The Mizar article:

Mahlo and Inaccessible Cardinals

Josef Urban

Received August 28, 2000

Copyright (c) 2000 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: CARD_LAR
[ MML identifier index ]


 constructors NAT_1, WELLORD2, CARD_2, CARD_5, ZFREFLE1, CARD_FIL, CARD_4,
 requirements NUMERALS, SUBSET, BOOLE;
 definitions TARSKI, CLASSES1, ORDINAL1;
      XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1;


::                                                   ::
::             Some initial settings                 ::
::                                                   ::

definition let S be set; let X be set; let Y be Subset of S;
  redefine func X /\ Y -> Subset of S;
proof X /\ Y c= Y by XBOOLE_1:17;
   hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;

  cluster cardinal infinite -> being_limit_ordinal Ordinal;
  coherence by CARD_4:32;

  cluster non empty being_limit_ordinal -> infinite Ordinal;
  proof let A be Ordinal such that A1: A is non empty being_limit_ordinal;
     assume A is finite;
     then A2: A in omega by CARD_4:7;
       not A c= {} by A1,XBOOLE_1:3;
     then {} in A by ORDINAL1:26;
     then omega c= A by A1,ORDINAL2:def 5;
     then A in A by A2;
     hence contradiction;

  cluster non limit -> non countable Aleph;
proof let M be Aleph such that A1: M is non limit;
   assume M is countable;
   then A2: Card M <=` alef 0 by CARD_4:def 1;
     Card M = alef 0
   proof assume Card M <> alef 0;
      then Card M <` alef 0 by A2,CARD_1:13;
      hence contradiction by CARD_4:2;
   then M = omega by CARD_1:83,def 5;
   hence contradiction by A1,CARD_1:85,def 5;

  cluster regular non countable Aleph;
  proof consider M being non limit Aleph;
     take M;
     thus thesis;

::                                                   ::
::       Closed, unbounded and stationary sets       ::
::                                                   ::

reserve A,B for being_limit_ordinal infinite Ordinal;
reserve B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,D, C for Ordinal;
reserve X for set;

  let A,X;
  pred X is_unbounded_in A means
:Def1:  X c= A & sup X = A;
  pred X is_closed_in A means
:Def2:  X c= A & for B st B in A holds sup (X /\ B)=B implies B in X;

  let A,X;
  pred X is_club_in A means
:Def3:  X is_closed_in A & X is_unbounded_in A;

reserve X for Subset of A;

  let A,X;
  attr X is unbounded means
:Def4:  sup X = A;
  antonym X is bounded;
  attr X is closed means
:Def5:  for B st B in A holds sup (X /\ B)=B implies B in X;


theorem Th2:
   X is_club_in A iff
  X is closed unbounded
proof thus X is_club_in A implies X is closed unbounded
      assume X is_club_in A;
      then X is_closed_in A & X is_unbounded_in A by Def3;
      then (for B st B in A holds sup (X /\ B)=B implies B in X) &
      sup X = A by Def1,Def2;
      hence X is closed unbounded by Def4,Def5;
   assume X is closed unbounded;
   then (for B st B in A holds sup (X /\ B)=B implies B in X) &
   sup X = A by Def4,Def5;
   then X is_closed_in A & X is_unbounded_in A by Def1,Def2;
   hence X is_club_in A by Def3;

:: should be probably in ordinal2
theorem Th3:
  X c= sup X
proof let x be set such that A1: x in X;
   reconsider x1=x as Element of A by A1;
     x1 in sup X by A1,ORDINAL2:27;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th4:
  (X is non empty &
  for B1 st B1 in X ex B2 st (B2 in X & B1 in B2) ) implies sup X is
  being_limit_ordinal infinite Ordinal
proof assume A1: X is non empty;
   assume A2: for B1 st B1 in X ex B2 st (B2 in X & B1 in B2);
   A3: for C st C in sup X holds succ C in sup X
   proof let C such that A4: C in sup X;
      consider B3 such that A5:  B3 in X and
      A6:  C c= B3 by A4,ORDINAL2:29;
      consider B2 such that A7: B2 in X and A8: B3 in B2 by A2,A5;
        C in B2 by A6,A8,ORDINAL1:22;
      then A9: succ C c= B2 by ORDINAL1:33;
        B2 in sup X by A7,ORDINAL2:27;
      hence succ C in sup X by A9,ORDINAL1:22;
   consider x being set such that A10: x in X by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 1;
     X c= sup X by Th3;
   then reconsider SUP = sup X as non empty
   being_limit_ordinal Ordinal by A3,A10,ORDINAL1:41;
     SUP is being_limit_ordinal infinite Ordinal;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th5:
  X is bounded iff ex B1 st B1 in A & X c= B1
   A1: X c= sup X by Th3;
   A2: A = sup A by ORDINAL2:26;
   A3: X is bounded iff sup X <> A by Def4;
     sup X c< A iff sup X c= A & sup X <> A by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
   then sup X <> A iff sup X in A by A2,ORDINAL1:21,ORDINAL2:30;
   hence X is bounded implies ex B1 st B1 in A & X c= B1 by A1,Def4;
   given B1 such that A4: B1 in A and A5: X c= B1;
     sup X c= sup B1 by A5,ORDINAL2:30;
   then sup X c= B1 by ORDINAL2:26;
   hence X is bounded by A3,A4,ORDINAL1:22;

theorem Th6:
  not sup (X /\ B) = B implies ex B1 st B1 in B & (X /\ B) c= B1
proof assume A1: not sup (X /\ B) = B;
   reconsider Y = (X /\ B) as Subset of B by XBOOLE_1:17;
     Y is bounded by A1,Def4;
   then consider B1 such that A2: B1 in B and A3: Y c= B1 by Th5;
   take B1;
   thus thesis by A2,A3;

theorem Th7:
  X is unbounded iff for B1 st B1 in A ex C st C in X & B1 c= C
   thus X is unbounded implies for B1 st B1 in A ex C st C in X & B1 c= C
      assume A1: X is unbounded;
      let B1 such that A2: B1 in A;
        not X c= B1 by A1,A2,Th5;
      then consider x being set such that A3: x in X and
      A4: not x in B1 by TARSKI:def 3;
      reconsider x1 = x as Element of A by A3;
      take x1;
      thus x1 in X by A3;
      thus B1 c= x1 by A4,ORDINAL1:26;
   assume A5: for B1 st B1 in A ex C st C in X & B1 c= C;
   assume X is bounded;
   then consider B1 such that A6: B1 in A and
   A7: X c= B1 by Th5;
   consider C such that A8: C in X and
   A9: B1 c= C by A5,A6;
     X c= C by A7,A9,XBOOLE_1:1;
   then C in C by A8;
   hence contradiction;

