The Mizar article:

Projective Planes

Michal Muzalewski

Received July 28, 1994

Copyright (c) 1994 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: PROJPL_1
[ MML identifier index ]




 reserve G for IncProjStr;

                       ::    1. PROJECTIVE SPACES

 reserve a,a1,a2,b,b1,b2,c,d,p,q,r for POINT of G;
 reserve A,B,C,D,M,N,P,Q,R for LINE of G;

definition let G,a,P;
  redefine pred a on P;
  antonym a|'P;

definition let G,a,b,P;
  pred a,b|'P means
:Def1: a|'P & b|'P;

definition let G,a,P,Q;
  pred a on P,Q means
:Def2: a on P & a on Q;

definition let G,a,P,Q,R;
  pred a on P,Q,R means
:Def3: a on P & a on Q & a on R;

Th1: (a,b on P implies b,a on P)
 & (a,b,c on P implies a,c,b on P & b,a,c on P & b,c,a on P & c,a,b on P &
 c,b,a on P)
 & (a on P,Q implies a on Q,P)
 & (a on P,Q,R implies a on P,R,Q & a on Q,P,R & a on Q,R,P &
    a on R,P,Q & a on R,Q,P)
   thus a,b on P implies b,a on P
      assume a,b on P; then a on P & b on P by INCPROJ:def 7;
      hence thesis by INCPROJ:def 7;
   thus a,b,c on P implies a,c,b on P & b,a,c on P & b,c,a on P & c,a,b on P
   & c,b,a on P
      assume a,b,c on P; then a on P & b on P & c on P by INCPROJ:def 8;
      hence thesis by INCPROJ:def 8;
   thus a on P,Q implies a on Q,P
      assume a on P,Q; then a on P & a on Q by Def2;
      hence thesis by Def2;
   assume a on P,Q,R; then a on P & a on Q & a on R by Def3;
   hence thesis by Def3;

definition let IT be IncProjStr;
 attr IT is configuration means
 :Def4: for p,q being POINT of IT, P,Q being LINE of IT
  st p on P & q on P & p on Q & q on Q holds p = q or P = Q;

Th2: G is configuration iff for p,q,P,Q st p,q on P & p,q on Q holds
  p = q or P = Q
 hereby assume
   A1: G is configuration;
   let p,q,P,Q;
   assume p,q on P & p,q on Q;
   then p on P & q on P & p on Q & q on Q by INCPROJ:def 7;
   hence p = q or P = Q by A1,Def4;end;
 hereby assume
   A2: for p,q,P,Q st p,q on P & p,q on Q holds p = q or P = Q;
     now let p,q,P,Q;
     assume p on P & q on P & p on Q & q on Q;
     then p,q on P & p,q on Q by INCPROJ:def 7;
     hence p = q or P = Q by A2;end;
   hence G is configuration by Def4;end;

Th3: G is configuration iff
  for p,q,P,Q st p on P,Q & q on P,Q holds p = q or P = Q
 hereby assume
   A1: G is configuration;
   let p,q,P,Q;
   assume p on P,Q & q on P,Q;
   then p on P & q on P & p on Q & q on Q by Def2;
   hence p = q or P = Q by A1,Def4;end;
 hereby assume
   A2: for p,q,P,Q st p on P,Q & q on P,Q holds p = q or P = Q;
     now let p,q,P,Q;
     assume p on P & q on P & p on Q & q on Q;
     then p on P,Q & q on P,Q by Def2;
     hence p = q or P = Q by A2;end;
   hence G is configuration by Def4;end;

