The Mizar article:

On the Instructions of SCM

Artur Kornilowicz

Received May 8, 2001

Copyright (c) 2001 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: AMI_6
[ MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary AMI_3, AMI_1, ORDINAL2, ARYTM, AMI_2, CAT_1, BOOLE, FUNCT_7,
      AMI_1, AMI_2, AMI_3, AMI_5, AMISTD_1, AMISTD_2;
 constructors AMI_5, AMISTD_2, DOMAIN_1, NAT_1, FUNCT_7, PRALG_2, MEMBERED;
 clusters AMI_1, RELSET_1, SCMRING1, TEX_2, AMISTD_2, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, NAT_1,
 theorems TARSKI, NAT_1, AMI_1, AMI_3, FUNCT_4, AMI_5, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2,
 schemes FUNCT_2;


reserve a, b, d1, d2 for Data-Location,
        il, i1, i2 for Instruction-Location of SCM,
        I for Instruction of SCM,
        s, s1, s2 for State of SCM,
        T for InsType of SCM,
        k for natural number;

theorem Th1:
 not a in the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      a in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    hence thesis by AMI_3:def 1,AMI_5:33,XBOOLE_0:3;

theorem Th2:
 SCM-Data-Loc <> the Instruction-Locations of SCM
A1:   not thesis;
    consider a being Element of SCM-Instr-Loc;
    a in SCM-Instr-Loc;
    hence thesis by A1,AMI_2:12,AMI_3:def 1;

theorem Th3:
 for o being Object of SCM holds
  o = IC SCM or o in the Instruction-Locations of SCM or
  o is Data-Location
    let o be Object of SCM;
      o in {IC SCM} \/ SCM-Data-Loc or o in SCM-Instr-Loc
      by AMI_5:23,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    then o in {IC SCM} or o in SCM-Data-Loc or o in SCM-Instr-Loc by XBOOLE_0:
def 2;
    hence thesis by AMI_3:def 1,def 2,TARSKI:def 1;

theorem Th4:
 i1 <> i2 implies Next i1 <> Next i2
A1:   i1 <> i2 & Next i1 = Next i2;
    consider m1 being Element of SCM-Instr-Loc such that
A2:   m1 = i1 & Next i1 = Next m1 by AMI_3:def 11;
    consider m2 being Element of SCM-Instr-Loc such that
A3:   m2 = i2 & Next i2 = Next m2 by AMI_3:def 11;
    Next m1 = m1+2 & Next m2 = m2+2 by AMI_2:def 15;
    hence contradiction by A1,A2,A3,XCMPLX_1:2;

theorem Th5:
 s1,s2 equal_outside the Instruction-Locations of SCM implies s1.a = s2.a
    set IL = the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
A1:   s1,s2 equal_outside IL;
A2: dom s1 = the carrier of SCM by AMI_3:36;
A3: dom s2 = the carrier of SCM by AMI_3:36;
A4: not a in IL by Th1;
    then a in dom s1 \ IL by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
then A5: a in dom s1 /\ (dom s1 \ IL) by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      a in dom s2 \ IL by A3,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
then A6: a in dom s2 /\ (dom s2 \ IL) by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    thus s1.a = (s1|(dom s1 \ IL)).a by A5,FUNCT_1:71
             .= (s2|(dom s2 \ IL)).a by A1,FUNCT_7:def 2
             .= s2.a by A6,FUNCT_1:71;

theorem Th6:
 for N being with_non-empty_elements set,
     S being realistic IC-Ins-separated definite
       (non empty non void AMI-Struct over N),
     t, u being State of S,
     il being Instruction-Location of S,
     e being Element of ObjectKind IC S,
     I being Element of ObjectKind il
  st e = il & u = t+*((IC S, il)-->(e, I))
  holds = I &
    IC u = il &
    IC Following u = Exec(u.IC u, u).IC S
    let N be with_non-empty_elements set,
        S be realistic IC-Ins-separated definite
          (non empty non void AMI-Struct over N),
        t, u be State of S,
        il be Instruction-Location of S,
        e be Element of ObjectKind IC S,
        I be Element of ObjectKind il such that
A1:  e = il and
A2:  u = t+*((IC S, il)-->(e, I));
     A3: dom ((IC S, il)-->(e, I)) = {IC S, il} by FUNCT_4:65;
     then A4: IC S in dom ((IC S, il)-->(e, I)) by TARSKI:def 2;
     A5: IC S <> il by AMI_1:48;
       il in dom ((IC S, il)-->(e, I)) by A3,TARSKI:def 2;
         hence = ((IC S, il)-->(e, I)).il by A2,FUNCT_4:14
             .= I by A5,FUNCT_4:66;
        IC u = u.IC S by AMI_1:def 15
             .= ((IC S, il)-->(e, I)).IC S by A2,A4,FUNCT_4:14
             .= il by A1,A5,FUNCT_4:66;
           IC Following u = IC Exec(CurInstr u,u) by AMI_1:def 18
           .= IC Exec(u.IC u, u) by AMI_1:def 17
           .= Exec(u.IC u, u).IC S by AMI_1:def 15;

 for x, y being set st x in dom <*y*> holds x = 1
    let x, y be set;
    assume x in dom <*y*>;
    then x in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:def 8;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1;

 for x, y, z being set st x in dom <*y,z*> holds x = 1 or x = 2
    let x, y, z be set;
    assume x in dom <*y,z*>;
    then x in Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 2;

 T = 0 or T = 1 or T = 2 or T = 3 or T = 4 or T = 5 or T = 6 or T = 7 or T = 8
      T in Segm 9 by AMI_3:def 1;
    then reconsider t = T as Nat;
      t = 0 or t < 8+1 by AMI_3:def 1,GR_CY_1:10;
    then t = 0 or t <= 8 by NAT_1:38;
    hence thesis by CQC_THE1:9;

theorem Th7:
 AddressPart halt SCM = {}
    thus AddressPart halt SCM = (halt SCM)`2 by AMISTD_2:def 3
       .= {} by AMI_3:71,MCART_1:def 2;

theorem Th8:
 AddressPart (a:=b) = <*a,b*>
    thus AddressPart (a:=b) = (a:=b)`2 by AMISTD_2:def 3
       .= [ 1, <*a,b*>]`2 by AMI_3:def 3
       .= <*a,b*> by MCART_1:def 2;

theorem Th9:
 AddressPart AddTo(a,b) = <*a,b*>
    thus AddressPart AddTo(a,b) = AddTo(a,b)`2 by AMISTD_2:def 3
       .= [ 2, <*a,b*>]`2 by AMI_3:def 4
       .= <*a,b*> by MCART_1:def 2;

theorem Th10:
 AddressPart SubFrom(a,b) = <*a,b*>
    thus AddressPart SubFrom(a,b) = SubFrom(a,b)`2 by AMISTD_2:def 3
       .= [ 3, <*a,b*>]`2 by AMI_3:def 5
       .= <*a,b*> by MCART_1:def 2;

theorem Th11:
 AddressPart MultBy(a,b) = <*a,b*>
    thus AddressPart MultBy(a,b) = MultBy(a,b)`2 by AMISTD_2:def 3
       .= [ 4, <*a,b*>]`2 by AMI_3:def 6
       .= <*a,b*> by MCART_1:def 2;

theorem Th12:
 AddressPart Divide(a,b) = <*a,b*>
    thus AddressPart Divide(a,b) = Divide(a,b)`2 by AMISTD_2:def 3
       .= [ 5, <*a,b*>]`2 by AMI_3:def 7
       .= <*a,b*> by MCART_1:def 2;

theorem Th13:
 AddressPart goto i1 = <*i1*>
    thus AddressPart goto i1 = (goto i1)`2 by AMISTD_2:def 3
       .= [ 6, <*i1*>]`2 by AMI_3:def 8
       .= <*i1*> by MCART_1:def 2;

theorem Th14:
 AddressPart (a=0_goto i1) = <*i1,a*>
    thus AddressPart (a=0_goto i1) = (a=0_goto i1)`2 by AMISTD_2:def 3
       .= [ 7, <*i1,a*>]`2 by AMI_3:def 9
       .= <*i1,a*> by MCART_1:def 2;

theorem Th15:
 AddressPart (a>0_goto i1) = <*i1,a*>
    thus AddressPart (a>0_goto i1) = (a>0_goto i1)`2 by AMISTD_2:def 3
       .= [ 8, <*i1,a*>]`2 by AMI_3:def 10
       .= <*i1,a*> by MCART_1:def 2;

theorem Th16:
 T = 0 implies AddressParts T = {0}
A1:   T = 0;
A2: AddressParts T =
      { AddressPart I where I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = T }
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let a be set;
      assume a in AddressParts T;
      then consider I such that
A3:     a = AddressPart I and
A4:     InsCode I = T by A2;
        I = halt SCM by A1,A4,AMI_5:46;
      hence a in {0} by A3,Th7,TARSKI:def 1;
    let a be set;
    assume a in {0};
    then a = 0 by TARSKI:def 1;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,Th7,AMI_5:37;

