Content by Authors - ONLY until volume 14 (2006) INCLUSIVELY
  1. Kanchun , Yatsuka Nakamura. The Inner Product of Finite Sequences and of Points of $n$-dimensional Topological Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 179-183, 2003. MML Identifier: EUCLID_2
    Summary: First, we define the inner product to finite sequences of real value. Next, we extend it to points of $n$-dimensional topological space ${\calE}^{n}_{\rmT}$. At the end, orthogonality is introduced to this space.
  2. Kanchun , Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Cross Products and Tripple Vector Products in 3-dimensional Euclidean Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 381-383, 2003. MML Identifier: EUCLID_5
    Summary: First, we extend the basic theorems of 3-dimensional euclidian space, and then define the cross product in the same space and relative vector relations using the above definition.
Mitsuru Aoki
  1. Grzegorz Bancerek, Mitsuru Aoki, Akio Matsumoto, Yasunari Shidama. Processes in Petri nets, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 125-132, 2003. MML Identifier: PNPROC_1
    Summary: Sequential and concurrent compositions of processes in Petri nets are introduced. A process is formalized as a set of (possible), so called, firing sequences. In the definition of the sequential composition the standard concatenation is used $$ R_1 \mathop{\rm before} R_2 = \{p_1\mathop{^\frown}p_2: p_1\in R_1\ \land\ p_2\in R_2\} $$ The definition of the concurrent composition is more complicated $$ R_1 \mathop{\rm concur} R_2 = \{ q_1\cup q_2: q_1\ {\rm misses}\ q_2\ \land\ \mathop{\rm Seq} q_1\in R_1\ \land\ \mathop{\rm Seq} q_2\in R_2\} $$ For example, $$ \{\langle t_0\rangle\} \mathop{\rm concur} \{\langle t_1,t_2\rangle\} = \{\langle t_0,t_1,t_2\rangle , \langle t_1,t_0,t_2\rangle , \langle t_1,t_2,t_0\rangle\} $$ The basic properties of the compositions are shown.
William W. Armstrong
  1. William W. Armstrong, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Armstrong's Axioms, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 39-51, 2003. MML Identifier: ARMSTRNG
    Summary: We present a formalization of the seminal paper by W.~W.~Armstrong~\cite{arm74} on functional dependencies in relational data bases. The paper is formalized in its entirety including examples and applications. The formalization was done with a routine effort albeit some new notions were defined which simplified formulation of some theorems and proofs.\par The definitive reference to the theory of relational databases is~\cite{Maier}, where saturated sets are called closed sets. Armstrong's ``axioms'' for functional dependencies are still widely taught at all levels of database design, see for instance~\cite{Elmasri}.
Broderick Arneson
  1. Broderick Arneson, Piotr Rudnicki. Primitive Roots of Unity and Cyclotomic Polynomials, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 59-67, 2004. MML Identifier: UNIROOTS
    Summary: We present a formalization of roots of unity, define cyclotomic polynomials and demonstrate the relationship between cyclotomic polynomials and unital polynomials.
  2. Broderick Arneson, Matthias Baaz, Piotr Rudnicki. Witt's Proof of the Wedderburn Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 69-75, 2004. MML Identifier: WEDDWITT
    Summary: We present a formalization of Witt's proof of the Wedderburn theorem following Chapter 5 of {\em Proofs from THE BOOK} by Martin Aigner and G\"{u}nter M. Ziegler, 2nd ed., Springer 1999.
  3. Broderick Arneson, Piotr Rudnicki. Chordal Graphs, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 79-92, 2006. MML Identifier: CHORD
    Summary: We are formalizing \cite[pp.~81--84]{Golumbic} where chordal graphs are defined and their basic characterization is given. This formalization is a part of the M.Sc. work of the first author under supervision of the second author.
  4. Broderick Arneson, Piotr Rudnicki. Recognizing Chordal Graphs: Lex BFS and MCS, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 187-205, 2006. MML Identifier: LEXBFS
    Summary: We are formalizing the algorithm for recognizing chordal graphs by lexicographic breadth-first search as presented in \cite[Section 3 of Chapter4, pp.~81--84]{Golumbic}. Then we follow with a formalization of another algorithm serving the same end but based on maximum cardinality search as presented by Tarjan and Yannakakis~\cite{TY84}.\par This work is a part of the MSc work of the first author under supervision of the second author. We would like to thank one of the anonymous reviewers for very useful suggestions.
Noriko Asamoto
  1. Noriko Asamoto. Some Multi Instructions Defined by Sequence of Instructions of \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 615-619, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_7
  2. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura, Noriko Asamoto. On the Compositions of Macro Instructions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 21-27, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA6A
  3. Noriko Asamoto, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. On the Composition of Macro Instructions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 41-47, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA6B
    Summary: We define the semantics of macro instructions (introduced in \cite{SCMFSA6A.ABS}) in terms of executions of ${\bf SCM}_{\rm FSA}$. In a similar way, we define the semantics of macro composition. Several attributes of macro instructions are introduced (paraclosed, parahalting, keeping 0) and their usage enables a systematic treatment of the composition of macro intructions. This article is continued in \cite{SCMFSA6C.ABS}.
  4. Noriko Asamoto, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. On the Composition of Macro Instructions. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 53-57, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA6C
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{SCMFSA6A.ABS} and \cite{SCMFSA6C.ABS}. First, we recast the semantics of the macro composition in more convenient terms. Then, we introduce terminology and basic properties of macros constructed out of single instructions of ${\bf SCM}_{\rm FSA}$. We give the complete semantics of composing a macro instruction with an instruction and for composing two machine instructions (this is also done in terms of macros). The introduced terminology is tested on the simple example of a macro for swapping two integer locations.
  5. Noriko Asamoto. Constant Assignment Macro Instructions of \SCMFSA. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 59-63, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA7B
  6. Noriko Asamoto. Conditional Branch Macro Instructions of \SCMFSA. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 65-72, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA8A
  7. Noriko Asamoto. Conditional Branch Macro Instructions of \SCMFSA. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 73-80, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA8B
  8. Noriko Asamoto. The loop and Times Macroinstruction for \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 483-497, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA8C
    Summary: We implement two macroinstructions {\tt loop} and {\tt Times} which iterate macroinstructions of {\SCMFSA}. In a {\tt loop} macroinstruction it jumps to the head when the original macroinstruction stops, in a {\tt Times} macroinstruction it behaves as if the original macroinstruction repeats $n$ times.
Matthias Baaz
  1. Broderick Arneson, Matthias Baaz, Piotr Rudnicki. Witt's Proof of the Wedderburn Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 69-75, 2004. MML Identifier: WEDDWITT
    Summary: We present a formalization of Witt's proof of the Wedderburn theorem following Chapter 5 of {\em Proofs from THE BOOK} by Martin Aigner and G\"{u}nter M. Ziegler, 2nd ed., Springer 1999.
Jonathan Backer
  1. Jonathan Backer, Piotr Rudnicki, Christoph Schwarzweller. Ring Ideals, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 565-582, 2001. MML Identifier: IDEAL_1
    Summary: We introduce the basic notions of ideal theory in rings. This includes left and right ideals, (finitely) generated ideals and some operations on ideals such as the addition of ideals and the radical of an ideal. In addition we introduce linear combinations to formalize the well-known characterization of generated ideals. Principal ideal domains and Noetherian rings are defined. The latter development follows \cite{Becker93}, pages 144--145.
  2. Jonathan Backer, Piotr Rudnicki. Hilbert Basis Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 583-589, 2001. MML Identifier: HILBASIS
    Summary: We prove the Hilbert basis theorem following \cite{Becker93}, page 145. First we prove the theorem for the univariate case and then for the multivariate case. Our proof for the latter is slightly different than in \cite{Becker93}. As a base case we take the ring of polynomilas with no variables. We also prove that a polynomial ring with infinite number of variables is not Noetherian.