Th4: G is IncProjSp iff
   G is configuration
 & (for p,q ex P st p,q on P)
 & (ex p,P st p|'P)
 & (for P ex a,b,c st a,b,c are_mutually_different & a,b,c on P)
 & (for a,b,c,d,p,M,N,P,Q st a,b,p on M & c,d,p on N & a,c on P & b,d on Q &
 p|'P & p|'Q
    & M<>N holds ex q st q on P,Q)
 hereby assume
   A1: G is IncProjSp;
   then for p,q,P,Q st p on P & q on P & p on Q & q on Q holds p = q or P = Q
 by INCPROJ:def 9;
   hence G is configuration by Def4;
   thus for p,q ex P st p,q on P
      let p,q;
      consider P such that
      A2: p on P & q on P by A1,INCPROJ:def 10;
      take P;
      thus thesis by A2,INCPROJ:def 7;
   thus ex p,P st p|'P by A1,INCPROJ:def 11;
   thus for P ex a,b,c st a,b,c are_mutually_different & a,b,c on P
      let P;
      consider a,b,c such that
      A3: a<>b & b<>c & c <>a & a on P & b on P & c on P by A1,INCPROJ:def 12;
      take a,b,c;
      thus a,b,c are_mutually_different by A3,INCPROJ:def 5;
      thus a,b,c on P by A3,INCPROJ:def 8;
   thus for a,b,c,d,p,M,N,P,Q st a,b,p on M & c,d,p on N & a,c on P &
   b,d on Q & p|'P
    & p|'Q & M<>N holds ex q st q on P,Q
      let a,b,c,d,p,M,N,P,Q such that
      A4: a,b,p on M & c,d,p on N and
      A5: a,c on P & b,d on Q and
      A6: p|'P & p|'Q & M<>N;
      A7: a on M & b on M & p on M & c on N & d on N & p on N
       by A4,INCPROJ:def 8;
         a on P & c on P & b on Q & d on Q by A5,INCPROJ:def 7;
      then consider q such that
      A8: q on P & q on Q by A1,A6,A7,INCPROJ:def 13;
      take q;
      thus thesis by A8,Def2;
 hereby assume that
   A9: G is configuration and
   A10: for p,q ex P st p,q on P and
   A11: ex p,P st p|'P and
   A12: for P ex a,b,c st a,b,c are_mutually_different & a,b,c on P and
   A13: for a,b,c,d,p,M,N,P,Q st a,b,p on M & c,d,p on N & a,c on P &
        b,d on Q & p|'P
        & p|'Q & M<>N holds ex q st q on P,Q;
    A14: for p,q,P,Q st p on P & q on P & p on Q & q on Q holds
      p = q or P = Q by A9,Def4;
    A15: now let p,q; consider P such that
      A16: p,q on P by A10;
      take P;
      thus p on P & q on P by A16,INCPROJ:def 7;
    consider p,P such that
      A17: p|'P by A11;
    A18: now let P; consider a,b,c such that
      A19: a,b,c are_mutually_different & a,b,c on P by A12;
      A20: a<>b & b<>c & c <>a by A19,INCPROJ:def 5;
        a on P & b on P & c on P by A19,INCPROJ:def 8;
      hence ex a,b,c st a<>b & b<>c & c <>a & a on P & b on P & c on P by A20;
      for a,b,c,d,p,q,M,N,P,Q st a on M & b on M & c on N & d on N & p on M &
    p on N & a on P
      & c on P & b on Q & d on Q & not p on P & not p on Q & M<>N holds
      ex q st q on P & q on Q
      let a,b,c,d,p,q,M,N,P,Q such that
      A21: a on M & b on M & c on N & d on N & p on M & p on N & a on P &
      c on P & b on Q & d on Q
      A22: not p on P & not p on Q & M<>N;
      A23: a,b,p on M & c,d,p on N by A21,INCPROJ:def 8;
        a,c on P & b,d on Q by A21,INCPROJ:def 7;
      then consider q1 being POINT of G such that
      A24: q1 on P,Q by A13,A22,A23;
      take q1;
      thus thesis by A24,Def2;
   hence G is IncProjSp by A14,A15,A17,A18,INCPROJ:def 9,def 10,def 11,def 12,
def 13;

  mode IncProjectivePlane is 2-dimensional IncProjSp;

definition let G,a,b,c;
  pred a,b,c is_collinear means
:Def5: ex P st a,b,c on P;
  antonym a,b,c is_a_triangle;

 Th5: a,b,c is_collinear iff ex P st a on P & b on P & c on P
   (ex P st a,b,c on P) iff ex P st a on P & b on P & c on P
   hereby given P such that
    A1: a,b,c on P;
    take P;
    thus a on P & b on P & c on P by A1,INCPROJ:def 8;end;
   hereby given P such that
    A2: a on P & b on P & c on P;
    take P;
    thus a,b,c on P by A2,INCPROJ:def 8;end;
 hence thesis by Def5;

   a,b,c is_a_triangle iff for P holds a|'P or b|'P or c|'P by Th5;

definition let G,a,b,c,d;
  pred a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle means
:Def6: a,b,c is_a_triangle
   & b,c,d is_a_triangle
   & c,d,a is_a_triangle
   & d,a,b is_a_triangle;

