The Mizar article:

Homomorphisms of Algebras. Quotient Universal Algebra

Malgorzata Korolkiewicz

Received October 12, 1993

Copyright (c) 1993 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: ALG_1
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 requirements BOOLE, SUBSET;
 definitions UNIALG_2, RELAT_2, TARSKI, FUNCT_1, XBOOLE_0;
 schemes MATRIX_2, RELSET_1, FUNCT_2, COMPTS_1;


reserve U1,U2,U3 for Universal_Algebra,
        n,m for Nat,
        o1 for operation of U1,
        o2 for operation of U2,
        o3 for operation of U3,
        x,y for set;

theorem Th1:
for D1,D2 be non empty set, p be FinSequence of D1, f be Function of D1,D2
 holds dom(f*p) = dom p & len (f*p) = len p &
      for n st n in dom (f*p) holds (f*p).n = f.(p.n)
  let D1,D2 be non empty set, p be FinSequence of D1, f be Function of D1,D2;
  A1: rng p c= D1 by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
   A2: dom f = D1 & rng f c= D2 by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:12;
   then A3: rng(f*p) c= rng f & dom(f*p) = dom p by A1,RELAT_1:45,46;
  thus dom(f*p) = dom p by A1,A2,RELAT_1:46;
  thus len(f*p) = len p by A3,FINSEQ_3:31;
  let n; assume n in dom (f*p);
  hence thesis by FUNCT_1:22;

theorem Th2:
for B be non empty Subset of U1 st B = the carrier of U1 holds
Opers(U1,B) = the charact of(U1)
  let B be non empty Subset of U1;
  assume A1: B = the carrier of U1;
  A2: dom Opers(U1,B) = dom the charact of(U1) by UNIALG_2:def 7;
    let n; assume A3: n in dom the charact of(U1);
    then reconsider o = (the charact of U1).n as operation of U1 by UNIALG_2:6;
    thus Opers(U1,B).n = o/.B by A2,A3,UNIALG_2:def 7
                      .= (the charact of U1).n by A1,UNIALG_2:7;
  hence thesis by A2,FINSEQ_1:17;

 let U1, U2 be 1-sorted;
mode Function of U1,U2 is Function of the carrier of U1,the carrier of U2;

reserve a for FinSequence of U1,
        f for Function of U1,U2;

  f*(<*>the carrier of U1) = <*>the carrier of U2
  set a = <*>the carrier of U1;
A1:len a = 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
     len a = len (f*a) by Th1;
  then dom(f*a) = {} by A1,FINSEQ_1:4,def 3;
  hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:26;

theorem Th4:
(id the carrier of U1)*a = a
  set f = id the carrier of U1;
  A1: len (f*a) = len a by Th1;
  A2: dom (f*a) = dom a by Th1;
  A3: dom a = Seg len a by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    let n; assume A4: n in dom a;
    then reconsider u = a.n as Element of U1 by FINSEQ_2:13;
      f.u = u by FUNCT_1:35;
    hence (f*a).n = a.n by A2,A4,Th1;
  hence thesis by A1,A3,FINSEQ_2:10;

theorem Th5:
for h1 be Function of U1,U2, h2 be Function of U2,U3,a be FinSequence of U1
  holds h2*(h1*a) = (h2 * h1)*a
  let h1 be Function of U1,U2, h2 be Function of U2,U3,a be FinSequence of U1;
  A1: len(h2*(h1*a)) = len(h1*a) by Th1;
  A2: dom (h2*(h1*a)) = dom(h1*a) by Th1;
  A3: len(h1*a) = len a by Th1;
  A4: dom (h1*a) = dom a by Th1;
  A5: len a = len((h2 * h1 qua Function of the carrier of U1,
             the carrier of U3)
  *(a qua FinSequence of the carrier of U1)) by Th1;
  A6: dom a = dom((h2 * h1)*a) by Th1;
  A7: dom a = Seg len a &
      dom (h2*(h1*a)) = Seg len a &
      dom (h1*a) = Seg len a &
      dom ((h2 * h1)*a) = Seg len a by A2,A4,A5,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    let n; assume A8: n in dom a;
    then A9: a.n in the carrier of U1 by FINSEQ_2:13;
    thus (h2*(h1*a)).n = h2.((h1*a).n) by A2,A4,A8,Th1
                 .= h2.(h1.(a.n)) by A4,A8,Th1
                 .= (h2*h1).(a.n) by A9,FUNCT_2:21
                 .= ((h2 * h1)*a).n by A6,A8,Th1;
  hence thesis by A1,A3,A5,A7,FINSEQ_2:10;

definition let U1,U2,f;
pred f is_homomorphism U1,U2 means :Def1:
 U1,U2 are_similar &
 for n st n in dom the charact of(U1)
  for o1,o2 st o1=(the charact of U1).n & o2=(the charact of U2).n
   for x be FinSequence of U1 st x in dom o1 holds f.(o1.x) = o2.(f*x);

definition let U1,U2,f;
pred f is_monomorphism U1,U2 means :Def2:
 f is_homomorphism U1,U2 & f is one-to-one;
pred f is_epimorphism U1,U2 means :Def3:
 f is_homomorphism U1,U2 & rng f = the carrier of U2;

definition let U1,U2,f;
pred f is_isomorphism U1,U2 means :Def4:
 f is_monomorphism U1,U2 & f is_epimorphism U1,U2;

definition let U1,U2;
pred U1,U2 are_isomorphic means :Def5:
 ex f st f is_isomorphism U1,U2;

theorem Th6:
id the carrier of U1 is_homomorphism U1,U1
  thus U1,U1 are_similar;
  let n; assume n in dom the charact of(U1);
  let o1,o2 be operation of U1; assume
A1: o1=(the charact of U1).n & o2=(the charact of U1).n;
  let x be FinSequence of U1; assume x in dom o1;
  then o1.x in rng o1 & rng o1 c= the carrier of U1 by FUNCT_1:def 5,RELSET_1:
  then reconsider u = o1.x as Element of U1;
  set f = id the carrier of U1;
    f*x = x & f.u = u by Th4,FUNCT_1:35;
  hence thesis by A1;

