The Mizar article:


Grzegorz Bancerek

Received November 25, 1994

Copyright (c) 1994 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: TREES_9
[ MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary FINSET_1, TREES_2, TREES_1, CARD_1, FINSEQ_1, FUNCT_1, ARYTM_1,
 definitions TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, FUNCT_1, TREES_2, TREES_3;
      XBOOLE_1, XCMPLX_1;
 schemes NAT_1, FUNCT_1, FINSEQ_1, ZFREFLE1, COMPTS_1;

begin :: Root tree and successors of node in decorated tree

 cluster finite -> finite-order Tree;
  proof let t be Tree; assume t is finite;
   then reconsider s = t as finite Tree;
   take n = Card s+1;
   let x be Element of t; assume
A1:  x^<*n*> in t;
   deffunc U(Nat) = x^<*$1-1*>;
   consider f being FinSequence such that
A2:  len f = n & for i being Nat st i in Seg n holds f.i = U(i)
     from SeqLambda;
A3:  dom f = Seg n by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A4:  rng f c= succ x
     proof let y be set; assume y in rng f;
      then consider i being set such that
A5:    i in dom f & y = f.i by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider i as Nat by A5;
A6:    i >= 1 & i <= n by A3,A5,FINSEQ_1:3;
      then consider j being Nat such that
A7:    i = 1+j by NAT_1:28;
         j <= i by A7,NAT_1:29;
       then i-1 = j & j <= n by A6,A7,AXIOMS:22,XCMPLX_1:26;
       then y = x^<*j*> & x^<*j*> in t by A1,A2,A3,A5,TREES_1:def 5;
      hence thesis by TREES_2:14;
      f is one-to-one
     proof let z,y be set; assume
A8:     z in dom f & y in dom f & f.z = f.y;
      then reconsider i1 = z, i2 = y as Nat;
         f.z = x^<*i1-1*> & f.y = x^<*i2-1*> by A2,A3,A8;
       then <*i1-1*> = <*i2-1*> by A8,FINSEQ_1:46;
       then i1-1 = <*i2-1*>.1 by FINSEQ_1:57 .= i2-1 by FINSEQ_1:57;
       then i1 = (i2-1)+1 by XCMPLX_1:27;
      hence z = y by XCMPLX_1:27;
    then Card(dom f qua set) <=` Card succ x & Card succ x <=` Card t
     by A4,CARD_1:26,27;
    then Card(dom f qua set) <=` Card t & Card Seg n = n
      by FINSEQ_1:78,XBOOLE_1:1;
    then n <= card s & card s <= n by A3,CARD_1:56,NAT_1:29;
    then n = card s + 0 by AXIOMS:21; hence contradiction by XCMPLX_1:2;

Lm1: for n being set, p being FinSequence st n in dom p
       ex k being Nat st n = k+1 & k < len p
 proof let n be set, p be FinSequence; assume
       A1: n in dom p;
      then reconsider n as Nat;
A2:     n >= 1 & n <= len p by A1,FINSEQ_3:27;
      then consider k being Nat such that
A3:     n = 1+k by NAT_1:28;
      take k; thus thesis by A2,A3,NAT_1:38;

 now let p,q be FinSequence such that
A1: len p = len q and
A2: for i being Nat st i < len p holds p.(i+1) = q.(i+1);
A3: dom p = dom q by A1,FINSEQ_3:31;
     now let i be Nat; assume i in dom p;
    then consider k being Nat such that
A4:   i = k+1 & k < len p by Lm1;
    thus p.i = q.i by A2,A4;
  hence p = q by A3,FINSEQ_1:17;

Lm3: for n being Nat, p being FinSequence holds
  n < len p implies n+1 in dom p & p.(n+1) in rng p
 proof let n be Nat, p be FinSequence; assume
A1:    n < len p; n >= 0 by NAT_1:18;
       then n+1 >= 0+1 & n+1 <= len p by A1,NAT_1:38,REAL_1:55;
       then n+1 in dom p by FINSEQ_3:27;
      hence thesis by FUNCT_1:def 5;

 now let p be FinSequence; let x be set; assume x in rng p;
  then consider y being set such that
A1: y in dom p & x = p.y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
     ex k being Nat st y = k+1 & k < len p by A1,Lm1;
  hence ex k being Nat st k < len p & x = p.(k+1) by A1;

theorem Th1:
 for t being DecoratedTree holds t|<*>NAT = t
  proof let t be DecoratedTree;
A1:  dom (t|<*>NAT) = (dom t)|<*>NAT & (dom t)|<*>NAT = dom t
     by TREES_1:60,TREES_2:def 11;
      now let p be FinSequence of NAT; assume p in dom (t|<*>NAT);
     hence (t|<*>NAT).p = t.({}^p) by A1,TREES_2:def 11
                .= t.p by FINSEQ_1:47;
   hence thesis by A1,TREES_2:33;

theorem Th2:
 for t being Tree, p,q being FinSequence of NAT st p^q in t holds
  t|(p^q) = (t|p)|q
  proof let t be Tree, p,q be FinSequence of NAT; assume
A1:  p^q in t;
then A2:  p in t by TREES_1:46;
then A3:  q in t|p by A1,TREES_1:def 9;
   let r be FinSequence of NAT;
      p^q^r = p^(q^r) by FINSEQ_1:45;
    then (r in t|(p^q) iff p^q^r in t) &
    (r in (t|p)|q iff q^r in t|p) &
    (q^r in t|p iff p^q^r in t) by A1,A2,A3,TREES_1:def 9;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th3:
 for t being DecoratedTree, p,q being FinSequence of NAT st p^q in dom t holds
  t|(p^q) = (t|p)|q
  proof let t be DecoratedTree, p,q be FinSequence of NAT; assume
A1:  p^q in dom t;
then A2:  (dom t)|(p^q) = ((dom t)|p)|q & p in dom t by Th2,TREES_1:46;
then A3:  q in (dom t)|p by A1,TREES_1:def 9;
A4:  dom (t|p) = (dom t)|p & dom (t|(p^q)) = (dom t)|(p^q) &
    dom ((t|p)|q) = (dom (t|p))|q by TREES_2:def 11;
      now let a be FinSequence of NAT;
A5:    p^q^a = p^(q^a) by FINSEQ_1:45;
A6:    a in dom (t|(p^q));
      then p^q^a in dom t by A1,A4,TREES_1:def 9;
then A7:    q^a in (dom t)|p by A2,A5,TREES_1:def 9;
then A8:    a in ((dom t)|p)|q by A3,TREES_1:def 9;
     thus (t|(p^q)).a = t.(p^q^a) by A4,A6,TREES_2:def 11
                .= (t|p).(q^a) by A5,A7,TREES_2:def 11
                .= ((t|p)|q).a by A4,A8,TREES_2:def 11;
   hence thesis by A2,A4,TREES_2:33;