Lilla Krystyna Baginska
  1. Lilla Krystyna Baginska, Adam Grabowski. On the Kuratowski Closure-Complement Problem, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 323-329, 2003. MML Identifier: KURATO_1
    Summary: In this article we formalize the Kuratowski closure-complement result: there is at most 14 distinct sets that one can produce from a given subset $A$ of a topological space $T$ by applying closure and complement operators and that all 14 can be obtained from a suitable subset of $\Bbb R,$ namely KuratExSet $=\{1\} \cup {\Bbb Q} (2,3) \cup (3, 4)\cup (4,\infty)$.\par The second part of the article deals with the maximal number of distinct sets which may be obtained from a given subset $A$ of $T$ by applying closure and interior operators. The subset KuratExSet of $\Bbb R$ is also enough to show that 7 can be achieved.
Agnieszka Banachowicz
  1. Agnieszka Banachowicz, Anna Winnicka. Complex Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 121-124, 1993. MML Identifier: COMSEQ_1
    Summary: Definitions of complex sequence and operations on sequences (multiplication of sequences and multiplication by a complex number, addition, subtraction, division and absolute value of sequence) are given. We followed \cite{SEQ_1.ABS}.
Grzegorz Bancerek
  1. Grzegorz Bancerek. The Fundamental Properties of Natural Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 41-46, 1990. MML Identifier: NAT_1
    Summary: Some fundamental properties of addition, multiplication, order relations, exact division, the remainder, divisibility, the least common multiple, the greatest common divisor are presented. A proof of Euclid algorithm is also given.
  2. Grzegorz Bancerek. The Ordinal Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 91-96, 1990. MML Identifier: ORDINAL1
    Summary: In the beginning of the article we show some consequences of the regularity axiom. In the second part we introduce the successor of a set and the notions of transitivity and connectedness wrt membership relation. Then we define ordinal numbers as transitive and connected sets, and we prove some theorems of them and of their sets. Lastly we introduce the concept of a transfinite sequence and we show transfinite induction and schemes of defining by transfinite induction.
  3. Grzegorz Bancerek, Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Segments of Natural Numbers and Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 107-114, 1990. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_1
    Summary: We define the notion of an initial segment of natural numbers and prove a number of their properties. Using this notion we introduce finite sequences, subsequences, the empty sequence, a sequence of a domain, and the operation of concatenation of two sequences.
  4. Grzegorz Bancerek. The Well Ordering Relations, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 123-129, 1990. MML Identifier: WELLORD1
    Summary: Some theorems about well ordering relations are proved. The goal of the article is to prove that every two well ordering relations are either isomorphic or one of them is isomorphic to a segment of the other. The following concepts are defined: the segment of a relation induced by an element, well founded relations, well ordering relations, the restriction of a relation to a set, and the isomorphism of two relations. A number of simple facts is presented.
  5. Grzegorz Bancerek. A Model of ZF Set Theory Language, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 131-145, 1990. MML Identifier: ZF_LANG
    Summary: The goal of this article is to construct a language of the ZF set theory and to develop a notational and conceptual base which facilitates a convenient usage of the language.
  6. Grzegorz Bancerek. Models and Satisfiability, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 191-199, 1990. MML Identifier: ZF_MODEL
    Summary: The article includes schemes of defining by structural induction, and definitions and theorems related to: the set of variables which have free occurrences in a ZF-formula, the set of all valuations of variables in a model, the set of all valuations which satisfy a ZF-formula in a model, the satisfiability of a ZF-formula in a model by a valuation, the validity of a ZF-formula in a model, the axioms of ZF-language, the model of the ZF set theory.
  7. Grzegorz Bancerek. The Contraction Lemma, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 201-203, 1990. MML Identifier: ZF_COLLA
    Summary: The article includes the proof of the contraction lemma which claims that every class in which the axiom of extensionality is valid is isomorphic with a transitive class. In this article the isomorphism (wrt membership relation) of two sets is defined. It is based on \cite{MOST:1}.
  8. Grzegorz Bancerek. Zermelo Theorem and Axiom of Choice, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 265-267, 1990. MML Identifier: WELLORD2
    Summary: The article is continuation of \cite{WELLORD1.ABS} and \cite{ORDINAL1.ABS}, and the goal of it is show that Zermelo theorem (every set has a relation which well orders it - proposition (26)) and axiom of choice (for every non-empty family of non-empty and separate sets there is set which has exactly one common element with arbitrary family member - proposition (27)) are true. It is result of the Tarski's axiom A introduced in \cite{TARSKI:1} and repeated in \cite{TARSKI.ABS}. Inclusion as a settheoretical binary relation is introduced, the correspondence of well ordering relations to ordinal numbers is shown, and basic properties of equinumerosity are presented. Some facts are based on \cite{KURAT-MOST:1}.
  9. Grzegorz Bancerek. Properties of ZF Models, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 277-280, 1990. MML Identifier: ZFMODEL1
    Summary: The article deals with the concepts of satisfiability of ZF set theory language formulae in a model (a non-empty family of sets) and the axioms of ZF theory introduced in \cite{MOST:1}. It is shown that the transitive model satisfies the axiom of extensionality and that it satisfies the axiom of pairs if and only if it is closed to pair operation; it satisfies the axiom of unions if and only if it is closed to union operation, etc. The conditions which are satisfied by arbitrary model of ZF set theory are also shown. Besides introduced are definable and parametrically definable functions.
  10. Grzegorz Bancerek. Sequences of Ordinal Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 281-290, 1990. MML Identifier: ORDINAL2
    Summary: In the first part of the article we introduce the following operations: On $X$ that yields the set of all ordinals which belong to the set $X$, Lim $X$ that yields the set of all limit ordinals which belong to $X$, and inf $X$ and sup $X$ that yield the minimal ordinal belonging to $X$ and the minimal ordinal greater than all ordinals belonging to $X$, respectively. The second part of the article starts with schemes that can be used to justify the correctness of definitions based on the transfinite induction (see \cite{ORDINAL1.ABS} or \cite{KURAT-MOST:1}). The schemes are used to define addition, product and power of ordinal numbers. The operations of limes inferior and limes superior of sequences of ordinals are defined and the concepts of limit of ordinal sequence and increasing and continuous sequence are introduced.
  11. Grzegorz Bancerek. Cardinal Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 377-382, 1990. MML Identifier: CARD_1
    Summary: We present the choice function rule in the beginning of the article. In the main part of the article we formalize the base of cardinal theory. In the first section we introduce the concept of cardinal numbers and order relations between them. We present here Cantor-Bernstein theorem and other properties of order relation of cardinals. In the second section we show that every set has cardinal number equipotence to it. We introduce notion of alephs and we deal with the concept of finite set. At the end of the article we show two schemes of cardinal induction. Some definitions are based on \cite{GUZ-ZBIER:1} and \cite{KURAT-MOST:1}.
  12. Wojciech A. Trybulec, Grzegorz Bancerek. Kuratowski -- Zorn Lemma, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 387-393, 1990. MML Identifier: ORDERS_2
    Summary: The goal of this article is to prove Kuratowski - Zorn lemma. We prove it in a number of forms (theorems and schemes). We introduce the following notions: a relation is a quasi (or partial, or linear) order, a relation quasi (or partially, or linearly) orders a set, minimal and maximal element in a relation, inferior and superior element of a relation, a set has lower (or upper) Zorn property w.r.t. a relation. We prove basic theorems concerning those notions and theorems that relate them to the notions introduced in \cite{ORDERS_1.ABS}. At the end of the article we prove some theorems that belong rather to \cite{RELAT_1.ABS}, \cite{RELAT_2.ABS} or \cite{WELLORD1.ABS}.