theorem Th7:
for h1 be Function of U1,U2, h2 be Function of U2,U3 st
 h1 is_homomorphism U1,U2 & h2 is_homomorphism U2,U3 holds
 h2 * h1 is_homomorphism U1,U3
  let h1 be Function of U1,U2, h2 be Function of U2,U3;
  set s1 = signature U1,
      s2 = signature U2,
      s3 = signature U3;
  assume A1: h1 is_homomorphism U1,U2 & h2 is_homomorphism U2,U3;
  then U1,U2 are_similar & U2,U3 are_similar by Def1;
  then A2: s1 = s2 & s2 = s3 by UNIALG_2:def 2;
  hence s1 = s3;
  A3: len s1 = len the charact of(U1) & len s2 = len the charact of(U2)
   by UNIALG_1:def 11;
  A4: dom the charact of(U1) = Seg len the charact of(U1) &
  dom the charact of(U2) = Seg len the charact of(U2) &
      dom s1 = Seg len s1 & dom s2 = Seg len s2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
  let n; assume A5: n in dom the charact of(U1);
  then reconsider o2 = (the charact of U2).n as operation of U2
   by A2,A3,A4,UNIALG_2:6;
  let o1,o3; assume A6: o1=(the charact of U1).n & o3=(the charact of U3).n;
  let a; assume A7: a in dom o1;
  then A8: o1.a in rng o1 & rng o1 c= the carrier of U1
       by FUNCT_1:def 5,RELSET_1:12;
  A9: s1.n = arity o1 & s2.n = arity o2 by A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,UNIALG_1:def 11;
  A10: dom o2 = (arity o2)-tuples_on (the carrier of U2) &
      dom o1 = (arity o1)-tuples_on (the carrier of U1) by UNIALG_2:2;
  then a in {w where w is Element of (the carrier of U1)*: len w = arity o1}
      by A7,FINSEQ_2:def 4;
  then consider w be Element of (the carrier of U1)* such that
  A11: w = a & len w = arity o1;
  reconsider b = h1*a as Element of (the carrier of U2)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
    len(h1*a) = arity o2 by A2,A9,A11,Th1;
  then b in {s where s is Element of (the carrier of U2)*: len s = arity o2};
  then h1*a in dom o2 by A10,FINSEQ_2:def 4;
  then h1.(o1.a) = o2.(h1*a) & h2.(o2.(h1*a)) = o3.(h2*(h1*a))
      by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,Def1;
  hence (h2 * h1).(o1.a) = o3.(h2*(h1*a)) by A8,FUNCT_2:21
                 .= o3.((h2 * h1)*a) by Th5;

theorem Th8:
f is_isomorphism U1,U2 iff
f is_homomorphism U1,U2 & rng f = the carrier of U2 & f is one-to-one
 thus f is_isomorphism U1,U2 implies
      f is_homomorphism U1,U2 & rng f = the carrier of U2 & f is one-to-one
   assume f is_isomorphism U1,U2;
    then f is_monomorphism U1,U2 & f is_epimorphism U1,U2 by Def4;
   hence thesis by Def2,Def3;
 assume f is_homomorphism U1,U2 & rng f = the carrier of U2 &
        f is one-to-one;
 then f is_monomorphism U1,U2 & f is_epimorphism U1,U2 by Def2,Def3;
 hence thesis by Def4;

theorem Th9:
f is_isomorphism U1,U2 implies dom f = the carrier of U1 &
 rng f = the carrier of U2
 assume f is_isomorphism U1,U2;
 then f is_epimorphism U1,U2 by Def4;
 hence thesis by Def3,FUNCT_2:def 1;

theorem Th10:
 for h be Function of U1,U2, h1 be Function of U2,U1 st
 h is_isomorphism U1,U2 & h1=h" holds h1 is_homomorphism U2,U1
  let h be Function of U1,U2,h1 be Function of U2,U1;
  assume A1: h is_isomorphism U1,U2 & h1=h";
  then A2: h is_homomorphism U1,U2 & rng h = the carrier of U2 &
     h is one-to-one by Th8;
  then A3: U1,U2 are_similar by Def1;
  then A4: signature U1 = signature U2 by UNIALG_2:def 2;
  A5: len (signature U1) = len the charact of(U1) &
      len (signature U2) = len the charact of(U2) by UNIALG_1:def 11;
  A6: dom (signature U1) = dom (signature U1) &
      dom (signature U2) = Seg len (signature U2) &
      dom the charact of(U1) = Seg len the charact of(U1) &
      dom the charact of(U2) = Seg len the charact of(U2) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     now let n; assume
   A7: n in dom the charact of(U2);
    let o2,o1; assume
A8:  o2 = (the charact of U2).n & o1 = (the charact of U1).n;
    let x be FinSequence of U2;
    assume x in dom o2;
    then x in (arity o2)-tuples_on the carrier of U2 by UNIALG_2:2;
    then x in {s where s is Element of (the carrier of U2)*: len s = arity o2
      by FINSEQ_2:def 4;
    then consider s be Element of (the carrier of U2)* such that
    A9: x=s & len s = arity o2;
    defpred P[set,set] means h.$2 = x.$1;
    A10: for m st m in Seg len x ex a being Element of U1
         st P[m,a]
     proof let m; assume m in Seg len x;
     then m in dom x by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      then x.m in the carrier of U2 by FINSEQ_2:13;
      then consider a be set such that
      A11: a in dom h & h.a = x.m by A2,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider a as Element of U1 by A11;
      take a;
      thus thesis by A11;
    consider p being FinSequence of U1 such that
    A12: dom p = Seg len x &
        for m st m in Seg len x holds P[m,p.m] from SeqDEx(A10);
    A13: (h1 * h) = (id dom h) by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:61
                .= id the carrier of U1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    A14: len p = len x & dom x = Seg len x & dom (h*p) = dom p
      by A12,Th1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       now let n; assume A15: n in dom x;
      hence x.n = h.(p.n) by A12,A14
      .= (h*p).n by A12,A14,A15,Th1;
    then A16: x = h*p by A12,A14,FINSEQ_1:17;
    then A17: h1*x = (id the carrier of U1)*p by A13,Th5
            .=p by Th4;
    reconsider p as Element of (the carrier of U1)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      (signature U1).n = arity o1 & (signature U2).n = arity o2
        by A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,UNIALG_1:def 11;
    then p in
 {w where w is Element of (the carrier of U1)*: len w = arity o1} by A4,A9,A14;
    then p in (arity o1)-tuples_on the carrier of U1 by FINSEQ_2:def 4;
    then A18: p in dom o1 by UNIALG_2:2;
    then A19: h1.(o2.x) = h1.(h.(o1.p)) by A2,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A16,Def1;
    A20: o1.p in the carrier of U1 by A18,PARTFUN1:27;
    then o1.p in dom h by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    hence h1.(o2.x) = (id the carrier of U1).(o1.p) by A13,A19,FUNCT_1:23
                   .= o1.(h1*x) by A17,A20,FUNCT_1:34;
  hence h1 is_homomorphism U2,U1 by A3,Def1;

theorem Th11:
for h be Function of U1,U2, h1 be Function of U2,U1 st
h is_isomorphism U1,U2 & h1 = h" holds h1 is_isomorphism U2,U1
  let h be Function of U1,U2,h1 be Function of U2,U1;
  assume A1: h is_isomorphism U1,U2 & h1=h";
  then A2: h is one-to-one by Th8;
  then A3: h1 is one-to-one by A1,FUNCT_1:62;
  A4: rng h1 = dom h by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:55
        .= the carrier of U1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    h1 is_homomorphism U2,U1 by A1,Th10;
  hence thesis by A3,A4,Th8;

theorem Th12:
for h be Function of U1,U2, h1 be Function of U2,U3 st
h is_isomorphism U1,U2 & h1 is_isomorphism U2,U3
holds h1 * h is_isomorphism U1,U3
 let h be Function of U1,U2, h1 be Function of U2,U3;
 assume A1: h is_isomorphism U1,U2 & h1 is_isomorphism U2,U3;
 then A2: h is one-to-one & h1 is one-to-one by Th8;
 A3: rng (h1 * h) = the carrier of U3
  A4: dom h1 = the carrier of U2 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    rng h = the carrier of U2 by A1,Th9;
  hence rng (h1 * h) = rng h1 by A4,RELAT_1:47
              .= the carrier of U3 by A1,Th9;
A5: h1 * h is one-to-one by A2,FUNCT_1:46;
  h is_homomorphism U1,U2 & h1 is_homomorphism U2,U3 by A1,Th8;
then h1 * h is_homomorphism U1,U3 by Th7;
hence thesis by A3,A5,Th8;