definition let T;
 cluster AddressParts T -> non empty;
A1: AddressParts T = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = T} by AMISTD_2:def 5;
    consider a, b, i1;
A2: T = 0 or T = 1 or T = 2 or T = 3 or T = 4 or T = 5 or T = 6 or T = 7 or
      T = 8 by Lm3;
      InsCode halt SCM = 0 & InsCode (a:=b) = 1 & InsCode AddTo(a,b) = 2 &
     InsCode SubFrom(a,b) = 3 & InsCode MultBy(a,b) = 4 &
      InsCode Divide(a,b) = 5 & InsCode goto i1 = 6 &
       InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = 7 & InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = 8
       by AMI_5:37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45;
    then AddressPart halt SCM in AddressParts T or
     AddressPart (a:=b) in AddressParts T or
      AddressPart AddTo(a,b) in AddressParts T or
       AddressPart SubFrom(a,b) in AddressParts T or
        AddressPart MultBy(a,b) in AddressParts T or
         AddressPart Divide(a,b) in AddressParts T or
          AddressPart goto i1 in AddressParts T or
           AddressPart (a =0_goto i1) in AddressParts T or
            AddressPart (a >0_goto i1) in AddressParts T by A1,A2;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th17:
 T = 1 implies dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2}
A1:   T = 1;
A2: AddressParts T = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = T} by AMISTD_2:def 5;
    consider a, b;
A3: AddressPart (a:=b) = <*a,b*> by Th8;
      let x be set;
A4:     x in dom PA AddressParts T;
        InsCode (a:=b) = 1 by AMI_5:38;
      then AddressPart (a:=b) in AddressParts T by A1,A2;
      then x in dom AddressPart (a:=b) by A4,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      hence x in {1,2} by A3,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    let x be set;
A5:   x in {1,2};
      for f being Function st f in AddressParts T holds x in dom f
      let f be Function;
      assume f in AddressParts T;
      then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = T by A2;
      consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = d1:=d2 by A1,A7,AMI_5:47;
        f = <*d1,d2*> by A6,A8,Th8;
      hence x in dom f by A5,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    hence thesis by AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th18:
 T = 2 implies dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2}
A1:   T = 2;
A2: AddressParts T = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = T} by AMISTD_2:def 5;
    consider a, b;
A3: AddressPart AddTo(a,b) = <*a,b*> by Th9;
      let x be set;
A4:     x in dom PA AddressParts T;
        InsCode AddTo(a,b) = 2 by AMI_5:39;
      then AddressPart AddTo(a,b) in AddressParts T by A1,A2;
      then x in dom AddressPart AddTo(a,b) by A4,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      hence x in {1,2} by A3,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    let x be set;
A5:   x in {1,2};
      for f being Function st f in AddressParts T holds x in dom f
      let f be Function;
      assume f in AddressParts T;
      then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = T by A2;
      consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = AddTo(d1,d2) by A1,A7,AMI_5:48;
        f = <*d1,d2*> by A6,A8,Th9;
      hence x in dom f by A5,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    hence thesis by AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th19:
 T = 3 implies dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2}
A1:   T = 3;
A2: AddressParts T = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = T} by AMISTD_2:def 5;
    consider a, b;
A3: AddressPart SubFrom(a,b) = <*a,b*> by Th10;
      let x be set;
A4:     x in dom PA AddressParts T;
        InsCode SubFrom(a,b) = 3 by AMI_5:40;
      then AddressPart SubFrom(a,b) in AddressParts T by A1,A2;
      then x in dom AddressPart SubFrom(a,b) by A4,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      hence x in {1,2} by A3,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    let x be set;
A5:   x in {1,2};
      for f being Function st f in AddressParts T holds x in dom f
      let f be Function;
      assume f in AddressParts T;
      then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = T by A2;
      consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = SubFrom(d1,d2) by A1,A7,AMI_5:49;
        f = <*d1,d2*> by A6,A8,Th10;
      hence x in dom f by A5,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    hence thesis by AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th20:
 T = 4 implies dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2}
A1:   T = 4;
A2: AddressParts T = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = T} by AMISTD_2:def 5;
    consider a, b;
A3: AddressPart MultBy(a,b) = <*a,b*> by Th11;
      let x be set;
A4:     x in dom PA AddressParts T;
        InsCode MultBy(a,b) = 4 by AMI_5:41;
      then AddressPart MultBy(a,b) in AddressParts T by A1,A2;
      then x in dom AddressPart MultBy(a,b) by A4,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      hence x in {1,2} by A3,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    let x be set;
A5:   x in {1,2};
      for f being Function st f in AddressParts T holds x in dom f
      let f be Function;
      assume f in AddressParts T;
      then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = T by A2;
      consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = MultBy(d1,d2) by A1,A7,AMI_5:50;
        f = <*d1,d2*> by A6,A8,Th11;
      hence x in dom f by A5,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    hence thesis by AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th21:
 T = 5 implies dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2}
A1:   T = 5;
A2: AddressParts T = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = T} by AMISTD_2:def 5;
    consider a, b;
A3: AddressPart Divide(a,b) = <*a,b*> by Th12;
      let x be set;
A4:     x in dom PA AddressParts T;
        InsCode Divide(a,b) = 5 by AMI_5:42;
      then AddressPart Divide(a,b) in AddressParts T by A1,A2;
      then x in dom AddressPart Divide(a,b) by A4,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      hence x in {1,2} by A3,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    let x be set;
A5:   x in {1,2};
      for f being Function st f in AddressParts T holds x in dom f
      let f be Function;
      assume f in AddressParts T;
      then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = T by A2;
      consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = Divide(d1,d2) by A1,A7,AMI_5:51;
        f = <*d1,d2*> by A6,A8,Th12;
      hence x in dom f by A5,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    hence thesis by AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th22:
 T = 6 implies dom PA AddressParts T = {1}
A1:   T = 6;
A2: AddressParts T = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = T} by AMISTD_2:def 5;
    consider i1;
A3: AddressPart goto i1 = <*i1*> by Th13;
      let x be set;
A4:     x in dom PA AddressParts T;
        InsCode goto i1 = 6 by AMI_5:43;
      then AddressPart goto i1 in AddressParts T by A1,A2;
      then x in dom AddressPart goto i1 by A4,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      hence x in {1} by A3,FINSEQ_1:4,def 8;
    let x be set;
A5:   x in {1};
      for f being Function st f in AddressParts T holds x in dom f
      let f be Function;
      assume f in AddressParts T;
      then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = T by A2;
      consider i1 such that
A8:     I = goto i1 by A1,A7,AMI_5:52;
        f = <*i1*> by A6,A8,Th13;
      hence x in dom f by A5,FINSEQ_1:4,def 8;
    hence thesis by AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th23:
 T = 7 implies dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2}
A1:   T = 7;
A2: AddressParts T = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = T} by AMISTD_2:def 5;
    consider i1, a;
A3: AddressPart (a =0_goto i1) = <*i1,a*> by Th14;
      let x be set;
A4:     x in dom PA AddressParts T;
        InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = 7 by AMI_5:44;
      then AddressPart (a =0_goto i1) in AddressParts T by A1,A2;
      then x in dom AddressPart (a =0_goto i1) by A4,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      hence x in {1,2} by A3,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    let x be set;
A5:   x in {1,2};
      for f being Function st f in AddressParts T holds x in dom f
      let f be Function;
      assume f in AddressParts T;
      then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = T by A2;
      consider i1, a such that
A8:     I = a =0_goto i1 by A1,A7,AMI_5:53;
        f = <*i1,a*> by A6,A8,Th14;
      hence x in dom f by A5,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    hence thesis by AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th24:
 T = 8 implies dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2}
A1:   T = 8;
A2: AddressParts T = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = T} by AMISTD_2:def 5;
    consider i1, a;
A3: AddressPart (a >0_goto i1) = <*i1,a*> by Th15;
      let x be set;
A4:     x in dom PA AddressParts T;
        InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = 8 by AMI_5:45;
      then AddressPart (a >0_goto i1) in AddressParts T by A1,A2;
      then x in dom AddressPart (a >0_goto i1) by A4,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      hence x in {1,2} by A3,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    let x be set;
A5:   x in {1,2};
      for f being Function st f in AddressParts T holds x in dom f
      let f be Function;
      assume f in AddressParts T;
      then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = T by A2;
      consider i1, a such that
A8:     I = a >0_goto i1 by A1,A7,AMI_5:54;
        f = <*i1,a*> by A6,A8,Th15;
      hence x in dom f by A5,FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    hence thesis by AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th25:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode (a:=b)).1 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode (a:=b) = 1 by AMI_5:38;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a:=b) = {1,2} by Th17;
then A2: 1 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a:=b) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode (a:=b) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode (a:=b)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode (a:=b)).1;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode (a:=b),1) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode (a:=b) and
A5:     f.1 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode (a:=b) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 1 by A7,AMI_5:38;
      then consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = d1:=d2 by AMI_5:47;
        x = <*d1,d2*>.1 by A5,A6,A8,Th8
       .= d1 by FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode (x:=b) = 1 by AMI_5:38;
    then AddressPart (x:=b) in AddressParts InsCode (a:=b) by A1,A3;
then A9: (AddressPart (x:=b)).1 in pi
(AddressParts InsCode (a:=b),1) by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart (x:=b)).1 = <*x,b*>.1 by Th8
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th26:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode (a:=b)).2 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode (a:=b) = 1 by AMI_5:38;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a:=b) = {1,2} by Th17;
then A2: 2 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a:=b) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode (a:=b) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode (a:=b)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode (a:=b)).2;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode (a:=b),2) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode (a:=b) and
A5:     f.2 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode (a:=b) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 1 by A7,AMI_5:38;
      then consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = d1:=d2 by AMI_5:47;
        x = <*d1,d2*>.2 by A5,A6,A8,Th8
       .= d2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode (a:=x) = 1 by AMI_5:38;
    then AddressPart (a:=x) in AddressParts InsCode (a:=b) by A1,A3;
then A9: (AddressPart (a:=x)).2 in pi
(AddressParts InsCode (a:=b),2) by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart (a:=x)).2 = <*a,x*>.2 by Th8
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th27:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b)).1 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode AddTo(a,b) = 2 by AMI_5:39;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b) = {1,2} by Th18;
then A2: 1 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode AddTo(a,b)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b)).1;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b),1) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b) and
A5:     f.1 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode AddTo(a,b) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 2 by A7,AMI_5:39;
      then consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = AddTo(d1,d2) by AMI_5:48;
        x = <*d1,d2*>.1 by A5,A6,A8,Th9
       .= d1 by FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode AddTo(x,b) = 2 by AMI_5:39;
    then AddressPart AddTo(x,b) in AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b) by A1,A3;
then A9: (AddressPart AddTo(x,b)).1 in pi(AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b),1)
      by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart AddTo(x,b)).1 = <*x,b*>.1 by Th9
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th28:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b)).2 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode AddTo(a,b) = 2 by AMI_5:39;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b) = {1,2} by Th18;
then A2: 2 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode AddTo(a,b)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b)).2;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b),2) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b) and
A5:     f.2 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode AddTo(a,b) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 2 by A7,AMI_5:39;
      then consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = AddTo(d1,d2) by AMI_5:48;
        x = <*d1,d2*>.2 by A5,A6,A8,Th9
       .= d2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode AddTo(a,x) = 2 by AMI_5:39;
    then AddressPart AddTo(a,x) in AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b) by A1,A3;
then A9: (AddressPart AddTo(a,x)).2 in pi(AddressParts InsCode AddTo(a,b),2)
       by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart AddTo(a,x)).2 = <*a,x*>.2 by Th9
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th29:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b)).1 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode SubFrom(a,b) = 3 by AMI_5:40;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b) = {1,2} by Th19;
then A2: 1 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode SubFrom(a,b)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b)).1;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b),1) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b) and
A5:     f.1 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode SubFrom(a,b) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 3 by A7,AMI_5:40;
      then consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = SubFrom(d1,d2) by AMI_5:49;
        x = <*d1,d2*>.1 by A5,A6,A8,Th10
       .= d1 by FINSEQ_1:61;
     hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode SubFrom(x,b) = 3 by AMI_5:40;
    then AddressPart SubFrom(x,b) in AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b) by A1,A3
      then A9: (AddressPart SubFrom(x,b)).1 in pi(AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(
      by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart SubFrom(x,b)).1 = <*x,b*>.1 by Th10
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th30:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b)).2 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode SubFrom(a,b) = 3 by AMI_5:40;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b) = {1,2} by Th19;
then A2: 2 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode SubFrom(a,b)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b)).2;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b),2) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b) and
A5:     f.2 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode SubFrom(a,b) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 3 by A7,AMI_5:40;
      then consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = SubFrom(d1,d2) by AMI_5:49;
        x = <*d1,d2*>.2 by A5,A6,A8,Th10
       .= d2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode SubFrom(a,x) = 3 by AMI_5:40;
    then AddressPart SubFrom(a,x) in AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(a,b) by A1,A3
      then A9: (AddressPart SubFrom(a,x)).2 in pi(AddressParts InsCode SubFrom(
       by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart SubFrom(a,x)).2 = <*a,x*>.2 by Th10
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th31:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b)).1 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode MultBy(a,b) = 4 by AMI_5:41;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b) = {1,2} by Th20;
then A2: 1 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode MultBy(a,b)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b)).1;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b),1) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b) and
A5:     f.1 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode MultBy(a,b) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 4 by A7,AMI_5:41;
      then consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = MultBy(d1,d2) by AMI_5:50;
        x = <*d1,d2*>.1 by A5,A6,A8,Th11
       .= d1 by FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode MultBy(x,b) = 4 by AMI_5:41;
    then AddressPart MultBy(x,b) in AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b) by A1,A3;
      then A9: (AddressPart MultBy(x,b)).1 in pi(AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,
      by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart MultBy(x,b)).1 = <*x,b*>.1 by Th11
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th32:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b)).2 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode MultBy(a,b) = 4 by AMI_5:41;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b) = {1,2} by Th20;
then A2: 2 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode MultBy(a,b)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b)).2;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b),2) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b) and
A5:     f.2 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode MultBy(a,b) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 4 by A7,AMI_5:41;
      then consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = MultBy(d1,d2) by AMI_5:50;
        x = <*d1,d2*>.2 by A5,A6,A8,Th11
       .= d2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode MultBy(a,x) = 4 by AMI_5:41;
    then AddressPart MultBy(a,x) in AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,b) by A1,A3;
      then A9: (AddressPart MultBy(a,x)).2 in pi(AddressParts InsCode MultBy(a,
       by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart MultBy(a,x)).2 = <*a,x*>.2 by Th11
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th33:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b)).1 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode Divide(a,b) = 5 by AMI_5:42;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b) = {1,2} by Th21;
then A2: 1 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode Divide(a,b)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b)).1;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b),1) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b) and
A5:     f.1 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode Divide(a,b) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 5 by A7,AMI_5:42;
      then consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = Divide(d1,d2) by AMI_5:51;
        x = <*d1,d2*>.1 by A5,A6,A8,Th12
       .= d1 by FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode Divide(x,b) = 5 by AMI_5:42;
    then AddressPart Divide(x,b) in AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b) by A1,A3;
      then A9: (AddressPart Divide(x,b)).1 in pi(AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,
      by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart Divide(x,b)).1 = <*x,b*>.1 by Th12
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th34:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b)).2 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode Divide(a,b) = 5 by AMI_5:42;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b) = {1,2} by Th21;
then A2: 2 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode Divide(a,b)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b)).2;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b),2) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1;
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b) and
A5:     f.2 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode Divide(a,b) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 5 by A7,AMI_5:42;
      then consider d1, d2 such that
A8:     I = Divide(d1,d2) by AMI_5:51;
        x = <*d1,d2*>.2 by A5,A6,A8,Th12
       .= d2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode Divide(a,x) = 5 by AMI_5:42;
    then AddressPart Divide(a,x) in AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,b) by A1,A3;
      then A9: (AddressPart Divide(a,x)).2 in pi(AddressParts InsCode Divide(a,
       by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart Divide(a,x)).2 = <*a,x*>.2 by Th12
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th35:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode goto i1).1 = the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      InsCode goto i1 = 6 by AMI_5:43;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode goto i1 = {1} by Th22;
then A1: 1 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode goto i1 by TARSKI:def 1;
A2: AddressParts InsCode goto i1 = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode goto i1}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
A3: InsCode goto i1 = 6 by AMI_5:43;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode goto i1).1;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode goto i1,1) by A1,AMISTD_2:8;
      then consider g being Function such that
A4:     g in AddressParts InsCode goto i1 and
A5:     x = g.1 by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     g = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode goto i1 by A2,A4;
      consider i2 such that
A8:     I = goto i2 by A3,A7,AMI_5:52;
        g = <*i2*> by A6,A8,Th13;
      then x = i2 by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 8;
      hence x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
    let x be set;
    assume x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
    then reconsider x as Instruction-Location of SCM;
A9: AddressPart goto x = <*x*> by Th13;
      InsCode goto i1 = InsCode goto x by A3,AMI_5:43;
then A10: <*x*> in AddressParts InsCode goto i1 by A2,A9;
      <*x*>.1 = x by FINSEQ_1:def 8;
    then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode goto i1,1) by A10,CARD_3:def 6;
    hence thesis by A1,AMISTD_2:8;

theorem Th36:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1)).1 =
   the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = 7 by AMI_5:44;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = {1,2} by Th23;
then A1: 1 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1) by TARSKI:def 2;
A2: AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode (a =0_goto i1)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
A3: InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = 7 by AMI_5:44;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1)).1;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1),1) by A1,AMISTD_2:8;
      then consider g being Function such that
A4:     g in AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1) and
A5:     x = g.1 by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     g = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode (a =0_goto i1) by A2,A4;
      consider i2, b such that
A8:     I = b =0_goto i2 by A3,A7,AMI_5:53;
        g = <*i2,b*> by A6,A8,Th14;
      then x = i2 by A5,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
    let x be set;
    assume x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
    then reconsider x as Instruction-Location of SCM;
A9: AddressPart (a =0_goto x) = <*x,a*> by Th14;
      InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = InsCode (a =0_goto x) by A3,AMI_5:44;
then A10: <*x,a*> in AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1) by A2,A9;
      <*x,a*>.1 = x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1),1) by A10,CARD_3:def 6;
    hence thesis by A1,AMISTD_2:8;

theorem Th37:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1)).2 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = 7 by AMI_5:44;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = {1,2} by Th23;
then A2: 2 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode (a =0_goto i1)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1)).2;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1),2) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1) and
A5:     f.2 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode (a =0_goto i1) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 7 by A7,AMI_5:44;
      then consider i2, b such that
A8:     I = b =0_goto i2 by AMI_5:53;
        x = <*i2,b*>.2 by A5,A6,A8,Th14
       .= b by FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode (x =0_goto i1) = 7 by AMI_5:44;
    then AddressPart (x =0_goto i1) in AddressParts InsCode (a =0_goto i1) by
      then A9: (AddressPart (x =0_goto i1)).2 in pi(AddressParts InsCode (a
=0_goto i1),2)
       by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart (x =0_goto i1)).2 = <*i1,x*>.2 by Th14
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

theorem Th38:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1)).1 =
   the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = 8 by AMI_5:45;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = {1,2} by Th24;
then A1: 1 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1) by TARSKI:def 2;
A2: AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode (a >0_goto i1)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
A3: InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = 8 by AMI_5:45;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1)).1;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1),1) by A1,AMISTD_2:8;
      then consider g being Function such that
A4:     g in AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1) and
A5:     x = g.1 by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     g = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode (a >0_goto i1) by A2,A4;
      consider i2, b such that
A8:     I = b >0_goto i2 by A3,A7,AMI_5:54;
        g = <*i2,b*> by A6,A8,Th15;
      then x = i2 by A5,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
    let x be set;
    assume x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
    then reconsider x as Instruction-Location of SCM;
A9: AddressPart (a >0_goto x) = <*x,a*> by Th15;
      InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = InsCode (a >0_goto x) by A3,AMI_5:45;
then A10: <*x,a*> in AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1) by A2,A9;
      <*x,a*>.1 = x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1),1) by A10,CARD_3:def 6;
    hence thesis by A1,AMISTD_2:8;

theorem Th39:
 (PA AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1)).2 = SCM-Data-Loc
A1: InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = 8 by AMI_5:45;
    then dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = {1,2} by Th24;
then A2: 2 in dom PA AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1) by TARSKI:def 2;
A3: AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = {AddressPart I where
      I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = InsCode (a >0_goto i1)}
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (PA AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1)).2;
      then x in pi(AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1),2) by A2,AMISTD_2:def 1
      then consider f being Function such that
A4:     f in AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1) and
A5:     f.2 = x by CARD_3:def 6;
      consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A6:     f = AddressPart I and
A7:     InsCode I = InsCode (a >0_goto i1) by A3,A4;
        InsCode I = 8 by A7,AMI_5:45;
      then consider i2, b such that
A8:     I = b >0_goto i2 by AMI_5:54;
        x = <*i2,b*>.2 by A5,A6,A8,Th15
       .= b by FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence x in SCM-Data-Loc by AMI_3:def 2;
    let x be set;
    assume x in SCM-Data-Loc;
    then reconsider x as Data-Location by AMI_5:16;
      InsCode (x >0_goto i1) = 8 by AMI_5:45;
    then AddressPart (x >0_goto i1) in AddressParts InsCode (a >0_goto i1) by
      then A9: (AddressPart (x >0_goto i1)).2 in pi(AddressParts InsCode (a
>0_goto i1),2)
       by CARD_3:def 6;
      (AddressPart (x >0_goto i1)).2 = <*i1,x*>.2 by Th15
      .= x by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence thesis by A2,A9,AMISTD_2:def 1;