 Th7: G is IncProjSp implies ex A,B st A<>B
proof assume
 A1: G is IncProjSp;
 consider a;
 consider A,B,C such that
 A2: a on A & a on B & a on C & A<>B & B<>C & C<>A by A1,PROJRED1:5;
 take A,B;
 thus thesis by A2;

 Th8: G is IncProjSp & a on A implies
        ex b,c st b,c on A & a,b,c are_mutually_different
proof assume
 A1: G is IncProjSp & a on A;
 then consider b such that
 A2: b on A & b<>a & b<>a by PROJRED1:8;
 consider c such that
 A3: c on A & c <>a & c <>b by A1,PROJRED1:8;
 take b,c;
 thus thesis by A2,A3,INCPROJ:def 5,def 7;

 Th9: G is IncProjSp & a on A & A<>B implies
        ex b st b on A & b|'B & a<>b
proof assume
 A1: G is IncProjSp & a on A & A<>B;
 then consider b,c such that
 A2: b,c on A & a,b,c are_mutually_different by Th8;
 A3: a<>b & a<>c & b<>c by A2,INCPROJ:def 5;
 A4: b on A & c on A by A2,INCPROJ:def 7;
   now per cases by A1,A3,A4,INCPROJ:def 9;
  case b|'B; ::take b;
  hence thesis by A3,A4;
  case c|'B; ::take c;
  hence thesis by A3,A4;
 hence thesis;

 Th10: G is configuration & a1,a2 on A & a1<>a2 & b|'A
         implies a1,a2,b is_a_triangle
proof assume
 A1: G is configuration & a1,a2 on A & a1<>a2 & b|'A & a1,a2,b is_collinear;
 then A2: a1 on A & a2 on A by INCPROJ:def 7;
 consider P such that
 A3: a1 on P & a2 on P & b on P by A1,Th5;
 thus contradiction by A1,A2,A3,Def4;

 Th11: a,b,c is_collinear implies
          a,c,b is_collinear
        & b,a,c is_collinear
        & b,c,a is_collinear
        & c,a,b is_collinear
        & c,b,a is_collinear
proof assume
    a,b,c is_collinear;
 then consider P such that
 A1: a,b,c on P by Def5;
   a,c,b on P & b,a,c on P & b,c,a on P & c,a,b on P & c,b,a on P by A1,Th1;
 hence thesis by Def5;

   a,b,c is_a_triangle implies
          a,c,b is_a_triangle
        & b,a,c is_a_triangle
        & b,c,a is_a_triangle
        & c,a,b is_a_triangle
        & c,b,a is_a_triangle by Th11;

Th13: a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle implies
          a,c,b,d is_a_quadrangle & b,a,c,d is_a_quadrangle
        & b,c,a,d is_a_quadrangle & c,a,b,d is_a_quadrangle
        & c,b,a,d is_a_quadrangle & a,b,d,c is_a_quadrangle
        & a,c,d,b is_a_quadrangle & b,a,d,c is_a_quadrangle
        & b,c,d,a is_a_quadrangle & c,a,d,b is_a_quadrangle
        & c,b,d,a is_a_quadrangle & a,d,b,c is_a_quadrangle
        & a,d,c,b is_a_quadrangle & b,d,a,c is_a_quadrangle
        & b,d,c,a is_a_quadrangle & c,d,a,b is_a_quadrangle
        & c,d,b,a is_a_quadrangle & d,a,b,c is_a_quadrangle
        & d,a,c,b is_a_quadrangle & d,b,a,c is_a_quadrangle
        & d,b,c,a is_a_quadrangle & d,c,a,b is_a_quadrangle
        & d,c,b,a is_a_quadrangle
proof assume a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle;
  then A1: a,b,c is_a_triangle
   & b,c,d is_a_triangle
   & c,d,a is_a_triangle
   & d,a,b is_a_triangle by Def6;
  then A2: a,c,b is_a_triangle
   & b,a,c is_a_triangle
   & b,c,a is_a_triangle
   & c,a,b is_a_triangle
   & c,b,a is_a_triangle by Th11;
  A3: b,d,c is_a_triangle
   & c,b,d is_a_triangle
   & c,d,b is_a_triangle
   & d,b,c is_a_triangle
   & d,c,b is_a_triangle by A1,Th11;
  A4: c,a,d is_a_triangle
   & d,c,a is_a_triangle
   & d,a,c is_a_triangle
   & a,c,d is_a_triangle
   & a,d,c is_a_triangle by A1,Th11;
  A5: d,b,a is_a_triangle
   & a,d,b is_a_triangle
   & a,b,d is_a_triangle
   & b,d,a is_a_triangle
   & b,a,d is_a_triangle by A1,Th11;
  hence a,c,b,d is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,Def6;
  thus b,a,c,d is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus b,c,a,d is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus c,a,b,d is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus c,b,a,d is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus a,b,d,c is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus a,c,d,b is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus b,a,d,c is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus b,c,d,a is_a_quadrangle by A1,Def6;
  thus c,a,d,b is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus c,b,d,a is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus a,d,b,c is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus a,d,c,b is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus b,d,a,c is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus b,d,c,a is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus c,d,a,b is_a_quadrangle by A1,Def6;
  thus c,d,b,a is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus d,a,b,c is_a_quadrangle by A1,Def6;
  thus d,a,c,b is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus d,b,a,c is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus d,b,c,a is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus d,c,a,b is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;
  thus d,c,b,a is_a_quadrangle by A2,A3,A4,A5,Def6;

