ARYTM_3:59;
        n0 *' q <=' r2 by A33,A40,Lm17;
      then n0 *' q + q <=' s0 by A34,ARYTM_3:83;
      then consider t such that
A43:    n0 *' q + q + t = s0 by ARYTM_3:def 12;
     take n0 *' q, t;
     thus n0 *' q in A by A40;
     thus t in Z by A41,A42,A43;
        n0 *' q + t + q = r2 + q by A34,A43,ARYTM_3:57;
     hence r2 = n0 *' q + t by ARYTM_3:69;
       then consider s,t such that
A44:     s in A and
A45:     t in Z and
A46:     y' = s + t by A27;
         ex r st t= r & ex x' st not x' in A & x' + r = s0 by A45;
       then t in DIF by A26;
      hence e in C by A44,A46;
    let e be set;
    assume e in C;
     then consider s3,t3 being Element of RAT+ such that
A47:   e = s3 + t3 and
A48:   s3 in A and
A49:   t3 in DIF;
       ex t st t3 = t & ex r,s st not r in A & s in B & r + t = s by A49;
     then consider r4,s4 being Element of RAT+ such that
A50:   not r4 in A and
A51:   s4 in B and
A52:   r4 + t3 = s4;
       s3 <=' r4 by A48,A50,Lm17;
     then s3 + t3 <=' s4 by A52,ARYTM_3:83;
    hence e in B by A47,A51,Lm17;
 hence B = A + DIF by Def6;

 x <=' y implies DEDEKIND_CUT x c= DEDEKIND_CUT y
proof assume
A1: x <=' y;
A2: DEDEKIND_CUT x in IR & DEDEKIND_CUT y in IR by Def1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
  then DEDEKIND_CUT y c= DEDEKIND_CUT x by A2,Lm14;
  then y <=' x by Lm21;
 hence thesis by A1,A3,Lm22;

theorem Th10:
 x <=' y implies ex z st x + z = y
proof assume
A1: x <=' y;
 per cases;
A2: x = {};
 take y;
 thus x + y = y by A2,Def8;
A3:  x = y;
     {} in RAT+;
   then reconsider z = {} as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
  take z;
  thus thesis by A3,Def8;
 suppose that
A4: x <> {} and
A5: x <> y;
A6: DEDEKIND_CUT x <> {} by A4,Lm11;
  then consider C being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS such that
A9: DEDEKIND_CUT x + C = DEDEKIND_CUT y by A6,A7,Lm37;
 take GLUED C;
    now assume
A10:  C = {};
      not ex e being set st e in { r + s : r in C & s in DEDEKIND_CUT x}
     proof given e being set such that
A11:     e in { r + s : r in C & s in DEDEKIND_CUT x};
         ex r,s st e = r + s & r in C & s in DEDEKIND_CUT x by A11;
      hence contradiction by A10;
    then { r + s : r in C & s in DEDEKIND_CUT x} = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    then DEDEKIND_CUT y = {} by A9,Def6;
   hence contradiction by A6,A8,XBOOLE_1:3;
 then GLUED C <> {} by Lm12;
     .= GLUED DEDEKIND_CUT y by A9,Lm13
     .= y by Lm24;

theorem Th11:
 ex z st x + z = y or y + z = x
    x <=' y or y <=' x;
 hence thesis by Th10;

theorem Th12:
 x + y = x + z implies y = z
proof assume
A1: x + y = x + z;
 consider q being Element of REAL+ such that
A2: z + q = y or y + q = z by Th11;
 per cases by A2;
A3: z + q = y;
  then x + y = x + y + q by A1,Th7;
  then q = {} by Lm36;
 hence y = z by A3,Def8;
A4: y + q = z;
  then x + z = x + z + q by A1,Th7;
  then q = {} by Lm36;
 hence y = z by A4,Def8;

 for A,B,C being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS
  holds A *' (B *' C) c= A *' B *' C
proof let A,B,C be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
 let e be set;
 assume e in A *' (B *' C);
  then e in { r *' s : r in A & s in B *' C} by Def7;
  then consider r0,s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A1: e = r0 *' s0 and
A2: r0 in A and
A3: s0 in B *' C;
    s0 in { r *' s : r in B & s in C} by A3,Def7;
  then consider r1,s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A4: s0 = r1 *' s1 and
A5: r1 in B and
A6: s1 in C;
A7: e = r0 *' r1 *' s1 by A1,A4,ARYTM_3:58;
    r0 *' r1 in { r *' s : r in A & s in B} by A2,A5;
  then r0 *' r1 in A *' B by Def7;
  then e in { r *' s : r in A *' B & s in C} by A6,A7;
 hence e in A *' B *' C by Def7;