  U1,U1 are_isomorphic
  set i = id the carrier of U1;
  A1: i is_homomorphism U1,U1 by Th6;
    i is one-to-one & rng i = the carrier of U1 by RELAT_1:71;
  then i is_isomorphism U1,U1 by A1,Th8;
  hence thesis by Def5;

   U1,U2 are_isomorphic implies U2,U1 are_isomorphic
  assume U1,U2 are_isomorphic;
  then consider f such that A1: f is_isomorphism U1,U2 by Def5;
  A2: f is_epimorphism U1,U2 by A1,Def4;
    f is_monomorphism U1,U2 by A1,Def4;
  then A3: f is one-to-one by Def2;
  then A4: dom(f") = rng f by FUNCT_1:55
         .= the carrier of U2 by A2,Def3;
    rng(f") = dom f by A3,FUNCT_1:55
         .= the carrier of U1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  then reconsider g = f" as Function of U2,U1 by A4,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
  take g;
  thus thesis by A1,Th11;

   U1,U2 are_isomorphic & U2,U3 are_isomorphic implies U1,U3 are_isomorphic
  assume A1: U1,U2 are_isomorphic;
  assume A2: U2,U3 are_isomorphic;
  consider f such that A3: f is_isomorphism U1,U2 by A1,Def5;
  consider g be Function of U2,U3 such that A4: g is_isomorphism U2,U3
       by A2,Def5;
    g * f is_isomorphism U1,U3 by A3,A4,Th12;
  hence thesis by Def5;

definition let U1,U2,f;
assume A1: f is_homomorphism U1,U2;
 func Image f -> strict SubAlgebra of U2 means :Def6:
the carrier of it = f .: (the carrier of U1);
  A2: dom f = the carrier of U1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  then reconsider A = f .: (the carrier of U1)
    as non empty Subset of U2 by RELAT_1:152;
  take B = UniAlgSetClosed(A);
    A is opers_closed
   let o2 be operation of U2;
     rng the charact of(U2) = Operations(U2) by UNIALG_2:def 3;
   then consider n such that
   A3: n in dom the charact of(U2) & (the charact of U2).n = o2
      by FINSEQ_2:11;
   A4: U1,U2 are_similar by A1,Def1;
   then A5: signature U1 = signature U2 by UNIALG_2:def 2;
   A6: len (signature U1) = len the charact of(U1) &
       len (signature U2) = len the charact of(U2)
           by UNIALG_1:def 11;
   A7: dom the charact of(U1) = Seg len the charact of(U1) &
    dom the charact of(U2) = Seg len the charact of(U2) &
    dom (signature U1) = Seg len (signature U1) &
    dom (signature U1) = dom (signature U2) &
    dom (signature U2) = Seg len (signature U2) by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3,UNIALG_2:
def 2;
   then reconsider o1 = (the charact of U1).n as operation of U1
    by A3,A6,UNIALG_2:6;
   let s be FinSequence of A; assume
   A8: len s = arity o2;
   A9: (signature U1).n = arity o1 &
   (signature U2).n = arity o2 by A3,A6,A7,UNIALG_1:def 11;
   defpred P[set,set] means f.$2 = s.$1;
   A10: for x st x in dom s ex y st y in the carrier of U1 & P[x,y]
    let x; assume A11: x in dom s;
    then reconsider x0 = x as Nat;
      s.x0 in A by A11,FINSEQ_2:13;
    then consider y such that
    A12: y in dom f & y in the carrier of U1 & f.y = s.x0 by FUNCT_1:def 12;
    take y;
    thus thesis by A12;
   consider s1 be Function such that
   A13: dom s1 = dom s & rng s1 c= the carrier of U1 &
       for x st x in dom s holds P[x,s1.x]
       from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A10);
   dom s1 = Seg len s by A13,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   then reconsider s1 as FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:def 2;
   reconsider s1 as FinSequence of U1 by A13,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
   reconsider s1 as Element of (the carrier of U1)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
   A14: len s1 = len s by A13,FINSEQ_3:31;
   then s1 in {w where w is Element of (the carrier of U1)* : len w = arity o1
        by A5,A8,A9;
   then s1 in (arity o1)-tuples_on the carrier of U1 by FINSEQ_2:def 4;
   then A15: s1 in dom o1 by UNIALG_2:2;
   then A16: f.(o1.s1) = o2.(f*s1) by A1,A3,A6,A7,Def1;
   A17: len (f*s1) = len s1 by Th1;
   A18: dom (f*s1) = Seg len (f*s1) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      now let m;
     assume A19: m in Seg len s1;
     then m in dom s1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then f.(s1.m) = s.m by A13;
     hence (f*s1).m = s.m by A17,A18,A19,Th1;
   then A20: s = f*s1 by A14,A17,FINSEQ_2:10;
     rng o1 c= the carrier of U1 & o1.s1 in rng o1
        by A15,FUNCT_1:def 5,RELSET_1:12
; hence thesis by A2,A16,A20,FUNCT_1:def 12;
  then B = UAStr (# A,Opers(U2,A) #) by UNIALG_2:def 9;
  hence thesis;
  let A,B be strict SubAlgebra of U2;
  assume A21: the carrier of A = f .: (the carrier of U1) &
            the carrier of B = f .: (the carrier of U1);
reconsider A1 = the carrier of A, B1 = the carrier of B as
             non empty Subset of U2 by UNIALG_2:def 8;
     the charact of(A) = Opers(U2,A1) &
  the charact of(B) = Opers(U2,B1) by UNIALG_2:def 8;
  hence thesis by A21;

  for h be Function of U1,U2 st h is_homomorphism U1,U2 holds
rng h = the carrier of Image h
  let h be Function of U1,U2; assume A1: h is_homomorphism U1,U2;
     dom h = the carrier of U1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  then rng h = h.:(the carrier of U1) by RELAT_1:146;
  hence thesis by A1,Def6;

   for U2 being strict Universal_Algebra, f be Function of U1,U2
 st f is_homomorphism U1,U2 holds f is_epimorphism U1,U2 iff Image f = U2
   let U2 be strict Universal_Algebra;
   let f be Function of U1,U2; assume A1: f is_homomorphism U1,U2;
   thus f is_epimorphism U1,U2 implies Image f = U2
     assume f is_epimorphism U1,U2;
     then A2: the carrier of U2 = rng f by Def3
                          .= f.:(dom f) by RELAT_1:146
                          .= f.:(the carrier of U1) by FUNCT_2:def 1
                          .= the carrier of Image f by A1,Def6;
     reconsider B = the carrier of Image f
      as non empty Subset of U2 by UNIALG_2:def 8;
        the charact of(Image f) = Opers(U2,B) by UNIALG_2:def 8;
     hence thesis by A2,Th2;
   assume Image f = U2;
   then the carrier of U2 = f.:(the carrier of U1) by A1,Def6
                    .= f.:(dom f) by FUNCT_2:def 1
                    .= rng f by RELAT_1:146;
   hence thesis by A1,Def3;