  13. Grzegorz Bancerek. Introduction to Trees, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 421-427, 1990. MML Identifier: TREES_1
    Summary: The article consists of two parts: the first one deals with the concept of the prefixes of a finite sequence, the second one introduces and deals with the concept of tree. Besides some auxiliary propositions concerning finite sequences are presented. The trees are introduced as non-empty sets of finite sequences of natural numbers which are closed on prefixes and on sequences of less numbers (i.e. if $\langle n_1$, $n_2$, $\dots$, $n_k\rangle$ is a vertex (element) of a tree and $m_i \leq n_i$ for $i = 1$, $2$, $\dots$, $k$, then $\langle m_1$, $m_2$, $\dots$, $m_k\rangle$ also is). Finite trees, elementary trees with $n$ leaves, the leaves and the subtrees of a tree, the inserting of a tree into another tree, with a node used for determining the place of insertion, antichains of prefixes, and height and width of finite trees are introduced.
  14. Grzegorz Bancerek. Connectives and Subformulae of the First Order Language, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 451-458, 1990. MML Identifier: QC_LANG2
    Summary: In the article the development of the first order language defined in \cite{QC_LANG1.ABS} is continued. The following connectives are introduced: implication ($\Rightarrow$), disjunction ($\vee$), and equivalence ($\Leftrightarrow$). We introduce also the existential quantifier ($\exists$) and FALSUM. Some theorems on disjunctive, conditional, biconditional and existential formulae are proved and their selector functors are introduced. The second part of the article deals with notions of subformula, proper subformula and immediate constituent of a QC-formula.
  15. Czeslaw Bylinski, Grzegorz Bancerek. Variables in Formulae of the First Order Language, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 459-469, 1990. MML Identifier: QC_LANG3
    Summary: We develop the first order language defined in \cite{QC_LANG1.ABS}. We continue the work done in the article \cite{QC_LANG2.ABS}. We prove some schemes of defining by structural induction. We deal with notions of closed subformulae and of still not bound variables in a formula. We introduce the concept of the set of all free variables and the set of all fixed variables occurring in a formula.
  16. Grzegorz Bancerek. Ordinal Arithmetics, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 515-519, 1990. MML Identifier: ORDINAL3
    Summary: At the beginning the article contains some auxiliary theorems concerning the constructors defined in papers \cite{ORDINAL1.ABS} and \cite{ORDINAL2.ABS}. Next simple properties of addition and multiplication of ordinals are shown, e.g. associativity of addition. Addition and multiplication of a transfinite sequence of ordinals and a ordinal are also introduced here. The goal of the article is the proof that the distributivity of multiplication wrt addition and the associativity of multiplication hold. Additionally new binary functors of ordinals are introduced: subtraction, exact division, and remainder and some of their basic properties are presented.
  17. Grzegorz Bancerek. Curried and Uncurried Functions, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 537-541, 1990. MML Identifier: FUNCT_5
    Summary: In the article following functors are introduced: the projections of subsets of the Cartesian product, the functor which for every function $f:X \times Y \to Z$ gives some curried function ($X \to(Y \to Z)$), and the functor which from curried functions makes uncurried functions. Some of their properties and some properties of the set of all functions from a set into a set are also shown.
  18. Grzegorz Bancerek. Cardinal Arithmetics, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 543-547, 1990. MML Identifier: CARD_2
    Summary: In the article addition, multiplication and power operation of cardinals are introduced. Presented are some properties of equipotence of Cartesian products, basic cardinal arithmetics laws (transformativity, associativity, distributivity), and some facts about finite sets.
  19. Grzegorz Bancerek. Tarski's Classes and Ranks, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 563-567, 1990. MML Identifier: CLASSES1
    Summary: In the article the Tarski's classes (non-empty families of sets satisfying Tarski's axiom A given in \cite{TARSKI.ABS}) and the rank sets are introduced and some of their properties are shown. The transitive closure and the rank of a set is given here too.
  20. Grzegorz Bancerek. K\"onig's Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 589-593, 1990. MML Identifier: CARD_3
    Summary: In the article the sum and product of any number of cardinals are introduced and their relationships to addition, multiplication and to other concepts are shown. Then the K\"onig's theorem is proved. The theorem that the cardinal of union of increasing family of sets of power less than some cardinal {\bf m} is not greater than {\bf m}, is given too.
  21. Bogdan Nowak, Grzegorz Bancerek. Universal Classes, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 595-600, 1990. MML Identifier: CLASSES2
    Summary: In the article we have shown that there exist universal classes, i.e. there are sets which are closed w.r.t. basic set theory operations.
  22. Grzegorz Bancerek. Increasing and Continuous Ordinal Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 711-714, 1990. MML Identifier: ORDINAL4
    Summary: Concatenation of two ordinal sequences, the mode of all ordinals belonging to a universe and the mode of sequences of them with length equal to the rank of the universe are introduced. Besides, the increasing and continuous transfinite sequences, the limes of ordinal sequences and the power of ordinals, and the fact that every increasing and continuous transfinite sequence has critical numbers (fixed points) are discussed.
  23. Grzegorz Bancerek. Filters -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 813-819, 1990. MML Identifier: FILTER_0
    Summary: Filters of a lattice, maximal filters (ultrafilters), operation to create a filter generating by an element or by a non-empty subset of the lattice are discussed. Besides, there are introduced implicative lattices such that for every two elements there is an element being pseudo-complement of them. Some facts concerning these concepts are presented too, i.e. for any proper filter there exists an ultrafilter consisting it.
  24. Grzegorz Bancerek. Replacing of Variables in Formulas of ZF Theory, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 963-972, 1990. MML Identifier: ZF_LANG1
    Summary: Part one is a supplement to papers \cite{ZF_LANG.ABS}, \cite{ZF_MODEL.ABS}, and \cite{ZFMODEL1.ABS}. It deals with concepts of selector functions, atomic, negative, conjunctive formulas and etc., subformulas, free variables, satisfiability and models (it is shown that axioms of the predicate and the quantifier calculus are satisfied in an arbitrary set). In part two there are introduced notions of variables occurring in a formula and replacing of variables in a formula.
  25. Grzegorz Bancerek. The Reflection Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 973-977, 1990. MML Identifier: ZF_REFLE
    Summary: The goal is show that the reflection theorem holds. The theorem is as usual in the Morse-Kelley theory of classes (MK). That theory works with universal class which consists of all sets and every class is a subclass of it. In this paper (and in another Mizar articles) we work in Tarski-Grothendieck (TG) theory (see \cite{TARSKI.ABS}) which ensures the existence of sets that have properties like universal class (i.e. this theory is stronger than MK). The sets are introduced in \cite{CLASSES2.ABS} and some concepts of MK are modeled. The concepts are: the class $On$ of all ordinal numbers belonging to the universe, subclasses, transfinite sequences of non-empty elements of universe, etc. The reflection theorem states that if $A_\xi$ is an increasing and continuous transfinite sequence of non-empty sets and class $A = \bigcup_{\xi \in On} A_\xi$, then for every formula $H$ there is a strictly increasing continuous mapping $F: On \to On$ such that if $\varkappa$ is a critical number of $F$ (i.e. $F(\varkappa) = \varkappa > 0$) and $f \in A_\varkappa^{\bf VAR}$, then $A,f\models H \equiv\ {A_\varkappa},f\models H$. The proof is based on \cite{MOST:1}. Besides, in the article it is shown that every universal class is a model of ZF set theory if $\omega$ (the first infinite ordinal number) belongs to it. Some propositions concerning ordinal numbers and sequences of them are also present.
