The Mizar article:

Subcategories and Products of Categories

Czeslaw Bylinski

Received May 31, 1990

Copyright (c) 1990 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: CAT_2
[ MML identifier index ]


 requirements SUBSET, BOOLE;
 definitions TARSKI, CAT_1;
      XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1;
 schemes FUNCT_2, XBOOLE_0;


 reserve X for set;
 reserve C,D,E for non empty set;
 reserve c for Element of C, d for Element of D;

:: Auxiliary theorems

definition let D,X,E; let F be FUNCTION_DOMAIN of X,E;
  let f be Function of D,F; let d be Element of D;
  redefine func f.d -> Element of F;
  coherence proof thus f.d is Element of F; end;

reserve f for Function of [:C,D:],E;

theorem Th1:
   curry f is Function of C,Funcs(D,E)
A1:  dom f = [:C,D:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A2:  dom curry f = C by FUNCT_5:31;
    rng curry f c= Funcs(D,E)
   proof let x be set such that
A3:    x in rng curry f;
      rng curry f c= Funcs(D,rng f) by A1,FUNCT_5:42;
    then consider g being Function such that
A4:  x = g and
A5:  dom g = D and
A6:  rng g c= rng f by A3,FUNCT_2:def 2;
      rng f c= E by RELSET_1:12;
    then rng g c= E by A6,XBOOLE_1:1;
    then g is Function of D,E & E<>{} by A5,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
    hence thesis by A4,FUNCT_2:11;
  hence thesis by A2,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;

theorem Th2:
   curry' f is Function of D,Funcs(C,E)
A1:  dom f = [:C,D:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A2:  dom curry' f = D by FUNCT_5:31;
    rng curry' f c= Funcs(C,E)
   proof let x be set such that
A3:    x in rng curry' f;
      rng curry' f c= Funcs(C,rng f) by A1,FUNCT_5:42;
    then consider g being Function such that
A4:  x = g and
A5:  dom g = C and
A6:  rng g c= rng f by A3,FUNCT_2:def 2;
      rng f c= E by RELSET_1:12;
    then rng g c= E by A6,XBOOLE_1:1;
    then g is Function of C,E & E<>{} by A5,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
    hence thesis by A4,FUNCT_2:11;
  hence thesis by A2,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;

definition let C,D,E,f;
 redefine func curry f -> Function of C,Funcs(D,E);
 coherence by Th1;
  func curry' f -> Function of D,Funcs(C,E);
 coherence by Th2;

theorem Th3:
   f.[c,d] = ((curry f).c).d
 proof [c,d] in [:C,D:]; then [c,d] in dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_5:27;

theorem Th4:
   f.[c,d] = ((curry' f).d).c
 proof [c,d] in [:C,D:]; then [c,d] in dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_5:29;

reserve B,C,D,C',D' for Category;

:: Auxiliary theorems on Functors

definition let B,C; let c be Object of C;
 func B --> c -> Functor of B,C equals
:Def1: (the Morphisms of B) --> (id c);
  reconsider T = (the Morphisms of B) --> id c
    as Function of the Morphisms of B,the Morphisms of C by FUNCOP_1:58;
   thus for b being Object of B ex d being Object of C st T.(id b) = id d
    proof let b be Object of B; take c;
     thus T.(id b) = id c by FUNCOP_1:13;
   thus for f being Morphism of B
      holds T.(id dom f) = id dom (T.f) & T.(id cod f) = id cod (T.f)
    proof let f be Morphism of B;
       T.(id dom f) = id c & T.(id cod f) = id c by FUNCOP_1:13;
     then T.(id dom f) = id dom id c & T.(id cod f) = id cod id c &
        f in the Morphisms of B by CAT_1:44;
     hence thesis by FUNCOP_1:13;
   let f,g be Morphism of B such that dom g = cod f;
     Hom(c,c) <> {} & g*f in the Morphisms of B &
     g in the Morphisms of B & f in the Morphisms of B by CAT_1:56;
   then T.(g*f) = id c & T.g = id c & T.f = id c &
    (id c)*(id c) = (id c)*((id c) qua Morphism of C) by CAT_1:def 13,FUNCOP_1:
   hence T.(g*f) = (T.g)*(T.f) by CAT_1:59;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:96;


theorem Th6:
   for c being Object of C, f being Morphism of B holds (B --> c).f = id c
 proof let c be Object of C, f be Morphism of B;
     f in the Morphisms of B & B --> c = (the Morphisms of B) --> id c
     by Def1;
   hence thesis by FUNCOP_1:13;

     for c being Object of C, b being Object of B holds (Obj (B --> c)).b = c
 proof let c be Object of C, b be Object of B;
     (B --> c).(id b) = id c by Th6;
   hence thesis by CAT_1:103;

definition let C,D;
 func Funct(C,D) -> set means
:Def2: for x being set holds x in it iff x is Functor of C,D;
   defpred P[set] means $1 is Functor of C,D;
  consider F being set such that
A1: for x being set holds x in F iff
      x in Funcs(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D) & P[x] from Separation;
  take F; let x be set;
  thus x in F implies x is Functor of C,D by A1;
A2: x is Functor of C,D;
  then x in Funcs(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D) by FUNCT_2:11;
  hence thesis by A1,A2;
 proof let F1,F2 be set such that
A3: (for x being set holds x in F1 iff x is Functor of C,D) &
    (for x being set holds x in F2 iff x is Functor of C,D);
    now let x be set;
     (x in F1 iff x is Functor of C,D) & (x in F2 iff x is Functor of C,D) by
   hence x in F1 iff x in F2;
 hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

definition let C,D;
 cluster Funct(C,D) -> non empty;
  consider x being Functor of C,D;
    x in Funct(C,D) by Def2;
  hence thesis;

definition let C,D;
 mode FUNCTOR-DOMAIN of C,D -> non empty set means
:Def3: for x being Element of it holds x is Functor of C,D;
 proof take Funct(C,D); thus thesis by Def2; end;

definition let C,D; let F be FUNCTOR-DOMAIN of C,D;
 redefine mode Element of F -> Functor of C,D;
  coherence by Def3;

definition let A be non empty set; let C,D;
  let F be FUNCTOR-DOMAIN of C,D, T be Function of A,F, x be Element of A;
 redefine func T.x -> Element of F;
  coherence proof thus T.x is Element of F; end;

definition let C,D;
 redefine func Funct(C,D) -> FUNCTOR-DOMAIN of C,D;
 proof let x be Element of Funct(C,D); thus thesis by Def2; end;

::   Subcategory

definition let C;
 mode Subcategory of C -> Category means
   the Objects of it c= the Objects of C &
    (for a,b being Object of it, a',b' being Object of C
      st a = a' & b = b' holds Hom(a,b) c= Hom(a',b')) &
   the Comp of it <= the Comp of C &
    (for a being Object of it, a' being Object of C st a = a'
     holds id a = id a');
 existence proof take C; thus thesis; end;

definition let C;
 cluster strict Subcategory of C;
 proof consider c being Object of C;
   set E = 1Cat(c,id c);
A1:  E = CatStr(#{c},{id c},{id c}-->c,{id c}-->c,
                 (id c,id c).-->id c,{c}-->id c#) by CAT_1:def 9;
    thus the Objects of E c= the Objects of C
     proof let a be set;
      assume a in the Objects of E;
      then a = c by CAT_1:34;
      hence thesis;
    thus for a,b being Object of E, a',b' being Object of C
          st a = a' & b = b' holds Hom(a,b) c= Hom(a',b')
      proof let a,b be Object of E, a',b' be Object of C such that
A2:    a = a' & b = b';
       let x be set;
       assume x in Hom(a,b);
       then x = id c & a' = c & b' = c by A2,CAT_1:34,35;
       hence x in Hom(a',b') by CAT_1:55;
    thus the Comp of E <= the Comp of C
A3:      dom id c = c & cod id c = c by CAT_1:44;
then A4:      [id c,id c] in dom the Comp of C by CAT_1:40;
A5:      Hom(c,c) <> {} by CAT_1:56;
        the Comp of E
        = {[id c,id c]}-->id c by A1,CAT_1:def 1
       .= {[id c,id c]}-->(id c)*(id c) by CAT_1:59
       .= {[id c,id c]}-->(id c)*((id c) qua Morphism of C) by A5,CAT_1:def 13
       .= {[id c,id c]}-->(the Comp of C).[id c,id c] by A3,CAT_1:41;
      hence thesis by A4,FUNCT_4:8;
    let a be Object of E, a' be Object of C;
    assume a = a';
    then a' = c by CAT_1:34;
    hence id a = id a' by CAT_1:35;
   then E is Subcategory of C by Def4;
   hence thesis;

reserve E for Subcategory of C;

canceled 4;

theorem Th12:
   for e being Object of E holds e is Object of C
 proof let e be Object of E;
    e in the Objects of E & the Objects of E c= the Objects of C
   by Def4;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th13:
   the Morphisms of E c= the Morphisms of C
 proof let x be set;
  assume x in the Morphisms of E;
  then reconsider f = x as Morphism of E;
  set a = dom f, b = cod f;
  reconsider a' = a, b' = b as Object of C by Th12;
    f in Hom(a,b) & Hom(a,b) c= Hom(a',b') by Def4,CAT_1:18;
  then f is Morphism of a',b' by CAT_1:21;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th14:
   for f being Morphism of E holds f is Morphism of C
 proof let f be Morphism of E;
    f in the Morphisms of E & the Morphisms of E c= the Morphisms of C
    by Th13;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th15:
   for f being (Morphism of E), f' being Morphism of C st f = f'
    holds dom f = dom f' & cod f = cod f'
 proof let f be (Morphism of E), f' be Morphism of C such that
A1:  f = f';
  set a = dom f, b = cod f;
  reconsider a' = a, b' = b as Object of C by Th12;
    f in Hom(a,b) & Hom(a,b) c= Hom(a',b') by Def4,CAT_1:18;
  hence thesis by A1,CAT_1:18;

     for a,b being Object of E, a',b' being Object of C,f being Morphism of a,b
    st a = a' & b = b' & Hom(a,b)<>{} holds f is Morphism of a',b'
 proof let a,b be Object of E, a',b' be Object of C, f be Morphism of a,b;
  assume a = a' & b = b' & Hom(a,b)<>{};
  then f in Hom(a,b) & Hom(a,b) c= Hom(a',b') by Def4,CAT_1:def 7;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:21;

theorem Th17:
   for f,g being (Morphism of E), f',g' being Morphism of C
    st f = f' & g = g' & dom g = cod f holds g*f = g'*f'
 proof let f,g be (Morphism of E), f',g' be Morphism of C such that
A1:  f = f' & g = g' and
A2:  dom g = cod f;
     dom g = dom g' & cod f = cod f' by A1,Th15;
   then g*f = (the Comp of E).[g,f] & [g,f] in dom(the Comp of E) &
    g'*f' = (the Comp of C).[g',f'] & the Comp of E <= the Comp of C
      by A2,Def4,CAT_1:40,41;
   hence thesis by A1,GRFUNC_1:8;