 Th14: G is configuration & a1,a2 on A & b1,b2 on B & a1,a2|'B & b1,b2|'A
        & a1<>a2 & b1<>b2 implies a1,a2,b1,b2 is_a_quadrangle
proof assume
 A1: G is configuration & a1,a2 on A & b1,b2 on B & a1,a2|'B & b1,b2|'A
  & a1<>a2 & b1<>b2;
 then A2: a1|'B & a2|'B & b1|'A & b2|'A by Def1;
 then A3: a1,a2,b1 is_a_triangle by A1,Th10;
   b1,b2,a2 is_a_triangle by A1,A2,Th10;
 then A4: a2,b1,b2 is_a_triangle by Th11;
 A5: b1,b2,a1 is_a_triangle by A1,A2,Th10;
   a1,a2,b2 is_a_triangle by A1,A2,Th10;
 then b2,a1,a2 is_a_triangle by Th11;
 hence thesis by A3,A4,A5,Def6;

 Th15: G is IncProjSp implies ex a,b,c,d st a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle
proof assume
 A1: G is IncProjSp;
 then consider A,B such that
 A2: A<>B by Th7;
 consider a,b such that
 A3: a on A & a|'B & b on B & b|'A by A1,A2,PROJRED1:3;
 consider p such that
 A4: p on A & p|'B & a<>p by A1,A3,Th9;
 consider q such that
 A5: q on B & q|'A & b<>q by A1,A3,Th9;
 A6: G is configuration by A1,Th4;
 take a,p,b,q;
 A7: a,p on A & b,q on B by A3,A4,A5,INCPROJ:def 7;
   a,p|'B & b,q|'A by A3,A4,A5,Def1;
 hence thesis by A4,A5,A6,A7,Th14;

definition let G be IncProjSp;
  mode Quadrangle of G -> Element of
   [:the Points of G,the Points of G,the Points of G,the Points of G:] means
   it`1,it`2,it`3,it`4 is_a_quadrangle;
     consider a,b,c,d being POINT of G such that
     A1: a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle by Th15;
     reconsider e = [a,b,c,d] as Element of
      [:the Points of G,the Points of G,the Points of G,the Points of G:];
     A2: e`1 = a & e`2 = b & e`3 = c & e`4 = d by MCART_1:59;
     take e;
     thus thesis by A1,A2;

definition let G be IncProjSp, a,b be POINT of G;
  assume A1: a <> b;
  func a*b -> LINE of G means
:Def8: a,b on it;
   existence by Th4;
        G is configuration by Th4;
      hence thesis by A1,Th2;

theorem Th16: for G be IncProjSp, a,b be POINT of G, L be LINE of G
 st a <> b holds a on a*b & b on a*b & a*b = b*a &
 (a on L & b on L implies L = a*b)
proof let G be IncProjSp, a,b be POINT of G, L be LINE of G;
 assume A1: a <> b;
   then a,b on a*b by Def8;
  then b,a on a*b by Th1;
 hence a on a*b & b on a*b & a*b = b*a by A1,Def8,INCPROJ:def 7;
  assume a on L & b on L; then a,b on L by INCPROJ:def 7;
  hence thesis by A1,Def8;

