The Mizar article:

Semilattice Operations on Finite Subsets

Andrzej Trybulec

Received September 18, 1989

Copyright (c) 1989 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: SETWISEO
[ MML identifier index ]


 requirements BOOLE, SUBSET;
 definitions BINOP_1, TARSKI;
 schemes FINSET_1, FUNCT_2, BINOP_1, XBOOLE_0;

begin ::  A u x i l i a r y   T h e o r e m s

 reserve x,y,z,X,Y for set;

canceled 2;

theorem Th3: {x} c= {x,y,z}
 proof {x,y,z} = {x} \/ {y,z} by ENUMSET1:42; hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:7; end

theorem Th4: {x,y} c= {x,y,z}
 proof {x,y,z} = {x,y} \/ {z} by ENUMSET1:43; hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:7; end

Th5: X c= Y \/ {x} implies x in X or X c= Y
 proof assume that
A1: X c= Y \/ {x} and
A2: not x in X;
A3: X misses {x} by A2,ZFMISC_1:56;
     X = X /\ (Y \/ {x}) by A1,XBOOLE_1:28
    .= X /\ Y \/ X /\ {x} by XBOOLE_1:23
    .= X /\ Y \/ {} by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 7
    .= X /\ Y;
  hence X c= Y by XBOOLE_1:17;

Th6: x in X \/ {y} iff x in X or x = y
     (x in X \/ {y} iff x in X or x in {y}) &
   (x in {y} iff x = y) by TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  hence thesis;


Th8: X \/ {x} c= Y iff x in Y & X c= Y
A1: X \/ {x} c= Y implies X c= Y & {x} c= Y by XBOOLE_1:11;
   X c= Y & {x} c= Y implies X \/ {x} c= Y by XBOOLE_1:8;
  hence thesis by A1,ZFMISC_1:37;

canceled 2;

theorem Th11:
 for X,Y for f being Function holds f.:(Y \ f"X) = f.:Y \ X
   proof let X,Y; let f be Function;
       now let x;
      thus x in f.:(Y \ f"X) implies x in f.:Y \ X
       proof assume x in f.:(Y \ f"X);
         then consider z such that
A1:       z in dom f and
A2:       z in Y \ f"X and
A3:       f.z = x by FUNCT_1:def 12;
           not z in f"X by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
then A4:      not x in X by A1,A3,FUNCT_1:def 13;
           z in Y by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
         then f.z in f.:Y by A1,FUNCT_1:def 12;
        hence x in f.:Y \ X by A3,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A5:     x in f.:Y \ X;
       then x in f.:Y by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
       then consider z such that
A6:      z in dom f and
A7:      z in Y and
A8:      f.z = x by FUNCT_1:def 12;
         not x in X by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
       then not z in f"X by A8,FUNCT_1:def 13;
       then z in Y \ f"X by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      hence x in f.:(Y \ f"X) by A6,A8,FUNCT_1:def 12;
    hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

reserve X,Y for non empty set,
        f for Function of X,Y;

theorem Th12:
  for x being Element of X holds x in f"{f.x}
 proof let x be Element of X;
     f.x in {f.x} by TARSKI:def 1;
  hence x in f"{f.x} by FUNCT_2:46;

theorem Th13:
  for x being Element of X holds f.:{x} = {f.x}
  proof let x be Element of X;
      for y holds y in f.:{x} iff y = f.x
     proof let y;
      thus y in f.:{x} implies y = f.x
       proof assume y in f.:{x};
         then ex z st z in dom f & z in {x} & f.z = y by FUNCT_1:def 12;
        hence y = f.x by TARSKI:def 1;
         x in {x} by TARSKI:def 1;
      hence thesis by FUNCT_2:43;
   hence f.:{x} = {f.x} by TARSKI:def 1;

scheme SubsetEx { A() -> non empty set, P[set] } :
  ex B being Subset of A() st
   for x being Element of A() holds x in B iff P[x]
 proof defpred X[set] means P[$1];
   consider B being set such that
A1: for x being set holds x in B iff x in A() & X[x] from Separation;
    for x being set holds x in B implies x in A() by A1;
  then reconsider B as Subset of A() by TARSKI:def 3;
  take B; let x be Element of A();
  thus x in B iff P[x] by A1;

:: Theorems related to Fin ...

theorem Th14:
 for B being Element of Fin X
   for x st x in B holds x is Element of X
  proof let B be Element of Fin X;
   let x such that
A1:  x in B;
      B c= X by FINSUB_1:def 5;
   hence x is Element of X by A1;

  for A being (Element of Fin X), B being set
 for f being Function of X,Y st
   for x being Element of X holds x in A implies f.x in B
  holds f.:A c= B
 proof let A be (Element of Fin X), B be set;
  let f be Function of X,Y such that
A1: for x being Element of X holds x in A implies f.x in B;
  let x be set;
  assume x in f.:A; then consider y being set such that
  y in dom f and
A2:y in A and
A3:x = f.y by FUNCT_1:def 12;
   reconsider y as Element of X by A2,Th14;
     x = f.y by A3;
  hence x in B by A1,A2;

theorem Th16:
 for X being set for B being Element of Fin X
   for A being set st A c= B holds A is Element of Fin X
  proof let X be set, B be Element of Fin X;
   let A be set such that
A1:  A c= B;
      B c= X by FINSUB_1:def 5;
then A2: A c= X by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;
      A is finite by A1,FINSET_1:13;
   hence A is Element of Fin X by A2,FINSUB_1:def 5;

  for A being Element of Fin X holds f.:
A is Element of Fin Y by FINSUB_1:def 5;


theorem Th18:
 for B being Element of Fin X st B <> {}
   ex x being Element of X st x in B
 proof let B be Element of Fin X;
A1: B <> {}; consider x being Element of B;
   reconsider x as Element of X by A1,Th14;
   take x;
   thus x in B by A1;

theorem Th19:
  for A being Element of Fin X holds f.:A = {} implies A = {}
  proof let A be Element of Fin X; assume
A1:  f.:A = {};
   assume A <> {}; then consider x being Element of X such that
A2:  x in A by Th18;
      f.x in f.:A by A2,FUNCT_2:43;
   hence contradiction by A1;

definition let X be set;
 cluster empty Element of Fin X;
  proof {} is Element of Fin X by FINSUB_1:18;
   hence thesis;

definition let X be set;
 func {}.X -> empty Element of Fin X equals
 coherence by FINSUB_1:18;

scheme FinSubFuncEx{ A()->non empty set
, B()->(Element of Fin A()), P[set,set] } :
 ex f being Function of A(), Fin A() st
  for b,a being Element of A() holds a in f.b iff a in B() & P[a,b]
     defpred X[set,Element of Fin A()] means
       for a being Element of A() holds a in $2 iff a in B() & P[a,$1];
A1:  now let x be Element of A();
      defpred X[set] means $1 in B() & P[$1,x];
      consider y being Subset of A() such that
A2:    for a being Element of A() holds a in y iff X[a] from SubsetEx;
     reconsider B = B() as Subset of A() by FINSUB_1:def 5;
       for x being Element of A() holds x in y implies x in B by A2;
  then y c= B() by SUBSET_1:7;
     then y is finite by FINSET_1:13;
     then reconsider y as Element of Fin A() by FINSUB_1:def 5;
     take y' = y;
     thus X[x,y'] by A2;
   thus ex f being Function of A(), Fin A() st
         for x being Element of A() holds X[x,f.x] from FuncExD(A1);

:: theorems related to BinOp of ...

definition let X be non empty set, F be BinOp of X;
 attr F is having_a_unity means
:Def2: ex x being Element of X st x is_a_unity_wrt F;
  synonym F has_a_unity;

canceled 2;

theorem Th22:
 for X being non empty set, F being BinOp of X holds
  F has_a_unity iff the_unity_wrt F is_a_unity_wrt F
 proof let X be non empty set, F be BinOp of X;
  thus F has_a_unity implies the_unity_wrt F is_a_unity_wrt F
   proof assume F has_a_unity;
     then ex x being Element of X st x is_a_unity_wrt F by Def2;
    hence the_unity_wrt F is_a_unity_wrt F by BINOP_1:def 8;
  thus thesis by Def2;

theorem Th23:
for X being non empty set, F being BinOp of X st F has_a_unity
  for x being Element of X holds
    F.(the_unity_wrt F, x) = x &
    F.(x, the_unity_wrt F) = x
 proof let X be non empty set, F be BinOp of X such that
A1: F has_a_unity;
  let x be Element of X;
     the_unity_wrt F is_a_unity_wrt F by A1,Th22;
  hence F.(the_unity_wrt F, x) = x & F.(x, the_unity_wrt F) = x by BINOP_1:11