:: Quotient Universal Algebra

definition let U1 be 1-sorted;
mode Relation of U1 is Relation of the carrier of U1;
mode Equivalence_Relation of U1 is Equivalence_Relation of the carrier of U1;
 canceled 2;

definition let D be non empty set,
               R be Relation of D;
func ExtendRel(R) -> Relation of D* means :Def9:
 for x,y be FinSequence of D holds
  [x,y] in it iff len x = len y & for n st n in dom x holds [x.n,y.n] in R;
  defpred P[set,set] means
  for a,b be FinSequence of D st a = $1 & b = $2
    holds len a = len b & for n st n in dom a holds [a.n,b.n] in R;
  consider P be Relation of D*,D* such that
  A1: for x,y be set holds [x,y] in P iff x in D* & y in D* & P[x,y]
      from Rel_On_Set_Ex;
  take P;
  let a,b be FinSequence of D;
  thus [a,b] in P implies
  len a = len b & for n st n in dom a holds [a.n,b.n] in R by A1;
  assume A2: len a = len b & for n st n in dom a holds [a.n,b.n] in R;
  A3: a in D* & b in D* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
    P[a,b] by A2;
  hence thesis by A1,A3;
   let P,Q be Relation of D*; assume that
   A4: for x,y be FinSequence of D holds
     [x,y] in P iff len x = len y & for n st n in dom x holds [x.n,y.n] in
 R and
   A5: for x,y be FinSequence of D holds
     [x,y] in Q iff len x = len y & for n st n in dom x holds [x.n,y.n] in R;
     for a,b be set holds [a,b] in P iff [a,b] in Q
     let a,b be set;
     thus [a,b] in P implies [a,b] in Q
       assume A6: [a,b] in P;
       then reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b as Element of D* by ZFMISC_1:106;
         len a1 = len b1 & for n st n in dom a1 holds [a1.n,b1.n] in R by A4,A6
       hence thesis by A5;
       assume A7: [a,b] in Q;
       then reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b as Element of D* by ZFMISC_1:106;
         len a1 = len b1 & for n st n in dom a1 holds [a1.n,b1.n] in R by A5,A7
       hence thesis by A4;
  hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 2;

theorem Th18:
for D be non empty set holds ExtendRel(id D) = id (D*)
  let D be non empty set;
  set P = ExtendRel(id D),
      Q = id(D*);
    for a,b be set holds [a,b] in P iff [a,b] in Q
    let a,b be set;
    thus [a,b] in P implies [a,b] in Q
      assume A1: [a,b] in P;
      then reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b as Element of D* by ZFMISC_1:106;
      A2: len a1 = len b1 &
          for n st n in dom a1 holds [a1.n,b1.n] in id D by A1,Def9;
A3:   dom a1 = Seg len a1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        for n st n in dom a1 holds a1.n = b1.n
        let n; assume n in dom a1;
        then [a1.n,b1.n] in id D by A1,Def9;
        hence a1.n = b1.n by RELAT_1:def 10;
      then a1 = b1 & a1 in D* by A2,A3,FINSEQ_2:10;
      hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 10;
    assume A4: [a,b] in Q;
    then reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b as Element of D* by ZFMISC_1:106;
    A5: a1 = b1 & len a1 = len b1 by A4,RELAT_1:def 10;
      for n st n in dom a1 holds [a1.n,b1.n] in id D
      let n; assume n in dom a1;
      then a1.n in D by FINSEQ_2:13;
      hence thesis by A5,RELAT_1:def 10;
    hence thesis by A5,Def9;
  hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 2;

definition let U1;
mode Congruence of U1 -> Equivalence_Relation of U1 means :Def10:
 for n,o1 st n in dom the charact of(U1) & o1 = (the charact of U1).n
   for x,y be FinSequence of U1 st x in dom o1 & y in dom o1 &
   [x,y] in ExtendRel(it) holds [o1.x,o1.y] in it;
    reconsider P = id the carrier of U1
       as Equivalence_Relation of U1;
   take P;
   let n,o1; assume n in dom the charact of(U1) & o1 = (the charact of U1).n;
   let x,y be FinSequence of U1;
   assume A1: x in dom o1 & y in dom o1 & [x,y] in ExtendRel(P);
   then [x,y] in id ((the carrier of U1)*) by Th18;
   then A2: x = y by RELAT_1:def 10;
     o1.x in rng o1 & rng o1 c= the carrier of U1
          by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5,RELSET_1:12; hence thesis by A2,RELAT_1:def 10;

reserve E for Congruence of U1;

definition let D be non empty set,
               R be Equivalence_Relation of D;
           let y be FinSequence of Class(R),
               x be FinSequence of D;
pred x is_representatives_FS y means :Def11:
 len x = len y &
 for n st n in dom x holds Class(R,x.n) = y.n;

theorem Th19:
for D be non empty set, R be Equivalence_Relation of D,
    y be FinSequence of Class(R)
 ex x be FinSequence of D st x is_representatives_FS y
  let D be non empty set, R be Equivalence_Relation of D,
    y be FinSequence of Class(R);
   defpred P[set,set] means
    for u be Element of D st $2 = u holds Class(R,u) = y.$1;
   A1: for e be set st e in dom y ex u be set st u in D & P[e,u]
      let e be set; assume e in dom y;
      then A2: y.e in rng y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
        rng y c= Class(R) by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      then consider a be Element of D such that
      A3: y.e = Class(R,a) by A2,EQREL_1:45;
      reconsider b = a as set;
      take b;
      thus b in D;
      let u be Element of D; assume b = u;
      hence thesis by A3;
   consider f being Function such that
   A4: dom f = dom y & rng f c= D &
   for e be set st e in dom y holds P[e,f.e] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A1);
      dom f = Seg len y by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   then reconsider f as FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:def 2;
   reconsider f as FinSequence of D by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
   take f;
   thus len f = len y by A4,FINSEQ_3:31;
   let n; assume A5: n in dom f;
   then f.n in rng f by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   then reconsider u = f.n as Element of D by A4;
     Class(R,u) = y.n by A4,A5;
   hence thesis;