theorem Th8:
  X is unbounded implies X is non empty
proof assume A1: X is unbounded;
   consider B1 being Element of A;
   consider C such that A2: C in X and B1 c= C by A1,Th7;
   thus thesis by A2;

theorem Th9:
  X is unbounded & B1 in A implies ex B3 being Element of A st
  B3 in { B2 where B2 is Element of A: B2 in X & B1 in B2}
proof assume A1: X is unbounded;
  assume B1 in A;
  then succ B1 in A by ORDINAL1:41;
  then consider B3 such that A2: B3 in X and A3: succ B1 c= B3 by A1,Th7;
  A4: B1 in B3 by A3,ORDINAL1:33;
  reconsider B4 = B3 as Element of A by A2;
  take B4;
  thus B4 in {B2 where B2 is Element of A: B2 in X & B1 in B2} by A2,A4;

definition let A,X,B1;
  assume A1: X is unbounded;
  assume A2: B1 in A;
  func LBound(B1,X) -> Element of X equals
:Def6: inf { B2 where B2 is Element of A: B2 in X & B1 in B2};
     defpred P[set] means $1 in X & B1 in $1;
     set LB = { B2 where B2 is Element of A: P[B2]};
     consider B3 being Element of A such that
     A3: B3 in LB by A1,A2,Th9;
     A4: inf LB in LB by A3,ORDINAL2:25;
     P[inf LB] from ElemProp(A4);
     hence inf LB is Element of X;

theorem Th10:
  X is unbounded & B1 in A implies
  LBound(B1,X) in X & B1 in LBound(B1,X)
proof assume A1: X is unbounded;
   assume A2: B1 in A;
     X is non empty by A1,Th8;
   hence LBound(B1,X) in X;
   defpred P[set] means $1 in X & B1 in $1;
   set LB = { B2 where B2 is Element of A: P[B2]};
   A3: inf LB = meet On LB by ORDINAL2:def 6;
     LB is Subset of A from SubsetD;
   then A4: On LB = LB by ORDINAL3:8;
   A5: ex B3 being Element of A st B3 in LB by A1,A2,Th9;
     for x  being set st x in LB holds B1 in x
   proof let x be set;
      assume A6: x in LB;
      P[x] from ElemProp(A6);
      hence thesis;
   then B1 in meet LB by A5,SETFAM_1:def 1;
   hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,Def6;

theorem Th11:
  [#] A is closed unbounded
proof A1: [#] A = A by SUBSET_1:def 4;
   thus [#] A is closed
   proof let B such that A2: B in A;
      assume sup ([#] A /\ B)=B;
      thus thesis by A2,SUBSET_1:def 4;
     sup [#] A = A by A1,ORDINAL2:26;
   hence thesis by Def4;

:: don't know what to do with this, sometimes "X \ Y -> Subset of X" is more needed;
definition let A be set; let X be Subset of A; let Y be set;
  redefine func X \ Y -> Subset of A;
       X \ Y c= A by XBOOLE_1:1;
     hence thesis;

theorem Th12:
  B1 in A & X is closed unbounded implies
  X \ B1 is closed unbounded
proof assume A1: B1 in A;
   assume A2: X is closed unbounded;
   A3: for B2 st B2 in A ex C st C in (X \ B1) & B2 c= C
   proof let B2 such that A4: B2 in A;
      per cases by ORDINAL1:26;
      suppose A5: B1 in B2;
       consider D such that A6: D in X and A7: B2 c= D by A2,A4,Th7;
       take D;
         B1 in D by A5,A7;
       hence D in (X \ B1) by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
       thus B2 c= D by A7;
      suppose A8: B2 c= B1;
       consider D such that A9: D in X and A10: B1 c= D by A1,A2,Th7;
       take D;
         not D in B1 by A10,ORDINAL1:7;
       hence D in (X \ B1) by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
       thus B2 c= D by A8,A10,XBOOLE_1:1;
   thus (X \ B1) is closed
      let B such that A11: B in A;
      assume A12: sup ((X \ B1) /\ B)=B;
        sup (X /\ B)=B
      proof X \ B1 c= X by XBOOLE_1:36;
         then ((X \ B1) /\ B) c= (X /\ B) by XBOOLE_1:26;
         then A13: B c= sup (X /\ B) by A12,ORDINAL2:30;
           (X /\ B) c= B by XBOOLE_1:17;
         then sup (X /\ B) c= sup B by ORDINAL2:30;
         then sup (X /\ B) c= B by ORDINAL2:26;
         hence thesis by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
      then A14: B in X by A2,A11,Def5;
      assume not B in (X \ B1);
      then B in B1 by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      then A15: B c= B1 by ORDINAL1:def 2;
      A16: (X \ B) misses B by XBOOLE_1:79;
        (X \ B1) c= (X \ B) by A15,XBOOLE_1:34;
      then (X \ B1) misses B by A16,XBOOLE_1:63;
      then (X \ B1) /\ B = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
      hence contradiction by A12,ORDINAL2:26;
   thus thesis by A3,Th7;

theorem Th13:
  B1 in A implies A \ B1 is closed unbounded
proof assume A1: B1 in A;
     [#] A is closed unbounded by Th11;
   then [#] A \ B1 is closed unbounded by A1,Th12;
   hence thesis by SUBSET_1:def 4;

  let A,X;
  attr X is stationary means
:Def7: for Y being Subset of A holds
  Y is closed unbounded implies X /\ Y is non empty;

theorem Th14:
  for X,Y being Subset of A holds (X is stationary & X c= Y implies
  Y is stationary)
proof let X,Y be Subset of A;
   assume A1: X is stationary;
   assume A2: X c= Y;
   let Z1 be Subset of A;
   assume Z1 is closed unbounded;
   then X /\ Z1 is non empty by A1,Def7;
   then consider x being set such that A3: x in X /\ Z1
   by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
     X /\ Z1 c= Y /\ Z1 by A2,XBOOLE_1:26;
   hence Y /\ Z1 is non empty by A3;

  let A;
  let X be set;
  pred X is_stationary_in A means
:Def8: X c= A & for Y being Subset of A holds
  Y is closed unbounded implies X /\ Y is non empty;

theorem Th15:
  for X,Y being set holds (X is_stationary_in A & X c= Y & Y c= A
  implies Y is_stationary_in A)
proof let X,Y be set;
   assume A1: X is_stationary_in A;
   assume A2: X c= Y;
   assume Y c= A;
   then reconsider Y1 = Y as Subset of A;
   A3: X c= A & for Z being Subset of A holds
   Z is closed unbounded implies X /\ Z is non empty by A1,Def8;
   reconsider X1 = X as Subset of A by A1,Def8;
     X1 is stationary by A3,Def7;
   then Y1 is stationary by A2,Th14;
   then for Z being Subset of A holds
   Z is closed unbounded implies Y1 /\ Z is non empty by Def7;
   hence thesis by Def8;