                       ::    2. PROJECTIVE PLANES

Th17: (ex a,b,c st a,b,c is_a_triangle) & (for p,q ex M st p,q on M)
 implies ex p,P st p|'P
proof assume that
  A1: ex a,b,c st a,b,c is_a_triangle and
  A2: for p,q ex M st p,q on M;
  consider a,b,c such that
  A3:  a,b,c is_a_triangle by A1;
  consider P such that
  A4: a,b on P by A2;
  A5: a on P & b on P by A4,INCPROJ:def 7;
  take c,P;
  thus thesis by A3,A5,Th5;

Th18: (ex a,b,c,d st a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle)
 implies (ex a,b,c st a,b,c is_a_triangle)
proof given a,b,c,d such that
  A1: a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle;
  take a,b,c;
  thus thesis by A1,Def6;

Th19: a,b,c is_a_triangle & a,b on P & a,c on Q implies P<>Q
proof assume that
  A1: a,b,c is_a_triangle and
  A2: a,b on P & a,c on Q;
    a on P & b on P & a on Q & c on Q by A2,INCPROJ:def 7;
  hence thesis by A1,Th5;

Th20: a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle & a,b on P & a,c on Q & a,d on R
       implies P,Q,R are_mutually_different
proof assume that
  A1: a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle and
  A2: a,b on P & a,c on Q & a,d on R;
    a,b,c is_a_triangle by A1,Def6;
  then A3: P<>Q by A2,Th19;
    c,d,a is_a_triangle by A1,Def6;
  then a,c,d is_a_triangle by Th11;
  then A4: Q<>R by A2,Th19;
    d,a,b is_a_triangle by A1,Def6;
  then a,d,b is_a_triangle by Th11;
  then R<>P by A2,Th19;
  hence thesis by A3,A4,INCPROJ:def 5;

Th21: G is configuration
    & a on P,Q,R & P,Q,R are_mutually_different &
     a|'A & p on A,P & q on A,Q & r on A,R
     implies p,q,r are_mutually_different
proof assume that
  A1: G is configuration and
  A2: a on P,Q,R & P,Q,R are_mutually_different &
      a|'A & p on A,P & q on A,Q & r on A,R;
  A3: a on P & a on Q & a on R by A2,Def3;
  A4: P<>Q & Q<>R & R<>P by A2,INCPROJ:def 5;
  A5: p on A & p on P & q on A & q on Q & r on A & r on R by A2,Def2;
  then A6: p<>q by A1,A2,A3,A4,Def4;
  A7: q<>r by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,Def4;
     r<>p by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,Def4;
  hence p,q,r are_mutually_different by A6,A7,INCPROJ:def 5;

Th22: G is configuration
    & (for p,q ex M st p,q on M)
    & (for P,Q ex a st a on P,Q)
    & (ex a,b,c,d st a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle)
     implies for P ex a,b,c st a,b,c are_mutually_different & a,b,c on P
proof assume that
  A1: G is configuration and
  A2: for p,q ex M st p,q on M and
  A3: for P,Q ex a st a on P,Q and
  A4: ex a,b,c,d st a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle;
  hereby let P;
    consider a,b,c,d such that
    A5: a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle by A4;
    A6: a,b,c is_a_triangle by A5,Def6;
    thus ex a,b,c st a,b,c are_mutually_different & a,b,c on P
         now per cases by A6,Th5;
         case A7: a|'P;
          consider B such that
          A8: a,b on B by A2;
          consider C such that
          A9: a,c on C by A2;
          consider D such that
          A10: a,d on D by A2;
            a on B & a on C & a on D by A8,A9,A10,INCPROJ:def 7;
          then A11: a on B,C,D by Def3;
          A12: B,C,D are_mutually_different by A5,A8,A9,A10,Th20;
          consider p such that
          A13: p on P,B by A3;
          consider q such that
          A14: q on P,C by A3;
          consider r such that
          A15: r on P,D by A3;
            p on P & q on P & r on P by A13,A14,A15,Def2;
          then A16: p,q,r on P by INCPROJ:def 8;
            p,q,r are_mutually_different by A1,A7,A11,A12,A13,A14,A15,Th21;
          hence thesis by A16;
         case A17: b|'P;
          consider B such that
          A18: b,a on B by A2;
          consider C such that
          A19: b,c on C by A2;
          consider D such that
          A20: b,d on D by A2;
            b on B & b on C & b on D by A18,A19,A20,INCPROJ:def 7;
          then A21: b on B,C,D by Def3;
            b,a,c,d is_a_quadrangle by A5,Th13;
          then A22: B,C,D are_mutually_different by A18,A19,A20,Th20;
          consider p such that
          A23: p on P,B by A3;
          consider q such that
          A24: q on P,C by A3;
          consider r such that
          A25: r on P,D by A3;
            p on P & q on P & r on P by A23,A24,A25,Def2;
          then A26: p,q,r on P by INCPROJ:def 8;
            p,q,r are_mutually_different by A1,A17,A21,A22,A23,A24,A25,Th21;
          hence thesis by A26;
         case A27: c|'P;
          consider B such that
          A28: c,a on B by A2;
          consider C such that
          A29: c,b on C by A2;
          consider D such that
          A30: c,d on D by A2;
            c on B & c on C & c on D by A28,A29,A30,INCPROJ:def 7;
          then A31: c on B,C,D by Def3;
            c,a,b,d is_a_quadrangle by A5,Th13;
          then A32: B,C,D are_mutually_different by A28,A29,A30,Th20;
          consider p such that
          A33: p on P,B by A3;
          consider q such that
          A34: q on P,C by A3;
          consider r such that
          A35: r on P,D by A3;
            p on P & q on P & r on P by A33,A34,A35,Def2;
          then A36: p,q,r on P by INCPROJ:def 8;
            p,q,r are_mutually_different
            by A1,A27,A31,A32,A33,A34,A35,Th21;
          hence thesis by A36;end;
       hence thesis;

