The Mizar article:

The Construction and Computation of Conditional Statements for SCMPDS

Jing-Chao Chen

Received June 15, 1999

Copyright (c) 1999 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: SCMPDS_6
[ MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary AMI_3, SCMPDS_2, AMI_1, INT_1, SCMPDS_4, AMI_2, RELAT_1, BOOLE,
      FUNCT_4, INT_1, NAT_1, STRUCT_0, AMI_1, AMI_2, AMI_3, AMI_5, FUNCT_7,
 constructors NAT_1, AMI_5, SCMFSA_4, SCMPDS_4, SCM_1, SCMPDS_5;
 clusters AMI_1, INT_1, FUNCT_1, SCMPDS_2, SCMFSA_4, SCMPDS_4, SCMPDS_5, NAT_1,
 theorems AMI_1, AMI_3, NAT_1, REAL_1, CQC_LANG, TARSKI, FUNCT_4, FUNCT_1,
 schemes NAT_1;

begin :: Preliminaries

reserve m,n for Nat,
        a for Int_position,
        i,j for Instruction of SCMPDS,
        s,s1,s2 for State of SCMPDS,
        k1 for Integer,
        loc for Instruction-Location of SCMPDS,
        I,J,K for Program-block;

set A = the Instruction-Locations of SCMPDS;
set D = SCM-Data-Loc;

theorem Th1: :: S8A_Th3
 for s being State of SCMPDS holds
     dom (s | the Instruction-Locations of SCMPDS) =
         the Instruction-Locations of SCMPDS
   let s be State of SCMPDS;
   thus dom (s | A) = dom s /\ A by RELAT_1:90
   .= (D \/ {IC SCMPDS} \/ A) /\ A by SCMPDS_4:19
   .= A by XBOOLE_1:21;

theorem Th2: ::S8A_Th4
 for s being State of SCMPDS st s is halting
 for k being Nat st LifeSpan s <= k holds
     CurInstr (Computation s).k = halt SCMPDS
   let s be State of SCMPDS;
   assume A1: s is halting;
   let k be Nat;
   assume A2: LifeSpan s <= k;
     CurInstr (Computation s).LifeSpan s = halt SCMPDS by A1,SCM_1:def 2;
   hence thesis by A2,AMI_1:52;

theorem Th3: ::S8A_Th5
 for s being State of SCMPDS st s is halting
 for k being Nat st LifeSpan s <= k holds
     IC (Computation s).k = IC (Computation s).LifeSpan s
   let s be State of SCMPDS;
   assume A1: s is halting;
   let k be Nat;
   assume A2: LifeSpan s <= k;
   defpred P[Nat] means
       LifeSpan s <= $1 implies
           IC (Computation s).$1 = IC (Computation s).LifeSpan s;
A3: P[0]
     proof assume A4: LifeSpan s <= 0;
        0 <= LifeSpan s by NAT_1:18;
      hence IC (Computation s).0 = IC (Computation s).LifeSpan s
          by A4,AXIOMS:21;
A5: now let k be Nat;
      assume A6: P[k];
        now assume A7: LifeSpan s <= k + 1;
        per cases by A7,REAL_1:def 5;
        suppose k + 1 = LifeSpan s;
         hence IC (Computation s).(k + 1) = IC (Computation s).LifeSpan s;
        suppose A8: k + 1 > LifeSpan s;
      then LifeSpan s <= k by NAT_1:38;
      then A9: CurInstr (Computation s).k = halt SCMPDS by A1,Th2;
         thus IC (Computation s).(k + 1)
          = IC Following (Computation s).k by AMI_1:def 19
         .= IC Exec(halt SCMPDS,(Computation s).k) by A9,AMI_1:def 18
         .= IC (Computation s).LifeSpan s by A6,A8,AMI_1:def 8,NAT_1:38;
      hence P[k + 1];
     for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A3,A5);
   hence thesis by A2;

theorem Th4: ::S8A_Th6
 for s1,s2 being State of SCMPDS holds
     s1,s2 equal_outside the Instruction-Locations of SCMPDS
 iff IC s1 = IC s2 & s1 | SCM-Data-Loc = s2 | SCM-Data-Loc
   let s1,s2 be State of SCMPDS;
   thus s1,s2 equal_outside the Instruction-Locations of SCMPDS
      implies IC s1 = IC s2 &
      s1 | D = s2 | D by SCMFSA6A:29,SCMPDS_4:24;
   assume A1: IC s1 = IC s2 & s1 | D = s2 | D;
   then for a being Int_position holds s1.a = s2.a by SCMPDS_4:23;
   hence s1,s2 equal_outside the Instruction-Locations of SCMPDS
       by A1,SCMPDS_4:11;

theorem     ::S8A_TI8
   for s being State of SCMPDS, I being Program-block holds
     Initialized s +* Initialized I = s +* Initialized I
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block;
    set SA0=Start-At inspos 0;
    A1: dom I misses dom SA0 by SCMPDS_4:54;
   thus Initialized s +* Initialized I
    = s +* SA0 +* Initialized I by SCMPDS_5:def 4
   .= s +* SA0 +* (I +* SA0) by SCMPDS_4:def 2
   .= s +* SA0 +* I +* SA0 by FUNCT_4:15
   .= s +* (SA0 +* I) +* SA0 by FUNCT_4:15
   .= s +* (I +* SA0) +* SA0 by A1,FUNCT_4:36
   .= s +* I +* SA0 +* SA0 by FUNCT_4:15
   .= s +* I +* (SA0 +* SA0) by FUNCT_4:15
   .= s +* (I +* SA0) by FUNCT_4:15
   .= s +* Initialized I by SCMPDS_4:def 2;

theorem  ::S8A_Th9
   for I being Program-block, l being Instruction-Location of SCMPDS holds
     I c= I +* Start-At l
   let I be Program-block,l be Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
    consider n such that
A1: l = inspos n by SCMPDS_3:32;
      dom I misses dom Start-At l by A1,SCMPDS_4:54;
    hence I c= I +* Start-At l by FUNCT_4:33;

theorem Th7:
 for s being State of SCMPDS, l being Instruction-Location of SCMPDS holds
     s | SCM-Data-Loc = (s +* Start-At l) | SCM-Data-Loc
   let s be State of SCMPDS;
   let l be Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
     now let x be set;
      assume x in dom Start-At l;
      then x in {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      hence not x in D by SCMPDS_3:6,TARSKI:def 1;
   then dom Start-At l misses D by XBOOLE_0:3;
   hence s | D = (s +* Start-At l) | D by SCMFSA8A:2;

theorem Th8:  ::S8A_11
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,
 l being Instruction-Location of SCMPDS holds
     s | SCM-Data-Loc = (s +* (I +* Start-At l)) | SCM-Data-Loc
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block;
   let l be Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
     now let x be set;
      assume x in dom (I +* Start-At l);
      then x in dom I \/ dom Start-At l by FUNCT_4:def 1;
      then x in dom I or x in dom Start-At l by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      then A1: x in dom I or x in {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      per cases by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
      suppose A2: x in dom I;
         dom I c= the Instruction-Locations of SCMPDS by AMI_3:def 13;
       hence not x in D by A2,SCMPDS_2:10,XBOOLE_0:3;
      suppose x = IC SCMPDS;
       hence not x in D by SCMPDS_3:6;
   then dom (I +* Start-At l) misses D by XBOOLE_0:3;
   hence s | D = (s +* (I +* Start-At l)) | D by SCMFSA8A:2;

theorem Th9:
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block
 holds s | SCM-Data-Loc = (s +* Initialized I) | SCM-Data-Loc
  let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block;
    Initialized I =I +* Start-At(inspos 0) by SCMPDS_4:def 2;
  hence thesis by Th8;

theorem Th10: :: S8A_Th12
 for s being State of SCMPDS, l being Instruction-Location of SCMPDS holds
     dom (s | the Instruction-Locations of SCMPDS) misses dom Start-At l
   let s be State of SCMPDS,l be Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
     now let x be set;
      assume x in dom (s | A);
      then x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS by Th1;
      then x <> IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:48;
      then not x in {IC SCMPDS} by TARSKI:def 1;
      hence not x in dom Start-At l by AMI_3:34;
   hence dom (s | A) misses dom Start-At l by XBOOLE_0:3;

theorem  ::S8A_Th14
   for s being State of SCMPDS, I,J being Program-block,
 l being Instruction-Location of SCMPDS holds
     s +* (I +* Start-At l), s +* (J +* Start-At l)
         equal_outside the Instruction-Locations of SCMPDS
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I,J be Program-block;
   let l be Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
A1: IC (s +* (J +* Start-At l))
    = IC (s +* J +* Start-At l) by FUNCT_4:15
   .= l by AMI_5:79
   .= IC (s +* I +* Start-At l) by AMI_5:79
   .= IC (s +* (I +* Start-At l)) by FUNCT_4:15;
     now let a;
A2:   a in dom s & not a in dom (I +* Start-At l) &
          not a in dom (J +* Start-At l) by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:61;
      hence (s +* (J +* Start-At l)).a = s.a by FUNCT_4:12
      .= (s +* (I +* Start-At l)).a by A2,FUNCT_4:12;
   hence thesis by A1,SCMPDS_4:11;

theorem Th12: ::S8B_7
 for s1,s2 be State of SCMPDS,I,J be Program-block holds
     s1 | SCM-Data-Loc = s2 | SCM-Data-Loc implies
     s1 +* Initialized I, s2 +* Initialized J
       equal_outside the Instruction-Locations of SCMPDS
   let s1,s2 be State of SCMPDS,I,J be Program-block;
   assume A1: s1 | D = s2 | D;
   set II=Initialized I,
       S1 = s1 +* II,
       IJ=Initialized J,
       S2 = s2 +* IJ;
A2: S1 | D = s1 | D by Th9
    .= S2 | D by A1,Th9;
      II c= S1 & IJ c= S2 by FUNCT_4:26;
    then IC S1 = inspos 0 & IC S2 = inspos 0 by SCMPDS_5:18;
    hence thesis by A2,Th4;

   for I being programmed FinPartState of SCMPDS, x being set holds
     x in dom I implies I.x is Instruction of SCMPDS by SCMFSA8A:48;

theorem Th14: ::S8B_Th4
 for s being State of SCMPDS, l1,l2 being Instruction-Location of SCMPDS
 holds s +* Start-At l1 +* Start-At l2 = s +* Start-At l2
   let s be State of SCMPDS;
   let l1,l2 be Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
A1: dom Start-At l1 = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34
   .= dom Start-At l2 by AMI_3:34;
   thus s +* Start-At l1 +* Start-At l2
    = s +* (Start-At l1 +* Start-At l2) by FUNCT_4:15
   .= s +* Start-At l2 by A1,FUNCT_4:20;

theorem Th15:
     card (i ';' I)= card I + 1
   thus card (i ';' I) = card (Load i ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:def 4
        .=card (Load i) + card I by SCMPDS_4:45
        .=card I+1 by SCMPDS_5:6;

theorem Th16:
   (i ';' I).inspos 0=i
A1: i ';' I=Load i ';' I by SCMPDS_4:def 4;
   inspos 0 in dom Load i by SCMPDS_5:2;
     hence (i ';' I).inspos 0 =(Load i).inspos 0 by A1,SCMPDS_4:37
         .=i by SCMPDS_5:4;

theorem Th17:    ::SP_15
  I c= Initialized stop I
    set pI=stop I;
      pI= I ';' SCMPDS-Stop by SCMPDS_4:def 7;
then A1: I c= pI by SCMPDS_4:40;
      pI c= Initialized pI by SCMPDS_4:9;
    hence thesis by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;

theorem Th18:
   loc in dom I implies loc in dom (stop I)
A1: loc in dom I;
      dom I c= dom (I ';' SCMPDS-Stop) by SCMPDS_4:39;
    then dom I c= dom stop I by SCMPDS_4:def 7;
    hence thesis by A1;

theorem Th19:
   loc in dom I implies (stop I).loc=I.loc
A1: loc in dom I;
    thus (stop I).loc =(I ';' SCMPDS-Stop).loc by SCMPDS_4:def 7
   .=I.loc by A1,SCMPDS_4:37;

theorem Th20:
   loc in dom I implies (Initialized stop I).loc=I.loc
A1: loc in dom I;
    then loc in dom stop (I) by Th18;
    hence (Initialized stop I).loc=(stop I).loc by SCMPDS_4:33
   .=I.loc by A1,Th19;

theorem Th21:
     IC (s+* Initialized I)=inspos 0
       Initialized I c= s+*Initialized I by FUNCT_4:26;
     hence thesis by SCMPDS_5:18;

theorem Th22:
     CurInstr (s+* Initialized stop(i ';' I)) = i
proof set iI=i ';' I,
            IsiI=Initialized stop iI,
       card iI=card I +1 by Th15;
     then 0 < card iI by NAT_1:19;
then A1:  inspos 0 in dom iI by SCMPDS_4:1;
       iI c= IsiI by Th17;
     then A2: dom iI c= dom IsiI by GRFUNC_1:8;
A3:  IC s3 = inspos 0 by Th21;
A4:  inspos 0 in dom Load i by SCMPDS_5:2;
       s3.inspos 0 = IsiI.inspos 0 by A1,A2,FUNCT_4:14
     .= iI.inspos 0 by A1,Th20
     .=(Load i ';' I).inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:def 4
     .=(Load i).inspos 0 by A4,SCMPDS_4:37
     .=i by SCMPDS_5:4;
     hence CurInstr s3 = i by A3,AMI_1:def 17;

theorem Th23:
 for s being State of SCMPDS,m1,m2 being Nat st IC s=inspos m1
 holds ICplusConst(s,m2)=inspos (m1+m2)
    let s be State of SCMPDS,m1,m2 be Nat;
    assume A1: IC s=inspos m1;
     consider m such that
A2:  m = IC s & ICplusConst(s,m2) = abs(m-2+2*m2)+2 by SCMPDS_2:def 20;
A3:  m=il.m1 by A1,A2,SCMPDS_3:def 2
     .=2*m1 +2 by AMI_3:def 20;
A4:  2*m1+2*m2 >= 0 by NAT_1:18;
     thus ICplusConst(s,m2) = abs(2*m1+2*m2)+2 by A2,A3,XCMPLX_1:26
     .=2*m1+2*m2+2 by A4,ABSVALUE:def 1
     .=2*(m1+m2)+2 by XCMPLX_1:8
     .=il.(m1+m2) by AMI_3:def 20
     .=inspos (m1+m2) by SCMPDS_3:def 2;

theorem Th24:
 for I,J being Program-block holds
     Shift(stop J,card I) c= stop(I ';' J)
  let I,J be Program-block;
    stop(I ';' J) =I ';' J ';' SCMPDS-Stop by SCMPDS_4:def 7
  .=I ';' (J ';' SCMPDS-Stop) by SCMPDS_4:46
  .=I ';' (stop J) by SCMPDS_4:def 7;
  then stop(I ';' J) = I +* Shift(stop J, card I) by SCMPDS_4:def 3;
  hence thesis by FUNCT_4:26;

theorem Th25:
  inspos(card I) in dom (stop I) & (stop I).inspos(card I) = halt SCMPDS
    set pI=stop I;
       card pI=card I+1 by SCMPDS_5:7;
     then card I <card pI by REAL_1:69;
    inspos(card I) in dom pI by SCMPDS_4:1;
     set SS=SCMPDS-Stop;
A1:  pI=I ';' SS by SCMPDS_4:def 7;
       pI.inspos(0+card I) =pI.(inspos 0+card I) by SCMPDS_3:def 3
    .=halt SCMPDS by A1,SCMPDS_4:38,73;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th26:
  for x,l being Instruction-Location of SCMPDS holds
    IExec(J,s).x = (IExec(I,s) +* Start-At l).x
    let x,l be Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
A1: dom Start-At l = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      x <> IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:48;
then A2: not x in dom Start-At l by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
A3: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
   thus IExec(J,s).x
    = (Result(s+*Initialized stop J) +* s | A).x by SCMPDS_4:def 8
   .=(s | A).x by A3,FUNCT_4:14
   .= (Result(s+*Initialized stop I) +* s | A).x by A3,FUNCT_4:14
   .= IExec(I,s).x by SCMPDS_4:def 8
   .= (IExec(I,s) +* Start-At l).x by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

theorem Th27:
  for x,l being Instruction-Location of SCMPDS holds
    IExec(I,s).x = (s +* Start-At l).x
    let x,l be Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
A1: dom Start-At l = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      x <> IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:48;
then A2: not x in dom Start-At l by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
A3: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
   thus IExec(I,s).x
    = (Result(s+*Initialized stop I) +* s | A).x by SCMPDS_4:def 8
   .=(s | A).x by A3,FUNCT_4:14
   .= s.x by FUNCT_1:72
   .= (s+* Start-At l).x by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

theorem  ::S8B_12
   for s being State of SCMPDS, i being No-StopCode parahalting Instruction
 of SCMPDS,J being parahalting shiftable Program-block,a being Int_position
 holds IExec(i ';' J,s).a = IExec(J,Exec(i,Initialized s)).a
   let s be State of SCMPDS,i be No-StopCode parahalting Instruction
      of SCMPDS,J be parahalting shiftable Program-block,
      a be Int_position;
   thus IExec(i ';' J,s).a = IExec(Load i ';' J,s).a by SCMPDS_4:def 4
   .= IExec(J,IExec(Load i,s)).a by SCMPDS_5:39
   .= IExec(J,Exec(i,Initialized s)).a by SCMPDS_5:45;

theorem Th29:
 for a being Int_position,k1,k2 being Integer holds
     (a,k1)<>0_goto k2 <> halt SCMPDS
   let a be Int_position,k1,k2 be Integer;
   InsCode ((a,k1)<>0_goto k2) = 4 by SCMPDS_2:25;
   hence thesis by SCMPDS_2:21,93;

theorem Th30:
 for a being Int_position,k1,k2 being Integer holds
     (a,k1)<=0_goto k2 <> halt SCMPDS
    let a be Int_position,k1,k2 be Integer;
  InsCode ((a,k1)<=0_goto k2) = 5 by SCMPDS_2:26;
    hence thesis by SCMPDS_2:21,93;

theorem Th31:
 for a being Int_position,k1,k2 being Integer holds
     (a,k1)>=0_goto k2 <> halt SCMPDS
    let a be Int_position,k1,k2 be Integer;
  InsCode ((a,k1)>=0_goto k2) = 6 by SCMPDS_2:27;
    hence thesis by SCMPDS_2:21,93;

 let k1;
 func Goto k1 -> Program-block equals
:Def1:   Load (goto k1);

   let n be Nat;
   cluster goto (n+1) -> No-StopCode;
   correctness by SCMPDS_5:25;

   cluster goto -(n+1) -> No-StopCode;
         -(n+1) <> 0 by XCMPLX_1:135;
       hence thesis by SCMPDS_5:25;

   let n be Nat;
   cluster Goto (n+1) -> No-StopCode;
         Goto (n+1) =Load goto (n+1) by Def1;
       hence thesis;

   cluster Goto -(n+1) -> No-StopCode;
         Goto -(n+1) =Load goto -(n+1) by Def1;
       hence thesis;

theorem Th32:
    card Goto k1 = 1
   thus card Goto k1 = card Load (goto k1) by Def1
   .=1 by SCMPDS_5:6;

     inspos 0 in dom (inspos 0 .--> goto k1) &
     (inspos 0 .--> goto k1).inspos 0 = goto k1
     dom (inspos 0 .--> goto k1) = {inspos 0} by CQC_LANG:5;
   hence inspos 0 in dom (inspos 0 .--> goto k1) by TARSKI:def 1;
   thus (inspos 0 .--> goto k1).inspos 0 = goto k1 by CQC_LANG:6;

theorem Th33: ::S8A_Th47
     inspos 0 in dom Goto k1 & (Goto k1).inspos 0 = goto k1
     Goto k1 = Load (goto k1) by Def1
  .=(inspos 0 .--> goto k1) by SCMPDS_4:def 1;
   hence thesis by Lm1;

begin :: The predicates of is_closed_on and is_halting_on

 let I be Program-block;
 let s be State of SCMPDS;
 pred I is_closed_on s means
:Def2:     for k being Nat holds
     IC (Computation (s +* Initialized stop I )).k in dom stop I;
 pred I is_halting_on s means
:Def3:    s +* Initialized stop I is halting;

theorem Th34: ::S7B_Th24
 for I being Program-block holds
     I is paraclosed iff for s being State of SCMPDS holds I is_closed_on s
   let I be Program-block;
   set IsI=Initialized stop(I);
   hereby assume A1: I is paraclosed;
      let s be State of SCMPDS;
        IsI c= s +* IsI by FUNCT_4:26;
      then for n holds IC (Computation (s +* IsI)).n in dom stop I
          by A1,SCMPDS_4:def 9;
          hence I is_closed_on s by Def2;
   assume A2: for s being State of SCMPDS holds I is_closed_on s;
     now let s be State of SCMPDS;
      let k be Nat;
      assume IsI c= s;
      then I is_closed_on s & s = s +* IsI by A2,AMI_5:10;
      hence IC (Computation s).k in dom stop I by Def2;
   hence I is paraclosed by SCMPDS_4:def 9;

theorem Th35:  ::S7B_25
 for I being Program-block holds
  I is parahalting iff for s being State of SCMPDS holds I is_halting_on s
   let I be Program-block;
   set IsI=Initialized stop(I);
      assume A1: I is parahalting;
      let s be State of SCMPDS;
        IsI c= s +* IsI by FUNCT_4:26;
      then s +* IsI is halting by A1,SCMPDS_4:63;
      hence I is_halting_on s by Def3;
   assume A2: for s being State of SCMPDS holds I is_halting_on s;
     now let s be State of SCMPDS;
      assume IsI c= s;
      then I is_halting_on s & s = s +* IsI by A2,AMI_5:10;
      hence s is halting by Def3;
   then IsI is halting by AMI_1:def 26;
   hence I is parahalting by SCMPDS_4:def 10;