definition let IT be DecoratedTree;
 attr IT is root means:
  dom IT = elementary_tree 0;

 cluster root -> finite DecoratedTree;
   proof let t be DecoratedTree; assume
       dom t = elementary_tree 0;
    hence thesis by AMI_1:21;

theorem Th4:
 for t being DecoratedTree holds t is root iff {} in Leaves dom t
  proof let t be DecoratedTree;
A1:  {} <> <*0*> & {}^<*0*> = <*0*> by FINSEQ_1:47,TREES_1:4;
   reconsider e = {} as Node of t by TREES_1:47;
   hereby assume t is root;
     then dom t = elementary_tree 0 by Def1;
     then not e^<*0*> in dom t by A1,TARSKI:def 1,TREES_1:56;
    hence {} in Leaves dom t by BINTREE1:3;
A2:  {} in Leaves dom t;
   let p be FinSequence of NAT;
   hereby assume
A3:   p in dom t & not p in elementary_tree 0;
     then p <> {} by TARSKI:def 1,TREES_1:56;
    then consider q being FinSequence of NAT, n being Nat such that
A4:   p = <*n*>^q by MODAL_1:4;
       <*n*> in dom t & e^<*n*> = <*n*> by A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:47,TREES_1:46;
    hence contradiction by A2,BINTREE1:4;
   assume p in elementary_tree 0; then p = {} by TARSKI:def 1,TREES_1:56;
   hence thesis by TREES_1:47;

theorem Th5:
 for t being Tree, p being Element of t holds
  t|p = elementary_tree 0 iff p in Leaves t
  proof let t be Tree, p be Element of t;
      <*0*> <> {} by TREES_1:4;
then A1:  not <*0*> in elementary_tree 0 by TARSKI:def 1,TREES_1:56;
   hereby assume t|p = elementary_tree 0;
     then not p^<*0*> in t by A1,TREES_1:def 9;
    hence p in Leaves t by BINTREE1:3;
A2:  p in Leaves t;
   let q be FinSequence of NAT;
   hereby assume q in t|p;
     then p^q in t by TREES_1:def 9;
     then not p is_a_proper_prefix_of p^q & p is_a_prefix_of p^q
      by A2,TREES_1:8,def 8;
     then p^q = p by XBOOLE_0:def 8 .= p^{} by FINSEQ_1:47;
     then q = {} by FINSEQ_1:46;
    hence q in elementary_tree 0 by TREES_1:47;
   assume q in elementary_tree 0;
    then q = {} by TARSKI:def 1,TREES_1:56;
   hence thesis by TREES_1:47;

   for t being DecoratedTree, p being Node of t holds
  t|p is root iff p in Leaves dom t
  proof let t be DecoratedTree, p be Node of t;
      (t|p is root iff dom (t|p) = elementary_tree 0) &
    dom (t|p) = (dom t)|p &
    (p in Leaves dom t iff (dom t)|p = elementary_tree 0)
     by Def1,Th5,TREES_2:def 11;
   hence thesis;

 cluster root DecoratedTree;
   proof take t = root-tree 0; thus dom t = elementary_tree 0 by TREES_4:3;
 cluster finite non root DecoratedTree;
   proof take t = 0-tree root-tree 0;
       dom t = ^dom root-tree 0 by TREES_4:13
          .= elementary_tree 1 by TREES_3:70,TREES_4:3;
    hence t is finite by AMI_1:21;
    assume dom t = elementary_tree 0;
     then root-tree (t.{}) = t by TREES_4:5
        .= 0-tree <*root-tree 0*> by TREES_4:def 5;
    hence contradiction by TREES_4:17;

definition let x be set;
 cluster root-tree x -> finite root;
   proof dom root-tree x = elementary_tree 0 by TREES_4:3;
    hence thesis by Def1;

definition let IT be Tree;
 attr IT is finite-branching means
  for x being Element of IT holds succ x is finite;

 cluster finite-order -> finite-branching Tree;
  proof let t be Tree; assume t is finite-order;
   then reconsider a = t as finite-order Tree;
   let x be Element of t; reconsider x as Element of a;
      succ x is finite;
   hence thesis;

 cluster finite Tree;
  proof consider t being finite Tree;
   take t; thus thesis;

definition let IT be DecoratedTree;
 attr IT is finite-order means
  dom IT is finite-order;
 attr IT is finite-branching means
  dom IT is finite-branching;

 cluster finite -> finite-order DecoratedTree;
  proof let t be DecoratedTree; assume t is finite;
    then dom t is finite Tree by AMI_1:21;
   hence dom t is finite-order;
 cluster finite-order -> finite-branching DecoratedTree;
  proof let t be DecoratedTree; assume dom t is finite-order;
    then dom t is finite-order Tree;
   hence dom t is finite-branching;

 cluster finite DecoratedTree;
  proof consider t being finite Tree;
   consider f being Function of t,{0};
   take f;
   thus f is finite;

 let t be finite-order DecoratedTree;
 cluster dom t -> finite-order;
  coherence by Def3;

 let t be finite-branching DecoratedTree;
 cluster dom t -> finite-branching;
  coherence by Def4;

 let t be finite-branching Tree;
 let p be Element of t;
 cluster succ p -> finite;
  coherence by Def2;