:: belongs e.g. to setfam?
definition let X be set;
  let S be Subset-Family of X;
  redefine mode Element of S -> Subset of X;
  proof let E be Element of S;
     per cases;
     suppose S is empty;
     then E is empty by SUBSET_1:def 2;
     hence thesis by SUBSET_1:4;
     suppose S is non empty;
     then E in S;
     hence thesis;

    X is stationary implies X is unbounded
proof assume A1: X is stationary;
   assume X is bounded;
   then consider B1 such that A2: B1 in A and A3: X c= B1 by Th5;
   A4: A \ B1 is closed unbounded by A2,Th13;
     (A \ B1) misses B1 by XBOOLE_1:79;
   then (A \ B1) misses X by A3,XBOOLE_1:63;
   then (A \ B1) /\ X = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
   hence contradiction by A1,A4,Def7;

definition let A,X;
  func limpoints X -> Subset of A equals :Def9:
  {B1 where B1 is Element of A:
  B1 is infinite being_limit_ordinal & sup (X /\ B1) = B1};
    defpred P[set] means
     $1 is infinite being_limit_ordinal & sup (X /\ $1) = $1;
    thus {B1 where B1 is Element of A: P[B1]} is Subset of A from SubsetD;

theorem Th17:
  X /\ B3 c= B1 implies B3 /\ limpoints X c= succ B1
proof assume A1: X /\ B3 c= B1;
   assume not B3 /\ limpoints X c= succ B1;
   then consider x being set such that A2: x in B3 /\ limpoints X and
   A3: not x in succ B1 by TARSKI:def 3;
   A4: x in B3 by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   reconsider x1=x as Element of B3 by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   defpred P[set] means
    $1is infinite being_limit_ordinal & sup (X /\ $1) = $1;
     x1 in limpoints X by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   then A5: x1 in {B2 where B2 is Element of A: P[B2]} by Def9;
     succ B1 c= x1 by A3,ORDINAL1:26;
   then A6: B1 in x1 by ORDINAL1:33;
   A7: P[x1] from ElemProp(A5);
   then reconsider x2=x1 as infinite being_limit_ordinal Ordinal;
   reconsider Y = (X /\ x2) as Subset of x2 by XBOOLE_1:17;
     Y is unbounded by A7,Def4;
   then consider C such that A8: C in Y and
   A9: B1 c= C by A6,Th7;
   A10: C in X by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     C in B3 by A4,A8,ORDINAL1:19;
   then C in X /\ B3 by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   then C in B1 by A1;
   then C in C by A9;
   hence contradiction;

    X c= B1 implies limpoints X c= succ B1
proof assume A1: X c= B1;
     X /\ A = X by XBOOLE_1:28;
   then A /\ limpoints X c= succ B1 by A1,Th17;
   hence limpoints X c= succ B1 by XBOOLE_1:28;

theorem Th19:
  limpoints X is closed
   A1: limpoints X = {B1 where B1 is Element of A:
   B1 is infinite being_limit_ordinal & sup ( X /\ B1) = B1} by Def9;
   let B such that A2: B in A;
   assume A3: sup ((limpoints X) /\ B) =B;
   A4: sup (X /\ B)=B
   proof assume sup (X /\ B) <> B;
      then consider B1 such that A5: B1 in B and
      A6: (X /\ B) c= B1 by Th6;
        B /\ limpoints X c= succ B1 by A6,Th17;
      then sup ((limpoints X) /\ B) c= sup succ B1 by ORDINAL2:30;
      then A7: sup ((limpoints X) /\ B) c= succ B1 by ORDINAL2:26;
        succ B1 in B by A5,ORDINAL1:41;
      then succ B1 in succ B1 by A3,A7;
      hence contradiction;
   reconsider Bl=B as Element of A by A2;
     Bl is infinite being_limit_ordinal & sup (X /\ Bl)=Bl by A4;
   hence B in limpoints X by A1;

:: mainly used for MahloReg, LimUnb says this usually doesnot happen
theorem Th20:
  X is unbounded & limpoints X is bounded implies
  ex B1 st B1 in A &
  {succ B2 where B2 is Element of A : B2 in X & B1 in succ B2} is_club_in A
proof assume A1: X is unbounded;
   assume limpoints X is bounded;
   then consider B1 such that A2: B1 in A and
   A3: limpoints X c= B1 by Th5;
   take B1;
   set SUCC={succ B2 where B2 is Element of A :
   B2 in X & B1 in succ B2};
     SUCC c= A
   proof let x be set such that A4: x in SUCC;
      consider B2 being Element of A such that A5: x= succ B2 and
        B2 in X & B1 in succ B2 by A4;
      thus thesis by A5,ORDINAL1:41;
   then reconsider SUCC as Subset of A;
     for B st B in A holds sup (SUCC /\ B)=B implies B in SUCC
   proof let B such that A6: B in A;
      reconsider B0=B as Element of A by A6;
        not sup (SUCC /\ B)=B
      proof assume A7: sup (SUCC /\ B)=B;
           sup (X /\ B)=B
         proof assume not sup (X /\ B) = B;
            then consider B5 such that A8: B5 in B and
            A9: (X /\ B) c= B5 by Th6;
              succ B5 in B by A8,ORDINAL1:41;
            then succ succ B5 in B by ORDINAL1:41;
            then consider B6 such that A10: B6 in (SUCC /\ B) and
            A11: succ succ B5 c= B6 by A7,ORDINAL2:29;
              B6 in SUCC by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then consider B7 being Element of A such that A12: B6 = succ B7
            and A13: B7 in X & B1 in succ B7;
              succ B5 in succ B7 by A11,A12,ORDINAL1:33;
            then A14: succ B5 c= B7 by ORDINAL1:34;
            A15: B6 in B by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
              B7 in succ B7 by ORDINAL1:10;
            then B7 in B by A12,A15,ORDINAL1:19;
            then B7 in (X /\ B) by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then B7 in B5 by A9;
            hence contradiction by A14,ORDINAL1:33;
         then B0 in {B10 where B10 is Element of A:
         B10 is infinite being_limit_ordinal & sup ( X /\ B10) = B10};
         then A16: B0 in limpoints X by Def9;
         consider B2 being Element of B;
         consider B3 such that A17: B3 in (SUCC /\ B) and
           B2 c= B3 by A7,ORDINAL2:29;
         A18: B3 in B by A17,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
           B3 in SUCC by A17,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then consider B4 being Element of A such that
         A19: B3= succ B4 and B4 in X and A20: B1 in succ B4;
         thus contradiction by A3,A16,A18,A19,A20,ORDINAL1:19;
      hence thesis;
   then A21: SUCC is_closed_in A by Def2;
     for B2 st B2 in A ex C st C in SUCC & B2 c= C
   proof let B2 such that A22: B2 in A;
      set B21 = (B2 \/ B1);
      A23: B2 c= B21 & B1 c= B21 by XBOOLE_1:7;
        B21 in A by A2,A22,ORDINAL3:15;
      then consider D such that A24: D in X and A25: B21 c= D by A1,Th7;
      take succ D;
        B21 in succ D by A25,ORDINAL1:34;
      then B1 in succ D by A23,ORDINAL1:22;
      hence succ D in SUCC by A24;
        B2 c= D by A23,A25,XBOOLE_1:1;
      then B2 in succ D by ORDINAL1:34;
      hence B2 c= succ D by ORDINAL1:def 2;
   then SUCC is unbounded by Th7;
   then sup SUCC = A by Def4;
   then SUCC is_unbounded_in A by Def1;
   hence thesis by A2,A21,Def3;