definition let U1 be Universal_Algebra,
               E be Congruence of U1,
               o be operation of U1;
func QuotOp(o,E) -> homogeneous quasi_total non empty
       PartFunc of (Class E)*,(Class E) means :Def12:
 dom it = (arity o)-tuples_on (Class E) &
 for y be FinSequence of (Class E) st y in dom it
  for x be FinSequence of the carrier of U1 st x is_representatives_FS y
    holds it.y = Class(E,o.x);
   set X = (arity o)-tuples_on (Class E);
   defpred P[set,set] means
    for y be FinSequence of (Class E) st y = $1 holds
      for x be FinSequence of the carrier of U1 st x is_representatives_FS y
        holds $2 = Class(E,o.x);
   A1: for e be set st e in X ex u be set st u in Class(E) & P[e,u]
     let e be set; assume e in X;
     then e in {s where s is Element of (Class E)*: len s = arity o}
         by FINSEQ_2:def 4;
     then consider s be Element of (Class E)* such that
     A2: s = e & len s = arity o;
     consider x be FinSequence of the carrier of U1 such that
     A3: x is_representatives_FS s by Th19;
     take y = Class(E,o.x);
     A4: dom o = (arity o)-tuples_on the carrier of U1 by UNIALG_2:2
     .={q where q is Element of (the carrier of U1)*: len q = arity o}
       by FINSEQ_2:def 4;
     A5: len x = arity o by A2,A3,Def11;
       x is Element of (the carrier of U1)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     then A6: x in dom o by A4,A5;
     then A7: o.x in rng o & rng o c= the carrier of U1 by FUNCT_1:def 5,
     hence y in Class E by EQREL_1:def 5;
     let a be FinSequence of (Class E); assume
     A8: a = e;
     let b be FinSequence of the carrier of U1; assume
     A9: b is_representatives_FS a;
       Operations(U1) = rng the charact of(U1) by UNIALG_2:def 3;
     then consider n such that
     A10: n in dom the charact of(U1) & (the charact of U1).n = o
      by FINSEQ_2:11;
     A11: len b = arity o by A2,A8,A9,Def11;
       b is Element of (the carrier of U1)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     then A12: b in dom o by A4,A11;
        for m st m in dom x holds [x.m,b.m] in E
       let m; assume A13: m in dom x;
       then A14: Class(E,x.m) = s.m by A3,Def11;
         dom x = Seg arity o by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 3
            .= dom b by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       then A15: Class(E,b.m) = s.m by A2,A8,A9,A13,Def11;
         x.m in rng x & rng x c= the carrier of U1
                                           by A13,FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:def 5;
       hence thesis by A14,A15,EQREL_1:44;
     then [x,b] in ExtendRel(E) by A5,A11,Def9;
     then [o.x,o.b] in E by A6,A10,A12,Def10;
     hence thesis by A7,EQREL_1:44;
   consider F being Function such that
   A16: dom F = X & rng F c= Class(E) & for e be set st e in X holds P[e,F.e]
        from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A1);
     X in {m-tuples_on Class E: not contradiction};
   then X c= union {m-tuples_on Class E: not contradiction} by ZFMISC_1:92;
   then X c= (Class E)* by FINSEQ_2:128;
   then reconsider F as PartFunc of (Class E)*,Class E by A16,RELSET_1:11;
   A17: dom F = {t where t is Element of (Class E)*: len t = arity o}
      by A16,FINSEQ_2:def 4;
A18:   for x,y be FinSequence of Class(E) st x in dom F & y in dom F
       holds len x = len y
        let x,y be FinSequence of Class(E); assume
        A19: x in dom F & y in dom F;
        then consider t1 be Element of (Class E)* such that
        A20: x = t1 & len t1 = arity o by A17;
        consider t2 be Element of (Class E)* such that
        A21: y = t2 & len t2 = arity o by A17,A19;
        thus thesis by A20,A21;
     for x,y be FinSequence of Class(E) st len x = len y & x in dom F
    holds y in dom F
     let x,y be FinSequence of Class(E); assume
     A22: len x = len y & x in dom F;
     then consider t1 be Element of (Class E)* such that
     A23: x = t1 & len t1 = arity o by A17;
       y is Element of (Class E)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     hence thesis by A17,A22,A23;
   then reconsider F as homogeneous quasi_total non empty
    PartFunc of (Class E)*,Class E
                           by A16,A18,UNIALG_1:1,def 1,def 2;
   take F;
   thus dom F = (arity o)-tuples_on (Class E) by A16;
   let y be FinSequence of (Class E); assume
   A24: y in dom F;
   let x be FinSequence of the carrier of U1; assume
     x is_representatives_FS y;
   hence thesis by A16,A24;
   let F,G be homogeneous quasi_total non empty
                  PartFunc of (Class(E))*,Class(E);
   assume that
   A25: dom F = (arity o)-tuples_on (Class E) &
     for y be FinSequence of Class(E) st y in dom F
       for x be FinSequence of the carrier of U1 st x is_representatives_FS y
         holds F.y = Class(E,o.x) and
   A26: dom G = (arity(o))-tuples_on (Class(E)) &
     for y be FinSequence of Class(E) st y in dom G
       for x be FinSequence of the carrier of U1 st x is_representatives_FS y
         holds G.y = Class(E,o.x);
     for a be set st a in dom F holds F.a = G.a
     let a be set; assume A27: a in dom F;
     then reconsider b = a as FinSequence of Class(E) by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     consider x be FinSequence of the carrier of U1 such that
     A28: x is_representatives_FS b by Th19;
       F.b = Class(E,o.x) & G.b = Class(E,o.x) by A25,A26,A27,A28;
     hence thesis;
   hence thesis by A25,A26,FUNCT_1:9;

definition let U1,E;
func QuotOpSeq(U1,E) -> PFuncFinSequence of Class E means:Def13:
 len it = len the charact of(U1) &
 for n st n in dom it
  for o1 st (the charact of(U1)).n = o1 holds it.n = QuotOp(o1,E);
   defpred P[Nat,set] means
   for o be Element of Operations(U1) st o = (the charact of(U1)).$1 holds
     $2 = QuotOp(o,E);
   A1: for n st n in Seg len the charact of(U1)
      ex x be Element of PFuncs((Class E)*,(Class E)) st P[n,x]
        let n; assume n in Seg len the charact of(U1);
        then n in dom the charact of(U1) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        then reconsider o = (the charact of(U1)).n as operation of U1 by
        reconsider x = QuotOp(o,E) as Element of PFuncs((Class E)*,(Class E))
         by PARTFUN1:119;
        take x;
        thus P[n,x];
   consider p be FinSequence of PFuncs((Class E)*,(Class E)) such that
   A2: dom p = Seg len the charact of(U1) &
   for n st n in Seg len the charact of(U1) holds
         P[n,p.n] from SeqDEx(A1);
    reconsider p as PFuncFinSequence of Class E;
   take p;
   thus len p = len the charact of(U1) by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   let n; assume n in dom p;
   hence thesis by A2;
   let F,G be PFuncFinSequence of Class E;
   assume that
   A3:len F = len the charact of(U1) & for n st n in dom F
   for o1 st (the charact of(U1)).n = o1 holds F.n = QuotOp(o1,E) and
   A4:len G = len the charact of(U1) & for n st n in dom G
   for o1 st (the charact of(U1)).n = o1 holds G.n = QuotOp(o1,E);
     A5: dom F = dom the charact of(U1) & Seg len F = dom the charact of(U1)
       & dom G = dom the charact of(U1) & Seg len G = dom the charact of(U1)
       & dom F = Seg len the charact of(U1)
       & dom G = Seg len the charact of(U1)
                                        by A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3,FINSEQ_3:31;
     let n; assume A6: n in Seg len the charact of(U1);
     then n in dom the charact of(U1) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then reconsider o1 = (the charact of U1).n as operation of U1 by UNIALG_2:
       F.n = QuotOp(o1,E) & G.n = QuotOp(o1,E) by A3,A4,A5,A6;
     hence F.n = G.n;
   hence thesis by A3,A4,FINSEQ_2:10;