 Th23: G is IncProjectivePlane iff
   G is configuration
 & (for p,q ex M st p,q on M)
 & (for P,Q ex a st a on P,Q)
 & (ex a,b,c,d st a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle)
 hereby assume
   A1: G is IncProjectivePlane;
   hence G is configuration by Th4;
   thus for p,q ex M st p,q on M by A1,Th4;
   thus for P,Q ex a st a on P,Q
      let P,Q;
      consider a such that
      A2: a on P & a on Q by A1,INCPROJ:def 14;
      take a;
      thus thesis by A2,Def2;
   thus ex a,b,c,d st a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle by A1,Th15;end;
 hereby assume that
   A3: G is configuration and
   A4: for p,q ex M st p,q on M and
   A5: for P,Q ex a st a on P,Q and
   A6: ex a,b,c,d st a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle;
     ex a,b,c st a,b,c is_a_triangle by A6,Th18;
   then A7: ex p,P st p|'P by A4,Th17;
   A8: for P ex a,b,c st a,b,c are_mutually_different & a,b,c on P
 by A3,A4,A5,A6,Th22;
      for a,b,c,d,p,M,N,P,Q st a,b,p on M & c,d,p on N & a,c on P & b,d on Q &
    & p|'Q & M<>N holds ex q st q on P,Q by A5;
   then reconsider G'=G as IncProjSp by A3,A4,A7,A8,Th4;
     for P,Q being LINE of G' ex a being POINT of G' st a on P & a on Q
      let P,Q be LINE of G';
      consider a being POINT of G' such that
      A9: a on P,Q by A5;
      take a;
      thus thesis by A9,Def2;
   hence G is IncProjectivePlane by INCPROJ:def 14;

reserve G for IncProjectivePlane;

reserve a,q for POINT of G;
reserve A,B for LINE of G;

definition let G,A,B;
  assume A1: A <> B;
  func A*B -> POINT of G means
:Def9: it on A,B;
   existence by Th23;
        G is configuration by Th4;
      hence thesis by A1,Th3;

theorem Th24: A <> B implies A*B on A & A*B on B & A*B = B*A
                            & (a on A & a on B implies a=A*B)
  assume A1: A <> B;
   then A*B on A,B by Def9;
  then A*B on B,A by Th1;
  hence A*B on A & A*B on B & A*B = B*A by A1,Def2,Def9;
  assume a on A & a on B; then a on A,B by Def2;hence thesis by A1,Def9;

theorem A<>B & a on A & q|'A & a<>A*B implies (q*a)*B on B & (q*a)*B|'A
proof assume
  A1: A<>B & a on A & q|'A & a<>A*B;
  A2: G is configuration by Th23;
  A3: a|'B by A1,Th24;
  then A4: q*a<>B by A1,Th16;
  hence (q*a)*B on B by Th24;
  set D=q*a; set d=D*B;
  assume A5: d on A;
  A6: a on D & q on D by A1,Th16;
     d on D by A4,Th24;
  then a = d by A1,A2,A5,A6,Def4;
  hence thesis by A3,A4,Th24;