reserve M for non countable Aleph;
reserve X for Subset of M;

definition let M;
  cluster cardinal infinite Element of M;
  proof take omega;
       not M c= omega
        assume M c=omega;
        hence contradiction by CARD_4:44,46;
     hence omega is Element of M by ORDINAL1:26;
     thus thesis by CARD_1:83;

reserve N,N1 for cardinal infinite Element of M;

theorem Th21:
  for M being Aleph for X being Subset of M
  holds X is unbounded implies cf M <=` Card X
proof let M be Aleph;
   let X be Subset of M;
   assume A1: X is unbounded;
   assume not cf M <=` Card X;
   then Card X <` cf M by ORDINAL1:26;
   then A2: sup X in M by CARD_5:38;
     sup X = M by A1,Def4;
   hence contradiction by A2;

theorem Th22:
  for S being Subset-Family of M st
  for X being Element of S holds X is closed holds
  meet S is closed
   let S be Subset-Family of M such that
   A1: for X being Element of S holds X is closed;
   let C be being_limit_ordinal infinite Ordinal;
   assume A2: C in M;
   per cases;
   suppose A3: S = {};
      not sup (meet S /\ C) = C
    proof assume A4: sup (meet S /\ C) = C;
         meet S = {} by A3,SETFAM_1:def 1;
       hence contradiction by A4,ORDINAL2:26;
    hence thesis;
   suppose A5: S <> {};
   assume A6: sup (meet S /\ C) = C;
     for X being set holds X in S implies C in X
   proof let X be set such that A7: X in S;
      reconsider X1=X as Element of S by A7;
      A8: X1 is closed by A1;
        sup (X1 /\ C) = C
      proof meet S c= X1 by A7,SETFAM_1:4;
         then (meet S /\ C) c= (X1 /\ C) by XBOOLE_1:26;
         then A9: sup (meet S /\ C) c= sup (X1 /\ C) by ORDINAL2:30;
           (X1 /\ C) c= C by XBOOLE_1:17;
         then sup (X1 /\ C) c= sup C by ORDINAL2:30;
         then sup (X1 /\ C) c= C by ORDINAL2:26;
         hence thesis by A6,A9,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
      hence thesis by A2,A8,Def5;
   hence C in meet S by A5,SETFAM_1:def 1;

theorem Th23:
  alef 0 <` cf M implies
  for f being Function of NAT,X holds sup rng f in M
proof assume A1:  alef 0 <` cf M;
   let f be Function of NAT,X;
   per cases;
   suppose not X = {};
    then dom f = NAT & rng f c= rng f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then A2: Card rng f <=` Card NAT by CARD_1:28;
      Card NAT <=` alef 0 by CARD_4:44,def 1;
    then Card NAT <` cf M by A1,ORDINAL1:22;
    then A3: Card rng f <` cf M by A2,ORDINAL1:22;
      rng f c= X by RELSET_1:12;
    then rng f c= M by XBOOLE_1:1;
    hence sup rng f in M by A3,CARD_5:38;
   suppose X = {};
    then f = {} by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then A4: sup rng f = {} by ORDINAL2:26,RELAT_1:60;
      not M c= {} by XBOOLE_1:3;
    hence sup rng f in M by A4,ORDINAL1:26;