  26. Grzegorz Bancerek. Consequences of the Reflection Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 989-993, 1990. MML Identifier: ZFREFLE1
    Summary: Some consequences of the reflection theorem are discussed. To formulate them the notions of elementary equivalence and subsystems, and of models for a set of formulae are introduced. Besides, the concept of cofinality of a ordinal number with second one is used. The consequences of the reflection theorem (it is sometimes called the Scott-Scarpellini lemma) are: (i) If $A_\xi$ is a transfinite sequence as in the reflection theorem (see \cite{ZF_REFLE.ABS}) and $A = \bigcup_{\xi \in On} A_\xi$, then there is an increasing and continuous mapping $\phi$ from $On$ into $On$ such that for every critical number $\kappa$ the set $A_\kappa$ is an elementary subsystem of $A$ ($A_\kappa \prec A$). (ii) There is an increasing continuous mapping $\phi: On \to On$ such that ${\bf R}_\kappa \prec V$ for each of its critical numbers $\kappa$ ($V$ is the universal class and $On$ is the class of all ordinals belonging to $V$). (iii) There are ordinal numbers $\alpha$ cofinal with $\omega$ for which ${\bf R}_\alpha$ are models of ZF set theory. (iv) For each set $X$ from universe $V$ there is a model of ZF $M$ which belongs to $V$ and has $X$ as an element.
  27. Grzegorz Bancerek. Countable Sets and Hessenberg's Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 65-69, 1991. MML Identifier: CARD_4
    Summary: The concept of countable sets is introduced and there are shown some facts which deal with finite and countable sets. Besides, the article includes theorems and lemmas on the sum and product of infinite cardinals. The most important of them is Hessenberg's theorem which says that for every infinite cardinal {\bf m} the product ${\bf m} \cdot {\bf m}$ is equal to {\bf m}.
  28. Grzegorz Bancerek. Definable Functions, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 143-145, 1991. MML Identifier: ZFMODEL2
    Summary: The article is continuation of \cite{ZF_LANG1.ABS} and \cite{ZFMODEL1.ABS}. It deals with concepts of variables occurring in a formula and free variables, replacing of variables in a formula and definable functions. The goal of it is to create a base of facts which are neccesary to show that every model of ZF set theory is a good model, i.e. it is closed with respect to fundamental settheoretical operations (union, intersection, Cartesian product etc.). The base includes the facts concerning with the composition and conditional sum of two definable functions.
  29. Grzegorz Bancerek, Agata Darmochwal, Andrzej Trybulec. Propositional Calculus, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 147-150, 1991. MML Identifier: LUKASI_1
    Summary: We develop the classical propositional calculus, following \cite{LUKA:1}.
  30. Grzegorz Bancerek. K\"onig's Lemma, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 397-402, 1991. MML Identifier: TREES_2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{TREES_1.ABS}. The notion of finite--order trees, succesors of an element of a tree, and chains, levels and branches of a tree are introduced. That notion has been used to formalize K\"onig's Lemma which claims that there is a infinite branch of a finite-order tree if the tree has arbitrary long finite chains. Besides, the concept of decorated trees is introduced and some concepts dealing with trees are applied to decorated trees.
  31. Grzegorz Bancerek, Andrzej Kondracki. Mostowski's Fundamental Operations -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 425-427, 1991. MML Identifier: ZF_FUND2
    Summary: The article consists of two parts. The first part is translation of chapter II.3 of \cite{MOST:1}. A section of $D_{H}(a)$ determined by $f$ (symbolically $S_{H}(a,f)$) and a notion of predicative closure of a class are defined. It is proved that if following assumptions are satisfied: (o) $A=\bigcup_{\xi}A_{\xi}$, (i) $A_{\xi} \subset A_{\eta}$ for $\xi < \eta$, (ii) $A_{\lambda}=\bigcup_{\xi<\lambda}A_{\lambda}$ ($\lambda$ is a limit number), (iii) $A_{\xi}\in A$, (iv) $A_{\xi}$ is transitive, (v) $(x,y\in A) \rightarrow (x\cap y\in A)$, (vi) $A$ is predicatively closed, then the axiom of power sets and the axiom of substitution are valid in $A$. The second part is continuation of \cite{ZF_FUND1.ABS}. It is proved that if a non-void, transitive class is closed with respect to the operations $A_{1}-A_{7}$ then it is predicatively closed. At last sufficient criteria for a class to be a model of ZF-theory are formulated: if $A_{\xi}$ satisfies o -- iv and $A$ is closed under the operations $A_{1}-A_{7}$ then $A$ is a model of ZF.
  32. Grzegorz Bancerek. Filters -- Part II. Quotient Lattices Modulo Filters and Direct Product of Two Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 433-438, 1991. MML Identifier: FILTER_1
    Summary: Binary and unary operation preserving binary relations and quotients of those operations modulo equivalence relations are introduced. It is shown that the quotients inherit some important properties (commutativity, associativity, distributivity, etc.). Based on it, the quotient (also called factor) lattice modulo a filter (i.e. modulo the equivalence relation w.r.t the filter) is introduced. Similarly, some properties of the direct product of two binary (unary) operations are present and then the direct product of two lattices is introduced. Besides, the heredity of distributivity, modularity, completeness, etc., for the product of lattices is also shown. Finally, the concept of isomorphic lattices is introduced, and there is shown that every Boolean lattice $B$ is isomorphic with the direct product of the factor lattice $B/[a]$ and the lattice latt$[a]$, where $a$ is an element of $B$.
  33. Grzegorz Bancerek. Cartesian Product of Functions, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 547-552, 1991. MML Identifier: FUNCT_6
    Summary: A supplement of \cite{CARD_3.ABS} and \cite{FUNCT_5.ABS}, i.e. some useful and explanatory properties of the product and also the curried and uncurried functions are shown. Besides, the functions yielding functions are considered: two different products and other operation of such functions are introduced. Finally, two facts are presented: quasi-distributivity of the power of the set to other one w.r.t. the union ($X^{\biguplus_{x}f(x)} \approx \prod_{x}X^{f(x)}$) and quasi-distributivity of the product w.r.t. the raising to the power ($\prod_{x}{f(x)^X} \approx (\prod_{x}f(x))^X$).
  34. Grzegorz Bancerek, Agata Darmochwal. Comma Category, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 679-681, 1991. MML Identifier: COMMACAT
    Summary: Comma category of two functors is introduced.
  35. Patricia L. Carlson, Grzegorz Bancerek. Context-Free Grammar -- Part 1, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 683-687, 1991. MML Identifier: LANG1
    Summary: The concept of context-free grammar and of derivability in grammar are introduced. Moreover, the language (set of finite sequences of symbols) generated by grammar and some grammars are defined. The notion convenient to prove facts on language generated by grammar with exchange of symbols on grammar of union and concatenation of languages is included.
  36. Grzegorz Bancerek. Complete Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 719-725, 1991. MML Identifier: LATTICE3
    Summary: In the first section the lattice of subsets of distinct set is introduced. The join and meet operations are, respectively, union and intersection of sets, and the ordering relation is inclusion. It is shown that this lattice is Boolean, i.e. distributive and complementary. The second section introduces the poset generated in a distinct lattice by its ordering relation. Besides, it is proved that posets which have l.u.b.'s and g.l.b.'s for every two elements generate lattices with the same ordering relations. In the last section the concept of complete lattice is introduced and discussed. Finally, the fact that the function $f$ from subsets of distinct set yielding elements of this set is a infinite union of some complete lattice, if $f$ yields an element $a$ for singleton $\{a\}$ and $f(f^\circ X) = f(\bigsqcup X)$ for every subset $X$, is proved. Some concepts and proofs are based on \cite{RASIOWA-SIKOR} and \cite{TRACZYK}.