 for A,B,C being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS
  holds A *' (B *' C) = A *' B *' C
proof let A,B,C be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
    A *' (B *' C) c= A *' B *' C & A *' B *' C c= A *' (B *' C) by Lm39;
 hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 10;

   x *' (y *' z) = x *' y *' z
 thus x *' (y *' z) = x *' GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT y *' DEDEKIND_CUT z) by Def9
        DEDEKIND_CUT z)) by Def9
        DEDEKIND_CUT z) by Lm13
     .= GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT y) *' z by Def9
     .= x *' y *' z by Def9;

 x *' y = {} implies x = {} or y = {}
proof assume x *' y = {};
  then GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT y) = {} by Def9;
  then A1: DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT y = {} by Lm12;
    DEDEKIND_CUT x = {} or DEDEKIND_CUT y = {}
   proof assume DEDEKIND_CUT x <> {};
     then consider r0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A2:   r0 in DEDEKIND_CUT x by SUBSET_1:10;
    assume DEDEKIND_CUT y <> {};
     then consider s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A3:   s0 in DEDEKIND_CUT y by SUBSET_1:10;
       r0 *' s0 in { r *'
 s : r in DEDEKIND_CUT x & s in DEDEKIND_CUT y} by A2,A3;
    hence contradiction by A1,Def7;
 hence x = {} or y = {} by Lm11;

for A,B,C being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS
 holds A *' (B + C) = A *' B + A *' C
proof let A,B,C be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS;
 thus A *' (B + C) c= A *' B + A *' C
  proof let e be set;
   assume e in A *' (B + C);
    then e in { r *' t : r in A & t in B + C } by Def7;
    then consider r0, v0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A1:  e = r0 *' v0 and
A2:  r0 in A and
A3:  v0 in B + C;
      v0 in { s + t : s in B & t in C } by A3,Def6;
    then consider s0,t0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A4:  v0 = s0 + t0 and
A5:  s0 in B and
A6:  t0 in C;
      r0 *' s0 in { r *' s: r in A & s in B} by A2,A5;
then A7:  r0 *' s0 in A *' B by Def7;
      r0 *' t0 in { r *' s: r in A & s in C} by A2,A6;
then A8:  r0 *' t0 in A *' C by Def7;
      e = r0 *' s0 + r0 *' t0 by A1,A4,ARYTM_3:63;
    then e in { r + s: r in A *' B & s in A *' C } by A7,A8;
   hence e in A *' B + A *' C by Def6;
 let e be set;
 assume e in A *' B + A *' C;
  then e in { r + s: r in A *' B & s in A *' C } by Def6;
  then consider s1,t1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A9: e = s1 + t1 and
A10: s1 in A *' B and
A11: t1 in A *' C;
    s1 in { r *' s: r in A & s in B } by A10,Def7;
  then consider r0,s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A12: s1 = r0 *' s0 and
A13: r0 in A and
A14: s0 in B;
    t1 in { r *' s: r in A & s in C } by A11,Def7;
  then consider r0',t0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A15: t1 = r0' *' t0 and
A16: r0' in A and
A17: t0 in C;
 per cases;
 suppose r0 <=' r0';
  then r0 *' s0 <=' r0' *' s0 by ARYTM_3:90;
  then consider s0' being Element of RAT+ such that
A18: r0 *' s0 = r0' *' s0' and
A19: s0' <=' s0 by ARYTM_3:87;
     s0' in B by A14,A19,Lm17;
   then s0' + t0 in { s + t: s in B & t in C } by A17;
then A20: s0' + t0 in B + C by Def6;
    e = r0' *' (s0' + t0) by A9,A12,A15,A18,ARYTM_3:63;
  then e in { r *' s: r in A & s in B + C } by A16,A20;
 hence e in A *' (B + C) by Def7;
 suppose r0' <=' r0;
  then r0' *' t0 <=' r0 *' t0 by ARYTM_3:90;
  then consider t0' being Element of RAT+ such that
A21: r0' *' t0 = r0 *' t0' and
A22: t0' <=' t0 by ARYTM_3:87;
     t0' in C by A17,A22,Lm17;
   then s0 + t0' in { s + t: s in B & t in C } by A14;
then A23: s0 + t0' in B + C by Def6;
    e = r0 *' (s0 + t0') by A9,A12,A15,A21,ARYTM_3:63;
  then e in { r *' s: r in A & s in B + C } by A13,A23;
 hence e in A *' (B + C) by Def7;