    alef 0 <` cf M implies
  for S being non empty Subset-Family of M st ( Card S <` cf M &
  for X being Element of S holds X is closed unbounded ) holds
  meet S is closed unbounded
   assume A1: alef 0 <` cf M;
   let S be non empty Subset-Family of M such that
   A2: Card S <` cf M and
   A3: for X being Element of S holds X is closed unbounded;
   thus meet S is closed by A3,Th22;
     for B1 st B1 in M ex C st C in meet S & B1 c= C
   proof let B1 such that A4: B1 in M;
      reconsider B11=B1 as Element of M by A4;
      deffunc Ch(Element of M) =
      { LBound($1,X) where X is Element of S : X in S } /\ [#]M;
      A5: for B being Element of M holds
      Ch(B) = { LBound(B,X) where X is Element of S : X in S }
         let B be Element of M;
         set Ch_B= { LBound(B,X) where X is Element of S : X in S };
           Ch_B c= M
         proof let x be set such that A6: x in
            { LBound(B,X) where X is Element of S : X in S };
            consider X being Element of S such that A7:  LBound(B,X)=x and
              X in S by A6;
              X is unbounded by A3;
            then X is non empty by Th8;
            then LBound(B,X) in X;
            hence x in M by A7;
         then Ch_B /\ M = Ch_B by XBOOLE_1:28;
         hence Ch(B) = { LBound(B,X) where X is Element of S : X in S }
         by SUBSET_1:def 4;
      A8: for B being Element of M holds sup Ch(B) in M & B in sup Ch(B)
      proof let B be Element of M;
        deffunc f(Subset of M) = LBound(B,$1);
           Card { f(X) where X is Element of S: X in S } <=` Card S
         from FraenkelCard;
         then Card Ch(B) <=` Card S by A5;
         then Card Ch(B) <` cf M by A2,ORDINAL1:22;
         hence sup Ch(B) in M by CARD_5:38;
         consider X being Element of S;
         A9: X in S & X is unbounded by A3;
         then X is non empty by Th8;
         then LBound(B,X) in X;
         then reconsider LB=LBound(B,X) as Element of M;
           LBound(B,X) in { LBound(B,Y) where Y is Element of S: Y in S };
         then A10: LB in Ch(B) & Ch(B) c= sup Ch(B) by A5,Th3;
           B in LB by A9,Th10;
         hence B in sup Ch(B) by A10,ORDINAL1:19;
      defpred P[set,Element of M,set] means $3 = sup Ch($2) & $2 in $3;
      A11: for n being Nat for x being Element of M
      ex y being Element of M st P[n,x,y]
      proof let n be Nat; let x be Element of M;
         reconsider y=sup Ch(x) as Element of M by A8;
         take y;
         thus thesis by A8;
      consider L being Function of NAT,M such that A12:
      L.0 = B11 and A13: for n being Element of NAT holds P[n,L.n,L.(n+1)]
       from RecExD(A11);
      take sup rng L;
        M = [#]M by SUBSET_1:def 4;
      then reconsider L1=L as Function of NAT,[#]M;
      A14: sup rng L1 in M by A1,Th23;
      A15: B1 in rng L by A12,FUNCT_2:6;
      then A16: B1 in sup rng L by ORDINAL2:27;
      reconsider RNG = rng L as Subset of M by RELSET_1:12;
        for C1 being Ordinal st C1 in RNG ex C2 being Ordinal
      st ( C2 in RNG & C1 in C2)
      proof let C1 be Ordinal such that A17: C1 in RNG;
         consider y1 being set such that A18: y1 in dom L and
         A19: C1 = L.y1 by A17,FUNCT_1:def 5;
         reconsider y=y1 as Nat by A18,FUNCT_2:def 1;
         reconsider L1=L.(y+1) as Ordinal;
         take L1;
         thus L1 in RNG by FUNCT_2:6;
         thus C1 in L1 by A13,A19;
      then reconsider SUP_L = sup RNG as
      being_limit_ordinal infinite Element of M by A14,A15,Th4;
        for X1 being set st X1 in S holds SUP_L in X1
      proof let X1 be set such that A20: X1 in S;
         reconsider X=X1 as Element of S by A20;
         A21: X is closed unbounded & X in S by A3;
         then A22: X is non empty by Th8;
           sup (X /\ SUP_L) = SUP_L
              (X /\ SUP_L) c= SUP_L by XBOOLE_1:17;
            then sup (X /\ SUP_L) c= sup SUP_L by ORDINAL2:30;
            then A23: sup (X /\ SUP_L) c= SUP_L by ORDINAL2:26;
            assume sup (X /\ SUP_L) <> SUP_L;
            then sup (X /\ SUP_L) c< SUP_L by A23,XBOOLE_0:def 8;
            then sup (X /\ SUP_L) in SUP_L by ORDINAL1:21;
            then consider B3 being Ordinal such that A24: B3 in rng L and
            A25: sup (X /\ SUP_L) c= B3 by ORDINAL2:29;
            consider y1 being set such that A26: y1 in dom L and
            A27: B3 = L.y1 by A24,FUNCT_1:def 5;
            reconsider y=y1 as Nat by A26,FUNCT_2:def 1;
              LBound((L.y),X) in X by A22;
            then reconsider LBY=LBound((L.y),X) as Element of M;
              LBound((L.y),X) in
            { LBound((L.y),Y) where Y is Element of S: Y in S };
            then LBound((L.y),X) in Ch(L.y) by A5;
            then LBY in sup Ch(L.y) by ORDINAL2:27;
            then A28: LBound((L.y),X) in L.(y+1) by A13;
              L.(y+1) in rng L by FUNCT_2:6;
            then L.(y+1) in SUP_L by ORDINAL2:27;
            then LBY in SUP_L by A28,ORDINAL1:19;
            then LBound((L.y),X) in X /\ SUP_L by A22,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then LBY in sup (X /\ SUP_L) by ORDINAL2:27;
            then LBY in L.y by A25,A27;
            hence contradiction by A21,Th10;
         hence SUP_L in X1 by A21,Def5;
      hence sup rng L in meet S by SETFAM_1:def 1;
      thus thesis by A16,ORDINAL1:def 2;
   hence meet S is unbounded by Th7;

theorem Th25:
  (alef 0 <` cf M & X is unbounded) implies
  for B1 st B1 in M ex B st ( B in M & B1 in B & B in limpoints X )
   assume A1: alef 0 <` cf M;
   assume A2: X is unbounded;
   then reconsider X1= X as non empty Subset of M by Th8;
   let B1 such that A3: B1 in M;
   reconsider LB1 = LBound(B1,X1) as Element of X1;
   defpred P[set,set,set] means $2 in $3;
   A4: for n being Nat for x being Element of X1
   ex y being Element of X1 st P[n,x,y]
   proof let n be Nat;
      let x be Element of X1;
      reconsider x1=x as Element of M;
        succ x1 in M by ORDINAL1:41;
      then consider y being Ordinal such that A5: y in X1 and
      A6: succ x1 c= y by A2,Th7;
      reconsider y1=y as Element of X1 by A5;
      take y1;
        x in succ x1 by ORDINAL1:10;
      hence x in y1 by A6;
   consider L being Function of NAT,X1 such that A7:
   L.0 = LB1 and A8:
   for n be Element of NAT holds P[n,L.n,L.(n+1)] from RecExD(A4);
   A9: dom L = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   then A10: L.0 in rng L by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   A11: rng L c= X by RELSET_1:12;
   then A12:  rng L c= M by XBOOLE_1:1;
   set L2=L;
     for C st C in rng L2 ex D st (D in rng L2 & C in D)
   proof let C such that A13: C in rng L2;
      consider C1 being set such that A14: C1 in dom L2 and
      A15: C = L2.C1 by A13,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider C2=C1 as Nat by A14,FUNCT_2:def 1;
        L2.(C2+1) in X;
      then reconsider C3=L2.(C2+1) as Element of M;
      take C3;
      thus C3 in rng L2 by A9,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      thus C in C3 by A8,A15;
   then reconsider SUP = sup rng L as being_limit_ordinal infinite
   Element of M by A1,A10,A12,Th4,Th23;
   take SUP;
     sup ( X /\ SUP) = SUP
   proof assume sup ( X /\ SUP) <> SUP;
      then consider B5 such that A16: B5 in SUP and
      A17: (X /\ SUP) c= B5 by Th6;
      consider B6 being Ordinal such that A18: B6 in rng L and
      A19: B5 c= B6 by A16,ORDINAL2:29;
        B6 in sup rng L by A18,ORDINAL2:27;
      then B6 in (X /\ SUP) by A11,A18,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then B6 in B5 by A17;
      then B6 in B6 by A19;
      hence contradiction;
   then A20: SUP in {B4 where B4 is Element of M :
   B4 is infinite being_limit_ordinal & sup ( X /\ B4) = B4};
   reconsider LB2=LB1 as Element of M;
    A21: LB2 in sup rng L by A7,A10,ORDINAL2:27;
     B1 in LB2 by A2,A3,Th10;
   hence thesis by A20,A21,Def9,ORDINAL1:19;