   ::  M a i n   p a r t

definition let X be non empty set;
 cluster non empty Element of Fin X;
  proof consider x being Element of X;
      {x} is Subset of X by SUBSET_1:63;
    then {x} is Element of Fin X by FINSUB_1:def 5;
   hence thesis;

definition let X be non empty set, x be Element of X;
 redefine func {x} -> Element of Fin X;
      {x} is Subset of X by SUBSET_1:63;
    hence {x} is Element of Fin X by FINSUB_1:def 5;
 let y be Element of X;
  func {x,y} -> Element of Fin X;
      {x,y} is Subset of X by SUBSET_1:56;
    hence {x,y} is Element of Fin X by FINSUB_1:def 5;
 let z be Element of X;
  func {x,y,z} -> Element of Fin X;
      {x,y,z} is Subset of X by SUBSET_1:57;
    hence {x,y,z} is Element of Fin X by FINSUB_1:def 5;

definition let X be set; let A,B be Element of Fin X;
 redefine func A \/ B -> Element of Fin X;
 coherence by FINSUB_1:10;

definition let X be set; let A,B be Element of Fin X;
 redefine func A \ B -> Element of Fin X;
  coherence by FINSUB_1:10;

scheme FinSubInd1{ X() -> non empty set, P[set] } :
  for B being Element of Fin X() holds P[B]
A1:  P[{}.X()] and
A2:  for B' being (Element of Fin X()), b being Element of X()
      holds P[B'] & not b in B' implies P[B' \/ {b}]
 proof let B be Element of Fin X();
    defpred X[set] means ex B' being Element of Fin X() st B' = $1 & P[B'];
A3: B is finite;
A4: X[{}] by A1;
A5: for x,A being set st x in B & A c= B & X[A] holds X[A \/ {x}]
    proof let x,A be set such that
A6:  x in B and
A7:  A c= B and
A8:  ex B' being Element of Fin X() st B' = A & P[B'];
      reconsider A' = A as Element of Fin X() by A7,Th16;
      reconsider x' = x as Element of X() by A6,Th14;
     take A' \/ {x'};
     thus A' \/ {x'} = A \/ {x};
        not x' in A or A \/ {x'} = A by ZFMISC_1:46;
     hence P[A' \/ {x'}] by A2,A8;
   X[B] from Finite(A3,A4,A5);
  hence thesis;

scheme FinSubInd2{ X() -> non empty set, P[Element of Fin X()] } :
  for B being Element of Fin X() st B <> {} holds P[B]
A1:  for x being Element of X() holds P[{x}] and
A2:  for B1,B2 being Element of Fin X() st B1 <> {} & B2 <> {}
      holds P[B1] & P[B2] implies P[B1 \/ B2]
 proof let B be Element of Fin X();

A3: B is finite;
   defpred X[set] means
     $1 <> {} implies ex B' being Element of Fin X() st B' = $1 & P[B'];
A4: X[{}];
A5: for x,A being set st x in B & A c= B & X[A] holds X[A \/ {x}]
    proof let x,A be set such that
A6:  x in B and
A7:  A c= B and
A8:  A <> {} implies ex B' being Element of Fin X() st B' = A & P[B'] and
       A \/ {x} <> {};
      reconsider A' = A as Element of Fin X() by A7,Th16;
      reconsider x' = x as Element of X() by A6,Th14;
     take A' \/ {x'};
     thus A' \/ {x'} =A \/ {x};
A9:    P[{x'}] by A1;
        now per cases;
       suppose A = {};
        hence P[A' \/ {x'}] by A1;
       A <> {};
        hence P[A' \/ {x'}] by A2,A8,A9;
     hence P[A' \/ {x'}];
     X[B] from Finite(A3,A4,A5);
  hence thesis;

scheme FinSubInd3{ X() -> non empty set, P[set] } :
  for B being Element of Fin X() holds P[B]
A1:  P[{}.X()] and
A2:  for B' being (Element of Fin X()), b being Element of X()
      holds P[B'] implies P[B' \/ {b}]
 defpred X[set] means P[$1];
A3:  X[{}.X()] by A1;
A4:  for B' being (Element of Fin X()), b being Element of X()
      holds X[B'] & not b in B' implies X[B' \/ {b}] by A2;
 thus for B being Element of Fin X() holds X[B] from FinSubInd1(A3,A4);

definition let X, Y be non empty set;
 let F be BinOp of Y;
 let B be Element of Fin X; let f be Function of X,Y;
 assume that
A1: B <> {} or F has_a_unity and
A2: F is commutative and
A3: F is associative;
  func F $$ (B,f) -> Element of Y means
:Def3:   ex G being Function of Fin X, Y st it = G.B &
          (for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e) &
          (for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x) &
           for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
           for x being Element of X st x in B \ B'
            holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x);
    defpred X[set] means
     ex G being Function of Fin X, Y st
      (for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e) &
      (for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x) &
       for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= $1 & B' <> {}
        for x being Element of X st x in $1 \ B'
          holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B', f.x);
A4: X[{}.X]
    consider e being Element of Y such that
A5:  (ex e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F)
             implies e = the_unity_wrt F;
     defpred X[set,set] means
       (for x' being Element of X st $1 = {x'} holds $2 = f.x') &
       (not (ex x' being Element of X st $1 = {x'}) implies $2 = e);
A6: now let x be Element of Fin X;
     thus ex y being Element of Y st X[x,y]
A7:     now given x' being Element of X such that
A8:       x = {x'};
         take y = f.x';
         thus for x' being Element of X st x = {x'} holds y = f.x'
 by A8,ZFMISC_1:6;
         thus not (ex x' being Element of X st x = {x'}) implies y = e by A8;
          now assume
A9:       not ex x' being Element of X st x = {x'};
         take y = e;
         thus (for x' being Element of X st x = {x'} holds y = f.x') &
          (not (ex x' being Element of X st x = {x'}) implies y = e) by A9;
       hence thesis by A7;
    consider G' being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A10:   for B' being Element of Fin X holds X[B',G'.B'] from FuncExD(A6);
    take G = G';
    thus for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e
     proof let e' be Element of Y such that
A11:      e' is_a_unity_wrt F;
       reconsider E = {} as Element of Fin X by FINSUB_1:18;
         not ex x' being Element of X st E = {x'};
      hence G.{} = e by A10 .= e' by A5,A11,BINOP_1:def 8;
    thus for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x by A10;
    thus for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= {}.X & B' <> {}
      for x being Element of X st x in {}.X \ B'
         holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B', f.x);
A12: for B' being Element of Fin X, b being Element of X
      holds X[B'] & not b in B' implies X[B' \/ {b}]
  proof let B be (Element of Fin X), x be Element of X;
     given G being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A13:   for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e and
A14:   for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x and
A15:   for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
       for x being Element of X st x in B \ B'
         holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B', f.x);
A16:   not x in B;
     thus ex G being Function of Fin X, Y st
      (for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e) &
      (for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x) &
       for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B \/ {x} & B' <> {}
        for x' being Element of X st x' in (B \/ {x}) \ B'
         holds G.(B' \/ {x'}) = F.(G.B', f.x')
     defpred X[set,set] means
      (for C being Element of Fin X st C <> {} & C c= B & $1 = C \/ {x}
              holds $2 = F.(G.C, f.x)) &
      ((not ex C being Element of Fin X st C <> {} & C c= B & $1 = C \/ {x})
               implies $2 = G.$1);
A17:     now let B' be Element of Fin X;
         thus ex y being Element of Y st X[B',y]
A18:          now given C being Element of Fin X such that
A19:            C <> {} & C c= B & B' = C \/ {x};
              take y = F.(G.C, f.x);
                 for C being Element of Fin X st
               C <> {} & C c= B & B' = C \/ {x} holds y = F.(G.C, f.x)
                proof let C1 be Element of Fin X such that
A20:               C1 <> {} & C1 c= B & B' = C1 \/ {x};
A21:                 not x in C & not x in C1 by A16,A19,A20;
                       C c= B' & C1 c= B' by A19,A20,XBOOLE_1:7;
                     then A22:                 C c= B' \ {x} & C1 c= B' \ {x}
by A21,ZFMISC_1:40;
A23:                  B' \ {x} = C \ {x} & B' \{x} = C1 \ {x} by A19,A20,
                       C \ {x} c= C & C1 \{x} c= C1 by XBOOLE_1:36;
                      then B' \ {x} = C & B' \ {x} = C1 by A22,A23,XBOOLE_0:def
                    hence y = F.(G.C1, f.x);
                 hence y = F.(G.C1, f.x);
              hence thesis by A19;
               now assume
A24:           not ex C being Element of Fin X st
                             C <> {} & C c= B & B' = C \/ {x};
              take y = G.B';
              thus for C being Element of Fin X st
                C <> {} & C c= B & B' = C \/ {x} holds y = F.(G.C, f.x) by A24;
              thus (not ex C being Element of Fin X st
                C <> {} & C c= B & B' = C \/ {x}) implies y = G.B';
             hence thesis by A18;
        consider H being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A25:     for B' being Element of Fin X holds X[B',H.B'] from FuncExD(A17);
       take J = H;
       thus for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds J.{} = e
            reconsider E = {} as Element of Fin X by FINSUB_1:18;
              not ex C being Element of Fin X st C <> {} & C c= B & E = C \/ {x
            then J.E = G.E by A25;
           hence thesis by A13;
       thus for x being Element of X holds J.{x} = f.x
        proof let x' be Element of X;
              now given C being Element of Fin X such that
A26:           C <> {} and
A27:           C c= B and
A28:           {x'} = C \/ {x};
                C c= {x'} & {x} c= {x'} by A28,XBOOLE_1:7;
              then C = {x'} & x = x' by A26,ZFMISC_1:24,39;
              then x in C by TARSKI:def 1;
             hence contradiction by A16,A27;
           hence J.{x'} = G.{x'} by A25 .= f.x' by A14;
       let B' be Element of Fin X such that
A29:       B' c= B \/ {x} and
A30:       B' <> {};
            now given C being Element of Fin X such that
A31:         C <> {} and
A32:         C c= B and
A33:         {x} = C \/ {x};
              C c= {x} by A33,XBOOLE_1:7;
            then C = {x} by A31,ZFMISC_1:39;
            then x in C by TARSKI:def 1;
           hence contradiction by A16,A32;
          then A34:       J.{x} = G.{x} by A25;
         let x' be Element of X; assume x' in (B \/ {x}) \ B';
then A35:       x' in B \/ {x} & not x' in B' by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
            now per cases;
A36:         x in B';
then A37:          x' in B by A35,Th6;
then A38:         {x'} c= B by ZFMISC_1:37;
                now per cases;
A39:           B' = {x};
                hence J.(B' \/ {x'}) = F.(G.{x'}, f.x) by A25,A38
                       .= F.(f.x', f.x) by A14
                       .= F.(f.x, f.x') by A2,BINOP_1:def 2
                       .= F.(J.B', f.x') by A14,A34,A39;
A40:              B' <> {x};
                 set C = (B' \ {x}) \/ {x'};
A41:              B' \ {x} c= B by A29,XBOOLE_1:43;
then A42:              C c= B by A37,Th8;
                   not B' c= {x} by A30,A40,ZFMISC_1:39;
then A43:              B' \ {x} <> {} by XBOOLE_1:37;
                   not x' in B' \ {x} by A35,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
then A44:             x' in B \(B' \ {x}) by A37,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
                   B' \/ {x'} = B' \/ {x} \/ {x'} by A36,ZFMISC_1:46
                    .= (B' \ {x}) \/ {x} \/ {x'} by XBOOLE_1:39
                    .= C \/ {x} by XBOOLE_1:4;
                hence J.(B' \/ {x'}) = F.(G.C, f.x) by A25,A42
                         .= F.(F.(G.(B'\{x}), f.x'), f.x) by A15,A41,A43,A44
                         .= F.(G.(B'\{x}),F.(f.x', f.x)) by A3,BINOP_1:def 3
                         .= F.(G.(B'\{x}),F.(f.x, f.x')) by A2,BINOP_1:def 2
                         .= F.(F.(G.(B'\{x}), f.x), f.x') by A3,BINOP_1:def 3
                         .= F.(J.((B'\{x})\/{x}), f.x') by A25,A41,A43
                         .= F.(J.(B' \/ {x}), f.x') by XBOOLE_1:39
                         .= F.(J.B', f.x') by A36,ZFMISC_1:46;
            hence J.(B' \/ {x'}) = F.(J.B', f.x');
A45:         not x in B';
then A46:          B' c= B by A29,Th5;
             not ex C being Element of Fin X st C <> {} & C c= B & B' = C \/
                                                                  by A45,Th6;