theorem Th20:
for U1,E holds
   UAStr (# Class(E),QuotOpSeq(U1,E) #) is strict Universal_Algebra
 proof let U1,E;
  set UU = UAStr (# Class(E),QuotOpSeq(U1,E) #);
    for n be Nat,h be PartFunc of (Class E)*,(Class E)
   st n in dom QuotOpSeq(U1,E) & h = QuotOpSeq(U1,E).n holds h is homogeneous
   proof let n be Nat,h be PartFunc of (Class E)*,(Class E); assume
    A1: n in dom QuotOpSeq(U1,E) & h = QuotOpSeq(U1,E).n;
    then n in Seg len QuotOpSeq(U1,E) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then n in Seg len the charact of U1 by Def13;
    then n in dom the charact of U1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then reconsider o = (the charact of U1).n as operation of U1 by UNIALG_2:6;
      QuotOpSeq(U1,E).n = QuotOp(o,E) by A1,Def13;
    hence h is homogeneous by A1;
  then A2: the charact of UU is homogeneous by UNIALG_1:def 4;
    for n be Nat,h be PartFunc of (Class E)*,(Class E)
   st n in dom QuotOpSeq(U1,E) & h = QuotOpSeq(U1,E).n holds h is quasi_total
   proof let n be Nat,h be PartFunc of (Class E)*,(Class E); assume
    A3: n in dom QuotOpSeq(U1,E) & h = QuotOpSeq(U1,E).n;
    then n in Seg len QuotOpSeq(U1,E) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then n in Seg len the charact of(U1) by Def13;
    then n in dom the charact of U1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then reconsider o = (the charact of U1).n as operation of U1 by UNIALG_2:6;
      QuotOpSeq(U1,E).n = QuotOp(o,E) by A3,Def13;
    hence thesis by A3;
  then A4: the charact of UU is quasi_total by UNIALG_1:def 5;
    for n be set
   st n in dom QuotOpSeq(U1,E) holds QuotOpSeq(U1,E).n is non empty
   proof let n be set;
    A5: n in dom QuotOpSeq(U1,E);
    then n in Seg len QuotOpSeq(U1,E) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then n in Seg len the charact of U1 by Def13;
then A6:  n in dom the charact of U1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    reconsider n as Nat by A5;
    reconsider o = (the charact of U1).n as operation of U1 by A6,UNIALG_2:6;
      QuotOpSeq(U1,E).n = QuotOp(o,E) by A5,Def13;
    hence thesis;
  then A7: the charact of UU is non-empty by UNIALG_1:def 6;
    the charact of UU <> {}
    assume the charact of UU = {};
    then A8: len the charact of UU = 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
      len the charact of UU = len the charact of U1 by Def13;
    hence contradiction by A8,FINSEQ_1:25;
  hence thesis by A2,A4,A7,UNIALG_1:def 7,def 8,def 9;

definition let U1,E;
func QuotUnivAlg(U1,E) -> strict Universal_Algebra equals :Def14:
  UAStr (# Class(E),QuotOpSeq(U1,E) #);
 coherence by Th20;

definition let U1,E;
func Nat_Hom(U1,E) -> Function of U1,QuotUnivAlg(U1,E) means :Def15:
 for u be Element of U1 holds it.u = Class(E,u);
  defpred P[Element of U1,set] means $2 = Class(E,$1);
  A1: QuotUnivAlg(U1,E) = UAStr(#Class E,QuotOpSeq(U1,E)#) by Def14;
  A2: for x being Element of U1
   ex y being Element of QuotUnivAlg(U1,E) st P[x,y]
    let x be Element of U1;
    reconsider y = Class(E,x) as Element of QuotUnivAlg(U1,E)
        by A1,EQREL_1:def 5;
    take y;
    thus thesis;
  consider f being Function of U1,QuotUnivAlg(U1,E) such that
  A3: for x being Element of U1 holds P[x,f.x]
        from FuncExD(A2);
  take f;
  thus thesis by A3;
  let f,g be Function of U1,QuotUnivAlg(U1,E);
  assume that
  A4: for u be Element of U1 holds f.u = Class(E,u) and
  A5: for u be Element of U1 holds g.u = Class(E,u);
    let u be Element of U1;
      f.u = Class(E,u) & g.u = Class(E,u) by A4,A5;
    hence f.u = g.u;
  hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th21:
for U1,E holds Nat_Hom(U1,E) is_homomorphism U1,QuotUnivAlg(U1,E)
   let U1,E;
   set f = Nat_Hom(U1,E),
      u1 = the carrier of U1,
      qu = the carrier of QuotUnivAlg(U1,E);
   A1: QuotUnivAlg(U1,E) = UAStr (# Class(E),QuotOpSeq(U1,E) #) by Def14;
   then A2: the charact of(QuotUnivAlg(U1,E)) = QuotOpSeq(U1,E) &
   len QuotOpSeq(U1,E) = len the charact of(U1) &
   len (signature QuotUnivAlg(U1,E)) = len the charact of(QuotUnivAlg(U1,E)) &
   len (signature U1) = len the charact of(U1) by Def13,UNIALG_1:def 11;
     let n; assume n in Seg len (signature U1);
     then A3: n in dom (signature U1) & n in dom the charact of(U1) &
     n in dom QuotOpSeq(U1,E) &
        n in dom (signature QuotUnivAlg(U1,E)) by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then reconsider o1 = (the charact of U1).n as operation of U1 by UNIALG_2:
     A4: (signature U1).n = arity o1 by A3,UNIALG_1:def 11;
     A5: QuotOpSeq(U1,E).n = QuotOp(o1,E) by A3,Def13;
     A6: dom QuotOp(o1,E) = (arity o1)-tuples_on Class(E) by Def12;
     reconsider cl = QuotOp(o1,E) as homogeneous quasi_total non empty
        PartFunc of qu*,qu by A1;
       dom cl <> {} by UNIALG_1:1;
     then consider b be set such that
     A7: b in dom cl by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
     reconsider b as Element of qu* by A7;
       b in {w where w is Element of (Class(E))*: len w = arity o1}
          by A6,A7,FINSEQ_2:def 4;
     then consider w be Element of (Class(E))* such that
     A8: w = b & len w = arity o1;
       arity cl = arity o1 by A7,A8,UNIALG_1:def 10;
     hence (signature U1).n = (signature QuotUnivAlg(U1,E)).n by A1,A3,A4,A5,
UNIALG_1:def 11;
   hence signature U1 = signature QuotUnivAlg(U1,E) by A2,FINSEQ_2:10;
   let n; assume
     n in dom the charact of(U1);
   then n in Seg len the charact of(U1) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   then A9: n in dom QuotOpSeq(U1,E) by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   let o1 be operation of U1, o2 be operation of QuotUnivAlg(U1,E); assume
   A10: (the charact of U1).n = o1 & o2 = (the charact of QuotUnivAlg(U1,E)).n;
   let x be FinSequence of U1; assume
   A11: x in dom o1;
   reconsider x1 = x as Element of u1* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     dom o1 = (arity o1)-tuples_on u1 by UNIALG_2:2
    .= {p where p is Element of u1*
 : len p = arity o1} by FINSEQ_2:def 4;
then A12:   ex p be Element of u1* st p = x1 & len p = arity o1 by A11;
     rng o1 c= u1 & o1.x in rng o1 by A11,FUNCT_1:def 5,RELSET_1:12;
   then reconsider ox = o1.x as Element of u1;
   A13: f.(o1.x) = Class(E,ox) by Def15
           .= Class(E,o1.x);
   A14: o2 = QuotOp(o1,E) by A1,A9,A10,Def13;
     rng (f*x) c= Class(E)
     let y; assume y in rng (f*x);
     then consider m such that
     A15: m in dom(f*x) & (f*x).m = y by FINSEQ_2:11;
     A16: y = f.(x.m) & len (f*x) = len x by A15,Th1;
       m in dom x by A15,Th1;
     then x.m in rng x & rng x c= u1 by FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider xm = x.m as Element of u1;
       y = Class(E,xm) by A16,Def15;
     hence thesis by EQREL_1:def 5;
   then reconsider fx = f*x as FinSequence of Class(E) by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
   reconsider fx as Element of (Class(E))* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
   A17: dom QuotOp(o1,E) = (arity o1)-tuples_on Class(E) by Def12
   .= {q where q is Element of (Class(E))*: len q = arity o1}
     by FINSEQ_2:def 4;
   A18: len (f*x) = len x by Th1;
   then A19: fx in dom QuotOp(o1,E) by A12,A17;
      now let m; assume
     A20: m in dom x;
     then A21: m in dom(f*x) by Th1;
       x.m in rng x & rng x c= u1 by A20,FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider xm = x.m as Element of u1;
     thus Class(E,x.m) = f.xm by Def15
      .= fx.m by A21,Th1;
   then x is_representatives_FS fx by A18,Def11;
   hence f.(o1.x) = o2.(f*x) by A13,A14,A19,Def12;