    (alef 0 <` cf M & X is unbounded) implies
  limpoints X is unbounded
proof assume A1: alef 0 <` cf M;
   assume A2: X is unbounded;
     for B1 st B1 in M ex C st C in limpoints X & B1 c= C
   proof let B1 such that A3: B1 in M;
      consider B such that B in M and A4: B1 in B and
      A5: B in limpoints X by A1,A2,A3,Th25;
      take B;
      thus thesis by A4,A5,ORDINAL1:def 2;
   hence limpoints X is unbounded by Th7;

definition let M;
  attr M is Mahlo means
:Def10: { N : N is regular } is_stationary_in M;
  synonym M is_Mahlo;
  attr M is strongly_Mahlo means
:Def11: { N :  N is strongly_inaccessible}
   is_stationary_in M;
  synonym M is_strongly_Mahlo;

theorem Th27:
  M is strongly_Mahlo implies M is Mahlo
proof assume M is strongly_Mahlo;
   then A1: { N : N is strongly_inaccessible }
   is_stationary_in M by Def11;
   A2: {N : N is strongly_inaccessible} c= {N1 : N1 is regular}
   proof let x be set such that A3: x in {N : N is strongly_inaccessible};
      consider N such that A4: x = N and
      A5: N is strongly_inaccessible by A3;
        N is regular by A5,CARD_FIL:def 15;
      hence thesis by A4;
     {N1 : N1 is regular} c= M
   proof let x be set such that A6: x in {N1 : N1 is regular};
      consider N1 such that A7: x = N1 and N1 is regular by A6;
      thus x in M by A7;
   then {N1 : N1 is regular} is_stationary_in M by A1,A2,Th15;
   hence thesis by Def10;

theorem Th28:
  M is Mahlo implies M is regular
proof assume M is Mahlo;
   then A1: { N : N is regular } is_stationary_in M by Def10;
   assume not M is regular;
   then A2: cf M <> M by CARD_5:def 4;
     cf M c= M by CARD_5:def 2;
   then cf M c< M by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 8;
   then A3: cf M <` M by ORDINAL1:21;
   then consider xi being Ordinal-Sequence such that
   A4: dom xi = cf M and A5:  rng xi c= M and xi is increasing
   and A6: M = sup xi and xi is Cardinal-Function and
     not 0 in rng xi by CARD_5:41;
   A7: succ cf M in M by A3,ORDINAL1:41;
   reconsider RNG=rng xi as Subset of M by A5;
     M = sup RNG by A6,ORDINAL2:35;
   then A8: RNG is unbounded by Def4;
   then A9: cf M <=` Card RNG by Th21;
     Card RNG c= Card cf M by A4,YELLOW_6:3;
   then Card RNG c= cf M by CARD_1:def 5;
   then A10: Card RNG = cf M by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
     limpoints RNG is unbounded
   proof assume limpoints RNG is bounded;
      then consider B1 such that B1 in M and
      A11: {succ B2 where B2 is Element of M :
      B2 in RNG & B1 in succ B2} is_club_in M by A8,Th20;
      set SUCC= {succ B2 where B2 is Element of M :
      B2 in RNG & B1 in succ B2};
        SUCC is_closed_in M by A11,Def3;
      then reconsider SUCC as Subset of M by Def2;
        SUCC is closed unbounded by A11,Th2;
      then { N : N is regular } /\ SUCC is non empty by A1,Def8;
      then consider x being set such that
      A12: x in (SUCC /\ { N : N is regular }) by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
        x in {succ B2 where B2 is Element of M :
      B2 in RNG & B1 in succ B2} by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then consider B2 being Element of M such that A13: x = succ B2
      and B2 in RNG & B1 in succ B2;
        x in { N : N is regular } by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then consider N1 such that A14: x=N1 and N1 is regular;
      thus contradiction by A13,A14,ORDINAL1:42;
   then limpoints RNG is closed unbounded by Th19;
   then limpoints RNG \ succ cf M is closed unbounded by A7,Th12;
   then {N : N is regular} /\ (limpoints RNG \ succ cf M) <> {}
   by A1,Def8;
   then consider x being set such that A15:
   x in (limpoints RNG \ succ cf M) /\ {N : N is regular} by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
     x in (limpoints RNG \ succ cf M) by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   then A16: x in limpoints RNG & not x in succ cf M by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     x in {N : N is regular} by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   then consider N1 such that A17: N1=x and A18: N1 is regular;
   defpred P[set] means
    $1 is infinite being_limit_ordinal & sup (RNG /\ $1) = $1;
   A19: N1 in {B1 where B1 is Element of M: P[B1]}
   by A16,A17,Def9;
   A20: P[N1] from ElemProp(A19);
   reconsider RNG1= (N1 /\ RNG) as Subset of N1 by XBOOLE_1:17;
     RNG1 is unbounded by A20,Def4;
   then A21: cf N1 <=` Card RNG1 by Th21;
     RNG1 c= RNG by XBOOLE_1:17;
   then A22: Card RNG1 <=` Card RNG by CARD_1:27;
   A23: cf N1 = N1 by A18,CARD_5:def 4;
     not N1 c= cf M by A16,A17,ORDINAL1:34;
   then cf M in N1 by ORDINAL1:26;
   then cf M in Card RNG1 by A21,A23;
   then cf M in Card RNG by A22;
   hence contradiction by A10;

theorem Th29:
  M is Mahlo implies M is limit
proof assume M is Mahlo;
   then A1: { N : N is regular } is_stationary_in M by Def10;
   then reconsider REG={N : N is regular} as Subset of M by Def8;
   assume not M is limit;
   then consider M1 being Cardinal such that A2: nextcard M1 = M
   by CARD_1:def 7;
     M1 in M by A2,CARD_1:32;
   then succ M1 in M by ORDINAL1:41;
   then M \ succ M1 is closed unbounded by Th13;
   then REG /\ (M \ succ M1) <> {} by A1,Def8;
   then consider M2 being set such that A3: M2 in REG /\ (M \ succ M1)
   by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
   A4: M2 in REG & M2 in (M \ succ M1) by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   then consider N such that A5: N = M2 and N is regular;
   A6: N in M & not N in succ M1 by A4,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
   then not N c= M1 by ORDINAL1:34;
   then M1 in N by ORDINAL1:26;
   then nextcard M1 <=` N by CARD_4:22;
   then N in N by A2,A6;
   hence contradiction;