               now per cases;
A48:           x <> x';
               then x' in B by A35,Th6;
then A49:            x' in B \ B' by A35,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
                 not x in B' \/ {x'} by A45,A48,Th6;
               then not ex C being Element of Fin X st
                    C <> {} & C c= B & B' \/ {x'} = C \/ {x} by Th6;
               hence J.(B' \/ {x'}) = G.(B' \/ {x'}) by A25
                           .= F.(G.B', f.x') by A15,A30,A46,A49
                           .= F.(J.B', f.x') by A25,A47;
              suppose x = x';
               hence J.(B' \/ {x'}) = F.(G.B', f.x') by A25,A30,A46
                      .= F.(J.B', f.x') by A25,A47;
            hence J.(B' \/ {x'}) = F.(J.B', f.x');
      hence thesis;
      for B being Element of Fin X holds X[B] from FinSubInd1(A4,A12);
    then consider G being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A50:   (for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e) &
     (for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x) &
      for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
       for x being Element of X st x in B \ B'
        holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B', f.x);
   take G.B, G;
   thus thesis by A50;
  proof let x,y be Element of Y;
   given G1 being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A51:  x = G1.B and
A52:  for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G1.{} = e and
A53:  for x being Element of X holds G1.{x} = f.x and
A54:  for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
      for x being Element of X st x in B \ B'
        holds G1.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G1.B',f.x);
   given G2 being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A55:  y = G2.B and
A56:  for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G2.{} = e and
A57:  for x being Element of X holds G2.{x} = f.x and
A58:  for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
      for x being Element of X st x in B \ B'
        holds G2.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G2.B',f.x);
      now per cases;
A59:    B = {};
then A60:    the_unity_wrt F is_a_unity_wrt F by A1,Th22;
      hence x = the_unity_wrt F by A51,A52,A59
            .= y by A55,A56,A59,A60;
A61:    B <> {};
      defpred X[set] means $1 c= B & $1 <> {} implies G1.$1 = G2.$1;
A62:   X[{}.X];
     for B' being Element of Fin X, b being Element of X
      holds X[B'] & not b in B' implies X[B' \/ {b}]
   proof let B' be (Element of Fin X), x be Element of X; assume
A64:      B' c= B & B' <> {} implies G1.B' = G2.B';
A65:     not x in B';
       assume B' \/ {x} c= B;
then A66:      B' c= B & x in B by Th8;
then A67:     x in B \ B' by A65,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
       assume B' \/ {x} <> {};
          now per cases;
A68:         B' = {};
          hence G1.(B' \/ {x}) = f.x by A53
                  .= G2.(B' \/ {x}) by A57,A68;
A69:         B' <> {};
          hence G1.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G1.B', f.x) by A54,A66,A67
                  .= G2.(B' \/ {x}) by A58,A64,A66,A67,A69;
       hence G1.(B' \/ {x}) = G2.(B' \/ {x});
      for B' being Element of Fin X holds X[B'] from FinSubInd1(A62,A63);
     hence x = y by A51,A55,A61;
   hence thesis;


theorem Th25:
for X, Y being non empty set for F being BinOp of Y
for B being Element of Fin X for f being Function of X,Y st
  (B <> {} or F has_a_unity) &
  F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative
for IT being Element of Y holds
  IT = F $$ (B,f) iff
   ex G being Function of Fin X, Y st IT = G.B &
    (for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e) &
    (for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x) &
     for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
      for x being Element of X st x in B holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x)
proof let X, Y be non empty set; let F be BinOp of Y;
 let B be Element of Fin X; let f be Function of X,Y;
 assume that
A1: B <> {} or F has_a_unity and
A2: F is idempotent and
A3: F is commutative and
A4: F is associative;
 let IT be Element of Y;
 thus IT = F $$ (B,f) implies
   ex G being Function of Fin X, Y st IT = G.B &
    (for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e) &
    (for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x) &
     for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
      for x being Element of X st x in B holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x)
  proof assume IT = F $$ (B,f);
   then consider G being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A5: IT = G.B and
A6: for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e and
A7: for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x and
A8: for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
      for x being Element of X st x in B \ B'
        holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x) by A1,A3,A4,Def3;
       for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
      for x being Element of X st x in B holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x)
      proof let B' be Element of Fin X such that
A9:     B' c= B & B' <> {};
       let x be Element of X such that
A10:     x in B;
          B' \ {x} c= B' by XBOOLE_1:36;
then A11:     B' \ {x} c= B by A9,XBOOLE_1:1;
          now per cases;
          x in B';
then A12:        B' \/ {x} = B' by ZFMISC_1:46;
then A13:        {x} c= B' by XBOOLE_1:7;
             not x in B' \ {x} by ZFMISC_1:64;
then A14:        x in B \ (B' \ {x}) by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
             now per cases;
A15:           B' = {x};
             hence G.(B' \/ {x}) = f.x by A7
                         .= F.(f.x, f.x) by A2,BINOP_1:def 4
                         .= F.(G.B',f.x) by A7,A15;
            suppose B' <> {x};
              then not B' c= {x} by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
              then B' \ {x} <> {} by XBOOLE_1:37;
then A16:           G.(B' \ {x} \/ {x}) = F.(G.(B' \ {x}), f.x) by A8,A11,A14;
             thus G.(B' \/ {x}) = G.(B' \ {x} \/ {x}) by XBOOLE_1:39
                   .= F.(G.(B' \ {x}), F.(f.x,f.x)) by A2,A16,BINOP_1:def 4
                   .= F.(F.(G.(B' \ {x}),f.x), f.x) by A4,BINOP_1:def 3
                   .= F.(G.B',f.x) by A12,A16,XBOOLE_1:39;
          hence G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x);
         suppose not x in B';
           then x in B \ B' by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          hence G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x) by A8,A9;
       hence G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x);
   hence thesis by A5,A6,A7;
 given G being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A17: IT = G.B and
A18: for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e and
A19: for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x and
A20: for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
     for x being Element of X st x in B holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x);
    for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
   for x being Element of X st x in B \ B' holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x)
   proof let B' be Element of Fin X such that
A21:   B' c= B & B' <> {};
    let x be Element of X;
    assume x in B \ B';
     then x in B by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    hence G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x) by A20,A21;
 hence IT = F $$ (B,f) by A1,A3,A4,A17,A18,A19,Def3;