   x *' (y + z) = (x *' y) + (x *' z)
proof per cases;
A1: x = {};
  hence x *' (y + z) = x by Th4
    .= x + x by A1,Def8
    .= x + (x *' z) by A1,Th4
    .= (x *' y) + (x *' z) by A1,Th4;
A2: y = {};
  hence x *' (y + z) = x *' z by Def8
     .= y + x *' z by A2,Def8
     .= (x *' y) + (x *' z) by A2,Th4;
A3: z = {};
  hence x *' (y + z) = x *' y by Def8
     .= x *' y + z by A3,Def8
     .= (x *' y) + (x *' z) by A3,Th4;
 suppose that
A4: x <> {} and
A5: y <> {} and
A6: z <> {};
A7: x *' y <> {} by A4,A5,Lm41;
A8: x *' z <> {} by A4,A6,Lm41;
 thus x *' (y + z) = GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT(y + z)) by Def9
       DEDEKIND_CUT z)) by A5,A6,Def8
       DEDEKIND_CUT z)) by Lm42
       (DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT z)) by Lm13
    .= GLUED((DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT y) + DEDEKIND_CUT (x*'z)) by Def9
       DEDEKIND_CUT (x*'z)) by Lm13
    .= GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT(x*'y) + DEDEKIND_CUT (x*'z)) by Def9
    .= (x *' y) + (x *' z) by A7,A8,Def8;

   one in RAT+;
 then reconsider r_one = one as Element of REAL+ by Th1;

 for B being set st B in IR & B <> {} ex r st r in B & r <> {}
proof let B be set such that
A1: B in IR and
A2: B <> {};
 consider A being Subset of RAT+ such that
A3: B = A and
A4: r in A implies
     (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s by A1;
  consider r0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A5: r0 in A by A2,A3,SUBSET_1:10;
  consider r1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A6: r1 in A and
A7: r0 < r1 by A4,A5;
A8: r1 <> {} or r0 <> {} by A7;
    for r,s st r in A & s <=' r holds s in A by A4;
  then consider r1,r2,r3 being Element of RAT+ such that
A9: r1 in A & r2 in A & r3 in A and
A10: r1 <> r2 & r2 <> r3 & r3 <> r1 by A5,A6,A8,ARYTM_3:82;
    r1 <> {} or r2 <> {} by A10;
 hence thesis by A3,A9;