     C is Subcategory of C
 proof thus the Objects of C c= the Objects of C;
  thus thesis;

theorem Th19:
   id E is Functor of E,C
 proof id E = id the Morphisms of E by CAT_1:def 21;
  then rng id E = the Morphisms of E by RELAT_1:71;
  then rng id E c= the Morphisms of C & the Morphisms of E <> {}
   by Th13;
  then reconsider T = id E as Function of the Morphisms of E,the Morphisms of C
   by FUNCT_2:8;
   thus for e being Object of E ex c being Object of C st T.(id e) = id c
    proof let e be Object of E;
     reconsider c = e as Object of C by Th12;
       T.(id e) = id e by CAT_1:115 .= id c by Def4;
     hence thesis;
   thus for f being Morphism of E
      holds T.(id dom f) = id dom (T.f) & T.(id cod f) = id cod (T.f)
    proof let f be Morphism of E;
      thus T.(id dom f) = id dom f by CAT_1:115
                       .= id dom ((id E).f) by CAT_1:115;
      thus T.(id cod f) = id cod f by CAT_1:115
                       .= id cod ((id E).f) by CAT_1:115;
      thus dom (T.f) = dom((id E).f) & cod (T.f) = cod((id E).f) by Th15;
     hence thesis by Def4;
   let f,g be Morphism of E; assume
A1:  dom g = cod f;
     then T.f = f & T.g = g & T.(g*f) = ((id E).g)*((id E).f) by CAT_1:99,115
   hence T.(g*f) = (T.g)*(T.f) by A1,Th17;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:96;

definition let C,E;
 func incl(E) -> Functor of E,C equals
:Def5: id E;
  coherence by Th19;


theorem Th21:
   for f being Morphism of E holds (incl E).f = f
 proof let f be Morphism of E; incl E = id E by Def5;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:115;

theorem Th22:
   for a being Object of E holds (Obj incl E).a = a
 proof let a be Object of E;
  reconsider a' = a as Object of C by Th12;
    id a' = id a by Def4
       .= (incl E).(id a) by Th21
       .= id((Obj incl E).a) by CAT_1:104;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:45;

theorem Th23:
   for a being Object of E holds (incl E).a = a
 proof let a be Object of E; a = (Obj incl E).a by Th22;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:def 20;

     incl E is faithful
 proof let a,b be Object of E such that Hom(a,b) <> {};
  let f1,f2 be Morphism of a,b;
    incl E = id E by Def5;
  then (incl E).f1 = f1 & (incl E).f2 = f2 by CAT_1:115;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th25:
   incl E is full iff
    for a,b being Object of E, a',b' being Object of C
      st a = a' & b = b' holds Hom(a,b) = Hom(a',b')
 proof set T = incl E;
  thus T is full implies
    for a,b being Object of E, a',b' being Object of C
      st a = a' & b = b' holds Hom(a,b) = Hom(a',b')
   proof assume
A1:  for a,b being Object of E st Hom(T.a,T.b) <> {}
      for g being Morphism of T.a,T.b holds
       Hom(a,b) <> {} & ex f being Morphism of a,b st g = T.f;
    let a,b be Object of E, a',b' be Object of C such that
A2:   a = a' & b = b';
      now let x be set;
       Hom(a,b) c= Hom(a',b') by A2,Def4;
     hence x in Hom(a,b) implies x in Hom(a',b');
A3:    T.a = a' & T.b = b' by A2,Th23;
A4:     x in Hom(a',b');
     then reconsider g = x as Morphism of T.a,T.b by A3,CAT_1:def 7;
     consider f being Morphism of a,b such that
A5:     g = T.f by A1,A3,A4;
       g = f & Hom(a,b) <> {} by A1,A3,A4,A5,Th21;
     hence x in Hom(a,b) by CAT_1:def 7;
    hence thesis by TARSKI:2;
A6:  for a,b being Object of E, a',b' being Object of C
       st a = a' & b = b' holds Hom(a,b) = Hom(a',b');
  let a,b be Object of E such that
A7:  Hom(T.a,T.b) <> {};
  let g be Morphism of T.a,T.b;
A8:  a = T.a & b = T.b by Th23;
then A9:  Hom(a,b) = Hom(T.a,T.b) by A6;
  thus Hom(a,b) <> {} by A6,A7,A8;
    g in Hom(T.a,T.b) by A7,CAT_1:def 7;
  then reconsider f = g as Morphism of a,b by A9,CAT_1:def 7;
  take f; thus thesis by Th21;

definition let C be CatStr, D;
 pred C is_full_subcategory_of D means
:Def6: C is Subcategory of D &
    for a,b being Object of C, a',b' being Object of D
      st a = a' & b = b' holds Hom(a,b) = Hom(a',b');


     E is_full_subcategory_of C iff incl(E) is full
  thus E is_full_subcategory_of C implies incl(E) is full
    proof assume E is_full_subcategory_of C;
     then for a,b being Object of E, a',b' being Object of C
        st a = a' & b = b' holds Hom(a,b) = Hom(a',b') by Def6;
     hence thesis by Th25;
  assume incl(E) is full;
  hence E is Subcategory of C &
    for a,b being Object of E, a',b' being Object of C
     st a = a' & b = b' holds Hom(a,b) = Hom(a',b') by Th25;

theorem Th28:
   for O being non empty Subset of the Objects of C holds
    union{Hom(a,b) where a is Object of C,b is Object of C: a in O & b in O}
      is non empty Subset of the Morphisms of C
 proof let O be non empty Subset of the Objects of C;
  set H = {Hom(a,b) where a is Object of C, b is Object of C: a in O & b in O};
  set M = union H;
     now consider a being Element of O;
    reconsider a as Object of C;
      id a in Hom(a,a) & Hom(a,a) in H by CAT_1:55;
    then id a in M by TARSKI:def 4;
    hence ex f being set st f in M;
  hence M is non empty set;
  thus M c= the Morphisms of C
    proof let x be set;
     assume x in M;
      then consider X being set such that
A1:    x in X and
A2:    X in H by TARSKI:def 4;
      consider a,b being Object of C such that
A3:    X = Hom(a,b) and a in O & b in O by A2;
     thus thesis by A1,A3;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th29:
  for O being non empty Subset of the Objects of C, M being non empty set st
   M = union{Hom(a,b) where a is Object of C,b is Object of C: a in O & b in O}
    holds (the Dom of C)|M is Function of M,O &
      (the Cod of C)|M is Function of M,O &
      (the Comp of C)|[:M,M:] is PartFunc of [:M,M:],M &
      (the Id of C)|O is Function of O,M
 proof let O be non empty Subset of the Objects of C;
  set H = {Hom(a,b) where a is Object of C, b is Object of C: a in O & b in O};
  let M be non empty set such that
A1:  M = union H;
  set d = (the Dom of C)|M, c = (the Cod of C)|M,
      p = (the Comp of C)|[:M,M:], i = (the Id of C)|O;
A2: now let f be Morphism of C;
     assume f in M;
     then consider X being set such that
A3:    f in X and
A4:    X in H by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
       ex a,b being Object of C st X = Hom(a,b) & a in O & b in O by A4;
     hence dom f in O & cod f in O by A3,CAT_1:18;
A5:  dom the Dom of C = the Morphisms of C &
     dom the Cod of C = the Morphisms of C by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A6:  dom d = (dom the Dom of C) /\ M & dom c = (dom the Cod of C) /\ M
      by RELAT_1:90;
   A7: M is non empty Subset of the Morphisms of C by A1,Th28;
    thus dom d = M & dom c = M by A5,A7,RELAT_1:91;
    thus rng d c= O
     proof let y be set;
      assume y in rng d;
      then consider x being set such that
A8:    x in dom d and
A9:    y = d.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider f = x as Morphism of C by A5,A6,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         now thus d.f = (the Dom of C).f by A8,FUNCT_1:70 .= dom f by CAT_1:def
        thus f in M by A6,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      hence thesis by A2,A9;
    thus rng c c= O
     proof let y be set;
      assume y in rng c;
      then consider x being set such that
A10:    x in dom c and
A11:    y = c.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider f = x as Morphism of C by A5,A6,A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         now thus c.f = (the Cod of C).f by A10,FUNCT_1:70 .= cod f by CAT_1:
def 3;
        thus f in M by A6,A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      hence thesis by A2,A11;
  hence d is Function of M,O & c is Function of M,O by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:
  thus p is PartFunc of [:M,M:],M
A12:  dom the Comp of C c= [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C:]
       by RELSET_1:12;
A13:  dom p = (dom the Comp of C) /\ [:M,M:] by RELAT_1:90;
then A14:  dom p c= [:M,M:] by XBOOLE_1:17;
      rng p c= M
     proof let y be set;
      assume y in rng p;
      then consider x being set such that
A15:    x in dom p and
A16:    y = p.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
A17:    x in dom the Comp of C by A13,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then consider g,f being Morphism of C such that
A18:     x = [g,f] by A12,DOMAIN_1:9;
       thus p.x = (the Comp of C).[g,f] by A15,A18,FUNCT_1:70
               .= g*f by A17,A18,CAT_1:def 4;
          now [g,f] in [:M,M:] by A13,A15,A18,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          then f in M & g in M by ZFMISC_1:106;
         hence dom f in O & cod g in O by A2;
            dom g = cod f by A17,A18,CAT_1:40;
         hence dom(g*f) = dom f & cod(g*f) = cod g by CAT_1:42;
        hence Hom(dom(g*f),cod(g*f)) in H & g*f in Hom(dom(g*f),cod(g*f))
         by CAT_1:18;
      hence thesis by A1,A16,TARSKI:def 4;
    hence thesis by A14,RELSET_1:11;
A19:   dom the Id of C = the Objects of C by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A20:   dom i = (dom the Id of C) /\ O by RELAT_1:90;
    thus dom i = O by A19,RELAT_1:91;
    thus rng i c= M
     proof let y be set;
      assume y in rng i;
      then consider x being set such that
A21:    x in dom i and
A22:    y = i.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider a = x as Object of C by A19,A20,A21,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        thus i.a = (the Id of C).a by A21,FUNCT_1:70 .= id a by CAT_1:def 5;
        thus a in O by A20,A21,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then i.a in Hom(a,a) & Hom(a,a) in H by CAT_1:55;
      hence thesis by A1,A22,TARSKI:def 4;
  hence i is Function of O,M by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;