theorem Th36:
 for s1,s2 being State of SCMPDS, I being Program-block st
     s1 | SCM-Data-Loc = s2 | SCM-Data-Loc holds
     I is_closed_on s1 implies I is_closed_on s2
   let s1,s2 be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block;
   set pI=stop I,
       IsI=Initialized pI,
       C1 = Computation (s1 +* IsI),
       C2 = Computation (s2 +* IsI);
   assume A1: s1 | D = s2 | D;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s1;
   defpred P[Nat] means
       IC C1.$1 = IC C2.$1 &
       CurInstr C1.$1 = CurInstr C2.$1 &
       C1.$1 | D = C2.$1 | D;
A3:  IC SCMPDS in dom IsI by SCMPDS_4:7;
A4:  C1.0 = s1 +* IsI & C2.0 = s2 +* IsI by AMI_1:def 19;
A5:  IC C1.0 = C1.0.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= IsI.IC SCMPDS by A3,A4,FUNCT_4:14
     .= inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:29;
A6:  IC C2.0 = C2.0.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= IsI.IC SCMPDS by A3,A4,FUNCT_4:14
     .= inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:29;
A7:  pI c= IsI by SCMPDS_4:9;
then A8:  dom pI c= dom IsI by GRFUNC_1:8;
     A9: inspos 0 in dom pI by SCMPDS_4:75;
A10: CurInstr C1.0 = C1.0.IC C1.0 by AMI_1:def 17
     .= IsI.inspos 0 by A4,A5,A8,A9,FUNCT_4:14
     .= C2.0.IC C2.0 by A4,A6,A8,A9,FUNCT_4:14
     .= CurInstr C2.0 by AMI_1:def 17;
       C1.0 | D = s1 | D by A4,Th9
     .= C2.0 | D by A1,A4,Th9;
then A11:  P[0] by A5,A6,A10;
A12:  now let k be Nat;
A13:   P[k];
       then for a holds C1.k.a = C2.k.a by SCMPDS_4:23;
       then C1.k,C2.k equal_outside A by A13,SCMPDS_4:11;
then A14:   Exec(CurInstr C1.k,C1.k),Exec(CurInstr C1.k,C2.k) equal_outside A
          by SCMPDS_4:15;
       thus P[k+1]
         IsI c= s1 +* IsI & IsI c= s2 +* IsI by FUNCT_4:26;
then A15:   pI c= s1 +* IsI & pI c= s2 +* IsI by A7,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A16:   pI c= C1.k & pI c= C2.k by AMI_3:38;
A17:   pI c= C1.(k + 1) & pI c= C2.(k + 1) by A15,AMI_3:38;
A18:   IC C1.k in dom pI by A2,Def2;
A19:   CurInstr C1.k = C1.k.IC C1.k by AMI_1:def 17
      .= pI.IC C1.k by A16,A18,GRFUNC_1:8
      .= C2.k.IC C2.k by A13,A16,A18,GRFUNC_1:8
      .= CurInstr C2.k by AMI_1:def 17;
A20:  C1.(k + 1) = Following C1.k by AMI_1:def 19
      .= Exec(CurInstr C1.k,C1.k) by AMI_1:def 18;
      A21: C2.(k + 1) = Following C2.k by AMI_1:def 19
      .= Exec(CurInstr C2.k,C2.k) by AMI_1:def 18;
A22:  IC C1.(k + 1) = IC C2.(k + 1) by A14,A19,A20,SCMFSA6A:29;
A23:  IC C1.(k + 1) in dom pI by A2,Def2;
          CurInstr C1.(k + 1) = C1.(k + 1).IC C1.(k + 1) by AMI_1:def 17
         .= pI.IC C1.(k + 1) by A17,A23,GRFUNC_1:8
         .= C2.(k + 1).IC C2.(k + 1) by A17,A22,A23,GRFUNC_1:8
         .= CurInstr C2.(k + 1) by AMI_1:def 17;
      thus C1.(k + 1) | D = C2.(k + 1) | D by A14,A19,A20,A21,SCMPDS_4:24;
     now let k be Nat;
   A24: IC C1.k in dom pI by A2,Def2;
        for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A11,A12);
      hence IC C2.k in dom pI by A24;
   hence I is_closed_on s2 by Def2;

theorem  ::S8B_Th8
   for s1,s2 being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block st
  s1 | SCM-Data-Loc = s2 | SCM-Data-Loc holds
     I is_closed_on s1 & I is_halting_on s1 implies
     I is_closed_on s2 & I is_halting_on s2
   let s1,s2 be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block;
   set pI=stop I,
       IsI=Initialized pI,
       C1 = Computation (s1 +* IsI),
       C2 = Computation (s2 +* IsI);
    assume A1: s1 | D = s2 | D;
    assume A2: I is_closed_on s1;
    assume I is_halting_on s1;
    then s1 +* IsI is halting by Def3;
    then consider m such that
A3: CurInstr C1.m = halt SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 20;
    defpred P[Nat] means
       IC C1.$1 = IC C2.$1 &
       CurInstr C1.$1 = CurInstr C2.$1 &
       C1.$1 | D = C2.$1 | D;
A4: IC SCMPDS in dom IsI by SCMPDS_4:7;
A5: C1.0 = s1 +* IsI & C2.0 = s2 +* IsI by AMI_1:def 19;
A6: IC C1.0 = C1.0.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
    .= IsI.IC SCMPDS by A4,A5,FUNCT_4:14
    .= inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:29;
A7:  IC C2.0 = C2.0.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= IsI.IC SCMPDS by A4,A5,FUNCT_4:14
     .= inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:29;
A8:  pI c= IsI by SCMPDS_4:9;
then A9: dom pI c= dom IsI by GRFUNC_1:8;
     A10: inspos 0 in dom pI by SCMPDS_4:75;
A11: CurInstr C1.0 = C1.0.IC C1.0 by AMI_1:def 17
     .= IsI.inspos 0 by A5,A6,A9,A10,FUNCT_4:14
     .= C2.0.IC C2.0 by A5,A7,A9,A10,FUNCT_4:14
     .= CurInstr C2.0 by AMI_1:def 17;
       C1.0,C2.0 equal_outside A by A1,A5,Th12;
then A12:  P[0] by A6,A7,A11,SCMPDS_4:24;
A13:  now let k be Nat;
      assume A14: P[k];
        then for a holds C1.k.a = C2.k.a by SCMPDS_4:23;
        then C1.k,C2.k equal_outside A by A14,SCMPDS_4:11;
then A15:    Exec(CurInstr C1.k,C1.k),Exec(CurInstr C1.k,C2.k) equal_outside A
          by SCMPDS_4:15;
        thus P[k+1]
          IsI c= s1 +* IsI & IsI c= s2 +* IsI by FUNCT_4:26;
then A16:    pI c= s1 +* IsI & pI c= s2 +* IsI by A8,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A17:    pI c= C1.k & pI c= C2.k by AMI_3:38;
A18:    pI c= C1.(k + 1) & pI c= C2.(k + 1) by A16,AMI_3:38;
A19:    IC C1.k in dom pI by A2,Def2;
A20:    CurInstr C1.k = C1.k.IC C1.k by AMI_1:def 17
        .= pI.IC C1.k by A17,A19,GRFUNC_1:8
        .= C2.k.IC C2.k by A14,A17,A19,GRFUNC_1:8
        .= CurInstr C2.k by AMI_1:def 17;
A21:    C1.(k + 1) = Following C1.k by AMI_1:def 19
        .= Exec(CurInstr C1.k,C1.k) by AMI_1:def 18;
        A22: C2.(k + 1) = Following C2.k by AMI_1:def 19
        .= Exec(CurInstr C2.k,C2.k) by AMI_1:def 18;
A23:   IC C1.(k + 1) = IC C2.(k + 1) by A15,A20,A21,SCMFSA6A:29;
A24:   IC C1.(k + 1) in dom pI by A2,Def2;
       thus CurInstr C1.(k + 1) = C1.(k + 1).IC C1.(k + 1) by AMI_1:def 17
       .= pI.IC C1.(k + 1) by A18,A24,GRFUNC_1:8
       .= C2.(k + 1).IC C2.(k + 1) by A18,A23,A24,GRFUNC_1:8
       .= CurInstr C2.(k + 1) by AMI_1:def 17;
      thus C1.(k + 1) | D = C2.(k + 1) | D by A15,A20,A21,A22,SCMPDS_4:24;
       for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A12,A13);
     then CurInstr C2.m = halt SCMPDS by A3;
then A25: s2 +* IsI is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       now let k be Nat;
A26:   IC C1.k in dom pI by A2,Def2;
         for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A12,A13);
       hence IC C2.k in dom pI by A26;
     hence I is_closed_on s2 by Def2;
     thus I is_halting_on s2 by A25,Def3;

theorem Th38: ::S8B_Th9
 for s being State of SCMPDS, I,J being Program-block holds
     I is_closed_on s iff I is_closed_on s +* Initialized J
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I,J be Program-block;
     s | D = (s +* Initialized J) | D by Th9;
   hence thesis by Th36;

theorem Th39:
 for I,J being Program-block,s being State of SCMPDS
 st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
 (for k being Nat st k <= LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I) holds
     IC (Computation (s +* Initialized stop I)).k =
         IC (Computation (s +* Initialized stop (I ';' J))).k) &
 (Computation (s +* Initialized stop I)).
   (LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I)) | SCM-Data-Loc =
     (Computation (s +* Initialized stop (I ';' J))).
         (LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I)) | SCM-Data-Loc
   let I,J be Program-block,s be State of SCMPDS;
   assume A1: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A2: I is_halting_on s;
 set pI=stop I,
     IsI=Initialized pI,
     pIJ=stop (I ';' J),
     IsJ=Initialized pIJ,
     s1=s +* IsI,
     IL=the Instruction-Locations of SCMPDS;
A3: s1 is halting by A2,Def3;
A4: IsI=pI +* Start-At inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:def 2;
A5: IsI c= s1 by FUNCT_4:26;
then A6: s1 +* IsJ = s1 +* pIJ by SCMPDS_4:34;
    defpred X[Nat] means $1 <= LifeSpan s1 implies
       (Computation s1).$1,(Computation (s1+*IsJ)).$1 equal_outside IL;
      (Computation s1).0 = s1 &
    (Computation (s1+*IsJ)).0 = s1+*IsJ by AMI_1:def 19;
then A7: X[0] by A6,SCMFSA6A:27;
A8: for m st X[m] holds X[m+1]
   proof let m;
A9:   m <= LifeSpan s1 implies
         (Computation s1).m,(Computation (s1+*IsJ)).m equal_outside IL;
      assume A10: m+1 <= LifeSpan s1;
then A11:    m < LifeSpan s1 by NAT_1:38;
       set Cs = Computation s1,
           CsIJ = Computation (s1+*IsJ);
A12:    Cs.(m+1) = Following Cs.m by AMI_1:def 19
             .= Exec(CurInstr Cs.m,Cs.m) by AMI_1:def 18;
A13:   CsIJ.(m+1) = Following CsIJ.m by AMI_1:def 19
             .= Exec(CurInstr CsIJ.m,CsIJ.m) by AMI_1:def 18;
A14:   IC (Cs.m) = IC (CsIJ.m) by A9,A10,NAT_1:38,SCMFSA6A:29;
A15:   IC Cs.m in dom pI by A1,Def2;
         dom pI misses dom Start-At inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:54;
       then pI c= pI +* Start-At inspos 0 by FUNCT_4:33;
       then pI c= s1 by A4,A5,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A16:   pI c= Cs.m by AMI_3:38;
         pIJ c= s1+* IsJ by A6,FUNCT_4:26;
then A17:   pIJ c= CsIJ.m by AMI_3:38;
A18:   CurInstr(Cs.m) = (Cs.m).IC (Cs.m) by AMI_1:def 17
        .= pI.IC (Cs.m) by A15,A16,GRFUNC_1:8;
  then pI.IC(Cs.m) <> halt SCMPDS by A3,A11,SCM_1:def 2;
then A19:   IC Cs.m in dom I by A15,SCMPDS_5:3;
      set JS=J ';' SCMPDS-Stop;
A20:   pIJ =I ';' J ';' SCMPDS-Stop by SCMPDS_4:def 7
      .=I ';' JS by SCMPDS_4:46;
        dom(I ';' JS) = dom (I +* Shift(JS, card I)) by SCMPDS_4:def 3
      .= dom I \/ dom Shift(JS, card I) by FUNCT_4:def 1;
      then A21: dom I c= dom(I ';' JS) by XBOOLE_1:7;
        CurInstr(Cs.m)= (I ';' SCMPDS-Stop).IC (Cs.m) by A18,SCMPDS_4:def 7
        .=I.IC (Cs.m) by A19,SCMPDS_4:37
        .=pIJ.IC(Cs.m) by A19,A20,SCMPDS_4:37
        .=(CsIJ.m).IC(Cs.m) by A17,A19,A20,A21,GRFUNC_1:8
        .= CurInstr(CsIJ.m) by A14,AMI_1:def 17;
      hence (Computation s1).(m+1),(Computation(s1+*IsJ)).(m+1)
          equal_outside IL by A9,A10,A12,A13,NAT_1:38,SCMPDS_4:15;
A22: s1+*IsJ=s +* (IsI +* IsJ) by FUNCT_4:15
     .=s+*IsJ by SCMPDS_5:17;
A23: for m holds X[m] from Ind(A7,A8);
        let k be Nat;
        assume k <= LifeSpan s1;
         then (Computation s1).k,(Computation (s1 +* IsJ)).k
         equal_outside IL by A23;
         hence IC (Computation s1).k =IC (Computation (s +* IsJ)).k by A22,
     set m=LifeSpan s1;
       (Computation s1).m,(Computation (s1 +* IsJ)).m equal_outside IL by A23;
       (Computation s1).m | D =(Computation (s +* IsJ)).m | D by A22,SCMPDS_4:

theorem Th40:
 for I being Program-block,k be Nat st I is_closed_on s &
 I is_halting_on s & k < LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop(I))
 holds IC (Computation (s +* Initialized stop(I))).k in dom I
 let I be Program-block,k be Nat;
  set IsI=Initialized stop(I),
      ss= s +* IsI,
      m=LifeSpan ss,
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s & k < m;
A2: stop I = I ';' Sp by SCMPDS_4:def 7;
    set Sk= (Computation ss).k,
        Ik=IC Sk;
A3: IsI c= ss by FUNCT_4:26;
A4: Ik in dom stop(I) by A1,Def2;
A5: ss is halting by A1,Def3;
      stop I c= IsI by SCMPDS_4:9;
then A6: stop I c= ss by A3,XBOOLE_1:1;
    consider n such that
A7: inspos n= Ik by SCMPDS_3:32;
      card stop I=card I + 1 by SCMPDS_5:7;
    then n < card I + 1 by A4,A7,SCMPDS_4:1;
then A8: n <= card I by INT_1:20;
      now assume
        A9: n = card I;
          CurInstr Sk = Sk.Ik by AMI_1:def 17
        .=ss.Ik by AMI_1:54
        .=(stop I).inspos(0+n) by A4,A6,A7,GRFUNC_1:8
        .=(stop I).(inspos 0+n) by SCMPDS_3:def 3
        .=halt SCMPDS by A2,A9,SCMPDS_4:38,73;
        hence contradiction by A1,A5,SCM_1:def 2;
    then n < card I by A8,REAL_1:def 5;
    hence thesis by A7,SCMPDS_4:1;

theorem Th41:
 for I,J being Program-block,s being State of SCMPDS,k being Nat
 st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s &
   k < LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I) holds
     CurInstr (Computation (s +* Initialized stop I)).k =
     CurInstr (Computation (s +* Initialized stop (I ';' J))).k
   let I,J be Program-block,s be State of SCMPDS,k be Nat;
   set IsI=Initialized stop I,
       IsJ=Initialized stop (I ';' J),
  set s3=(Computation s1).k,
      s4=(Computation s2).k,
   assume A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s & k < LifeSpan s1;
then A2:   IC s3 in dom I by Th40;
A3:   IC s3= IC s4 by A1,Th39;
A4:   IC s3 in dom stop(I) by A1,Def2;
A5:   IsI c= s1 by FUNCT_4:26;
        stop I c= IsI by SCMPDS_4:9;
then A6:   stop I c= s1 by A5,XBOOLE_1:1;
      A7: dom stop I c= dom stop (I ';' J) by SCMPDS_5:16;
A8:   IsJ c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
        stop (I ';' J) c= IsJ by SCMPDS_4:9;
then A9:   stop (I ';' J) c= s2 by A8,XBOOLE_1:1;
A10:   stop I = I ';' SS by SCMPDS_4:def 7;
A11:   stop (I ';' J) = I ';' J ';' SS by SCMPDS_4:def 7
      .=I ';' (J ';' SS) by SCMPDS_4:46;
      thus CurInstr s3 =s3.IC s3 by AMI_1:def 17
      .=s1.IC s3 by AMI_1:54
      .=(stop I).IC s3 by A4,A6,GRFUNC_1:8
      .=I.IC s3 by A2,A10,SCMPDS_4:37
      .=(stop (I ';' J)).IC s3 by A2,A11,SCMPDS_4:37
     .=s2.IC s4 by A3,A4,A7,A9,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=s4.IC s4 by AMI_1:54
    .=CurInstr s4 by AMI_1:def 17;

theorem Th42:     ::SCMPDS_5:32
 for I being No-StopCode Program-block,s being State of SCMPDS,
 k being Nat st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s &
    k < LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I)
 holds CurInstr (Computation (s +* Initialized stop I)).k <> halt SCMPDS
  let I be No-StopCode Program-block,s be State of SCMPDS,k be Nat;
  set IsI=Initialized stop(I),
      ss=s +* IsI,
      s2=(Computation ss).k;
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s & k < LifeSpan ss;
A2: IsI c= ss by FUNCT_4:26;
      I c= IsI by Th17;
    then I c= ss by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A3: I c= s2 by AMI_3:38;
A4: IC s2 in dom I by A1,Th40;
      CurInstr s2=s2.IC s2 by AMI_1:def 17
    .=I.IC s2 by A3,A4,GRFUNC_1:8;
    hence thesis by A4,SCMPDS_5:def 3;

theorem Th43:
 for I being No-StopCode Program-block,s being State of SCMPDS
 st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
   IC (Computation (s +* Initialized stop I)).
   LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I) = inspos card I
    let I be No-StopCode Program-block,s be State of SCMPDS;
    set IsI=Initialized stop(I),
        s1=s +* IsI;
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s;
then A2: s1 is halting by Def3;
A3: IsI c= s1 by FUNCT_4:26;
      I c= IsI by Th17;
then A4: I c= s1 by A3,XBOOLE_1:1;
    set Css=(Computation s1).LifeSpan s1;
A5: IC Css in dom stop(I) by A1,Def2;
    consider n such that
A6: inspos n= IC Css by SCMPDS_3:32;
       assume A7: IC Css in dom I;
       then I.IC Css=s1.IC Css by A4,GRFUNC_1:8
       .=Css.IC Css by AMI_1:54
       .=CurInstr Css by AMI_1:def 17
       .=halt SCMPDS by A2,SCM_1:def 2;
       hence contradiction by A7,SCMPDS_5:def 3;
then A8: n >= card I by A6,SCMPDS_4:1;
      card stop I =card I + 1 by SCMPDS_5:7;
    then n < card I + 1 by A5,A6,SCMPDS_4:1;
    then n <= card I by NAT_1:38;
    hence IC (Computation s1).LifeSpan s1 =inspos card I by A6,A8,AXIOMS:21;

 for I being No-StopCode Program-block, J being Program-block,
 s being State of SCMPDS st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
     IC (Computation (s +* Initialized stop (
        I ';' Goto (card J + 1) ';' J ))).
         (LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I) + 1) =
         inspos (card I + card J + 1) &
     (Computation (s +* Initialized stop I)).
         (LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I)) | D =
     (Computation (s +* Initialized stop (I ';' Goto (card J + 1) ';' J))).
         (LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I) + 1) | D &
     (for k being Nat st k <= LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I) holds
         CurInstr (Computation (s +*Initialized stop
         (I ';' Goto (card J + 1) ';' J ))).k <> halt SCMPDS) &
     IC (Computation (s +* Initialized stop
        (I ';' Goto (card J + 1) ';' J))).
         (LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I)) = inspos card I &
     s +* Initialized stop (I ';' Goto (card J + 1) ';' J) is halting &
     LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop (I ';' Goto (card J + 1) ';' J))
      = LifeSpan (s +* Initialized stop I) + 1
   let I be No-StopCode Program-block, J be Program-block,
    s be State of SCMPDS;
   assume A1: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A2: I is_halting_on s;
   set G1=Goto (card J + 1),
       SS = SCMPDS-Stop,
       J2 = G1 ';' J ';' SS,
       IJ=I ';' G1 ';' J,
       pJ=stop IJ,
       IsJ=Initialized pJ,
       s1 = s +* Initialized stop I,
       s2 = s +* IsJ;