scheme FinOrdSet{f(set) -> set, X() -> finite set}:
 for n being Nat holds f(n) in X() iff n < card X()
A1:    for x being set st x in X() ex n being Nat st x = f(n) and
A2:    for i,j being Nat st i < j & f(j) in X() holds f(i) in X() and
A3:    for i,j being Nat st f(i) = f(j) holds i = j
    deffunc U(set) = f($1);
    defpred X[Nat] means $1 < card X() implies f($1) in X();
A4: X[0]
    proof assume 0 < card X();
     then reconsider X = X() as non empty set by CARD_1:78;
     consider x being Element of X;
     consider n being Nat such that
A5:   x = f(n) by A1;
        n = 0 or n > 0 by NAT_1:19;
     hence f(0) in X() by A2,A5;
A6:  for n being Nat st X[n] holds X[n+1]
     proof let n be Nat such that
A7:    n < card X() implies f(n) in X() and
A8:    n+1 < card X() and
A9:    not f(n+1) in X();
       A10: n <= n+1 by NAT_1:29;
      consider f being Function such that
A11:    dom f = n+1 & for x being set st x in n+1 holds f.x = U(x) from Lambda;
A12:    n+1 = {k where k is Nat: k < n+1} by AXIOMS:30;
A13:    f is one-to-one
        proof let x1,x2 be set; assume
A14:       x1 in dom f & x2 in dom f & f.x1 = f.x2;
          then (ex k being Nat st x1 = k & k < n+1) &
          (ex k being Nat st x2 = k & k < n+1) by A11,A12;
          then (f(x1) = f(x2) implies x1 = x2) & f(x1) = f.x1 & f(x2) = f.x2
           by A3,A11,A14;
         hence thesis by A14;
         rng f = X()
         hereby let x be set; assume x in rng f;
          then consider y being set such that
A15:        y in n+1 & x = f.y by A11,FUNCT_1:def 5;
          consider k being Nat such that
A16:        y = k & k < n+1 by A12,A15;
             k <= n by A16,NAT_1:38;
           then k = n or k < n by REAL_1:def 5;
           then f(k) in X() & f(k) = x by A2,A7,A8,A10,A11,A15,A16,AXIOMS:22;
          hence x in X();
         let x be set; assume
A17:       x in X(); then consider k being Nat such that
A18:       x = f(k) by A1;
            now assume k >= n+1;
            then k = n+1 or k > n+1 by REAL_1:def 5;
           hence contradiction by A2,A9,A17,A18;
          then k in n+1 by A12;
          then x = f.k & f.k in rng f by A11,A18,FUNCT_1:def 5;
         hence thesis;
       then n+1,X() are_equipotent by A11,A13,WELLORD2:def 4;
       then Card (n+1) = Card X() & n+1 = Card (n+1) by CARD_1:21,66;
      hence thesis by A8;
A19:  for n being Nat holds X[n] from Ind(A4,A6);
   consider f being Function such that
A20:  dom f = card X() & for x being set st x in card X() holds f.x = U(x)
     from Lambda;
A21:  card X() = {n where n is Nat: n < card X()} by AXIOMS:30;
      f is one-to-one
     proof let x1,x2 be set; assume
A22:    x1 in dom f & x2 in dom f;
       then (ex k being Nat st x1 = k & k < card X()) &
       (ex k being Nat st x2 = k & k < card X()) by A20,A21;
       then (f(x1) = f(x2) implies x1 = x2) & f(x1) = f.x1 & f(x2) = f.x2
        by A3,A20,A22;
      hence thesis;
then A23:  dom f,rng f are_equipotent by WELLORD2:def 4;
then A24:  Card rng f = Card card X() by A20,CARD_1:21 .= card X() by CARD_1:66
      card X() is finite by CARD_1:69;
   then reconsider Y = rng f as finite set by A20,A23,CARD_1:68;
      now given i being Nat such that
A25:   i >= card X() & f(i) in X();
        card X() < i or card X() = i by A25,REAL_1:def 5;
then A26:   f(card X()) in X() by A2,A25;
then A27:   {f(card X())} c= X() by ZFMISC_1:37;
        rng f c= X() \ {f(card X())}
       proof let x be set; assume x in rng f;
        then consider y being set such that
A28:      y in card X() & x = f.y by A20,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        consider k being Nat such that
A29:      y = k & k < card X() by A21,A28;
A30:      f(k) in X() & f(k) = x by A2,A20,A26,A28,A29;
           now assume x in {f(card X())};
           then f(k) = f(card X()) by A30,TARSKI:def 1;
          hence contradiction by A3,A29;
        hence thesis by A30,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      then card Y <= card ((X()) \ {f(card X())}) by CARD_1:80;
      then card Y <= (card X()) - card {f(card X())} by A27,CARD_2:63;
      then card Y <= (card Y) - 1 by A24,CARD_2:60;
      then card Y + 1 <= (card Y) - 1 + 1 by REAL_1:55;
      then card Y + 1 <= card Y by XCMPLX_1:27;
     hence contradiction by NAT_1:38;
   hence thesis by A19;

definition let X be set;
 cluster one-to-one empty FinSequence of X;
  existence proof take <*>X; thus thesis; end;

theorem Th7:
 for t being finite-branching Tree, p being Element of t
  for n being Nat holds p^<*n*> in succ p iff n < card succ p
  proof let t be finite-branching Tree, p be Element of t;
A1: succ p = {p^<*n*> where n is Nat: p^<*n*> in t} by TREES_2:def 5;
    deffunc U(Nat) = p^<*$1*>;
A2: for x being set st x in succ p ex n being Nat st x = U(n)
     proof let x be set; assume x in succ p;
       then ex n being Nat st x = U(n) & U(n) in t by A1;
      hence thesis;
A3: for i,j being Nat st i < j & U(j) in succ p holds U(i) in succ p
     proof let i,j be Nat; assume i < j & p^<*j*> in succ p;
       then p^<*i*> in t by TREES_1:def 5;
      hence thesis by TREES_2:14;
A4: for i,j being Nat st U(i) = U(j) holds i = j
     proof let i,j be Nat; assume p^<*i*> = p^<*j*>;
      hence i = (p^<*j*>).(len p+1) by FINSEQ_1:59 .= j by FINSEQ_1:59;
   thus for n being Nat holds U(n) in succ p iff n < card succ p
        from FinOrdSet(A2,A3,A4);

 let t be finite-branching Tree;
 let p be Element of t;
 func p succ -> one-to-one FinSequence of t means:
  len it = card succ p & rng it = succ p &
  for i being Nat st i < len it holds it.(i+1) = p^<*i*>;
   deffunc U(Nat) = p^<*$1-1*>;
    consider q being FinSequence such that
A1:   len q = card succ p &
     for i being Nat st i in Seg card succ p holds q.i = U(i)
       from SeqLambda;
A2:  dom q = Seg card succ p by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A3:  for i being Nat st i < len q holds q.(i+1) = p^<*i*>
      proof let i be Nat; assume i < len q;
        then i+1 in dom q by Lm3;
        then q.(i+1) = p^<*i+1-1*> by A1,A2;
       hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:26;
A4:  succ p = {p^<*n*> where n is Nat: p^<*n*> in t} by TREES_2:def 5;
A5:   q is one-to-one
      proof let x1,x2 be set; assume
A6:     x1 in dom q & x2 in dom q;
       then reconsider i1 = x1, i2 = x2 as Nat;
          (p^<*i1-1*>).(len p+1) = i1-1 & (p^<*i2-1*>).(len p+1) = i2-1 &
        q.x1 = p^<*i1-1*> & q.x2 = p^<*i2-1*> by A1,A2,A6,FINSEQ_1:59;
       hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:19;
A7:   rng q c= succ p
      proof let x be set; assume x in rng q;
       then consider k being Nat such that
A8:      k < len q & x = q.(k+1) by Lm4;
          x = p^<*k*> by A3,A8;
       hence thesis by A1,A8,Th7;
    then reconsider q as one-to-one FinSequence of succ p by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
    take q; thus len q = card succ p & rng q c= succ p by A1,A7;
    thus succ p c= rng q
      proof let x be set; assume
A9:      x in succ p;
       then consider n being Nat such that
A10:      x = p^<*n*> & p^<*n*> in t by A4;
          n < card succ p by A9,A10,Th7;
        then q.(n+1) = x & q.(n+1) in rng q by A1,A3,A10,Lm3;
       hence thesis;
    thus thesis by A3;
   proof let q1, q2 be one-to-one FinSequence of t such that
A11:  len q1 = card succ p & rng q1 = succ p and
A12:  for i being Nat st i < len q1 holds q1.(i+1) = p^<*i*> and
A13:  len q2 = card succ p & rng q2 = succ p and
A14:  for i being Nat st i < len q2 holds q2.(i+1) = p^<*i*>;
A15:   dom q1 = Seg card succ p & dom q2 = Seg card succ p
      by A11,A13,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       now let k be Nat; assume k in Seg card succ p;
      then consider n being Nat such that
A16:     k = n+1 & n < len q1 by A15,Lm1;
      thus q1.k = p^<*n*> by A12,A16 .= q2.k by A11,A13,A14,A16;
    hence thesis by A15,FINSEQ_1:17;

