Journal of Formalized Mathematics
Volume 1, 1989
University of Bialystok
Copyright (c) 1989 Association of Mizar Users

The abstract of the Mizar article:

Models and Satisfiability

Grzegorz Bancerek

Received April 14, 1989

MML identifier: ZF_MODEL
[ Mizar article, MML identifier index ]


 requirements NUMERALS, SUBSET, BOOLE;


 reserve F,H,H' for ZF-formula,

         x,y,z,t for Variable,
         a,b,c,d for set,
         A,X for set;

 scheme ZFsch_ex
     { F1(Variable,Variable)->set, F2(Variable,Variable)->set,
       F3(set)->set, F4(set,set)->set, F5(Variable,set)->set,
       H()->ZF-formula } :
  ex a,A st
   (for x,y holds [x '=' y,F1(x,y)] in A & [x 'in' y,F2(x,y)] in A) &
   [H(),a] in A &
   for H,a st [H,a] in A holds
    (H is_equality implies a = F1(Var1 H,Var2 H) ) &
    (H is_membership implies a = F2(Var1 H,Var2 H) ) &
    (H is negative implies ex b st a = F3(b) & [the_argument_of H,b] in A) &
    (H is conjunctive implies ex b,c st (a = F4(b,c) &
      [the_left_argument_of H,b] in A) & [the_right_argument_of H,c] in A) &
    (H is universal implies ex b st a = F5(bound_in H,b) &
      [the_scope_of H,b] in A);

scheme ZFsch_uniq
     { F1(Variable,Variable)->set, F2(Variable,Variable)->set,
       F3(set)->set, F4(set,set)->set, F5(Variable,set)->set,
       H()->ZF-formula, a()->set, b()->set } :

  a() = b()
 ex A st
    (for x,y holds [x '=' y,F1(x,y)] in A & [x 'in' y,F2(x,y)] in A) &
    [H(),a()] in A &
    for H,a st [H,a] in A holds
     (H is_equality implies a = F1(Var1 H,Var2 H) ) &
     (H is_membership implies a = F2(Var1 H,Var2 H) ) &
     (H is negative implies ex b st a = F3(b) & [the_argument_of H,b] in A) &
     (H is conjunctive implies ex b,c st a = F4(b,c) &
       [the_left_argument_of H,b] in A & [the_right_argument_of H,c] in A) &
     (H is universal implies ex b st a = F5(bound_in H,b) &
       [the_scope_of H,b] in A)
 ex A st
    (for x,y holds [x '=' y,F1(x,y)] in A & [x 'in' y,F2(x,y)] in A) &
    [H(),b()] in A &
    for H,a st [H,a] in A holds
     (H is_equality implies a = F1(Var1 H,Var2 H) ) &
     (H is_membership implies a = F2(Var1 H,Var2 H) ) &
     (H is negative implies ex b st a = F3(b) & [the_argument_of H,b] in A) &
     (H is conjunctive implies ex b,c st a = F4(b,c) &
       [the_left_argument_of H,b] in A & [the_right_argument_of H,c] in A) &
     (H is universal implies ex b st a = F5(bound_in H,b) &
       [the_scope_of H,b] in A);

scheme ZFsch_result
     { F1(Variable,Variable)->set, F2(Variable,Variable)->set,
       F3(set)->set, F4(set,set)->set, F5(Variable,set)->set,
       H()->ZF-formula, f(ZF-formula)->set } :

 ( H() is_equality implies f(H()) = F1(Var1 H(),Var2 H()) ) &
  ( H() is_membership implies f(H()) = F2(Var1 H(),Var2 H()) ) &
   ( H() is negative implies f(H()) = F3(f(the_argument_of H())) ) &
    ( H() is conjunctive implies for a,b st a = f(the_left_argument_of H()) &
       b = f(the_right_argument_of H()) holds f(H()) = F4(a,b) ) &
     ( H() is universal implies f(H()) = F5(bound_in H(),f(the_scope_of H())) )
for H',a holds a = f(H') iff
   ex A st
    (for x,y holds [x '=' y,F1(x,y)] in A & [x 'in' y,F2(x,y)] in A) &
    [H',a] in A &
    for H,a st [H,a] in A holds
     (H is_equality implies a = F1(Var1 H,Var2 H) ) &
     (H is_membership implies a = F2(Var1 H,Var2 H) ) &
     (H is negative implies ex b st a = F3(b) & [the_argument_of H,b] in A) &
     (H is conjunctive implies ex b,c st a = F4(b,c) &
       [the_left_argument_of H,b] in A & [the_right_argument_of H,c] in A) &
     (H is universal implies ex b st a = F5(bound_in H,b) &
       [the_scope_of H,b] in A);

scheme ZFsch_property
     { F1(Variable,Variable)->set, F2(Variable,Variable)->set,
       F3(set)->set, F4(set,set)->set, F5(Variable,set)->set,
       f(ZF-formula)->set, H()->ZF-formula, P[set] } :