for l being Instruction-Location of SCM,
    i being Instruction of SCM holds
  (for s being State of SCM st IC s = l & s.l = i
   holds Exec(i,s).IC SCM = Next IC s)
  NIC(i, l) = {Next l}
    let l be Instruction-Location of SCM,
        i be Instruction of SCM;
A1:   for s being State of SCM st IC s = l & s.l = i
        holds Exec(i, s).IC SCM = Next IC s;
    set X = {IC Following s where s is State of SCM: IC s = l & s.l = i};
A2: NIC(i,l) = X by AMISTD_1:def 5;
      let x be set;
      assume x in NIC(i,l);
      then consider s being State of SCM such that
A3:     x = IC Following s & IC s = l & s.l = i by A2;
      x = (Following s).IC SCM by A3,AMI_1:def 15
       .= Exec(CurInstr s,s).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 18
       .= Exec(s.IC s,s).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 17
       .= Next l by A1,A3;
      hence x in {Next l} by TARSKI:def 1;
    let x be set;
    assume x in {Next l};
A4: x = Next l by TARSKI:def 1;
    consider t being State of SCM;
    reconsider il1 = l as Element of ObjectKind IC SCM by AMI_1:def 11;
    reconsider I = i as Element of ObjectKind l by AMI_1:def 14;
    set u = t+*((IC SCM, l)-->(il1, I));
A5: IC u = l by Th6;
A6: u.l = i by Th6;
    IC Following u = Exec(u.IC u, u).IC SCM by Th6
    .= Next l by A1,A5,A6;
    hence thesis by A2,A4,A5,A6;

  for i being Instruction of SCM holds
  (for l being Instruction-Location of SCM holds NIC(i,l)={Next l})
  implies JUMP i is empty
    let i be Instruction of SCM;
A1:   for l being Instruction-Location of SCM holds NIC(i,l)={Next l};
    consider p, q being Element of the Instruction-Locations of SCM
     such that
A2:   p <> q by YELLOW_8:def 1;
    set X = { NIC(i,f) where f is Instruction-Location of SCM:
        not contradiction };
    assume not thesis;
    then meet X is non empty by AMISTD_1:def 6;
    then consider x being set such that
A3:   x in meet X by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    NIC(i,p) = {Next p} & NIC(i,q) = {Next q} by A1;
    then {Next p} in X & {Next q} in X;
    then x in {Next p} & x in {Next q} by A3,SETFAM_1:def 1;
    then x = Next p & x = Next q by TARSKI:def 1;
    hence contradiction by A2,Th4;

theorem Th40:
 NIC(halt SCM, il) = {il}
    now let x be set;
  A1: now assume
     A2: x = il;
       consider t being State of SCM;
        reconsider il1 = il as Element of ObjectKind IC SCM by AMI_1:def 11;
        reconsider I = halt SCM as Element of ObjectKind il by AMI_1:def 14;
        set u = t+*((IC SCM, il)-->(il1, I));
           dom ((IC SCM, il)-->(il1, I)) = {IC SCM, il} by FUNCT_4:65;
     then A3: IC SCM in dom ((IC SCM, il)-->(il1, I)) by TARSKI:def 2;
     A4: IC SCM <> il by AMI_1:48;
     A5: = halt SCM by Th6;
     A6: IC u = il by Th6;
           IC Following u = Exec(u.IC u, u).IC SCM by Th6
           .= u.IC SCM by A5,A6,AMI_1:def 8
           .= ((IC SCM, il)-->(il1, I)).IC SCM by A3,FUNCT_4:14
           .= il by A4,FUNCT_4:66;
      hence x in {IC Following s : IC s = il & SCM} by A2,A5,A6;
       now assume
           x in {IC Following s : IC s = il & SCM};
         then consider s being State of SCM such that
     A7: x = IC Following s & IC s = il & = halt SCM;
      thus x = IC Exec(CurInstr s,s) by A7,AMI_1:def 18
           .= IC Exec(s.IC s, s) by AMI_1:def 17
           .= Exec(halt SCM, s).IC SCM by A7,AMI_1:def 15
           .= s.IC SCM by AMI_1:def 8
           .= il by A7,AMI_1:def 15;
    hence x in {il} iff x in {IC Following s : IC s = il & SCM}
       by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
  then {il} = { IC Following s : IC s = il & = halt SCM } by TARSKI:2;
 hence thesis by AMISTD_1:def 5;

 cluster JUMP halt SCM -> empty;
 set X = { NIC(halt SCM, il) : not contradiction };
 assume not thesis;
   then meet X is non empty by AMISTD_1:def 6;
   then consider x being set such that
A1:   x in meet X by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
   set i1 = il.1, i2 = il.2;
     NIC(halt SCM, i1) in X & NIC(halt SCM, i2) in X;
   then {i1} in X & {i2} in X by Th40;
   then x in {i1} & x in {i2} by A1,SETFAM_1:def 1;
   then x = i1 & x = i2 by TARSKI:def 1;
 hence contradiction by AMI_3:53;

theorem Th41:
  NIC(a := b, il) = {Next il}
    set i = a:=b;
    for s being State of SCM st IC s = il & = i
     holds Exec(i,s).IC SCM = Next IC s by AMI_3:8;
    hence thesis by Lm4;

definition let a, b;
 cluster JUMP (a := b) -> empty;
  for l being Instruction-Location of SCM holds NIC(a:=b,l)={Next l} by Th41;
  hence thesis by Lm5;

theorem Th42:
  NIC(AddTo(a,b), il) = {Next il}
    set i = AddTo(a,b);
    for s being State of SCM st IC s = il & = i
     holds Exec(i,s).IC SCM = Next IC s by AMI_3:9;
    hence thesis by Lm4;

definition let a, b;
 cluster JUMP AddTo(a, b) -> empty;
  for l being Instruction-Location of SCM holds NIC(AddTo(a,b),l)={Next l}
    by Th42;
  hence thesis by Lm5;

theorem Th43:
  NIC(SubFrom(a,b), il) = {Next il}
    set i = SubFrom(a,b);
    for s being State of SCM st IC s = il & = i
     holds Exec(i,s).IC SCM = Next IC s by AMI_3:10;
    hence thesis by Lm4;

definition let a, b;
 cluster JUMP SubFrom(a, b) -> empty;
  for l being Instruction-Location of SCM holds NIC(SubFrom(a,b),l)={Next l}
    by Th43;
  hence thesis by Lm5;

theorem Th44:
  NIC(MultBy(a,b), il) = {Next il}
    set i = MultBy(a,b);
    for s being State of SCM st IC s = il & = i
     holds Exec(i,s).IC SCM = Next IC s by AMI_3:11;
    hence thesis by Lm4;

definition let a, b;
 cluster JUMP MultBy(a,b) -> empty;
  for l being Instruction-Location of SCM holds NIC(MultBy(a,b),l)={Next l}
    by Th44;
  hence thesis by Lm5;

theorem Th45:
  NIC(Divide(a,b), il) = {Next il}
    set i = Divide(a,b);
    for s being State of SCM st IC s = il & = i
     holds Exec(i,s).IC SCM = Next IC s by AMI_3:12;
    hence thesis by Lm4;

definition let a, b;
 cluster JUMP Divide(a,b) -> empty;
  for l being Instruction-Location of SCM holds NIC(Divide(a,b),l)={Next l}
    by Th45;
  hence thesis by Lm5;

theorem Th46:
 NIC(goto i1, il) = {i1}
    now let x be set;
  A1: now assume
     A2: x = i1;
         consider t being State of SCM;
         reconsider il1 = il as Element of ObjectKind IC SCM by AMI_1:def 11;
         reconsider I = goto i1 as Element of ObjectKind il by AMI_1:def 14;
         set u = t+*((IC SCM, il)-->(il1, I));
     A3: IC u = il by Th6;
     A4: = goto i1 by Th6;
           IC Following u = Exec(u.IC u, u).IC SCM by Th6
           .= i1 by A3,A4,AMI_3:13;
      hence x in {IC Following s : IC s = il & i1} by A2,A3,A4;
       now assume
           x in {IC Following s : IC s = il & i1};
         then consider s being State of SCM such that
     A5: x = IC Following s & IC s = il & = goto i1;
      thus x = IC Exec(CurInstr s,s) by A5,AMI_1:def 18
           .= IC Exec(s.IC s, s) by AMI_1:def 17
           .= Exec(s.IC s, s).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
           .= i1 by A5,AMI_3:13;
    hence x in {i1} iff x in {IC Following s : IC s = il & i1}
       by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
  then {i1} = { IC Following s : IC s = il & = goto i1 } by TARSKI:2;
 hence thesis by AMISTD_1:def 5;

theorem Th47:
 JUMP goto i1 = {i1}
set X = { NIC(goto i1, il) : not contradiction };
A1: JUMP (goto i1) = meet X by AMISTD_1:def 6;
  let x be set;
  hereby assume
  A2: x in meet X;
      set il1 = il.1;
        NIC(goto i1, il1) in X;
     then x in NIC(goto i1, il1) by A2,SETFAM_1:def 1;
     hence x in {i1} by Th46;
  assume x in {i1};
  then A3: x = i1 by TARSKI:def 1;
A4:   NIC(goto i1, i1) in X;
        now let Y be set; assume Y in X;
         then consider il being Instruction-Location of SCM such that
      A5: Y = NIC(goto i1, il);
         NIC(goto i1, il) = {i1} by Th46;
       hence i1 in Y by A5,TARSKI:def 1;
  hence x in meet X by A3,A4,SETFAM_1:def 1;
 hence JUMP goto i1 = {i1} by A1,TARSKI:2;

definition let i1;
 cluster JUMP goto i1 -> non empty trivial;
    JUMP goto i1 = {i1} by Th47;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th48:
  NIC(a=0_goto i1, il) = {i1, Next il}
    set F = {IC Following s : IC s = il & a=0_goto i1};
      let x be set;
      assume x in NIC(a=0_goto i1, il);
      then x in F by AMISTD_1:def 5;
      then consider s being State of SCM such that
A1:     x = IC Following s & IC s = il & = a=0_goto i1;
A2:   x = IC Exec(CurInstr s,s) by A1,AMI_1:def 18
       .= IC Exec(s.IC s, s) by AMI_1:def 17
       .= Exec(a=0_goto i1, s).IC SCM by A1,AMI_1:def 15;
      per cases;
      suppose s.a = 0;
      then x = i1 by A2,AMI_3:14;
      hence x in {i1, Next il} by TARSKI:def 2;
      suppose s.a <> 0;
      then x = Next il by A1,A2,AMI_3:14;
      hence x in {i1, Next il} by TARSKI:def 2;
    let x be set;
A3:   x in {i1,Next il};
    consider t being State of SCM;
    reconsider il1 = il as Element of ObjectKind IC SCM by AMI_1:def 11;
    reconsider I = a=0_goto i1 as Element of ObjectKind il by AMI_1:def 14;
    set u = t+*((IC SCM, il)-->(il1, I));
A4: a <> il by Th1;
A5: IC SCM <> a by AMI_5:20;
    per cases by A3,TARSKI:def 2;
A6:   x = i1;
    set v = u+*(a .--> 0);
A7: dom (a .--> 0) = {a} by CQC_LANG:5;
A8: not IC SCM in dom (a .--> 0) by A5,TARSKI:def 1;
A9: IC v = v.IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
        .= u.IC SCM by A8,FUNCT_4:12
        .= IC u by AMI_1:def 15
        .= il1 by Th6;
    not il in dom (a .--> 0) by A4,A7,TARSKI:def 1;
A10: = by FUNCT_4:12
        .= I by Th6;
    a in dom (a .--> 0) by A7,TARSKI:def 1;
A11: v.a = (a .--> 0).a by FUNCT_4:14
       .= 0 by CQC_LANG:6;
    IC Following v = IC Exec(CurInstr v, v) by AMI_1:def 18
      .= IC Exec(v.IC v, v) by AMI_1:def 17
      .= Exec(v.IC v, v).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
      .= i1 by A9,A10,A11,AMI_3:14;
    then i1 in F by A9,A10;
    hence thesis by A6,AMISTD_1:def 5;
A12:   x = Next il;
    set v = u+*(a .--> 1);
A13: dom (a .--> 1) = {a} by CQC_LANG:5;
A14: not IC SCM in dom (a .--> 1) by A5,TARSKI:def 1;
A15: IC v = v.IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
        .= u.IC SCM by A14,FUNCT_4:12
        .= IC u by AMI_1:def 15
        .= il1 by Th6;
    not il in dom (a .--> 1) by A4,A13,TARSKI:def 1;
A16: = by FUNCT_4:12
        .= I by Th6;
    a in dom (a .--> 1) by A13,TARSKI:def 1;
A17: v.a = (a .--> 1).a by FUNCT_4:14
       .= 1 by CQC_LANG:6;
    IC Following v = IC Exec(CurInstr v, v) by AMI_1:def 18
      .= IC Exec(v.IC v, v) by AMI_1:def 17
      .= Exec(v.IC v, v).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
      .= Next il by A15,A16,A17,AMI_3:14;
    then Next il in F by A15,A16;
    hence thesis by A12,AMISTD_1:def 5;

theorem Th49:
 JUMP (a=0_goto i1) = {i1}
set X = { NIC(a=0_goto i1, il) : not contradiction };
A1: JUMP (a=0_goto i1) = meet X by AMISTD_1:def 6;
  let x be set;
  hereby assume
  A2: x in meet X;
      set il1 = il.1, il2 = il.2;
        NIC(a=0_goto i1, il1) in X & NIC(a=0_goto i1, il2) in X;
  then A3: x in NIC(a=0_goto i1, il1) & x in NIC(a=0_goto i1, il2)
       by A2,SETFAM_1:def 1;
        NIC(a=0_goto i1, il1) = {i1, Next il1} &
      NIC(a=0_goto i1, il2) = {i1, Next il2} by Th48;
  then A4: (x = i1 or x = Next il1) & (x = i1 or x = Next il2) by A3,TARSKI:def
        il1 <> il2 by AMI_3:53;
   hence x in {i1} by A4,Th4,TARSKI:def 1;
  assume x in {i1};
  then A5: x = i1 by TARSKI:def 1;
A6:   NIC(a=0_goto i1, i1) in X;
        now let Y be set; assume Y in X;
         then consider il being Instruction-Location of SCM such that
A7:          Y = NIC(a=0_goto i1, il);
       NIC(a=0_goto i1, il) = {i1, Next il} by Th48;
        hence i1 in Y by A7,TARSKI:def 2;
  hence x in meet X by A5,A6,SETFAM_1:def 1;
 hence JUMP (a=0_goto i1) = {i1} by A1,TARSKI:2;