A3:  pJ =I ';' G1 ';' J ';' SS by SCMPDS_4:def 7
       .=I ';' (G1 ';' J) ';' SS by SCMPDS_4:46
       .=I ';' J2 by SCMPDS_4:46;
A4:  IJ =I ';' (G1 ';' J) by SCMPDS_4:46;
A5:  card (G1 ';' J) = card G1 + card J by SCMPDS_4:45
     .=1 + card J by Th32;
       pJ c= IsJ by SCMPDS_4:9;
then A6:  dom pJ c= dom IsJ by GRFUNC_1:8;
A7:  card pJ = card I + card J2 by A3,SCMPDS_4:45;
A8:  card J2 = card (G1 ';' (J ';' SS)) by SCMPDS_4:46
     .=card G1 + card (J ';' SS) by SCMPDS_4:45
     .= 1 + card (J ';' SS) by Th32;
     then 0 + 1 <= card J2 by NAT_1:29;
then A9:  0 < card J2 by NAT_1:38;
     then card I + 0 < card pJ by A7,REAL_1:53;
then A10:  inspos card I in dom pJ by SCMPDS_4:1;
A11: inspos 0 in dom J2 by A9,SCMPDS_4:1;
A12: inspos 0 in dom G1 by Th33;
A13: J2.inspos 0 = (G1 ';' (J ';' SS)).inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:46
     .=G1.inspos 0 by A12,SCMPDS_4:37
     .=goto (card J + 1) by Th33;
     set sm=(Computation s2).LifeSpan s1;
A14: (Computation s1).(LifeSpan s1) | D = sm | D &
     IC (Computation s1).(LifeSpan s1) =IC sm by A1,A2,A4,Th39;
then A15:  IC sm = inspos card I by A1,A2,Th43;
then A16:  CurInstr (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s1)
      = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s1).inspos card I by AMI_1:def 17
      .= s2.inspos card I by AMI_1:54
      .= IsJ.inspos card I by A6,A10,FUNCT_4:14
      .= (I ';' J2).inspos(0+card I) by A3,A10,SCMPDS_4:33
      .= (I ';' J2).(inspos 0 + card I) by SCMPDS_3:def 3
      .= goto (card J + 1) by A11,A13,SCMPDS_4:38;
A17:  card J2 = 1 + (card J + card SS) by A8,SCMPDS_4:45
      .= card J + (1 + card SS) by XCMPLX_1:1;
      then card J + 1 < card J2 by REAL_1:53,SCMPDS_4:74;
then A18: inspos (card J + 1) in dom J2 by SCMPDS_4:1;
       card pJ = card I + card J + (1 + card SS) by A7,A17,XCMPLX_1:1
     .= card I + card J + 1 + 1 by SCMPDS_4:74,XCMPLX_1:1;
     then card I + card J + 1 < card pJ by NAT_1:38;
then A19: inspos (card I + card J + 1) in dom pJ by SCMPDS_4:1;
A20: J2.inspos (card J + 1)=J2.inspos(0+card (G1 ';' J)) by A5
     .=J2.(inspos 0+ card (G1 ';' J)) by SCMPDS_3:def 3
     .=halt SCMPDS by SCMPDS_4:38,73;
     IC (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s1 + 1)
    = IC Following sm by AMI_1:def 19
   .= IC Exec (goto (card J + 1),sm) by A16,AMI_1:def 18
   .= Exec (goto (card J + 1),sm).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
   .= ICplusConst(sm,card J +1) by SCMPDS_2:66
   .=inspos (card I + (card J + 1)) by A15,Th23
   .=inspos (card I + card J + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A21: CurInstr (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s1 + 1)
      = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s1 + 1).inspos (card I + card J + 1)
        by AMI_1:def 17
     .= s2.inspos (card I + card J + 1) by AMI_1:54
     .= IsJ.inspos (card I + card J + 1) by A6,A19,FUNCT_4:14
     .= (I ';' J2).inspos (card I + card J + 1) by A3,A19,SCMPDS_4:33
     .= (I ';' J2).inspos(card I+(card J+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
     .= (I ';' J2).(inspos (card J+1)+card I) by SCMPDS_3:def 3
     .= halt SCMPDS by A18,A20,SCMPDS_4:38;
   now let a;
      thus (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s1 + 1).a
      = (Following sm).a by AMI_1:def 19
      .= Exec(goto (card J + 1),sm).a
         by A16,AMI_1:def 18
      .= sm.a by SCMPDS_2:66;
   hence (Computation s1).(LifeSpan s1) | D
       = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s1 + 1) | D by A14,SCMPDS_4:23;
A22: now let k be Nat;
A23:  k <= LifeSpan s1;
      per cases;
A24:   k < LifeSpan s1;
       then CurInstr (Computation s1).k <> halt SCMPDS by A1,A2,Th42;
          CurInstr (Computation s2).k <> halt SCMPDS by A1,A2,A4,A24,Th41;
      suppose LifeSpan s1 <= k;
then k = LifeSpan s1 by A23,AXIOMS:21;
       hence CurInstr (Computation s2).k <> halt SCMPDS by A16,SCMPDS_2:85;
A25: now let k be Nat;
      assume CurInstr (Computation s2).k = halt SCMPDS;
         then LifeSpan s1 < k by A22;
         hence LifeSpan s1+1 <= k by INT_1:20;
     thus IC (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s1) = inspos card I
       by A1,A2,A14,Th43;
     thus s2 is halting by A21,AMI_1:def 20;
     hence LifeSpan s2 = LifeSpan s1 + 1 by A21,A25,SCM_1:def 2;

theorem Th44:  ::S8A_58
 for I,J being Program-block,s being State of SCMPDS
 st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s
     I ';' Goto (card J + 1) ';' J is_halting_on s &
     I ';' Goto (card J + 1) ';' J is_closed_on s
   let I,J be Program-block,s be State of SCMPDS;
   assume A1: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A2: I is_halting_on s;
   set G = Goto (card J + 1),
       IJ = I ';' G ';' J,
       J2 = I ';' (G ';' J),
       pJ = stop J2,
       IsJ=Initialized pJ,
       pI =stop I,
       IsI=Initialized pI,
       s1 = s +* IsI,
       s2 = s +* IsJ,
       m=LifeSpan s1,
       s3=(Computation s1).m,
       s4=(Computation s2).m;
A3:  IJ=I ';' (G ';' J) by SCMPDS_4:46;
A4: s1 is halting by A2,Def3;
A5: IC s3 in dom pI by A1,Def2;
    consider n such that
A6: inspos n= IC s3 by SCMPDS_3:32;
      card pI=card I + 1 by SCMPDS_5:7;
    then n < card I + 1 by A5,A6,SCMPDS_4:1;
then A7: n <= card I by INT_1:20;
A8: dom pI c= dom pJ by SCMPDS_5:16;
    set JS=G ';' J ';' SS;
A9:  pJ =I ';' (G ';' J) ';' SS by SCMPDS_4:def 7
       .=I ';' JS by SCMPDS_4:46;
A10:    IsI c= s1 by FUNCT_4:26;
         pI c= IsI by SCMPDS_4:9;
then A11:    pI c= s1 by A10,XBOOLE_1:1;
         I c= I ';' SS by SCMPDS_4:40;
       then I c= pI by SCMPDS_4:def 7;
       then I c= s1 by A11,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A12:    I c= s3 by AMI_3:38;
A13:    IsJ c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
         pJ c= IsJ by SCMPDS_4:9;
then A14:    pJ c= s2 by A13,XBOOLE_1:1;
         I c= pJ by A9,SCMPDS_4:40;
       then I c= s2 by A14,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A15:    I c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
    per cases;
    suppose IC s3 <> inspos card I;
       then n < card I by A6,A7,REAL_1:def 5;
then A16:    IC s3 in dom I by A6,SCMPDS_4:1;
A17:    halt SCMPDS=CurInstr s3 by A4,SCM_1:def 2
       .=s3.IC s3 by AMI_1:def 17
       .=I.IC s3 by A12,A16,GRFUNC_1:8
       .=s4.IC s3 by A15,A16,GRFUNC_1:8
       .=s4.IC s4 by A1,A2,Th39
       .=CurInstr s4 by AMI_1:def 17;
then A18:    s2 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       hence IJ is_halting_on s by A3,Def3;
         now let k be Nat;
           set C1k=IC (Computation s1).k,
               C2k=IC (Computation s2).k;
           per cases;
           suppose A19:k <= m;
               C1k in dom pI by A1,Def2;
             then C1k in dom pJ by A8;
             hence C2k in dom pJ by A1,A2,A19,Th39;
           suppose A20:k > m;
             set m2=LifeSpan s2;
A21:          m2 <= m by A17,A18,SCM_1:def 2;
             then k >= m2 by A20,AXIOMS:22;
             then C2k=IC (Computation s2).m2 by A18,Th3
             .=IC (Computation s1).m2 by A1,A2,A21,Th39;
             then C2k in dom pI by A1,Def2;
             hence C2k in dom pJ by A8;
        hence IJ is_closed_on s by A3,Def2;

    suppose IC s3 =inspos card I;
then A22:  IC s4=inspos card I by A1,A2,Th39;
A23:  card (G ';' J) = card G + card J by SCMPDS_4:45
     .=1 + card J by Th32;
A24:  card pJ = card I + card JS by A9,SCMPDS_4:45;
A25:  JS =G ';' (J ';' SS) by SCMPDS_4:46;
then A26:  card JS =card G + card (J ';' SS) by SCMPDS_4:45
     .= 1 + card (J ';' SS) by Th32
     .= card J + 1 + 1 by SCMPDS_4:45,74;
     then 0 + 1 <= card JS by NAT_1:29;
then A27:  0 < card JS by NAT_1:38;
     then card I + 0 < card pJ by A24,REAL_1:53;
then A28:  inspos card I in dom pJ by SCMPDS_4:1;
A29: inspos 0 in dom JS by A27,SCMPDS_4:1;
A30: inspos 0 in dom G by Th33;
A31:  CurInstr s4= s4.inspos card I by A22,AMI_1:def 17
      .= s2.inspos card I by AMI_1:54
      .= (I ';' JS).inspos(0+card I) by A9,A14,A28,GRFUNC_1:8
      .= (I ';' JS).(inspos 0 + card I) by SCMPDS_3:def 3
      .= JS.inspos 0 by A29,SCMPDS_4:38
      .=G.inspos 0 by A25,A30,SCMPDS_4:37
      .=goto (card J + 1) by Th33;
         card J + 1 < card JS by A26,NAT_1:38;
then A32: inspos (card J + 1) in dom JS by SCMPDS_4:1;
       card pJ = card I + (card J + (1 + 1)) by A24,A26,XCMPLX_1:1
     .= card I + card J + (1 + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1
     .= card I + card J + 1 + 1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
     then A33: card I + card J + 1 < card pJ by NAT_1:38;
then A34: inspos (card I + card J + 1) in dom pJ by SCMPDS_4:1;
A35:  JS.inspos (card J + 1)=JS.inspos(0+card (G ';' J)) by A23
      .=JS.(inspos 0+ card (G ';' J)) by SCMPDS_3:def 3
      .=halt SCMPDS by SCMPDS_4:38,73;
A36:   IC (Computation s2).(m + 1)
       = IC Following s4 by AMI_1:def 19
      .= IC Exec (goto (card J + 1),s4) by A31,AMI_1:def 18
      .= Exec (goto (card J + 1),s4).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
      .= ICplusConst(s4,card J +1) by SCMPDS_2:66
      .=inspos (card I + (card J + 1)) by A22,Th23
      .=inspos (card I + card J + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A37:   CurInstr (Computation s2).(m + 1)
      = (Computation s2).(m+ 1).inspos (card I + card J + 1) by AMI_1:def 17
     .= s2.inspos (card I + card J + 1) by AMI_1:54
      .= (I ';' JS).inspos (card I + card J + 1) by A9,A14,A34,GRFUNC_1:8
     .= (I ';' JS).inspos(card I+(card J+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
     .= (I ';' JS).(inspos (card J+1)+card I) by SCMPDS_3:def 3
     .= halt SCMPDS by A32,A35,SCMPDS_4:38;
then A38:  s2 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
     hence IJ is_halting_on s by A3,Def3;
       let k be Nat;
       set C1k=IC (Computation s1).k,
           C2k=IC (Computation s2).k;
         per cases;
         suppose A39:k <= m;
             C1k in dom pI by A1,Def2;
           then C1k in dom pJ by A8;
           hence C2k in dom pJ by A1,A2,A39,Th39;
         suppose k > m;
then A40:          k >= m+1 by INT_1:20;
          set m2=LifeSpan s2;
A41:        m2 <= m+1 by A37,A38,SCM_1:def 2;
           then k >= m2 by A40,AXIOMS:22;
           then C2k=IC (Computation s2).m2 by A38,Th3
           .=inspos (card I + card J + 1) by A36,A38,A41,Th3;
           hence C2k in dom pJ by A33,SCMPDS_4:1;
      hence IJ is_closed_on s by A3,Def2;

theorem Th45:  :: SP4_88,Th27
 for I being shiftable Program-block st
 Initialized stop I c= s1 & I is_closed_on s1
 for n being Nat st Shift(stop I,n) c= s2 &
   IC s2 = inspos n & s1 | SCM-Data-Loc = s2 | SCM-Data-Loc
   for i being Nat holds
     IC (Computation s1).i + n = IC (Computation s2).i &
     CurInstr ((Computation s1).i) = CurInstr ((Computation s2).i) &
     (Computation s1).i | SCM-Data-Loc = (Computation s2).i | SCM-Data-Loc
   let I be shiftable Program-block;
   set SI=stop I,
       II = Initialized SI;
A1: II c= s1 & I is_closed_on s1;
   let n be Nat; assume that
A2: Shift(SI,n) c= s2 and
A3: IC s2 = inspos n and
A4: s1 | SCM-Data-Loc = s2 | SCM-Data-Loc;
A5: s1=s1 +* II by A1,AMI_5:10;
   set C1 = Computation s1;
   set C2 = Computation s2;
   let i be Nat;
   defpred P[Nat] means
       IC C1.$1 + n = IC C2.$1 &
       CurInstr (C1.$1) = CurInstr (C2.$1) &
       C1.$1 | SCM-Data-Loc = C2.$1 | SCM-Data-Loc;
A6: II= SI +* Start-At inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:def 2;
       dom SI misses dom Start-At inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:54;
then A7:  SI c= II by A6,FUNCT_4:33;
then A8: dom SI c= dom II by GRFUNC_1:8;
A9: inspos 0 in dom SI by SCMPDS_4:75;
A10: P[0]
A11:  IC SCMPDS in dom II by SCMPDS_4:7;
       inspos 0 + n in dom Shift(SI,n) by A9,SCMPDS_4:76;
then A12:  inspos (0 + n) in dom Shift(SI,n) by SCMPDS_3:def 3;
       IC C1.0 = IC s1 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= s1.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
    .= II.IC SCMPDS by A1,A11,GRFUNC_1:8
    .= inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:29;
   hence IC C1.0 + n = inspos (0 + n) by SCMPDS_3:def 3
      .= IC C2.0 by A3,AMI_1:def 19;
A13: s1.IC s1 = s1.(s1.IC SCMPDS) by AMI_1:def 15
      .= s1.((II).IC SCMPDS) by A1,A11,GRFUNC_1:8
      .= s1.inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:29
      .= II.inspos 0 by A1,A8,A9,GRFUNC_1:8
      .= SI.inspos 0 by A7,A9,GRFUNC_1:8;
    thus CurInstr (C1.0)
       = CurInstr s1 by AMI_1:def 19
      .= s1.IC s1 by AMI_1:def 17
      .= Shift(SI,n).(inspos 0 + n) by A9,A13,SCMPDS_3:37
      .= Shift(SI,n).inspos (0 + n) by SCMPDS_3:def 3
      .= s2.IC s2 by A2,A3,A12,GRFUNC_1:8
      .= CurInstr s2 by AMI_1:def 17
      .= CurInstr (C2.0) by AMI_1:def 19;
  thus C1.0 | SCM-Data-Loc
       = s2 | SCM-Data-Loc by A4,AMI_1:def 19
      .= C2.0 | SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_1:def 19;
A14: for k being Nat st P[k] holds P[k + 1]
       let k be Nat;
       assume A15: P[k];
      set i = CurInstr C1.k;
  A16: C1.(k + 1) = Following C1.k by AMI_1:def 19
      .= Exec(CurInstr C1.k,C1.k) by AMI_1:def 18;
  A17: C2.(k + 1) = Following C2.k by AMI_1:def 19
      .= Exec(CurInstr C2.k,C2.k) by AMI_1:def 18;
   A18: IC C1.k in dom SI by A1,A5,Def2;
   A19: i = C1.k.(IC C1.k) by AMI_1:def 17
      .= s1.IC C1.k by AMI_1:54
      .= II.IC C1.k by A1,A8,A18,GRFUNC_1:8
      .= SI.IC C1.k by A7,A18,GRFUNC_1:8;
       consider m such that
   A20: IC C1.k =inspos m by SCMPDS_3:32;
   A21: InsCode i <> 1 & InsCode i <> 3 & i valid_at m
       by A18,A19,A20,SCMPDS_4:def 12;
  hence A22: IC C1.(k + 1) + n
       = IC C2.(k + 1) by A15,A16,A17,A20,SCMPDS_4:83;
      set l = IC C1.(k + 1);
   A23: IC C1.(k + 1) in dom SI by A1,A5,Def2;
   A24: CurInstr C1.(k + 1) = C1.(k + 1).l by AMI_1:def 17
      .= s1.l by AMI_1:54
      .= II.l by A1,A8,A23,GRFUNC_1:8
      .= SI.l by A7,A23,GRFUNC_1:8;
   A25: IC C2.(k + 1) in dom Shift(SI,n) by A22,A23,SCMPDS_4:76;
      thus CurInstr C1.(k + 1)
       = Shift(SI,n).(IC C2.(k + 1)) by A22,A23,A24,SCMPDS_3:37
      .= s2.IC C2.(k + 1) by A2,A25,GRFUNC_1:8
      .= C2.(k + 1).IC C2.(k + 1) by AMI_1:54
      .= CurInstr C2.(k + 1) by AMI_1:def 17;
      thus C1.(k + 1) | SCM-Data-Loc
       = C2.(k + 1) | SCM-Data-Loc by A15,A16,A17,A20,A21,SCMPDS_4:83;
     for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A10,A14);
   hence thesis;

Lm3:  ::SHIFT
 for s being State of SCMPDS, I,J being shiftable Program-block,n being Nat
 holds I ';' Goto n ';' J is shiftable
  let s be State of SCMPDS, I,J be shiftable Program-block,n be Nat;
     I ';' Goto n ';' J = I ';' Load (goto n) ';' J by Def1;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th46:  ::SCMFSA8A:61
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode Program-block,
 J being Program-block st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
 IC IExec(I ';' Goto (card J + 1) ';' J,s) =inspos (card I + card J + 1)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode Program-block,
       J be Program-block;
   set m= LifeSpan(s +* Initialized stop I)+1,
       G=Goto (card J + 1),
       s2 = s +* Initialized stop (I ';' G ';' J);
   assume A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s;
   then s2 is halting & LifeSpan s2 = m by Lm2;
   then IC Result s2 = IC (Computation s2).m by SCMFSA6B:16
   .= inspos (card I + card J + 1) by A1,Lm2;
   hence IC IExec(I ';' G ';' J, s)
          = inspos (card I + card J + 1) by SCMPDS_5:22;

theorem Th47:  ::SCMFSA8A:62
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode Program-block,
 J being Program-block st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
     IExec(I ';' Goto (card J + 1) ';' J,s) =
     IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 1)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode Program-block,
       J be Program-block;
   set s1= s +* Initialized stop I,
       m= LifeSpan s1+1,
       G=Goto (card J + 1),
       s2 = s +* Initialized stop (I ';' G ';' J),
       l= inspos (card I + card J + 1);
    assume A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s;
A2: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A3: s1 is halting by A1,Def3;
      s2 is halting & LifeSpan s2 = m by A1,Lm2;
then A4: Result s2 = (Computation s2).m by SCMFSA6B:16;
    then (Result s2) | D = (Computation s1).(LifeSpan s1) | D by A1,Lm2;
then A5: (Result s2) | D = (Result s1) | D by A3,SCMFSA6B:16
    .= (Result s1 +* Start-At l) | D by Th7;
      IC Result s2 = l by A1,A4,Lm2
    .= IC (Result s1 +* Start-At l) by AMI_5:79;
    then Result s2,Result s1 +* Start-At l equal_outside A by A5,Th4;
then A6: Result s2 +* s | A = Result s1 +* Start-At l +* s | A by A2,SCMFSA6A:
A7: dom (s | A) misses dom Start-At l by Th10;
   thus IExec(I ';' G ';' J,s) = Result s2 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8
   .= Result s1 +* (Start-At l +* s | A) by A6,FUNCT_4:15
   .= Result s1 +* (s | A +* Start-At l) by A7,FUNCT_4:36
   .= Result s1 +* s | A +* Start-At l by FUNCT_4:15
   .= IExec(I,s) +* Start-At l by SCMPDS_4:def 8;

theorem Th48:
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode Program-block
 st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s
 holds IC IExec(I,s) = inspos card I
  let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode Program-block;
  set s1=s+*Initialized stop(I);
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s;
then A2: s1 is halting by Def3;
    thus IC IExec(I,s) = IC Result s1 by SCMPDS_5:22
    .= IC (Computation s1).(LifeSpan s1) by A2,SCMFSA6B:16
    .=inspos card I by A1,Th43;

begin :: The construction of conditional statements

 let a be Int_position,k be Integer;
 let I,J be Program-block;
 func if=0(a,k,I,J) -> Program-block equals
:Def4:    (a,k)<>0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J;

 func if>0(a,k,I,J) -> Program-block equals
:Def5:    (a,k)<=0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J;

 func if<0(a,k,I,J) -> Program-block equals
:Def6:   (a,k)>=0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J;

 let a be Int_position,k be Integer;
 let I be Program-block;
 func if=0(a,k,I) -> Program-block equals
:Def7:    (a,k)<>0_goto (card I +1) ';' I;

 func if<>0(a,k,I) -> Program-block equals
:Def8:    (a,k)<>0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I+1) ';' I;

 func if>0(a,k,I) -> Program-block equals
:Def9:    (a,k)<=0_goto (card I +1) ';' I;

 func if<=0(a,k,I) -> Program-block equals
:Def10:   (a,k)<=0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I+1) ';' I;

 func if<0(a,k,I) -> Program-block equals
:Def11:   (a,k)>=0_goto (card I +1) ';' I;

 func if>=0(a,k,I) -> Program-block equals
:Def12:    (a,k)>=0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I+1) ';' I;

     card (i ';' I ';' Goto n ';' J) = card I + card J +2
proof set G=Goto n;
   thus card (i ';' I ';' G ';' J)
         =card (i ';' I ';' G) + card J by SCMPDS_4:45
        .=card (i ';' I) + card G + card J by SCMPDS_4:45
        .=card (i ';' I) + 1 + card J by Th32
        .=card I +1 +1 +card J by Th15
        .=card I +(1 +1)+card J by XCMPLX_1:1
        .=card I + card J +2 by XCMPLX_1:1;

begin :: The computation of "if var=0 then block1 else block2"

theorem Th49: ::S8B_14
     card if=0(a,k1,I,J) = card I + card J + 2
     (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J by Def4;
     hence thesis by Lm4;

theorem   ::LmT5
       inspos 0 in dom if=0(a,k1,I,J) & inspos 1 in dom if=0(a,k1,I,J)
      set ci=card if=0(a,k1,I,J);
     ci=card I + card J +2 by Th49;
then 2 <= ci by NAT_1:37;
      then 0 < ci & 1 < ci by AXIOMS:22;
      hence thesis by SCMPDS_4:1;