  37. Grzegorz Bancerek. On Powers of Cardinals, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 89-93, 1992. MML Identifier: CARD_5
    Summary: In the first section the results of \cite[axiom (30)]{AXIOMS.ABS}\footnote {Axiom (30)\quad ---\quad $n = \{k\in{\Bbb N}: k < n\}$ for every natural number $n$.}, i.e. the correspondence between natural and ordinal (cardinal) numbers are shown. The next section is concerned with the concepts of infinity and cofinality (see \cite{ZFREFLE1.ABS}), and introduces alephs as infinite cardinal numbers. The arithmetics of alephs, i.e. some facts about addition and multiplication, is present in the third section. The concepts of regular and irregular alephs are introduced in the fourth section, and the fact that $\aleph_0$ and every non-limit cardinal number are regular is proved there. Finally, for every alephs $\alpha$ and $\beta$ $$\alpha^\beta = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 2^\beta,& {\rm if}\ \alpha\leq\beta,\\ \sum_{\gamma<\alpha}\gamma^\beta,& {\rm if}\ \beta < {\rm cf}\alpha\ {\rm and} \ \alpha\ {\rm is\ limit\ cardinal},\\ \left(\sum_{\gamma<\alpha}\gamma^\beta\right)^{\rm cf\alpha},& {\rm if\ cf}\alpha \leq \beta \leq \alpha.\\ \end{array}\right.$$ \\ Some proofs are based on \cite{GUZ-ZBIER:1}.
  38. Grzegorz Bancerek. Sets and Functions of Trees and Joining Operations of Trees, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 195-204, 1992. MML Identifier: TREES_3
    Summary: In the article we deal with sets of trees and functions yielding trees. So, we introduce the sets of all trees, all finite trees and of all trees decorated by elements from some set. Next, the functions and the finite sequences yielding (finite, decorated) trees are introduced. There are shown some convenient but technical lemmas and clusters concerning with those concepts. In the fourth section we deal with trees decorated by Cartesian product and we introduce the concept of a tree called a substitution of structure of some finite tree. Finally, we introduce the operations of joining trees, i.e. for the finite sequence of trees we define the tree which is made by joining the trees from the sequence by common root. For one and two trees there are introduced the same operations.
  39. Grzegorz Bancerek. Monoids, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 213-225, 1992. MML Identifier: MONOID_0
    Summary: The goal of the article is to define the concept of monoid. In the preliminary section we introduce the notion of some properties of binary operations. The second section is concerning with structures with a set and a binary operation on this set: there is introduced the notion corresponding to the notion of some properties of binary operations and there are shown some useful clusters. Next, we are concerning with the structure with a set, a binary operation on the set and with an element of the set. Such a structure is called monoid iff the operation is associative and the element is a unity of the operation. In the fourth section the concept of subsystems of monoid (group) is introduced. Subsystems are submonoids (subgroups) or other parts of monoid (group) with are closed w.r.t. the operation. There are presented facts on inheritness of some properties by subsystems. Finally, there are constructed the examples of groups and monoids: the group $\rangle{\Bbb R},+\langle$ of real numbers with addition, the group ${\Bbb Z}^+$ of integers as the subsystem of the group $\rangle{\Bbb R},+\langle$, the semigroup $\rangle{\Bbb N},+\langle$ of natural numbers as the subsystem of ${\Bbb Z}^+$, and the monoid $\rangle{\Bbb N},+,0\langle$ of natural numbers with addition and zero as monoidal extension of the semigroup $\rangle{\Bbb N},+\langle$. The semigroups of real and natural numbers with multiplication are also introduced. The monoid of finite sequences over some set with concatenation as binary operation and with empty sequence as neutral element is defined in sixth section. Last section deals with monoids with the composition of functions as the operation, i.e. with the monoid of partial and total functions and the monoid of permutations.
  40. Grzegorz Bancerek. Monoid of Multisets and Subsets, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 227-233, 1992. MML Identifier: MONOID_1
    Summary: The monoid of functions yielding elements of a group is introduced. The monoid of multisets over a set is constructed as such monoid where the target group is the group of natural numbers with addition. Moreover, the generalization of group operation onto the operation on subsets is present. That generalization is used to introduce the group $2^G$ of subsets of a group $G$.
  41. Anna Lango, Grzegorz Bancerek. Product of Families of Groups and Vector Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 235-240, 1992. MML Identifier: PRVECT_1
    Summary: In the first section we present properties of fields and Abelian groups in terms of commutativity, associativity, etc. Next, we are concerned with operations on $n$-tuples on some set which are generalization of operations on this set. It is used in third section to introduce the $n$-power of a group and the $n$-power of a field. Besides, we introduce a concept of indexed family of binary (unary) operations over some indexed family of sets and a product of such families which is binary (unary) operation on a product of family sets. We use that product in the last section to introduce the product of a finite sequence of Abelian groups.
  42. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. Development of Terminology for \bf SCM, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 61-67, 1993. MML Identifier: SCM_1
    Summary: We develop a higher level terminology for the {\bf SCM} machine defined by Nakamura and Trybulec in \cite{AMI_1.ABS}. Among numerous technical definitions and lemmas we define a complexity measure of a halting state of {\bf SCM} and a loader for {\bf SCM} for arbitrary finite sequence of instructions. In order to test the introduced terminology we discuss properties of eight shortest halting programs, one for each instruction.
  43. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. Two Programs for \bf SCM. Part I -- Preliminaries, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 69-72, 1993. MML Identifier: PRE_FF
    Summary: In two articles (this one and \cite{FIB_FUSC.ABS}) we discuss correctness of two short programs for the {\bf SCM} machine: one computes Fibonacci numbers and the other computes the {\em fusc} function of Dijkstra \cite{DIJKSTRA}. The limitations of current Mizar implementation rendered it impossible to present the correctness proofs for the programs in one article. This part is purely technical and contains a number of very specific lemmas about integer division, floor, exponentiation and logarithms. The formal definitions of the Fibonacci sequence and the {\em fusc} function may be of general interest.
  44. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. Two Programs for \bf SCM. Part II -- Programs, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 73-75, 1993. MML Identifier: FIB_FUSC
    Summary: We prove the correctness of two short programs for the {\bf SCM} machine: one computes Fibonacci numbers and the other computes the {\em fusc} function of Dijkstra \cite{DIJKSTRA}. The formal definitions of these functions can be found in \cite{PRE_FF.ABS}. We prove the total correctness of the programs in two ways: by conducting inductions on computations and inductions on input data. In addition we characterize the concrete complexity of the programs as defined in \cite{SCM_1.ABS}.
  45. Grzegorz Bancerek. Joining of Decorated Trees, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 77-82, 1993. MML Identifier: TREES_4
    Summary: This is the continuation of the sequence of articles on trees (see \cite{TREES_1.ABS}, \cite{TREES_2.ABS}, \cite{TREES_3.ABS}). The main goal is to introduce joining operations on decorated trees corresponding with operations introduced in \cite{TREES_3.ABS}. We will also introduce the operation of substitution. In the last section we dealt with trees decorated by Cartesian product, i.e. we showed some lemmas on joining operations applied to such trees.
  46. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. On Defining Functions on Trees, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 91-101, 1993. MML Identifier: DTCONSTR
    Summary: The continuation of the sequence of articles on trees (see \cite{TREES_1.ABS}, \cite{TREES_2.ABS}, \cite{TREES_3.ABS}, \cite{TREES_4.ABS}) and on context-free grammars (\cite{LANG1.ABS}). We define the set of complete parse trees for a given context-free grammar. Next we define the scheme of induction for the set and the scheme of defining functions by induction on the set. For each symbol of a context-free grammar we define the terminal, the pretraversal, and the posttraversal languages. The introduced terminology is tested on the example of Peano naturals.