 reserve X, Y for non empty set,
         F for (BinOp of Y),
         B for (Element of Fin X),
         f for Function of X,Y;

theorem Th26:
 F is commutative & F is associative
  implies for b being Element of X holds F $$ ({b},f) = f.b
 proof assume
A1: F is commutative & F is associative;
  let b be Element of X;
     ex G being Function of Fin X, Y st F $$ ({b},f) = G.{b} &
     (for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e) & (
for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x) &
     for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= {b} & B' <> {}
      for x being Element of X st x in {b} \ B'
        holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x) by A1,Def3;
  hence F $$ ({b},f) = f.b;

theorem Th27:
 F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative
  implies for a,b being Element of X holds F $$ ({a,b},f) = F.(f.a, f.b)
 proof assume
A1:  F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative;
  let a,b be Element of X;
   consider G being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A2:  F $$ ({a,b},f) = G.{a,b} and
       for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e and
A3:  for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x and
A4:  for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= {a,b} & B' <> {}
      for x being Element of X st x in {a,b} holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x)
                                                                    by A1,Th25;
A5: {a} c= {a,b} by ZFMISC_1:12;
A6: b in {a,b} by TARSKI:def 2;
  thus F $$ ({a,b},f) = G.({a} \/ {b}) by A2,ENUMSET1:41
                     .= F.(G.{a}, f.b) by A4,A5,A6
                     .= F.(f.a, f.b) by A3;

theorem Th28:
 F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative
  implies for a,b,c being Element of X holds
   F $$ ({a,b,c},f) = F.(F.(f.a, f.b), f.c)
 proof assume
A1:  F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative;
  let a,b,c be Element of X;
     { a,b,c } <> {} by ENUMSET1:14;
   then consider G being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A2:  F $$ ({a,b,c},f) = G.{a,b,c} and
       for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e and
A3:  for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x and
A4:  for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= {a,b,c} & B' <> {}
      for x being Element of X st x in
 {a,b,c} holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x)
                                                                    by A1,Th25;
A5: {a} c= {a,b,c} by Th3;
A6: b in {a,b,c} by ENUMSET1:14;
A7: G.{a,b} = G.({a} \/ {b}) by ENUMSET1:41
           .= F.(G.{a}, f.b) by A4,A5,A6
           .= F.(f.a, f.b) by A3;
A8: {a,b} c= {a,b,c} by Th4;
A9: c in {a,b,c} by ENUMSET1:14;
  thus F $$ ({a,b,c},f) = G.({a,b} \/ {c}) by A2,ENUMSET1:43
                     .= F.(F.(f.a, f.b), f.c) by A4,A7,A8,A9;

   :: I f   B   i s   n o n   e m p t y

theorem Th29:
 F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative & B <> {} implies
   for x being Element of X holds F $$(B \/ {x}, f) = F.(F $$(B,f),f.x)
  proof assume
A1:  F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative;
A2: B <> {};
   let x be Element of X;
   consider G being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A3:  F $$ (B \/ {x},f) = G.(B \/ {x}) and
       for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e and
A4:  for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x and
A5:  for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B \/ {x} & B' <> {}
       for x' being Element of X st x' in B \/ {x}
         holds G.(B' \/ {x'}) = F.(G.B',f.x') by A1,Th25;
    consider G' being Function of Fin X, Y such that
A6: F $$ (B,f) = G'.B and
       for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G'.{} = e and
A7: for x being Element of X holds G'.{x} = f.x and
A8: for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= B & B' <> {}
       for x being Element of X st x in B holds G'.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G'.B',f.x)
                                                              by A1,A2,Th25;
     defpred X[set] means $1 <> {} & $1 c= B implies G.$1 = G'.$1;
A9:  X[{}.X];
    for B' being Element of Fin X, b being Element of X
      holds X[B'] implies X[B' \/ {b}]
   proof let C be (Element of Fin X), y be Element of X such that
A11:   C <> {} & C c= B implies G.C = G'.C;
     assume that
    C \/ {y} <> {} and
A12:  C \/ {y} c= B;
A13:  C c= B & y in B by A12,Th8;
A14:    B c= B \/ {x} by XBOOLE_1:7;
then A15:  C c= B \/ {x} by A13,XBOOLE_1:1;
        now per cases;
       suppose A16: C = {};
        hence G.(C \/ {y}) = f.y by A4 .= G'.(C \/ {y}) by A7,A16;
A17:     C <> {};
        hence G.(C \/ {y}) = F.(G'.C, f.y) by A5,A11,A13,A14,A15
                        .= G'.(C \/ {y}) by A8,A13,A17;
     hence G.(C \/ {y}) = G'.(C \/ {y});
A18: for C being Element of Fin X holds X[C] from FinSubInd3(A9,A10);
A19: B c= B \/ {x} by XBOOLE_1:7;
   x in B \/ {x} by Th6;
   hence F $$(B \/ {x}, f) = F.(G.B, f.x) by A2,A3,A5,A19
                        .= F.(F $$(B,f),f.x) by A2,A6,A18;

theorem Th30:
 F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative
   for B1,B2 being Element of Fin X st B1 <> {} & B2 <> {}
      holds F $$ (B1 \/ B2,f) = F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$ (B2,f))
 proof assume
A1: F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative;
   let B1,B2 be Element of Fin X;
A2:  B1 <> {};
    defpred X[Element of Fin X] means
     $1 <> {} implies F $$ (B1 \/ $1,f) = F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$ ($1,f));
A3: X[{}.X];
A4: for B' being Element of Fin X, b being Element of X
      holds X[B'] implies X[B' \/ {b}]
    proof let B be (Element of Fin X), x be Element of X such that
A5:   B <> {} implies F $$ (B1 \/ B,f) = F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$ (B,f)) and
        B \/ {x} <> {};
        now per cases;
A6:      B = {};
        hence F $$ (B1 \/ (B \/ {x}),f) = F.(F $$ (B1,f), f.x) by A1,A2,Th29
                       .= F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$ (B \/ {x},f)) by A1,A6,Th26;
A7:      B <> {};
then A8:     B1 \/ B <> {} by XBOOLE_1:15;
        thus F $$ (B1 \/ (B \/ {x}),f) = F $$ (B1 \/ B \/ {x},f) by XBOOLE_1:4
                   .= F.(F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$ (B,f)), f.x) by A1,A5,A7,A8,Th29
                   .= F.(F $$ (B1,f),F.(F $$ (B,f), f.x)) by A1,BINOP_1:def 3
                   .= F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$ (B \/ {x},f)) by A1,A7,Th29;
     hence F $$ (B1 \/ (B \/ {x}),f) = F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$ (B \/ {x},f));
      for B2 being Element of Fin X holds X[B2] from FinSubInd3(A3,A4);
  hence thesis;

    F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent implies
   for x being Element of X st x in B holds F.(f.x,F$$(B,f)) = F$$(B,f)
  proof assume
A1:  F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent;
   let x be Element of X; assume
A2:  x in B;
   thus F.(f.x,F$$(B,f)) = F.(F$$({x},f), F$$(B,f)) by A1,Th26
               .= F$$({x} \/ B, f) by A1,A2,Th30
               .= F$$(B,f) by A2,ZFMISC_1:46;