   for U1,E holds Nat_Hom(U1,E) is_epimorphism U1,QuotUnivAlg(U1,E)
   let U1,E;
   set f = Nat_Hom(U1,E),
      qa = QuotUnivAlg(U1,E),
      cqa = the carrier of qa,
      u1 = the carrier of U1;
   thus f is_homomorphism U1,qa by Th21;
   thus rng f c= cqa by RELSET_1:12;
   let x; assume
   A1: x in cqa;
A2:   qa = UAStr (#Class(E),QuotOpSeq(U1,E) #) by Def14;
   then reconsider x1 = x as Subset of u1 by A1;
   consider y such that
   A3: y in u1 & x1 = Class(E,y) by A1,A2,EQREL_1:def 5;
   reconsider y as Element of u1 by A3;
     dom f = u1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   then f.y in rng f & f.y = Class(E,y) by Def15,FUNCT_1:def 5;
   hence thesis by A3;

definition let U1,U2;let f be Function of U1,U2;
 assume A1: f is_homomorphism U1,U2;
 func Cng(f) -> Congruence of U1 means :Def16:
  for a,b be Element of U1 holds [a,b] in it iff f.a = f.b;
    set u1 = the carrier of U1;
    defpred P[set,set] means f.$1 = f.$2;
    consider R being Relation of u1,u1 such that
    A2: for x,y being Element of u1 holds
     [x,y] in R iff P[x,y] from Rel_On_Dom_Ex;
    R is_reflexive_in u1
      let x; assume x in u1;
      then reconsider x1 = x as Element of u1;
        f.x1 =f.x1;
      hence thesis by A2;
A3:  dom R = u1 & field R = u1 by ORDERS_1:98;
    A5: R is_symmetric_in u1
      let x,y; assume A6: x in u1 & y in u1 & [x,y] in R;
      then reconsider x1 = x, y1=y as Element of u1;
        f.x1 = f.y1 by A2,A6;
      hence thesis by A2;
      R is_transitive_in u1
      let x,y,z be set; assume
      A7: x in u1 & y in u1 & z in u1 & [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R;
      then reconsider x1 = x, y1=y, z1 = z as Element of u1;
        f.x1 = f.y1 & f.y1 = f.z1 by A2,A7;
      hence thesis by A2;
    then reconsider R as Equivalence_Relation of U1
                        by A3,PARTFUN1:def 4,A5,RELAT_2:def 11,def 16;
      let n be Nat,o be operation of U1;
      assume A8: n in dom the charact of(U1) & o = (the charact of U1).n;
      let x,y be FinSequence of U1;
      assume A9: x in dom o & y in dom o & [x,y] in ExtendRel(R);
      then A10: len x = len y & for m st m in dom x holds [x.m,y.m] in R by
        rng o c= u1 & o.x in rng o & o.y in rng o
          by A9,FUNCT_1:def 5,RELSET_1:12;
      then reconsider ox = o.x, oy = o.y as Element of u1;
      A11: U1,U2 are_similar & len (signature U1) = len the charact of(U1) &
      len (signature U2) = len the charact of(U2) by A1,Def1,UNIALG_1:def 11;
      then signature U1 = signature U2 by UNIALG_2:def 2;
      then dom the charact of(U2) = dom the charact of(U1)
       by A11,FINSEQ_3:31;
      then reconsider o2 = (the charact of U2).n as operation of U2
       by A8,UNIALG_2:6;
      A12: f.(o.x) = o2.(f*x) & f.(o.y) = o2.(f*y) by A1,A8,A9,Def1;
      A13: len (f*x) = len x & len (f*y) = len y by Th1;
        let m; assume m in Seg len x;
        then A14: m in dom x & m in dom y & m in dom (f*x) &
            m in dom (f*y) by A10,A13,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        then A15: [x.m,y.m] in R by A9,Def9;
          rng x c= u1 & rng y c= u1 & x.m in rng x & y.m in rng y
            by A14,FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        then reconsider xm = x.m, ym = y.m as Element of u1;
          f.xm = f.ym by A2,A15
            .= (f*y).m by A14,Th1;
        hence (f*y).m = (f*x).m by A14,Th1;
      then f.(ox) = f.(oy) by A10,A12,A13,FINSEQ_2:10;
      hence [o.x,o.y] in R by A2;
    then reconsider R as Congruence of U1 by Def10;
    take R;
    let a,b be Element of u1;
    thus [a,b] in R implies f.a = f.b by A2;
    assume f.a = f.b;
    hence thesis by A2;
    let X,Y be Congruence of U1;
    assume that
    A16: for a,b be Element of U1 holds
       [a,b] in X iff f.a = f.b and
    A17: for a,b be Element of U1 holds [a,b] in
 Y iff f.a = f.b;
    set u1 = the carrier of U1;
      for x,y be set holds [x,y] in X iff [x,y] in Y
      let x,y;
      thus [x,y] in X implies [x,y] in Y
        assume A18: [x,y] in X;
        then reconsider x1 = x,y1 = y as Element of u1 by ZFMISC_1:106;
          f.x1 = f.y1 by A16,A18;
        hence thesis by A17;
      assume A19: [x,y] in Y;
      then reconsider x1 = x,y1 = y as Element of u1 by ZFMISC_1:106;
        f.x1 = f.y1 by A17,A19;
      hence [x,y] in X by A16;
    hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 2;

 let U1,U2 be Universal_Algebra,
     f be Function of U1,U2;
 assume A1: f is_homomorphism U1,U2;
func HomQuot(f) -> Function of QuotUnivAlg(U1,Cng(f)),U2 means :Def17:
for a be Element of U1 holds it.(Class(Cng f,a)) = f.a;
  set qa = QuotUnivAlg(U1,Cng(f)),
     cqa = the carrier of qa,
      u1 = the carrier of U1,
      u2 = the carrier of U2;
A2:  qa = UAStr (# Class(Cng f),QuotOpSeq(U1,Cng f)#) by Def14;
  defpred P[set,set] means
   for a be Element of u1 st $1 = Class(Cng f,a) holds $2 = f.a;
  A3: for x st x in cqa ex y st y in u2 & P[x,y]
   proof let x; assume
    A4: x in cqa;
    then reconsider x1 = x as Subset of u1 by A2;
    consider a be set such that
    A5: a in u1 & x1 = Class(Cng f,a) by A2,A4,EQREL_1:def 5;
    reconsider a as Element of u1 by A5;
    take y = f.a;
    thus y in u2;
    let b be Element of u1; assume
      x = Class(Cng f,b);
    then b in Class(Cng f,a) by A5,EQREL_1:31;
    then [b,a] in Cng(f) by EQREL_1:27;
    hence thesis by A1,Def16;
  consider F being Function such that
  A6: dom F = cqa & rng F c= u2 & for x st x in cqa holds P[x,F.x]
                          from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A3);
  reconsider F as Function of qa,U2 by A6,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
  take F;
  let a be Element of u1;
    Class(Cng f,a) in Class(Cng f) by EQREL_1:def 5;
  hence F.(Class(Cng f,a)) = f.a by A2,A6;
  set qa = QuotUnivAlg(U1,Cng(f)),
     cqa = the carrier of qa,
      u1 = the carrier of U1;
A7:  qa = UAStr (# Class(Cng f),QuotOpSeq(U1,Cng f)#) by Def14;
  let F,G be Function of qa,U2;
  assume that
    A8: for a be Element of u1 holds F.(Class(Cng f,a)) = f.a and
    A9: for a be Element of u1 holds G.(Class(Cng f,a)) = f.a;
    for x st x in cqa holds F.x = G.x
    let x; assume A10: x in cqa;
    then reconsider x1 = x as Subset of u1 by A7;
    consider a be set such that
    A11: a in u1 & x1 = Class(Cng f,a) by A7,A10,EQREL_1:def 5;
    reconsider a as Element of u1 by A11;
    thus F.x = f.a by A8,A11
            .= G.x by A9,A11;
  hence thesis by FUNCT_2:18;