  47. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. On Defining Functions on Binary Trees, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 9-13, 1996. MML Identifier: BINTREE1
    Summary: This article is a continuation of an article on defining functions on trees (see \cite{DTCONSTR.ABS}). In this article we develop terminology specialized for binary trees, first defining binary trees and binary grammars. We recast the induction principle for the set of parse trees of binary grammars and the scheme of defining functions inductively with the set as domain. We conclude with defining the scheme of defining such functions by lambda-like expressions.
  48. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. A Compiler of Arithmetic Expressions for SCM, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 15-20, 1996. MML Identifier: SCM_COMP
    Summary: We define a set of binary arithmetic expressions with the following operations: $+$, $-$, $\cdot$, {\tt mod}, and {\tt div} and formalize the common meaning of the expressions in the set of integers. Then, we define a compile function that for a given expression results in a program for the {\bf SCM} machine defined by Nakamura and Trybulec in \cite{AMI_1.ABS}. We prove that the generated program when loaded into the machine and executed computes the value of the expression. The program uses additional memory and runs in time linear in length of the expression.
  49. Grzegorz Bancerek. Quantales, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 85-91, 1996. MML Identifier: QUANTAL1
    Summary: The concepts of Girard quantales (see \cite{GIRARD:TCS50} and \cite{YETTER}) and Blikle nets (see \cite{BLIKLE}) are introduced.
  50. Grzegorz Bancerek. Ideals, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 149-156, 1996. MML Identifier: FILTER_2
    Summary: The dual concept to filters (see \cite{FILTER_0.ABS}, \cite{FILTER_1.ABS}) i.e. ideals of a lattice is introduced.
  51. Grzegorz Bancerek. Categorial Categories and Slice Categories, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 157-165, 1996. MML Identifier: CAT_5
    Summary: By categorial categories we mean categories with categories as objects and morphisms of the form $(C_1, C_2, F)$, where $C_1$ and $C_2$ are categories and $F$ is a functor from $C_1$ into $C_2$.
  52. Grzegorz Bancerek. Subtrees, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 185-190, 1996. MML Identifier: TREES_9
    Summary: The concepts of root tree, the set of successors of a node in decorated tree and sets of subtrees are introduced.
  53. Grzegorz Bancerek. Terms Over Many Sorted Universal Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 191-198, 1996. MML Identifier: MSATERM
    Summary: Pure terms (without constants) over a signature of many sorted universal algebra and terms with constants from algebra are introduced. Facts on evaluation of a term in some valuation are proved.
  54. Yatsuka Nakamura, Grzegorz Bancerek. Combining of Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 283-295, 1996. MML Identifier: CIRCCOMB
    Summary: We continue the formalisation of circuits started in \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS},\cite{MSAFREE2.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}. Our goal was to work out the notation of combining circuits which could be employed to prove the properties of real circuits.
  55. Grzegorz Bancerek. Indexed Category, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 329-337, 1996. MML Identifier: INDEX_1
    Summary: The concept of indexing of a category (a part of indexed category, see \cite{TarleckiBurstallGoguen}) is introduced as a pair formed by a many sorted category and a many sorted functor. The indexing of a category $C$ against to \cite{TarleckiBurstallGoguen} is not a functor but it can be treated as a functor from $C$ into some categorial category (see \cite{CAT_5.ABS}). The goal of the article is to work out the notation necessary to define institutions (see \cite{GoguenBurstall}).
  56. Grzegorz Bancerek, Yatsuka Nakamura. Full Adder Circuit. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 367-380, 1996. MML Identifier: FACIRC_1
    Summary: We continue the formalisation of circuits started by Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline Kawamoto, and the second author in \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS}, \cite{MSAFREE2.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}. The first step in proving properties of full $n$-bit adder circuit, i.e. 1-bit adder, is presented. We employ the notation of combining circuits introduced in \cite{CIRCCOMB.ABS}.
  57. Grzegorz Bancerek. Continuous, Stable, and Linear Maps of Coherence Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 381-393, 1996. MML Identifier: COHSP_1
  58. Grzegorz Bancerek. Minimal Signature for Partial Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 405-414, 1996. MML Identifier: PUA2MSS1
    Summary: The concept of characterizing of partial algebras by many sorted signature is introduced, i.e. we say that a signature $S$ characterizes a partial algebra $A$ if there is an $S$-algebra whose sorts form a partition of the carrier of algebra $A$ and operations are formed from operations of $A$ by the partition. The main result is that for any partial algebra there is the minimal many sorted signature which characterizes the algebra. The minimality means that there are signature endomorphisms from any signature which characterizes the algebra $A$ onto the minimal one.
  59. Grzegorz Bancerek. Reduction Relations, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 469-478, 1996. MML Identifier: REWRITE1
    Summary: The goal of the article is to start the formalization of Knuth-Bendix completion method (see \cite{BachmairDershowitz}, \cite{KlopMiddeldorp} or \cite{HofLinCS}; see also \cite{KnuthBendix},\cite{Huet81}), i.e. to formalize the concept of the completion of a reduction relation. The completion of a reduction relation $R$ is a complete reduction relation equivalent to $R$ such that convertible elements have the same normal forms. The theory formalized in the article includes concepts and facts concerning normal forms, terminating reductions, Church-Rosser property, and equivalence of reduction relations.
  60. Grzegorz Bancerek, Andrzej Trybulec. Miscellaneous Facts about Functions, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 485-492, 1996. MML Identifier: FUNCT_7
  61. Grzegorz Bancerek. Translations, Endomorphisms, and Stable Equational Theories, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 553-564, 1996. MML Identifier: MSUALG_6
    Summary: Equational theories of an algebra, i.e. the equivalence relation closed under translations and endomorphisms, are formalized. The correspondence between equational theories and term rewriting systems is discussed in the paper. We get as the main result that any pair of elements of an algebra belongs to the equational theory generated by a set $A$ of axioms iff the elements are convertible w.r.t. term rewriting reduction determined by $A$.\par The theory is developed according to \cite{WECHLER}.
  62. Grzegorz Bancerek. Bounds in Posets and Relational Substructures, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 81-91, 1997. MML Identifier: YELLOW_0
    Summary: Notation and facts necessary to start with the formalization of continuous lattices according to \cite{CCL} are introduced.
  63. Grzegorz Bancerek. Directed Sets, Nets, Ideals, Filters, and Maps, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 93-107, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL_0
    Summary: Notation and facts necessary to start with the formalization of continuous lattices according to \cite{CCL} are introduced. The article contains among other things, the definition of directed and filtered subsets of a poset (see 1.1 in \cite[p.~2]{CCL}), the definition of nets on the poset (see 1.2 in \cite[p.~2]{CCL}), the definition of ideals and filters and the definition of maps preserving arbitrary and directed sups and arbitrary and filtered infs (1.9 also in \cite[p.~4]{CCL}). The concepts of semilattices, sup-semiletices and poset lattices (1.8 in \cite[p.~4]{CCL}) are also introduced. A number of facts concerning the above notion and including remarks 1.4, 1.5, and 1.10 from \cite[pp.~3--5]{CCL} is presented.
  64. Grzegorz Bancerek. The ``Way-Below'' Relation, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 169-176, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL_3
    Summary: In the paper the ``way-below" relation, in symbols $x \ll y$, is introduced. Some authors prefer the term ``relatively compact" or ``way inside", since in the poset of open sets of a topology it is natural to read $U \ll V$ as ``$U$ is relatively compact in $V$". A compact element of a poset (or an element isolated from below) is defined to be way below itself. So, the compactness in the poset of open sets of a topology is equivalent to the compactness in that topology.\par The article includes definitions, facts and examples 1.1--1.8 presented in \cite[pp.~38--42]{CCL}.