 for A being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS st A <> {}
  ex B being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS st A *' B = DEDEKIND_CUT r_one
proof let A be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS such that
A1: A <> {};
 per cases;
 suppose A in RA;
   then consider r0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A2: A = { s: s < r0} and
A3: r0 <> {};
   consider s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A4: r0 *' s0 = one by A3,ARYTM_3:60;
   set B = { s : s < s0 };
     B c= RAT+
    proof let e be set;
     assume e in B;
      then ex s st s = e & s < s0;
     hence thesis;
   then reconsider B as Subset of RAT+;
     not ex s st s = s0 & s < s0;
   then not s0 in B;
then A5: B <> RAT+;
     r in B implies
     (for s st s <=' r holds s in B) & ex s st s in B & r < s
   proof assume r in B;
     then A6:   ex s st s = r & s < s0;
    thus for s st s <=' r holds s in B
     proof let s;
      assume s <=' r;
       then s < s0 by A6,ARYTM_3:76;
      hence s in B;
     consider t such that
A7:   r < t and
A8:   t < s0 by A6,ARYTM_3:101;
    take t;
    thus t in B by A8;
    thus r < t by A7;
   then B in IR;
   then reconsider B as Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS by A5,Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
A9: A *' B = { s : s < r0 *' s0 }
     thus A *' B c= { s : s < r0 *' s0 }
      proof let e be set;
       assume e in A *' B;
        then e in { r *' s : r in A & s in B } by Def7;
        then consider r1,s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A10:      e = r1 *' s1 and
A11:      r1 in A and
A12:      s1 in B;
A13:    ex s st s = r1 & s < r0 by A2,A11;
A14:    ex s st s = s1 & s < s0 by A12;
        then s1 <> s0;
        then A15:        r0 *' s1 <> r0 *' s0 by A3,ARYTM_3:62;
          r0 *' s1 <=' r0 *' s0 by A14,ARYTM_3:90;
        then A16:       r0 *' s1 < r0 *' s0 by A15,ARYTM_3:75;
          r1 *' s1 <=' r0 *' s1 by A13,ARYTM_3:90;
        then r1 *' s1 < r0 *' s0 by A16,ARYTM_3:76;
       hence thesis by A10;
     let e be set;
     assume e in { s : s < r0 *' s0 };
      then consider s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A17:    e = s1 and
A18:    s1 < r0 *' s0;
      consider t0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A19:    s1 = r0 *' t0 and
A20:    t0 <=' s0 by A18,ARYTM_3:87;
        t0 <> s0 by A18,A19;
      then t0 < s0 by A20,ARYTM_3:75;
      then t0 in B;
      then consider t1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A21:    t1 in B and
A22:    t0 < t1 by Lm8;
        r0 *' t0 <=' t1 *' r0 by A22,ARYTM_3:90;
      then consider r1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A23:    r0 *' t0 = t1 *' r1 and
A24:    r1 <=' r0 by ARYTM_3:87;
        t0 <> t1 by A22;
      then r1 <> r0 by A3,A23,ARYTM_3:62;
      then r1 < r0 by A24,ARYTM_3:75;
      then r1 in A by A2;
      then e in { r *' s : r in A & s in B } by A17,A19,A21,A23;
     hence e in A *' B by Def7;
     ex t0 being Element of RAT+ st t0 = r_one &
     DEDEKIND_CUT r_one = { s : s < t0 } by Def3;
  hence thesis by A4,A9;
A25: not A in RA;
  set B = { y' : ex x' st not x' in A & x' *' y' <=' one };
A26: A <> RAT+ by Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
  then consider x0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A27: not x0 in A by SUBSET_1:49;
    x0 *' {} = {} by ARYTM_3:54;
  then x0 *' {} <=' one & x0 *' {} <> one by ARYTM_3:71;
  then A28: {} in B by A27;
    B c= RAT+
   proof let e be set;
    assume e in B;
     then ex y' st y' = e & ex x' st not x' in A & x' *' y' <=' one;
    hence thesis;
  then reconsider B as non empty Subset of RAT+ by A28;
A29: A in IR by Def1,ZFMISC_1:64;
  consider x' such that
A30: x' in A by A1,SUBSET_1:10;
    {} <=' x' by ARYTM_3:71;
then A31: {} in A by A29,A30,Lm30;
    r in B implies
   (for s st s <=' r holds s in B) & ex s st s in B & r < s
  proof assume r in B;
    then ex y' st r = y' & ex x' st not x' in A & x' *' y' <=' one;
    then consider x' such that
A32:  not x' in A and
A33:   x' *' r <=' one;
   thus for s st s <=' r holds s in B
    proof let s;
     assume s <=' r;
      then x' *' s <=' x' *' r by ARYTM_3:90;
      then x' *' s <=' one by A33,ARYTM_3:74;
     hence thesis by A32;
      A in DEDEKIND_CUTS \ RA by A25,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    then consider x'' being Element of RAT+ such that
A34:  not x'' in A and
A35:  x'' < x' by A30,A32,Lm19;
A36: x'' <=' x' & x'' <> x' by A35;
    consider s such that
A37:  one = x'' *' s by A31,A34,ARYTM_3:61;