    F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent implies
   for B,C being Element of Fin X st B <> {} & B c= C
    holds F.(F$$(B,f),F$$(C,f)) = F$$(C,f)
A1:   F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent;
   let B,C be Element of Fin X such that
A2: B <> {} and
A3: B c= C;
    C <> {} by A2,A3,XBOOLE_1:3;
   hence F.(F$$(B,f),F$$(C,f)) = F$$(B \/ C,f) by A1,A2,Th30
                 .= F$$(C,f) by A3,XBOOLE_1:12;

theorem Th33:
 B <> {} & F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent implies
    for a being Element of Y st
      for b being Element of X st b in B holds f.b = a
     holds F$$(B,f) = a
  proof assume that
A1: B <> {} and
A2:  F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent;
   let a be Element of Y;
    defpred X[Element of Fin X] means
      (for b being Element of X st b in $1 holds f.b = a)
       implies F$$($1,f) = a;
A3: for x being Element of X holds X[{x}]
    proof let x be Element of X such that
A4:   for b being Element of X st b in {x} holds f.b = a;
A5:   x in { x } by TARSKI:def 1;
     thus F$$({x},f) = f.x by A2,Th26 .= a by A4,A5;
A6:  for B1,B2 being Element of Fin X st B1 <> {} & B2 <> {}
      holds X[B1] & X[B2] implies X[B1 \/ B2]
   proof let B1,B2 be Element of Fin X such that
A7:   B1 <> {} & B2 <> {};
     assume that
A8:   (for b being Element of X st b in B1 holds f.b = a) implies F$$(B1,f) = a
A9:   (for b being Element of X st b in B2 holds f.b = a) implies F$$(B2,f) = a
A10:   for b being Element of X st b in B1 \/ B2 holds f.b = a;
A11:   now let b be Element of X;
       assume b in B1; then b in B1 \/ B2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2
; hence f.b = a by A10;
     now let b be Element of X;
       assume b in B2; then b in B1 \/ B2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2
; hence f.b = a by A10;
     hence F$$(B1 \/ B2,f) = F.(a,a) by A2,A7,A8,A9,A11,Th30
                   .= a by A2,BINOP_1:def 4;
    for B being Element of Fin X st B<>{} holds X[B] from FinSubInd2(A3,A6);
   hence thesis by A1;

theorem Th34:
  F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent implies
    for a being Element of Y st f.:B = {a} holds F$$(B,f) = a
 proof assume
A1: F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent;
  let a be Element of Y; assume
A2: f.:B = {a};
then A3:  B <> {} by RELAT_1:149;
     for b being Element of X st b in B holds f.b = a
    proof let b be Element of X;
     assume b in B;
      then f.b in {a} by A2,FUNCT_2:43;
     hence f.b = a by TARSKI:def 1;
  hence F$$(B,f) = a by A1,A3,Th33;

theorem Th35:
 F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent implies
  for f,g being Function of X,Y
   for A,B being Element of Fin X st A <> {} & f.:A = g.:B
    holds F$$(A,f) = F$$(B,g)
 proof assume
A1: F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent;
   let f,g be Function of X,Y;
   let A,B be Element of Fin X such that
A2: A <> {} and
A3: f.:A = g.:B;
    defpred X[Element of Fin X] means $1 <> {} implies
    for B being Element of Fin X st f.:$1 = g.:B
     holds F$$($1,f) = F$$(B,g);
A4: X[{}.X];
A5: for B' being Element of Fin X, b being Element of X
      holds X[B'] implies X[B' \/ {b}]
  proof let A be (Element of Fin X), x be Element of X such that
A6:  A <> {} implies
    for B being Element of Fin X st f.:A = g.:B holds F$$(A,f) = F$$(B,g);
    assume A \/ {x} <> {};
    let B be Element of Fin X such that
A7:  f.:(A \/ {x}) = g.:B;
       now per cases;
      suppose f.x in f.:A; then consider x' being Element of X such that
A8:     x' in A and
A9:     f.x' = f.x by FUNCT_2:116;
A10:     f.x in f.:A by A8,A9,FUNCT_2:43;
A11:     g.:B = f.:A \/ f.:{x} by A7,RELAT_1:153
           .= f.:A \/ {f.x} by Th13
           .= f.:A by A10,ZFMISC_1:46;
       thus F$$(A \/ {x},f) = F.(F$$(A,f), f.x) by A1,A8,Th29
                   .= F.(F$$(A \/ {x'},f), f.x) by A8,ZFMISC_1:46
                   .= F.(F.(F$$(A,f), f.x'), f.x) by A1,A8,Th29
                   .= F.(F$$(A,f), F.(f.x', f.x')) by A1,A9,BINOP_1:def 3
                   .= F.(F$$(A,f), f.x') by A1,BINOP_1:def 4
                   .= F$$(A \/ {x'},f) by A1,A8,Th29
                   .= F$$(A,f) by A8,ZFMISC_1:46
                   .= F$$(B,g) by A6,A8,A11;
A12:     not f.x in f.:A;
         now per cases;
        suppose A13: A = {};
then A14:      g.:B = {f.x} by A7,Th13;
         thus F$$(A \/ {x},f) = f.x by A1,A13,Th26
                      .= F$$(B,g) by A1,A14,Th34;
A15:       A <> {};
            B /\ g"{f.x} c= B by XBOOLE_1:17;
          then reconsider B2 = B /\ g"{f.x} as Element of Fin X by Th16;
            B \ g"{f.x} c= B by XBOOLE_1:36;
          then reconsider B1 = B \ g"{f.x} as Element of Fin X by Th16;
A16:       B = B1 \/ B2 by XBOOLE_1:51;
A17:       now assume B1 = {};
            then B c= g"{f.x} by XBOOLE_1:37;
            then A18:           g.:B c= g.:g"{f.x} by RELAT_1:156;
A19:          f.:A misses {f.x} by A12,ZFMISC_1:56;
              g.:g"{f.x} c= {f.x} by FUNCT_1:145;
            then f.:(A \/ {x}) c= {f.x} by A7,A18,XBOOLE_1:1;
            then f.:A \/ f.:{x} c= {f.x} by RELAT_1:153;
            then f.:A c= {f.x} by XBOOLE_1:11;
            then f.:A = f.:A /\ {f.x} by XBOOLE_1:28
                    .= {} by A19,XBOOLE_0:def 7;
           hence contradiction by A15,Th19;
            x in A \/ {x} by Th6;
          then f.x in g.:B by A7,FUNCT_2:43;
          then consider x' being Element of X such that
A20:        x' in B and
A21:        g.x' = f.x by FUNCT_2:116;
            x' in g"{f.x} by A21,Th12;
then A22:       B2 <> {} by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
A23:       f.:A = f.:A \ {f.x} by A12,ZFMISC_1:65
             .= f.:A \ f.:{x} by Th13
             .= (f.:A \/ f.:{x}) \ f.:{x} by XBOOLE_1:40
             .= f.:(A \/ {x}) \ f.:{x} by RELAT_1:153
             .= g.:B \ {f.x} by A7,Th13
             .= g.:B1 by Th11;
A24:       for b being Element of X st b in B2 holds g.b = f.x
           proof let b be Element of X;
            assume b in B2;
             then b in g"{f.x} by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
             then g.b in {f.x} by FUNCT_1:def 13;
            hence g.b = f.x by TARSKI:def 1;
        thus F$$(A \/ {x},f) = F.(F$$(A,f), f.x) by A1,A15,Th29
                      .= F.(F$$(B1,g), f.x) by A6,A15,A23
                      .= F.(F$$(B1,g), F$$(B2,g)) by A1,A22,A24,Th33
                      .= F$$(B,g) by A1,A16,A17,A22,Th30;
      hence F$$(A \/ {x},f) = F$$(B,g);
    hence F$$(A \/ {x},f) = F$$(B,g);
     for A being Element of Fin X holds X[A] from FinSubInd3(A4,A5);
  hence thesis by A2,A3;

   for F,G being BinOp of Y st
 F is idempotent &
 F is commutative & F is associative & G is_distributive_wrt F
   for B being Element of Fin X st B <> {}
     for f being Function of X,Y
    for a being Element of Y
    holds G.(a,F$$(B,f)) = F$$(B,G[;](a,f))
 proof let F,G be BinOp of Y such that
A1: F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative and
A2: G is_distributive_wrt F;
  let B be Element of Fin X such that
A3: B<> {};
  let f be Function of X,Y; let a be Element of Y;
   defpred X[Element of Fin X] means G.(a,F$$($1,f)) = F$$($1,G[;](a,f));
A4: for x being Element of X holds X[{x}]
    proof let x be Element of X;
     thus G.(a,F$$({x},f)) = G.(a,f.x) by A1,Th26
                  .= (G[;](a,f)).x by FUNCOP_1:66
                  .= F$$({x},G[;](a,f)) by A1,Th26;
A5:  for B1,B2 being Element of Fin X st B1 <> {} & B2 <> {}
      holds X[B1] & X[B2] implies X[B1 \/ B2]
  proof let B1,B2 be Element of Fin X such that
A6:   B1 <> {} & B2 <> {};
     assume that
A7:   G.(a,F$$(B1,f)) = F$$(B1,G[;](a,f)) and
A8:   G.(a,F$$(B2,f)) = F$$(B2,G[;](a,f));
     thus G.(a,F$$(B1 \/ B2,f)) = G.(a,F.(F$$(B1,f),F$$(B2,f))) by A1,A6,Th30
              .= F.(F$$(B1,G[;](a,f)), F$$(B2,G[;]
(a,f))) by A2,A7,A8,BINOP_1:23
              .= F$$(B1 \/ B2,G[;](a,f)) by A1,A6,Th30;
     for B being Element of Fin X st B <> {} holds X[B] from FinSubInd2(A4,A5);
  hence G.(a,F$$(B,f)) = F$$(B,G[;](a,f)) by A3;