 let t be finite-branching DecoratedTree;
 let p be FinSequence such that
A1:  p in dom t;
 func succ(t,p) -> FinSequence means:
  ex q being Element of dom t st q = p & it = t*(q succ);
   proof reconsider q = p as Element of dom t by A1;
       rng (q succ) c= dom t by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     then dom (t*(q succ)) = dom (q succ) by RELAT_1:46
        .= Seg len (q succ) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then t*(q succ) is FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:def 2;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th8:
 for t being finite-branching DecoratedTree
  ex x being set, p being DTree-yielding FinSequence st
   t = x-tree p
  proof let t be finite-branching DecoratedTree;
   take x = t.{};
   reconsider e = {} as Node of t by TREES_1:47;
      (dom t)-level 1 = succ e by TREES_2:15;
   then reconsider A = (dom t)-level 1 as finite set;
   defpred X[set,set] means ex n being Nat st n+1 = $1 & $2 = t|<*n*>;
A1: for z being set st z in Seg card A ex u being set st X[z,u]
    proof let z be set; assume
A2:   z in Seg card A; then reconsider m = z as Nat;
        m >= 1 by A2,FINSEQ_1:3;
     then consider n being Nat such that
A3:   m = 1+n by NAT_1:28;
     reconsider y = t|<*n*> as set;
     take y, n;
     thus n+1 = z & y = t|<*n*> by A3;
   consider p being Function such that
A4: dom p = Seg card A and
A5: for z being set st z in Seg card A holds X[z,p.z]
      from NonUniqFuncEx(A1);
   reconsider p as FinSequence by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 2;
A6: len p = card A by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      now let x be set; assume x in dom p;
      then ex n being Nat st n+1 = x & p.x = t|<*n*> by A4,A5;
     hence p.x is DecoratedTree;
   then reconsider p as DTree-yielding FinSequence by TREES_3:26;
   take p;
   reconsider e = {} as Element of dom t by TREES_1:47;
A7:  now let n be Nat;
     thus e^<*n*> = <*n*> & succ e = A by FINSEQ_1:47,TREES_2:15;
     hence <*n*> in A iff n < card A by Th7;
A8:  len doms p = len p by TREES_3:40;
      now let x be set;
     hereby assume
A9:     x in dom t & x <> {}; then reconsider r = x as Node of t;
      consider q being FinSequence of NAT, n being Nat such that
A10:     r = <*n*>^q by A9,MODAL_1:4;
      reconsider q as FinSequence;
      take n, q;
A11:     <*n*> in dom t & e^<*n*> = <*n*> & succ e = A by A7,A10,TREES_1:46
       then <*n*> in A by TREES_2:14;
      hence n < len doms p by A6,A7,A8;
then A12:     n+1 in dom doms p & n+1 in dom p by A8,Lm3;
      then consider k being Nat such that
A13:     k+1 = n+1 & p.(n+1) = t|<*k*> by A4,A5;
         k = n by A13,XCMPLX_1:2;
       then (doms p).(n+1) = dom (t|<*n*>) by A12,A13,FUNCT_6:31
                .= (dom t)|<*n*> by TREES_2:def 11;
      hence q in (doms p).(n+1) & x = <*n*>^q by A10,A11,TREES_1:def 9;
A14:    x = {} or
      ex n being Nat, q being FinSequence st
       n < len doms p & q in (doms p).(n+1) & x = <*n*>^q;
A15:    not x in dom t;
     then consider n being Nat, q being FinSequence such that
A16:    n < len doms p & q in (doms p).(n+1) & x = <*n*>^q by A14,TREES_1:47;
A17:    n+1 in dom p by A8,A16,Lm3;
     then consider k being Nat such that
A18:    k+1 = n+1 & p.(n+1) = t|<*k*> by A4,A5;
        k = n by A18,XCMPLX_1:2;
    then (doms p).(n+1) = dom (t|<*n*>) by A17,A18,FUNCT_6:31
               .= (dom t)|<*n*> by TREES_2:def 11;
     then reconsider q as Element of (dom t)|<*n*> by A16;
        <*n*> in A & e^<*n*> = <*n*> & succ e = A by A6,A7,A8,A16;
      then <*n*>^q in dom t by TREES_1:def 9;
     hence contradiction by A15,A16;
then A19:  dom t = tree doms p by TREES_3:def 15;
      now let n be Nat; assume
        n < len p; then n+1 in dom p by Lm3;
     then consider m being Nat such that
A20:    m+1 = n+1 & p.(n+1) = t|<*m*> by A4,A5;
      thus t|<*n*> = p.(n+1) by A20,XCMPLX_1:2;
   hence t = x-tree p by A19,TREES_4:def 4;

 for t being finite DecoratedTree, p being Node of t holds t|p is finite;

definition let t be finite DecoratedTree;
 let p be Node of t;
 cluster t|p -> finite;


theorem Th10:
 for t being finite Tree, p being Element of t st t = t|p holds p = {}
  proof let t be finite Tree, p be Element of t;
      p <> {} implies height t > height (t|p) by TREES_1:85;
   hence thesis;

definition let D be non empty set;
 let S be non empty Subset of FinTrees D;
 cluster -> finite Element of S;
  proof let t be Element of S;
      t is Element of FinTrees D;
   hence thesis;

begin :: Set of subtrees of decorated tree

 let t be DecoratedTree;
 func Subtrees t -> set equals:
  {t|p where p is Node of t: not contradiction};

 let t be DecoratedTree;
 cluster Subtrees t -> constituted-DTrees non empty;
   proof set S = {t|p where p is Node of t: not contradiction};
    consider p0 being Node of t; t|p0 in S;
    then reconsider S as non empty set;
       S is constituted-DTrees
      proof let x be set; assume x in S;
        then ex p being Node of t st x = t|p;
       hence x is DecoratedTree;
    hence thesis by Def7;