definition let a, i1;
 cluster JUMP (a =0_goto i1) -> non empty trivial;
      JUMP (a =0_goto i1) = {i1} by Th49;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th50:
  NIC(a>0_goto i1, il) = {i1, Next il}
    set F = {IC Following s : IC s = il & a>0_goto i1};
      let x be set;
      assume x in NIC(a>0_goto i1, il);
      then x in F by AMISTD_1:def 5;
      then consider s being State of SCM such that
A1:     x = IC Following s & IC s = il & = a>0_goto i1;
A2:   x = IC Exec(CurInstr s,s) by A1,AMI_1:def 18
       .= IC Exec(s.IC s, s) by AMI_1:def 17
       .= Exec(a>0_goto i1, s).IC SCM by A1,AMI_1:def 15;
      per cases;
      suppose s.a > 0;
      then x = i1 by A2,AMI_3:15;
      hence x in {i1, Next il} by TARSKI:def 2;
      suppose s.a <= 0;
      then x = Next il by A1,A2,AMI_3:15;
      hence x in {i1, Next il} by TARSKI:def 2;
    let x be set;
A3:   x in {i1,Next il};
    consider t being State of SCM;
    reconsider il1 = il as Element of ObjectKind IC SCM by AMI_1:def 11;
    reconsider I = a>0_goto i1 as Element of ObjectKind il by AMI_1:def 14;
    set u = t+*((IC SCM, il)-->(il1, I));
A4: a <> il by Th1;
A5: IC SCM <> a by AMI_5:20;
    per cases by A3,TARSKI:def 2;
A6:   x = i1;
    set v = u+*(a .--> 1);
A7: dom (a .--> 1) = {a} by CQC_LANG:5;
A8: not IC SCM in dom (a .--> 1) by A5,TARSKI:def 1;
A9: IC v = v.IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
        .= u.IC SCM by A8,FUNCT_4:12
        .= IC u by AMI_1:def 15
        .= il1 by Th6;
    not il in dom (a .--> 1) by A4,A7,TARSKI:def 1;
A10: = by FUNCT_4:12
        .= I by Th6;
    a in dom (a .--> 1) by A7,TARSKI:def 1;
A11: v.a = (a .--> 1).a by FUNCT_4:14
       .= 1 by CQC_LANG:6;
    IC Following v = IC Exec(CurInstr v, v) by AMI_1:def 18
      .= IC Exec(v.IC v, v) by AMI_1:def 17
      .= Exec(v.IC v, v).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
      .= i1 by A9,A10,A11,AMI_3:15;
    then i1 in F by A9,A10;
    hence thesis by A6,AMISTD_1:def 5;
A12:   x = Next il;
    set v = u+*(a .--> 0);
A13: dom (a .--> 0) = {a} by CQC_LANG:5;
A14: not IC SCM in dom (a .--> 0) by A5,TARSKI:def 1;
A15: IC v = v.IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
        .= u.IC SCM by A14,FUNCT_4:12
        .= IC u by AMI_1:def 15
        .= il1 by Th6;
    not il in dom (a .--> 0) by A4,A13,TARSKI:def 1;
A16: = by FUNCT_4:12
        .= I by Th6;
    a in dom (a .--> 0) by A13,TARSKI:def 1;
A17: v.a = (a .--> 0).a by FUNCT_4:14
       .= 0 by CQC_LANG:6;
    IC Following v = IC Exec(CurInstr v, v) by AMI_1:def 18
      .= IC Exec(v.IC v, v) by AMI_1:def 17
      .= Exec(v.IC v, v).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
      .= Next il by A15,A16,A17,AMI_3:15;
    then Next il in F by A15,A16;
    hence thesis by A12,AMISTD_1:def 5;

theorem Th51:
 JUMP (a>0_goto i1) = {i1}
set X = { NIC(a>0_goto i1, il) : not contradiction };
A1: JUMP (a>0_goto i1) = meet X by AMISTD_1:def 6;
  let x be set;
  hereby assume
  A2: x in meet X;
      set il1 = il.1, il2 = il.2;
        NIC(a>0_goto i1, il1) in X & NIC(a>0_goto i1, il2) in X;
  then A3: x in NIC(a>0_goto i1, il1) & x in NIC(a>0_goto i1, il2)
       by A2,SETFAM_1:def 1;
        NIC(a>0_goto i1, il1) = {i1, Next il1} &
      NIC(a>0_goto i1, il2) = {i1, Next il2} by Th50;
  then A4: (x = i1 or x = Next il1) & (x = i1 or x = Next il2) by A3,TARSKI:def
        il1 <> il2 by AMI_3:53;
   hence x in {i1} by A4,Th4,TARSKI:def 1;
  assume x in {i1};
  then A5: x = i1 by TARSKI:def 1;
A6:   NIC(a>0_goto i1, i1) in X;
        now let Y be set; assume Y in X;
         then consider il being Instruction-Location of SCM such that
A7:        Y = NIC(a>0_goto i1, il);
        NIC(a>0_goto i1, il) = {i1, Next il} by Th50;
        hence i1 in Y by A7,TARSKI:def 2;
  hence x in meet X by A5,A6,SETFAM_1:def 1;
 hence JUMP (a>0_goto i1) = {i1} by A1,TARSKI:2;

definition let a, i1;
 cluster JUMP (a >0_goto i1) -> non empty trivial;
      JUMP (a >0_goto i1) = {i1} by Th51;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th52:
 SUCC il = {il, Next il}
   set X = { NIC(I, il) \ JUMP I where I is Element of the Instructions of SCM:
   not contradiction };
   set N = {il, Next il};
    now let x be set;
   hereby assume x in union X; then consider Y being set such that
   A1: x in Y & Y in X by TARSKI:def 4;
       consider i being Element of the Instructions of SCM such that
   A2: Y = NIC(i, il) \ JUMP i by A1;
    per cases by AMI_3:69;
    suppose i = [0,{}];
      then x in {il} \ JUMP halt SCM by A1,A2,Th40,AMI_3:71;
      then x = il by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2;
    suppose ex a,b st i = a:=b; then consider a, b such that
    A4: i = a:=b;
        x in {Next il} \ JUMP (a:=b) by A1,A2,A4,Th41;
      then x = Next il by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2;
    suppose ex a,b st i = AddTo(a,b); then consider a, b such that
    A5: i = AddTo(a,b);
        x in {Next il} \ JUMP AddTo(a,b) by A1,A2,A5,Th42;
      then x = Next il by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2;
    suppose ex a,b st i = SubFrom(a,b); then consider a, b such that
    A6: i = SubFrom(a,b);
        x in {Next il} \ JUMP SubFrom(a,b) by A1,A2,A6,Th43;
      then x = Next il by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2;
    suppose ex a,b st i = MultBy(a,b); then consider a, b such that
    A7: i = MultBy(a,b);
        x in {Next il} \ JUMP MultBy(a,b) by A1,A2,A7,Th44;
      then x = Next il by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2;
    suppose ex a,b st i = Divide(a,b); then consider a, b such that
    A8: i = Divide(a,b);
        x in {Next il} \ JUMP Divide(a,b) by A1,A2,A8,Th45;
      then x = Next il by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2;
    suppose ex i1 st i = goto i1; then consider i1 such that
    A9: i = goto i1;
        x in {i1} \ JUMP i by A1,A2,A9,Th46;
      then x in {i1} \ {i1} by A9,Th47;
     hence x in N by XBOOLE_1:37;
    suppose ex a,i1 st i = a=0_goto i1; then consider a, i1 such that
    A10:  i = a=0_goto i1;
          x in NIC(i, il) \ {i1} by A1,A2,A10,Th49;
    then A11: x in NIC(i, il) & not x in {i1} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          NIC(i, il) = {i1, Next il} by A10,Th48;
        then x = i1 or x = Next il by A11,TARSKI:def 2;
     hence x in N by A11,TARSKI:def 1,def 2;
    suppose ex a,i1 st i = a>0_goto i1; then consider a, i1 such that
    A12:  i = a>0_goto i1;
          x in NIC(i, il) \ {i1} by A1,A2,A12,Th51;
    then A13: x in NIC(i, il) & not x in {i1} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          NIC(i, il) = {i1, Next il} by A12,Th50;
        then x = i1 or x = Next il by A13,TARSKI:def 2;
     hence x in N by A13,TARSKI:def 1,def 2;
   assume A14: x in {il, Next il};
   per cases by A14,TARSKI:def 2;
   suppose A15: x = il;
     set i = halt SCM;
       NIC(i, il) \ JUMP i = {il} by Th40;
     then x in {il} & {il} in X by A15,TARSKI:def 1;
    hence x in union X by TARSKI:def 4;
   suppose A16: x = Next il;
    consider a, b being Data-Location;
    set i = AddTo(a,b);
      NIC(i, il) \ JUMP i = {Next il} by Th42;
     then x in {Next il} & {Next il} in X by A16,TARSKI:def 1;
    hence x in union X by TARSKI:def 4;
  then union X = {il, Next il} by TARSKI:2;
 hence SUCC il = {il, Next il} by AMISTD_1:def 7;

theorem Th53:
 for f being Function of NAT, the Instruction-Locations of SCM
   st for k being Nat holds f.k = il.k holds
  f is bijective &
  for k being Nat holds f.(k+1) in SUCC (f.k) &
   for j being Nat st f.j in SUCC (f.k) holds k <= j
    let f be Function of NAT, the Instruction-Locations of SCM such that
A1:   for k being Nat holds f.k = il.k;
A2:   f is bijective
    thus f is one-to-one
    proof let x1, x2 be set such that
  A3: x1 in dom f & x2 in dom f and
  A4: f.x1 = f.x2;
      reconsider k1 = x1, k2 = x2 as Nat by A3,FUNCT_2:def 1;
        f.k1 = il.k1 & f.k2 = il.k2 by A1;
      hence x1 = x2 by A4,AMI_3:53;
    thus f is onto
     thus rng f c= the Instruction-Locations of SCM by RELSET_1:12;
     thus the Instruction-Locations of SCM c= rng f proof
     let x be set; assume x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
      then consider i being Nat such that
    A5: x = il.i by AMI_5:19;
          dom f = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
        then il.i = f.i & i in dom f by A1;
    hence x in rng f by A5,FUNCT_1:def 5;
 let k be Nat;
   A6: SUCC (f.k) = {f.k, Next (f.k)} by Th52;
   A7: f.(k+1) = il.(k+1) & f.k = il.k by A1;
   A8: f.(k+1) = il.(k+1) by A1
              .= Next il.k by AMI_3:54;
    hence f.(k+1) in SUCC (f.k) by A6,A7,TARSKI:def 2;
    let j be Nat;
 A9:  f.j in SUCC (f.k);
   A10: f is one-to-one by A2,FUNCT_2:def 4;
   A11: dom f = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     per cases by A6,A9,TARSKI:def 2;
     suppose f.j = f.k;
      hence k <= j by A10,A11,FUNCT_1:def 8;
     suppose f.j = Next (f.k);
         then j = k+1 by A7,A8,A10,A11,FUNCT_1:def 8;
      hence k <= j by NAT_1:29;

 cluster SCM -> standard;
  proof   deffunc _F(Nat) = il.$1;
    consider f being Function of NAT, the Instruction-Locations of SCM
       such that
A1:   for k being Nat holds f.k = _F(k) from LambdaD;
      f is bijective &
     for k being Nat holds f.(k+1) in SUCC (f.k) &
      for j being Nat st f.j in SUCC (f.k) holds k <= j by A1,Th53;
    hence SCM is standard by AMISTD_1:19;

theorem Th54:
 il.(SCM,k) = il.k
  proof   deffunc _F(Nat) = il.$1;
    consider f being Function of NAT, the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      such that
A1:   for k being Nat holds f.k = _F(k) from LambdaD;
A2:  f is bijective by A1,Th53;
A3:  for k being Nat holds f.(k+1) in SUCC (f.k) &
      for j being Nat st f.j in SUCC (f.k) holds k <= j by A1,Th53;
      ex f being Function of NAT, the Instruction-Locations of SCM st
     f is bijective &
     (for m, n being Nat holds m <= n iff f.m <= f.n) &
     il.k = f.k
      take f;
      thus f is bijective by A1,Th53;
      thus for m, n being Nat holds m <= n iff f.m <= f.n by A2,A3,AMISTD_1:18
        k is Nat by ORDINAL2:def 21;
      hence thesis by A1;
    hence thesis by AMISTD_1:def 12;

theorem Th55:
 Next il.(SCM,k) = il.(SCM,k+1)
    thus Next il.(SCM,k) = Next il.k by Th54
      .= il.(k+1) by AMI_3:54
      .= il.(SCM,k+1) by Th54;

theorem Th56:
 Next il = NextLoc il
      Next il = il.(SCM,locnum il + 1)
        Next il.(SCM,locnum il) = il.(SCM,locnum il+1) by Th55;
      hence thesis by AMISTD_1:def 13;
    hence thesis by AMISTD_1:34;

 cluster InsCode halt SCM -> jump-only;
    let s be State of SCM, o be Object of SCM, I be Instruction of SCM;
    assume that
A1:   InsCode I = InsCode halt SCM and o <> IC SCM;
      I = halt SCM by A1,AMI_5:37,46;
    hence Exec(I, s).o = s.o by AMI_1:def 8;

 cluster halt SCM -> jump-only;
    thus InsCode halt SCM is jump-only;

definition let i1;
 cluster InsCode goto i1 -> jump-only;
    set S = SCM;
    let s be State of S, o be Object of S, I be Instruction of S;
    assume that
A1:    InsCode I = InsCode goto i1 and
A2:    o <> IC S;
      InsCode goto i1 = 6 by AMI_5:43;
    then consider i2 such that
A3:    I = goto i2 by A1,AMI_5:52;
    per cases by A2,Th3;
    suppose o in the Instruction-Locations of S;
    hence Exec(I, s).o = s.o by AMI_1:def 13;
    suppose o is Data-Location;
    hence Exec(I, s).o = s.o by A3,AMI_3:13;

definition let i1;
 cluster goto i1 -> jump-only non sequential non ins-loc-free;
    thus InsCode goto i1 is jump-only;
    thus goto i1 is non sequential
        JUMP goto i1 <> {};
      hence thesis by AMISTD_1:43;
    take 1;
      dom AddressPart goto i1 = dom <*i1*> by Th13
      .= {1} by FINSEQ_1:4,def 8;
    hence 1 in dom AddressPart goto i1 by TARSKI:def 1;
    thus thesis by Th35;

definition let a, i1;
 cluster InsCode (a =0_goto i1) -> jump-only;
    set S = SCM;
    let s be State of S, o be Object of S, I be Instruction of S;
    assume that
A1:    InsCode I = InsCode (a =0_goto i1) and
A2:    o <> IC S;
      InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = 7 by AMI_5:44;
    then consider i2, b such that
A3:    I = (b =0_goto i2) by A1,AMI_5:53;
    per cases by A2,Th3;
    suppose o in the Instruction-Locations of S;
    hence Exec(I, s).o = s.o by AMI_1:def 13;
    suppose o is Data-Location;
    hence Exec(I, s).o = s.o by A3,AMI_3:14;

 cluster InsCode (a >0_goto i1) -> jump-only;
    set S = SCM;
    let s be State of S, o be Object of S, I be Instruction of S;
    assume that
A4:    InsCode I = InsCode (a >0_goto i1) and
A5:    o <> IC S;
      InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = 8 by AMI_5:45;
    then consider i2, b such that
A6:    I = (b >0_goto i2) by A4,AMI_5:54;
    per cases by A5,Th3;
    suppose o in the Instruction-Locations of S;
    hence Exec(I, s).o = s.o by AMI_1:def 13;
    suppose o is Data-Location;
    hence Exec(I, s).o = s.o by A6,AMI_3:15;

definition let a, i1;
 cluster a =0_goto i1 -> jump-only non sequential non ins-loc-free;
    thus InsCode (a =0_goto i1) is jump-only;
    thus a =0_goto i1 is non sequential
        JUMP (a =0_goto i1) <> {};
      hence thesis by AMISTD_1:43;
    take 1;
      dom AddressPart (a =0_goto i1) = dom <*i1,a*> by Th14
      .= {1,2} by FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    hence 1 in dom AddressPart (a =0_goto i1) by TARSKI:def 2;
    thus thesis by Th36;