   (i ';' I ';' J ';' K).inspos 0=i
A1:  i ';' I ';' J ';' K =i ';' (I ';' J) ';' K by SCMPDS_4:50
     .=i ';' (I ';' J ';' K) by SCMPDS_4:50
     .=Load i ';' (I ';' J ';' K) by SCMPDS_4:def 4;
   inspos 0 in dom Load i by SCMPDS_5:2;
     hence (i ';' I ';' J ';' K).inspos 0
         =(Load i).inspos 0 by A1,SCMPDS_4:37
         .=i by SCMPDS_5:4;

theorem   ::Lm6
       if=0(a,k1,I,J).inspos 0 = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I + 2)
     (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J by Def4;
     hence thesis by Lm5;

     Shift(stop I,1) c= (Computation (s+* Initialized stop(i ';' I))).n
proof set pI=stop I,
           iI=i ';' I,
           piI=stop iI,
           IsiI=Initialized piI,
A1:  IsiI c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
A2:  card Load i=1 by SCMPDS_5:6;
       iI=(Load i) ';' I by SCMPDS_4:def 4;
then A3:  Shift(pI,1) c= piI by A2,Th24;
       piI c= s3 by A1,SCMPDS_4:57;
     then Shift(pI,1) c= s3 by A3,XBOOLE_1:1;
     hence Shift(pI,1) c= (Computation s3).n by AMI_3:38;

  Shift(stop I,2) c= (Computation (s+* Initialized stop(i ';' j ';' I))).n
    set pI=stop I,
        pjI=stop (i ';' j ';' I),
        IsjI=Initialized pjI,
A1:  IsjI c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
    card (i ';' j)=card (Load i ';' Load j) by SCMPDS_4:def 6
     .=card Load i + card Load j by SCMPDS_4:45
     .=1+ card Load j by SCMPDS_5:6
     .=1+1 by SCMPDS_5:6;
then A2:  Shift(pI,2) c= pjI by Th24;
       pjI c= s3 by A1,SCMPDS_4:57;
     then Shift(pI,2) c= s3 by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
     hence Shift(pI,2) c= (Computation s3).n by AMI_3:38;

theorem Th52: ::S8B_18
 for s being State of SCMPDS, I,J being shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
     if=0(a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if=0(a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS, I,J be shiftable Program-block,
       a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b = 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set G=Goto (card J+1);
   set I2 = I ';' G ';' J,
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       pI2=stop I2,
       II2= Initialized pI2,
       s2 = s +* II2,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I + 2);

A4:  II2 c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
       I2 is_halting_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A5:  s2 is halting by Def3;
A6:  I2 is_closed_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A7:  I2 is_closed_on s2 by Th38;
A8:  inspos 0 in dom pIF by SCMPDS_4:75;
A9: IF = i ';' I ';' G ';' J by Def4
       .= i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' I2 by SCMPDS_4:50;
A10: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A11: CurInstr s3 = i by A9,Th22;
A12: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A11,AMI_1:def 18;
A13: not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A14: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A15: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12
     .=0 by A1,A14,FUNCT_4:12;
A16:  card pIF = card IF +1 by SCMPDS_5:7
      .= card I2 +1+1 by A9,Th15;
A17: Shift(pI2,1) c= s4 by A9,Lm6;
A18: I2 is shiftable by Lm3;
A19: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A12,A15,SCMPDS_2:67
     .= inspos(0+1) by A10,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A20: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A20,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A12,SCMPDS_2:67;
then A21: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
   CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A7,A17,A18,A19,A21,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A22: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       now let k be Nat;
      per cases by NAT_1:19;
      0 < k;
        then consider k1 being Nat such that
A23:    k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
       consider m such that
A24:   inspos m = IC (Computation s2).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A25:   card pIF = card pI2+1 by A16,SCMPDS_5:7;
         inspos m in dom pI2 by A6,A24,Def2;
       then m < card pI2 by SCMPDS_4:1;
then A26:  m+1 < card pIF by A25,REAL_1:53;
         IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A23,AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s2).k1 + 1 by A4,A7,A17,A18,A19,A21,Th45
       .= inspos (m + 1) by A24,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
      hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A26,SCMPDS_4:1;
     suppose k = 0;
       hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A8,A10,AMI_1:def 19;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A22,Def3;

theorem Th53: ::S8B_16
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,J being shiftable
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<> 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
     if=0(a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if=0(a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,J be shiftable Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <> 0;
   assume A2: J is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: J is_halting_on s;
   set pJ=stop J,
       IsJ=Initialized pJ,
       s1 = s +* IsJ,
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I + 2);
    set G =Goto (card J+1),
        iG=i ';' I ';' G;

A4: IsJ c= s1 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5: s1 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  J is_closed_on s1 by A2,Th38;
A7:  IF = iG ';' J by Def4;
A8: IF = i ';' I ';' G ';' J by Def4
       .= i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' (I ';' G ';' J) by SCMPDS_4:50;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12:  card iG = card (i ';' I) + card G by SCMPDS_4:45
      .=card (i ';' I) + 1 by Th32
      .=card I +1 +1 by Th15
      .=card I +(1 +1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
A13: not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A14: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     A15: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A14,FUNCT_4:12;
A16: IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
        s1,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A17: s1 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s1.a = s3.a by A17,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:67;
then A18: s1 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A19: Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= pIF by A7,A12,Th24;
       pIF c= s3 by A16,SCMPDS_4:57;
     then Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s3 by A19,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A20: Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A21: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 2) by A1,A11,A15,SCMPDS_2:67
     .= inspos(0+(card I + 2)) by A9,Th23;
       CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s1 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s1).LifeSpan s1
          by A4,A6,A18,A20,A21,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A22: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       let k be Nat;
       per cases by NAT_1:19;
       suppose 0 < k;
          then consider k1 being Nat such that
A23:      k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
          consider m such that
A24:      inspos m = IC (Computation s1).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A25:      card pJ = card J + 1 by SCMPDS_5:7;
A26:      card pIF = card IF+1 by SCMPDS_5:7
          .=card I +2 +card J +1 by A7,A12,SCMPDS_4:45
          .=card I +2 + card pJ by A25,XCMPLX_1:1;
            inspos m in dom pJ by A2,A24,Def2;
          then m < card pJ by SCMPDS_4:1;
          then A27: m + (card I + 2) < card pJ + (card I + 2) by REAL_1:53;
           IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A23,AMI_1:51
         .= IC (Computation s1).k1 + (card I + 2)
           by A4,A6,A18,A20,A21,Th45
         .= inspos (m + (card I + 2)) by A24,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A26,A27,SCMPDS_4:1;
      suppose k = 0;
          then C3.k = s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A9,SCMPDS_4:75;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A22,Def3;

theorem Th54: ::E,SCM8B_19
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
 J being shiftable Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
 IExec(if=0(a,k1,I,J),s) = IExec(I,s) +*
       Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
   J be shiftable Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b = 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set G=Goto (card J+1);
   set I2 = I ';' G ';' J,
       IsIF=Initialized stop IF,
       pI2=stop I2,
       II2= Initialized pI2,
       s2 = s +* II2,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I + 2);
    set SAl= Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2);

A4:  II2 c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
       I2 is_halting_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A5:  s2 is halting by Def3;
    I2 is_closed_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A6:  I2 is_closed_on s2 by Th38;
A7: IF = i ';' I ';' G ';' J by Def4
       .= i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' I2 by SCMPDS_4:50;
A8: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A9: CurInstr s3 = i by A7,Th22;
A10: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A9,AMI_1:def 18;
A11: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A12: not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by A12,FUNCT_4:12
     .=0 by A1,A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15: Shift(pI2,1) c= s4 by A7,Lm6;
A16: I2 is shiftable by Lm3;
A17: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A10,A14,SCMPDS_2:67
     .= inspos(0+1) by A8,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A18: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A18,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A10,SCMPDS_2:67;
then A19: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A20: CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A17,A19,Th45
     .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A21: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
  now let l be Nat;
A22:   l < LifeSpan s2 + 1;
      per cases;
      suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A9,Th29;
       l <> 0;
         then consider n such that
A23:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A24:     n < LifeSpan s2 by A22,A23,AXIOMS:24;
A25:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s2).n
        = CurInstr (Computation s4).n
           by A4,A6,A15,A16,A17,A19,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A23,A25,AMI_1:51;
        hence contradiction by A5,A24,SCM_1:def 2;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS holds
       LifeSpan s2 + 1 <= l;
then A26: LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s2 + 1 by A20,A21,SCM_1:def 2;
A27: (Result s2) | D = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
    .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A4,A6,A15,A16,A17,A19,Th45
    .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
    .= (Result s3) | D by A21,A26,SCMFSA6B:16;
A28: dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
    .= dom (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
      now let x be set;
A29:   IExec(I2,s) = Result s2 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A30:   IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A31:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A32:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      per cases by A31,SCMPDS_4:20;
A33:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A34:    not x in dom SAl by A32,TARSKI:def 1;
A35:    not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A33,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A30,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s2).x by A27,A33,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(I2,s).x by A29,A35,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl).x by A34,FUNCT_4:12;
A36:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A37:    x in dom SAl by A32,TARSKI:def 1;
A38:    not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A36,AMI_1:48;
A39:   IC Result s2 = (Result s2).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(I2,s).IC SCMPDS by A29,A36,A38,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(I2,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos (card I + card J + 1) by A2,A3,Th46;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A30,A38,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1).x by A21,A26,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) by A36,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) + 1
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A17,A19,Th45
       .= IC Result s2 + 1 by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos (card I + card J + 1) + 1)).IC SCMPDS
           by A39,AMI_3:50
       .= (Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 1 + 1)).IC SCMPDS
           by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= (Start-At inspos (card I + card J + (1 + 1))).IC SCMPDS
           by XCMPLX_1:1
       .= (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl).x by A36,A37,FUNCT_4:14;

      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
   hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(I2,s) +* SAl by A28,FUNCT_1:9
   .= IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 1)
       +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A2,A3,Th47
   .= IExec(I,s) +* SAl by Th14;

theorem Th55: ::E,SCM8B_17
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,J being No-StopCode
 shiftable Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<> 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
   = IExec(J,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,J be No-StopCode shiftable
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <> 0;
   assume A2: J is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: J is_halting_on s;
   set pJ=stop J,
       IsJ=Initialized pJ,
       s1 = s +* IsJ,
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I + 2);
    set G =Goto (card J+1),
        iG=i ';' I ';' G;
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2);

A4:   IsJ c= s1 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:   s1 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:   J is_closed_on s1 by A2,Th38;
A7:   IF = iG ';' J by Def4;
A8: IF = i ';' I ';' G ';' J by Def4
       .= i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' (I ';' G ';' J) by SCMPDS_4:50;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11:  (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
      .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
      .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12:  card iG = card (i ';' I) + card G by SCMPDS_4:45
      .=card (i ';' I) + 1 by Th32
      .=card I +1 +1 by Th15
      .=card I +(1 +1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
A13:  dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A14:  not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A15:  not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
      A16: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by A14,FUNCT_4:12
      .= s.b by A15,FUNCT_4:12;
A17:  IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
A18:  Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= pIF by A7,A12,Th24;
        pIF c= s3 by A17,SCMPDS_4:57;
      then Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s3 by A18,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A19:  Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A20:  IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
      .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 2) by A1,A11,A16,SCMPDS_2:67
      .= inspos(0+(card I + 2)) by A9,Th23;
        s1,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A21:  s1 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
        now let a;
        thus s1.a = s3.a by A21,SCMPDS_4:23
        .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:67;
then A22:  s1 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A23:  CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1)
       =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s1 by AMI_1:51
      .=CurInstr (Computation s1).LifeSpan s1
          by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
      .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A24:  s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
   now let l be Nat;
A25:    l < LifeSpan s1 + 1;
       per cases;
       suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A10,Th29;

       suppose l <> 0;
       then consider n such that
A26:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A27:     n < LifeSpan s1 by A25,A26,AXIOMS:24;
A28:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s1).n
         = CurInstr (Computation s4).n by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A26,A28,AMI_1:51;
         hence contradiction by A5,A27,SCM_1:def 2;
      then for l be Nat st
        CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS holds
        LifeSpan s1 + 1 <= l;
      then A29:  LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s1 + 1 by A23,A24,SCM_1:def 2;
A30:  (Result s1) | D = (Computation s1).(LifeSpan s1) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
      .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s1) | D by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
      .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
      .= (Result s3) | D by A24,A29,SCMFSA6B:16;
A31:  dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
      .= dom (IExec(J,s) +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
        now let x be set;
A32:    IExec(J,s) = Result s1 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A33:    IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A34:     x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A35:     dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
       per cases by A34,SCMPDS_4:20;
A36:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A37:    not x in dom SAl by A35,TARSKI:def 1;
A38:    not x in dom (s | A) by A13,A36,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A33,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s1).x by A30,A36,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(J,s).x by A32,A38,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(J,s) +* SAl).x by A37,FUNCT_4:12;
A39:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A40:    x in dom SAl by A35,TARSKI:def 1;
A41:   not x in dom (s | A) by A13,A39,AMI_1:48;
A42:   IC Result s1 = (Result s1).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(J,s).IC SCMPDS by A32,A39,A41,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(J,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos (card J) by A2,A3,Th48;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x = (Result s3).x by A33,A41,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1).x by A24,A29,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s1).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s1) by A39,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s1).(LifeSpan s1) + (card I + 2)
          by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
       .= IC Result s1 + (card I + 2) by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos card J + (card I + 2))).IC SCMPDS by A42,AMI_3:50
       .= (Start-At inspos (card I + 2+ card J)).IC SCMPDS
           by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= SAl.IC SCMPDS by XCMPLX_1:1
       .= (IExec(J,s) +* SAl).x by A39,A40,FUNCT_4:14;
      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(J,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
    hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(J,s) +* SAl by A31,FUNCT_1:9;

   let I,J be shiftable parahalting Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if=0(a,k1,I,J) -> shiftable parahalting;
    set IF=if=0(a,k1,I,J),
        IsIF=Initialized stop IF;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I + 2),
        G =Goto (card J+1);
    reconsider IJ=I ';' G ';' J as shiftable Program-block by Lm3;
      IF = i ';' I ';' G ';' J by Def4
     .=i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
     .=i ';' IJ by SCMPDS_4:50
     .=Load i ';' IJ by SCMPDS_4:def 4;
    hence IF is shiftable;
      now let s be State of SCMPDS;
      assume IsIF c= s;
then A1:    s = s +* IsIF by AMI_5:10;
A2:    I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
A3:    J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
       per cases;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)= 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A2,Th52;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <> 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A3,Th53;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
   then IsIF is halting by AMI_1:def 26;
   hence IF is parahalting by SCMPDS_4:def 10;

   let I,J be No-StopCode Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if=0(a,k1,I,J) -> No-StopCode;
       if=0(a,k1,I,J) =
     (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J by Def4;
     hence thesis;

theorem  ::E,S8B_21A
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I,J being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer holds
     IC IExec(if=0(a,k1,I,J),s) = inspos (card I + card J + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I,J be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set IF=if=0(a,k1,I,J);
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
A2: J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
   hereby per cases;
      suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) = 0;
       then IExec(IF,s) =
           IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A1,Th54;
       hence IC IExec(IF,s) = inspos (card I + card J + 2) by AMI_5:79;
      suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <> 0;
       then IExec(IF,s) =
           IExec(J,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A2,Th55;
        hence IC IExec(IF,s) = inspos (card I + card J + 2) by AMI_5:79;

theorem  ::E,S8B_21B
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,J being shiftable Program-block,a,b being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)= 0 holds
      IExec(if=0(a,k1,I,J),s).b = IExec(I,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
    Program-block,J be shiftable Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)=0;
then A2:  IExec(if=0(a,k1,I,J),s) =
          IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A1,Th54;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if=0(a,k1,I,J),s).b = IExec(I,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

theorem  ::E,S8B_21C
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,J being No-StopCode
 parahalting shiftable Program-block,a,b being Int_position,k1 being
 Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<> 0 holds
      IExec(if=0(a,k1,I,J),s).b = IExec(J,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,J be No-StopCode
    parahalting shiftable Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
A1: J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<>0;
then A2:  IExec(if=0(a,k1,I,J),s) =
          IExec(J,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A1,Th55;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if=0(a,k1,I,J),s).b = IExec(J,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

begin :: The computation of "if var=0 then block"

theorem Th59: ::E,S8B_14
     card if=0(a,k1,I) = card I + 1
   thus card if=0(a,k1,I)=card ((a,k1)<>0_goto (card I +1) ';' I) by Def7
        .=card I+1 by Th15;

       inspos 0 in dom if=0(a,k1,I)
      set ci=card if=0(a,k1,I);
        ci=card I + 1 by Th59;
      then 0 < ci by NAT_1:19;
      hence thesis by SCMPDS_4:1;

theorem    ::Lm6
       if=0(a,k1,I).inspos 0 = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I + 1)
       if=0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)<>0_goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def7;
     hence thesis by Th16;

theorem Th62: ::E,S8B_18
 for s being State of SCMPDS, I being shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
     if=0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if=0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS, I be shiftable Program-block,
       a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b = 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if=0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I + 1);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7:  inspos 0 in dom pIF by SCMPDS_4:75;
A8: IF = i ';' I by Def7;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12: not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by A12,FUNCT_4:12
     .=0 by A1,A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15:  card pIF = card IF +1 by SCMPDS_5:7
      .= card I +1+1 by A8,Th15;
A16: Shift(pI,1) c= s4 by A8,Lm6;
A17: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A11,A14,SCMPDS_2:67
     .= inspos(0+1) by A9,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A18: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A18,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:67;
then A19: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
   CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A16,A17,A19,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A20: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       now let k be Nat;
      per cases by NAT_1:19;
      0 < k;
        then consider k1 being Nat such that
A21:    k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
       consider m such that
A22:   inspos m = IC (Computation s2).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A23:   card pIF = card pI+1 by A15,SCMPDS_5:7;
         inspos m in dom pI by A2,A22,Def2;
       then m < card pI by SCMPDS_4:1;
then A24:  m+1 < card pIF by A23,REAL_1:53;
         IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A21,AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s2).k1 + 1 by A4,A6,A16,A17,A19,Th45
       .= inspos (m + 1) by A22,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
      hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A24,SCMPDS_4:1;
     suppose k = 0;
       hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A7,A9,AMI_1:def 19;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A20,Def3;

theorem Th63: ::E,S8B_16
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block, a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<> 0 holds
     if=0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if=0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <> 0;
   set IF=if=0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I + 1);

A2: IF = i ';' I by Def7;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6: not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A7: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     A8: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by A6,FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A7,FUNCT_4:12;
        IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
      then pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A9:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A10: card IF=card I+1 by Th59;
then A11: inspos(card I+1) in dom pIF by Th25;

A12: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 1) by A1,A5,A8,SCMPDS_2:67
     .= inspos(0+(card I + 1)) by A3,Th23;
       s4.inspos(card I+1) = pIF.inspos(card I+1) by A9,A11,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A10,Th25;
then A13: CurInstr s4 = halt SCMPDS by A12,AMI_1:def 17;
       let k be Nat;
       per cases by NAT_1:19;
       suppose 0 < k;
         then 1+0 <= k by INT_1:20;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A11,A12,A13,AMI_1:52;
      suppose k = 0;
          then C3.k = s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A3,SCMPDS_4:75;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
       s3 is halting by A13,AMI_1:def 20;
     hence IF is_halting_on s by Def3;

theorem Th64: ::E,SCM8B_19
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
 IExec(if=0(a,k1,I),s) = IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b = 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if=0(a,k1,I),
       IsIF=Initialized stop IF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 1);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7: IF = i ';' I by Def7;
A8: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A9: CurInstr s3 = i by A7,Th22;
A10: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A9,AMI_1:def 18;
A11: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A12: not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by A12,FUNCT_4:12
     .=0 by A1,A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15: Shift(pI,1) c= s4 by A7,Lm6;
A16: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A10,A14,SCMPDS_2:67
     .= inspos(0+1) by A8,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A17: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A17,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A10,SCMPDS_2:67;
then A18: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A19: CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
     .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A20: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
  now let l be Nat;
A21:   l < LifeSpan s2 + 1;
      per cases;
      suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A9,Th29;
       l <> 0;
         then consider n such that
A22:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A23:     n < LifeSpan s2 by A21,A22,AXIOMS:24;
A24:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s2).n
        = CurInstr (Computation s4).n
           by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A22,A24,AMI_1:51;
        hence contradiction by A5,A23,SCM_1:def 2;
     then for l be Nat st
       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
       holds LifeSpan s2 + 1 <= l;
then A25: LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s2 + 1 by A19,A20,SCM_1:def 2;
A26: (Result s2) | D = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
    .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
    .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
    .= (Result s3) | D by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16;
A27: dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
    .= dom (IExec(I,s) +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
      now let x be set;
A28:   IExec(I,s) = Result s2 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A29:   IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A30:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A31:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      per cases by A30,SCMPDS_4:20;
A32:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A33:    not x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A34:    not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A32,SCMPDS_2:53;
          x in dom Result s3 & not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A32,SCMPDS_2:49,53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A29,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s2).x by A26,A32,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(I,s).x by A28,A34,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A33,FUNCT_4:12;
A35:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A36:    x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A37:   not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A35,AMI_1:48;
A38:   IC Result s2 = (Result s2).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(I,s).IC SCMPDS by A28,A35,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(I,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos card I by A2,A3,Th48;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x = (Result s3).x by A29,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1).x by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) by A35,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) + 1
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
       .= IC Result s2 + 1 by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos (card I) + 1)).IC SCMPDS by A38,AMI_3:50
       .= SAl.IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A35,A36,FUNCT_4:14;
      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
   hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(I,s) +* SAl by A27,FUNCT_1:9;

Lm8:    :: Th46
     (s +* Start-At loc).IC SCMPDS = loc
      (s +* Start-At loc).IC SCMPDS=IC (s +* Start-At loc) by AMI_1:def 15
    .=loc by AMI_5:79;

theorem Th65: ::E,SCM8B_17
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<> 0 holds
  IExec(if=0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a be Int_position,
   k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <> 0;
   set IF=if=0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 1);