                       ::    3. SOME USEFUL PROPOSITIONS


reserve G for IncProjSp;

reserve a,b,c,d for POINT of G;
reserve P for LINE of G;

Th26: a,b,c is_a_triangle implies a,b,c are_mutually_different
proof assume that
 A1: a,b,c is_a_triangle and
 A2: not a,b,c are_mutually_different;
   now per cases by A2,INCPROJ:def 5;
   case A3: a=b;
    consider P such that
    A4: b on P & c on P by INCPROJ:def 10;
   thus contradiction by A1,A3,A4,Th5;
   case A5: b=c;
    consider P such that
    A6: a on P & b on P by INCPROJ:def 10;
   thus contradiction by A1,A5,A6,Th5;
   case A7: c =a;
    consider P such that
    A8: b on P & c on P by INCPROJ:def 10;
   thus contradiction by A1,A7,A8,Th5;end;
 hence thesis;

   a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle implies a,b,c,d are_mutually_different
proof assume that
 A1: a,b,c,d is_a_quadrangle and
 A2: not a,b,c,d are_mutually_different;
   now per cases by A2,INCPROJ:def 6;
   case a=b;
    then not a,b,c are_mutually_different by INCPROJ:def 5;
    then not a,b,c is_a_triangle by Th26;
    hence contradiction by A1,Def6;
   case b=c;
    then not a,b,c are_mutually_different by INCPROJ:def 5;
    then not a,b,c is_a_triangle by Th26;
    hence contradiction by A1,Def6;
   case c =a;
    then not a,b,c are_mutually_different by INCPROJ:def 5;
    then not a,b,c is_a_triangle by Th26;
    hence contradiction by A1,Def6;
   case d=a;
    then not d,a,b are_mutually_different by INCPROJ:def 5;
    then not d,a,b is_a_triangle by Th26;
    hence contradiction by A1,Def6;
   case d=b;
    then not d,a,b are_mutually_different by INCPROJ:def 5;
    then not d,a,b is_a_triangle by Th26;
    hence contradiction by A1,Def6;
   case d=c;
    then not b,c,d are_mutually_different by INCPROJ:def 5;
    then not b,c,d is_a_triangle by Th26;
    hence contradiction by A1,Def6;end;
 hence thesis;

reserve G for IncProjectivePlane;

theorem Th28: for a,b,c,d being POINT of G st a*c = b*d
 holds a = c or b = d or c = d or a*c = c*d
proof let a,b,c,d be POINT of G; assume
  A1: a*c = b*d & not (a = c or b = d or c = d);
  then c on a*c & d on a*c & c on c*d & d on c*d by Th16;
  hence thesis by A1,INCPROJ:def 9;

theorem for a,b,c,d being POINT of G st a*c = b*d
 holds a = c or b = d or c = d or a on c*d
proof let a,b,c,d be POINT of G; assume
  A1: a*c = b*d & not (a = c or b = d or c = d);
  then a*c = c*d by Th28;
  hence thesis by A1,Th16;

   for G being IncProjectivePlane, e,m,m' being POINT of G,
I being LINE of G st m on I & m' on I & m<>m' & e|'I holds
  m*e<>m'*e & e*m<>e*m'
proof let G be IncProjectivePlane, e,m,m' be POINT of G, I be LINE of G
  such that
  A1: m on I & m' on I & m<>m' & e |'I;
  set L1=m*e,L2=m'*e;
  A2: now assume
     A3: m*e=m'*e;
     A4: m on L1 & m' on L2 & e on L1 & e on L2 by A1,Th16;
     then m on I,L1 & m' on I,L2 by A1,Def2;
      then m=I*L1 & m'=I*L2 by A1,A4,Def9;
     hence contradiction by A1,A3;end;
    now assume
     A5: e*m=e*m';
       m*e=e*m by A1,Th16;
     hence contradiction by A1,A2,A5,Th16;end;
  hence thesis by A2;