   take s;
      x'' *' s <=' one by A37;
   hence s in B by A34;
      x'' *' r <=' x' *' r by A35,ARYTM_3:90;
    then x'' *' r <=' x'' *' s by A33,A37,ARYTM_3:74;
then A38: r <=' s by A31,A34,ARYTM_3:88;
A39:  x'' *' s <=' x' *' s by A35,ARYTM_3:90;
A40:  s <> {} by A37,ARYTM_3:54;
     now assume r = s;
     then x'' *' s = x' *' s by A33,A37,A39,ARYTM_3:73;
    hence contradiction by A36,A40,ARYTM_3:62;
   hence r < s by A38,ARYTM_3:75;
then A41: B in IR;
  consider x' such that
A42: x' in A and
A43: x' <> {} by A1,A29,Lm43;
  consider y' such that
A44: x' *' y' = one by A43,ARYTM_3:61;
    now assume y' in B;
    then ex s st s = y' & ex x' st not x' in A & x' *' s <=' one;
    then consider z' such that
A45: not z' in A and
A46: z' *' y' <=' one;
      y' <> {} by A44,ARYTM_3:54;
    then z' <=' x' by A44,A46,ARYTM_3:88;
   hence contradiction by A29,A42,A45,Lm30;
  then B <> RAT+;
  then not B in {RAT+} by TARSKI:def 1;
  then reconsider B as Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS by A41,Def1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
 take B;
    for r holds r in A *' B iff r < one
   proof let r;
    hereby assume r in A *' B;
      then r in { s *' t : s in A & t in B } by Def7;
      then consider s,t such that
A47:    r = s *' t and
A48:    s in A and
A49:    t in B;
        ex z' st z' = t & ex x' st not x' in A & x' *' z' <=' one by A49;
      then consider x' such that
A50:    not x' in A and
A51:    x' *' t <=' one;
        s <=' x' by A29,A48,A50,Lm30;
      then A52:    s *' t <=' x' *' t by ARYTM_3:90;
then A53:  r <=' one by A47,A51,ARYTM_3:74;
       now assume
A54:    r = one;
then A55:   t <> {} by A47,ARYTM_3:54;
        s *' t = x' *' t by A47,A51,A52,A54,ARYTM_3:73;
     hence contradiction by A48,A50,A55,ARYTM_3:62;
     hence r < one by A53,ARYTM_3:75;
    assume A56: r < one;
     then A57: r <=' one & r <> one;
    per cases;
    suppose r = {};
     then r = {}*'{} by ARYTM_3:54;
     then r in { s *' t : s in A & t in B } by A28,A31;
    hence thesis by Def7;
    suppose r <> {};
     then consider r' being Element of RAT+ such that
A58:   r *' r' = one by ARYTM_3:61;
     consider dr being Element of RAT+ such that
A59:   r + dr = one by A56,ARYTM_3:def 12;
     set rr = x' *' dr;
     consider xx being Element of RAT+ such that
A60:   not xx in A by A26,SUBSET_1:49;
       dr <> {} by A57,A59,ARYTM_3:56;
     then rr <> {} by A43,ARYTM_3:86;
     then consider n0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A61:   n0 in omega and
A62:   xx <=' n0 *' rr by ARYTM_3:103;
      defpred _P[Element of RAT+] means $1 *' rr in A;
A63:  _P[{}] by A31,ARYTM_3:54;
A64:  not _P[n0] by A29,A60,A62,Lm30;
     consider n1 being Element of RAT+ such that
        n1 in omega and
A65:   _P[n1] and
A66:   not _P[n1 + one] from DisNat(Lm33,Lm34,A61,A63,A64);
       { r *' s : s in A } c= RAT+
      proof let e be set;
       assume e in { r *' s : s in A };
        then ex s st e = r *' s & s in A;
       hence thesis;
     then reconsider rA = { r *' s : s in A } as Subset of RAT+;
A67:  now assume n1 *' rr in rA;
       then consider s0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A68:     r *' s0 = n1 *' rr and
A69:     s0 in A;
A70:     (n1 + one) *' rr = n1 *' rr + one *' rr by ARYTM_3:63
          .= r *' s0 + dr *' x' by A68,ARYTM_3:59;
         s0 <=' x' or x' <=' s0;
       then consider s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A71:     s1 = s0 & x' <=' s1 or s1 = x' & s0 <=' s1;
         r *' s0 <=' r *' s1 by A71,ARYTM_3:90;
       then A72:     r *' s0 + dr *' x' <=' r *' s1 + dr *' x' by ARYTM_3:83;
         dr *' x' <=' dr *' s1 by A71,ARYTM_3:90;
       then A73: r *' s1 + dr *' x' <=' r *' s1 + dr *' s1 by ARYTM_3:83;
         r *' s1 + dr *' s1 = (r + dr) *' s1 by ARYTM_3:63
             .= s1 by A59,ARYTM_3:59;
      hence contradiction by A29,A42,A66,A69,A70,A71,A72,A73,Lm30;
     set s0 = n1 *' rr;
       r *' {} = {} by ARYTM_3:54;
     then {} in rA by A31;
     then consider s' being Element of RAT+ such that
A74:   s0 *' s' = one by A67,ARYTM_3:61;
A75:  now assume
A76:    s0 *' r' in A;
         r *' (s0 *' r') = one *' s0 by A58,ARYTM_3:58
            .= s0 by ARYTM_3:59;
      hence contradiction by A67,A76;
       s0 *' r' *' (r *' s') = s0 *' r' *' r *' s' by ARYTM_3:58
         .= s0 *' one *' s' by A58,ARYTM_3:58
         .= one by A74,ARYTM_3:59;
     then s0 *' r' *' (r *' s') <=' one;
     then A77:  r *' s' in B by A75;
       s0 *' (r *' s') = s0 *' s' *' r by ARYTM_3:58
         .= r by A74,ARYTM_3:59;