A2: IF = i ';' I by Def7;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6:  dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A7: not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A8: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     A9: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by A7,FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A8,FUNCT_4:12;
        IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
      then pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A10:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A11: card IF=card I+1 by Th59;
then A12: inspos(card I+1) in dom pIF by Th25;
A13: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 1) by A1,A5,A9,SCMPDS_2:67
     .= inspos(0+(card I + 1)) by A3,Th23;
       s4.inspos(card I+1) = pIF.inspos(card I+1) by A10,A12,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A11,Th25;
then A14: CurInstr s4 = halt SCMPDS by A13,AMI_1:def 17;
then A15:  s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
   now let l be Nat;
       assume l < 1;
        then l <1+0;
then l <= 0 by NAT_1:38;
        then l=0 by NAT_1:18;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A4,Th29;
      then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
        holds 1 <= l;
      then LifeSpan s3 = 1 by A14,A15,SCM_1:def 2;
then A16:  s4 = Result s3 by A15,SCMFSA6B:16;
A17:  dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
      .= dom (s +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
        now let x be set;
A18:    IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A19:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A20:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
       per cases by A19,SCMPDS_4:20;
A21:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A22:    not x in dom SAl by A20,TARSKI:def 1;
      not x in dom (s | A) by A6,A21,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s4.x by A16,A18,FUNCT_4:12
       .= s3.x by A5,A21,SCMPDS_2:67
       .= s.x by A21,SCMPDS_5:19
       .= (s +* SAl).x by A22,FUNCT_4:12;
A23:    x = IC SCMPDS;
        then x in dom Result s3 & not x in dom (s | A) by A6,AMI_1:48,AMI_5:25
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s4.x by A16,A18,FUNCT_4:12
       .= inspos(card I + 1) by A13,A23,AMI_1:def 15
       .= (s +* SAl).x by A23,Lm8;
       suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (s +* SAl).x by Th27;
    hence IExec(IF,s) = s +* SAl by A17,FUNCT_1:9;

   let I be shiftable parahalting Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if=0(a,k1,I) -> shiftable parahalting;
    set IF=if=0(a,k1,I),
        IsIF=Initialized stop IF;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I +1);
      IF = i ';' I by Def7
     .=Load i ';' I by SCMPDS_4:def 4;
    hence IF is shiftable;
      now let s be State of SCMPDS;
      assume IsIF c= s;
then A1:    s = s +* IsIF by AMI_5:10;
A2:    I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
       per cases;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)= 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A2,Th62;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <> 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by Th63;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
   then IsIF is halting by AMI_1:def 26;
   hence IF is parahalting by SCMPDS_4:def 10;

   let I be No-StopCode Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if=0(a,k1,I) -> No-StopCode;
       if=0(a,k1,I) = (a,k1)<>0_goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def7;
     hence thesis;

theorem  ::E2,S8B_21A
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer holds
     IC IExec(if=0(a,k1,I),s) = inspos (card I + 1)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set IF=if=0(a,k1,I);
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    per cases;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) = 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I+1) by A1,Th64;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <> 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =s +* Start-At inspos (card I+ 1) by Th65;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;

theorem  ::E2,S8B_21B
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a,b being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)= 0 holds
      IExec(if=0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
    Program-block,a,b be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)=0;
then A2:  IExec(if=0(a,k1,I),s) =
          IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by A1,Th64;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if=0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

theorem  ::E2,S8B_21C
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a,b being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<> 0 holds
      IExec(if=0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<>0;
then A1:  IExec(if=0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by Th65;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if=0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b by A1,FUNCT_4:12;

   card (i ';' j ';' I)=card I+2
      thus card (i ';' j ';' I) =card (i ';' (j ';' I)) by SCMPDS_4:52
        .=card (j ';' I)+1 by Th15
        .=card I+1+1 by Th15
        .=card I+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .=card I+2;

begin :: The computation of "if var<>0 then block"

theorem Th69: ::E3,S8B_14
     card if<>0(a,k1,I) = card I + 2
     if<>0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)<>0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def8;
   hence thesis by Lm9;

   inspos 0 in dom (i ';' j ';' I) & inspos 1 in dom (i ';' j ';' I)
      set ci=card (i ';' j ';' I);
        ci=card I + 2 by Lm9;
then A1:   2 <= ci by NAT_1:29;
then A2:   0 < ci by AXIOMS:22;
        1 < ci by A1,AXIOMS:22;
      hence thesis by A2,SCMPDS_4:1;

theorem Th70:    ::LmT5
     inspos 0 in dom if<>0(a,k1,I) & inspos 1 in dom if<>0(a,k1,I)
     if<>0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)<>0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def8;
   hence thesis by Lm10;

   (i ';' j ';' I).inspos 0=i & (i ';' j ';' I).inspos 1=j
      set jI=j ';' I;
A1:  i ';' j ';' I =i ';' jI by SCMPDS_4:52
     .=Load i ';' jI by SCMPDS_4:def 4;
    inspos 0 in dom Load i by SCMPDS_5:2;
     hence (i ';' j ';' I).inspos 0
         =(Load i).inspos 0 by A1,SCMPDS_4:37
         .=i by SCMPDS_5:4;
A2:  card Load i=1 by SCMPDS_5:6;
       card jI=card I+1 by Th15;
      then 0 < card jI by NAT_1:19;
then A3:  inspos 0 in dom jI by SCMPDS_4:1;
A4:  inspos 0 in dom Load j by SCMPDS_5:2;
     thus (i ';' j ';' I).inspos 1
         =(Load i ';' jI).inspos (0+1) by A1
         .=(Load i ';' jI).(inspos 0+1) by SCMPDS_3:def 3
         .=jI.inspos 0 by A2,A3,SCMPDS_4:38
         .=(Load j ';' I).inspos 0 by SCMPDS_4:def 4
         .=(Load j).inspos 0 by A4,SCMPDS_4:37
         .=j by SCMPDS_5:4;

theorem Th71:   ::Lm6
     if<>0(a,k1,I).inspos 0 = (a,k1)<>0_goto 2 &
     if<>0(a,k1,I).inspos 1 = goto (card I + 1)
     if<>0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)<>0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def8;
   hence thesis by Lm11;

theorem Th72: ::S8B_18
 for s being State of SCMPDS, I being shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<>0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
     if<>0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<>0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS, I be shiftable Program-block,
       a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <> 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if<>0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7:  inspos 0 in dom pIF by SCMPDS_4:75;
A8: IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def8;
then A9: IF = i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A10: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A11: CurInstr s3 = i by A9,Th22;
A12: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A11,AMI_1:def 18;
A13: not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A14: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     A15: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A14,FUNCT_4:12;
A16: Shift(pI,2) c= s4 by A8,Lm7;
A17: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,2) by A1,A12,A15,SCMPDS_2:67
     .= inspos(0+2) by A10,Th23;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A18: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A18,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A12,SCMPDS_2:67;
then A19: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
   CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A16,A17,A19,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A20: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       now let k be Nat;
      per cases by NAT_1:19;
      0 < k;
        then consider k1 being Nat such that
A21:    k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
       consider m such that
A22:   inspos m = IC (Computation s2).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A23:   card pIF = 1+ card IF by SCMPDS_5:7
      .= 1+(card I +2) by Th69
      .= 1+card I +2 by XCMPLX_1:1
      .=card pI+2 by SCMPDS_5:7;
         inspos m in dom pI by A2,A22,Def2;
       then m < card pI by SCMPDS_4:1;
then A24:   m+2 < card pIF by A23,REAL_1:53;
         IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A21,AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s2).k1 + 2 by A4,A6,A16,A17,A19,Th45
       .= inspos (m + 2) by A22,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
      hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A24,SCMPDS_4:1;
     suppose k = 0;
       hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A7,A10,AMI_1:def 19;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A20,Def3;

theorem Th73: ::E3,S8B_16
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block, a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)= 0 holds
     if<>0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<>0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b = 0;
   set IF=if<>0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1,
       s5 = C3.2;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);

A2:  IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def8
     .=i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
then A7: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .=0 by A1,A6,FUNCT_4:12;
       IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
then A8:  pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A9:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A10:  inspos 1 in dom IF by Th70;
then A11: inspos 1 in dom pIF by Th18;
A12: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A5,A7,SCMPDS_2:67
     .= inspos(0+1) by A3,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s4.inspos 1 = pIF.inspos 1 by A9,A11,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=IF.inspos 1 by A10,Th19
     .=j by Th71;
then A13: CurInstr s4 = j by A12,AMI_1:def 17;
A14: (Computation s3).(1 + 1) = Following s4 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(j,s4) by A13,AMI_1:def 18;
A15: pIF c= s5 by A8,AMI_3:38;
A16: card IF=card I+2 by Th69;
then A17: inspos(card I+2) in dom pIF by Th25;
A18:  IC s5 = s5.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s4,card I+1) by A14,SCMPDS_2:66
     .= inspos(card I+1+1) by A12,Th23
     .= inspos(card I+(1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
       s5.inspos(card I+2) = pIF.inspos(card I+2) by A15,A17,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A16,Th25;
then A19: CurInstr s5 = halt SCMPDS by A18,AMI_1:def 17;
       let k be Nat;
          k = 0 or 0 < k by NAT_1:19;
        then A20: k = 0 or 0 + 1 <= k by INT_1:20;
       per cases by A20,REAL_1:def 5;
      suppose k = 0;
          then C3.k = s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A3,SCMPDS_4:75;
      suppose k = 1;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A10,A12,Th18;
       suppose 1 < k;
         then 1+1 <= k by INT_1:20;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A17,A18,A19,AMI_1:52;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
       s3 is halting by A19,AMI_1:def 20;
     hence IF is_halting_on s by Def3;

theorem Th74: ::SCM8B_19
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <> 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
 IExec(if<>0(a,k1,I),s) = IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <> 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if<>0(a,k1,I),
       IsIF=Initialized stop IF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 2);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7:  IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def8;
then A8: IF=i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15: Shift(pI,2) c= s4 by A7,Lm7;
A16: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,2) by A1,A11,A14,SCMPDS_2:67
     .= inspos(0+2) by A9,Th23;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A17: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A17,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:67;
then A18: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A19: CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
     .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A20: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
  now let l be Nat;
A21:   l < LifeSpan s2 + 1;
      per cases;
      suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A10,Th29;
       l <> 0;
         then consider n such that
A22:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A23:     n < LifeSpan s2 by A21,A22,AXIOMS:24;
A24:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s2).n
        = CurInstr (Computation s4).n
           by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A22,A24,AMI_1:51;
        hence contradiction by A5,A23,SCM_1:def 2;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
       holds LifeSpan s2 + 1 <= l;
then A25: LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s2 + 1 by A19,A20,SCM_1:def 2;
A26: (Result s2) | D = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
    .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
    .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
    .= (Result s3) | D by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16;

A27: dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
    .= dom (IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)) by AMI_3:36;
      now let x be set;
A28:   IExec(I,s) = Result s2 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A29:   IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A30:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A31:    dom Start-At inspos (card I + 2) = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      per cases by A30,SCMPDS_4:20;
A32:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A33:    not x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A34:    not x in dom (s | A) by A12,A32,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A29,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s2).x by A26,A32,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(I,s).x by A28,A34,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A33,FUNCT_4:12;
A35:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A36:    x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A37:   not x in dom (s | A) by A12,A35,AMI_1:48;
A38:   IC Result s2 = (Result s2).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(I,s).IC SCMPDS by A28,A35,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(I,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos card I by A2,A3,Th48;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x = (Result s3).x by A29,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1).x by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) by A35,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) + 2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
       .= IC Result s2 + 2 by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos (card I) + 2)).IC SCMPDS by A38,AMI_3:50
       .= SAl.IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A35,A36,FUNCT_4:14;

      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
   hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(I,s) +* SAl by A27,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th75: ::SCM8B_17
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)= 0 holds
  IExec(if<>0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a be Int_position,
   k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b = 0;
   set IF=if<>0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1,
       s5 = C3.2;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 2);

A2:  IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def8
     .=i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
then A7: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .=0 by A1,A6,FUNCT_4:12;
       IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
then A8:  pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A9:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A10:  inspos 1 in dom IF by Th70;
then A11: inspos 1 in dom pIF by Th18;
A12: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A5,A7,SCMPDS_2:67
     .= inspos(0+1) by A3,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s4.inspos 1 = pIF.inspos 1 by A9,A11,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=IF.inspos 1 by A10,Th19
     .=j by Th71;
then A13: CurInstr s4 = j by A12,AMI_1:def 17;
A14: (Computation s3).(1 + 1) = Following s4 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(j,s4) by A13,AMI_1:def 18;
A15: pIF c= s5 by A8,AMI_3:38;
A16: card IF=card I+2 by Th69;
then A17: inspos(card I+2) in dom pIF by Th25;
A18:  IC s5 = s5.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s4,card I+1) by A14,SCMPDS_2:66
     .= inspos(card I+1+1) by A12,Th23
     .= inspos(card I+(1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
       s5.inspos(card I+2) = pIF.inspos(card I+2) by A15,A17,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A16,Th25;
then A19: CurInstr s5 = halt SCMPDS by A18,AMI_1:def 17;
then A20:  s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
   now let l be Nat;
       assume l < 1+1;
        then A21: l <= 1 by NAT_1:38;
        per cases by A21,CQC_THE1:2;
        suppose l=0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A4,Th29;
        suppose l=1;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A13,SCMPDS_2:85;
      then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
        holds 2 <= l;
  then LifeSpan s3 = 2 by A19,A20,SCM_1:def 2;
then A22:  s5 = Result s3 by A20,SCMFSA6B:16;
A23:  dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
      .= dom (s +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
A24: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
        now let x be set;
A25:    IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A26:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A27:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
       per cases by A26,SCMPDS_4:20;
A28:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A29:    not x in dom SAl by A27,TARSKI:def 1;
      not x in dom (s | A) by A24,A28,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s5.x by A22,A25,FUNCT_4:12
       .= s4.x by A14,A28,SCMPDS_2:66
       .= s3.x by A5,A28,SCMPDS_2:67
       .= s.x by A28,SCMPDS_5:19
       .= (s +* SAl).x by A29,FUNCT_4:12;
A30:    x = IC SCMPDS;
        then x in dom Result s3 & not x in dom (s | A) by A24,AMI_1:48,AMI_5:25
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s5.x by A22,A25,FUNCT_4:12
       .= inspos(card I + 2) by A18,A30,AMI_1:def 15
       .= (s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)).x by A30,Lm8;
      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (s +* SAl).x by Th27;
    hence IExec(IF,s) = s +* SAl by A23,FUNCT_1:9;

   let I be shiftable parahalting Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if<>0(a,k1,I) -> shiftable parahalting;
    set IF=if<>0(a,k1,I),
        IsIF=Initialized stop IF;
    set i = (a,k1)<>0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);
      IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def8
    .=Load i ';' Load j ';' I by SCMPDS_4:def 6;
    hence IF is shiftable;
      now let s be State of SCMPDS;
      assume IsIF c= s;
then A1:    s = s +* IsIF by AMI_5:10;
A2:    I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
       per cases;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<>0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A2,Th72;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) = 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by Th73;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
   then IsIF is halting by AMI_1:def 26;
   hence IF is parahalting by SCMPDS_4:def 10;

   let I be No-StopCode Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if<>0(a,k1,I) -> No-StopCode;
       if<>0(a,k1,I) = (a,k1)<>0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I+1) ';' I by Def8;
     hence thesis;

theorem  ::E3,S8B_21A
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer holds
     IC IExec(if<>0(a,k1,I),s) = inspos (card I + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set IF=if<>0(a,k1,I);
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    per cases;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <> 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I+2) by A1,Th74;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) = 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =s +* Start-At inspos (card I+ 2) by Th75;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;

theorem  ::E3,S8B_21B
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a,b being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<> 0 holds
      IExec(if<>0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
    Program-block,a,b be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<>0;
then A2:  IExec(if<>0(a,k1,I),s) =
          IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by A1,Th74;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if<>0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

theorem  ::E3,S8B_21C
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a,b being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)= 0 holds
      IExec(if<>0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)=0;
then A1:  IExec(if<>0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by Th75;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if<>0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b by A1,FUNCT_4:12;

begin :: The computation of "if var>0 then block1 else block2"

theorem Th79: ::G,S8B_14
     card if>0(a,k1,I,J) = card I + card J + 2
     (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J by Def5;
     hence thesis by Lm4;

       inspos 0 in dom if>0(a,k1,I,J) & inspos 1 in dom if>0(a,k1,I,J)
      set ci=card if>0(a,k1,I,J);
     ci=card I + card J +2 by Th79;
then 2 <= ci by NAT_1:37;
      then 0 < ci & 1 < ci by AXIOMS:22;
      hence thesis by SCMPDS_4:1;

       if>0(a,k1,I,J).inspos 0 = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I + 2)
     (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J by Def5;
     hence thesis by Lm5;

theorem Th82: ::G,S8B_18
 for s being State of SCMPDS, I,J being shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)>0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
     if>0(a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if>0(a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS, I,J be shiftable Program-block,
       a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b > 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set G=Goto (card J+1);
   set I2 = I ';' G ';' J,
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       pI2=stop I2,
       II2= Initialized pI2,
       s2 = s +* II2,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I + 2);

A4:  II2 c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
       I2 is_halting_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A5:  s2 is halting by Def3;
A6:  I2 is_closed_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A7:  I2 is_closed_on s2 by Th38;
A8:  inspos 0 in dom pIF by SCMPDS_4:75;
A9: IF = i ';' I ';' G ';' J by Def5
       .= i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' I2 by SCMPDS_4:50;
A10: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A11: CurInstr s3 = i by A9,Th22;
A12: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A11,AMI_1:def 18;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15:  card pIF = card IF +1 by SCMPDS_5:7
      .= card I2 +1+1 by A9,Th15;
A16: Shift(pI2,1) c= s4 by A9,Lm6;
A17: I2 is shiftable by Lm3;
A18: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A12,A14,SCMPDS_2:68
     .= inspos(0+1) by A10,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A19: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A19,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A12,SCMPDS_2:68;
then A20: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
   CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A7,A16,A17,A18,A20,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A21: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       now let k be Nat;
      per cases by NAT_1:19;
      0 < k;
        then consider k1 being Nat such that
A22:    k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
       consider m such that
A23:   inspos m = IC (Computation s2).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A24:   card pIF = card pI2+1 by A15,SCMPDS_5:7;
         inspos m in dom pI2 by A6,A23,Def2;
       then m < card pI2 by SCMPDS_4:1;
then A25:  m+1 < card pIF by A24,REAL_1:53;
         IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A22,AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s2).k1 + 1 by A4,A7,A16,A17,A18,A20,Th45
       .= inspos (m + 1) by A23,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
      hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A25,SCMPDS_4:1;
     suppose k = 0;
       hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A8,A10,AMI_1:def 19;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A21,Def3;

theorem Th83: ::S8B_16
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,J being shiftable
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
    if>0(a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if>0(a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,J be shiftable Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <= 0;
   assume A2: J is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: J is_halting_on s;
   set pJ=stop J,
       IsJ=Initialized pJ,
       s1 = s +* IsJ,
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I + 2);
    set G =Goto (card J+1),
        iG=i ';' I ';' G;

A4:  IsJ c= s1 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s1 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  J is_closed_on s1 by A2,Th38;
A7:  IF = iG ';' J by Def5;
then A8: IF = i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' (I ';' G ';' J) by SCMPDS_4:50;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12:  card iG = card (i ';' I) + card G by SCMPDS_4:45
      .=card (i ';' I) + 1 by Th32
      .=card I +1 +1 by Th15
      .=card I +(1 +1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15: IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
       s1,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A16: s1 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s1.a = s3.a by A16,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:68;
then A17: s1 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A18: Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= pIF by A7,A12,Th24;
       pIF c= s3 by A15,SCMPDS_4:57;
     then Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s3 by A18,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A19: Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A20: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 2) by A1,A11,A14,SCMPDS_2:68
     .= inspos(0+(card I + 2)) by A9,Th23;
       CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s1 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s1).LifeSpan s1
          by A4,A6,A17,A19,A20,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A21: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       let k be Nat;
       per cases by NAT_1:19;
       suppose 0 < k;
          then consider k1 being Nat such that
A22:      k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
          consider m such that
A23:      inspos m = IC (Computation s1).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A24:      card pJ = card J + 1 by SCMPDS_5:7;
A25:      card pIF = card IF+1 by SCMPDS_5:7
          .=card I +2 +card J +1 by A7,A12,SCMPDS_4:45
          .=card I +2 + card pJ by A24,XCMPLX_1:1;
            inspos m in dom pJ by A2,A23,Def2;
          then m < card pJ by SCMPDS_4:1;
          then A26: m + (card I + 2) < card pJ + (card I + 2) by REAL_1:53;
           IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A22,AMI_1:51
         .= IC (Computation s1).k1 + (card I + 2)
           by A4,A6,A17,A19,A20,Th45
         .= inspos (m + (card I + 2)) by A23,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A25,A26,SCMPDS_4:1;
      suppose k = 0;
          then C3.k = s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A9,SCMPDS_4:75;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A21,Def3;

theorem Th84: ::G,SCM8B_19
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
 J being shiftable Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
 IExec(if>0(a,k1,I,J),s) = IExec(I,s) +*
       Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
   J be shiftable Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b > 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set G=Goto (card J+1);
   set I2 = I ';' G ';' J,
       IsIF=Initialized stop IF,
       pI2=stop I2,
       II2= Initialized pI2,
       s2 = s +* II2,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I + 2);
    set SAl= Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2);