 cluster a >0_goto i1 -> jump-only non sequential non ins-loc-free;
    thus InsCode (a >0_goto i1) is jump-only;
    thus a >0_goto i1 is non sequential
        JUMP (a >0_goto i1) <> {};
      hence thesis by AMISTD_1:43;
    take 1;
      dom AddressPart (a >0_goto i1) = dom <*i1,a*> by Th15
      .= {1,2} by FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
    hence 1 in dom AddressPart (a >0_goto i1) by TARSKI:def 2;
    thus thesis by Th38;

definition let a, b;
consider w being State of SCM;
set t = w+*((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1));
 cluster InsCode (a:=b) -> non jump-only;
A1: InsCode (a:=b) = 1 by AMI_5:38
    .= InsCode (dl.0:=dl.1) by AMI_5:38;
A2: dl.0 <> IC SCM by AMI_3:57;
     dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) = {dl.0, dl.1} by FUNCT_4:65;
then A3: dl.0 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) &
   dl.1 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) by TARSKI:def 2;
A4: dl.0 <> dl.1 by AMI_3:52;
A5: t.dl.0 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.0 by A3,FUNCT_4:14
          .= 0 by A4,FUNCT_4:66;
     Exec((dl.0:=dl.1), t).dl.0
    = t.dl.1 by AMI_3:8
   .= (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.1 by A3,FUNCT_4:14
   .= 1 by A4,FUNCT_4:66;
  hence thesis by A1,A2,A5,AMISTD_1:def 3;

 cluster InsCode AddTo(a,b) -> non jump-only;
A6: InsCode AddTo(a,b) = 2 by AMI_5:39
    .= InsCode AddTo(dl.0, dl.1) by AMI_5:39;
A7: dl.0 <> IC SCM by AMI_3:57;
     dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) = {dl.0, dl.1} by FUNCT_4:65;
then A8: dl.0 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) &
   dl.1 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) by TARSKI:def 2;
A9: dl.0 <> dl.1 by AMI_3:52;
A10: t.dl.0 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.0 by A8,FUNCT_4:14
             .= 0 by A9,FUNCT_4:66;
A11: t.dl.1 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.1 by A8,FUNCT_4:14
             .= 1 by A9,FUNCT_4:66;
     Exec(AddTo(dl.0, dl.1), t).dl.0
    = t.dl.0 + t.dl.1 by AMI_3:9
   .= 1 by A10,A11;
  hence thesis by A6,A7,A10,AMISTD_1:def 3;

 cluster InsCode SubFrom(a,b) -> non jump-only;
A12: InsCode SubFrom(a,b) = 3 by AMI_5:40
    .= InsCode SubFrom(dl.0, dl.1) by AMI_5:40;
A13: dl.0 <> IC SCM by AMI_3:57;
     dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) = {dl.0, dl.1} by FUNCT_4:65;
then A14: dl.0 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) &
   dl.1 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) by TARSKI:def 2;
A15: dl.0 <> dl.1 by AMI_3:52;
A16: t.dl.0 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.0 by A14,FUNCT_4:14
          .= 0 by A15,FUNCT_4:66;
A17: t.dl.1 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.1 by A14,FUNCT_4:14
          .= 1 by A15,FUNCT_4:66;
      Exec(SubFrom(dl.0, dl.1), t).dl.0
    = t.dl.0 - t.dl.1 by AMI_3:10
   .= -1 by A16,A17;
  hence thesis by A12,A13,A16,AMISTD_1:def 3;

 cluster InsCode MultBy(a,b) -> non jump-only;
   set t = w+*((dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0));
A18: InsCode MultBy(a,b) = 4 by AMI_5:41
    .= InsCode MultBy(dl.0, dl.1) by AMI_5:41;
A19:  dl.0 <> IC SCM by AMI_3:57;
      dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0)) = {dl.0, dl.1} by FUNCT_4:65;
     then A20: dl.0 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0)) &
   dl.1 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0)) by TARSKI:def 2;
A21: dl.0 <> dl.1 by AMI_3:52;
A22: t.dl.0 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0).dl.0 by A20,FUNCT_4:14
             .= 1 by A21,FUNCT_4:66;
A23: t.dl.1 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0).dl.1 by A20,FUNCT_4:14
             .= 0 by A21,FUNCT_4:66;
     Exec(MultBy(dl.0, dl.1), t).dl.0
    = t.dl.0 * t.dl.1 by AMI_3:11
   .= 0 by A23;
  hence thesis by A18,A19,A22,AMISTD_1:def 3;

 cluster InsCode Divide(a,b) -> non jump-only;
   set t = w+*((dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3));
A24: InsCode Divide(a,b) = 5 by AMI_5:42
    .= InsCode Divide(dl.0, dl.1) by AMI_5:42;
A25:  dl.0 <> IC SCM by AMI_3:57;
      dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3)) = {dl.0, dl.1} by FUNCT_4:65;
then A26: dl.0 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3)) &
   dl.1 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3)) by TARSKI:def 2;
A27: dl.0 <> dl.1 by AMI_3:52;
A28: t.dl.0 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3).dl.0 by A26,FUNCT_4:14
          .= 7 by A27,FUNCT_4:66;
A29: t.dl.1 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3).dl.1 by A26,FUNCT_4:14
          .= 3 by A27,FUNCT_4:66;
A30: 7 = 2 * 3 + 1;
     Exec(Divide(dl.0, dl.1), t).dl.0
    = 7 div (3 qua Integer) by A27,A28,A29,AMI_3:12
   .= 7 div (3 qua Nat) by SCMFSA9A:5
   .= 2 by A30,NAT_1:def 1;
  hence thesis by A24,A25,A28,AMISTD_1:def 3;

definition let a, b;
 cluster a:=b -> non jump-only sequential;
    thus InsCode (a:=b) is not jump-only;
    let s be State of SCM;
      Next IC s = NextLoc IC s by Th56;
    hence thesis by AMI_3:8;

 cluster AddTo(a,b) -> non jump-only sequential;
    thus InsCode AddTo(a,b) is not jump-only;
    let s be State of SCM;
      Next IC s = NextLoc IC s by Th56;
    hence thesis by AMI_3:9;

 cluster SubFrom(a,b) -> non jump-only sequential;
    thus InsCode SubFrom(a,b) is not jump-only;
    let s be State of SCM;
      Next IC s = NextLoc IC s by Th56;
    hence thesis by AMI_3:10;

 cluster MultBy(a,b) -> non jump-only sequential;
    thus InsCode MultBy(a,b) is not jump-only;
    let s be State of SCM;
      Next IC s = NextLoc IC s by Th56;
    hence thesis by AMI_3:11;

 cluster Divide(a,b) -> non jump-only sequential;
    thus InsCode Divide(a,b) is not jump-only;
    let s be State of SCM;
      Next IC s = NextLoc IC s by Th56;
    hence thesis by AMI_3:12;

 cluster SCM -> homogeneous with_explicit_jumps without_implicit_jumps;
    thus SCM is homogeneous
      let I, J be Instruction of SCM such that
A1:     InsCode I = InsCode J;
A2:   J = [0,{}] or
      (ex a,b st J = a:=b) or
      (ex a,b st J = AddTo(a,b)) or
      (ex a,b st J = SubFrom(a,b)) or
      (ex a,b st J = MultBy(a,b)) or
      (ex a,b st J = Divide(a,b)) or
      (ex i1 st J = goto i1) or
      (ex a,i1 st J = a=0_goto i1) or
      (ex a,i1 st J = a>0_goto i1) by AMI_3:69;
      per cases by AMI_3:69;
      suppose I = [0,{}];
      hence thesis by A1,A2,AMI_3:71,AMI_5:37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45;
      suppose ex a,b st I = a:=b;
      then consider a, b such that
A3:     I = a:=b;
A4:   InsCode I = 1 by A3,AMI_5:38;
        now per cases by AMI_3:69;
        suppose J = [0,{}];
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
         by A1,A3,AMI_3:71,AMI_5:37,38;
        suppose ex a,b st J = a:=b;
        then consider d1, d2 such that
A5:       J = d1:=d2;
        thus dom AddressPart I = dom <*a,b*> by A3,Th8
          .= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom <*d1,d2*> by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom AddressPart J by A5,Th8;
        suppose (ex a,b st J = AddTo(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = SubFrom(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = MultBy(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = Divide(a,b)) or
                (ex i1 st J = goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a=0_goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a>0_goto i1);
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A4,AMI_5:39,40,41,42,43,44,45;
      hence thesis;
      suppose ex a,b st I = AddTo(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A6:     I = AddTo(a,b);
A7:   InsCode I = 2 by A6,AMI_5:39;
        now per cases by AMI_3:69;
        suppose J = [0,{}];
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
         by A1,A6,AMI_3:71,AMI_5:37,39;
        suppose ex a,b st J = AddTo(a,b);
        then consider d1, d2 such that
A8:       J = AddTo(d1,d2);
        thus dom AddressPart I = dom <*a,b*> by A6,Th9
          .= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom <*d1,d2*> by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom AddressPart J by A8,Th9;
        suppose (ex a,b st J = a:=b) or
                (ex a,b st J = SubFrom(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = MultBy(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = Divide(a,b)) or
                (ex i1 st J = goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a=0_goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a>0_goto i1);
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A7,AMI_5:38,40,41,42,43,44,45;
      hence thesis;
      suppose ex a,b st I = SubFrom(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A9:     I = SubFrom(a,b);
A10:   InsCode I = 3 by A9,AMI_5:40;
        now per cases by AMI_3:69;
        suppose J = [0,{}];
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A9,AMI_3:71,AMI_5:37,40;
        suppose ex a,b st J = SubFrom(a,b);
        then consider d1, d2 such that
A11:       J = SubFrom(d1,d2);
        thus dom AddressPart I = dom <*a,b*> by A9,Th10
          .= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom <*d1,d2*> by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom AddressPart J by A11,Th10;
        suppose (ex a,b st J = a:=b) or
                (ex a,b st J = AddTo(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = MultBy(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = Divide(a,b)) or
                (ex i1 st J = goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a=0_goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a>0_goto i1);
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A10,AMI_5:38,39,41,42,43,44,45;
      hence thesis;
      suppose ex a,b st I = MultBy(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A12:     I = MultBy(a,b);
A13:   InsCode I = 4 by A12,AMI_5:41;
        now per cases by AMI_3:69;
        suppose J = [0,{}];
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A12,AMI_3:71,AMI_5:37,41;
        suppose ex a,b st J = MultBy(a,b);
        then consider d1, d2 such that
A14:       J = MultBy(d1,d2);
        thus dom AddressPart I = dom <*a,b*> by A12,Th11
          .= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom <*d1,d2*> by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom AddressPart J by A14,Th11;
        suppose (ex a,b st J = a:=b) or
                (ex a,b st J = AddTo(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = SubFrom(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = Divide(a,b)) or
                (ex i1 st J = goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a=0_goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a>0_goto i1);
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A13,AMI_5:38,39,40,42,43,44,45;
      hence thesis;
      suppose ex a,b st I = Divide(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A15:     I = Divide(a,b);
A16:   InsCode I = 5 by A15,AMI_5:42;
        now per cases by AMI_3:69;
        suppose J = [0,{}];
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A15,AMI_3:71,AMI_5:37,42;
        suppose ex a,b st J = Divide(a,b);
        then consider d1, d2 such that
A17:       J = Divide(d1,d2);
        thus dom AddressPart I = dom <*a,b*> by A15,Th12
          .= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom <*d1,d2*> by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom AddressPart J by A17,Th12;
        suppose (ex a,b st J = a:=b) or
                (ex a,b st J = AddTo(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = SubFrom(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = MultBy(a,b)) or
                (ex i1 st J = goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a=0_goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a>0_goto i1);
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A16,AMI_5:38,39,40,41,43,44,45;
      hence thesis;
      suppose ex i1 st I = goto i1;
      then consider i1 such that
A18:     I = goto i1;
A19:   InsCode I = 6 by A18,AMI_5:43;
        now per cases by AMI_3:69;
        suppose J = [0,{}];
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A18,AMI_3:71,AMI_5:37,43;
        suppose ex i2 st J = goto i2;
        then consider i2 such that
A20:       J = goto i2;
        thus dom AddressPart I = dom <*i1*> by A18,Th13
          .= Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:def 8
          .= dom <*i2*> by FINSEQ_1:def 8
          .= dom AddressPart J by A20,Th13;
        suppose (ex a,b st J = a:=b) or
                (ex a,b st J = AddTo(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = SubFrom(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = MultBy(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = Divide(a,b)) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a=0_goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a>0_goto i1);
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A19,AMI_5:38,39,40,41,42,44,45;
      hence thesis;
      suppose ex a,i1 st I = a=0_goto i1;
      then consider a, i1 such that
A21:     I = a=0_goto i1;
A22:   InsCode I = 7 by A21,AMI_5:44;
        now per cases by AMI_3:69;
        suppose J = [0,{}];
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A21,AMI_3:71,AMI_5:37,44;
        suppose ex d1,i2 st J = d1 =0_goto i2;
        then consider d1, i2 such that
A23:       J = d1 =0_goto i2;
        thus dom AddressPart I = dom <*i1,a*> by A21,Th14
          .= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom <*i2,d1*> by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom AddressPart J by A23,Th14;
        suppose (ex a,b st J = a:=b) or
                (ex a,b st J = AddTo(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = SubFrom(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = MultBy(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = Divide(a,b)) or
                (ex i1 st J = goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a>0_goto i1);
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A22,AMI_5:38,39,40,41,42,43,45;
      hence thesis;
      suppose ex a,i1 st I = a>0_goto i1;
      then consider a, i1 such that
A24:     I = a>0_goto i1;
A25:   InsCode I = 8 by A24,AMI_5:45;
        now per cases by AMI_3:69;
        suppose J = [0,{}];
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A24,AMI_3:71,AMI_5:37,45;
        suppose ex d1,i2 st J = d1 >0_goto i2;
        then consider d1, i2 such that
A26:       J = d1 >0_goto i2;
        thus dom AddressPart I = dom <*i1,a*> by A24,Th15
          .= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom <*i2,d1*> by FINSEQ_3:29
          .= dom AddressPart J by A26,Th15;
        suppose (ex a,b st J = a:=b) or
                (ex a,b st J = AddTo(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = SubFrom(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = MultBy(a,b)) or
                (ex a,b st J = Divide(a,b)) or
                (ex i1 st J = goto i1) or
                (ex a,i1 st J = a=0_goto i1);
        hence dom AddressPart I = dom AddressPart J
          by A1,A25,AMI_5:38,39,40,41,42,43,44;
      hence thesis;