     then r in { s *' t: s in A & t in B} by A65,A77;
    hence r in A *' B by Def7;
  then DEDEKIND_CUT GLUED(A *' B) = DEDEKIND_CUT r_one by Def4;
 hence A *' B = DEDEKIND_CUT r_one by Lm13;

   x <> {} implies ex y st x *' y = one
proof assume x <> {};
  then DEDEKIND_CUT x <> {} by Lm11;
  then consider B being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS such that
A1:  DEDEKIND_CUT x *' B = DEDEKIND_CUT r_one by Lm44;
 take y = GLUED B;
 thus x *' y = GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT GLUED B) by Def9
    .= GLUED DEDEKIND_CUT r_one by A1,Lm13
    .= one by Lm24;

 for A,B being Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS st A = { r: r < one }
  holds A *' B = B
proof let A,B be Element of DEDEKIND_CUTS such that
A1: A = { r: r < one };
A2: A *' B = { r *' s : r in A & s in B } by Def7;
 thus A *' B c= B
  proof let e be set;
   assume e in A *' B;
    then consider r,s such that
A3:  e = r *' s and
A4:  r in A and
A5:  s in B by A2;
      ex t st t = r & t < one by A1,A4;
    then r *' s <=' one *' s by ARYTM_3:90;
    then r *' s <=' s by ARYTM_3:59;
   hence e in B by A3,A5,Lm17;
 let e be set;
A6: e in B;
  then reconsider s = e as Element of RAT+;
  consider s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A7: s1 in B and
A8: s < s1 by A6,Lm8;
    s1 <> {} by A8,ARYTM_3:71;
  then consider s2 being Element of RAT+ such that
A9: s1 *' s2 = s by ARYTM_3:61;
  one *' s = s2 *' s1 by A9,ARYTM_3:59;
  then A10:  s2 <=' one by A8,ARYTM_3:91;
    now assume s2 = one;
    then s = s1 by A9,ARYTM_3:59;
   hence contradiction by A8;
  then s2 < one by A10,ARYTM_3:75;
  then s2 in A by A1;
 hence e in A *' B by A2,A7,A9;

   x = one implies x *' y = y
proof assume
A1: x = one;
then A2: ex r st x = r & DEDEKIND_CUT x = { s : s < r } by Def3;
 thus x *' y = GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT y) by Def9
    .= GLUED DEDEKIND_CUT y by A1,A2,Lm45
    .= y by Lm24;

 for i,j being Element of omega, x',y' st i = x' & j = y'
  holds i +^ j = x' + y'
proof let i,j be Element of omega, x',y';
A1: i = x';
  then A2: denominator x' = one by ARYTM_3:def 8;
A3: j = y';
  then A4: denominator y' = one by ARYTM_3:def 8;
  set a = (denominator x')*^(denominator y'),
      b = (numerator x')*^(denominator y')+^(numerator y')*^(denominator x');
A5: a = one by A2,A4,ORDINAL2:56;
A6: b = (numerator x')*^one+^(numerator y') by A2,A4,ORDINAL2:56
       .= (numerator x')+^(numerator y') by ORDINAL2:56
       .= i+^(numerator y') by A1,ARYTM_3:def 7
       .= i +^ j by A3,ARYTM_3:def 7;
A7: RED(a,b) = one by A5,ARYTM_3:29;
 thus i +^ j = RED(b,a) by A5,A6,ARYTM_3:29
   .= b / a by A7,ARYTM_3:def 9
   .= x' + y' by ARYTM_3:def 10;

reconsider one' = one as Element of omega by ORDINAL2:def 21;

 z' < x' + y' & x' <> {} & y' <> {} implies
  ex r,s st z' = r + s & r < x' & s < y'
proof assume that
A1: z' < x' + y' and
A2: x' <> {} and
A3: y' <> {};
  consider r0,t0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A4: z' = r0 + t0 and
A5: r0 <=' x' and
A6: t0 <=' y' & t0 <> y' by A1,A3,ARYTM_3:98;
 per cases;
A7: r0 = {};
  take {},t0;
  thus z' = {} + t0 by A4,A7;
     {} <=' x' by ARYTM_3:71;
  hence {} < x' by A2,ARYTM_3:75;
  thus t0 < y' by A6,ARYTM_3:75;
A8: r0 <> {};
    t0 < y' by A6,ARYTM_3:75;
  then consider t1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A9: t0 < t1 and
A10: t1 < y' by ARYTM_3:101;
    z' < t1 + r0 by A4,A9,ARYTM_3:83;
  then consider t2,r1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A11: z' = t2 + r1 and
A12: t2 <=' t1 and
A13: r1 <=' r0 & r1 <> r0 by A8,ARYTM_3:98;
 take r1,t2;
 thus z' = r1 + t2 by A11;
    r1 < r0 by A13,ARYTM_3:75;
 hence r1 < x' by A5,ARYTM_3:76;
 thus t2 < y' by A10,A12,ARYTM_3:76;