  65. Grzegorz Bancerek. Duality in Relation Structures, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 227-232, 1997. MML Identifier: YELLOW_7
  66. Grzegorz Bancerek. Prime Ideals and Filters, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 241-247, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL_7
    Summary: The part of \cite[pp.~73--77]{CCL}, i.e. definitions and propositions 3.16--3.27, is formalized in the paper.
  67. Grzegorz Bancerek. Institution of Many Sorted Algebras. Part I: Signature Reduct of an Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 279-287, 1997. MML Identifier: INSTALG1
    Summary: In the paper the notation necessary to construct the institution of many sorted algebras is introduced.
  68. Grzegorz Bancerek. Closure Operators and Subalgebras, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 295-301, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL10
  69. Grzegorz Bancerek. Algebra of Morphisms, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 303-310, 1997. MML Identifier: CATALG_1
  70. Grzegorz Bancerek. Bases and Refinements of Topologies, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 35-43, 1998. MML Identifier: YELLOW_9
  71. Grzegorz Bancerek. The Lawson Topology, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 163-168, 1998. MML Identifier: WAYBEL19
    Summary: The article includes definitions, lemmas and theorems 1.1--1.7, 1.9, 1.10 presented in Chapter III of \cite[pp.~142--146]{CCL}.
  72. Grzegorz Bancerek. Lawson Topology in Continuous Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 177-184, 1998. MML Identifier: WAYBEL21
    Summary: The article completes Mizar formalization of Section 1 of Chapter III of \cite[pp.~145--147]{CCL}.
  73. Grzegorz Bancerek. Retracts and Inheritance, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 77-85, 2001. MML Identifier: YELLOW16
  74. Grzegorz Bancerek. Technical Preliminaries to Algebraic Specifications, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 87-93, 2001. MML Identifier: ALGSPEC1
  75. Grzegorz Bancerek. Continuous Lattices of Maps between T$_0$ Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 111-117, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL26
    Summary: Formalization of \cite[pp. 128--130]{CCL}, chapter II, section 4 (4.1 -- 4.9).
  76. Grzegorz Bancerek, Adam Naumowicz. Function Spaces in the Category of Directed Suprema Preserving Maps, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 171-177, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL27
    Summary: Formalization of \cite[pp. 115--117]{ccl}, chapter II, section 2 (2.5 -- 2.10).
  77. Grzegorz Bancerek, Adam Naumowicz. The Characterization of the Continuity of Topologies, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 241-247, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL29
    Summary: Formalization of \cite[pp. 128--130]{CCL}, chapter II, section 4 (4.10, 4.11).
  78. Grzegorz Bancerek. Concrete Categories, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 605-621, 2001. MML Identifier: YELLOW18
    Summary: In the paper, we develop the notation of duality and equivalence of categories and concrete categories based on \cite{ALTCAT_1.ABS}. The development was motivated by the duality theory for continuous lattices (see \cite[p. 189]{CCL}), where we need to cope with concrete categories of lattices and maps preserving their properties. For example, the category {\it UPS} of complete lattices and directed suprema preserving maps; or the category {\it INF} of complete lattices and infima preserving maps. As the main result of this paper it is shown that every category is isomorphic to its concretization (the concrete category with the same objects). Some useful schemes to construct categories and functors are also presented.
  79. Grzegorz Bancerek. Circuit Generated by Terms and Circuit Calculating Terms, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 645-657, 2001. MML Identifier: CIRCTRM1
    Summary: In the paper we investigate the dependence between the structure of circuits and sets of terms. Circuits in our terminology (see \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}) are treated as locally-finite many sorted algebras over special signatures. Such approach enables to formalize every real circuit. The goal of this investigation is to specify circuits by terms and, enentualy, to have methods of formal verification of real circuits. The following notation is introduced in this paper: \begin{itemize} \item structural equivalence of circuits, i.e. equivalence of many sorted signatures, \item embedding of a circuit into another one, \item similarity of circuits (a concept narrower than isomorphism of many sorted algebras over equivalent signatures), \item calculation of terms by a circuit according to an algebra, \item specification of circuits by terms and an algebra. \end{itemize}
  80. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. The Set of Primitive Recursive Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 705-720, 2001. MML Identifier: COMPUT_1
    Summary: We follow \cite{Uspenski60} in defining the set of primitive recursive functions. The important helper notion is the homogeneous function from finite sequences of natural numbers into natural numbers where homogeneous means that all the sequences in the domain are of the same length. The set of all such functions is then used to define the notion of a set closed under composition of functions and under primitive recursion. We call a set primitively recursively closed iff it contains the initial functions (nullary constant function returning 0, unary successor and projection functions for all arities) and is closed under composition and primitive recursion. The set of primitive recursive functions is then defined as the smallest set of functions which is primitive recursively closed. We show that this set can be obtained by primitive recursive approximation. We finish with showing that some simple and well known functions are primitive recursive.
  81. Grzegorz Bancerek, Noboru Endou, Yuji Sakai. On the Characterizations of Compactness, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 733-738, 2001. MML Identifier: YELLOW19
    Summary: In the paper we show equivalence of the convergence of filters on a topological space and the convergence of nets in the space. We also give, five characterizations of compactness. Namely, for any topological space $T$ we proved that following condition are equivalent: \begin{itemize} \itemsep-3pt \item $T$ is compact, \item every ultrafilter on $T$ is convergent, \item every proper filter on $T$ has cluster point, \item every net in $T$ has cluster point, \item every net in $T$ has convergent subnet, \item every Cauchy net in $T$ is convergent. \end{itemize}
  82. Grzegorz Bancerek, Noboru Endou. Compactness of Lim-inf Topology, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 739-743, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL33
    Summary: Formalization of \cite{CCL}, chapter III, section 3 (3.4--3.6).
  83. Grzegorz Bancerek. Miscellaneous Facts about Functors, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 745-754, 2001. MML Identifier: YELLOW20
    Summary: In the paper we show useful facts concerning reverse and inclusion functors and the restriction of functors. We also introduce a new notation for the intersection of categories and the isomorphism under arbitrary functors.
  84. Grzegorz Bancerek. Categorial Background for Duality Theory, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 755-765, 2001. MML Identifier: YELLOW21
    Summary: In the paper, we develop the notation of lattice-wise categories as concrete categories (see \cite{YELLOW18.ABS}) of lattices. Namely, the categories based on \cite{ALTCAT_1.ABS} with lattices as objects and at least monotone maps between them as morphisms. As examples, we introduce the categories {\it UPS}, {\it CONT}, and {\it ALG} with complete, continuous, and algebraic lattices, respectively, as objects and directed suprema preserving maps as morphisms. Some useful schemes to construct categories of lattices and functors between them are also presented.
  85. Grzegorz Bancerek. Duality Based on the Galois Connection. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 767-778, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL34
    Summary: In the paper, we investigate the duality of categories of complete lattices and maps preserving suprema or infima according to \cite[p. 179--183; 1.1--1.12]{CCL}. The duality is based on the concept of the Galois connection.