 for H',a holds a = f(H') iff
    ex A st
     (for x,y holds [x '=' y,F1(x,y)] in A & [x 'in' y,F2(x,y)] in A) &
     [H',a] in A &
     for H,a st [H,a] in A holds
      (H is_equality implies a = F1(Var1 H,Var2 H) ) &
      (H is_membership implies a = F2(Var1 H,Var2 H) ) &
      (H is negative implies ex b st a = F3(b) & [the_argument_of H,b] in A) &
      (H is conjunctive implies ex b,c st a = F4(b,c) &
        [the_left_argument_of H,b] in A & [the_right_argument_of H,c] in A) &
      (H is universal implies ex b st a = F5(bound_in H,b) &
        [the_scope_of H,b] in A) and
 for x,y holds P[F1(x,y)] & P[F2(x,y)] and
 for a st P[a] holds P[F3(a)] and
 for a,b st P[a] & P[b] holds P[F4(a,b)] and
 for a,x st P[a] holds P[F5(x,a)];
 definition let H;
  func Free H -> set means
:: ZF_MODEL:def 1

   ex A st
    (for x,y holds [x '=' y,{ x,y }] in A & [x 'in' y,{ x,y }] in A) &
    [H,it] in A &
    for H',a st [H',a] in A holds
     (H' is_equality implies a = { Var1 H',Var2 H' }) &
     (H' is_membership implies a = { Var1 H',Var2 H' }) &
     (H' is negative implies ex b st a = b & [the_argument_of H',b] in A) &
     (H' is conjunctive implies ex b,c st a = union { b,c } &
       [the_left_argument_of H',b] in A & [the_right_argument_of H',c] in A) &
     (H' is universal implies ex b st
       a = (union { b }) \ { bound_in H' } & [the_scope_of H',b] in A);

 definition let H;
 redefine func Free H -> Subset of VAR;

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:1
    for H holds
   (H is_equality implies Free H = { Var1 H,Var2 H }) &
    (H is_membership implies Free H = { Var1 H,Var2 H }) &
     (H is negative implies Free H = Free the_argument_of H) &
      (H is conjunctive implies Free H =
        Free the_left_argument_of H \/ Free the_right_argument_of H) &
       (H is universal implies Free H = (Free the_scope_of H) \ { bound_in H })

::                                                    ::
:: The set of all valuations of variables in a model  ::
::                                                    ::

 definition let D be non empty set;
  func VAL D -> set means
:: ZF_MODEL:def 2
  a in it iff a is Function of VAR,D;

 definition let D be non empty set;
  cluster VAL D -> non empty;

 reserve E for non empty set,
         f,g,h for Function of VAR,E,
         v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,u1,u2,u3,u4,u5 for Element of VAL E;

::                                                                  ::
:: The set of all valuations which satisfy a ZF-formula in a model  ::
::                                                                  ::

 definition let H,E;
  func St(H,E) -> set means
:: ZF_MODEL:def 3
   ex A st
    (for x,y holds [x '=' y,{ v1 : for f st f = v1 holds f.x = f.y }] in A &
      [x 'in' y,{ v2 : for f st f = v2 holds f.x in f.y }] in A) &
    [H,it] in A &
    for H',a st [H',a] in A holds
     (H' is_equality implies
       a = { v3 : for f st f = v3 holds f.(Var1 H') = f.(Var2 H') }) &
     (H' is_membership implies
       a = { v4 : for f st f = v4 holds f.(Var1 H') in f.(Var2 H') }) &
     (H' is negative implies ex b st a = (VAL E) \ union { b } &
       [the_argument_of H',b] in A ) &
     (H' is conjunctive implies ex b,c st a = (union { b }) /\ union { c } &
       [the_left_argument_of H',b] in A & [the_right_argument_of H',c] in A) &
     (H' is universal implies ex b st
       a = { v5 : for X,f st X = b & f = v5 holds f in X &
        for g st for y st g.y <> f.y holds bound_in H' = y holds g in X } &
      [the_scope_of H',b] in A);

 definition let H,E;
 redefine func St(H,E) -> Subset of VAL E;

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:2
  for x,y,f holds f.x = f.y iff f in St(x '=' y,E);

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:3
  for x,y,f holds f.x in f.y iff f in St(x 'in' y,E);

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:4
  for H,f holds not f in St(H,E) iff f in St('not' H,E);

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:5
  for H,H',f holds f in St(H,E) & f in St(H',E) iff f in St(H '&' H',E);

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:6
  for x,H,f holds
  ( f in St(H,E) & for g st for y st g.y <> f.y holds x = y holds g in
 St(H,E) )
     iff f in St(All(x,H),E);