    thus SCM is with_explicit_jumps
      let I be Instruction of SCM;
      let f be set such that
A27:     f in JUMP I;
      per cases by AMI_3:69;
A28:     I = [0,{}];
        JUMP halt SCM is empty;
      hence thesis by A27,A28,AMI_3:71;
      suppose ex a,b st I = a:=b;
      then consider a, b such that
A29:     I = a:=b;
        JUMP (a:=b) is empty;
      hence thesis by A27,A29;
      suppose ex a,b st I = AddTo(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A30:     I = AddTo(a,b);
        JUMP AddTo(a,b) is empty;
      hence thesis by A27,A30;
      suppose ex a,b st I = SubFrom(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A31:     I = SubFrom(a,b);
        JUMP SubFrom(a,b) is empty;
      hence thesis by A27,A31;
      suppose ex a,b st I = MultBy(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A32:     I = MultBy(a,b);
        JUMP MultBy(a,b) is empty;
      hence thesis by A27,A32;
      suppose ex a,b st I = Divide(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A33:     I = Divide(a,b);
        JUMP Divide(a,b) is empty;
      hence thesis by A27,A33;
      suppose ex i1 st I = goto i1;
      then consider i1 such that
A34:     I = goto i1;
        JUMP goto i1 = {i1} by Th47;
then A35:   f = i1 by A27,A34,TARSKI:def 1;
      take 1;
A36:   AddressPart goto i1 = <*i1*> by Th13;
        dom <*i1*> = Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:def 8;
      hence 1 in dom AddressPart I by A34,A36,FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1;
      thus f = (AddressPart I).1 &
       (PA AddressParts InsCode I).1 = the Instruction-Locations of SCM
        by A34,A35,A36,Th35,FINSEQ_1:def 8;
      suppose ex a,i1 st I = a=0_goto i1;
      then consider a, i1 such that
A37:     I = a=0_goto i1;
        JUMP (a=0_goto i1) = {i1} by Th49;
then A38:   f = i1 by A27,A37,TARSKI:def 1;
      take 1;
A39:   AddressPart (a=0_goto i1) = <*i1,a*> by Th14;
        dom <*i1,a*> = Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29;
      hence 1 in dom AddressPart I by A37,A39,FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 2;
      thus f = (AddressPart I).1 &
       (PA AddressParts InsCode I).1 = the Instruction-Locations of SCM
        by A37,A38,A39,Th36,FINSEQ_1:61;
      suppose ex a,i1 st I = a>0_goto i1;
      then consider a, i1 such that
A40:     I = a>0_goto i1;
        JUMP (a>0_goto i1) = {i1} by Th51;
then A41:   f = i1 by A27,A40,TARSKI:def 1;
      take 1;
A42:   AddressPart (a>0_goto i1) = <*i1,a*> by Th15;
        dom <*i1,a*> = Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29;
      hence 1 in dom AddressPart I by A40,A42,FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 2;
      thus f = (AddressPart I).1 &
       (PA AddressParts InsCode I).1 = the Instruction-Locations of SCM
        by A40,A41,A42,Th38,FINSEQ_1:61;

    let I be Instruction of SCM;
    let f be set;
    given k being set such that
A43:   k in dom AddressPart I and
A44:   f = (AddressPart I).k and
A45:   (PA AddressParts InsCode I).k = the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
    per cases by AMI_3:69;
    suppose I = [0,{}];
    then dom AddressPart I = dom {} by Th7,AMI_3:71;
    hence thesis by A43;
    suppose ex a,b st I = a:=b;
    then consider a, b such that
A46:   I = a:=b;
      k in dom <*a,b*> by A43,A46,Th8;
    then k = 1 or k = 2 by Lm2;
    hence thesis by A45,A46,Th2,Th25,Th26;
    suppose ex a,b st I = AddTo(a,b);
    then consider a, b such that
A47:   I = AddTo(a,b);
      k in dom <*a,b*> by A43,A47,Th9;
    then k = 1 or k = 2 by Lm2;
    hence thesis by A45,A47,Th2,Th27,Th28;
    suppose ex a,b st I = SubFrom(a,b);
    then consider a, b such that
A48:   I = SubFrom(a,b);
      k in dom <*a,b*> by A43,A48,Th10;
    then k = 1 or k = 2 by Lm2;
    hence thesis by A45,A48,Th2,Th29,Th30;
    suppose ex a,b st I = MultBy(a,b);
    then consider a, b such that
A49:   I = MultBy(a,b);
      k in dom <*a,b*> by A43,A49,Th11;
    then k = 1 or k = 2 by Lm2;
    hence thesis by A45,A49,Th2,Th31,Th32;
    suppose ex a,b st I = Divide(a,b);
    then consider a, b such that
A50:   I = Divide(a,b);
      k in dom <*a,b*> by A43,A50,Th12;
    then k = 1 or k = 2 by Lm2;
    hence thesis by A45,A50,Th2,Th33,Th34;
    suppose ex i1 st I = goto i1;
    then consider i1 such that
A51:   I = goto i1;
A52: AddressPart I = <*i1*> by A51,Th13;
    then k = 1 by A43,Lm1;
then A53: f = i1 by A44,A52,FINSEQ_1:def 8;
      JUMP I = {i1} by A51,Th47;
    hence thesis by A53,TARSKI:def 1;
    suppose ex a,i1 st I = a=0_goto i1;
    then consider a, i1 such that
A54:   I = a=0_goto i1;
A55: AddressPart I = <*i1,a*> by A54,Th14;
    then k = 1 or k = 2 by A43,Lm2;
then A56: f = i1 by A44,A45,A54,A55,Th2,Th37,FINSEQ_1:61;
      JUMP I = {i1} by A54,Th49;
    hence thesis by A56,TARSKI:def 1;
    suppose ex a,i1 st I = a>0_goto i1;
    then consider a, i1 such that
A57:   I = a>0_goto i1;
A58: AddressPart I = <*i1,a*> by A57,Th15;
    then k = 1 or k = 2 by A43,Lm2;
then A59: f = i1 by A44,A45,A57,A58,Th2,Th39,FINSEQ_1:61;
      JUMP I = {i1} by A57,Th51;
    hence thesis by A59,TARSKI:def 1;

 cluster SCM -> regular;
    let T be InsType of SCM;
A1: AddressParts T =
      { AddressPart I where I is Instruction of SCM: InsCode I = T }
        by AMISTD_2:def 5;
    per cases by Lm3;
A2:   T = 0;
    reconsider f = {} as Function;
    take f;
    thus thesis by A2,Th16,CARD_3:19;

A3:   T = 1;
    take PA AddressParts T;
    thus AddressParts T c= product PA AddressParts T by AMISTD_2:9;
    let x be set;
    assume x in product PA AddressParts T;
    then consider f being Function such that
A4:   x = f and
A5:   dom f = dom PA AddressParts T and
A6:   for k being set st k in dom PA AddressParts T holds
        f.k in (PA AddressParts T).k by CARD_3:def 5;
A7: dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2} by A3,Th17;
then A8: 1 in dom PA AddressParts T by TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.1 in (PA AddressParts T).1 by A6;
    then f.1 in pi(AddressParts T,1) by A8,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider g being Function such that
A9:   g in AddressParts T and
A10:   g.1 = f.1 by CARD_3:def 6;
A11: 2 in dom PA AddressParts T by A7,TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.2 in (PA AddressParts T).2 by A6;
    then f.2 in pi(AddressParts T,2) by A11,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider h being Function such that
A12:   h in AddressParts T and
A13:   h.2 = f.2 by CARD_3:def 6;
    consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A14:   g = AddressPart I and
A15:   InsCode I = T by A1,A9;
    consider d1, b such that
A16:   I = d1:=b by A3,A15,AMI_5:47;
A17: g = <*d1,b*> by A14,A16,Th8;
    consider J being Instruction of SCM such that
A18:   h = AddressPart J and
A19:   InsCode J = T by A1,A12;
    consider a, d2 such that
A20:   J = a:=d2 by A3,A19,AMI_5:47;
A21: h = <*a,d2*> by A18,A20,Th8;
A22: dom <*d1,d2*> = {1,2} by FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
      for k being set st k in {1,2} holds <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k
      let k be set;
A23:     k in {1,2};
      per cases by A23,TARSKI:def 2;
A24:     k = 1;
        <*d1,d2*>.1 = d1 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.1 by A10,A17,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k by A24;
A25:     k = 2;
        <*d1,d2*>.2 = d2 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.2 by A13,A21,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k by A25;
then A26: <*d1,d2*> = f by A5,A7,A22,FUNCT_1:9;
      InsCode (d1:=d2) = 1 & AddressPart (d1:=d2) = <*d1,d2*> by Th8,AMI_5:38;
    hence thesis by A1,A3,A4,A26;

A27:   T = 2;
    take PA AddressParts T;
    thus AddressParts T c= product PA AddressParts T by AMISTD_2:9;
    let x be set;
    assume x in product PA AddressParts T;
    then consider f being Function such that
A28:   x = f and
A29:   dom f = dom PA AddressParts T and
A30:   for k being set st k in dom PA AddressParts T holds
        f.k in (PA AddressParts T).k by CARD_3:def 5;
A31: dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2} by A27,Th18;
then A32: 1 in dom PA AddressParts T by TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.1 in (PA AddressParts T).1 by A30;
    then f.1 in pi(AddressParts T,1) by A32,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider g being Function such that
A33:   g in AddressParts T and
A34:   g.1 = f.1 by CARD_3:def 6;
A35: 2 in dom PA AddressParts T by A31,TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.2 in (PA AddressParts T).2 by A30;
    then f.2 in pi(AddressParts T,2) by A35,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider h being Function such that
A36:   h in AddressParts T and
A37:   h.2 = f.2 by CARD_3:def 6;
    consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A38:   g = AddressPart I and
A39:   InsCode I = T by A1,A33;
    consider d1, b such that
A40:   I = AddTo(d1,b) by A27,A39,AMI_5:48;
A41: g = <*d1,b*> by A38,A40,Th9;
    consider J being Instruction of SCM such that
A42:   h = AddressPart J and
A43:   InsCode J = T by A1,A36;
    consider a, d2 such that
A44:   J = AddTo(a,d2) by A27,A43,AMI_5:48;
A45: h = <*a,d2*> by A42,A44,Th9;
A46: dom <*d1,d2*> = {1,2} by FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
      for k being set st k in {1,2} holds <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k
      let k be set;
A47:     k in {1,2};
      per cases by A47,TARSKI:def 2;
A48:     k = 1;
        <*d1,d2*>.1 = d1 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.1 by A34,A41,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k by A48;
A49:     k = 2;
        <*d1,d2*>.2 = d2 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.2 by A37,A45,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k by A49;
then A50: <*d1,d2*> = f by A29,A31,A46,FUNCT_1:9;
      InsCode AddTo(d1,d2) = 2 & AddressPart AddTo(d1,d2) = <*d1,d2*>
      by Th9,AMI_5:39;
    hence thesis by A1,A27,A28,A50;

A51:   T = 3;
    take PA AddressParts T;
    thus AddressParts T c= product PA AddressParts T by AMISTD_2:9;
    let x be set;
    assume x in product PA AddressParts T;
    then consider f being Function such that
A52:   x = f and
A53:   dom f = dom PA AddressParts T and
A54:   for k being set st k in dom PA AddressParts T holds
        f.k in (PA AddressParts T).k by CARD_3:def 5;
A55: dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2} by A51,Th19;
then A56: 1 in dom PA AddressParts T by TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.1 in (PA AddressParts T).1 by A54;
    then f.1 in pi(AddressParts T,1) by A56,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider g being Function such that
A57:   g in AddressParts T and
A58:   g.1 = f.1 by CARD_3:def 6;
A59: 2 in dom PA AddressParts T by A55,TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.2 in (PA AddressParts T).2 by A54;
    then f.2 in pi(AddressParts T,2) by A59,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider h being Function such that
A60:   h in AddressParts T and
A61:   h.2 = f.2 by CARD_3:def 6;
    consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A62:   g = AddressPart I and
A63:   InsCode I = T by A1,A57;
    consider d1, b such that
A64:   I = SubFrom(d1,b) by A51,A63,AMI_5:49;
A65: g = <*d1,b*> by A62,A64,Th10;
    consider J being Instruction of SCM such that
A66:   h = AddressPart J and
A67:   InsCode J = T by A1,A60;
    consider a, d2 such that
A68:   J = SubFrom(a,d2) by A51,A67,AMI_5:49;
A69: h = <*a,d2*> by A66,A68,Th10;
A70: dom <*d1,d2*> = {1,2} by FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
      for k being set st k in {1,2} holds <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k
      let k be set;
A71:     k in {1,2};
      per cases by A71,TARSKI:def 2;
A72:     k = 1;
        <*d1,d2*>.1 = d1 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.1 by A58,A65,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k by A72;
A73:     k = 2;
        <*d1,d2*>.2 = d2 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.2 by A61,A69,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k by A73;
then A74: <*d1,d2*> = f by A53,A55,A70,FUNCT_1:9;
      InsCode SubFrom(d1,d2) = 3 & AddressPart SubFrom(d1,d2) = <*d1,d2*>
      by Th10,AMI_5:40;
    hence thesis by A1,A51,A52,A74;

A75:   T = 4;
    take PA AddressParts T;
    thus AddressParts T c= product PA AddressParts T by AMISTD_2:9;
    let x be set;
    assume x in product PA AddressParts T;
    then consider f being Function such that
A76:   x = f and
A77:   dom f = dom PA AddressParts T and
A78:   for k being set st k in dom PA AddressParts T holds
        f.k in (PA AddressParts T).k by CARD_3:def 5;
A79: dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2} by A75,Th20;
then A80: 1 in dom PA AddressParts T by TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.1 in (PA AddressParts T).1 by A78;
    then f.1 in pi(AddressParts T,1) by A80,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider g being Function such that
A81:   g in AddressParts T and
A82:   g.1 = f.1 by CARD_3:def 6;
A83: 2 in dom PA AddressParts T by A79,TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.2 in (PA AddressParts T).2 by A78;
    then f.2 in pi(AddressParts T,2) by A83,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider h being Function such that
A84:   h in AddressParts T and
A85:   h.2 = f.2 by CARD_3:def 6;
    consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A86:   g = AddressPart I and
A87:   InsCode I = T by A1,A81;
    consider d1, b such that
A88:   I = MultBy(d1,b) by A75,A87,AMI_5:50;
A89: g = <*d1,b*> by A86,A88,Th11;
    consider J being Instruction of SCM such that
A90:   h = AddressPart J and
A91:   InsCode J = T by A1,A84;
    consider a, d2 such that
A92:   J = MultBy(a,d2) by A75,A91,AMI_5:50;
A93: h = <*a,d2*> by A90,A92,Th11;
A94: dom <*d1,d2*> = {1,2} by FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
      for k being set st k in {1,2} holds <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k
      let k be set;
A95:     k in {1,2};
      per cases by A95,TARSKI:def 2;
A96:     k = 1;
        <*d1,d2*>.1 = d1 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.1 by A82,A89,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k by A96;
A97:     k = 2;
        <*d1,d2*>.2 = d2 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.2 by A85,A93,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k by A97;
then A98: <*d1,d2*> = f by A77,A79,A94,FUNCT_1:9;
      InsCode MultBy(d1,d2) = 4 & AddressPart MultBy(d1,d2) = <*d1,d2*>
      by Th11,AMI_5:41;
    hence thesis by A1,A75,A76,A98;