 x in RAT+ & y in RAT+ implies
  ex x',y' st x = x' & y = y' & x + y = x' + y'
proof assume that
A1: x in RAT+ and
A2: y in RAT+;
 per cases;
A3: x = {};
   reconsider y' = y as Element of RAT+ by A2;
  take {},y';
  thus x = {} by A3;
  thus y = y';
  thus x + y = y by A3,Def8 .= {} + y' by ARYTM_3:56;
A4: y = {};
   reconsider x' = x as Element of RAT+ by A1;
  take x',{};
  thus x = x';
  thus y = {} by A4;
  thus x + y = x by A4,Def8 .= x' + {} by ARYTM_3:56;
 suppose that
A5: y <> {} and
A6: x <> {};
  consider x' such that
A7: x = x' and
A8: DEDEKIND_CUT x = { s : s < x' } by A1,Def3;
  consider y' such that
A9: y = y' and
A10: DEDEKIND_CUT y = { s : s < y' } by A2,Def3;
 take x',y';
 thus x = x' & y = y' by A7,A9;
A11: for s holds s in DEDEKIND_CUT x + DEDEKIND_CUT y iff s < x' + y'
    proof let s2 be Element of RAT+;
     thus s2 in A + B implies s2 < x' + y'
       assume s2 in A + B;
        then s2 in { r + s : r in A & s in B } by Def6;
        then consider r1,s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A12:      s2 = r1 + s1 and
A13:      r1 in A and
A14:      s1 in B;
          ex s st s = s1 & s < y' by A10,A14;
        then A15:    x' + s1 < x' + y' by ARYTM_3:83;
          ex s st s = r1 & s < x' by A8,A13;
        then r1 + s1 <=' x' + s1 by ARYTM_3:83;
       hence thesis by A12,A15,ARYTM_3:76;
     assume s2 < x' + y';
      then consider t2,t0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A16:    s2 = t2 + t0 and
A17:    t2 < x' and
A18:    t0 < y' by A5,A6,A7,A9,Lm47;
A19:    t0 in B by A10,A18;
        t2 in A by A8,A17;
      then s2 in { r + s : r in A & s in B } by A16,A19;
     hence s2 in A + B by Def6;
  then consider r such that
A21: for s holds s in DEDEKIND_CUT x + DEDEKIND_CUT y iff s < r by Def4;
A22: for s holds s < x' + y' iff s < r
    proof let s;
        s in DEDEKIND_CUT x + DEDEKIND_CUT y iff s < x' + y' by A11;
     hence thesis by A21;
 thus x + y = GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT x + DEDEKIND_CUT y) by A5,A6,Def8
    .= x' + y' by A20,A22,Lm7;

   x in omega & y in omega implies y + x in omega
  proof assume
A1: x in omega & y in omega;
    then reconsider x0 = x, y0 = y as Element of omega;
    consider x',y' being Element of RAT+ such that
A2:  x = x' and
A3:  y = y' and
A4:  x + y = x' + y' by A1,Lm48,ARYTM_3:34;
      x' + y' = x0 +^ y0 by A2,A3,Lm46;
   hence thesis by A4,ORDINAL2:def 21;

   for A being Subset of REAL+
   st {} in A & for x,y st x in A & y = one holds x + y in A
 holds omega c= A
proof let A be Subset of REAL+;
    defpred _P[set] means $1 in A;
    assume that
A1: _P[{}] and
A2: for x,y st x in A & y = one holds x + y in A;
A3: for a being natural Ordinal st _P[a] holds _P[succ a]
  proof let a be natural Ordinal;
      one in RAT+;
    then reconsider r_one = one as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
    A4: a in omega by ORDINAL2:def 21;
    then a in RAT+ by ARYTM_3:34;
    then reconsider x = a as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
   assume A5: a in A;
    consider x', y' being Element of RAT+ such that
A6:  x = x' and
A7:  r_one = y' and
A8:  x + r_one = x' + y' by A4,Lm48,ARYTM_3:34;
    reconsider i = a as Element of omega by ORDINAL2:def 21;
      x' + y' = i +^ one' by A6,A7,Lm46
       .= succ i by ORDINAL2:48;
   hence succ a in A by A2,A5,A8;
A9: for a being natural Ordinal holds _P[a] from Omega_Ind(A1,A3);
 let e be set;
 assume e in omega;
  then e is natural Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23,ORDINAL2:def 21;
 hence thesis by A9;

   for x st x in omega holds
  for y holds y in x iff y in omega & y <> x & y <=' x
proof let x;
A1: x in omega;
then A2: x c= omega by ORDINAL1:def 2;
  reconsider m = x as Element of omega by A1;
  reconsider x' = x as Element of RAT+ by A1,ARYTM_3:34;
 let y;
 hereby assume
A3:  y in x;
   y in omega by A2;
   then reconsider y' = y as Element of RAT+ by ARYTM_3:34;
   reconsider n = y as Element of omega by A2,A3;
  thus y <> x by A3;
     n c= m by A3,ORDINAL1:def 2;
   then consider C being Ordinal such that
A4: m = n +^ C by ORDINAL3:30;
     C c= m by A4,ORDINAL3:27;
   then reconsider C as Element of omega by ORDINAL1:22;
     C in omega;
   then reconsider z' = C as Element of RAT+ by ARYTM_3:34;
     x' = y' + z' by A4,Lm46;
   then y' <=' x' by ARYTM_3:def 12;
  hence y <=' x by Lm15;
A5: y in omega;
  then reconsider n = y as Element of omega;
  reconsider y' = y as Element of RAT+ by A5,ARYTM_3:34;
A6: y <> x;
 assume y <=' x;
  then y' <=' x' by Lm15;
  then consider z' such that
A7: y' + z' = x' by ARYTM_3:def 12;
  reconsider k = z' as Element of omega by A1,A5,A7,ARYTM_3:78;
    n +^ k = m by A7,Lm46;
  then n c= m by ORDINAL3:27;
  then n c< m by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 8;
 hence y in x by ORDINAL1:21;