    M is Mahlo implies M is inaccessible
proof assume M is Mahlo;
   then M is regular limit by Th28,Th29;
   hence thesis by CARD_FIL:def 13;

theorem Th31:
  M is strongly_Mahlo implies M is strong_limit
proof assume M is strongly_Mahlo;
   then A1: { N :  N is strongly_inaccessible}
   is_stationary_in M by Def11;
   then reconsider SI={N : N is strongly_inaccessible} as
   Subset of M by Def8;
   assume not M is strong_limit;
   then consider M1 being Cardinal such that
   A2: M1 <` M and A3: not exp(2,M1) <` M by CARD_FIL:def 14;
     succ M1 in M by A2,ORDINAL1:41;
   then M \ succ M1 is closed unbounded by Th13;
   then SI /\ (M \ succ M1) <> {} by A1,Def8;
   then consider M2 being set such that A4: M2 in SI /\ (M \ succ M1)
   by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
   A5: M2 in SI & M2 in (M \ succ M1) by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   then consider N such that A6: N = M2 and
   A7: N is strongly_inaccessible;
   A8: N is strong_limit by A7,CARD_FIL:def 15;
     N in M & not N in succ M1 by A5,A6,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
   then not N c= M1 by ORDINAL1:34;
   then M1 in N by ORDINAL1:26;
   then exp(2,M1) <` N by A8,CARD_FIL:def 14;
   hence contradiction by A3,ORDINAL1:19;

    M is strongly_Mahlo implies M is strongly_inaccessible
proof assume A1: M is strongly_Mahlo;
   then A2: M is strong_limit by Th31;
     M is Mahlo by A1,Th27;
   then M is regular by Th28;
   hence thesis by A2,CARD_FIL:def 15;

::                                                   ::
::  Proof that strongly inaccessible is model of ZF  ::
::                                                   ::


reserve A for Ordinal;

reserve x,y for set;
reserve X,Y for set;

:: shouldnot be e.g. in CARD_1? or is there st. more general?
theorem Th33:
  (for x st x in X ex y st y in X & x c= y & y is Cardinal) implies
  union X is Cardinal
proof assume A1: for x st x in X
   ex y st y in X & x c= y & y is Cardinal;
     for x st x in union X holds x is Ordinal & x c= union X
   proof let x such that A2: x in union X;
      consider Y such that A3: x in Y and A4: Y in X by A2,TARSKI:def 4;
      consider y such that A5: y in X and A6: Y c= y and
      A7: y is Cardinal by A1,A4;
      reconsider y1=y as Cardinal by A7;
        x in y1 by A3,A6;
      hence x is Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23;
      A8: x c= y1 by A3,A6,ORDINAL1:def 2;
        y1 c= union X by A5,ZFMISC_1:92;
      hence x c= union X by A8,XBOOLE_1:1;
   then reconsider UN_X = union X as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:31;
   A9: Card UN_X c= UN_X by CARD_1:24;
     UN_X c= Card UN_X
   proof let x such that A10: x in UN_X;
      reconsider x1=x as Ordinal by A10,ORDINAL1:23;
      assume not x in Card UN_X;
      then Card UN_X c= x1 by ORDINAL1:26;
      then Card UN_X in UN_X by A10,ORDINAL1:22;
      then consider Y such that A11: Card UN_X in Y and
      A12: Y in X by TARSKI:def 4;
      consider y such that A13: y in X and A14: Y c= y and
      A15: y is Cardinal by A1,A12;
      reconsider y1=y as Cardinal by A15;
      A16: Card UN_X in y1 by A11,A14;
        y1 c= UN_X by A13,ZFMISC_1:92;
      then Card y1 c= Card UN_X by CARD_1:27;
      then y1 c= Card UN_X by CARD_1:def 5;
      then Card UN_X in Card UN_X by A16;
      hence contradiction;
   hence union X is Cardinal by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

theorem Th34:
  for M being Aleph holds
  (Card X <` cf M & for Y st Y in X holds Card Y <` M) implies
  Card union X in M
proof let M be Aleph;
   assume A1: Card X <` cf M;
   assume A2: for Y st Y in X holds Card Y <` M;
   per cases;
   suppose A3: X = {};
      M <> {} & {} c= M by XBOOLE_1:2;
    then {} c< M by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
    hence Card union X in M by A3,CARD_1:47,ORDINAL1:21,ZFMISC_1:2;
   suppose X is non empty;
    then reconsider X1=X as non empty set;
    deffunc f(set) = Card $1;
    set CARDS = { f(Y) where Y is Element of X1 : Y in X1 };
      for x st x in CARDS holds x in M & ex y st y in CARDS & x c= y &
    y is Cardinal
    proof let x such that A4: x in CARDS;
       consider Y being Element of X1 such that A5: Card Y = x and
         Y in X1 by A4;
       thus x in M by A2,A5;
       take Card Y;
       thus thesis by A5;
    then A6: (for x st x in CARDS holds x in M) &
    for x st x in CARDS holds ex y st y in CARDS & x c= y &
    y is Cardinal;
    then A7: CARDS c= M by TARSKI:def 3;
    reconsider UN=union CARDS as Cardinal by A6,Th33;
      Card CARDS <=` Card X1 from FraenkelCard;
    then Card CARDS <` cf M by A1,ORDINAL1:22;
    then A8: UN <` M by A7,CARD_5:38;
      for Y st Y in X1 holds Card Y <=` UN
    proof let Y such that A9: Y in X1;
         Card Y in CARDS by A9;
       hence Card Y c= UN by ZFMISC_1:92;
    then A10: Card union X1 <=` (Card X1) *` UN by CARD_4:60;
    A11: (Card X1) *` UN <` cf M *` M by A1,A8,CARD_4:82;
      cf M <=` M & M <=` M by CARD_5:def 2;
    then (cf M) *` M <=` M *` M by CARD_4:68;
    then (cf M) *` M <=` M by CARD_4:77;
    hence Card union X in M by A10,A11,ORDINAL1:22;

deffunc f(Ordinal) = Rank $1;

theorem Th35:
  M is strongly_inaccessible & A in M implies Card Rank A <` M
   assume A1: M is strongly_inaccessible & A in M;
   then A2: M is strong_limit & M is regular by CARD_FIL:def 15;
   then A3: cf M=M by CARD_5:def 4;
   defpred P[Ordinal] means $1 in M implies Card Rank $1 <` M;
   A4: P[{}] by CARD_1:47,CLASSES1:33;
   A5: for B1 st P[B1] holds P[succ B1]
   proof let B1 such that A6: P[B1];
      assume succ B1 in M;
      then succ B1 c= M by ORDINAL1:def 2;
      then A7: exp(2,Card Rank B1) <` M by A2,A6,CARD_FIL:def 14,ORDINAL1:33;
        Rank succ B1 = bool Rank B1 by CLASSES1:34;
      hence Card Rank succ B1 <` M by A7,CARD_2:44;
   A8: for B1 st B1 <> {} & B1 is_limit_ordinal & for B2 st B2 in B1
   holds P[B2] holds P[B1]
   proof let B1 such that B1 <> {} and A9: B1 is_limit_ordinal
      and A10: for B2 st B2 in B1 holds P[B2];
      assume A11: B1 in M;
      then A12: Card B1 <` M by CARD_1:25;
      consider L being T-Sequence such that
      A13:  dom L = B1 & for A st A in B1 holds L.A = f(A) from TS_Lambda;
      A14:  Rank B1 = Union L by A9,A13,CLASSES2:25 .=
      union rng L by PROB_1:def 3;
        Card rng L <=` Card B1 by A13,CARD_1:28;
      then A15: Card rng L <` cf M by A3,A12,ORDINAL1:22;
        for Y st Y in rng L holds Card Y <` M
      proof let Y such that A16: Y in rng L;
         consider x such that A17: x in dom L and A18:
         Y = L.x by A16,FUNCT_1:def 5;
         reconsider x1=x as Element of B1 by A13,A17;
         A19: x1 in M by A11,A13,A17,ORDINAL1:19;
           Y = Rank x1 by A13,A17,A18;
         hence Card Y <` M by A10,A13,A17,A19;
      hence Card Rank B1 <` M by A14,A15,Th34;
   for B1 holds P[B1] from Ordinal_Ind(A4,A5,A8);
   hence thesis by A1;