 let D be non empty set;
 let t be DecoratedTree of D;
 redefine func Subtrees t -> non empty Subset of Trees D;
       Subtrees t c= Trees D
      proof let x be set; assume x in Subtrees t;
        then x in {t|p where p is Node of t: not contradiction} by Def7;
        then ex p being Node of t st x = t|p; hence thesis by TREES_3:def 7;
    hence thesis;

 let D be non empty set;
 let t be finite DecoratedTree of D;
 redefine func Subtrees t -> non empty Subset of FinTrees D;
       Subtrees t c= FinTrees D
      proof let x be set; assume x in Subtrees t;
        then x in {t|p where p is Node of t: not contradiction} by Def7;
        then ex p being Node of t st x = (t qua DecoratedTree of D)|p;
       then reconsider x as finite DecoratedTree of D;
          dom x is finite;
       hence thesis by TREES_3:def 8;
    hence thesis;

definition let t be finite DecoratedTree;
 cluster -> finite Element of Subtrees t;
  proof let x be Element of Subtrees t;
      Subtrees t = {t|p where p is Node of t: not contradiction} by Def7;
    then x in {t|p where p is Node of t: not contradiction};
    then ex p being Node of t st x = t|p;
   hence x is finite;

reserve x for set, t,t1,t2 for DecoratedTree;

theorem Th11:
 x in Subtrees t iff ex n being Node of t st x = t|n
      Subtrees t = {t|p where p is Node of t: not contradiction} by Def7;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th12:
 t in Subtrees t
  proof reconsider e = {} as Node of t by TREES_1:47;
      t|e = t by Th1;
   hence thesis by Th11;

   t1 is finite & Subtrees t1 = Subtrees t2 implies t1 = t2
  proof assume
A1:  t1 is finite & Subtrees t1 = Subtrees t2;
    then t1 in Subtrees t2 by Th12;
   then consider n being Node of t2 such that
A2:  t1 = t2|n by Th11;
   reconsider t = t1 as finite DecoratedTree by A1;
      t2 in Subtrees t1 by A1,Th12;
   then consider m being Node of t1 such that
A3:  t2 = t1|m by Th11;
      dom (t1|m) = (dom t1)|m by TREES_2:def 11;
   then reconsider p = m^n as Element of dom t by A3,TREES_1:def 9;
      t = t|p by A2,A3,Th3;
    then dom t = (dom t)|p by TREES_2:def 11;
    then p = {} by Th10;
    then n = {} by FINSEQ_1:48;
   hence t1 = t2 by A2,Th1;

   for n being Node of t holds Subtrees (t|n) c= Subtrees t
  proof let n be Node of t; let x be set;
   assume x in Subtrees (t|n);
   then consider p being Node of t|n such that
A1:  x = (t|n)|p by Th11;
      dom (t|n) = (dom t)|n by TREES_2:def 11;
   then reconsider q = n^p as Node of t by TREES_1:def 9;
      x = t|q by A1,Th3;
   hence thesis by Th11;

 let t be DecoratedTree;
 func FixedSubtrees t -> Subset of [:dom t, Subtrees t:] equals:
   {[p,t|p] where p is Node of t: not contradiction};
   proof set S = {[p,t|p] where p is Node of t: not contradiction};
       S c= [:dom t, Subtrees t:]
      proof let x be set; assume x in S;
       then consider p being Node of t such that
A1:      x = [p,t|p];
          t|p in Subtrees t by Th11;
       hence x in [:dom t, Subtrees t:] by A1,ZFMISC_1:106;
      end; hence thesis;

 let t be DecoratedTree;
 cluster FixedSubtrees t -> non empty;
   proof set S = {[p,t|p] where p is Node of t: not contradiction};
    consider p0 being Node of t; [p0,t|p0] in S;
    hence thesis by Def8;

theorem Th15:
 x in FixedSubtrees t iff ex n being Node of t st x = [n,t|n]
      FixedSubtrees t =
     {[p,t|p] where p is Node of t: not contradiction} by Def8;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th16:
 [{},t] in FixedSubtrees t
  proof reconsider e = {} as Node of t by TREES_1:47;
      t|e = t by Th1;
   hence thesis by Th15;

   FixedSubtrees t1 = FixedSubtrees t2 implies t1 = t2
  proof assume FixedSubtrees t1 = FixedSubtrees t2;
    then [{},t1] in FixedSubtrees t2 by Th16;
   then consider n being Node of t2 such that
A1:  [{},t1] = [n,t2|n] by Th15;
      {} = n & t1 = t2|n by A1,ZFMISC_1:33;
   hence thesis by Th1;

 let t be DecoratedTree;
 let C be set;
 func C-Subtrees t -> Subset of Subtrees t equals:
   {t|p where p is Node of t: not p in Leaves dom t or t.p in C};
    set W = {t|p where p is Node of t: not p in Leaves dom t or t.p in C};
       W c= Subtrees t
      proof let x be set; assume x in W;
        then ex p being Node of t st x = t|p & (not p in Leaves dom t or t.p
in C);
       then x in {t|p where p is Node of t: not contradiction};
       hence thesis by Def7;
      end; hence thesis;

reserve C for set;

theorem Th18:
 x in C-Subtrees t iff
  ex n being Node of t st x = t|n & (not n in Leaves dom t or t.n in C)
      C-Subtrees t =
     {t|p where p is Node of t: not p in Leaves dom t or t.p in C} by Def9;
   hence thesis;

   C-Subtrees t is empty iff t is root & not t.{} in C
  proof reconsider e = {} as Node of t by TREES_1:47;
   hereby assume C-Subtrees t is empty;
     then not t|e in C-Subtrees t;
     then e in Leaves dom t & not t.e in C by Th18;
    hence t is root & not t.{} in C by Th4;
A1:  t is root & not t.{} in C;
   assume C-Subtrees t is not empty;
   then reconsider S = C-Subtrees t as non empty Subset of Subtrees t;
   consider s being Element of S;
   consider n being Node of t such that
A2:  s = t|n & (not n in Leaves dom t or t.n in C) by Th18;
A3:  dom t = {{}} by A1,Def1,TREES_1:56;
    then n = {} by TARSKI:def 1;
    then e^<*0*> in dom t & e^<*0*> = <*0*> by A1,A2,BINTREE1:3,FINSEQ_1:47;
    then {} = <*0*> by A3,TARSKI:def 1;
   hence contradiction by TREES_1:4;