   for G being IncProjectivePlane, e being POINT of G,
I,L1,L2 being LINE of G st e on L1 & e on L2 & L1<>L2 & e|'I
holds I*L1<>I*L2 & L1*I<>L2*I
proof let G be IncProjectivePlane, e be POINT of G,
I,L1,L2 be LINE of G such that
  A1: e on L1 & e on L2 & L1<>L2 & e |'I;
  set p1=I*L1,p2=I*L2;
  A2: now assume
     A3: I*L1=I*L2;
     A4: p1 on I & p2 on I & p1 on L1 & p2 on L2 by A1,Th24;
     then e,p1 on L1 & e,p2 on L2 by A1,INCPROJ:def 7;
      then L1=e*p1 & L2=e*p2 by A1,A4,Def8;
     hence contradiction by A1,A3;end;
    now assume
    A5: L1*I=L2*I;
      L1*I=I*L1 by A1,Th24;
    hence contradiction by A1,A2,A5,Th24;end;
  hence thesis by A2;

  for G being IncProjSp, a,b,q,q1 being POINT of G
  st q on a*b & q on a*q1 & q<>a & q1<>a & a<>b holds q1 on a*b
proof let G be IncProjSp, a,b,q,q1 be POINT of G; assume
  A1: q on a*b & q on a*q1 & q<>a & q1<>a & a<>b;
  then a on a*b & a on a*q1 by Th16;
  then a*b = a*q1 by A1,INCPROJ:def 9;
  hence thesis by A1,Th16;

  for G being IncProjSp, a,b,c being POINT of G
  st c on a*b & a<>c holds b on a*c
proof let G be IncProjSp, a,b,c be POINT of G; assume
  A1: c on a*b & a<>c;
    now assume
    A2: a<>b;
    then a on a*b & a on a*c & c on a*c by A1,Th16;
    then a*b = a*c by A1,INCPROJ:def 9;
    hence thesis by A2,Th16;end;
  hence thesis by A1,Th16;

  for G being IncProjectivePlane, q1,q2,r1,r2 being POINT of G,
 H being LINE of G st r1<>r2 & r1 on H & r2 on H & q1|'H & q2|'H
  holds q1*r1<>q2*r2
proof let G be IncProjectivePlane, q1,q2,r1,r2 be POINT of G,
H be LINE of G such that
  A1: r1<>r2 & r1 on H & r2 on H & q1|'H & q2|'H & q1*r1 = q2*r2;
set L1=q1*r1,L2=q2*r2;
  A2: q1 on L1 & q2 on L2 & r1 on L1 & r2 on L2 by A1,Th16;
   then r1 on L1,H & r2 on L2,H by A1,Def2;
  then r1=L1*H & r2=L2*H by A1,A2,Def9;
 hence contradiction by A1;

Th35: for a,b,c being POINT of G st a on b*c holds a=c or b=c or b on c*a
proof let a,b,c be POINT of G; assume that
  A1: a on b*c and
  A2: a<>c and
  A3: b<>c;
  A4: b on b*c & c on b*c by A3,Th16;
  then c,a on b*c by A1,INCPROJ:def 7;
  hence thesis by A2,A4,Def8;

   for a,b,c being POINT of G st a on b*c holds b=a or b=c or c on b*a
proof let a,b,c be POINT of G; assume
  A1: a on b*c & b<>a & b<>c;
  then b*c = c*b by Th16;
  hence thesis by A1,Th35;

theorem for e,x1,x2,p1,p2 being POINT of G for H,I being LINE of G
 st x1 on I & x2 on I & e on H & e |'I & x1<>x2 & p1<>e & p2 <>e &
   p1 on e*x1 & p2 on e*x2
 holds ex r being POINT of G st r on p1*p2 & r on H & r<>e
proof let e,x1,x2,p1,p2 be POINT of G; let H,I be LINE of G such that
  A1: x1 on I & x2 on I & e on H & e|'I & x1<>x2 & p1<>e & p2<>e &
   p1 on e*x1 & p2 on e*x2;
  set L1=e*x1,L2=e*x2,L=p1*p2; consider r being POINT of G such that
  A2: r on L & r on H by INCPROJ:def 14;
  A3: e on L1 & e on L2 & x1 on L1 & x2 on L2 by A1,Th16;
  then A4: L1 <> L2 by A1,INCPROJ:def 9;
   then p1<>p2 by A1,A3,INCPROJ:def 9;
  then A5: p1 on L & p2 on L by Th16;
   then L<>L1 by A1,A3,A4,INCPROJ:def 9;
  then r<>e by A1,A2,A3,A5,INCPROJ:def 9;
  hence thesis by A2;

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