   for O being non empty Subset of the Objects of C, M being non empty set,
   d,c being Function of M,O, p being PartFunc of [:M,M:],M,
   i being Function of O,M
  st M = union{Hom(a,b) where a is Object of C,b is Object of C: a in O & b in
     & d = (the Dom of C)|M & c = (the Cod of C)|M
     & p = (the Comp of C)|[:M,M:] & i = (the Id of C)|O
   holds CatStr(#O,M,d,c,p,i#) is_full_subcategory_of C
   let O be non empty Subset of the Objects of C, M be non empty set,
       d,c be Function of M,O, p be PartFunc of [:M,M:],M,
       i be Function of O,M;
  set H = {Hom(a,b) where a is Object of C, b is Object of C: a in O & b in O};
  assume that
A1:  M = union H and
A2:  d = (the Dom of C)|M and
A3:  c = (the Cod of C)|M and
A4:  p = (the Comp of C)|[:M,M:] and
A5:  i = (the Id of C)|O;
  set B = CatStr(#O,M,d,c,p,i#);
A6: now let f be Morphism of B;
     consider X being set such that
A7:    f in X and
A8:    X in H by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
        ex a,b being Object of C st X = Hom(a,b) & a in O & b in O by A8;
     hence f is Morphism of C by A7;
A9: for f,g being Element of M holds [g,f] in dom(p) iff d.g=c.f
        proof let f,g be Element of M;
A10:        g is Morphism of C & f is Morphism of C by A6;
A11:        d.g = (the Dom of C).g & c.f = (the Cod of C).f
          by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:72;
         thus [g,f] in dom(p) implies d.g=c.f
          proof assume [g,f] in dom(p);
           then [g,f] in (dom the Comp of C) /\ [:M,M:] by A4,RELAT_1:90;
           then [g,f] in (dom the Comp of C) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
           hence thesis by A10,A11,CAT_1:def 8;
         assume d.g=c.f;
         then [g,f] in dom the Comp of C & [g,f] in [:M,M:]
           by A10,A11,CAT_1:def 8;
         then [g,f] in (dom the Comp of C) /\ [:M,M:] by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         hence [g,f] in dom p by A4,RELAT_1:90;
A12: for f,g being Element of M st d.g=c.f
      holds p.[g,f] = (the Comp of C).[g,f]
    proof let f,g be Element of M;
      assume d.g=c.f;
      then [g,f] in dom(p) by A9;
      hence thesis by A4,FUNCT_1:70;
A13: for f,g being Element of M st d.g=c.f holds p.[g,f] is Element of M
    proof let f,g be Element of M;
A14:    d.g=c.f;
     then [g,f] in dom p by A9;
     then p.[g,f] is Element of M by PARTFUN1:27;
     then reconsider h = p.[g,f] as Morphism of C by A6;
     set a = dom h, b = cod h;
       f is Morphism of C & g is Morphism of C &
      h = (the Comp of C).[g,f] &
      d.f = (the Dom of C).f & c.g = (the Cod of C).g &
      d.g = (the Dom of C).g & c.f = (the Cod of C).f by A2,A3,A6,A12,A14,
     then (the Dom of C).h = d.f & (the Cod of C).h = c.g by A14,CAT_1:def 8;
     then a = d.f & b = c.g by CAT_1:def 2,def 3;
     then h in Hom(a,b) & Hom(a,b) in H by CAT_1:18;
     hence thesis by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
A15:  for a,b being Object of B, a',b' being Object of C
       st a = a' & b = b' holds Hom(a,b) = Hom(a',b')
    proof let a,b be Object of B, a',b' be Object of C such that
A16:    a = a' & b = b';
       now let x be set;
      thus x in Hom(a,b) implies x in Hom(a',b')
       proof assume
A17:      x in Hom(a,b);
        then reconsider f = x as Morphism of B;
        reconsider f' = f as Morphism of C by A6;
          (the Dom of B).f = (the Dom of C).f' &
           (the Cod of B).f = (the Cod of C).f' by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:72;
        then (the Dom of B).f = dom f' & (the Cod of B).f = cod f'
          by CAT_1:def 2,def 3;
        then dom f = dom f' & cod f = cod f' by CAT_1:def 2,def 3;
        then a = dom f' & b = cod f' by A17,CAT_1:18;
        hence thesis by A16,CAT_1:18;
A18:       x in Hom(a',b');
      then reconsider f' = x as Morphism of C;
        Hom(a',b') in H by A16;
      then reconsider f = f' as Morphism of B by A1,A18,TARSKI:def 4;
        (the Dom of B).f = (the Dom of C).f' &
         (the Cod of B).f = (the Cod of C).f' by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:72;
      then (the Dom of B).f = dom f' & (the Cod of B).f = cod f'
         by CAT_1:def 2,def 3;
      then dom f = dom f' & cod f = cod f' by CAT_1:def 2,def 3;
      then dom f = a' & cod f = b' by A18,CAT_1:18;
      hence x in Hom(a,b) by A16,CAT_1:18;
    hence thesis by TARSKI:2;
  thus B is Subcategory of C
     thus for f,g being Element of M holds [g,f] in dom(p) iff d.g=c.f by A9;
A19:    for f,g being Element of M
          st d.g=c.f holds d.(p.[g,f]) = d.f & c.(p.[g,f]) = c.g
      proof let f,g be Element of M;
A20:     d.g=c.f;
A21:      g is Morphism of C & f is Morphism of C by A6;
A22:      p.[g,f] is Element of M by A13,A20;
A23:      d.g = (the Dom of C).g & c.f = (the Cod of C).f by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:72;
       thus d.(p.[g,f]) = (the Dom of C).(p.[g,f]) by A2,A22,FUNCT_1:72
                        .= (the Dom of C).((the Comp of C).[g,f]) by A12,A20
                        .= (the Dom of C).f by A20,A21,A23,CAT_1:def 8
                        .= d.f by A2,FUNCT_1:72;
       thus c.(p.[g,f]) = (the Cod of C).(p.[g,f]) by A3,A22,FUNCT_1:72
                        .= (the Cod of C).((the Comp of C).[g,f]) by A12,A20
                        .= (the Cod of C).g by A20,A21,A23,CAT_1:def 8
                        .= c.g by A3,FUNCT_1:72;
     thus for f,g,h being Element of M
           st d.h = c.g & d.g = c.f holds p.[h,p.[g,f]] = p.[p.[h,g],f]
      proof let f,g,h be Element of M; assume
A24:     d.h = c.g & d.g = c.f;
then A25:     c.(p.[g,f]) = c.g by A19;
A26:   h is Morphism of C & g is Morphism of C & f is Morphism of C &
        d.h = (the Dom of C).h & c.g = (the Cod of C).g &
        d.g = (the Dom of C).g & c.f = (the Cod of C).f by A2,A3,A6,FUNCT_1:72
A27:      d.(p.[h,g]) = d.g & p.[h,g] is Element of M by A13,A19,A24;
         p.[g,f] is Element of M by A13,A24;
       hence p.[h,p.[g,f]]
           = (the Comp of C).[h,p.[g,f]] by A12,A24,A25
          .= (the Comp of C).[h,(the Comp of C).[g,f]] by A12,A24
          .= (the Comp of C).[(the Comp of C).[h,g],f] by A24,A26,CAT_1:def 8
          .= (the Comp of C).[p.[h,g],f] by A12,A24
          .= p.[p.[h,g],f] by A12,A24,A27;
     let b be Element of O;
A28:    i.b = (the Id of C).b by A5,FUNCT_1:72;
       d.(i.b) = (the Dom of C).(i.b) & c.(i.b) = (the Cod of C).(i.b)
       by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:72;
A29:      d.(i.b) = b & c.(i.b) = b by A28,CAT_1:def 8;
     thus for f being Element of M st c.f=b holds p.[i.b,f] = f
      proof let f be Element of M such that
A30:     c.f=b;
A31:     f is Morphism of C & c.f = (the Cod of C).f by A3,A6,FUNCT_1:72;
       thus p.[i.b,f] = (the Comp of C).[i.b,f] by A12,A29,A30
                     .= f by A28,A30,A31,CAT_1:def 8;
     let g be Element of M;
A32:   d.g=b;
A33:   g is Morphism of C & d.g = (the Dom of C).g by A2,A6,FUNCT_1:72;
     thus p.[g,i.b] = (the Comp of C).[g,i.b] by A12,A29,A32
                   .= g by A28,A32,A33,CAT_1:def 8;
    then reconsider B as Category by CAT_1:def 8;
     thus the Objects of B c= the Objects of C;
     thus for a,b being Object of B, a',b' being Object of C
       st a = a' & b = b' holds Hom(a,b) c= Hom(a',b') by A15;
     thus the Comp of B <= the Comp of C by A4,RELAT_1:88;
     let a be Object of B, a' be Object of C;
A34:    a = a';
     hence id a = i.a' by CAT_1:def 5
              .= (the Id of C).a' by A5,A34,FUNCT_1:72
              .= id a' by CAT_1:def 5;
    hence thesis by Def4;
  thus thesis by A15;