 let t be finite DecoratedTree;
 let C be set;
 func C-ImmediateSubtrees t -> Function of C-Subtrees t, (Subtrees t)*
    for d being DecoratedTree st d in C-Subtrees t
  for p being FinSequence of Subtrees t st p = it.d holds d = (d.{})-tree p;
    defpred X[set,set] means
      ex d being DecoratedTree, p being FinSequence of Subtrees t st
        p = $2 & d = $1 & d = (d.{})-tree p;
A1: for x st x in C-Subtrees t ex y being set st y in (Subtrees t)* & X[x,y]
     proof let x be set; assume
      x in C-Subtrees t;
then reconsider s = x as Element of Subtrees t;
      consider sp being Node of t such that
A2:    s = t|sp by Th11;
      consider z being set, p being DTree-yielding FinSequence such that
A3:    s = z-tree p by Th8;
         rng p c= Subtrees t
        proof let x be set; assume x in rng p;
         then consider k being Nat such that
A4:       k < len p & x = p.(k+1) by Lm4;
A5:       x = s|<*k*> by A3,A4,TREES_4:def 4;
         reconsider e = {} as Node of s|<*k*> by TREES_1:47;
            <*k*>^e = <*k*> by FINSEQ_1:47;
          then <*k*> in dom s & dom (t|sp) = (dom t)|sp
            by A3,A4,A5,TREES_2:def 11,TREES_4:11;
         then reconsider q = sp^<*k*> as Node of t by A2,TREES_1:def 9;
            x = t|q by A2,A5,Th3;
         hence thesis by Th11;
      then reconsider p as FinSequence of Subtrees t by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      reconsider y = p as set;
      take y; thus y in (Subtrees t)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      reconsider d = s as DecoratedTree;
      take d, p;
      thus p = y & d = x & d = (d.{})-tree p by A3,TREES_4:def 4;
    consider f being Function such that
A6:   dom f = C-Subtrees t & rng f c= (Subtrees t)* &
      for x being set st x in C-Subtrees t holds X[x,f.x]
        from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A1);
    reconsider f as Function of C-Subtrees t, (Subtrees t)*
      by A6,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
    take f; let d be DecoratedTree; assume
       d in C-Subtrees t;
     then ex d' being DecoratedTree, p being FinSequence of Subtrees t st
      p = f.d & d' = d & d' = (d'.{})-tree p by A6;
    hence thesis;
   proof let f1, f2 be Function of C-Subtrees t, (Subtrees t)* such that
A7:   for d being DecoratedTree st d in C-Subtrees t
      for p being FinSequence of Subtrees t st p = f1.d holds
       d = (d.{})-tree p and
A8:   for d being DecoratedTree st d in C-Subtrees t
      for p being FinSequence of Subtrees t st p = f2.d holds
       d = (d.{})-tree p;
       now let x be set; assume
A9:     x in C-Subtrees t;
then reconsider s = x as Element of Subtrees t;
      reconsider p1 = f1.s, p2 = f2.s as Element of (Subtrees t)*
        by A9,FUNCT_2:7;
         s = (s.{})-tree p1 & s = (s.{})-tree p2 by A7,A8,A9;
      hence f1.x = f2.x by TREES_4:15;
    hence f1 = f2 by FUNCT_2:18;

begin :: Set of subtrees of set of decorated tree

 let X be constituted-DTrees non empty set;
 func Subtrees X -> set equals:
   {t|p where t is Element of X, p is Node of t: not contradiction};

 let X be constituted-DTrees non empty set;
 cluster Subtrees X -> constituted-DTrees non empty;
    set S = {t|p where t is Element of X, p is Node of t: not contradiction};
    consider t being Element of X, p0 being Node of t; t|p0 in S;
    then reconsider S as non empty set;
       S is constituted-DTrees
      proof let x be set; assume x in S;
        then ex t being Element of X, p being Node of t st x = t|p;
       hence x is DecoratedTree;
    hence thesis by Def11;

 let D be non empty set;
 let X be non empty Subset of Trees D;
 redefine func Subtrees X -> non empty Subset of Trees D;
       Subtrees X c= Trees D
      proof let x be set; assume x in Subtrees X;
        then x in {t|p where t is Element of X, p is Node of t: not
         by Def11;
        then ex t being Element of X, p being Node of t st
          x = (t qua Element of Trees D)|p; hence thesis by TREES_3:def 7;
    hence thesis;

 let D be non empty set;
 let X be non empty Subset of FinTrees D;
 redefine func Subtrees X -> non empty Subset of FinTrees D;
       Subtrees X c= FinTrees D
      proof let x be set; assume x in Subtrees X;
        then x in {t|p where t is Element of X, p is Node of t: not
         by Def11;
        then ex t being Element of X, p being Node of t st
         x = ((t qua Element of FinTrees D) qua DecoratedTree of D)|p;
       then reconsider x as finite DecoratedTree of D;
          dom x is finite;
       hence thesis by TREES_3:def 8;
    hence thesis;

reserve X,Y for non empty constituted-DTrees set;

theorem Th20:
 x in Subtrees X iff ex t being Element of X, n being Node of t st x = t|n
      Subtrees X = {t|p where t is Element of X, p is Node of t:
      not contradiction} by Def11;
   hence thesis;

   t in X implies t in Subtrees X
  proof assume t in X; then reconsider t as Element of X;
   reconsider e = {} as Node of t by TREES_1:47;
      t|e = t by Th1;
   hence thesis by Th20;

   X c= Y implies Subtrees X c= Subtrees Y
  proof assume
A1:  x in X implies x in Y;
   let x be set; assume x in Subtrees X;
   then consider t being Element of X, p being Node of t such that
A2:  x = t|p by Th20;
   reconsider t as Element of Y by A1;
   reconsider p as Node of t;
      x = t|p by A2;
   hence thesis by Th20;

 let t be DecoratedTree;
 cluster {t} -> non empty constituted-DTrees;
  coherence by TREES_3:15;

   Subtrees {t} = Subtrees t
   hereby let x; assume x in Subtrees {t};
    then consider u being Element of {t}, p being Node of u such that
A1:   x = u|p by Th20;
    u = t by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence x in Subtrees t by A1,Th11;
   let x; assume x in Subtrees t;
    then t in {t} & ex p being Node of t st x = t|p by Th11,TARSKI:def 1;
hence thesis by Th20;