   for F,G being BinOp of Y st
 F is idempotent &
 F is commutative & F is associative & G is_distributive_wrt F
   for B being Element of Fin X st B <> {}
     for f being Function of X,Y
    for a being Element of Y
    holds G.(F$$(B,f),a) = F$$(B,G[:](f,a))
 proof let F,G be BinOp of Y such that
A1: F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative and
A2: G is_distributive_wrt F;
  let B be Element of Fin X such that
A3: B<> {};
  let f be Function of X,Y; let a be Element of Y;
   defpred X[Element of Fin X] means G.(F$$($1,f),a) = F$$($1,G[:](f,a));
A4: for x being Element of X holds X[{x}]
    proof let x be Element of X;
     thus G.(F$$({x},f),a) = G.(f.x,a) by A1,Th26
                  .= (G[:](f,a)).x by FUNCOP_1:60
                  .= F$$({x},G[:](f,a)) by A1,Th26;
A5: for B1,B2 being Element of Fin X st B1 <> {} & B2 <> {}
      holds X[B1] & X[B2] implies X[B1 \/ B2]
   proof let B1,B2 be Element of Fin X such that
A6:   B1 <> {} & B2 <> {};
     assume that
A7:   G.(F$$(B1,f),a) = F$$(B1,G[:](f,a)) and
A8:   G.(F$$(B2,f),a) = F$$(B2,G[:](f,a));
     thus G.(F$$(B1 \/ B2,f),a) = G.(F.(F$$(B1,f),F$$(B2,f)),a) by A1,A6,Th30
              .= F.(F$$(B1,G[:](f,a)), F$$(B2,G[:]
(f,a))) by A2,A7,A8,BINOP_1:23
              .= F$$(B1 \/ B2,G[:](f,a)) by A1,A6,Th30;
     for B being Element of Fin X st B <> {} holds X[B]
         from FinSubInd2(A4,A5);
  hence G.(F$$(B,f),a) = F$$(B,G[:](f,a)) by A3;

definition let X, Y be non empty set; let f be Function of X,Y;
 let A be Element of Fin X;
 redefine func f.:A -> Element of Fin Y;
 coherence by Lm1;

Th38: for A, X, Y being non empty set for F being BinOp of A
  st F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative
   for B being Element of Fin X st B <> {}
    for f being Function of X,Y holds
     for g being Function of Y,A holds F$$(f.:B,g) = F$$(B,g*f)
 proof let A, X, Y be non empty set, F be BinOp of A such that
A1: F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative;
  let B be Element of Fin X such that
A2: B <> {};
  let f be Function of X,Y; let g be Function of Y,A;
A3: dom f = X by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    defpred X[Element of Fin X] means F$$(f.:$1,g) = F$$($1,g*f);
A4: for x being Element of X holds X[{x}]
   proof let x be Element of X;
    thus F$$(f.:{x},g) = F$$({f.x},g) by A3,FUNCT_1:117
                  .= g.(f.x) by A1,Th26
                  .= (g*f).x by FUNCT_2:21
                  .= F$$({x},g*f) by A1,Th26;
A5: for B1,B2 being Element of Fin X st B1 <> {} & B2 <> {}
      holds X[B1] & X[B2] implies X[B1 \/ B2]
    proof let B1,B2 be Element of Fin X such that
A6:  B1 <> {} & B2 <> {};
        B1 c= X & B2 c= X by FINSUB_1:def 5;
      then X /\ B1 <> {} & X /\ B2 <> {} by A6,XBOOLE_1:28;
      then X meets B1 & X meets B2 by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
then A7: f.:B1 <> {} & f.:B2 <> {} by A3,RELAT_1:151;
A8:  F$$(f.:B1,g) = F$$(B1,g*f) & F$$(f.:B2,g) = F$$(B2,g*f);
    thus F$$(f.:(B1 \/ B2),g) = F$$(f.:B1 \/ f.:B2, g) by RELAT_1:153
               .= F.(F$$(f.:B1,g), F$$(f.:B2,g)) by A1,A7,Th30
               .= F$$(B1 \/ B2,g*f) by A1,A6,A8,Th30;
     for B being Element of Fin X st B <> {} holds X[B]
                                       from FinSubInd2(A4,A5);
  hence F$$(f.:B,g) = F$$(B,g*f) by A2;

theorem Th39:
  F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent
  for Z being non empty set
  for G being BinOp of Z st
    G is commutative & G is associative & G is idempotent
   for f being Function of X, Y
   for g being Function of Y,Z st
     for x,y being Element of Y holds g.(F.(x,y)) = G.(g.x,g.y)
    for B being Element of Fin X st B <> {} holds g.(F$$(B,f)) = G$$(B,g*f)
 proof assume
A1:  F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent;
  let Z be non empty set, G be BinOp of Z such that
A2: G is commutative & G is associative & G is idempotent;
  let f be Function of X,Y;
  let g be Function of Y,Z such that
A3: for x,y being Element of Y holds g.(F.(x, y)) = G.(g.x, g.y);
    defpred X[Element of Fin X] means
      $1 <> {} implies g.(F$$($1,f)) = G$$($1,g*f);
A4: X[{}.X];
A5: for B' being Element of Fin X, b being Element of X
      holds X[B'] implies X[B' \/ {b}]
   proof let B be (Element of Fin X), x be Element of X;
    assume that
A6:  B <> {} implies g.(F$$(B,f)) = G$$(B,g*f) and B \/ {x} <> {};
       now per cases;
A7:     B = {};
       hence g.(F$$(B \/ {x},f)) = g.(f.x) by A1,Th26
                  .= (g*f).x by FUNCT_2:21
                  .= G$$(B \/ {x},g*f) by A2,A7,Th26;
A8:     B <> {};
       hence g.(F$$(B \/ {x},f)) = g.(F.(F$$(B,f), f.x)) by A1,Th29
                  .= G.(g.(F$$(B,f)), g.(f.x)) by A3
                  .= G.(G$$(B,g*f), (g*f).x) by A6,A8,FUNCT_2:21
                  .= G$$(B \/ {x},g*f) by A2,A8,Th29;
    hence g.(F$$(B \/ {x},f)) = G$$(B \/ {x},g*f);
  thus for B being Element of Fin X holds X[B] from FinSubInd3(A4,A5);

   :: I f   F   h a s   a   u n i t y

theorem Th40:
 F is commutative & F is associative & F has_a_unity
  implies for f holds F$$({}.X,f) = the_unity_wrt F
 proof assume that
A1:  F is commutative & F is associative and
A2: F has_a_unity;
  let f;
A3:   the_unity_wrt F is_a_unity_wrt F & {} = {}.X by A2,Th22;
     ex G being Function of Fin X, Y st F $$ ({}.X,f) = G.{}.X &
    (for e being Element of Y st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds G.{} = e) &
    (for x being Element of X holds G.{x} = f.x) &
     for B' being Element of Fin X st B' c= {}.X & B' <> {}
      for x being Element of X st x in {}.X \ B'
        holds G.(B' \/ {x}) = F.(G.B',f.x) by A1,A2,Def3;
  hence F$$({}.X,f) = the_unity_wrt F by A3;

theorem Th41:
 F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative & F has_a_unity
  implies for x being Element of X holds F $$(B \/ {x}, f) = F.(F $$(B,f),f.x)
  proof assume
A1:  F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative;
A2: F has_a_unity;
A3: {} = {}.X;
   let x be Element of X;
      now assume
A4:  B = {};
     hence F $$(B \/ {x}, f) = f.x by A1,Th26
              .= F.(the_unity_wrt F, f.x) by A2,Th23
              .= F.(F $$(B,f),f.x) by A1,A2,A3,A4,Th40;
   hence thesis by A1,Th29;

   F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative & F has_a_unity
   for B1,B2 being Element of Fin X
      holds F $$ (B1 \/ B2,f) = F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$ (B2,f))
 proof assume that
A1: F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative and
A2: F has_a_unity;
   let B1,B2 be Element of Fin X;
     now assume
A3:  B1 = {} or B2 = {};
A4:  {} = {}.X;
       now per cases by A3;
A5:     B2 = {};
       hence F $$ (B1 \/ B2,f) = F.(F$$(B1,f),the_unity_wrt F) by A2,Th23
                    .= F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$ (B2,f)) by A1,A2,A4,A5,Th40;
A6:      B1 = {};
       hence F $$ (B1 \/ B2,f) = F.(the_unity_wrt F, F$$(B2,f)) by A2,Th23
                    .= F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$ (B2,f)) by A1,A2,A4,A6,Th40;
    hence thesis;
  hence thesis by A1,Th30;