     for O being non empty Subset of the Objects of C, M being non empty set,
     d,c being Function of M,O, p being PartFunc of [:M,M:],M,
      i being Function of O,M
    st CatStr(#O,M,d,c,p,i#) is_full_subcategory_of C
     M = union{Hom(a,b) where a is Object of C,b is Object of C: a in O & b in
      & d = (the Dom of C)|M & c = (the Cod of C)|M
       & p = (the Comp of C)|[:M,M:] & i = (the Id of C)|O
  let O be non empty Subset of the Objects of C, M be non empty set,
      d,c be Function of M,O, p be PartFunc of [:M,M:],M,
      i be Function of O,M;
  set H = {Hom(a,b) where a is Object of C, b is Object of C: a in O & b in O};
  set B = CatStr(#O,M,d,c,p,i#);
   assume that
A1:  B is Subcategory of C and
A2:  for a,b being Object of B, a',b' being Object of C
      st a = a' & b = b' holds Hom(a,b) = Hom(a',b');
A3: for f being Morphism of B holds
       d.f = (the Dom of C).f & c.f = (the Cod of C).f
    proof let f be Morphism of B;
     reconsider f' = f as Morphism of C by A1,Th14;
        dom f = dom f' & cod f = cod f' &
 dom f = (the Dom of B).f & dom f' = (the Dom of C).f' &
 cod f = (the Cod of B).f & cod f' = (the Cod of C).f' by A1,Th15,CAT_1:def 2,
def 3;
     hence thesis;
     now let x be set;
    thus x in M implies x in union H
     proof assume x in M;
      then reconsider f = x as Morphism of B;
      reconsider f' = f as Morphism of C by A1,Th14;
      set a' = dom f', b' = cod f';
        (the Dom of B).f = (the Dom of C).f' &
         (the Cod of B).f = (the Cod of C).f' by A3;
      then (the Dom of B).f = a' & (the Cod of B).f = b'
        by CAT_1:def 2,def 3;
      then f in Hom(a',b') & Hom(a',b') in H by CAT_1:18;
      hence thesis by TARSKI:def 4;
    assume x in union H;
    then consider X being set such that
A4:    x in X and
A5:    X in H by TARSKI:def 4;
    consider a',b' being Object of C such that
A6:    X = Hom(a',b') and
A7:    a' in O & b' in O by A5;
    reconsider a = a', b = b' as Object of B by A7;
      Hom(a,b) = Hom(a',b') by A2;
    hence x in M by A4,A6;
A8:   M = union H by TARSKI:2;
  then reconsider d' = (the Dom of C)|M, c' = (the Cod of C)|M as Function of M
    by Th29;
    now let f be Element of M;
     now thus d.f = (the Dom of C).f by A3;
    thus f in M;
      f is Morphism of C by A1,Th14;
    then f in the Morphisms of C;
    hence f in dom the Dom of C by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   hence d.f = d'.f by FUNCT_1:72;
  hence d = (the Dom of C)|M by FUNCT_2:113;
    now let f be Element of M;
     now thus c.f = (the Cod of C).f by A3;
    thus f in M;
      f is Morphism of C by A1,Th14;
    then f in the Morphisms of C;
    hence f in dom the Cod of C by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   hence c.f = c'.f by FUNCT_1:72;
  hence c = (the Cod of C)|M by FUNCT_2:113;
  set p' = (the Comp of C)|[:M,M:];
A9:  dom p c= [:M,M:] by RELSET_1:12;
A10:  dom p' = (dom the Comp of C) /\ [:M,M:] by RELAT_1:90;
A11:  dom p' c= dom p
    proof let x be set;
A12:     x in dom p';
     then x in [:M,M:] by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then consider g,f being Element of M such that
A13:    x = [g,f] by DOMAIN_1:9;
     reconsider f,g as Morphism of B;
     reconsider f' = f ,g' = g as Morphism of C by A1,Th14;
       [g,f] in dom the Comp of C by A10,A12,A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then cod f = cod f' & dom g = dom g' & dom g' = cod f'
      by A1,Th15,CAT_1:40;
     hence x in dom p by A1,A13,CAT_1:40;
     the Comp of B <= the Comp of C by A1,Def4;
   then dom p c= dom the Comp of C by GRFUNC_1:8;
   then A14: dom p c= dom p' by A9,A10,XBOOLE_1:19;
   dom p = dom p' by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
   let x be set;
A15:  x in dom p;
   then consider g,f being Element of M such that
A16:  x = [g,f] by A9,DOMAIN_1:9;
   reconsider f,g as Morphism of B;
   reconsider f' = f ,g' = g as Morphism of C by A1,Th14;
A17:  cod f = cod f' & dom g = dom g' & dom g = cod f
        by A1,A15,A16,Th15,CAT_1:40;
   hence p.x = g*f by A1,A16,CAT_1:41
            .= g'*f' by A1,A17,Th17
            .= (the Comp of C).[g',f'] by A17,CAT_1:41
            .= p'.x by A14,A15,A16,FUNCT_1:70;
  hence p = (the Comp of C)|[:M,M:] by FUNCT_1:9;
  reconsider i' = (the Id of C)|O as Function of O,M by A8,Th29;
    now let a be Element of O;
    reconsider a' = a as Object of C;
    reconsider b = a as Object of B;
      id b = id a' & id b = (the Id of B).b & id a' = (the Id of C).a'
      by A1,Def4,CAT_1:def 5;
    hence i.a = (the Id of C).a;
    thus a in O;
      a in the Objects of C;
    hence a in dom the Id of C by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   hence i.a = i'.a by FUNCT_1:72;
  hence i = (the Id of C)|O by FUNCT_2:113;

:: Product of Categories

definition let X1,X2,Y1,Y2 be non empty set;
 let f1 be Function of X1,Y1; let f2 be Function of X2,Y2;
 redefine func [:f1,f2:] -> Function of [:X1,X2:],[:Y1,Y2:];
   proof [:f1,f2:] is Function of [:X1,X2:],[:Y1,Y2:]; hence thesis; end;

definition let A,B be non empty set;
  let f be PartFunc of [:A,A:],A; let g be PartFunc of [:B,B:],B;
 redefine func |:f,g:| -> PartFunc of [:[:A,B:],[:A,B:]:],[:A,B:];
  coherence by FUNCT_4:62;

definition let C,D;
 func [:C,D:] -> Category equals
:Def7:  CatStr (# [:the Objects of C,the Objects of D:],
                     [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D:],
                     [:the Dom of C,the Dom of D:],
                     [:the Cod of C,the Cod of D:],
                     |:the Comp of C, the Comp of D:|,
                     [:the Id of C,the Id of D:]
   set O = [:the Objects of C,the Objects of D:],
       M = [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D:],
       d = [:the Dom of C,the Dom of D:],
       c = [:the Cod of C,the Cod of D:],
       p = |:the Comp of C, the Comp of D:|,
       i = [:the Id of C,the Id of D:];
A1:   for f,g being Element of M st d.g = c.f holds
         [g`1,f`1] in dom(the Comp of C) & [g`2,f`2] in dom(the Comp of D)
      proof let f,g be Element of M;
A2:      g = [g`1,g`2] & f = [f`1,f`2] by MCART_1:23;
A3:      d.[g`1,g`2] = [(the Dom of C).g`1,(the Dom of D).g`2]
          & c.[f`1,f`2] = [(the Cod of C).f`1,(the Cod of D).f`2]
        by FUNCT_3:96;
       assume d.g = c.f;
       then (the Dom of C).g`1 = (the Cod of C).f`1 &
         (the Dom of D).g`2 = (the Cod of D).f`2 by A2,A3,ZFMISC_1:33;
       hence [g`1,f`1] in dom(the Comp of C) & [g`2,f`2] in dom(the Comp of D)
         by CAT_1:def 8;
A4:   for f,g being Element of M st [g,f] in dom(p) holds
        (the Dom of C).g`1 = (the Cod of C).f`1 &
        (the Dom of D).g`2 = (the Cod of D).f`2
       proof let f,g be Element of M;
A5:      g = [g`1,g`2] & f = [f`1,f`2] by MCART_1:23;
        assume [g,f] in dom(p);
        then [g`1,f`1] in dom(the Comp of C) & [g`2,f`2] in dom(the Comp of D)
          by A5,FUNCT_4:57;
       hence (the Dom of C).g`1 = (the Cod of C).f`1 &
          (the Dom of D).g`2 = (the Cod of D).f`2 by CAT_1:def 8;
A6:   for f,g being Element of M holds [g,f] in dom(p) iff d.g = c.f
     proof let f,g be Element of M;
A7:      g = [g`1,g`2] & f = [f`1,f`2] by MCART_1:23;
      thus [g,f] in dom(p) implies d.g = c.f
       proof assume [g,f] in dom(p);
        then (the Dom of C).g`1 = (the Cod of C).f`1 &
          (the Dom of D).g`2 = (the Cod of D).f`2 &
          d.[g`1,g`2] = [(the Dom of C).g`1,(the Dom of D).g`2]
          & c.[f`1,f`2] = [(the Cod of C).f`1,(the Cod of D).f`2]
         by A4,FUNCT_3:96;
        hence thesis by A7;
      assume d.g = c.f;
      then [g`1,f`1] in dom(the Comp of C) & [g`2,f`2] in dom(the Comp of D)
        by A1;
      hence thesis by A7,FUNCT_4:57;
A8:  for f,g being Element of M st d.g = c.f holds
         p.[g,f] = [(the Comp of C).[g`1,f`1],(the Comp of D).[g`2,f`2]]
      proof let f,g be Element of M;
       assume d.g = c.f;
       then [g,f] in dom(p) & g = [g`1,g`2] & f = [f`1,f`2] by A6,MCART_1:23;
       hence p.[g,f] = [(the Comp of C).[g`1,f`1],(the Comp of D).[g`2,f`2]]
        by FUNCT_4:58;
A9:  for f,g being Element of M
       st d.g = c.f holds d.(p.[g,f]) = d.f & c.(p.[g,f]) = c.g
      proof let f,g be Element of M;
A10:     g = [g`1,g`2] & f = [f`1,f`2] by MCART_1:23;
A11:     d.[f`1,f`2] = [(the Dom of C).f`1,(the Dom of D).f`2]
          & c.[g`1,g`2] = [(the Cod of C).g`1,(the Cod of D).g`2]
         by FUNCT_3:96;
A12:      d.g = c.f;
then A13:      [g,f] in dom(p) by A6;
         [g`1,f`1] in dom(the Comp of C) & [g`2,f`2] in dom(the Comp of D)
         by A1,A12;
       then (the Dom of C).g`1 = (the Cod of C).f`1 &
         (the Dom of D).g`2 = (the Cod of D).f`2 &
         (the Comp of C).[g`1,f`1] in the Morphisms of C &
         (the Comp of D).[g`2,f`2] in the Morphisms of D by A4,A13,PARTFUN1:27;
       then (the Dom of C).((the Comp of C).[g`1,f`1]) = (the Dom of C).f`1 &
         (the Dom of D).((the Comp of D).[g`2,f`2]) = (the Dom of D).f`2 &
         (the Cod of C).((the Comp of C).[g`1,f`1]) = (the Cod of C).g`1 &
         (the Cod of D).((the Comp of D).[g`2,f`2]) = (the Cod of D).g`2 &
         (the Comp of C).[g`1,f`1] in dom(the Dom of C) &
         (the Comp of D).[g`2,f`2] in dom(the Dom of D) &
         (the Comp of C).[g`1,f`1] in dom(the Cod of C) &
         (the Comp of D).[g`2,f`2] in dom(the Cod of D) &
         p.[g,f] = [(the Comp of C).[g`1,f`1],(the Comp of D).[g`2,f`2]]
        by A8,A12,CAT_1:def 8,FUNCT_2:def 1;
       hence d.(p.[g,f]) = d.f & c.(p.[g,f]) = c.g by A10,A11,FUNCT_3:def 9;
    thus for f,g,h being Element of M
       st d.h = c.g & d.g = c.f holds p.[h,p.[g,f]] = p.[p.[h,g],f]
     proof let f,g,h be Element of M;
A14:     d.h = c.g & d.g = c.f;
then A15:    [g`1,f`1] in dom(the Comp of C) & [g`2,f`2] in
 dom(the Comp of D) &
       [h`1,g`1] in dom(the Comp of C) & [h`2,g`2] in dom(the Comp of D)
         by A1;
       then (the Comp of C).[g`1,f`1] in the Morphisms of C &
       (the Comp of D).[g`2,f`2] in the Morphisms of D &
       (the Comp of C).[h`1,g`1] in the Morphisms of C &
       (the Comp of D).[h`2,g`2] in the Morphisms of D by PARTFUN1:27;
       then reconsider pgf = [(the Comp of C).[g`1,f`1],(the Comp of D).[g`2,f
                 phg = [(the Comp of C).[h`1,g`1],(the Comp of D).[h`2,g`2]]
         as Element of M by ZFMISC_1:106;
A16:    pgf`1 = (the Comp of C).[g`1,f`1] & pgf`2 = (the Comp of D).[g`2,f`2] &
       phg`1 = (the Comp of C).[h`1,g`1] & phg`2 = (the Comp of D).[h`2,g`2]
        by MCART_1:7;
      set pgf1 = pgf`1, phg1 = phg`1;
      set pgf2 = pgf`2, phg2 = phg`2;
A17:    (the Dom of C).g`1 = (the Cod of C).f`1 &
       (the Dom of D).g`2 = (the Cod of D).f`2 &
       (the Dom of C).h`1 = (the Cod of C).g`1 &
       (the Dom of D).h`2 = (the Cod of D).g`2 by A15,CAT_1:def 8;
        p.[g,f] = pgf & p.[h,g] = phg & d.h = c.(p.[g,f]) & d.(p.[h,g]) = c.f
        by A8,A9,A14;
      then p.[h,p.[g,f]] = [(the Comp of C).[h`1,pgf1],(the Comp of D).[h`2,
pgf2]] &
      p.[p.[h,g],f] = [(the Comp of C).[phg1,f`1],(the Comp of D).[phg2,f`2]] &
      (the Comp of C).[h`1,pgf1] = (the Comp of C).[phg1,f`1] &
      (the Comp of D).[h`2,pgf2] = (the Comp of D).[phg2,f`2]
        by A8,A16,A17,CAT_1:def 8;
      hence p.[h,p.[g,f]] = p.[p.[h,g],f];
    let b be Element of O;
A18:    b = [b`1,b`2] by MCART_1:23;
then A19: (the Dom of C).((the Id of C).b`1) = b`1 &
    (the Dom of D).((the Id of D).b`2) = b`2 &
    (the Cod of C).((the Id of C).b`1) = b`1 &
    (the Cod of D).((the Id of D).b`2) = b`2 &
    i.b = [(the Id of C).b`1,(the Id of D).b`2] by CAT_1:def 8,FUNCT_3:96;
A20:    d.(i.b) = b & c.(i.b) = b by A18,FUNCT_3:96;
A21:  (i.b)`1 = (the Id of C).b`1 & (i.b)`2 = (the Id of D).b`2
       by A19,MCART_1:7;
    thus for f being Element of M st c.f = b holds p.[i.b,f] = f
     proof let f be Element of M;
A22:      f = [f`1,f`2] by MCART_1:23;
A23:     c.f = b;
        c.f = [(the Cod of C).f`1,(the Cod of D).f`2] by A22,FUNCT_3:96;
      then (the Cod of C).f`1 = b`1 & (the Cod of D).f`2 = b`2
       by A18,A23,ZFMISC_1:33;
      then p.[i.b,f] =
         [(the Comp of C).[(i.b)`1,f`1],(the Comp of D).[(i.b)`2,f`2]] &
         (the Comp of C).[(the Id of C).b`1,f`1] = f`1 &
         (the Comp of D).[(the Id of D).b`2,f`2] = f`2
       by A8,A20,A23,CAT_1:def 8;
      hence p.[i.b,f] = f by A21,MCART_1:23;
    let g be Element of M;
A24:   g = [g`1,g`2] by MCART_1:23;
A25:   d.g = b;
      d.g = [(the Dom of C).g`1,(the Dom of D).g`2] by A24,FUNCT_3:96;
    then (the Dom of C).g`1 = b`1 & (the Dom of D).g`2 = b`2
      by A18,A25,ZFMISC_1:33;
    then p.[g,i.b] =
         [(the Comp of C).[g`1,(i.b)`1],(the Comp of D).[g`2,(i.b)`2]] &
         (the Comp of C).[g`1,(the Id of C).b`1] = g`1 &
         (the Comp of D).[g`2,(the Id of D).b`2] = g`2
       by A8,A20,A25,CAT_1:def 8;
    hence p.[g,i.b] = g by A21,MCART_1:23;
   hence thesis by CAT_1:def 8;

