Journal of Formalized Mathematics
Volume 2, 1990
University of Bialystok
Copyright (c) 1990 Association of Mizar Users

The abstract of the Mizar article:

A Classical First Order Language

Czeslaw Bylinski

Received May 11, 1990

MML identifier: CQC_LANG
[ Mizar article, MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary CAT_1, FUNCOP_1, FUNCT_1, RELAT_1, BOOLE, QC_LANG1, FINSEQ_1,
      QC_LANG2, QC_LANG3;
 requirements NUMERALS, SUBSET, BOOLE;


 reserve i,j,k for Nat;

definition let x,y,a,b be set;
 func IFEQ(x,y,a,b) -> set equals
:: CQC_LANG:def 1
 a if x = y otherwise b;

definition let D be non empty set; let x,y be set, a,b be Element of D;
 redefine func IFEQ(x,y,a,b) -> Element of D;

definition let x,y be set;
 func x .--> y -> set equals
:: CQC_LANG:def 2
  {x} --> y;

definition let x,y be set;
 cluster x .--> y -> Function-like Relation-like;

canceled 4;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:5
   for x,y be set holds dom(x .--> y) = {x} & rng(x .--> y) = {y};

theorem :: CQC_LANG:6
   for x,y be set holds (x .--> y).x = y;

 reserve x,y for bound_QC-variable;
 reserve a for free_QC-variable;
 reserve p,q for Element of QC-WFF;
 reserve l,l1,l2,ll for FinSequence of QC-variables;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:7
  for x being set holds
   x in QC-variables iff
    x in fixed_QC-variables or x in free_QC-variables or x in

  mode Substitution is PartFunc of free_QC-variables,QC-variables;

 reserve f for Substitution;

definition let l,f;
  func Subst(l,f) -> FinSequence of QC-variables means
:: CQC_LANG:def 3
 len it = len l &
 for k st 1 <= k & k <= len l holds
  (l.k in dom f implies it.k = f.(l.k)) & (not l.k in
 dom f implies it.k = l.k);

definition let k; let l be QC-variable_list of k; let f;
 redefine func Subst(l,f) -> QC-variable_list of k;

canceled 2;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:10
   a .--> x is Substitution;

definition let a,x;
 redefine func a .--> x -> Substitution;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:11
   f = a .--> x & ll = Subst(l,f) & 1 <= k & k <= len l implies
     (l.k = a implies ll.k = x) & (l.k <> a implies ll.k = l.k);

  func CQC-WFF -> Subset of QC-WFF equals
:: CQC_LANG:def 4
  {s where s is QC-formula: Fixed s = {} & Free s = {} };

  cluster CQC-WFF -> non empty;


theorem :: CQC_LANG:13
   p is Element of CQC-WFF iff Fixed p = {} & Free p = {};

definition let k;
 let IT be QC-variable_list of k;
 attr IT is CQC-variable_list-like means
:: CQC_LANG:def 5
 rng IT c= bound_QC-variables;

definition let k;
 cluster CQC-variable_list-like QC-variable_list of k;

definition let k;
 mode CQC-variable_list of k is CQC-variable_list-like QC-variable_list of k;


theorem :: CQC_LANG:15
   for l being QC-variable_list of k holds
    l is CQC-variable_list of k iff
     { l.i : 1 <= i & i <= len l & l.i in free_QC-variables } = {} &
     { l.j : 1 <= j & j <= len l & l.j in fixed_QC-variables } = {};

reserve r,s for Element of CQC-WFF;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:16
     VERUM is Element of CQC-WFF;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:17
   for P being QC-pred_symbol of k for l being QC-variable_list of k
     holds P!l is Element of CQC-WFF iff
      { l.i : 1 <= i & i <= len l & l.i in free_QC-variables } = {} &
      { l.j : 1 <= j & j <= len l & l.j in fixed_QC-variables } = {};

definition let k;
 let P be QC-pred_symbol of k; let l be CQC-variable_list of k;
  redefine func P!l -> Element of CQC-WFF;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:18
   'not' p is Element of CQC-WFF iff p is Element of CQC-WFF;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:19
   p '&' q is Element of CQC-WFF
    iff p is Element of CQC-WFF & q is Element of CQC-WFF;

definition redefine
 func VERUM -> Element of CQC-WFF;
 let r;
 func 'not' r -> Element of CQC-WFF;
 let s;
 func r '&' s -> Element of CQC-WFF;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:20
   r => s is Element of CQC-WFF;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:21
   r 'or' s is Element of CQC-WFF;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:22
   r <=> s is Element of CQC-WFF;