A99:   T = 5;
    take PA AddressParts T;
    thus AddressParts T c= product PA AddressParts T by AMISTD_2:9;
    let x be set;
    assume x in product PA AddressParts T;
    then consider f being Function such that
A100:   x = f and
A101:   dom f = dom PA AddressParts T and
A102:   for k being set st k in dom PA AddressParts T holds
        f.k in (PA AddressParts T).k by CARD_3:def 5;
A103: dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2} by A99,Th21;
then A104: 1 in dom PA AddressParts T by TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.1 in (PA AddressParts T).1 by A102;
    then f.1 in pi(AddressParts T,1) by A104,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider g being Function such that
A105:   g in AddressParts T and
A106:   g.1 = f.1 by CARD_3:def 6;
A107: 2 in dom PA AddressParts T by A103,TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.2 in (PA AddressParts T).2 by A102;
    then f.2 in pi(AddressParts T,2) by A107,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider h being Function such that
A108:   h in AddressParts T and
A109:   h.2 = f.2 by CARD_3:def 6;
    consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A110:   g = AddressPart I and
A111:   InsCode I = T by A1,A105;
    consider d1, b such that
A112:   I = Divide(d1,b) by A99,A111,AMI_5:51;
A113: g = <*d1,b*> by A110,A112,Th12;
    consider J being Instruction of SCM such that
A114:   h = AddressPart J and
A115:   InsCode J = T by A1,A108;
    consider a, d2 such that
A116:   J = Divide(a,d2) by A99,A115,AMI_5:51;
A117: h = <*a,d2*> by A114,A116,Th12;
A118: dom <*d1,d2*> = {1,2} by FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
      for k being set st k in {1,2} holds <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k
      let k be set;
A119:     k in {1,2};
      per cases by A119,TARSKI:def 2;
A120:     k = 1;
        <*d1,d2*>.1 = d1 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.1 by A106,A113,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k by A120;
A121:     k = 2;
        <*d1,d2*>.2 = d2 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.2 by A109,A117,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*d1,d2*>.k = f.k by A121;
then A122: <*d1,d2*> = f by A101,A103,A118,FUNCT_1:9;
      InsCode Divide(d1,d2) = 5 & AddressPart Divide(d1,d2) = <*d1,d2*>
      by Th12,AMI_5:42;
    hence thesis by A1,A99,A100,A122;

A123:   T = 6;
    take PA AddressParts T;
    thus AddressParts T c= product PA AddressParts T by AMISTD_2:9;
    let x be set;
    assume x in product PA AddressParts T;
    then consider f being Function such that
A124:   x = f and
A125:   dom f = dom PA AddressParts T and
A126:   for k being set st k in dom PA AddressParts T holds
        f.k in (PA AddressParts T).k by CARD_3:def 5;
A127: dom PA AddressParts T = {1} by A123,Th22;
then A128: 1 in dom PA AddressParts T by TARSKI:def 1;
    then f.1 in (PA AddressParts T).1 by A126;
    then f.1 in pi(AddressParts T,1) by A128,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider g being Function such that
A129:   g in AddressParts T and
A130:   g.1 = f.1 by CARD_3:def 6;
    consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A131:   g = AddressPart I and
A132:   InsCode I = T by A1,A129;
    consider i1 such that
A133:   I = goto i1 by A123,A132,AMI_5:52;
A134: dom <*i1*> = {1} by FINSEQ_1:4,def 8;
      for k being set st k in {1} holds <*i1*>.k = f.k
      let k be set;
      assume k in {1};
      then k = 1 by TARSKI:def 1;
      hence <*i1*>.k = f.k by A130,A131,A133,Th13;
then A135: <*i1*> = f by A125,A127,A134,FUNCT_1:9;
      InsCode goto i1 = 6 & AddressPart goto i1 = <*i1*> by Th13,AMI_5:43;
    hence thesis by A1,A123,A124,A135;

A136:   T = 7;
    take PA AddressParts T;
    thus AddressParts T c= product PA AddressParts T by AMISTD_2:9;
    let x be set;
    assume x in product PA AddressParts T;
    then consider f being Function such that
A137:   x = f and
A138:   dom f = dom PA AddressParts T and
A139:   for k being set st k in dom PA AddressParts T holds
        f.k in (PA AddressParts T).k by CARD_3:def 5;
A140: dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2} by A136,Th23;
then A141: 1 in dom PA AddressParts T by TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.1 in (PA AddressParts T).1 by A139;
    then f.1 in pi(AddressParts T,1) by A141,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider g being Function such that
A142:   g in AddressParts T and
A143:   g.1 = f.1 by CARD_3:def 6;
A144: 2 in dom PA AddressParts T by A140,TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.2 in (PA AddressParts T).2 by A139;
    then f.2 in pi(AddressParts T,2) by A144,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider h being Function such that
A145:   h in AddressParts T and
A146:   h.2 = f.2 by CARD_3:def 6;
    consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A147:   g = AddressPart I and
A148:   InsCode I = T by A1,A142;
    consider i1, d1 such that
A149:   I = d1 =0_goto i1 by A136,A148,AMI_5:53;
A150: g = <*i1,d1*> by A147,A149,Th14;
    consider J being Instruction of SCM such that
A151:   h = AddressPart J and
A152:   InsCode J = T by A1,A145;
    consider i2, d2 such that
A153:   J = d2 =0_goto i2 by A136,A152,AMI_5:53;
A154: h = <*i2,d2*> by A151,A153,Th14;
A155: dom <*i1,d2*> = {1,2} by FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
      for k being set st k in {1,2} holds <*i1,d2*>.k = f.k
      let k be set;
A156:     k in {1,2};
      per cases by A156,TARSKI:def 2;
A157:     k = 1;
        <*i1,d2*>.1 = i1 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.1 by A143,A150,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*i1,d2*>.k = f.k by A157;
A158:     k = 2;
        <*i1,d2*>.2 = d2 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.2 by A146,A154,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*i1,d2*>.k = f.k by A158;
then A159: <*i1,d2*> = f by A138,A140,A155,FUNCT_1:9;
      InsCode (d2 =0_goto i1) = 7 & AddressPart (d2 =0_goto i1) = <*i1,d2*>
      by Th14,AMI_5:44;
    hence thesis by A1,A136,A137,A159;

A160:   T = 8;
    take PA AddressParts T;
    thus AddressParts T c= product PA AddressParts T by AMISTD_2:9;
    let x be set;
    assume x in product PA AddressParts T;
    then consider f being Function such that
A161:   x = f and
A162:   dom f = dom PA AddressParts T and
A163:   for k being set st k in dom PA AddressParts T holds
        f.k in (PA AddressParts T).k by CARD_3:def 5;
A164: dom PA AddressParts T = {1,2} by A160,Th24;
then A165: 1 in dom PA AddressParts T by TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.1 in (PA AddressParts T).1 by A163;
    then f.1 in pi(AddressParts T,1) by A165,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider g being Function such that
A166:   g in AddressParts T and
A167:   g.1 = f.1 by CARD_3:def 6;
A168: 2 in dom PA AddressParts T by A164,TARSKI:def 2;
    then f.2 in (PA AddressParts T).2 by A163;
    then f.2 in pi(AddressParts T,2) by A168,AMISTD_2:def 1;
    then consider h being Function such that
A169:   h in AddressParts T and
A170:   h.2 = f.2 by CARD_3:def 6;
    consider I being Instruction of SCM such that
A171:   g = AddressPart I and
A172:   InsCode I = T by A1,A166;
    consider i1, d1 such that
A173:   I = d1 >0_goto i1 by A160,A172,AMI_5:54;
A174: g = <*i1,d1*> by A171,A173,Th15;
    consider J being Instruction of SCM such that
A175:   h = AddressPart J and
A176:   InsCode J = T by A1,A169;
    consider i2, d2 such that
A177:   J = d2 >0_goto i2 by A160,A176,AMI_5:54;
A178: h = <*i2,d2*> by A175,A177,Th15;
A179: dom <*i1,d2*> = {1,2} by FINSEQ_1:4,FINSEQ_3:29;
      for k being set st k in {1,2} holds <*i1,d2*>.k = f.k
      let k be set;
A180:     k in {1,2};
      per cases by A180,TARSKI:def 2;
A181:     k = 1;
        <*i1,d2*>.1 = i1 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.1 by A167,A174,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*i1,d2*>.k = f.k by A181;
A182:     k = 2;
        <*i1,d2*>.2 = d2 by FINSEQ_1:61
        .= f.2 by A170,A178,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence <*i1,d2*>.k = f.k by A182;
then A183: <*i1,d2*> = f by A162,A164,A179,FUNCT_1:9;
      InsCode (d2 >0_goto i1) = 8 & AddressPart (d2 >0_goto i1) = <*i1,d2*>
      by Th15,AMI_5:45;
    hence thesis by A1,A160,A161,A183;

theorem Th57:
 IncAddr(goto i1,k) = goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)
A1: InsCode IncAddr(goto i1,k) = InsCode goto i1 by AMISTD_2:def 14
      .= 6 by AMI_5:43
      .= InsCode goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k) by AMI_5:43;
A2: dom AddressPart IncAddr(goto i1,k) = dom AddressPart goto i1
        by AMISTD_2:def 14;
A3: dom AddressPart goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)
      = dom <*il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)*> by Th13
     .= Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:def 8
     .= dom <*i1*> by FINSEQ_1:def 8
     .= dom AddressPart goto i1 by Th13;
      for x being set st x in dom AddressPart goto i1 holds
      (AddressPart IncAddr(goto i1,k)).x =
      (AddressPart goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)).x
      let x be set;
A4:     x in dom AddressPart goto i1;
      then x in dom <*i1*> by Th13;
then A5:   x = 1 by Lm1;
      then (PA AddressParts InsCode goto i1).x =
        the Instruction-Locations of SCM by Th35;
      then consider f being Instruction-Location of SCM such that
A6:     f = (AddressPart goto i1).x and
A7:     (AddressPart IncAddr(goto i1,k)).x = il.(SCM,k + locnum f)
          by A4,AMISTD_2:def 14;
        f = <*i1*>.x by A6,Th13
       .= i1 by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 8;
      hence (AddressPart IncAddr(goto i1,k)).x
        = <*il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)*>.x by A5,A7,FINSEQ_1:def 8
       .= (AddressPart goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)).x by Th13;
    then AddressPart IncAddr(goto i1,k) =
      AddressPart goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k) by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:9;
    hence IncAddr(goto i1,k) = goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)
      by A1,AMISTD_2:16;

theorem Th58:
 IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k) = a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)
A1: InsCode IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k) = InsCode (a=0_goto i1) by AMISTD_2:def 14
      .= 7 by AMI_5:44
      .= InsCode (a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)) by AMI_5:44;
A2: dom AddressPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k) = dom AddressPart (a=0_goto i1)
        by AMISTD_2:def 14;
A3: dom AddressPart (a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k))
      = dom <*il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k), a*> by Th14
     .= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29
     .= dom <*i1,a*> by FINSEQ_3:29
     .= dom AddressPart (a=0_goto i1) by Th14;
      for x being set st x in dom AddressPart (a=0_goto i1) holds
      (AddressPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k)).x =
      (AddressPart (a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k))).x
      let x be set;
A4:     x in dom AddressPart (a=0_goto i1);
then A5:   x in dom <*i1,a*> by Th14;
      per cases by A5,Lm2;
A6:     x = 1;
      then (PA AddressParts InsCode (a=0_goto i1)).x =
        the Instruction-Locations of SCM by Th36;
      then consider f being Instruction-Location of SCM such that
A7:     f = (AddressPart (a=0_goto i1)).x and
A8:     (AddressPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k)).x = il.(SCM,k + locnum f)
          by A4,AMISTD_2:def 14;
        f = <*i1,a*>.x by A7,Th14
       .= i1 by A6,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence (AddressPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k)).x
        = <*il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),a*>.x by A6,A8,FINSEQ_1:61
       .= (AddressPart (a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k))).x by Th14;
A9:     x = 2;
      then (PA AddressParts InsCode (a=0_goto i1)).x <>
        the Instruction-Locations of SCM by Th2,Th37;
      hence (AddressPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k)).x
        = (AddressPart (a=0_goto i1)).x by A4,AMISTD_2:def 14
       .= <*i1,a*>.x by Th14
       .= a by A9,FINSEQ_1:61
       .= <*il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),a*>.x by A9,FINSEQ_1:61
       .= (AddressPart (a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k))).x by Th14;
    then AddressPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k) =
      AddressPart (a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)) by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:9;
    hence IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k) = a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)
      by A1,AMISTD_2:16;

theorem Th59:
 IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k) = a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)
A1: InsCode IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k) = InsCode (a>0_goto i1) by AMISTD_2:def 14
      .= 8 by AMI_5:45
      .= InsCode (a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)) by AMI_5:45;
A2: dom AddressPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k) = dom AddressPart (a>0_goto i1)
        by AMISTD_2:def 14;
A3: dom AddressPart (a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k))
      = dom <*il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k), a*> by Th15
     .= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_3:29
     .= dom <*i1,a*> by FINSEQ_3:29
     .= dom AddressPart (a>0_goto i1) by Th15;
      for x being set st x in dom AddressPart (a>0_goto i1) holds
      (AddressPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k)).x =
      (AddressPart (a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k))).x
      let x be set;
A4:     x in dom AddressPart (a>0_goto i1);
then A5:   x in dom <*i1,a*> by Th15;
      per cases by A5,Lm2;
A6:     x = 1;
      then (PA AddressParts InsCode (a>0_goto i1)).x =
        the Instruction-Locations of SCM by Th38;
      then consider f being Instruction-Location of SCM such that
A7:     f = (AddressPart (a>0_goto i1)).x and
A8:     (AddressPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k)).x = il.(SCM,k + locnum f)
          by A4,AMISTD_2:def 14;
        f = <*i1,a*>.x by A7,Th15
       .= i1 by A6,FINSEQ_1:61;
      hence (AddressPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k)).x
        = <*il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),a*>.x by A6,A8,FINSEQ_1:61
       .= (AddressPart (a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k))).x by Th15;
A9:     x = 2;
      then (PA AddressParts InsCode (a>0_goto i1)).x <>
        the Instruction-Locations of SCM by Th2,Th39;
      hence (AddressPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k)).x
        = (AddressPart (a>0_goto i1)).x by A4,AMISTD_2:def 14
       .= <*i1,a*>.x by Th15
       .= a by A9,FINSEQ_1:61
       .= <*il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),a*>.x by A9,FINSEQ_1:61
       .= (AddressPart (a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k))).x by Th15;
    then AddressPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k) =
      AddressPart (a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)) by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:9;
    hence IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k) = a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k)
      by A1,AMISTD_2:16;