definition let C,D;
 cluster [:C,D:] -> strict;
    [:C,D:] = CatStr (# [:the Objects of C,the Objects of D:],
                     [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D:],
                     [:the Dom of C,the Dom of D:],
                     [:the Cod of C,the Cod of D:],
                     |:the Comp of C, the Comp of D:|,
                     [:the Id of C,the Id of D:]
                   #) by Def7;
  hence [:C,D:] is strict;


theorem Th33:
   the Objects of [:C,D:] = [:the Objects of C,the Objects of D:] &
   the Morphisms of [:C,D:] = [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D:] &
   the Dom of [:C,D:] = [:the Dom of C,the Dom of D:] &
   the Cod of [:C,D:] = [:the Cod of C,the Cod of D:] &
   the Comp of [:C,D:] = |:the Comp of C, the Comp of D:| &
   the Id of [:C,D:] = [:the Id of C,the Id of D:]
     [:C,D:] = CatStr (# [:the Objects of C,the Objects of D:],
                      [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D:],
                      [:the Dom of C,the Dom of D:],
                      [:the Cod of C,the Cod of D:],
                      |:the Comp of C, the Comp of D:|,
                      [:the Id of C,the Id of D:]
     by Def7;
   hence thesis; end;

theorem Th34:
   for c being Object of C, d being Object of D
    holds [c,d] is Object of [:C,D:] by Th33;

definition let C,D; let c be Object of C; let d be Object of D;
  redefine func [c,d] -> Object of [:C,D:];
 coherence by Th34;

theorem Th35:
   for cd being Object of [:C,D:]
    ex c being Object of C, d being Object of D st cd = [c,d]
 proof let cd be Object of [:C,D:];
    the Objects of [:C,D:] = [:the Objects of C,the Objects of D:] by Th33;
  hence thesis by DOMAIN_1:9;

theorem Th36:
   for f being Morphism of C for g being Morphism of D
     holds [f,g] is Morphism of [:C,D:] by Th33;

definition let C,D; let f be Morphism of C; let g be Morphism of D;
  redefine func [f,g] -> Morphism of [:C,D:];
 coherence by Th36;

theorem Th37:
   for fg being Morphism of [:C,D:]
    ex f being (Morphism of C), g being Morphism of D st fg = [f,g]
 proof let fg be Morphism of [:C,D:];
    the Morphisms of [:C,D:] = [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D:] by
  hence thesis by DOMAIN_1:9;

theorem Th38:
   for f being Morphism of C for g being Morphism of D
    holds dom [f,g] = [dom f,dom g] & cod [f,g] = [cod f,cod g]
 proof let f be Morphism of C; let g be Morphism of D;
  thus dom [f,g] = (the Dom of [:C,D:]).[f,g] by CAT_1:def 2
                .= ([:the Dom of C,the Dom of D:]).[f,g] by Th33
                .= [(the Dom of C).f,(the Dom of D).g] by FUNCT_3:96
                .= [dom f,(the Dom of D).g] by CAT_1:def 2
                .= [dom f,dom g] by CAT_1:def 2;
  thus cod [f,g] = (the Cod of [:C,D:]).[f,g] by CAT_1:def 3
                .= ([:the Cod of C,the Cod of D:]).[f,g] by Th33
                .= [(the Cod of C).f,(the Cod of D).g] by FUNCT_3:96
                .= [cod f,(the Cod of D).g] by CAT_1:def 3
                .= [cod f,cod g] by CAT_1:def 3;

theorem Th39:
   for f,f' being Morphism of C for g,g' being Morphism of D
     st dom f' = cod f & dom g' = cod g holds [f',g']*[f,g] = [f'*f,g'*g]
 proof let f,f' be Morphism of C; let g,g' be Morphism of D;
A1:  dom f' = cod f & dom g' = cod g;
  then A2:
 [f',f] in dom(the Comp of C) & [g',g] in dom(the Comp of D) by CAT_1:40;

    dom [f',g'] = [dom f',dom g'] & cod [f,g] = [cod f,cod g] by Th38;
  hence [f',g']*[f,g]
     = (the Comp of [:C,D:]).[[f',g'],[f,g]] by A1,CAT_1:41
    .= |:the Comp of C, the Comp of D:|.[[f',g'],[f,g]] by Th33
    .= [(the Comp of C).[f',f],(the Comp of D).[g',g]] by A2,FUNCT_4:def 3

    .= [f'*f,(the Comp of D).[g',g]] by A1,CAT_1:41
    .= [f'*f,g'*g] by A1,CAT_1:41;

theorem Th40:
   for f,f' being Morphism of C for g,g' being Morphism of D
     st dom [f',g'] = cod [f,g] holds [f',g']*[f,g] = [f'*f,g'*g]
 proof let f,f' be Morphism of C; let g,g' be Morphism of D such that
A1:  dom [f',g'] = cod [f,g];
    [dom f',dom g'] = dom [f',g'] & cod [f,g] = [cod f,cod g] by Th38;
  then dom f' = cod f & dom g' = cod g by A1,ZFMISC_1:33;
  hence thesis by Th39;

theorem Th41:
   for c being Object of C, d being Object of D
    holds id [c,d] = [id c,id d]
 proof let c be Object of C, d be Object of D;
  thus id [c,d] = ( the Id of [:C,D:] ).[c,d] by CAT_1:def 5
               .= [:the Id of C,the Id of D:].[c,d] by Th33
               .= [(the Id of C).c,(the Id of D).d] by FUNCT_3:96
               .= [id c,(the Id of D).d] by CAT_1:def 5
               .= [id c,id d] by CAT_1:def 5;