theorem Th36:
  M is strongly_inaccessible implies Card Rank M = M
proof assume A1: M is strongly_inaccessible;
   consider L being T-Sequence such that
   A2:  dom L = M & for A st A in M holds L.A = f(A) from TS_Lambda;
   A3:  Rank M = Union L by A2,CLASSES2:25 .=
   union rng L by PROB_1:def 3;
   A4:  M c= Rank M by CLASSES1:44;
A5:rng L is c=-linear
   proof let X,Y be set; assume X in rng L;
      then consider x such that
A6:   x in dom L & X = L.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      assume Y in rng L;
      then consider y such that
A7:   y in dom L & Y = L.y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider x,y as Ordinal by A6,A7,ORDINAL1:23;
        X = Rank x & Y = Rank y & (x c= y or y c= x) by A2,A6,A7;
      then X c= Y or Y c= X by CLASSES1:43;
      hence X,Y are_c=-comparable by XBOOLE_0:def 9;
     now let X be set; assume X in rng L;
      then consider x such that
      A8:   x in dom L & X = L.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider x as Ordinal by A8,ORDINAL1:23;
        Card Rank x <` M by A1,A2,A8,Th35;
      hence Card X <` M by A2,A8;
   then A9: Card union rng L <=` M by A5,CARD_3:62;
     Card M <=` Card Rank M by A4,CARD_1:27;
   then M <=` Card Rank M by CARD_1:def 5;
   hence thesis by A3,A9,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

reserve X,Y for set;

theorem Th37:
  M is strongly_inaccessible implies Rank M is being_Tarski-Class
proof assume A1: M is strongly_inaccessible;
   then M is regular by CARD_FIL:def 15;
   then A2: cf M = M by CARD_5:def 4;
   thus X in Rank M & Y c= X implies Y in Rank M by CLASSES1:47;
   thus X in Rank M implies bool X in Rank M
   proof assume X in Rank M;
      then consider A such that
      A3: A in M & X in Rank A by CLASSES1:35;
        succ A in M & bool X in Rank succ A
      by A3,CLASSES1:48,ORDINAL1:41;
      hence thesis by CLASSES1:35;
   thus X c= Rank M implies X,Rank M are_equipotent or X in Rank M
A4:    Card X c< M iff Card X c= M & Card X <> M by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
      A5: X c= Rank M & not X,Rank M are_equipotent & not X in Rank M;
      then Card X <=` Card Rank M & Card X <> Card Rank M by CARD_1:21,27;
      then A6: Card X = Card X & Card X in M by A1,A4,Th36,ORDINAL1:21;
      set R = the_rank_of X;
      per cases;
      suppose A7: X = {};
         {} <> M & {} c= M by XBOOLE_1:2;
       then {} c< M by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
       then {} in M & M c= Rank M by CLASSES1:44,ORDINAL1:21;
       hence contradiction by A5,A7;
      suppose X is non empty;
       then reconsider X1=X as non empty set;
         R in M
          A8: for x st x in X holds x in Rank M by A5;
          deffunc f(set) = the_rank_of $1;
          set RANKS={ f(x) where x is Element of X1: x in X1};
            RANKS c= M
          proof let y be set such that A9: y in RANKS;
             consider x being Element of X1 such that
             A10: y = the_rank_of x & x in X1 by A9;
               x in Rank M by A8;
             hence y in M by A10,CLASSES1:74;
          then reconsider RANKS1=RANKS as Subset of M;
            ex N1 being Ordinal st (N1 in M & for x st x in X1 holds
          the_rank_of x in N1)
          proof assume A11: for N1 being Ordinal st N1 in M
             ex x st x in X1 & not the_rank_of x in N1;
               for N1 being Ordinal st N1 in M
             ex C st C in RANKS & N1 c= C
             proof let N1 be Ordinal such that A12: N1 in M;
                consider x such that A13: x in X1 and A14:
                not the_rank_of x in N1 by A11,A12;
                take C=the_rank_of x;
                thus C in RANKS by A13;
                thus N1 c= C by A14,ORDINAL1:26;
             then RANKS1 is unbounded by Th7;
             then A15: cf M <=` Card RANKS1 by Th21;
               Card RANKS <=` Card X1 from FraenkelCard;
             then M <=` Card X1 by A2,A15,XBOOLE_1:1;
             then Card X1 in Card X1 by A6;
             hence contradiction;
          then consider N1 being Ordinal such that
          A16: N1 in M and A17: for x st x in X1 holds the_rank_of x in N1;
            the_rank_of X c= N1 by A17,CLASSES1:77;
          hence R in M by A16,ORDINAL1:22;
       hence contradiction by A5,CLASSES1:74;

theorem Th38:
  for A being non empty Ordinal holds Rank A is non empty
proof let A be non empty Ordinal;
     A <> {} & {} c= A by XBOOLE_1:2;
   then {} c< A by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
   then {} in A by ORDINAL1:21;
   hence thesis by CLASSES1:42;

definition let A be non empty Ordinal;
  cluster Rank A -> non empty;
  coherence by Th38;

theorem Th39:
  M is strongly_inaccessible implies Rank M is Universe
proof assume M is strongly_inaccessible;
   then Rank M is_Tarski-Class & Rank M is epsilon-transitive by Th37;
   hence thesis by CLASSES2:def 1;

    M is strongly_inaccessible implies Rank M is being_a_model_of_ZF
proof assume M is strongly_inaccessible;
     then A1: Rank M is Universe by Th39;
       omega c= M by CARD_4:8;
     then omega c< M by CARD_4:44,XBOOLE_0:def 8;
     then omega in M & M c= Rank M by CLASSES1:44,ORDINAL1:21;
     hence Rank M is being_a_model_of_ZF by A1,ZF_REFLE:7;

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