A4:  II2 c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
       I2 is_halting_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A5:  s2 is halting by Def3;
    I2 is_closed_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A6:  I2 is_closed_on s2 by Th38;
A7: IF = i ';' I ';' G ';' J by Def5
       .= i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' I2 by SCMPDS_4:50;
A8: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A9: CurInstr s3 = i by A7,Th22;
A10: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A9,AMI_1:def 18;
A11: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A12: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A13: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A12,FUNCT_4:12;
A14: Shift(pI2,1) c= s4 by A7,Lm6;
A15: I2 is shiftable by Lm3;
A16: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A10,A13,SCMPDS_2:68
     .= inspos(0+1) by A8,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A17: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A17,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A10,SCMPDS_2:68;
then A18: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A19: CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A14,A15,A16,A18,Th45
     .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A20: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
  now let l be Nat;
A21:   l < LifeSpan s2 + 1;
      per cases;
      suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A9,Th30;
       l <> 0;
         then consider n such that
A22:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A23:     n < LifeSpan s2 by A21,A22,AXIOMS:24;
A24:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s2).n
        = CurInstr (Computation s4).n
           by A4,A6,A14,A15,A16,A18,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A22,A24,AMI_1:51;
        hence contradiction by A5,A23,SCM_1:def 2;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
       holds LifeSpan s2 + 1 <= l;
then A25: LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s2 + 1 by A19,A20,SCM_1:def 2;
A26: (Result s2) | D = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
    .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A4,A6,A14,A15,A16,A18,Th45
    .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
    .= (Result s3) | D by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16;
A27: dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
    .= dom (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
      now let x be set;
A28:   IExec(I2,s) = Result s2 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A29:   IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A30:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A31:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      per cases by A30,SCMPDS_4:20;
A32:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A33:    not x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A34:    not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A32,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A29,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s2).x by A26,A32,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(I2,s).x by A28,A34,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl).x by A33,FUNCT_4:12;
A35:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A36:    x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A37:    not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A35,AMI_1:48;
A38:   IC Result s2 = (Result s2).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(I2,s).IC SCMPDS by A28,A35,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(I2,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos (card I + card J + 1) by A2,A3,Th46;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A29,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1).x by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) by A35,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) + 1
          by A4,A6,A14,A15,A16,A18,Th45
       .= IC Result s2 + 1 by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos (card I + card J + 1) + 1)).IC SCMPDS
           by A38,AMI_3:50
       .= (Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 1 + 1)).IC SCMPDS
           by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= (Start-At inspos (card I + card J + (1 + 1))).IC SCMPDS
           by XCMPLX_1:1
       .= (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl).x by A35,A36,FUNCT_4:14;

      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
   hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(I2,s) +* SAl by A27,FUNCT_1:9
   .= IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 1)
       +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A2,A3,Th47
   .= IExec(I,s) +* SAl by Th14;

theorem Th85: ::G,SCM8B_17
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,J being No-StopCode
 shiftable Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
   = IExec(J,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,J be No-StopCode shiftable
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <= 0;
   assume A2: J is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: J is_halting_on s;
   set pJ=stop J,
       IsJ=Initialized pJ,
       s1 = s +* IsJ,
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I + 2);
    set G =Goto (card J+1),
        iG=i ';' I ';' G;
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2);

A4:   IsJ c= s1 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:   s1 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:   J is_closed_on s1 by A2,Th38;
A7:   IF = iG ';' J by Def5;
then A8:  IF = i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' (I ';' G ';' J) by SCMPDS_4:50;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11:  (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
      .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
      .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12:  card iG = card (i ';' I) + card G by SCMPDS_4:45
      .=card (i ';' I) + 1 by Th32
      .=card I +1 +1 by Th15
      .=card I +(1 +1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
A13:  dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A14:  not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A15:  not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
      A16: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by A14,FUNCT_4:12
      .= s.b by A15,FUNCT_4:12;
A17:  IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
A18:  Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= pIF by A7,A12,Th24;
        pIF c= s3 by A17,SCMPDS_4:57;
      then Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s3 by A18,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A19:  Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A20:  IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
      .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 2) by A1,A11,A16,SCMPDS_2:68
      .= inspos(0+(card I + 2)) by A9,Th23;
        s1,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A21:  s1 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
        now let a;
        thus s1.a = s3.a by A21,SCMPDS_4:23
        .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:68;
then A22:  s1 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A23:  CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1)
       =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s1 by AMI_1:51
      .=CurInstr (Computation s1).LifeSpan s1
          by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
      .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A24:  s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
   now let l be Nat;
A25:    l < LifeSpan s1 + 1;
       per cases;
       suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A10,Th30;

       suppose l <> 0;
       then consider n such that
A26:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A27:     n < LifeSpan s1 by A25,A26,AXIOMS:24;
A28:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s1).n
         = CurInstr (Computation s4).n by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A26,A28,AMI_1:51;
         hence contradiction by A5,A27,SCM_1:def 2;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
       holds LifeSpan s1 + 1 <= l;
then A29:  LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s1 + 1 by A23,A24,SCM_1:def 2;
A30:  (Result s1) | D = (Computation s1).(LifeSpan s1) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
      .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s1) | D by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
      .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
      .= (Result s3) | D by A24,A29,SCMFSA6B:16;
A31:  dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
      .= dom (IExec(J,s) +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
        now let x be set;
A32:    IExec(J,s) = Result s1 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A33:    IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A34:     x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A35:     dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
       per cases by A34,SCMPDS_4:20;
A36:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A37:    not x in dom SAl by A35,TARSKI:def 1;
A38:    not x in dom (s | A) by A13,A36,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A33,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s1).x by A30,A36,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(J,s).x by A32,A38,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(J,s) +* SAl).x by A37,FUNCT_4:12;
A39:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A40:    x in dom SAl by A35,TARSKI:def 1;
A41:   not x in dom (s | A) by A13,A39,AMI_1:48;
A42:   IC Result s1 = (Result s1).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(J,s).IC SCMPDS by A32,A39,A41,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(J,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos (card J) by A2,A3,Th48;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x = (Result s3).x by A33,A41,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1).x by A24,A29,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s1).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s1) by A39,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s1).(LifeSpan s1) + (card I + 2)
          by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
       .= IC Result s1 + (card I + 2) by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos card J + (card I + 2))).IC SCMPDS by A42,AMI_3:50
       .= (Start-At inspos (card I + 2+ card J)).IC SCMPDS
           by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= SAl.IC SCMPDS by XCMPLX_1:1
       .= (IExec(J,s) +* SAl).x by A39,A40,FUNCT_4:14;
      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(J,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
    hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(J,s) +* SAl by A31,FUNCT_1:9;

   let I,J be shiftable parahalting Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if>0(a,k1,I,J) -> shiftable parahalting;
    set IF=if>0(a,k1,I,J),
        IsIF=Initialized stop IF;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I + 2),
        G =Goto (card J+1);
    reconsider IJ=I ';' G ';' J as shiftable Program-block by Lm3;
      IF = i ';' I ';' G ';' J by Def5
     .=i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
     .=i ';' IJ by SCMPDS_4:50
     .=Load i ';' IJ by SCMPDS_4:def 4;
    hence IF is shiftable;
      now let s be State of SCMPDS;
      assume IsIF c= s;
then A1:    s = s +* IsIF by AMI_5:10;
A2:    I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
A3:    J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
       per cases;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A2,Th82;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A3,Th83;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
   then IsIF is halting by AMI_1:def 26;
   hence IF is parahalting by SCMPDS_4:def 10;

   let I,J be No-StopCode Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if>0(a,k1,I,J) -> No-StopCode;
       if>0(a,k1,I,J) =
     (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J by Def5;
     hence thesis;

theorem  ::G,S8B_21A
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I,J being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer holds
     IC IExec(if>0(a,k1,I,J),s) = inspos (card I + card J + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I,J be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set IF=if>0(a,k1,I,J);
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
A2: J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    per cases;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0;
       then IExec(IF,s) =
           IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A1,Th84;
       hence IC IExec(IF,s) = inspos (card I + card J + 2) by AMI_5:79;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =
           IExec(J,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A2,Th85;
      hence IC IExec(IF,s) = inspos (card I + card J + 2) by AMI_5:79;

theorem  ::G,S8B_21B
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,J being shiftable Program-block,a,b being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)>0 holds
      IExec(if>0(a,k1,I,J),s).b = IExec(I,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
    Program-block,J be shiftable Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)>0;
then A2:  IExec(if>0(a,k1,I,J),s) =
          IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A1,Th84;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if>0(a,k1,I,J),s).b = IExec(I,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

theorem  ::G,S8B_21C
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,J being No-StopCode
 parahalting shiftable Program-block,a,b being Int_position,k1 being
 Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0 holds
      IExec(if>0(a,k1,I,J),s).b = IExec(J,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,J be No-StopCode
    parahalting shiftable Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
    set IF=if>0(a,k1,I,J);
A1: J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0;
then A2: IExec(IF,s) =IExec(J,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2)
    by A1,Th85;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(IF,s).b = IExec(J,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

begin :: The computation of "if var>0 then block"

theorem Th89: ::S8B_14
     card if>0(a,k1,I) = card I + 1
    thus card if>0(a,k1,I)=card ((a,k1)<=0_goto (card I +1) ';' I) by Def9
        .=card I+1 by Th15;

theorem     ::LmT5
       inspos 0 in dom if>0(a,k1,I)
      set ci=card if>0(a,k1,I);
        ci=card I + 1 by Th89;
      then 0 < ci by NAT_1:19;
      hence thesis by SCMPDS_4:1;

theorem    ::Lm6
       if>0(a,k1,I).inspos 0 = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I + 1)
       if>0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)<=0_goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def9;
     hence thesis by Th16;

theorem Th92: ::G2,S8B_18
 for s being State of SCMPDS, I being shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)> 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
     if>0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if>0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS, I be shiftable Program-block,
       a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b > 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if>0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I + 1);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7:  inspos 0 in dom pIF by SCMPDS_4:75;
A8: IF = i ';' I by Def9;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A13: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A12,FUNCT_4:12;
A14:  card pIF = card IF +1 by SCMPDS_5:7
      .= card I +1+1 by A8,Th15;
A15: Shift(pI,1) c= s4 by A8,Lm6;
A16: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A11,A13,SCMPDS_2:68
     .= inspos(0+1) by A9,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A17: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A17,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:68;
then A18: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
   CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A19: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       now let k be Nat;
      per cases by NAT_1:19;
      0 < k;
        then consider k1 being Nat such that
A20:    k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
       consider m such that
A21:   inspos m = IC (Computation s2).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A22:   card pIF = card pI+1 by A14,SCMPDS_5:7;
         inspos m in dom pI by A2,A21,Def2;
       then m < card pI by SCMPDS_4:1;
then A23:  m+1 < card pIF by A22,REAL_1:53;
         IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A20,AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s2).k1 + 1 by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
       .= inspos (m + 1) by A21,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
      hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A23,SCMPDS_4:1;
     suppose k = 0;
       hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A7,A9,AMI_1:def 19;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A19,Def3;

theorem Th93: ::G,S8B_16
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block, a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0 holds
     if>0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if>0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <= 0;
   set IF=if>0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I + 1);

A2: IF = i ';' I by Def9;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A7: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A6,FUNCT_4:12;
        IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
      then pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A8:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A9: card IF=card I+1 by Th89;
then A10: inspos(card I+1) in dom pIF by Th25;
A11: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 1) by A1,A5,A7,SCMPDS_2:68
     .= inspos(0+(card I + 1)) by A3,Th23;
       s4.inspos(card I+1) = pIF.inspos(card I+1) by A8,A10,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A9,Th25;
then A12: CurInstr s4 = halt SCMPDS by A11,AMI_1:def 17;
       let k be Nat;
       per cases by NAT_1:19;
       suppose 0 < k;
         then 1+0 <= k by INT_1:20;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A10,A11,A12,AMI_1:52;
      suppose k = 0;
          then C3.k = s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A3,SCMPDS_4:75;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
       s3 is halting by A12,AMI_1:def 20;
     hence IF is_halting_on s by Def3;

theorem Th94: ::G2,SCM8B_19
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)> 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
 IExec(if>0(a,k1,I),s) = IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b > 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if>0(a,k1,I),
       IsIF=Initialized stop IF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 1);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7: IF = i ';' I by Def9;
A8: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A9: CurInstr s3 = i by A7,Th22;
A10: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A9,AMI_1:def 18;
A11: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A12: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A13: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A12,FUNCT_4:12;
A14: Shift(pI,1) c= s4 by A7,Lm6;
A15: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A10,A13,SCMPDS_2:68
     .= inspos(0+1) by A8,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A16: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A16,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A10,SCMPDS_2:68;
then A17: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A18: CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A14,A15,A17,Th45
     .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A19: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
  now let l be Nat;
A20:   l < LifeSpan s2 + 1;
      per cases;
      suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A9,Th30;
       l <> 0;
         then consider n such that
A21:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A22:     n < LifeSpan s2 by A20,A21,AXIOMS:24;
A23:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s2).n
        = CurInstr (Computation s4).n
           by A4,A6,A14,A15,A17,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A21,A23,AMI_1:51;
        hence contradiction by A5,A22,SCM_1:def 2;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
       holds LifeSpan s2 + 1 <= l;
then A24: LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s2 + 1 by A18,A19,SCM_1:def 2;
A25: (Result s2) | D = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
    .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A4,A6,A14,A15,A17,Th45
    .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
    .= (Result s3) | D by A19,A24,SCMFSA6B:16;
A26: dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
    .= dom (IExec(I,s) +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
      now let x be set;
A27:   IExec(I,s) = Result s2 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A28:   IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A29:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A30:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      per cases by A29,SCMPDS_4:20;
A31:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A32:    not x in dom SAl by A30,TARSKI:def 1;
A33:    not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A31,SCMPDS_2:53;
          x in dom Result s3 & not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A31,SCMPDS_2:49,53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A28,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s2).x by A25,A31,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(I,s).x by A27,A33,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A32,FUNCT_4:12;
A34:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A35:    x in dom SAl by A30,TARSKI:def 1;
A36:   not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A34,AMI_1:48;
A37:   IC Result s2 = (Result s2).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(I,s).IC SCMPDS by A27,A34,A36,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(I,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos card I by A2,A3,Th48;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x = (Result s3).x by A28,A36,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1).x by A19,A24,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) by A34,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) + 1
          by A4,A6,A14,A15,A17,Th45
       .= IC Result s2 + 1 by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos (card I) + 1)).IC SCMPDS by A37,AMI_3:50
       .= SAl.IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A34,A35,FUNCT_4:14;
      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
   hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(I,s) +* SAl by A26,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th95: ::G2,SCM8B_17
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0 holds
  IExec(if>0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a be Int_position,
   k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <= 0;
   set IF=if>0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 1);

A2: IF = i ';' I by Def9;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6:  dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A7: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A8: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A7,FUNCT_4:12;
        IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
      then pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A9:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A10: card IF=card I+1 by Th89;
then A11: inspos(card I+1) in dom pIF by Th25;
A12: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 1) by A1,A5,A8,SCMPDS_2:68
     .= inspos(0+(card I + 1)) by A3,Th23;
       s4.inspos(card I+1) = pIF.inspos(card I+1) by A9,A11,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A10,Th25;
then A13: CurInstr s4 = halt SCMPDS by A12,AMI_1:def 17;
then A14:  s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
   now let l be Nat;
       assume l < 1;
        then l <1+0;
then l <= 0 by NAT_1:38;
        then l=0 by NAT_1:18;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A4,Th30;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
       holds 1 <= l;
  then LifeSpan s3 = 1 by A13,A14,SCM_1:def 2;
then A15:  s4 = Result s3 by A14,SCMFSA6B:16;
A16:  dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
      .= dom (s +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
        now let x be set;
A17:    IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A18:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A19:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
       per cases by A18,SCMPDS_4:20;
A20:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A21:    not x in dom SAl by A19,TARSKI:def 1;
      not x in dom (s | A) by A6,A20,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s4.x by A15,A17,FUNCT_4:12
       .= s3.x by A5,A20,SCMPDS_2:68
       .= s.x by A20,SCMPDS_5:19
       .= (s +* SAl).x by A21,FUNCT_4:12;
A22:    x = IC SCMPDS;
        then x in dom Result s3 & not x in dom (s | A) by A6,AMI_1:48,AMI_5:25
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s4.x by A15,A17,FUNCT_4:12
       .= inspos(card I + 1) by A12,A22,AMI_1:def 15
       .= (s +* SAl).x by A22,Lm8;
       suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (s +* SAl).x by Th27;
    hence IExec(IF,s) = s +* SAl by A16,FUNCT_1:9;

   let I be shiftable parahalting Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if>0(a,k1,I) -> shiftable parahalting;
    set IF=if>0(a,k1,I),
        IsIF=Initialized stop IF;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I +1);
      IF = i ';' I by Def9
     .=Load i ';' I by SCMPDS_4:def 4;
    hence IF is shiftable;
      now let s be State of SCMPDS;
      assume IsIF c= s;
then A1:    s = s +* IsIF by AMI_5:10;
A2:    I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
       per cases;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A2,Th92;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by Th93;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
   then IsIF is halting by AMI_1:def 26;
   hence IF is parahalting by SCMPDS_4:def 10;

   let I be No-StopCode Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if>0(a,k1,I) -> No-StopCode;
       if>0(a,k1,I) = (a,k1)<=0_goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def9;
     hence thesis;

theorem  ::G,S8B_21A
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer holds
     IC IExec(if>0(a,k1,I),s) = inspos (card I + 1)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set IF=if>0(a,k1,I);
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    per cases;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I+1) by A1,Th94;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =s +* Start-At inspos (card I+ 1) by Th95;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;

theorem  ::G,S8B_21B
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a,b being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)> 0 holds
      IExec(if>0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
    Program-block,a,b be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0;
then A2:  IExec(if>0(a,k1,I),s) =
          IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by A1,Th94;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if>0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

theorem  ::G,S8B_21C
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a,b being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0 holds
      IExec(if>0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0;
then A1:  IExec(if>0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by Th95;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if>0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b by A1,FUNCT_4:12;

begin :: The computation of "if var<=0 then block"

theorem Th99: ::S8B_14
     card if<=0(a,k1,I) = card I + 2
     if<=0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)<=0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def10;
   hence thesis by Lm9;

theorem Th100:    ::LmT5
     inspos 0 in dom if<=0(a,k1,I) & inspos 1 in dom if<=0(a,k1,I)
     if<=0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)<=0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def10;
   hence thesis by Lm10;

theorem Th101:   ::Lm6
     if<=0(a,k1,I).inspos 0 = (a,k1)<=0_goto 2 &
     if<=0(a,k1,I).inspos 1 = goto (card I + 1)
     if<=0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)<=0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def10;
   hence thesis by Lm11;

theorem Th102: ::S8B_18
 for s being State of SCMPDS, I being shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
     if<=0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<=0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS, I be shiftable Program-block,
       a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <= 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if<=0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7:  inspos 0 in dom pIF by SCMPDS_4:75;
A8: IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def10;
then A9: IF = i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A10: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A11: CurInstr s3 = i by A9,Th22;
A12: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A11,AMI_1:def 18;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15: Shift(pI,2) c= s4 by A8,Lm7;
A16: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,2) by A1,A12,A14,SCMPDS_2:68
     .= inspos(0+2) by A10,Th23;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A17: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A17,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A12,SCMPDS_2:68;
then A18: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
   CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A19: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       now let k be Nat;
      per cases by NAT_1:19;
      0 < k;
        then consider k1 being Nat such that
A20:    k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
       consider m such that
A21:   inspos m = IC (Computation s2).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A22:   card pIF = 1+ card IF by SCMPDS_5:7
      .= 1+(card I +2) by Th99
      .= 1+card I +2 by XCMPLX_1:1
      .=card pI+2 by SCMPDS_5:7;
         inspos m in dom pI by A2,A21,Def2;
       then m < card pI by SCMPDS_4:1;
then A23:   m+2 < card pIF by A22,REAL_1:53;
         IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A20,AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s2).k1 + 2 by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
       .= inspos (m + 2) by A21,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
      hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A23,SCMPDS_4:1;
     suppose k = 0;
       hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A7,A10,AMI_1:def 19;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A19,Def3;

theorem Th103: ::G3,S8B_16
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block, a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0 holds
     if<=0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<=0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b > 0;
   set IF=if<=0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1,
       s5 = C3.2;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);

A2:  IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def10
     .=i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
    then A7: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A6,FUNCT_4:12;
       IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
then A8:  pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A9:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A10:  inspos 1 in dom IF by Th100;
then A11: inspos 1 in dom pIF by Th18;
A12: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A5,A7,SCMPDS_2:68
     .= inspos(0+1) by A3,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s4.inspos 1 = pIF.inspos 1 by A9,A11,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=IF.inspos 1 by A10,Th19
     .=j by Th101;
then A13: CurInstr s4 = j by A12,AMI_1:def 17;
A14: (Computation s3).(1 + 1) = Following s4 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(j,s4) by A13,AMI_1:def 18;
A15: pIF c= s5 by A8,AMI_3:38;
A16: card IF=card I+2 by Th99;
then A17: inspos(card I+2) in dom pIF by Th25;
A18:  IC s5 = s5.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s4,card I+1) by A14,SCMPDS_2:66
     .= inspos(card I+1+1) by A12,Th23
     .= inspos(card I+(1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
       s5.inspos(card I+2) = pIF.inspos(card I+2) by A15,A17,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A16,Th25;
then A19: CurInstr s5 = halt SCMPDS by A18,AMI_1:def 17;
       let k be Nat;
          k = 0 or 0 < k by NAT_1:19;
        then A20: k = 0 or 0 + 1 <= k by INT_1:20;
       per cases by A20,REAL_1:def 5;
      suppose k = 0;
          then C3.k = s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A3,SCMPDS_4:75;
      suppose k = 1;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A10,A12,Th18;
       suppose 1 < k;
         then 1+1 <= k by INT_1:20;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A17,A18,A19,AMI_1:52;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
       s3 is halting by A19,AMI_1:def 20;
     hence IF is_halting_on s by Def3;

theorem Th104: ::SCM8B_19
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
 IExec(if<=0(a,k1,I),s) = IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b <= 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if<=0(a,k1,I),
       IsIF=Initialized stop IF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 2);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7:  IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def10;
then A8: IF=i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15: Shift(pI,2) c= s4 by A7,Lm7;
A16: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,2) by A1,A11,A14,SCMPDS_2:68
     .= inspos(0+2) by A9,Th23;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A17: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A17,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:68;
then A18: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A19: CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
     .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A20: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
  now let l be Nat;
A21:   l < LifeSpan s2 + 1;
      per cases;
      suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A10,Th30;
       l <> 0;
         then consider n such that
A22:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A23:     n < LifeSpan s2 by A21,A22,AXIOMS:24;
A24:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s2).n
        = CurInstr (Computation s4).n
           by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A22,A24,AMI_1:51;
        hence contradiction by A5,A23,SCM_1:def 2;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
       holds LifeSpan s2 + 1 <= l;
then A25: LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s2 + 1 by A19,A20,SCM_1:def 2;
A26: (Result s2) | D = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
    .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
    .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
    .= (Result s3) | D by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16;
A27: dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
    .= dom (IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)) by AMI_3:36;
      now let x be set;
A28:   IExec(I,s) = Result s2 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A29:   IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A30:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A31:    dom Start-At inspos (card I + 2) = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      per cases by A30,SCMPDS_4:20;
A32:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A33:    not x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A34:    not x in dom (s | A) by A12,A32,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A29,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s2).x by A26,A32,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(I,s).x by A28,A34,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A33,FUNCT_4:12;
A35:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A36:    x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A37:   not x in dom (s | A) by A12,A35,AMI_1:48;
A38:   IC Result s2 = (Result s2).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(I,s).IC SCMPDS by A28,A35,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(I,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos card I by A2,A3,Th48;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x = (Result s3).x by A29,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1).x by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) by A35,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) + 2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
       .= IC Result s2 + 2 by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos (card I) + 2)).IC SCMPDS by A38,AMI_3:50
       .= SAl.IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A35,A36,FUNCT_4:14;
      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
   hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(I,s) +* SAl by A27,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th105: ::G3,SCM8B_17
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0 holds
  IExec(if<=0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a be Int_position,
   k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b > 0;
   set IF=if<=0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1,
       s5 = C3.2;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 2);