     for c,c' being Object of C, d,d' being Object of D
    holds Hom([c,d],[c',d']) = [:Hom(c,c'),Hom(d,d'):]
 proof let c,c' be Object of C, d,d' be Object of D;
    now let x be set;
   thus x in Hom([c,d],[c',d']) implies x in [:Hom(c,c'),Hom(d,d'):]
    proof assume
A1:    x in Hom([c,d],[c',d']);
     then reconsider fg = x as Morphism of [c,d],[c',d'] by CAT_1:def 7;
A2:    dom fg = [c,d] & cod fg = [c',d'] by A1,CAT_1:18;
       fg in the Morphisms of [:C,D:];
     then fg in [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D:] by Th33;
     then consider x1,x2 being set such that
A3:   x1 in the Morphisms of C & x2 in the Morphisms of D and
A4:   fg = [x1,x2] by ZFMISC_1:def 2;
     reconsider f = x1 as Morphism of C by A3;
     reconsider g = x2 as Morphism of D by A3;
       dom fg = [dom f,dom g] & cod fg = [cod f,cod g] by A4,Th38;
     then dom f = c & cod f = c' & dom g = d & cod g = d' by A2,ZFMISC_1:33;
     then f in Hom(c,c') & g in Hom(d,d') by CAT_1:18;
     hence thesis by A4,ZFMISC_1:106;
   assume x in [:Hom(c,c'),Hom(d,d'):];
   then consider x1,x2 being set such that
A5:  x1 in Hom(c,c') & x2 in Hom(d,d') and
A6:  x = [x1,x2] by ZFMISC_1:def 2;
   reconsider f = x1 as Morphism of c,c' by A5,CAT_1:def 7;
   reconsider g = x2 as Morphism of d,d' by A5,CAT_1:def 7;
     dom f = c & cod f = c' & dom g = d & cod g = d' by A5,CAT_1:18;
   then dom [f,g] = [c,d] & cod [f,g] = [c',d'] by Th38;
   hence x in Hom([c,d],[c',d']) by A6,CAT_1:18;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

     for c,c' being Object of C, f being Morphism of c,c',
       d,d' being Object of D, g being Morphism of d,d'
      st Hom(c,c') <> {} & Hom(d,d') <> {}
     holds [f,g] is Morphism of [c,d],[c',d']
 proof let c,c' be Object of C, f be Morphism of c,c',
           d,d' be Object of D, g be Morphism of d,d';
  assume Hom(c,c') <> {} & Hom(d,d') <> {};
  then dom f = c & cod f = c' & dom g = d & cod g = d' by CAT_1:23;
  then dom [f,g] = [c,d] & cod [f,g] = [c',d'] by Th38;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:22;

:: Bifunctors

theorem Th44:
   for S being Functor of [:C,C':],D, c being Object of C
     holds (curry S).(id c) is Functor of C',D
 proof let S be Functor of [:C,C':],D, c be Object of C;
    [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':]
   = the Morphisms of [:C,C':] by Th33;
  then reconsider S' = S as
    Function of [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':],the Morphisms of D;
  reconsider T = (curry S').(id c)
    as Function of the Morphisms of C',the Morphisms of D;
   thus for c' being Object of C' ex d being Object of D st T.(id c') = id d
    proof let c' be Object of C';
     consider d being Object of D such that
A1:    S.(id [c,c']) = id d by CAT_1:97;
     take d;
     thus T.(id c') = S.[id c,id c'] by Th3
                   .= id d by A1,Th41;
   thus for f being Morphism of C'
      holds T.(id dom f) = id dom (T.f) & T.(id cod f) = id cod (T.f)
    proof let f be Morphism of C';
     thus T.(id dom f) = S.[id c,id dom f] by Th3
                      .= S.(id [c,dom f]) by Th41
                      .= S.(id [dom id c,dom f]) by CAT_1:44
                      .= S.(id dom [id c,f]) by Th38
                      .= id dom (S.[id c,f]) by CAT_1:98
                      .= id dom (T.f) by Th3;
     thus T.(id cod f) = S.[id c,id cod f] by Th3
                      .= S.(id [c,cod f]) by Th41
                      .= S.(id [cod id c,cod f]) by CAT_1:44
                      .= S.(id cod [id c,f]) by Th38
                      .= id cod (S.[id c,f]) by CAT_1:98
                      .= id cod (T.f) by Th3;
   let f,g be Morphism of C' such that
A2:   dom g = cod f;
A3:   dom id c = c & cod id c = c by CAT_1:44;
A4:   dom [id c,g] = [dom id c,dom g] & cod [id c,f] = [cod id c, cod f]
    by Th38;
     Hom(c,c) <> {} by CAT_1:56;
then A5:  (id c)*(id c) = (id c)*((id c) qua Morphism of C) by CAT_1:def 13;
     (id c)*(id c) = id c by CAT_1:59;
   hence T.(g*f) = S.[(id c)*(id c),g*f] by Th3
                .= S.([id c,g]*[id c,f]) by A2,A3,A5,Th39
                .= (S.[id c,g])*(S.[id c,f]) by A2,A3,A4,CAT_1:99
                .= (T.g)*(S.[id c,f]) by Th3
                .= (T.g)*(T.f) by Th3;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:96;

theorem Th45:
   for S being Functor of [:C,C':],D, c' being Object of C'
     holds (curry' S).(id c') is Functor of C,D
 proof let S be Functor of [:C,C':],D, c' be Object of C';
    [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':]
   = the Morphisms of [:C,C':] by Th33;
  then reconsider S' = S as
    Function of [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':],the Morphisms of D;
  reconsider T = (curry' S').(id c')
    as Function of the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D;
   thus for c being Object of C ex d being Object of D st T.(id c) = id d
    proof let c be Object of C;
     consider d being Object of D such that
A1:    S.(id [c,c']) = id d by CAT_1:97;
     take d;
     thus T.(id c) = S.[id c,id c'] by Th4
                  .= id d by A1,Th41;
   thus for f being Morphism of C
      holds T.(id dom f) = id dom (T.f) & T.(id cod f) = id cod (T.f)
    proof let f be Morphism of C;
     thus T.(id dom f) = S.[id dom f,id c'] by Th4
                      .= S.(id [dom f,c']) by Th41
                      .= S.(id [dom f,dom id c']) by CAT_1:44
                      .= S.(id dom [f,id c']) by Th38
                      .= id dom (S.[f,id c']) by CAT_1:98
                      .= id dom (T.f) by Th4;
     thus T.(id cod f) = S.[id cod f,id c'] by Th4
                      .= S.(id [cod f,c']) by Th41
                      .= S.(id [cod f,cod id c']) by CAT_1:44
                      .= S.(id cod [f,id c']) by Th38
                      .= id cod (S.[f,id c']) by CAT_1:98
                      .= id cod (T.f) by Th4;
   let f,g be Morphism of C such that
A2:   dom g = cod f;
A3:   dom id c' = c' & cod id c' = c' by CAT_1:44;
A4:   dom [g,id c'] = [dom g,dom id c'] & cod [f,id c'] = [cod f,cod id c']
    by Th38;
     Hom(c',c') <> {} by CAT_1:56;
then A5:  (id c')*(id c') = (id c')*((id c') qua Morphism of C') by CAT_1:def
     (id c')*(id c') = id c' by CAT_1:59;
   hence T.(g*f) = S.[g*f,(id c')*(id c')] by Th4
                .= S.([g,id c']*[f,id c']) by A2,A3,A5,Th39
                .= (S.[g,id c'])*(S.[f,id c']) by A2,A3,A4,CAT_1:99
                .= (T.g)*(S.[f,id c']) by Th4
                .= (T.g)*(T.f) by Th4;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:96;

:: Partial Functors

definition let C,C',D; let S be Functor of [:C,C':],D, c be Object of C;
 func S?-c -> Functor of C',D equals
:Def8: (curry S).(id c);
  coherence by Th44;


theorem Th47:
   for S being Functor of [:C,C':],D, c being Object of C,
       f being Morphism of C' holds (S?-c).f = S.[id c,f]
 proof let S be Functor of [:C,C':],D, c be Object of C, f be Morphism of C';
    [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':]
   = the Morphisms of [:C,C':] by Th33;
  then reconsider S' = S as
    Function of [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':],the Morphisms of D;
  thus (S?-c).f = ((curry S').(id c)).f by Def8
              .= S.[id c,f] by Th3;

     for S being Functor of [:C,C':],D,
      c being Object of C, c' being Object of C'
    holds (Obj S?-c).c' = (Obj S).[c,c']
 proof let S be Functor of [:C,C':],D, c be Object of C, c' be Object of C';
    [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':]
   = the Morphisms of [:C,C':] by Th33;
  then reconsider S' = S as
    Function of [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':],the Morphisms of D;
     (S?-c).(id c') = ((curry S').(id c)).(id c') by Def8
                .= S.[id c,id c'] by Th3
                .= S.(id [c,c']) by Th41
                .= id ((Obj S).[c,c']) by CAT_1:104;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:103;

definition let C,C',D; let S be Functor of [:C,C':],D, c' be Object of C';
 func S-?c' -> Functor of C,D equals
:Def9:  (curry' S).(id c');
  coherence by Th45;


theorem Th50:
   for S being Functor of [:C,C':],D, c' being Object of C',
       f being Morphism of C holds (S-?c').f = S.[f,id c']
 proof let S be Functor of [:C,C':],D, c' be Object of C', f be Morphism of C;
    [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':]
   = the Morphisms of [:C,C':] by Th33;
  then reconsider S' = S as
    Function of [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':],the Morphisms of D;
  thus (S-?c').f = ((curry' S').(id c')).f by Def9
               .= S.[f,id c'] by Th4;

     for S being Functor of [:C,C':],D,
      c being Object of C, c' being Object of C'
    holds (Obj S-?c').c = (Obj S).[c,c']
 proof let S be Functor of [:C,C':],D, c be Object of C, c' be Object of C';
    [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':]
   = the Morphisms of [:C,C':] by Th33;
  then reconsider S' = S as
    Function of [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C':],the Morphisms of D;
     (S-?c').(id c) = ((curry' S').(id c')).(id c) by Def9
                .= S.[id c,id c'] by Th4
                .= S.(id [c,c']) by Th41
                .= id ((Obj S).[c,c']) by CAT_1:104;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:103;