definition let r,s; redefine
 func r => s -> Element of CQC-WFF;
 func r 'or' s -> Element of CQC-WFF;
 func r <=> s -> Element of CQC-WFF;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:23
   All(x,p) is Element of CQC-WFF iff p is Element of CQC-WFF;

definition let x,r;
 redefine func All(x,r) -> Element of CQC-WFF;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:24
   Ex(x,r) is Element of CQC-WFF;

definition let x,r;
 redefine func Ex(x,r) -> Element of CQC-WFF;

scheme CQC_Ind { P[set] }:
    for r holds P[r]
 for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
     for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
      P[VERUM] &
      P[P!l] &
      (P[r] implies P['not' r]) &
      (P[r] & P[s] implies P[r '&' s]) &
      (P[r] implies P[All(x, r)]);

scheme CQC_Func_Ex { D() -> non empty set,
                V() -> (Element of D()),
                A(set,set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                N(set) -> (Element of D()),
                C(set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                Q(set,set) -> Element of D()} :
  ex F being Function of CQC-WFF, D() st
    F.VERUM = V() &
   for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
    for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
      F.(P!l) = A(k,P,l) &
      F.('not' r) = N(F.r) &
      F.(r '&' s) = C(F.r,F.s) &
      F.All(x,r) = Q(x,F.r);

scheme CQC_Func_Uniq { D() -> non empty set,
                F1() -> (Function of CQC-WFF, D()),
                F2() -> (Function of CQC-WFF, D()),
                V() -> (Element of D()),
                A(set,set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                N(set) -> (Element of D()),
                C(set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                Q(set,set) -> Element of D()} :
 F1() = F2() provided
 F1().VERUM = V() &
    for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
     for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
       F1().(P!l) = A(k,P,l) &
       F1().('not' r) = N(F1().r) &
       F1().(r '&' s) = C(F1().r,F1().s) &
       F1().All(x,r) = Q(x,F1().r) and
 F2().VERUM = V() &
    for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
     for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
       F2().(P!l) = A(k,P,l) &
       F2().('not' r) = N(F2().r) &
       F2().(r '&' s) = C(F2().r,F2().s) &
       F2().All(x,r) = Q(x,F2().r);

scheme CQC_Def_correctness { D() -> non empty set,
                p() -> (Element of CQC-WFF),
                V() -> (Element of D()),
                A(set,set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                N(set) -> (Element of D()),
                C(set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                Q(set,set) -> Element of D()} :
  (ex d being Element of D() st
    ex F being Function of CQC-WFF, D() st d = F.p() &
    F.VERUM = V() &
      for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
       for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
         F.(P!l) = A(k,P,l) &
         F.('not' r) = N(F.r) &
         F.(r '&' s) = C(F.r,F.s) &
         F.All(x,r) = Q(x,F.r) )
  & (for d1,d2 being Element of D() st
     (ex F being Function of CQC-WFF, D() st d1 = F.p() &
       F.VERUM = V() &
       for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
         for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
           F.(P!l) = A(k,P,l) &
           F.('not' r) = N(F.r) &
           F.(r '&' s) = C(F.r,F.s) &
           F.All(x,r) = Q(x,F.r) ) &
     (ex F being Function of CQC-WFF, D() st d2 = F.p() &
       F.VERUM = V() &
       for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
         for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
           F.(P!l) = A(k,P,l) &
           F.('not' r) = N(F.r) &
           F.(r '&' s) = C(F.r,F.s) &
           F.All(x,r) = Q(x,F.r) )
    holds d1 = d2);

scheme CQC_Def_VERUM { D() -> non empty set,
                F(set) -> (Element of D()),
                V() -> (Element of D()),
                A(set,set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                N(set) -> (Element of D()),
                C(set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                Q(set,set) -> Element of D()} :
  F(VERUM) = V() provided
 for p being (Element of CQC-WFF), d being Element of D() holds
  d = F(p) iff
   ex F being Function of CQC-WFF, D() st d = F.p &
    F.VERUM = V() &
    for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
     for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
       F.(P!l) = A(k,P,l) &
       F.('not' r) = N(F.r) &
       F.(r '&' s) = C(F.r,F.s) &
       F.All(x,r) = Q(x,F.r);

scheme CQC_Def_atomic { D() -> non empty set,
                V() -> (Element of D()),
                F(set) -> (Element of D()),
                A(set,set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                k() -> Nat,
                P() -> (QC-pred_symbol of k()),
                l() -> (CQC-variable_list of k()),
                N(set) -> (Element of D()),
                C(set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                Q(set,set) -> Element of D()} :
  F(P()!l()) = A(k(),P(),l()) provided
 for p being (Element of CQC-WFF), d being Element of D() holds
  d = F(p) iff
   ex F being Function of CQC-WFF, D() st d = F.p &
    F.VERUM = V() &
    for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
     for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
       F.(P!l) = A(k,P,l) &
       F.('not' r) = N(F.r) &
       F.(r '&' s) = C(F.r,F.s) &
       F.All(x,r) = Q(x,F.r);