   Subtrees X = union {Subtrees t where t is Element of X: not contradiction}
   hereby let x; assume x in Subtrees X;
    then consider t being Element of X such that
A1:   ex p being Node of t st x = t|p by Th20;
       Subtrees t in {Subtrees s where s is Element of X: not contradiction} &
     x in Subtrees t by A1,Th11;
    hence x in union {Subtrees s where s is Element of X: not contradiction}
      by TARSKI:def 4;
   let x; assume
      x in union {Subtrees s where s is Element of X: not contradiction};
   then consider Y being set such that
A2:  x in Y & Y in {Subtrees s where s is Element of X: not contradiction}
     by TARSKI:def 4;
   consider t being Element of X such that
A3:  Y = Subtrees t by A2;
      ex p being Node of t st x = t|p by A2,A3,Th11;
   hence thesis by Th20;

 let X be constituted-DTrees non empty set;
 let C be set;
 func C-Subtrees X -> Subset of Subtrees X equals:
  {t|p where t is Element of X, p is Node of t:
        not p in Leaves dom t or t.p in C};
    set W = {t|p where t is Element of X, p is Node of t:
             not p in Leaves dom t or t.p in C};
       W c= Subtrees X
      proof let x be set; assume x in W;
        then ex t being Element of X, p being Node of t st
         x = t|p & (not p in Leaves dom t or t.p in C); hence thesis by Th20;
      end; hence thesis;

theorem Th25:
 x in C-Subtrees X iff ex t being Element of X, n being Node of t st
     x = t|n & (not n in Leaves dom t or t.n in C)
      C-Subtrees X = {t|p where t is Element of X, p is Node of t:
        not p in Leaves dom t or t.p in C} by Def12;
   hence thesis;

   C-Subtrees X is empty iff
   for t being Element of X holds t is root & not t.{} in C
   hereby assume
A1:   C-Subtrees X is empty;
    let t be Element of X;
    reconsider e = {} as Node of t by TREES_1:47;
       not t|e in C-Subtrees X by A1;
     then e in Leaves dom t & not t.e in C by Th25;
    hence t is root & not t.{} in C by Th4;
A2:  for t being Element of X holds t is root & not t.{} in C;
   assume C-Subtrees X is not empty;
   then reconsider S = C-Subtrees X as non empty Subset of Subtrees X;
   consider s being Element of S;
   consider t being Element of X, n being Node of t such that
A3:  s = t|n & (not n in Leaves dom t or t.n in C) by Th25;
   reconsider e = {} as Node of t by TREES_1:47;
      t is root by A2;
then A4:  dom t = {{}} by Def1,TREES_1:56;
    then n = {} by TARSKI:def 1;
    then e^<*0*> in dom t & e^<*0*> = <*0*> by A2,A3,BINTREE1:3,FINSEQ_1:47;
    then {} = <*0*> by A4,TARSKI:def 1;
   hence contradiction by TREES_1:4;

   C-Subtrees {t} = C-Subtrees t
   hereby let x; assume x in C-Subtrees {t};
    then consider u being Element of {t}, p being Node of u such that
A1:   x = u|p & (not p in Leaves dom u or u.p in C) by Th25;
    u = t by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence x in C-Subtrees t by A1,Th18;
   let x; assume x in C-Subtrees t;
    then t in {t} & ex p being Node of t st x = t|p &
      (not p in Leaves dom t or t.p in C) by Th18,TARSKI:def 1;
hence thesis by Th25;

   C-Subtrees X =
    union {C-Subtrees t where t is Element of X: not contradiction}
   hereby let x; assume x in C-Subtrees X;
    then consider t being Element of X such that
A1:   ex n being Node of t st x = t|n & (not n in Leaves dom t or t.n in C)
      by Th25;
       C-Subtrees t in {C-Subtrees s where s is Element of X: not contradiction
     x in C-Subtrees t by A1,Th18;
    hence x in union {C-Subtrees s where s is Element of X: not contradiction}
      by TARSKI:def 4;
   let x; assume
      x in union {C-Subtrees s where s is Element of X: not contradiction};
   then consider Y being set such that
A2:  x in Y & Y in {C-Subtrees s where s is Element of X: not contradiction}
     by TARSKI:def 4;
   consider t being Element of X such that
A3:  Y = C-Subtrees t by A2;
      ex p being Node of t st x = t|p & (not p in Leaves dom t or t.p in C)
     by A2,A3,Th18;
   hence thesis by Th25;

 let X be non empty constituted-DTrees set such that
A1:     for t being Element of X holds t is finite;
 let C be set;
 func C-ImmediateSubtrees X -> Function of C-Subtrees X, (Subtrees X)*
    for d being DecoratedTree st d in C-Subtrees X
  for p being FinSequence of Subtrees X st p = it.d holds d = (d.{})-tree p;
    defpred X[set,set] means
       ex d being DecoratedTree, p being FinSequence of Subtrees X st
        p = $2 & d = $1 & d = (d.{})-tree p;
A2: for x st x in C-Subtrees X ex y being set st y in (Subtrees X)* & X[x,y]
     proof let x be set; assume
      x in C-Subtrees X;
then reconsider s = x as Element of Subtrees X;
      consider t being Element of X, sp being Node of t such that
A3:    s = t|sp by Th20;
         t is finite by A1;
       then s is finite DecoratedTree by A3,Lm5;
      then consider z being set, p being DTree-yielding FinSequence such that
A4:    s = z-tree p by Th8;
         rng p c= Subtrees X
        proof let x be set; assume x in rng p;
         then consider k being Nat such that
A5:       k < len p & x = p.(k+1) by Lm4;
A6:       x = s|<*k*> by A4,A5,TREES_4:def 4;
         reconsider e = {} as Node of s|<*k*> by TREES_1:47;
            <*k*>^e = <*k*> by FINSEQ_1:47;
          then <*k*> in dom s & dom (t|sp) = (dom t)|sp
            by A4,A5,A6,TREES_2:def 11,TREES_4:11;
         then reconsider q = sp^<*k*> as Node of t by A3,TREES_1:def 9;
            x = t|q by A3,A6,Th3;
         hence thesis by Th20;
      then reconsider p as FinSequence of Subtrees X by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      reconsider y = p as set;
      take y; thus y in (Subtrees X)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      reconsider d = s as DecoratedTree;
      take d, p;
      thus p = y & d = x & d = (d.{})-tree p by A4,TREES_4:def 4;
    consider f being Function such that
A7:   dom f = C-Subtrees X & rng f c= (Subtrees X)* &
      for x being set st x in C-Subtrees X holds X[x,f.x]
        from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A2);
    reconsider f as Function of C-Subtrees X, (Subtrees X)*
      by A7,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
    take f; let d be DecoratedTree; assume
       d in C-Subtrees X;
     then ex d' being DecoratedTree, p being FinSequence of Subtrees X st
      p = f.d & d' = d & d' = (d'.{})-tree p by A7;
    hence thesis;
   proof let f1, f2 be Function of C-Subtrees X, (Subtrees X)* such that
A8:   for d being DecoratedTree st d in C-Subtrees X
      for p being FinSequence of Subtrees X st p = f1.d holds
       d = (d.{})-tree p and
A9:   for d being DecoratedTree st d in C-Subtrees X
      for p being FinSequence of Subtrees X st p = f2.d holds
       d = (d.{})-tree p;
       now let x be set; assume
A10:     x in C-Subtrees X;
then reconsider s = x as Element of Subtrees X;
      reconsider p1 = f1.s, p2 = f2.s as Element of (Subtrees X)*
        by A10,FUNCT_2:7;
         s = (s.{})-tree p1 & s = (s.{})-tree p2 by A8,A9,A10;
      hence f1.x = f2.x by TREES_4:15;
    hence f1 = f2 by FUNCT_2:18;