   F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent & F has_a_unity
   for f,g being Function of X,Y
    for A,B being Element of Fin X st f.:A = g.:B
     holds F$$(A,f) = F$$(B,g)
 proof assume that
A1: F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent and
A2: F has_a_unity;
   let f,g be Function of X,Y;
   let A,B be Element of Fin X such that
A3: f.:A = g.:B;
      now assume
      A = {};
      then f.:A = {} by RELAT_1:149;
      then A = {}.X & B = {}.X by A3,Th19;
      then F$$(A,f) = the_unity_wrt F & F$$(B,g) = the_unity_wrt F by A1,A2,
     hence thesis;
  hence thesis by A1,A3,Th35;

theorem Th44:
 for A, X, Y being non empty set for F being BinOp of A
  st F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative & F has_a_unity
   for B being Element of Fin X
    for f being Function of X,Y holds
     for g being Function of Y,A holds F$$(f.:B,g) = F$$(B,g*f)
 proof let A, X, Y be non empty set, F be BinOp of A such that
A1: F is idempotent & F is commutative & F is associative and
A2: F has_a_unity;
  let B be Element of Fin X;
  let f be Function of X,Y; let g be Function of Y,A;
     now assume
    B = {};
     then B = {}.X & f.:B = {}.Y by RELAT_1:149;
     then F$$(f.:B,g) = the_unity_wrt F & F$$(B,g*f) = the_unity_wrt F
                                                                by A1,A2,Th40;
    hence thesis;
  hence F$$(f.:B,g) = F$$(B,g*f) by A1,Th38;

    F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent & F has_a_unity
  for Z being non empty set
  for G being BinOp of Z st
    G is commutative & G is associative & G is idempotent & G has_a_unity
   for f being Function of X, Y
   for g being Function of Y,Z st
     g.the_unity_wrt F = the_unity_wrt G &
     for x,y being Element of Y holds g.(F.(x,y)) = G.(g.x,g.y)
    for B being Element of Fin X holds g.(F$$(B,f)) = G$$(B,g*f)
 proof assume
A1: F is commutative & F is associative & F is idempotent & F has_a_unity;
  let Z be non empty set;
  let G be BinOp of Z such that
A2: G is commutative & G is associative & G is idempotent & G has_a_unity;
  let f be Function of X, Y;
  let g be Function of Y,Z such that
A3: g.the_unity_wrt F = the_unity_wrt G and
A4: for x,y being Element of Y holds g.(F.(x,y)) = G.(g.x,g.y);
  let B be Element of Fin X;
     now per cases;
    suppose B = {};
then A5:    B = {}.X;
     hence g.(F$$(B,f)) = g.the_unity_wrt F by A1,Th40
                .= G$$(B,g*f) by A2,A3,A5,Th40;
    suppose B <> {};
     hence g.(F$$(B,f)) = G$$(B,g*f) by A1,A2,A4,Th39;
  hence g.(F$$(B,f)) = G$$(B,g*f);

:: Funkcja wprowadzona powyzej konieczna jest do zakastowania
:: wyniku operacji unii. Jest to Element of  DOMAIN ,
:: co nie rozszerza sie do Element of  DOMAIN

 definition let A be set;
  func FinUnion A -> BinOp of Fin A means
:Def4: for x,y being Element of Fin A holds
        it.(x,y) = (x \/ y);
   proof deffunc U(Element of Fin A,Element of Fin A) = $1 \/ $2;
      ex IT being BinOp of Fin A st
     for x,y being Element of Fin A holds
            IT.(x,y) = U(x,y) from BinOpLambda;
    hence thesis;
   proof let IT, IT' be BinOp of Fin A such that
A1:  for x,y being Element of Fin A holds IT.(x,y) = (x \/ y) and
A2:  for x,y being Element of Fin A holds IT'.(x,y) = (x \/ y);
       now let x,y be Element of Fin A;
      thus IT.[x,y] = IT.(x,y) by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= (x \/ y) by A1
              .= IT'.(x,y) by A2
              .= IT'.[x,y] by BINOP_1:def 1;
    hence IT = IT' by FUNCT_2:120;

reserve A for set,
        x,y,z for Element of Fin A;

canceled 3;

theorem Th49:
 FinUnion A is idempotent
  proof let x;
   thus FinUnion A.(x,x) = x \/ x by Def4 .= x;

theorem Th50:
 FinUnion A is commutative
  proof let x,y;
   thus FinUnion A.(x,y) = y \/ x by Def4
                        .= FinUnion A.(y,x) by Def4;

theorem Th51:
 FinUnion A is associative
  proof let x,y,z;
   thus FinUnion A.(FinUnion A.(x,y), z) = FinUnion A.(x \/ y, z) by Def4
                 .= x \/ y \/ z by Def4
                 .= x \/ (y \/ z) by XBOOLE_1:4
                 .= FinUnion A.(x, y \/ z) by Def4
                 .= FinUnion A.(x, FinUnion A.(y,z)) by Def4;

theorem Th52:
  {}.A is_a_unity_wrt FinUnion A
   thus for x holds FinUnion A.({}.A, x) =x
    proof let x;
     thus FinUnion A.({}.A, x) = {} \/ x by Def4 .= x;
   let x;
   thus FinUnion A.(x, {}.A) = x \/ {} by Def4 .= x;

theorem Th53:
 FinUnion A has_a_unity
  proof {}.A is_a_unity_wrt FinUnion A by Th52;
   hence thesis by Def2;

   the_unity_wrt FinUnion A is_a_unity_wrt FinUnion A
  proof FinUnion A has_a_unity by Th53;
   hence thesis by Th22;

theorem Th55:
 the_unity_wrt FinUnion A = {}
      {}.A is_a_unity_wrt FinUnion A by Th52;
   hence thesis by BINOP_1:def 8;

reserve X,Y for non empty set, A for set,
        f for (Function of X, Fin A),
        i,j,k for (Element of X);

definition let X be non empty set, A be set;
 let B be Element of Fin X; let f be Function of X, Fin A;
  func FinUnion(B,f) -> Element of Fin A equals
:Def5:  FinUnion A $$(B,f);

   FinUnion({i},f) = f.i
A1: FinUnion A is idempotent & FinUnion A is commutative
    & FinUnion A is associative by Th49,Th50,Th51;
   thus FinUnion({i},f) = FinUnion A $$({i},f) by Def5
                        .= f.i by A1,Th26;

   FinUnion({i,j},f) = f.i \/ f.j
A1: FinUnion A is idempotent & FinUnion A is commutative
    & FinUnion A is associative by Th49,Th50,Th51;
   thus FinUnion({i,j},f) = FinUnion A $$({i,j},f) by Def5
               .= FinUnion A.(f.i, f.j) by A1,Th27
               .= f.i \/ f.j by Def4;

   FinUnion({i,j,k},f) = f.i \/ f.j \/ f.k
A1: FinUnion A is idempotent & FinUnion A is commutative
    & FinUnion A is associative by Th49,Th50,Th51;
   thus FinUnion({i,j,k},f) = FinUnion A $$({i,j,k},f) by Def5
               .= FinUnion A.(FinUnion A.(f.i, f.j), f.k) by A1,Th28
               .= FinUnion A.(f.i \/ f.j, f.k) by Def4
               .= f.i \/ f.j \/ f.k by Def4;

theorem Th59:
  FinUnion({}.X,f) = {}
A1: FinUnion A is idempotent & FinUnion A is commutative
    & FinUnion A is associative & FinUnion A has_a_unity by Th49,Th50,Th51,Th53
   thus FinUnion({}.X,f) = FinUnion A $$({}.X,f) by Def5
                       .= the_unity_wrt FinUnion A by A1,Th40
                       .= {} by Th55;

theorem Th60:
 for B being Element of Fin X holds
  FinUnion(B \/ {i}, f) = FinUnion(B,f) \/ f.i
  proof let B be Element of Fin X;
A1: FinUnion A is idempotent & FinUnion A is commutative
    & FinUnion A is associative & FinUnion A has_a_unity by Th49,Th50,Th51,Th53
A2: FinUnion(B,f) = FinUnion A $$(B,f) by Def5;
   thus FinUnion(B \/ {i}, f) = FinUnion A $$(B \/ {i}, f) by Def5
              .= FinUnion A.(FinUnion(B,f), f.i) by A1,A2,Th41
              .= FinUnion(B,f) \/ f.i by Def4;