theorem Th23:
f is_homomorphism U1,U2 implies
HomQuot(f) is_homomorphism QuotUnivAlg(U1,Cng(f)),U2 &
HomQuot(f) is_monomorphism QuotUnivAlg(U1,Cng(f)),U2
  assume A1: f is_homomorphism U1,U2;
  set qa = QuotUnivAlg(U1,Cng(f)),
     cqa = the carrier of qa,
      u1 = the carrier of U1,
      F = HomQuot(f);
  A2: qa = UAStr (# Class(Cng f),QuotOpSeq(U1,Cng f)#) by Def14;
  A3: dom f = u1 & rng f c= the carrier of U2 &
  dom F = cqa by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:12;
  thus A4: F is_homomorphism qa,U2
   proof A5: U1,U2 are_similar by A1,Def1;
      Nat_Hom(U1,Cng f) is_homomorphism U1,qa by Th21;
    then U1,qa are_similar by Def1;
    then A6: signature U1 = signature qa by UNIALG_2:def 2;
then signature U2 = signature qa by A5,UNIALG_2:def 2;
    hence qa,U2 are_similar by UNIALG_2:def 2;
    let n; assume
    A7: n in dom the charact of(qa);
    let oq be operation of qa, o2 be operation of U2; assume
    A8: oq = (the charact of qa).n & o2 = (the charact of U2).n;
    let x be FinSequence of qa; assume
    A9: x in dom oq;
    reconsider x1 = x as FinSequence of Class(Cng f) by A2;
    reconsider x1 as Element of (Class(Cng f))* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
    A10: dom the charact of(qa) = Seg len (the charact of qa) &
    dom the charact of(U1) = Seg len (the charact of U1) &
    len (signature U1) = len the charact of(U1) &
    len (signature qa) = len the charact of(qa)
     by FINSEQ_1:def 3,UNIALG_1:def 11;
    then reconsider o1 = (the charact of U1).n as operation of U1
     by A6,A7,UNIALG_2:6;
    consider y be FinSequence of U1 such that
    A11: y is_representatives_FS x1 by Th19;
    reconsider y as Element of u1* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
    A12: oq = QuotOp(o1,Cng f) by A2,A7,A8,Def13;
    then dom oq = (arity o1)-tuples_on Class(Cng f) by Def12
    .= {w where w is Element of (Class(Cng f))*: len w = arity o1}
       by FINSEQ_2:def 4;
    then ex w be Element of (Class(Cng f))* st w = x1 & len w = arity o1 by A9
    then A13: len x1 = arity o1 & len x1 = len y by A11,Def11;
      dom o1 = (arity o1)-tuples_on u1 by UNIALG_2:2
     .= {p where p is Element of u1*
: len p = arity o1} by FINSEQ_2:def 4;
    then A14: y in dom o1 by A13;
    then o1.y in rng o1 & rng o1 c= u1 by FUNCT_1:def 5,RELSET_1:12;
    then reconsider o1y = o1.y as Element of u1;
    A15: F.(oq.x) = F.(Class(Cng f,o1y)) by A9,A11,A12,Def12
    .= f.(o1.y) by A1,Def17;
    A16: len (F*x) = len y by A13,Th1;
    A17: len y = len (f*y) by Th1;
      let m; assume
      A18: m in Seg len y;
      then A19: m in dom y by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      A20: m in dom (F*x) & m in dom y & m in dom(f*y)
                by A16,A17,A18,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      A21: x1.m = Class(Cng f,y.m) by A11,A19,Def11;
      reconsider ym = y.m as Element of u1 by A19,FINSEQ_2:13;
      thus (F*x).m = F.(Class(Cng f,ym)) by A20,A21,Th1
      .= f.(y.m) by A1,Def17
      .= (f*y).m by A20,Th1;
    then o2.(F*x) = o2.(f*y) by A16,A17,FINSEQ_2:10;
    hence F.(oq.x) = o2.(F*x) by A1,A6,A7,A8,A10,A14,A15,Def1;
    F is one-to-one
    let x,y; assume
    A22: x in dom F & y in dom F & F.x = F.y;
    then reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y as Subset of u1 by A2,A3;
    consider a be set such that
    A23: a in u1 & x1 = Class(Cng f,a) by A2,A22,EQREL_1:def 5;
    reconsider a as Element of u1 by A23;
    consider b be set such that
    A24: b in u1 & y1 = Class(Cng f,b) by A2,A22,EQREL_1:def 5;
    reconsider b as Element of u1 by A24;
      F.x1 = f.a & F.y1 = f.b by A1,A23,A24,Def17;
    then [a,b] in Cng(f) by A1,A22,Def16;
    hence thesis by A23,A24,EQREL_1:44;
  hence thesis by A4,Def2;

theorem Th24:
f is_epimorphism U1,U2 implies HomQuot(f)
   is_isomorphism QuotUnivAlg(U1,Cng(f)),U2
  set qa = QuotUnivAlg(U1,Cng(f)),
      u1 = the carrier of U1,
      u2 = the carrier of U2,
      F = HomQuot(f);
  assume A1: f is_epimorphism U1,U2;
  then A2: f is_homomorphism U1,U2 by Def3;
  then A3: F is_homomorphism qa,U2 & F is_monomorphism qa,U2 by Th23;
  then A4: F is one-to-one by Def2;
A5:  qa = UAStr (# Class(Cng f),QuotOpSeq(U1,Cng f)#) by Def14;
  A6: dom f = u1 & rng f = u2 by A1,Def3,FUNCT_2:def 1;
    rng F = u2
    thus rng F c= u2 by RELSET_1:12;
    let x; assume x in u2;
    then consider y such that
    A7: y in dom f & f.y = x by A6,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    reconsider y as Element of u1 by A7;
    A8: dom F = the carrier of qa by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    set u = Class(Cng f,y);
      u in Class(Cng f) by EQREL_1:def 5;
    then F.u = x & F.u in rng F by A2,A5,A7,A8,Def17,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    hence thesis;
  hence thesis by A3,A4,Th8;

  f is_epimorphism U1,U2 implies QuotUnivAlg(U1,Cng(f)),U2 are_isomorphic
  assume A1: f is_epimorphism U1,U2;
  take HomQuot(f);
  thus thesis by A1,Th24;

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