 let t be Tree;
 cluster empty Element of t;
   proof {} in t by TREES_1:47; hence thesis;

   for t being finite DecoratedTree, p being Element of dom t holds
  len succ(t,p) = len (p succ) & dom succ(t,p) = dom (p succ)
  proof let t be finite DecoratedTree, p be Element of dom t;
    A1: ex q being Element of dom t st q = p & succ(t,p) = t*(q succ)
     by Def6;
      rng (p succ) c= dom t by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
    then dom succ(t,p) = dom (p succ) by A1,RELAT_1:46;
   hence thesis by FINSEQ_3:31;

theorem Th30:
 for p being FinTree-yielding FinSequence, n being empty Element of tree p
  card succ n = len p
  proof let p be FinTree-yielding FinSequence, n be empty Element of tree p;
   assume A1: not thesis;
   per cases by A1,AXIOMS:21;
A2:  card succ n < len p;
    then (card succ n)+1 in dom p by Lm3;
   then reconsider t = p.((card succ n)+1) as finite Tree by TREES_3:25;
      n in t & <*card succ n*>^n = <*card succ n*> &
    n^<*card succ n*> = <*card succ n*> by FINSEQ_1:47,TREES_1:47;
    then n^<*card succ n*> in tree(p) by A2,TREES_3:def 15;
    then n^<*card succ n*> in succ n by TREES_2:14; hence contradiction by Th7
   suppose card succ n > len p;
    then n^<*len p*> in succ n by Th7;
    then n^<*len p*> in tree(p);
    then <*len p*> in tree(p) & <*len p*> <> n by FINSEQ_1:47,TREES_1:4;
   then consider i being Nat, q being FinSequence such that
A3:  i < len p & q in p.(i+1) & <*len p*> = <*i*>^q by TREES_3:def 15;
      len p = <*len p*>.1 by FINSEQ_1:57 .= i by A3,FINSEQ_1:58;
   hence contradiction by A3;

   for t being finite DecoratedTree, x being set,
     p being DTree-yielding FinSequence st t = x-tree p
 for n being empty Element of dom t holds succ(t,n) = roots p
  proof let t be finite DecoratedTree, x be set;
   let p be DTree-yielding FinSequence such that
A1:  t = x-tree p;
   let n be empty Element of dom t;
    A2: ex q being Element of dom t st q = n & succ(t,n) = t*(q succ)
     by Def6;
      dom roots p = dom p by DTCONSTR:def 1;
then A3:  len roots p = len p by FINSEQ_3:31;
A4:  len doms p = len p by TREES_3:40;
      now let x be set; assume x in dom doms p;
     then consider i being Nat such that
A5:    x = i+1 & i < len p by A4,Lm1;
A6:    p.x = t|<*i*> & n in dom (t|<*i*>) & <*i*>^n = <*i*>
       by A1,A5,FINSEQ_1:47,TREES_1:47,TREES_4:def 4;
     then reconsider ii = <*i*> as Node of t by A1,A5,TREES_4:11;
        x in dom p by A5,Lm3;
      then (doms p).x = dom (t|ii) by A6,FUNCT_6:31;
     hence (doms p).x is finite Tree;
   then reconsider dp = doms p as FinTree-yielding FinSequence by TREES_3:25;
A7:  dom t = tree dp by A1,TREES_4:10;
      rng (n succ) c= dom t by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
    then dom succ(t,n) = dom (n succ) by A2,RELAT_1:46;
then A8:  len succ(t,n) = len (n succ) by FINSEQ_3:31;
then A9:  len succ(t,n) = card succ n by Def5
        .= len p by A4,A7,Th30;
      now let i be Nat; assume
A10:    i < len p;
then A11:    p.(i+1) = t|<*i*> & {} in (dom t)|<*i*>
       by A1,TREES_1:47,TREES_4:def 4;
        i+1 in dom succ(t,n) by A9,A10,Lm3;
then A12:    succ(t,n).(i+1) = t.((n succ).(i+1)) by A2,FUNCT_1:22
         .= t.(n^<*i*>) by A8,A9,A10,Def5
         .= t.<*i*> by FINSEQ_1:47;
        i+1 in dom p by A10,Lm3;
      then ex T being DecoratedTree st T = p.(i+1) & (roots p).(i+1) = T.{}
       by DTCONSTR:def 1;
      then (roots p).(i+1) = t.(<*i*>^{}) by A11,TREES_1:47,TREES_2:def 11;
     hence succ(t,n).(i+1) = (roots p).(i+1) by A12,FINSEQ_1:47;
   hence succ(t,n) = roots p by A3,A9,Lm2;

   for t being finite DecoratedTree, p being Node of t, q being Node of t|p
 holds succ(t,p^q) = succ(t|p,q)
  proof let t be finite DecoratedTree, p be Node of t, q be Node of t|p;
A1:  dom (t|p) = (dom t)|p by TREES_2:def 11;
   then reconsider pq = p^q as Element of dom t by TREES_1:def 9;
   reconsider q as Element of dom (t|p);
    A2: (ex q being Element of dom t st q = pq & succ(t,pq) = t*(q succ)) &
    (ex r being Element of dom (t|p) st r = q & succ(t|p,q) = (t|p)*(r succ))
     by Def6;
      dom t = dom t with-replacement (p,(dom t)|p) by TREES_2:8;
    then succ pq,succ q are_equipotent by A1,MODAL_1:19;
then A3:  len (pq succ) = card succ pq & len (q succ) = card succ q &
    card succ q = card succ pq by Def5,CARD_1:81;
then A4:  dom (pq succ) = dom (q succ) by FINSEQ_3:31;
      rng (pq succ) c= dom t & rng (q succ) c= dom (t|p) by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
then A5:  dom succ(t,pq) = dom (pq succ) & dom succ(t|p,q) = dom (q succ)
     by A2,RELAT_1:46;
      now let i be Nat; assume
A6:    i in dom (q succ);
     then consider k being Nat such that
A7:    i = k+1 & k < len (q succ) by Lm1;
      A8: q^<*k*> in succ q by A3,A7,Th7;
     thus succ(t,pq).i = t.((pq succ).i) by A2,A4,A5,A6,FUNCT_1:22
         .= t.(pq^<*k*>) by A3,A7,Def5
         .= t.(p^(q^<*k*>)) by FINSEQ_1:45
         .= (t|p).(q^<*k*>) by A1,A8,TREES_2:def 11
         .= (t|p).((q succ).i) by A7,Def5
         .= succ(t|p,q).i by A2,A5,A6,FUNCT_1:22;
   hence thesis by A4,A5,FINSEQ_1:17;

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