   x = y + z implies z <=' x
proof assume
A1: x = y + z;
A2: not z <=' x;
  then consider y0 being Element of REAL+ such that
A3: x + y0 = z by Th10;
     {} in RAT+;
   then reconsider zz = {} as Element of REAL+ by Th1;
     x = x + (y + y0) by A1,A3,Th7;
  then x + zz = x + (y + y0) by Def8;
  then y + y0 = {} by Th12;
  then y0 = {} by Th6;
  then z = x by A3,Def8;
 hence thesis by A2;

   {} in REAL+ & one in REAL+
   {} in RAT+ & one in RAT+;
 hence thesis by Th1;

   x in RAT+ & y in RAT+ implies
  ex x',y' st x = x' & y = y' & x *' y = x' *' y'
proof assume that
A1: x in RAT+ and
A2: y in RAT+;
 per cases;
A3: x = {};
   reconsider y' = y as Element of RAT+ by A2;
  take {},y';
  thus x = {} by A3;
  thus y = y';
  thus x *' y = {} by A3,Th4 .= {} *' y' by ARYTM_3:54;
A4: y = {};
   reconsider x' = x as Element of RAT+ by A1;
  take x',{};
  thus x = x';
  thus y = {} by A4;
  thus x *' y = {} by A4,Th4 .= x' *' {} by ARYTM_3:54;
 suppose that
   y <> {} and
A5: x <> {};
  consider x' such that
A6: x = x' and
A7: DEDEKIND_CUT x = { s : s < x' } by A1,Def3;
  consider y' such that
A8: y = y' and
A9: DEDEKIND_CUT y = { s : s < y' } by A2,Def3;
 take x',y';
 thus x = x' & y = y' by A6,A8;
A10: for s holds s in DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT y iff s < x' *' y'
    proof let s2 be Element of RAT+;
     thus s2 in A *' B implies s2 < x' *' y'
       assume s2 in A *' B;
        then s2 in { r *' s : r in A & s in B } by Def7;
        then consider r1,s1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A11:      s2 = r1 *' s1 and
A12:      r1 in A and
A13:      s1 in B;
        A14: ex s st s = r1 & s < x' by A7,A12;
        A15: ex s st s = s1 & s < y' by A9,A13;
        then s1 <> y';
        then A16:        x' *' s1 <> x' *' y' by A5,A6,ARYTM_3:62;
          x' *' s1 <=' x' *' y' by A15,ARYTM_3:90;
        then A17:       x' *' s1 < x' *' y' by A16,ARYTM_3:75;
          r1 *' s1 <=' x' *' s1 by A14,ARYTM_3:90;
       hence thesis by A11,A17,ARYTM_3:76;
A18:   s2 < x' *' y';
      then consider t0 being Element of RAT+ such that
A19:    s2 = x' *' t0 and
A20:    t0 <=' y' by ARYTM_3:87;
        t0 <> y' by A18,A19;
      then t0 < y' by A20,ARYTM_3:75;
      then consider t1 being Element of RAT+ such that
A21:    t0 < t1 and
A22:    t1 < y' by ARYTM_3:101;
         s2 <=' t1 *' x' by A19,A21,ARYTM_3:90;
       then consider t2 being Element of RAT+ such that
A23:     s2 = t1 *' t2 and
A24:    t2 <=' x' by ARYTM_3:87;
        now assume t2 = x';
        then t0 = t1 by A5,A6,A19,A23,ARYTM_3:62;
       hence contradiction by A21;
      then t2 < x' by A24,ARYTM_3:75;
then A25:    t2 in A by A7;
        t1 in B by A9,A22;
      then s2 in { r *' s : r in A & s in B } by A23,A25;
     hence s2 in A *' B by Def7;
  then consider r such that
A27: for s holds s in DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT y iff s < r by Def4;
A28: for s holds s < x' *' y' iff s < r
    proof let s;
        s in DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT y iff s < x' *' y' by A10;
     hence thesis by A27;
 thus x *' y = GLUED(DEDEKIND_CUT x *' DEDEKIND_CUT y) by Def9
    .= x' *' y' by A26,A28,Lm7;

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