A2:  IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def10
     .=i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A7: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A6,FUNCT_4:12;
       IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
then A8:  pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A9:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A10:  inspos 1 in dom IF by Th100;
then A11: inspos 1 in dom pIF by Th18;
A12: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A5,A7,SCMPDS_2:68
     .= inspos(0+1) by A3,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s4.inspos 1 = pIF.inspos 1 by A9,A11,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=IF.inspos 1 by A10,Th19
     .=j by Th101;
then A13: CurInstr s4 = j by A12,AMI_1:def 17;
A14: (Computation s3).(1 + 1) = Following s4 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(j,s4) by A13,AMI_1:def 18;
A15: pIF c= s5 by A8,AMI_3:38;
A16: card IF=card I+2 by Th99;
then A17: inspos(card I+2) in dom pIF by Th25;
A18:  IC s5 = s5.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s4,card I+1) by A14,SCMPDS_2:66
     .= inspos(card I+1+1) by A12,Th23
     .= inspos(card I+(1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
       s5.inspos(card I+2) = pIF.inspos(card I+2) by A15,A17,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A16,Th25;
then A19: CurInstr s5 = halt SCMPDS by A18,AMI_1:def 17;
then A20:  s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
   now let l be Nat;
       assume l < 1+1;
        then A21: l <= 1 by NAT_1:38;
        per cases by A21,CQC_THE1:2;
        suppose l=0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A4,Th30;
        suppose l=1;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A13,SCMPDS_2:85;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS holds
       2 <= l;
  then LifeSpan s3 = 2 by A19,A20,SCM_1:def 2;
then A22:  s5 = Result s3 by A20,SCMFSA6B:16;
A23:  dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
      .= dom (s +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
A24: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
        now let x be set;
A25:    IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A26:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A27:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
       per cases by A26,SCMPDS_4:20;
A28:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A29:    not x in dom SAl by A27,TARSKI:def 1;
      not x in dom (s | A) by A24,A28,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s5.x by A22,A25,FUNCT_4:12
       .= s4.x by A14,A28,SCMPDS_2:66
       .= s3.x by A5,A28,SCMPDS_2:68
       .= s.x by A28,SCMPDS_5:19
       .= (s +* SAl).x by A29,FUNCT_4:12;
A30:    x = IC SCMPDS;
        then x in dom Result s3 & not x in dom (s | A) by A24,AMI_1:48,AMI_5:25
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s5.x by A22,A25,FUNCT_4:12
       .= inspos(card I + 2) by A18,A30,AMI_1:def 15
       .= (s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)).x by A30,Lm8;
      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (s +* SAl).x by Th27;
    hence IExec(IF,s) = s +* SAl by A23,FUNCT_1:9;

   let I be shiftable parahalting Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if<=0(a,k1,I) -> shiftable parahalting;
    set IF=if<=0(a,k1,I),
        IsIF=Initialized stop IF;
    set i = (a,k1)<=0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);
      IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def10
    .=Load i ';' Load j ';' I by SCMPDS_4:def 6;
    hence IF is shiftable;
      now let s be State of SCMPDS;
      assume IsIF c= s;
then A1:    s = s +* IsIF by AMI_5:10;
A2:    I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
       per cases;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A2,Th102;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by Th103;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
   then IsIF is halting by AMI_1:def 26;
   hence IF is parahalting by SCMPDS_4:def 10;

   let I be No-StopCode Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if<=0(a,k1,I) -> No-StopCode;
       if<=0(a,k1,I) = (a,k1)<=0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I+1) ';' I by Def10;
     hence thesis;

theorem  ::G3,S8B_21A
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer holds
     IC IExec(if<=0(a,k1,I),s) = inspos (card I + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set IF=if<=0(a,k1,I);
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    per cases;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I+2) by A1,Th104;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =s +* Start-At inspos (card I+ 2) by Th105;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;

theorem  ::G3,S8B_21B
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a,b being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0 holds
      IExec(if<=0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
    Program-block,a,b be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) <= 0;
then A2:  IExec(if<=0(a,k1,I),s) =
          IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by A1,Th104;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if<=0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

theorem  ::S8B_21C
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a,b being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0 holds
      IExec(if<=0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) > 0;
then A1:  IExec(if<=0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by Th105;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if<=0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b by A1,FUNCT_4:12;

begin :: The computation of "if var<0 then block1 else block2"

theorem Th109: ::L,S8B_14
     card if<0(a,k1,I,J) = card I + card J + 2
     (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J by Def6;
     hence thesis by Lm4;

       inspos 0 in dom if<0(a,k1,I,J) & inspos 1 in dom if<0(a,k1,I,J)
      set ci=card if<0(a,k1,I,J);
     ci=card I + card J +2 by Th109;
then 2 <= ci by NAT_1:37;
      then 0 < ci & 1 < ci by AXIOMS:22;
      hence thesis by SCMPDS_4:1;

       if<0(a,k1,I,J).inspos 0 = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I + 2)
     (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J by Def6;
     hence thesis by Lm5;

theorem Th112: ::L,S8B_18
 for s being State of SCMPDS, I,J being shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
     if<0(a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if<0(a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS, I,J be shiftable Program-block,
       a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b < 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set G=Goto (card J+1);
   set I2 = I ';' G ';' J,
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       pI2=stop I2,
       II2= Initialized pI2,
       s2 = s +* II2,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I + 2);

A4:  II2 c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
       I2 is_halting_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A5:  s2 is halting by Def3;
A6:  I2 is_closed_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A7:  I2 is_closed_on s2 by Th38;
A8:  inspos 0 in dom pIF by SCMPDS_4:75;
A9: IF = i ';' I ';' G ';' J by Def6
       .= i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' I2 by SCMPDS_4:50;
A10: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A11: CurInstr s3 = i by A9,Th22;
A12: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A11,AMI_1:def 18;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15:  card pIF = card IF +1 by SCMPDS_5:7
      .= card I2 +1+1 by A9,Th15;
A16: Shift(pI2,1) c= s4 by A9,Lm6;
A17: I2 is shiftable by Lm3;
A18: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A12,A14,SCMPDS_2:69
     .= inspos(0+1) by A10,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A19: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A19,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A12,SCMPDS_2:69;
then A20: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
   CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A7,A16,A17,A18,A20,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A21: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       now let k be Nat;
      per cases by NAT_1:19;
      0 < k;
        then consider k1 being Nat such that
A22:    k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
       consider m such that
A23:   inspos m = IC (Computation s2).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A24:   card pIF = card pI2+1 by A15,SCMPDS_5:7;
         inspos m in dom pI2 by A6,A23,Def2;
       then m < card pI2 by SCMPDS_4:1;
then A25:  m+1 < card pIF by A24,REAL_1:53;
         IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A22,AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s2).k1 + 1 by A4,A7,A16,A17,A18,A20,Th45
       .= inspos (m + 1) by A23,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
      hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A25,SCMPDS_4:1;
     suppose k = 0;
       hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A8,A10,AMI_1:def 19;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A21,Def3;

theorem Th113: ::L,S8B_16
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,J being shiftable
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
    if<0(a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if<0(a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,J be shiftable Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b >= 0;
   assume A2: J is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: J is_halting_on s;
   set pJ=stop J,
       IsJ=Initialized pJ,
       s1 = s +* IsJ,
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I + 2);
    set G =Goto (card J+1),
        iG=i ';' I ';' G;

A4:  IsJ c= s1 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s1 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  J is_closed_on s1 by A2,Th38;
A7:  IF = iG ';' J by Def6;
then A8: IF = i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' (I ';' G ';' J) by SCMPDS_4:50;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12:  card iG = card (i ';' I) + card G by SCMPDS_4:45
      .=card (i ';' I) + 1 by Th32
      .=card I +1 +1 by Th15
      .=card I +(1 +1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15: IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
       s1,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A16: s1 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s1.a = s3.a by A16,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:69;
then A17: s1 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A18: Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= pIF by A7,A12,Th24;
       pIF c= s3 by A15,SCMPDS_4:57;
     then Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s3 by A18,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A19: Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A20: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 2) by A1,A11,A14,SCMPDS_2:69
     .= inspos(0+(card I + 2)) by A9,Th23;
       CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s1 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s1).LifeSpan s1
          by A4,A6,A17,A19,A20,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A21: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       let k be Nat;
       per cases by NAT_1:19;
       suppose 0 < k;
          then consider k1 being Nat such that
A22:      k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
          consider m such that
A23:      inspos m = IC (Computation s1).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A24:      card pJ = card J + 1 by SCMPDS_5:7;
A25:      card pIF = card IF+1 by SCMPDS_5:7
          .=card I +2 +card J +1 by A7,A12,SCMPDS_4:45
          .=card I +2 + card pJ by A24,XCMPLX_1:1;
            inspos m in dom pJ by A2,A23,Def2;
          then m < card pJ by SCMPDS_4:1;
          then A26: m + (card I + 2) < card pJ + (card I + 2) by REAL_1:53;
           IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A22,AMI_1:51
         .= IC (Computation s1).k1 + (card I + 2)
           by A4,A6,A17,A19,A20,Th45
         .= inspos (m + (card I + 2)) by A23,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A25,A26,SCMPDS_4:1;
      suppose k = 0;
          then C3.k = s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A9,SCMPDS_4:75;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A21,Def3;

theorem Th114: ::L,SCM8B_19
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
 J being shiftable Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
 IExec(if<0(a,k1,I,J),s) = IExec(I,s) +*
       Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
   J be shiftable Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b < 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set G=Goto (card J+1);
   set I2 = I ';' G ';' J,
       IsIF=Initialized stop IF,
       pI2=stop I2,
       II2= Initialized pI2,
       s2 = s +* II2,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I + 2);
    set SAl= Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2);

A4:  II2 c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
       I2 is_halting_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A5:  s2 is halting by Def3;
    I2 is_closed_on s by A2,A3,Th44;
then A6:  I2 is_closed_on s2 by Th38;
A7: IF = i ';' I ';' G ';' J by Def6
       .= i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' I2 by SCMPDS_4:50;
A8: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A9: CurInstr s3 = i by A7,Th22;
A10: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A9,AMI_1:def 18;
A11: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A12: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A13: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A12,FUNCT_4:12;
A14: Shift(pI2,1) c= s4 by A7,Lm6;
A15: I2 is shiftable by Lm3;
A16: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A10,A13,SCMPDS_2:69
     .= inspos(0+1) by A8,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A17: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A17,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A10,SCMPDS_2:69;
then A18: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A19: CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A14,A15,A16,A18,Th45
     .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A20: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
  now let l be Nat;
A21:   l < LifeSpan s2 + 1;
      per cases;
      suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A9,Th31;
      suppose l <> 0;
         then consider n such that
A22:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A23:     n < LifeSpan s2 by A21,A22,AXIOMS:24;
A24:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s2).n
        = CurInstr (Computation s4).n
           by A4,A6,A14,A15,A16,A18,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A22,A24,AMI_1:51;
        hence contradiction by A5,A23,SCM_1:def 2;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS holds
       LifeSpan s2 + 1 <= l;
then A25: LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s2 + 1 by A19,A20,SCM_1:def 2;
A26: (Result s2) | D = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
    .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A4,A6,A14,A15,A16,A18,Th45
    .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
    .= (Result s3) | D by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16;
A27: dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
    .= dom (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
      now let x be set;
A28:   IExec(I2,s) = Result s2 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A29:   IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A30:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A31:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      per cases by A30,SCMPDS_4:20;
A32:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A33:    not x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A34:    not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A32,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A29,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s2).x by A26,A32,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(I2,s).x by A28,A34,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl).x by A33,FUNCT_4:12;
A35:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A36:    x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A37:    not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A35,AMI_1:48;
A38:   IC Result s2 = (Result s2).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(I2,s).IC SCMPDS by A28,A35,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(I2,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos (card I + card J + 1) by A2,A3,Th46;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A29,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1).x by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) by A35,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) + 1
          by A4,A6,A14,A15,A16,A18,Th45
       .= IC Result s2 + 1 by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos (card I + card J + 1) + 1)).IC SCMPDS
           by A38,AMI_3:50
       .= (Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 1 + 1)).IC SCMPDS
           by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= (Start-At inspos (card I + card J + (1 + 1))).IC SCMPDS
           by XCMPLX_1:1
       .= (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl).x by A35,A36,FUNCT_4:14;
      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(I2,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
   hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(I2,s) +* SAl by A27,FUNCT_1:9
   .= IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 1)
       +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A2,A3,Th47
   .= IExec(I,s) +* SAl by Th14;

theorem Th115: ::L,SCM8B_17
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,J being No-StopCode
 shiftable Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
   = IExec(J,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,J be No-StopCode shiftable
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b >= 0;
   assume A2: J is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: J is_halting_on s;
   set pJ=stop J,
       IsJ=Initialized pJ,
       s1 = s +* IsJ,
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I + 2);
    set G =Goto (card J+1),
        iG=i ';' I ';' G;
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2);

A4:   IsJ c= s1 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:   s1 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:   J is_closed_on s1 by A2,Th38;
A7:   IF = iG ';' J by Def6;
then A8:  IF = i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
       .= i ';' (I ';' G ';' J) by SCMPDS_4:50;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11:  (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
      .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
      .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12:  card iG = card (i ';' I) + card G by SCMPDS_4:45
      .=card (i ';' I) + 1 by Th32
      .=card I +1 +1 by Th15
      .=card I +(1 +1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
A13:  dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A14:  not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
A15:  not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
      A16: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by A14,FUNCT_4:12
      .= s.b by A15,FUNCT_4:12;
A17:  IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
A18:  Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= pIF by A7,A12,Th24;
        pIF c= s3 by A17,SCMPDS_4:57;
      then Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s3 by A18,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A19:  Shift(pJ,card I+2) c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A20:  IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
      .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 2) by A1,A11,A16,SCMPDS_2:69
      .= inspos(0+(card I + 2)) by A9,Th23;
        s1,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A21:  s1 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
        now let a;
        thus s1.a = s3.a by A21,SCMPDS_4:23
        .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:69;
then A22:  s1 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A23:  CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1)
       =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s1 by AMI_1:51
      .=CurInstr (Computation s1).LifeSpan s1
          by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
      .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A24:  s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
   now let l be Nat;
A25:    l < LifeSpan s1 + 1;
       per cases;
       suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A10,Th31;

       suppose l <> 0;
       then consider n such that
A26:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A27:     n < LifeSpan s1 by A25,A26,AXIOMS:24;
A28:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s1).n
         = CurInstr (Computation s4).n by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A26,A28,AMI_1:51;
         hence contradiction by A5,A27,SCM_1:def 2;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS holds
       LifeSpan s1 + 1 <= l;
then A29:  LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s1 + 1 by A23,A24,SCM_1:def 2;
A30:  (Result s1) | D = (Computation s1).(LifeSpan s1) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
      .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s1) | D by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
      .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
      .= (Result s3) | D by A24,A29,SCMFSA6B:16;
A31:  dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
      .= dom (IExec(J,s) +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
        now let x be set;
A32:    IExec(J,s) = Result s1 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A33:    IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A34:     x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A35:     dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
       per cases by A34,SCMPDS_4:20;
A36:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A37:    not x in dom SAl by A35,TARSKI:def 1;
A38:    not x in dom (s | A) by A13,A36,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A33,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s1).x by A30,A36,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(J,s).x by A32,A38,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(J,s) +* SAl).x by A37,FUNCT_4:12;
A39:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A40:    x in dom SAl by A35,TARSKI:def 1;
A41:   not x in dom (s | A) by A13,A39,AMI_1:48;
A42:   IC Result s1 = (Result s1).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(J,s).IC SCMPDS by A32,A39,A41,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(J,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos (card J) by A2,A3,Th48;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x = (Result s3).x by A33,A41,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s1 + 1).x by A24,A29,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s1).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s1) by A39,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s1).(LifeSpan s1) + (card I + 2)
          by A4,A6,A19,A20,A22,Th45
       .= IC Result s1 + (card I + 2) by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos card J + (card I + 2))).IC SCMPDS by A42,AMI_3:50
       .= (Start-At inspos (card I + 2+ card J)).IC SCMPDS
           by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= SAl.IC SCMPDS by XCMPLX_1:1
       .= (IExec(J,s) +* SAl).x by A39,A40,FUNCT_4:14;
      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(J,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
    hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(J,s) +* SAl by A31,FUNCT_1:9;

   let I,J be shiftable parahalting Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if<0(a,k1,I,J) -> shiftable parahalting;
    set IF=if<0(a,k1,I,J),
        IsIF=Initialized stop IF;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I + 2),
        G =Goto (card J+1);
    reconsider IJ=I ';' G ';' J as shiftable Program-block by Lm3;
      IF = i ';' I ';' G ';' J by Def6
     .=i ';' (I ';' G) ';' J by SCMPDS_4:50
     .=i ';' IJ by SCMPDS_4:50
     .=Load i ';' IJ by SCMPDS_4:def 4;
    hence IF is shiftable;
      now let s be State of SCMPDS;
      assume IsIF c= s;
then A1:    s = s +* IsIF by AMI_5:10;
A2:    I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
A3:    J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
       per cases;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A2,Th112;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A3,Th113;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
   then IsIF is halting by AMI_1:def 26;
   hence IF is parahalting by SCMPDS_4:def 10;

   let I,J be No-StopCode Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if<0(a,k1,I,J) -> No-StopCode;
       if<0(a,k1,I,J) =
     (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I +2) ';' I ';' Goto (card J+1) ';' J by Def6;
     hence thesis;

theorem  ::L,S8B_21A
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I,J being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer holds
     IC IExec(if<0(a,k1,I,J),s) = inspos (card I + card J + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I,J be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set IF=if<0(a,k1,I,J);
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
A2: J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    per cases;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0;
       then IExec(IF,s) =
           IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A1,Th114;
       hence IC IExec(IF,s) = inspos (card I + card J + 2) by AMI_5:79;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =
           IExec(J,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A2,Th115;
      hence IC IExec(IF,s) = inspos (card I + card J + 2) by AMI_5:79;

theorem  ::S8B_21B
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,J being shiftable Program-block,a,b being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<0 holds
      IExec(if<0(a,k1,I,J),s).b = IExec(I,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
    Program-block,J be shiftable Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1)<0;
then A2:  IExec(if<0(a,k1,I,J),s) =
          IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by A1,Th114;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if<0(a,k1,I,J),s).b = IExec(I,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

theorem  ::L,S8B_21C
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,J being No-StopCode
 parahalting shiftable Program-block,a,b being Int_position,k1 being
 Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0 holds
      IExec(if<0(a,k1,I,J),s).b = IExec(J,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,J be No-StopCode
    parahalting shiftable Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
    set IF=if<0(a,k1,I,J);
A1: J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0;
then A2: IExec(IF,s) =IExec(J,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2)
    by A1,Th115;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + card J + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(IF,s).b = IExec(J,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

begin :: The computation of "if var<0 then block"

theorem Th119: ::L2,S8B_14
     card if<0(a,k1,I) = card I + 1
    thus card if<0(a,k1,I)=card ((a,k1)>=0_goto (card I +1) ';' I) by Def11
        .=card I+1 by Th15;

theorem     ::LmT5
       inspos 0 in dom if<0(a,k1,I)
      set ci=card if<0(a,k1,I);
        ci=card I + 1 by Th119;
      then 0 < ci by NAT_1:19;
      hence thesis by SCMPDS_4:1;

theorem    ::Lm6
       if<0(a,k1,I).inspos 0 = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I + 1)
       if<0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)>=0_goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def11;
     hence thesis by Th16;

theorem Th122: ::L2,S8B_18
 for s being State of SCMPDS, I being shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
     if<0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS, I be shiftable Program-block,
       a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b < 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if<0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I + 1);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7:  inspos 0 in dom pIF by SCMPDS_4:75;
A8: IF = i ';' I by Def11;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A13: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A12,FUNCT_4:12;
A14:  card pIF = card IF +1 by SCMPDS_5:7
      .= card I +1+1 by A8,Th15;
A15: Shift(pI,1) c= s4 by A8,Lm6;
A16: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A11,A13,SCMPDS_2:69
     .= inspos(0+1) by A9,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A17: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A17,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:69;
then A18: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
   CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A19: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       now let k be Nat;
      per cases by NAT_1:19;
      0 < k;
        then consider k1 being Nat such that
A20:    k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
       consider m such that
A21:   inspos m = IC (Computation s2).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A22:   card pIF = card pI+1 by A14,SCMPDS_5:7;
         inspos m in dom pI by A2,A21,Def2;
       then m < card pI by SCMPDS_4:1;
then A23:  m+1 < card pIF by A22,REAL_1:53;
         IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A20,AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s2).k1 + 1 by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
       .= inspos (m + 1) by A21,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
      hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A23,SCMPDS_4:1;
     suppose k = 0;
       hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A7,A9,AMI_1:def 19;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A19,Def3;

theorem Th123: ::L,S8B_16
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block, a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0 holds
     if<0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b >= 0;
   set IF=if<0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I + 1);