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:7
    H is_equality implies
   for f holds f.(Var1 H) = f.(Var2 H) iff f in St(H,E);

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:8
    H is_membership implies
   for f holds f.(Var1 H) in f.(Var2 H) iff f in St(H,E);

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:9
    H is negative implies
   for f holds not f in St(the_argument_of H,E) iff f in St(H,E);

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:10
    H is conjunctive implies
  for f holds f in St(the_left_argument_of H,E) &
   f in St(the_right_argument_of H,E) iff f in St(H,E);

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:11
    H is universal implies
  for f holds
   (f in St(the_scope_of H,E) &
     for g st for y st g.y <> f.y holds bound_in H = y
           holds g in St(the_scope_of H,E) )
   iff f in St(H,E);

::                                                             ::
::  The satisfaction of a ZF-formula in a model by a valuation ::
::                                                             ::

 definition let D be non empty set; let f be Function of VAR,D; let H;
  pred D,f |= H means
:: ZF_MODEL:def 4
  f in St(H,D);

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:12
    for E,f,x,y holds E,f |= x '=' y iff f.x = f.y;

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:13
    for E,f,x,y holds E,f |= x 'in' y iff f.x in f.y;

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:14
  for E,f,H holds E,f |= H iff not E,f |= 'not' H;

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:15
  for E,f,H,H' holds E,f |= H '&' H' iff E,f |= H & E,f |= H';

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:16
  for E,f,H,x holds E,f |= All(x,H) iff
       for g st for y st g.y <> f.y holds x = y holds E,g |= H;

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:17
    for E,f,H,H' holds E,f |= H 'or' H' iff E,f |= H or E,f |= H';

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:18
  for E,f,H,H' holds E,f |= H => H' iff (E,f |= H implies E,f |= H');

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:19
    for E,f,H,H' holds E,f |= H <=> H' iff (E,f |= H iff E,f |= H');

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:20
  for E,f,H,x holds E,f |= Ex(x,H) iff
       ex g st (for y st g.y <> f.y holds x = y) & E,g |= H;

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:21
  for E,f,x for e being Element of E ex g st g.x = e &
    for z st z <> x holds g.z = f.z;

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:22
    E,f |= All(x,y,H) iff
   for g st for z st g.z <> f.z holds x = z or y = z holds E,g |= H;

theorem :: ZF_MODEL:23
    E,f |= Ex(x,y,H) iff
   ex g st (for z st g.z <> f.z holds x = z or y = z) & E,g |= H;

::                                               ::
::  The satisfaction of a ZF-formula in a model  ::
::                                               ::

 definition let E,H;
  pred E |= H means
:: ZF_MODEL:def 5
   for f holds E,f |= H;


theorem :: ZF_MODEL:25
    E |= All(x,H) iff E |= H;

::  The axioms of ZF-language  ::

  func the_axiom_of_extensionality -> ZF-formula equals
:: ZF_MODEL:def 6

       All(x.0,x.1,All(x.2,x.2 'in' x.0 <=> x.2 'in' x.1) => x.0 '=' x.1);
  func the_axiom_of_pairs -> ZF-formula equals
:: ZF_MODEL:def 7

           x.3 'in' x.2 <=> (x.3 '=' x.0 'or' x.3 '=' x.1) )));
  func the_axiom_of_unions -> ZF-formula equals
:: ZF_MODEL:def 8

           x.2 'in' x.1 <=> Ex(x.3,x.2 'in' x.3 '&' x.3 'in' x.0) )));
  func the_axiom_of_infinity -> ZF-formula equals
:: ZF_MODEL:def 9

       Ex(x.0,x.1,x.1 'in' x.0 '&'
          All(x.2,x.2 'in' x.0 => Ex(x.3,x.3 'in' x.0 '&' 'not' x.3 '=' x.2 '&'
            All(x.4,x.4 'in' x.2 => x.4 'in' x.3) )));
  func the_axiom_of_power_sets -> ZF-formula equals
:: ZF_MODEL:def 10

           x.2 'in' x.1 <=> All(x.3,x.3 'in' x.2 => x.3 'in' x.0) )));

 definition let H be ZF-formula;
  func the_axiom_of_substitution_for H -> ZF-formula equals
:: ZF_MODEL:def 11

       All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) =>
          All(x.1,Ex(x.2,All(x.4,x.4 'in' x.2 <=> Ex(x.3,x.3 'in'
 x.1 '&' H))));

 definition let E;
  attr E is being_a_model_of_ZF means
:: ZF_MODEL:def 12

     E is epsilon-transitive &
   E |= the_axiom_of_pairs &
   E |= the_axiom_of_unions &
   E |= the_axiom_of_infinity &
   E |= the_axiom_of_power_sets &
   for H st { x.0,x.1,x.2 } misses Free H holds
    E |= the_axiom_of_substitution_for H;
  synonym E is_a_model_of_ZF;

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