 cluster SCM -> IC-good Exec-preserving;
    thus SCM is IC-good
      let I be Instruction of SCM;
      per cases by AMI_3:69;
      suppose I = [0,{}];
      hence thesis by AMI_3:71;
      suppose ex a,b st I = a:=b;
      then consider a, b such that
A1:     I = a:=b;
      thus thesis by A1;
      suppose ex a,b st I = AddTo(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A2:     I = AddTo(a,b);
      thus thesis by A2;
      suppose ex a,b st I = SubFrom(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A3:     I = SubFrom(a,b);
      thus thesis by A3;
      suppose ex a,b st I = MultBy(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A4:     I = MultBy(a,b);
      thus thesis by A4;
      suppose ex a,b st I = Divide(a,b);
      then consider a, b such that
A5:     I = Divide(a,b);
      thus thesis by A5;
      suppose ex i1 st I = goto i1;
      then consider i1 such that
A6:     I = goto i1;
      let k be natural number,
          s1, s2 be State of SCM such that
          s2 = s1 +* (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k));
A7:   IC Exec(I,s1) = Exec(I,s1).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
        .= i1 by A6,AMI_3:13;
      thus IC Exec(I,s1) + k
         = il.(SCM, locnum IC Exec(I,s1) + k) by AMISTD_1:def 14
        .= Exec(goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),s2).IC SCM by A7,AMI_3:13
        .= IC Exec(goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),s2) by AMI_1:def 15
        .= IC Exec(IncAddr(I,k), s2) by A6,Th57;
      suppose ex a,i1 st I = a=0_goto i1;
      then consider a, i1 such that
A8:     I = a=0_goto i1;
      let k be natural number,
          s1, s2 be State of SCM such that
A9:     s2 = s1 +* (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k));
A10:   a <> IC SCM by AMI_5:20;
        dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) = {IC SCM} by CQC_LANG:5;
      then not a in dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) by A10,TARSKI:def 1;
then A11:   s1.a = s2.a by A9,FUNCT_4:12;
        now per cases;
A12:       s1.a = 0;
A13:     IC Exec(I,s1) = Exec(I,s1).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
          .= i1 by A8,A12,AMI_3:14;
        thus IC Exec(I,s1) + k
           = il.(SCM, locnum IC Exec(I,s1) + k) by AMISTD_1:def 14
          .= Exec(a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),s2).IC SCM
             by A11,A12,A13,AMI_3:14
          .= IC Exec(a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),s2) by AMI_1:def 15
          .= IC Exec(IncAddr(I,k), s2) by A8,Th58;
A14:       s1.a <> 0;
          dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) = {IC SCM} by CQC_LANG:5;
then A15:     IC SCM in dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) by TARSKI:def 1;
A16:     IC s2 = s2.IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
             .= (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)).IC SCM by A9,A15,FUNCT_4:14
             .= IC s1 + k by CQC_LANG:6
             .= il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + k) by AMISTD_1:def 14;
A17:     IC Exec(I, s2) = Exec(I, s2).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
          .= Next IC s2 by A8,A11,A14,AMI_3:14
          .= NextLoc IC s2 by Th56
          .= il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + k) + 1 by A16,AMISTD_1:def 15
          .= il.(SCM,locnum il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + k) + 1)
             by AMISTD_1:def 14
          .= il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + k + 1) by AMISTD_1:def 13
          .= il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + 1 + k) by XCMPLX_1:1;
A18:     IC Exec(I,s1) = Exec(I,s1).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
          .= Next IC s1 by A8,A14,AMI_3:14
          .= NextLoc IC s1 by Th56
          .= il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + 1) by AMISTD_1:34;
        thus IC Exec(I,s1) + k = il.(SCM,locnum IC Exec(I,s1) + k)
             by AMISTD_1:def 14
          .= IC Exec(I,s2) by A17,A18,AMISTD_1:def 13
          .= Exec(I,s2).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
          .= Next IC s2 by A8,A11,A14,AMI_3:14
          .= Exec(a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),s2).IC SCM
             by A11,A14,AMI_3:14
          .= IC Exec(a=0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),s2) by AMI_1:def 15
          .= IC Exec(IncAddr(I,k), s2) by A8,Th58;
      hence thesis;
      suppose ex a,i1 st I = a>0_goto i1;
      then consider a, i1 such that
A19:     I = a>0_goto i1;
      let k be natural number,
          s1, s2 be State of SCM such that
A20:     s2 = s1 +* (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k));
A21:   a <> IC SCM by AMI_5:20;
        dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) = {IC SCM} by CQC_LANG:5;
      then not a in dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) by A21,TARSKI:def 1;
then A22:   s1.a = s2.a by A20,FUNCT_4:12;
        now per cases;
A23:       s1.a > 0;
A24:     IC Exec(I,s1) = Exec(I,s1).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
          .= i1 by A19,A23,AMI_3:15;
        thus IC Exec(I,s1) + k
           = il.(SCM, locnum IC Exec(I,s1) + k) by AMISTD_1:def 14
          .= Exec(a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),s2).IC SCM
             by A22,A23,A24,AMI_3:15
          .= IC Exec(a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),s2) by AMI_1:def 15
          .= IC Exec(IncAddr(I,k), s2) by A19,Th59;
A25:       s1.a <= 0;
          dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) = {IC SCM} by CQC_LANG:5;
then A26:     IC SCM in dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) by TARSKI:def 1;
A27:     IC s2 = s2.IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
             .= (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)).IC SCM by A20,A26,FUNCT_4:14
             .= IC s1 + k by CQC_LANG:6
             .= il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + k) by AMISTD_1:def 14;
A28:     IC Exec(I, s2) = Exec(I, s2).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
          .= Next IC s2 by A19,A22,A25,AMI_3:15
          .= NextLoc IC s2 by Th56
          .= il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + k) + 1 by A27,AMISTD_1:def 15
          .= il.(SCM,locnum il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + k) + 1)
             by AMISTD_1:def 14
          .= il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + k + 1) by AMISTD_1:def 13
          .= il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + 1 + k) by XCMPLX_1:1;
A29:     IC Exec(I,s1) = Exec(I,s1).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
          .= Next IC s1 by A19,A25,AMI_3:15
          .= NextLoc IC s1 by Th56
          .= il.(SCM,locnum IC s1 + 1) by AMISTD_1:34;
        thus IC Exec(I,s1) + k = il.(SCM,locnum IC Exec(I,s1) + k)
             by AMISTD_1:def 14
          .= IC Exec(I,s2) by A28,A29,AMISTD_1:def 13
          .= Exec(I,s2).IC SCM by AMI_1:def 15
          .= Next IC s2 by A19,A22,A25,AMI_3:15
          .= Exec(a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),s2).IC SCM
             by A22,A25,AMI_3:15
          .= IC Exec(a>0_goto il.(SCM, locnum i1 + k),s2) by AMI_1:def 15
          .= IC Exec(IncAddr(I,k), s2) by A19,Th59;
      hence thesis;

    let I be Instruction of SCM;
    let s1, s2 be State of SCM such that
A30:   s1, s2 equal_outside the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
A31: dom Exec(I,s1) = dom the Object-Kind of SCM by CARD_3:18;
then A32: dom Exec(I,s1) = dom Exec(I,s2) by CARD_3:18;
A33: dom the Object-Kind of SCM = the carrier of SCM by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A34: dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM c= dom Exec(I,s1)
      by XBOOLE_1:36;
A35: IC s1 = IC s2 by A30,SCMFSA6A:29;
    per cases by AMI_3:69;
    suppose I = [0,{}];
    hence thesis by A30,AMISTD_2:def 19,AMI_3:71;
    suppose ex a,b st I = a:=b;
    then consider a, b such that
A36:   I = a:=b;
      for x being set st x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      holds Exec(I,s1).x = Exec(I,s2).x
      let x be set;
A37:     x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
then A38:   not x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A39:   x in dom Exec(I,s1) by A37,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      per cases by A31,A33,A38,A39,Th3;
A40:     x = IC SCM;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = Next IC s1 by A36,AMI_3:8
         .= Exec(I,s2).x by A35,A36,A40,AMI_3:8;
A41:     x = a;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = s1.b by A36,AMI_3:8
        .= s2.b by A30,Th5
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A36,A41,AMI_3:8;
      suppose that
A42:     x is Data-Location and
A43:     x <> a;
      thus Exec(I,s1).x = s1.x by A36,A42,A43,AMI_3:8
        .= s2.x by A30,A42,Th5
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A36,A42,A43,AMI_3:8;
    hence Exec(I,s1)|(dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM) =
      Exec(I,s2)|(dom Exec(I,s2) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM)
        by A32,A34,SCMFSA6A:9;
    suppose ex a,b st I = AddTo(a,b);
    then consider a, b such that
A44:   I = AddTo(a,b);
      for x being set st x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      holds Exec(I,s1).x = Exec(I,s2).x
      let x be set;
A45:     x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
then A46:   not x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A47:   x in dom Exec(I,s1) by A45,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      per cases by A31,A33,A46,A47,Th3;
A48:     x = IC SCM;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = Next IC s1 by A44,AMI_3:9
         .= Exec(I,s2).x by A35,A44,A48,AMI_3:9;
A49:     x = a;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = s1.a + s1.b by A44,AMI_3:9
        .= s1.a + s2.b by A30,Th5
        .= s2.a + s2.b by A30,Th5
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A44,A49,AMI_3:9;
      suppose that
A50:     x is Data-Location and
A51:     x <> a;
      thus Exec(I,s1).x = s1.x by A44,A50,A51,AMI_3:9
        .= s2.x by A30,A50,Th5
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A44,A50,A51,AMI_3:9;
    hence Exec(I,s1)|(dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM) =
      Exec(I,s2)|(dom Exec(I,s2) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM)
        by A32,A34,SCMFSA6A:9;
    suppose ex a,b st I = SubFrom(a,b);
    then consider a, b such that
A52:   I = SubFrom(a,b);
      for x being set st x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      holds Exec(I,s1).x = Exec(I,s2).x
      let x be set;
A53:     x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
then A54:   not x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A55:   x in dom Exec(I,s1) by A53,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      per cases by A31,A33,A54,A55,Th3;
A56:     x = IC SCM;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = Next IC s1 by A52,AMI_3:10
         .= Exec(I,s2).x by A35,A52,A56,AMI_3:10;
A57:     x = a;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = s1.a - s1.b by A52,AMI_3:10
        .= s1.a - s2.b by A30,Th5
        .= s2.a - s2.b by A30,Th5
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A52,A57,AMI_3:10;
      suppose that
A58:     x is Data-Location and
A59:     x <> a;
      thus Exec(I,s1).x = s1.x by A52,A58,A59,AMI_3:10
        .= s2.x by A30,A58,Th5
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A52,A58,A59,AMI_3:10;
    hence Exec(I,s1)|(dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM) =
      Exec(I,s2)|(dom Exec(I,s2) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM)
        by A32,A34,SCMFSA6A:9;
    suppose ex a,b st I = MultBy(a,b);
    then consider a, b such that
A60:   I = MultBy(a,b);
      for x being set st x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      holds Exec(I,s1).x = Exec(I,s2).x
      let x be set;
A61:     x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
then A62:   not x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A63:   x in dom Exec(I,s1) by A61,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      per cases by A31,A33,A62,A63,Th3;
A64:     x = IC SCM;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = Next IC s1 by A60,AMI_3:11
         .= Exec(I,s2).x by A35,A60,A64,AMI_3:11;
A65:     x = a;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = s1.a * s1.b by A60,AMI_3:11
        .= s1.a * s2.b by A30,Th5
        .= s2.a * s2.b by A30,Th5
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A60,A65,AMI_3:11;
      suppose that
A66:     x is Data-Location and
A67:     x <> a;
      thus Exec(I,s1).x = s1.x by A60,A66,A67,AMI_3:11
        .= s2.x by A30,A66,Th5
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A60,A66,A67,AMI_3:11;
    hence Exec(I,s1)|(dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM) =
      Exec(I,s2)|(dom Exec(I,s2) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM)
        by A32,A34,SCMFSA6A:9;
    suppose ex a,b st I = Divide(a,b);
    then consider a, b such that
A68:   I = Divide(a,b);
      for x being set st x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      holds Exec(I,s1).x = Exec(I,s2).x
      let x be set;
A69:     x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
then A70:   not x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A71:   x in dom Exec(I,s1) by A69,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      per cases by A31,A33,A70,A71,Th3;
A72:     x = IC SCM;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = Next IC s1 by A68,AMI_3:12
         .= Exec(I,s2).x by A35,A68,A72,AMI_3:12;
A73:     x is Data-Location;
A74:  s1.a = s2.a & s1.b = s2.b by A30,Th5;
        now let c be Data-Location;
       per cases;
A75:     c = b;
       hence Exec(I,s1).c = s2.a mod s2.b by A68,A74,AMI_3:12
          .= Exec(I,s2).c by A68,A75,AMI_3:12;
A76:     c = a & c <> b;
       hence Exec(I,s1).c = s2.a div s2.b by A68,A74,AMI_3:12
          .= Exec(I,s2).c by A68,A76,AMI_3:12;
A77:     c <> a & c <> b;
       hence Exec(I,s1).c = s1.c by A68,AMI_3:12
          .= s2.c by A30,Th5
          .= Exec(I,s2).c by A68,A77,AMI_3:12;
      hence thesis by A73;
    hence Exec(I,s1)|(dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM) =
      Exec(I,s2)|(dom Exec(I,s2) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM)
        by A32,A34,SCMFSA6A:9;
    suppose ex i1 st I = goto i1;
    then consider i1 such that
A78:   I = goto i1;
      for x being set st x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      holds Exec(I,s1).x = Exec(I,s2).x
      let x be set;
A79:     x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
then A80:   not x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A81:   x in dom Exec(I,s1) by A79,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      per cases by A31,A33,A80,A81,Th3;
A82:     x = IC SCM;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = i1 by A78,AMI_3:13
         .= Exec(I,s2).x by A78,A82,AMI_3:13;
A83:     x is Data-Location;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = s1.x by A78,AMI_3:13
        .= s2.x by A30,A83,Th5
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A78,A83,AMI_3:13;
    hence Exec(I,s1)|(dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM) =
      Exec(I,s2)|(dom Exec(I,s2) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM)
        by A32,A34,SCMFSA6A:9;
    suppose ex a,i1 st I = a=0_goto i1;
    then consider a, i1 such that
A84:   I = a=0_goto i1;
      for x being set st x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      holds Exec(I,s1).x = Exec(I,s2).x
      let x be set;
A85:     x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
then A86:   not x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A87:   x in dom Exec(I,s1) by A85,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A88:   s1.a = s2.a by A30,Th5;
      per cases by A31,A33,A86,A87,Th3;
      suppose that
A89:     x = IC SCM and
A90:     s1.a = 0;
      thus Exec(I,s1).x = i1 by A84,A89,A90,AMI_3:14
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A84,A88,A89,A90,AMI_3:14;
      suppose that
A91:     x = IC SCM and
A92:     s1.a <> 0;
      thus Exec(I,s1).x = Next IC s1 by A84,A91,A92,AMI_3:14
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A35,A84,A88,A91,A92,AMI_3:14;
A93:     x is Data-Location;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = s1.x by A84,AMI_3:14
        .= s2.x by A30,A93,Th5
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A84,A93,AMI_3:14;
    hence Exec(I,s1)|(dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM) =
      Exec(I,s2)|(dom Exec(I,s2) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM)
        by A32,A34,SCMFSA6A:9;
    suppose ex a,i1 st I = a>0_goto i1;
    then consider a, i1 such that
A94:   I = a>0_goto i1;
      for x being set st x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM
      holds Exec(I,s1).x = Exec(I,s2).x
      let x be set;
A95:     x in dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM;
then A96:   not x in the Instruction-Locations of SCM by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A97:   x in dom Exec(I,s1) by A95,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A98:   s1.a = s2.a by A30,Th5;
      per cases by A31,A33,A96,A97,Th3;
      suppose that
A99:     x = IC SCM and
A100:     s1.a > 0;
      thus Exec(I,s1).x = i1 by A94,A99,A100,AMI_3:15
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A94,A98,A99,A100,AMI_3:15;
      suppose that
A101:     x = IC SCM and
A102:     s1.a <= 0;
      thus Exec(I,s1).x = Next IC s1 by A94,A101,A102,AMI_3:15
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A35,A94,A98,A101,A102,AMI_3:15;
A103:     x is Data-Location;
      hence Exec(I,s1).x = s1.x by A94,AMI_3:15
        .= s2.x by A30,A103,Th5
        .= Exec(I,s2).x by A94,A103,AMI_3:15;
    hence Exec(I,s1)|(dom Exec(I,s1) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM) =
      Exec(I,s2)|(dom Exec(I,s2) \ the Instruction-Locations of SCM)
        by A32,A34,SCMFSA6A:9;

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