A2: IF = i ';' I by Def11;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A7: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A6,FUNCT_4:12;
        IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
      then pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A8:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A9: card IF=card I+1 by Th119;
then A10: inspos(card I+1) in dom pIF by Th25;
A11: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 1) by A1,A5,A7,SCMPDS_2:69
     .= inspos(0+(card I + 1)) by A3,Th23;
       s4.inspos(card I+1) = pIF.inspos(card I+1) by A8,A10,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A9,Th25;
then A12: CurInstr s4 = halt SCMPDS by A11,AMI_1:def 17;
       let k be Nat;
       per cases by NAT_1:19;
       suppose 0 < k;
         then 1+0 <= k by INT_1:20;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A10,A11,A12,AMI_1:52;
      suppose k = 0;
          then C3.k = s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A3,SCMPDS_4:75;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
       s3 is halting by A12,AMI_1:def 20;
     hence IF is_halting_on s by Def3;

theorem Th124: ::L,SCM8B_19
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
 IExec(if<0(a,k1,I),s) = IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b < 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if<0(a,k1,I),
       IsIF=Initialized stop IF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 1);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7: IF = i ';' I by Def11;
A8: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A9: CurInstr s3 = i by A7,Th22;
A10: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A9,AMI_1:def 18;
A11: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A12: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A13: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A12,FUNCT_4:12;
A14: Shift(pI,1) c= s4 by A7,Lm6;
A15: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A10,A13,SCMPDS_2:69
     .= inspos(0+1) by A8,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A16: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A16,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A10,SCMPDS_2:69;
then A17: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A18: CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A14,A15,A17,Th45
     .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A19: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
  now let l be Nat;
A20:   l < LifeSpan s2 + 1;
      per cases;
      suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A9,Th31;
       l <> 0;
         then consider n such that
A21:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A22:     n < LifeSpan s2 by A20,A21,AXIOMS:24;
A23:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s2).n
        = CurInstr (Computation s4).n
           by A4,A6,A14,A15,A17,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A21,A23,AMI_1:51;
        hence contradiction by A5,A22,SCM_1:def 2;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS holds
       LifeSpan s2 + 1 <= l;
then A24: LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s2 + 1 by A18,A19,SCM_1:def 2;
A25: (Result s2) | D = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
    .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A4,A6,A14,A15,A17,Th45
    .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
    .= (Result s3) | D by A19,A24,SCMFSA6B:16;
A26: dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
    .= dom (IExec(I,s) +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
      now let x be set;
A27:   IExec(I,s) = Result s2 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A28:   IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A29:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A30:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      per cases by A29,SCMPDS_4:20;
A31:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A32:    not x in dom SAl by A30,TARSKI:def 1;
A33:    not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A31,SCMPDS_2:53;
          x in dom Result s3 & not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A31,SCMPDS_2:49,53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A28,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s2).x by A25,A31,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(I,s).x by A27,A33,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A32,FUNCT_4:12;
A34:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A35:    x in dom SAl by A30,TARSKI:def 1;
A36:   not x in dom (s | A) by A11,A34,AMI_1:48;
A37:   IC Result s2 = (Result s2).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(I,s).IC SCMPDS by A27,A34,A36,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(I,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos card I by A2,A3,Th48;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x = (Result s3).x by A28,A36,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1).x by A19,A24,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) by A34,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) + 1
          by A4,A6,A14,A15,A17,Th45
       .= IC Result s2 + 1 by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos (card I) + 1)).IC SCMPDS by A37,AMI_3:50
       .= SAl.IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A34,A35,FUNCT_4:14;
      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
   hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(I,s) +* SAl by A26,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th125: ::L,SCM8B_17
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0 holds
  IExec(if<0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a be Int_position,
   k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b >= 0;
   set IF=if<0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 1);

A2: IF = i ';' I by Def11;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6:  dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A7: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A8: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A7,FUNCT_4:12;
        IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
      then pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A9:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A10: card IF=card I+1 by Th119;
then A11: inspos(card I+1) in dom pIF by Th25;
A12: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,card I + 1) by A1,A5,A8,SCMPDS_2:69
     .= inspos(0+(card I + 1)) by A3,Th23;
       s4.inspos(card I+1) = pIF.inspos(card I+1) by A9,A11,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A10,Th25;
then A13: CurInstr s4 = halt SCMPDS by A12,AMI_1:def 17;
then A14:  s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
   now let l be Nat;
       assume l < 1;
        then l <1+0;
then l <= 0 by NAT_1:38;
        then l=0 by NAT_1:18;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A4,Th31;
      then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
        holds 1 <= l;
  then LifeSpan s3 = 1 by A13,A14,SCM_1:def 2;
then A15:  s4 = Result s3 by A14,SCMFSA6B:16;
A16:  dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
      .= dom (s +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
        now let x be set;
A17:    IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A18:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A19:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
       per cases by A18,SCMPDS_4:20;
A20:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A21:    not x in dom SAl by A19,TARSKI:def 1;
      not x in dom (s | A) by A6,A20,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s4.x by A15,A17,FUNCT_4:12
       .= s3.x by A5,A20,SCMPDS_2:69
       .= s.x by A20,SCMPDS_5:19
       .= (s +* SAl).x by A21,FUNCT_4:12;
A22:    x = IC SCMPDS;
        then x in dom Result s3 & not x in dom (s | A) by A6,AMI_1:48,AMI_5:25
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s4.x by A15,A17,FUNCT_4:12
       .= inspos(card I + 1) by A12,A22,AMI_1:def 15
       .= (s +* SAl).x by A22,Lm8;
       suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (s +* SAl).x by Th27;
    hence IExec(IF,s) = s +* SAl by A16,FUNCT_1:9;

   let I be shiftable parahalting Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if<0(a,k1,I) -> shiftable parahalting;
    set IF=if<0(a,k1,I),
        IsIF=Initialized stop IF;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I +1);
      IF = i ';' I by Def11
     .=Load i ';' I by SCMPDS_4:def 4;
    hence IF is shiftable;
      now let s be State of SCMPDS;
      assume IsIF c= s;
then A1:    s = s +* IsIF by AMI_5:10;
A2:    I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
       per cases;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A2,Th122;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by Th123;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
   then IsIF is halting by AMI_1:def 26;
   hence IF is parahalting by SCMPDS_4:def 10;

   let I be No-StopCode Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if<0(a,k1,I) -> No-StopCode;
       if<0(a,k1,I) = (a,k1)>=0_goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def11;
     hence thesis;

theorem  ::L2,S8B_21A
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer holds
     IC IExec(if<0(a,k1,I),s) = inspos (card I + 1)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set IF=if<0(a,k1,I);
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    per cases;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I+1) by A1,Th124;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =s +* Start-At inspos (card I+ 1) by Th125;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;

theorem  ::L,S8B_21B
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a,b being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0 holds
      IExec(if<0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
    Program-block,a,b be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0;
then A2:  IExec(if<0(a,k1,I),s) =
          IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by A1,Th124;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if<0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

theorem  ::L2,S8B_21C
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a,b being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0 holds
      IExec(if<0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0;
then A1:  IExec(if<0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by Th125;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 1) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if<0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b by A1,FUNCT_4:12;

begin :: The computation of "if var>=0 then block"

theorem Th129: ::L3,S8B_14
     card if>=0(a,k1,I) = card I + 2
     if>=0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)>=0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def12;
   hence thesis by Lm9;

theorem Th130:    ::LmT5
     inspos 0 in dom if>=0(a,k1,I) & inspos 1 in dom if>=0(a,k1,I)
     if>=0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)>=0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def12;
   hence thesis by Lm10;

theorem Th131:   ::Lm6
     if>=0(a,k1,I).inspos 0 = (a,k1)>=0_goto 2 &
     if>=0(a,k1,I).inspos 1 = goto (card I + 1)
     if>=0(a,k1,I)=(a,k1)>=0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I +1) ';' I by Def12;
   hence thesis by Lm11;

theorem Th132: ::S8B_18
 for s being State of SCMPDS, I being shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
     if>=0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if>=0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS, I be shiftable Program-block,
       a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b >= 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if>=0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7:  inspos 0 in dom pIF by SCMPDS_4:75;
A8: IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def12;
then A9: IF = i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A10: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A11: CurInstr s3 = i by A9,Th22;
A12: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A11,AMI_1:def 18;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15: Shift(pI,2) c= s4 by A8,Lm7;
A16: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,2) by A1,A12,A14,SCMPDS_2:69
     .= inspos(0+2) by A10,Th23;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A17: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A17,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A12,SCMPDS_2:69;
then A18: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
   CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
    .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A19: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
       now let k be Nat;
      per cases by NAT_1:19;
      0 < k;
        then consider k1 being Nat such that
A20:    k1 + 1 = k by NAT_1:22;
       consider m such that
A21:   inspos m = IC (Computation s2).k1 by SCMPDS_3:32;
A22:   card pIF = 1+ card IF by SCMPDS_5:7
      .= 1+(card I +2) by Th129
      .= 1+card I +2 by XCMPLX_1:1
      .=card pI+2 by SCMPDS_5:7;
         inspos m in dom pI by A2,A21,Def2;
       then m < card pI by SCMPDS_4:1;
then A23:   m+2 < card pIF by A22,REAL_1:53;
         IC C3.k = IC (Computation s4).k1 by A20,AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s2).k1 + 2 by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
       .= inspos (m + 2) by A21,SCMPDS_3:def 3;
      hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A23,SCMPDS_4:1;
     suppose k = 0;
       hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A7,A10,AMI_1:def 19;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
     thus IF is_halting_on s by A19,Def3;

theorem Th133: ::L3,S8B_16
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block, a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0 holds
     if>=0(a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if>=0(a,k1,I) is_halting_on s
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b < 0;
   set IF=if>=0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1,
       s5 = C3.2;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);

A2:  IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def12
     .=i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
    then A7: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A6,FUNCT_4:12;
       IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
then A8:  pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A9:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A10:  inspos 1 in dom IF by Th130;
then A11: inspos 1 in dom pIF by Th18;
A12: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A5,A7,SCMPDS_2:69
     .= inspos(0+1) by A3,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s4.inspos 1 = pIF.inspos 1 by A9,A11,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=IF.inspos 1 by A10,Th19
     .=j by Th131;
then A13: CurInstr s4 = j by A12,AMI_1:def 17;
A14: (Computation s3).(1 + 1) = Following s4 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(j,s4) by A13,AMI_1:def 18;
A15: pIF c= s5 by A8,AMI_3:38;
A16: card IF=card I+2 by Th129;
then A17: inspos(card I+2) in dom pIF by Th25;
A18:  IC s5 = s5.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s4,card I+1) by A14,SCMPDS_2:66
     .= inspos(card I+1+1) by A12,Th23
     .= inspos(card I+(1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
       s5.inspos(card I+2) = pIF.inspos(card I+2) by A15,A17,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A16,Th25;
then A19: CurInstr s5 = halt SCMPDS by A18,AMI_1:def 17;
       let k be Nat;
          k = 0 or 0 < k by NAT_1:19;
        then A20: k = 0 or 0 + 1 <= k by INT_1:20;
       per cases by A20,REAL_1:def 5;
      suppose k = 0;
          then C3.k = s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A3,SCMPDS_4:75;
      suppose k = 1;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A10,A12,Th18;
       suppose 1 < k;
         then 1+1 <= k by INT_1:20;
         hence IC C3.k in dom pIF by A17,A18,A19,AMI_1:52;
     hence IF is_closed_on s by Def2;
       s3 is halting by A19,AMI_1:def 20;
     hence IF is_halting_on s by Def3;

theorem Th134: ::L,SCM8B_19
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
 a being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
 IExec(if>=0(a,k1,I),s) = IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b >= 0;
   assume A2: I is_closed_on s;
   assume A3: I is_halting_on s;
   set IF=if>=0(a,k1,I),
       IsIF=Initialized stop IF,
       pI=stop I,
       IsI= Initialized pI,
       s2 = s +* IsI,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       s4 = (Computation s3).1;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 2);

A4:  IsI c= s2 by FUNCT_4:26;
A5:  s2 is halting by A3,Def3;
A6:  I is_closed_on s2 by A2,Th38;
A7:  IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def12;
then A8: IF=i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A9: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A10: CurInstr s3 = i by A8,Th22;
A11: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A10,AMI_1:def 18;
A12: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
A13: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A14: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A13,FUNCT_4:12;
A15: Shift(pI,2) c= s4 by A7,Lm7;
A16: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s3,2) by A1,A11,A14,SCMPDS_2:69
     .= inspos(0+2) by A9,Th23;
       s2,s3 equal_outside A by SCMPDS_4:36;
then A17: s2 | D = s3 | D by SCMPDS_4:24;
       now let a;
       thus s2.a = s3.a by A17,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= s4.a by A11,SCMPDS_2:69;
then A18: s2 | D = s4 | D by SCMPDS_4:23;
A19: CurInstr (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1)
      =CurInstr (Computation s4).LifeSpan s2 by AMI_1:51
     .=CurInstr (Computation s2).LifeSpan s2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
     .= halt SCMPDS by A5,SCM_1:def 2;
then A20: s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
  now let l be Nat;
A21:   l < LifeSpan s2 + 1;
      per cases;
      suppose l = 0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A10,Th31;
       l <> 0;
         then consider n such that
A22:     l = n + 1 by NAT_1:22;
A23:     n < LifeSpan s2 by A21,A22,AXIOMS:24;
A24:       CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS;
          CurInstr (Computation s2).n
        = CurInstr (Computation s4).n
           by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
        .= halt SCMPDS by A22,A24,AMI_1:51;
        hence contradiction by A5,A23,SCM_1:def 2;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
       holds LifeSpan s2 + 1 <= l;
then A25: LifeSpan s3 = LifeSpan s2 + 1 by A19,A20,SCM_1:def 2;
A26: (Result s2) | D = (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
    .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) | D by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
    .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1) | D by AMI_1:51
    .= (Result s3) | D by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16;

A27: dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
    .= dom (IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)) by AMI_3:36;
      now let x be set;
A28:   IExec(I,s) = Result s2 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A29:   IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A30:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A31:    dom Start-At inspos (card I + 2) = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
      per cases by A30,SCMPDS_4:20;
A32:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A33:    not x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A34:    not x in dom (s | A) by A12,A32,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = (Result s3).x by A29,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Result s2).x by A26,A32,SCMPDS_4:23
       .= IExec(I,s).x by A28,A34,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A33,FUNCT_4:12;
A35:    x = IC SCMPDS;
then A36:    x in dom SAl by A31,TARSKI:def 1;
A37:   not x in dom (s | A) by A12,A35,AMI_1:48;
A38:   IC Result s2 = (Result s2).IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
       .= IExec(I,s).IC SCMPDS by A28,A35,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= IC IExec(I,s) by AMI_1:def 15
       .= inspos card I by A2,A3,Th48;
       thus IExec(IF,s).x = (Result s3).x by A29,A37,FUNCT_4:12
       .= (Computation s3).(LifeSpan s2 + 1).x by A20,A25,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2).x by AMI_1:51
       .= IC (Computation s4).(LifeSpan s2) by A35,AMI_1:def 15
       .= IC (Computation s2).(LifeSpan s2) + 2
          by A4,A6,A15,A16,A18,Th45
       .= IC Result s2 + 2 by A5,SCMFSA6B:16
       .= (Start-At (inspos (card I) + 2)).IC SCMPDS by A38,AMI_3:50
       .= SAl.IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_3:def 3
       .= (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by A35,A36,FUNCT_4:14;

      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (IExec(I,s) +* SAl).x by Th26;
   hence IExec(IF,s) = IExec(I,s) +* SAl by A27,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th135: ::L,SCM8B_17
 for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0 holds
  IExec(if>=0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a be Int_position,
   k1 be Integer;
   set b=DataLoc(s.a,k1);
   assume A1: s.b < 0;
   set IF=if>=0(a,k1,I),
       pIF=stop IF,
       IsIF=Initialized pIF,
       s3 = s +* IsIF,
       C3 = Computation s3,
       s4 = C3.1,
       s5 = C3.2;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);
    set SAl=Start-At inspos (card I + 2);

A2:  IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def12
     .=i ';' (j ';' I) by SCMPDS_4:52;
A3: IC s3 =inspos 0 by Th21;
A4: CurInstr s3 = i by A2,Th22;
A5: (Computation s3).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s3).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s3) by A4,AMI_1:def 18;
A6: not b in dom IsIF & b in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
       not a in dom IsIF & a in dom s by SCMPDS_2:49,SCMPDS_4:31;
     then A7: s3.DataLoc(s3.a,k1)=s3.b by FUNCT_4:12
     .= s.b by A6,FUNCT_4:12;
       IsIF c= s3 by FUNCT_4:26;
then A8:  pIF c= s3 by SCMPDS_4:57;
then A9:  pIF c= s4 by AMI_3:38;
A10:  inspos 1 in dom IF by Th130;
then A11: inspos 1 in dom pIF by Th18;
A12: IC s4 = s4.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= Next IC s3 by A1,A5,A7,SCMPDS_2:69
     .= inspos(0+1) by A3,SCMPDS_4:70;
       s4.inspos 1 = pIF.inspos 1 by A9,A11,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=IF.inspos 1 by A10,Th19
     .=j by Th131;
then A13: CurInstr s4 = j by A12,AMI_1:def 17;
A14: (Computation s3).(1 + 1) = Following s4 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(j,s4) by A13,AMI_1:def 18;
A15: pIF c= s5 by A8,AMI_3:38;
A16: card IF=card I+2 by Th129;
then A17: inspos(card I+2) in dom pIF by Th25;
A18:  IC s5 = s5.IC SCMPDS by AMI_1:def 15
     .= ICplusConst(s4,card I+1) by A14,SCMPDS_2:66
     .= inspos(card I+1+1) by A12,Th23
     .= inspos(card I+(1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
       s5.inspos(card I+2) = pIF.inspos(card I+2) by A15,A17,GRFUNC_1:8
     .=halt SCMPDS by A16,Th25;
then A19: CurInstr s5 = halt SCMPDS by A18,AMI_1:def 17;
then A20:  s3 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
   now let l be Nat;
       assume l < 1+1;
        then A21: l <= 1 by NAT_1:38;
        per cases by A21,CQC_THE1:2;
        suppose l=0;
then CurInstr (Computation s3).l = CurInstr s3 by AMI_1:def 19;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A4,Th31;
        suppose l=1;
         hence CurInstr (Computation s3).l <> halt SCMPDS by A13,SCMPDS_2:85;
     then for l be Nat st CurInstr (Computation s3).l = halt SCMPDS
       holds 2 <= l;
  then LifeSpan s3 = 2 by A19,A20,SCM_1:def 2;
then A22:  s5 = Result s3 by A20,SCMFSA6B:16;
A23:  dom IExec(IF,s) = the carrier of SCMPDS by AMI_3:36
      .= dom (s +* SAl) by AMI_3:36;
A24: dom (s | A) = A by Th1;
        now let x be set;
A25:    IExec(IF,s) = Result s3 +* s | A by SCMPDS_4:def 8;
A26:    x in dom IExec(IF,s);
A27:    dom SAl = {IC SCMPDS} by AMI_3:34;
       per cases by A26,SCMPDS_4:20;
A28:    x is Int_position;
        then x <> IC SCMPDS by SCMPDS_2:52;
then A29:    not x in dom SAl by A27,TARSKI:def 1;
      not x in dom (s | A) by A24,A28,SCMPDS_2:53;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s5.x by A22,A25,FUNCT_4:12
       .= s4.x by A14,A28,SCMPDS_2:66
       .= s3.x by A5,A28,SCMPDS_2:69
       .= s.x by A28,SCMPDS_5:19
       .= (s +* SAl).x by A29,FUNCT_4:12;
A30:    x = IC SCMPDS;
        then x in dom Result s3 & not x in dom (s | A) by A24,AMI_1:48,AMI_5:25
       hence IExec(IF,s).x
        = s5.x by A22,A25,FUNCT_4:12
       .= inspos(card I + 2) by A18,A30,AMI_1:def 15
       .= (s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2)).x by A30,Lm8;
      suppose x is Instruction-Location of SCMPDS;
       hence IExec(IF,s).x = (s +* SAl).x by Th27;
    hence IExec(IF,s) = s +* SAl by A23,FUNCT_1:9;

   let I be shiftable parahalting Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if>=0(a,k1,I) -> shiftable parahalting;
    set IF=if>=0(a,k1,I),
        IsIF=Initialized stop IF;
    set i = (a,k1)>=0_goto 2,
        j = goto (card I + 1);
      IF = i ';' j ';' I by Def12
    .=Load i ';' Load j ';' I by SCMPDS_4:def 6;
    hence IF is shiftable;
      now let s be State of SCMPDS;
      assume IsIF c= s;
then A1:    s = s +* IsIF by AMI_5:10;
A2:    I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
       per cases;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by A2,Th132;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
       suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0;
        then IF is_halting_on s by Th133;
        hence s is halting by A1,Def3;
   then IsIF is halting by AMI_1:def 26;
   hence IF is parahalting by SCMPDS_4:def 10;

   let I be No-StopCode Program-block,
   a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   cluster if>=0(a,k1,I) -> No-StopCode;
       if>=0(a,k1,I) = (a,k1)>=0_goto 2 ';' goto (card I+1) ';' I by Def12;
     hence thesis;

theorem  ::L2,S8B_21A
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a being Int_position,k1 being Integer holds
     IC IExec(if>=0(a,k1,I),s) = inspos (card I + 2)
   let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
   Program-block,a be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
   set IF=if>=0(a,k1,I);
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    per cases;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I+2) by A1,Th134;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;
    suppose s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0;
      then IExec(IF,s) =s +* Start-At inspos (card I+ 2) by Th135;
      hence thesis by AMI_5:79;

theorem   ::L,S8B_21B
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
 Program-block,a,b being Int_position,k1 being Integer
 st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0 holds
      IExec(if>=0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be No-StopCode shiftable parahalting
    Program-block,a,b be Int_position,k1 be Integer;
A1: I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by Th34,Th35;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) >= 0;
then A2:  IExec(if>=0(a,k1,I),s) =
          IExec(I,s) +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by A1,Th134;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if>=0(a,k1,I),s).b = IExec(I,s).b by A2,FUNCT_4:12;

theorem  ::L,S8B_21C
   for s being State of SCMPDS,I being Program-block,a,b being Int_position,
 k1 being Integer st s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0 holds
      IExec(if>=0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b
    let s be State of SCMPDS,I be Program-block,a,b be Int_position,
    k1 be Integer;
    assume s.DataLoc(s.a,k1) < 0;
then A1:  IExec(if>=0(a,k1,I),s) = s +* Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by Th135;
      not b in dom Start-At inspos (card I + 2) by SCMPDS_4:59;
    hence IExec(if>=0(a,k1,I),s).b = s.b by A1,FUNCT_4:12;

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