     for L being Function of the Objects of C,Funct(B,D),
       M being Function of the Objects of B,Funct(C,D)
    st ( for c being Object of C,b being Object of B
          holds (M.b).(id c) = (L.c).(id b) ) &
    ( for f being Morphism of B for g being Morphism of C
      holds ((M.(cod f)).g)*((L.(dom g)).f) = ((L.(cod g)).f)*((M.(dom f)).g) )
    ex S being Functor of [:B,C:],D st
     for f being Morphism of B for g being Morphism of C
      holds S.[f,g] = ((L.(cod g)).f)*((M.(dom f)).g)
 proof let L be Function of the Objects of C,Funct(B,D),
           M be Function of the Objects of B,Funct(C,D) such that
A1:  for c being Object of C, b being Object of B
       holds (M.b).(id c) = (L.c).(id b) and
A2:  for f being Morphism of B for g being Morphism of C
      holds ((M.(cod f)).g)*((L.(dom g)).f) = ((L.(cod g)).f)*((M.(dom f)).g);
  deffunc Mor(Category) = the Morphisms of $1;
  deffunc F(Element of Mor(B), Element of Mor(C)) =
   ((L.(cod $2)).$1)*((M.(dom $1)).$2);
  consider S being Function of [:Mor(B),Mor(C):],Mor(D) such that
A3:  for f being Morphism of B for g being Morphism of C
       holds S.[f,g] = F(f,g) from Lambda2D;
    [:the Morphisms of B,the Morphisms of C:]
   = the Morphisms of [:B,C:] by Th33;
  then reconsider T = S as Function of Mor([:B,C:]),Mor(D);
   thus for bc being Object of [:B,C:]
      ex d being Object of D st T.(id bc) = id d
    proof let bc be Object of [:B,C:];
     consider b being Object of B, c being Object of C such that
A4:    bc = [b,c] by Th35;
     consider d being Object of D such that
A5:    (L.c).(id b) = id d by CAT_1:97;
     take d;
       Hom(d,d) <> {} by CAT_1:56;
     then (id d)*(id d) = (id d)*((id d) qua Morphism of D) &
       cod id c = c & dom id b = b & (L.c).(id b) = (M.b).(id c)
         by A1,CAT_1:44,def 13;
     then ((L.(cod id c)).(id b))*((M.(dom id b)).(id c)) = id d &
        id bc = [id b,id c] by A4,A5,Th41,CAT_1:59;
     hence thesis by A3;
   thus for fg being Morphism of [:B,C:]
      holds T.(id dom fg) = id dom (T.fg) & T.(id cod fg) = id cod (T.fg)
    proof let fg be Morphism of [:B,C:];
     consider f being (Morphism of B), g being Morphism of C such that
A6:     fg = [f,g] by Th37;
     set b = dom f, c = dom g;
     set g' = id c, f'= id b;
A7:     Hom(dom ((M.b).g),dom ((M.b).g)) <> {} by CAT_1:56;
       id dom ((L.(cod g)).f) = (L.(cod g)).(id dom f) by CAT_1:98
                            .= (M.(dom f)).(id cod g) by A1
                            .= id cod ((M.(dom f)).g) by CAT_1:98;
then A8:    dom ((L.(cod g)).f) = cod ((M.(dom f)).g) by CAT_1:45;
     thus T.(id (dom fg))
        = S.(id [b,c]) by A6,Th38
       .= S.[id b,id c] by Th41
       .= ((L.(cod g')).f')*((M.(dom f')).g') by A3
       .= ((L.c).f')*((M.(dom f')).g') by CAT_1:44
       .= ((L.c).f')*((M.b).g') by CAT_1:44
       .= ((M.b).g')*((M.b).g') by A1
       .= (id dom ((M.b).g))*((M.b).g') by CAT_1:98
       .= (id dom ((M.b).g))*((id dom((M.b).g)) qua Morphism of D) by CAT_1:98
       .= (id dom ((M.b).g))*(id dom((M.b).g)) by A7,CAT_1:def 13
       .= id dom ((M.(dom f)).g) by CAT_1:59
       .= id dom (((L.(cod g)).f)*((M.(dom f)).g)) by A8,CAT_1:42
       .= id dom (T.fg) by A3,A6;
     set b = cod f, c = cod g;
     set g' = id c, f'= id b;
A9:  Hom(cod ((L.c).f),cod ((L.c).f)) <> {} by CAT_1:56;
     thus T.(id (cod fg))
        = S.(id [b,c]) by A6,Th38
       .= S.[id b,id c] by Th41
       .= ((L.(cod g')).f')*((M.(dom f')).g') by A3
       .= ((L.c).f')*((M.(dom f')).g') by CAT_1:44
       .= ((L.c).f')*((M.(cod f)).g') by CAT_1:44
       .= ((L.c).f')*((L.c).f') by A1
       .= (id cod (((L.c).f))*((L.c).f')) by CAT_1:98
       .= (id cod ((L.c).f))*((id cod((L.c).f)) qua Morphism of D) by CAT_1:98
       .= (id cod ((L.c).f))*(id cod ((L.c).f)) by A9,CAT_1:def 13
       .= id cod ((L.(cod g)).f) by CAT_1:59
       .= id cod (((L.(cod g)).f)*((M.(dom f)).g)) by A8,CAT_1:42
       .= id cod (T.fg) by A3,A6;
   let fg1,fg2 be Morphism of [:B,C:] such that
A10:   dom fg2 = cod fg1;
   consider f1 being (Morphism of B), g1 being Morphism of C such that
A11:     fg1 = [f1,g1] by Th37;
   consider f2 being (Morphism of B), g2 being Morphism of C such that
A12:     fg2 = [f2,g2] by Th37;
     [dom f2,dom g2] = dom fg2 & [cod f1,cod g1] = cod fg1 by A11,A12,Th38;
then A13:  dom f2 = cod f1 & dom g2 = cod g1 by A10,ZFMISC_1:33;
   set f = f2*f1, g = g2*g1;
   set L1 = L.(cod g1), L2 = L.(cod g2), M1 = M.(dom f1), M2 = M.(dom f2);
A14:  dom(L2.f2) = cod (L2.f1) & dom(M1.g2) = cod (M1.g1) by A13,CAT_1:99;
then A15:  cod ((M1.g2)*(M1.g1)) = cod(M1.g2) by CAT_1:42;
     id dom (L2.f1) = L2.(id dom f1) by CAT_1:98
                 .= M1.(id cod g2) by A1
                 .= id cod (M1.g2) by CAT_1:98;
then A16:  dom (L2.f1) = cod (M1.g2) by CAT_1:45;
     id dom (L1.f1) = L1.(id dom f1) by CAT_1:98
                 .= M1.(id cod g1) by A1
                 .= id cod (M1.g1) by CAT_1:98;
then A17:  dom (L1.f1) = cod (M1.g1) by CAT_1:45;
     id dom (M2.g2) = M2.(id dom g2) by CAT_1:98
                 .= L1.(id cod f1) by A1,A13
                 .= id cod (L1.f1) by CAT_1:98;
then A18:  dom (M2.g2) = cod(L1.f1) by CAT_1:45;
     id dom (L2.f2) = L2.(id dom f2) by CAT_1:98
                 .= M2.(id cod g2) by A1
                 .= id cod (M2.g2) by CAT_1:98;
then A19:  dom (L2.f2) = cod (M2.g2) by CAT_1:45;
A20:  cod ((L1.f1)*(M1.g1)) = cod (L1.f1) by A17,CAT_1:42;
   thus T.(fg2*fg1)
       = S.[f,g] by A10,A11,A12,Th40
      .= ((L.(cod g)).f)*((M.(dom f)).g) by A3
      .= ((L.(cod g2)).f)*((M.(dom f)).g) by A13,CAT_1:42
      .= ((L.(cod g2)).f)*((M.(dom f1)).g) by A13,CAT_1:42
      .= ((L2.f2)*(L2.f1))*(M1.g) by A13,CAT_1:99
      .= ((L2.f2)*(L2.f1))*((M1.g2)*(M1.g1)) by A13,CAT_1:99
      .= (L2.f2)*((L2.f1)*((M1.g2)*(M1.g1))) by A14,A15,A16,CAT_1:43
      .= (L2.f2)*(((L2.f1)*(M1.g2))*(M1.g1)) by A14,A16,CAT_1:43
      .= (L2.f2)*(((M2.g2)*(L1.f1))*(M1.g1)) by A2,A13
      .= (L2.f2)*((M2.g2)*((L1.f1)*(M1.g1))) by A17,A18,CAT_1:43
      .= ((L2.f2)*(M2.g2))*((L1.f1)*(M1.g1)) by A18,A19,A20,CAT_1:43
      .= ((L2.f2)*(M2.g2))*(T.fg1) by A3,A11
      .= (T.fg2)*(T.fg1) by A3,A12;
   then reconsider T as Functor of [:B,C:],D by CAT_1:96;
   take T; thus thesis by A3;

     for L being Function of the Objects of C,Funct(B,D),
       M being Function of the Objects of B,Funct(C,D)
    st ex S being Functor of [:B,C:],D st
        for c being Object of C,b being Object of B
         holds S-?c = L.c & S?-b = M.b
    for f being Morphism of B for g being Morphism of C
     holds ((M.(cod f)).g)*((L.(dom g)).f) = ((L.(cod g)).f)*((M.(dom f)).g)
 proof let L be Function of the Objects of C,Funct(B,D),
           M be Function of the Objects of B,Funct(C,D);
  given S be Functor of [:B,C:],D such that
A1:  for c being Object of C, b being Object of B
       holds S-?c = L.c & S?-b = M.b;
  let f be Morphism of B; let g be Morphism of C;
    dom id cod f = cod f & cod id dom g = dom g by CAT_1:44;
then A2:  dom [id cod f,g] = [cod f,dom g] & cod [f,id dom g] = [cod f, dom g]
   by Th38;
    dom id cod g = cod g & cod id dom f = dom f by CAT_1:44;
then A3:  dom [f,id cod g] = [dom f,cod g] & cod [id dom f,g] = [dom f,cod g]
   by Th38;
  thus ((M.(cod f)).g)*((L.(dom g)).f)
     = ((S?-(cod f)).g)*((L.(dom g)).f) by A1
    .= ((S?-(cod f)).g)*((S-?(dom g)).f) by A1
    .= (S.[id cod f,g])*((S-?(dom g)).f) by Th47
    .= (S.[id cod f,g])*(S.[f,id dom g]) by Th50
    .= S.([id cod f,g]*[f,id dom g]) by A2,CAT_1:99
    .= S.[(id cod f)*f,g*(id dom g)] by A2,Th40
    .= S.[f,g*(id dom g)] by CAT_1:46
    .= S.[f,g] by CAT_1:47
    .= S.[f*(id dom f),g] by CAT_1:47
    .= S.[f*(id dom f),(id cod g)*g ] by CAT_1:46
    .= S.([f,id cod g]*[id dom f,g]) by A3,Th40
    .= (S.[f,id cod g])*(S.[id dom f,g]) by A3,CAT_1:99
    .= ((S-?(cod g)).f)*(S.[id dom f,g]) by Th50
    .= ((S-?(cod g)).f)*((S?-(dom f)).g) by Th47
    .= ((L.(cod g)).f)*((S?-(dom f)).g) by A1
    .= ((L.(cod g)).f)*((M.(dom f)).g) by A1;