theorem Th61:
 for B being Element of Fin X holds FinUnion(B,f) = union (f.:B)
    defpred X[Element of Fin X] means FinUnion($1,f) = union (f.:$1);
A1: X[{}.X]
      thus FinUnion({}.X,f) = union {} by Th59,ZFMISC_1:2
                  .= union (f.:{}.X) by RELAT_1:149;
A2: for B being (Element of Fin X), i st X[B] holds X[B \/ {i}]
    proof let B be (Element of Fin X), i;
     assume FinUnion(B,f) = union (f.:B);
     hence FinUnion(B \/ {i}, f) = union(f.:B) \/ f.i by Th60
                    .= union (f.:B) \/ union {f.i} by ZFMISC_1:31
                    .= union (f.:B \/ {f.i}) by ZFMISC_1:96
                    .= union (f.:B \/ f.:{i}) by Th13
                    .= union (f.:(B \/ {i})) by RELAT_1:153;
   thus for B being Element of Fin X holds X[B] from FinSubInd3(A1,A2);

   for B1,B2 being Element of Fin X holds
  FinUnion(B1 \/ B2, f) = FinUnion(B1,f) \/ FinUnion(B2,f)
 proof let B1,B2 be Element of Fin X;
  thus FinUnion(B1 \/ B2, f) = union(f.:(B1 \/ B2)) by Th61
        .= union(f.:B1 \/ f .:B2) by RELAT_1:153
        .= union(f.:B1) \/ union(f.:B2) by ZFMISC_1:96
        .= FinUnion(B1,f) \/ union(f.:B2) by Th61
        .= FinUnion(B1,f) \/ FinUnion(B2,f) by Th61;

   for B being Element of Fin X
  for f being Function of X,Y holds
   for g being Function of Y,Fin A holds FinUnion(f.:B,g) = FinUnion(B,g*f)
  proof let B be Element of Fin X;
   let f be Function of X,Y;
   let g be Function of Y,Fin A;
    thus FinUnion(f.:B,g) = union (g.:(f.:B)) by Th61
               .= union ((g*f).:B) by RELAT_1:159
               .= FinUnion(B,g*f) by Th61;

theorem Th64:
  for A,X being non empty set, Y being set
  for G being BinOp of A st
     G is commutative & G is associative & G is idempotent
   for B being Element of Fin X st B <> {}
   for f being (Function of X,Fin Y), g being Function of Fin Y,A st
    for x,y being Element of Fin Y holds g.(x \/ y) = G.(g.x,g.y)
   holds g.(FinUnion(B,f)) = G$$(B,g*f)
 proof let A,X be non empty set, Y be set, G be BinOp of A such that
A1: G is commutative & G is associative & G is idempotent;
A2: FinUnion Y is commutative & FinUnion Y is associative &
   FinUnion Y is idempotent by Th49,Th50,Th51;
  let B be Element of Fin X such that
A3: B <> {};
  let f be (Function of X,Fin Y), g be Function of Fin Y,A such that
A4: for x,y being Element of Fin Y holds g.(x \/ y) = G.(g.x,g.y);
A5: now let x,y be Element of Fin Y;
      thus g.(FinUnion Y.(x,y)) = g.(x \/ y) by Def4
                    .= G.(g.x,g.y) by A4;
  thus g.(FinUnion(B,f)) = g.(FinUnion Y $$(B,f)) by Def5
                     .= G $$(B,g*f) by A1,A2,A3,A5,Th39;

theorem Th65:
  for Z being non empty set, Y being set
  for G being BinOp of Z st
    G is commutative & G is associative & G is idempotent & G has_a_unity
   for f being Function of X, Fin Y
   for g being Function of Fin Y,Z st
     g.{}.Y = the_unity_wrt G &
     for x,y being Element of Fin Y holds g.(x \/ y) = G.(g.x,g.y)
    for B being Element of Fin X holds g.(FinUnion(B,f)) = G$$(B,g*f)
  let Z be non empty set, Y be set;
  let G be BinOp of Z such that
A1: G is commutative & G is associative & G is idempotent & G has_a_unity;
  let f be Function of X, Fin Y;
  let g be Function of Fin Y,Z such that
A2: g.{}.Y = the_unity_wrt G and
A3: for x,y being Element of Fin Y holds g.(x \/ y) = G.(g.x,g.y);
  let B be Element of Fin X;
A4:{} = {}.X;
A5: {} = {}.Fin Y;
     now per cases;
A6:   B = {};
then A7:  f.:B = {} by RELAT_1:149;
     thus g.(FinUnion(B,f)) = g.{}.Y by A4,A6,Th59
                .= G$$(f.:B,g) by A1,A2,A5,A7,Th40
                .= G$$(B,g*f) by A1,Th44;
    suppose B <> {};
     hence g.(FinUnion(B,f)) = G$$(B,g*f) by A1,A3,Th64;
  hence g.(FinUnion(B,f)) = G$$(B,g*f);

definition let A be set;
 func singleton A -> Function of A, Fin A means
:Def6: for x being set st x in A holds it.x = {x};
  proof deffunc U(set) = {$1};
A1:  now let x be set;
A2:    x in A;
      then reconsider A' = A as non empty set;
      reconsider x' = x as Element of A' by A2;
        {x'} in Fin A';
     hence U(x) in Fin A;
   thus ex f being Function of A, Fin A st
    for x being set st x in A holds f.x = U(x) from Lambda1(A1);
   let IT,IT' be Function of A, Fin A such that
A3:  for x being set st x in A holds IT.x = {x} and
A4: for x being set st x in A holds IT'.x = {x};
      now let x be set;
     assume x in A;
      then IT.x = {x} & IT'.x = {x} by A3,A4;
     hence IT.x = IT'.x;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_2:18;


theorem Th67:
 for A being non empty set for f being Function of A, Fin A holds
  f = singleton A iff for x being Element of A holds f.x = {x}
 proof let A be non empty set; let f be Function of A, Fin A;
  thus f = singleton A implies for x being Element of A holds f.x = {x}
 by Def6;
   for x being Element of A holds f.x = {x};
   then for x be set holds x in A implies f.x = {x};
  hence f = singleton A by Def6;

theorem Th68:
 for x being set, y being Element of X holds x in singleton X.y iff x = y
 proof let x be set, y be Element of X;
     singleton X.y = {y} by Th67;
  hence x in singleton X.y iff x = y by TARSKI:def 1;

   for x,y,z being Element of X st x in singleton X.z & y in singleton X.z
   holds x = y
  proof let x,y,z be Element of X;
   assume x in singleton X.z & y in singleton X.z;
    then x = z & y = z by Th68;
   hence x = y;

Lm2: for D being non empty set, X, P being set
 for f being Function of X,D holds f.:P c= D;

theorem Th70:
 for B being Element of Fin X, x being set holds
  x in FinUnion(B, f) iff ex i being Element of X st i in B & x in f.i
  proof let B be Element of Fin X, x be set;
A1:  now assume x in union (f.:B);
      then consider Z being set such that
A2:     x in Z and
A3:     Z in f .:B by TARSKI:def 4;
        f.:B is Subset of Fin A by Lm2;
      then reconsider Z as Element of Fin A by A3;
      consider i being Element of X such that
A4:     i in B & Z = f.i by A3,FUNCT_2:116;
     take i' = i;
     thus i' in B & x in f.i' by A2,A4;
      now given i being Element of X such that
A5:    i in B & x in f.i;
        f.i in f.:B by A5,FUNCT_2:43;
     hence x in union (f.:B) by A5,TARSKI:def 4;
   hence thesis by A1,Th61;

    for B being Element of Fin X holds FinUnion(B, singleton X) = B
   proof let B be Element of Fin X;
       now let x be set;
      thus x in FinUnion(B, singleton X) implies x in B
       proof assume x in FinUnion(B, singleton X);
         then ex i being Element of X st i in B & x in singleton X.i by Th70;
        hence thesis by Th68;
A1:     x in B;
       then reconsider x' = x as Element of X by Th14;
         x in singleton X.x' by Th68;
      hence x in FinUnion(B, singleton X) by A1,Th70;
    hence FinUnion(B, singleton X) = B by TARSKI:2;

    for Y,Z being set
   for f being Function of X, Fin Y
   for g being Function of Fin Y, Fin Z st
     g.{}.Y = {}.Z &
     for x,y being Element of Fin Y holds g.(x \/ y) = g.x \/ g.y
    for B being Element of Fin X holds g.(FinUnion(B,f)) = FinUnion(B,g*f)
proof let Y,Z be set;
 let f be Function of X, Fin Y;
 let g be Function of Fin Y, Fin Z;
 assume that
A1: g.{}.Y = {}.Z and
A2: for x,y being Element of Fin Y holds g.(x \/ y) = g.x \/ g.y;
 let B be Element of Fin X;
A3: FinUnion Z is associative & FinUnion Z is commutative &
    FinUnion Z is idempotent & FinUnion Z has_a_unity by Th49,Th50,Th51,Th53
A4: g.{}.Y = the_unity_wrt FinUnion Z by A1,Th55;

    now let x,y be Element of Fin Y;
   thus g.(x \/ y) = g.x \/ g.y by A2
           .= FinUnion Z.(g.x,g.y) by Def4;
 hence g.(FinUnion(B,f)) = FinUnion Z $$ (B,g*f) by A3,A4,Th65
              .= FinUnion(B,g*f) by Def5;

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