scheme CQC_Def_negative { D() -> non empty set,
                F(set) -> (Element of D()),
                V() -> (Element of D()),
                A(set,set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                N(set) -> (Element of D()),
                r() -> (Element of CQC-WFF),
                C(set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                Q(set,set) -> Element of D()} :
  F('not' r()) = N(F(r())) provided
 for p being (Element of CQC-WFF), d being Element of D() holds
  d = F(p) iff
   ex F being Function of CQC-WFF, D() st d = F.p &
    F.VERUM = V() &
    for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
     for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
       F.(P!l) = A(k,P,l) &
       F.('not' r) = N(F.r) &
       F.(r '&' s) = C(F.r,F.s) &
       F.All(x,r) = Q(x,F.r);

scheme QC_Def_conjunctive { D() -> non empty set,
                F(set) -> (Element of D()),
                V() -> (Element of D()),
                A(set,set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                N(set) -> (Element of D()),
                C(set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                r() -> (Element of CQC-WFF),
                s() -> (Element of CQC-WFF),
                Q(set,set) -> Element of D()} :
 F(r() '&' s()) = C(F(r()), F(s())) provided
 for p being (Element of CQC-WFF), d being Element of D() holds
  d = F(p) iff
   ex F being Function of CQC-WFF, D() st d = F.p &
    F.VERUM = V() &
    for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
     for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
       F.(P!l) = A(k,P,l) &
       F.('not' r) = N(F.r) &
       F.(r '&' s) = C(F.r,F.s) &
       F.All(x,r) = Q(x,F.r);

scheme QC_Def_universal { D() -> non empty set,
                F(set) -> (Element of D()),
                V() -> (Element of D()),
                A(set,set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                N(set) -> (Element of D()),
                C(set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                Q(set,set) -> (Element of D()),
                x() -> bound_QC-variable,
                r() -> Element of CQC-WFF} :
 F(All(x(),r())) = Q(x(),F(r())) provided
 for p being (Element of CQC-WFF), d being Element of D() holds
  d = F(p) iff
   ex F being Function of CQC-WFF, D() st d = F.p &
   F.VERUM = V() &
    for r,s,x,k for l being CQC-variable_list of k
     for P being QC-pred_symbol of k holds
       F.(P!l) = A(k,P,l) &
       F.('not' r) = N(F.r) &
       F.(r '&' s) = C(F.r,F.s) &
       F.All(x,r) = Q(x,F.r);

 definition let p,x;
   func p.x -> Element of QC-WFF means
:: CQC_LANG:def 6
 ex F being Function of QC-WFF,QC-WFF st
    it = F.p &
     for q holds F.VERUM = VERUM &
       (q is atomic implies
         F.q = (the_pred_symbol_of q)!Subst(the_arguments_of q,a.0.-->x)) &
       (q is negative implies F.q = 'not' (F.the_argument_of q) ) &
       (q is conjunctive implies F.q = (F.the_left_argument_of q) '&'
                                       (F.the_right_argument_of q)) &
       (q is universal implies
         F.q = IFEQ(bound_in q,x,q,All(bound_in q,F.the_scope_of q)));

canceled 3;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:28

theorem :: CQC_LANG:29
   p is atomic implies
      p.x = (the_pred_symbol_of p)!Subst(the_arguments_of p,a.0.-->x);

theorem :: CQC_LANG:30
   for P being QC-pred_symbol of k for l being QC-variable_list of k
    holds (P!l).x = P!Subst(l,a.0.-->x);

theorem :: CQC_LANG:31
   p is negative implies p.x = 'not'((the_argument_of p).x);

theorem :: CQC_LANG:32
   ('not' p).x = 'not'(p.x);

theorem :: CQC_LANG:33
   p is conjunctive implies
     p.x = ((the_left_argument_of p).x) '&' ((the_right_argument_of p).x);

theorem :: CQC_LANG:34
   (p '&' q).x = (p.x) '&' (q.x);

theorem :: CQC_LANG:35
   p is universal & bound_in p = x implies p.x = p;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:36
   p is universal & bound_in p <> x
    implies p.x = All(bound_in p,(the_scope_of p).x);

theorem :: CQC_LANG:37
   (All(x,p)).x = All(x,p);

theorem :: CQC_LANG:38
   x<>y implies (All(x,p)).y = All(x,p.y);

theorem :: CQC_LANG:39
   Free p = {} implies p.x = p;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:40
     r.x = r;

theorem :: CQC_LANG:41
     Fixed(p.x) = Fixed p;

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