theorem Th54:
   pr1(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D) is Functor of [:C,D:],C
    [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D:]
   = the Morphisms of [:C,D:] by Th33;
  then reconsider T = pr1(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D)
                 as Function of the Morphisms of [:C,D:],the Morphisms of C;
   thus for cd being Object of [:C,D:]
      ex c being Object of C st T.(id cd) = id c
    proof let cd be Object of [:C,D:];
     consider c being Object of C,d being Object of D such that
A1:   cd = [c,d] by Th35;
       id cd = [id c,id d] by A1,Th41;
     then T.(id cd) = id c by FUNCT_3:def 5;
     hence thesis;
   thus for fg being Morphism of [:C,D:]
     holds T.(id dom fg) = id dom (T.fg) & T.(id cod fg) = id cod (T.fg)
    proof let fg be Morphism of [:C,D:];
     consider f being (Morphism of C), g being Morphism of D such that
A2:    fg = [f,g] by Th37;
       now dom [f,g] = [dom f,dom g] & cod [f,g] = [cod f,cod g] by Th38;
      hence id dom fg = [id dom f,id dom g] & id cod fg = [id cod f,id cod g]
       by A2,Th41;
      hence T.(id dom fg) = id dom f & T.(id cod fg) = id cod f
       by FUNCT_3:def 5;
     hence thesis by A2,FUNCT_3:def 5;
   let fg,fg' be Morphism of [:C,D:] such that
A3:   dom fg' = cod fg;
   consider f being (Morphism of C), g being Morphism of D such that
A4:    fg = [f,g] by Th37;
   consider f' being (Morphism of C), g' being Morphism of D such that
A5:    fg' = [f',g'] by Th37;
     dom [f',g'] = [dom f',dom g'] & cod [f,g] = [cod f,cod g] by Th38;
   then dom f' = cod f & dom g' = cod g by A3,A4,A5,ZFMISC_1:33;
   then fg'*fg = [f'*f,g'*g] & T.fg' = f' & T.fg = f by A4,A5,Th39,FUNCT_3:def
   hence T.(fg'*fg) = (T.fg')*(T.fg) by FUNCT_3:def 5;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:96;

theorem Th55:
   pr2(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D) is Functor of [:C,D:],D
    [:the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D:]
   = the Morphisms of [:C,D:] by Th33;
  then reconsider T = pr2(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D)
                 as Function of the Morphisms of [:C,D:],the Morphisms of D;
   thus for cd being Object of [:C,D:]
      ex d being Object of D st T.(id cd) = id d
    proof let cd be Object of [:C,D:];
     consider c being Object of C,d being Object of D such that
A1:   cd = [c,d] by Th35;
       id cd = [id c,id d] by A1,Th41;
     then T.(id cd) = id d by FUNCT_3:def 6;
     hence thesis;
   thus for fg being Morphism of [:C,D:]
     holds T.(id dom fg) = id dom (T.fg) & T.(id cod fg) = id cod (T.fg)
    proof let fg be Morphism of [:C,D:];
     consider f being (Morphism of C), g being Morphism of D such that
A2:    fg = [f,g] by Th37;
       now dom [f,g] = [dom f,dom g] & cod [f,g] = [cod f,cod g] by Th38;
      hence id dom fg = [id dom f,id dom g] & id cod fg = [id cod f,id cod g]
       by A2,Th41;
      hence T.(id dom fg) = id dom g & T.(id cod fg) = id cod g
       by FUNCT_3:def 6;
     hence thesis by A2,FUNCT_3:def 6;
   let fg,fg' be Morphism of [:C,D:] such that
A3:   dom fg' = cod fg;
   consider f being (Morphism of C), g being Morphism of D such that
A4:    fg = [f,g] by Th37;
   consider f' being (Morphism of C), g' being Morphism of D such that
A5:    fg' = [f',g'] by Th37;
     dom [f',g'] = [dom f',dom g'] & cod [f,g] = [cod f,cod g] by Th38;
   then dom f' = cod f & dom g' = cod g by A3,A4,A5,ZFMISC_1:33;
   then fg'*fg = [f'*f,g'*g] & T.fg' = g' & T.fg = g by A4,A5,Th39,FUNCT_3:def
   hence T.(fg'*fg) = (T.fg')*(T.fg) by FUNCT_3:def 6;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:96;

definition let C,D;
 func pr1(C,D) -> Functor of [:C,D:],C equals
:Def10:  pr1(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D);
  coherence by Th54;
 func pr2(C,D) -> Functor of [:C,D:],D equals
:Def11:  pr2(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D);
  coherence by Th55;

canceled 2;

theorem Th58:
   for f being (Morphism of C),g being Morphism of D
     holds pr1(C,D).[f,g] = f
 proof pr1(C,D) = pr1(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D) by Def10;
  hence thesis by FUNCT_3:def 5;

     for c being Object of C, d being Object of D
    holds (Obj pr1(C,D)).[c,d] = c
 proof let c be Object of C, d be Object of D;
    id [c,d] = [id c,id d] by Th41;
  then (pr1(C,D)).(id [c,d]) = id c by Th58;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:103;

theorem Th60:
   for f being (Morphism of C),g being Morphism of D
    holds pr2(C,D).[f,g] = g
 proof pr2(C,D) = pr2(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of D) by Def11;
  hence thesis by FUNCT_3:def 6;

     for c being Object of C, d being Object of D
    holds (Obj pr2(C,D)).[c,d] = d
 proof let c be Object of C, d be Object of D;
    id [c,d] = [id c,id d] by Th41;
  then (pr2(C,D)).(id [c,d]) = id d by Th60;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:103;

theorem Th62:
   for T being Functor of C,D, T' being Functor of C,D'
    holds <:T,T':> is Functor of C,[:D,D':]
 proof let T be Functor of C,D, T' be Functor of C,D';
    [:the Morphisms of D,the Morphisms of D':]
   = the Morphisms of [:D,D':] by Th33;
  then reconsider S = <:T,T':>
       as Function of the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of [:D,D':];
   thus for c being Object of C
      ex dd' being Object of [:D,D':] st S.(id c) = id dd'
    proof let c be Object of C;
     set d = (Obj T).c, d' = (Obj T').c;
     take dd' = [d,d'];
     thus S.(id c) = [T.(id c),T'.(id c)] by FUNCT_3:79
                  .= [id d,T'.(id c)] by CAT_1:104
                  .= [id d,id d'] by CAT_1:104
                  .= id dd' by Th41;
   thus for f being Morphism of C
      holds S.(id dom f) = id dom (S.f) & S.(id cod f) = id cod (S.f)
    proof let f be Morphism of C;
       T.(id dom f) = id(dom(T.f)) & T'.(id dom f) = id(dom(T'.f)) by CAT_1:98;
     hence S.(id dom f) = [id(dom(T.f)),id(dom(T'.f))] by FUNCT_3:79
                       .= id [dom(T.f),dom(T'.f)] by Th41
                       .= id dom[T.f,T'.f] by Th38
                       .= id dom (S.f) by FUNCT_3:79;
       T.(id cod f) = id(cod(T.f)) & T'.(id cod f) = id(cod(T'.f)) by CAT_1:98;
     hence S.(id cod f) = [id(cod(T.f)),id(cod(T'.f))] by FUNCT_3:79
                       .= id [cod(T.f),cod(T'.f)] by Th41
                       .= id cod [T.f,T'.f] by Th38
                       .= id cod (S.f) by FUNCT_3:79;
   let f,g be Morphism of C;
A1:   dom g = cod f;
then A2:   dom(T.g) = cod(T.f) & dom(T'.g) = cod(T'.f) by CAT_1:99;
     T.(g*f) = (T.g)*(T.f) & T'.(g*f) = (T'.g)*(T'.f) by A1,CAT_1:99;
   hence S.(g*f) = [(T.g)*(T.f),(T'.g)*(T'.f)] by FUNCT_3:79
                .= [T.g,T'.g]*[T.f,T'.f] by A2,Th39
                .= (S.g)*[T.f,T'.f] by FUNCT_3:79
                .= (S.g)*(S.f) by FUNCT_3:79;
  hence thesis by CAT_1:96;

definition let C,D,D';
 let T be Functor of C,D, T' be Functor of C,D';
   redefine func <:T,T':> -> Functor of C,[:D,D':];
 coherence by Th62;

     for T being Functor of C,D, T' being Functor of C,D', c being Object of C
    holds (Obj <:T,T':>).c = [(Obj T).c,(Obj T').c]
 proof let T be Functor of C,D, T' be Functor of C,D', c be Object of C;
     T.(id c) = id((Obj T).c) & T'.(id c) = id((Obj T').c) &
 <:T,T':>.(id c) = [T.(id c),T'.(id c)] &
 [id((Obj T).c),id((Obj T').c)] = id [(Obj T).c,(Obj T').c] by Th41,CAT_1:104,
  hence thesis by CAT_1:103;

theorem Th64:
   for T being Functor of C,D, T' being Functor of C',D'
    holds [:T,T':] = <:T*pr1(C,C'),T'*pr2(C,C'):>
 proof let T be Functor of C,D, T' be Functor of C',D';
    pr1(C,C') = pr1(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C') &
     pr2(C,C') = pr2(the Morphisms of C,the Morphisms of C') &
     dom T = the Morphisms of C & dom T' = the Morphisms of C'
   by Def10,Def11,FUNCT_2:def 1;
  hence [:T,T':] = <:T*pr1(C,C'),T'*pr2(C,C'):> by FUNCT_3:87;

theorem Th65:
   for T being Functor of C,D, T' being Functor of C',D'
    holds [:T,T':] is Functor of [:C,C':],[:D,D':]
 proof let T be Functor of C,D, T' be Functor of C',D';
    T*pr1(C,C') is Functor of [:C,C':],D & T'*pr2(C,C') is Functor of [:C,C':],
   & [:T,T':] = <:T*pr1(C,C'),T'*pr2(C,C'):> by Th64;
  hence thesis;

definition let C,C',D,D';
 let T be Functor of C,D, T' be Functor of C',D';
  redefine func [:T,T':] -> Functor of [:C,C':],[:D,D':];
   coherence by Th65;

     for T being Functor of C,D, T' being Functor of C',D',
       c being Object of C, c' being Object of C'
    holds (Obj [:T,T':]).[c,c'] = [(Obj T).c,(Obj T').c']
 proof let T be Functor of C,D, T' be Functor of C',D';
  let c be Object of C, c' be Object of C';
     T.(id c) = id((Obj T).c) & T'.(id c') = id((Obj T').c') &
 [:T,T':].[id c,id c'] = [T.(id c),T'.(id c')] & [id c,id c'] = id [c,c'] &
     [id((Obj T).c),id((Obj T').c')] = id [(Obj T).c,(Obj T').c'] by Th41,CAT_1
  hence thesis by CAT_1:103;

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