  86. Grzegorz Bancerek, Artur Kornilowicz. Yet Another Construction of Free Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 779-785, 2001. MML Identifier: MSAFREE3
  87. Tetsuya Tsunetou, Grzegorz Bancerek, Yatsuka Nakamura. Zero-Based Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 825-829, 2001. MML Identifier: AFINSQ_1
  88. Hisayoshi Kunimune, Grzegorz Bancerek, Yatsuka Nakamura. On State Machines of Calculating Type, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 857-864, 2001. MML Identifier: FSM_2
    Summary: In this article, we show the properties of the calculating type state machines. In the first section, we have defined calculating type state machines of which the state transition only depends on the first input. We have also proved theorems of the state machines. In the second section, we defined Moore machines with final states. We also introduced the concept of result of the Moore machines. In the last section, we proved the correctness of several calculating type of Moore machines.
  89. Grzegorz Bancerek, Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Yasunari Shidama. Combining of Multi Cell Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 47-64, 2002. MML Identifier: CIRCCMB2
    Summary: In this article we continue the investigations from \cite{CIRCCOMB.ABS} and \cite{FACIRC_1.ABS} of verification of a circuit design. We concentrate on the combination of multi cell circuits from given cells (circuit modules). Namely, we formalize a design of the form \\ \input CIRCCMB2.PIC and prove its stability. The formalization proposed consists in a series of schemes which allow to define multi cells circuits and prove their properties. Our goal is to achive mathematical formalization which will allow to verify designs of real circuits.
  90. Grzegorz Bancerek, Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Katsumi Wasaki. Full Adder Circuit. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 65-71, 2002. MML Identifier: FACIRC_2
    Summary: In this article we continue the investigations from \cite{FACIRC_1.ABS} of verification of a design of adder circuit. We define it as a combination of 1-bit adders using schemes from \cite{CIRCCMB2.ABS}. $n$-bit adder circuit has the following structure\\ \input FACIRC_2.PIC As the main result we prove the stability of the circuit. Further works will consist of the proof of full correctness of the circuit.
  91. Grzegorz Bancerek, Adam Naumowicz. Preliminaries to Automatic Generation of Mizar Documentation for Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 117-133, 2002. MML Identifier: CIRCCMB3
    Summary: In this paper we introduce technical notions used by a system which automatically generates Mizar documentation for specified circuits. They provide a ready for use elements needed to justify correctness of circuits' construction. We concentrate on the concept of stabilization and analyze one-gate circuits and their combinations.
  92. Grzegorz Bancerek, Mitsuru Aoki, Akio Matsumoto, Yasunari Shidama. Processes in Petri nets, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 125-132, 2003. MML Identifier: PNPROC_1
    Summary: Sequential and concurrent compositions of processes in Petri nets are introduced. A process is formalized as a set of (possible), so called, firing sequences. In the definition of the sequential composition the standard concatenation is used $$ R_1 \mathop{\rm before} R_2 = \{p_1\mathop{^\frown}p_2: p_1\in R_1\ \land\ p_2\in R_2\} $$ The definition of the concurrent composition is more complicated $$ R_1 \mathop{\rm concur} R_2 = \{ q_1\cup q_2: q_1\ {\rm misses}\ q_2\ \land\ \mathop{\rm Seq} q_1\in R_1\ \land\ \mathop{\rm Seq} q_2\in R_2\} $$ For example, $$ \{\langle t_0\rangle\} \mathop{\rm concur} \{\langle t_1,t_2\rangle\} = \{\langle t_0,t_1,t_2\rangle , \langle t_1,t_0,t_2\rangle , \langle t_1,t_2,t_0\rangle\} $$ The basic properties of the compositions are shown.
  93. Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Grzegorz Bancerek, Katsumi Wasaki. Full Subtracter Circuit. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 231-236, 2003. MML Identifier: FSCIRC_2
    Summary: In this article we continue investigations from \cite{FSCIRC_1.ABS} of verification of a design of subtracter circuit. We define it as a combination of multi cell circuit using schemes from \cite{CIRCCMB2.ABS}. As the main result we prove the stability of the circuit.
  94. Grzegorz Bancerek. On Semilattice Structure of Mizar Types, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 355-369, 2003. MML Identifier: ABCMIZ_0
    Summary: The aim of this paper is to develop a formal theory of Mizar types. The presented theory is an approach to the structure of Mizar types as a sup-semilattice with widening (subtyping) relation as the order. It is an abstraction from the existing implementation of the Mizar verifier and formalization of the ideas from \cite{Bancerek:2003}.
  95. Takashi Mitsuishi, Grzegorz Bancerek. Lattice of Fuzzy Sets, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 393-398, 2003. MML Identifier: LFUZZY_0
    Summary: This article concerns a connection of fuzzy logic and lattice theory. Namely, the fuzzy sets form a Heyting lattice with union and intersection of fuzzy sets as meet and join operations. The lattice of fuzzy sets is defined as the product of interval posets. As the final result, we have characterized the composition of fuzzy relations in terms of lattice theory and proved its associativity.
  96. Takashi Mitsuishi, Grzegorz Bancerek. Transitive Closure of Fuzzy Relations, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 15-20, 2004. MML Identifier: LFUZZY_1
  97. Gijs Geleijnse, Grzegorz Bancerek. Properties of Groups, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 347-350, 2004. MML Identifier: GROUP_8
    Summary: In this article we formalize theorems from Chapter 1 of \cite{Hall:1959}. Our article covers Theorems 1.5.4, 1.5.5 (inequality on indices), 1.5.6 (equality of indices), Lemma 1.6.1 and several other supporting theorems needed to complete the formalization.
  98. Grzegorz Bancerek. On the Characteristic and Weight of a Topological Space, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 163-169, 2005. MML Identifier: TOPGEN_2
    Summary: We continue Mizar formalization of General Topology according to the book \cite{ENGEL:1} by Engelking. In the article the formalization of Section 1.1 is completed. Namely, the paper includes the formalization of theorems on correspondence of the basis and basis in a point, definitions of the character of a point and a topological space, a neighborhood system, and the weight of a topological space. The formalization is tested with almost discrete topological spaces with infinity.
  99. Grzegorz Bancerek. On Constructing Topological Spaces and Sorgenfrey Line, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 171-179, 2005. MML Identifier: TOPGEN_3
    Summary: We continue Mizar formalization of General Topology according to the book \cite{ENGEL:1} by Engelking. In the article the formalization of Section 1.2 is almost completed. Namely, we formalize theorems on introduction of topologies by bases, neighborhood systems, closed sets, closure operator, and interior operator. The Sorgenfrey line is defined by a basis. It is proved that the weight of it is continuum. Other techniques are used to demonstrate introduction of discrete and anti-discrete topologies.
  100. Artur Kornilowicz, Grzegorz Bancerek, Adam Naumowicz. Tietze Extension Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 471-475, 2005. MML Identifier: TIETZE
    Summary: In this paper we formalize the Tietze extension theorem using as a basis the proof presented at the PlanetMath web server (\url{}).
  101. Adam Naumowicz, Grzegorz Bancerek. Homeomorphisms of Jordan Curves, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 477-480, 2005. MML Identifier: JORDAN24
    Summary: In this paper we prove that simple closed curves can be homeomorphically framed into a given rectangle. We also show that homeomorphisms preserve the Jordan property.
  102. Grzegorz Bancerek. Niemytzki Plane - an Example of Tychonoff Space Which Is Not $T_4$, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 515-524, 2005. MML Identifier: TOPGEN_5
    Summary: We continue Mizar formalization of General Topology according to the book \cite{ENGEL:1} by Engelking. Niemytzki plane is defined as halfplane $y \geq 0$ with topology introduced by a neighborhood system. Niemytzki plane is not $T_4$. Next, the definition of Tychonoff space is given. The characterization of Tychonoff space by prebasis and the fact that Tychonoff spaces are between $T_3$ and $T_4$ is proved. The final result is that Niemytzki plane is also a Tychonoff space.
Jozef Bialas
  1. Jozef Bialas. Group and Field Definitions, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 433-439, 1990. MML Identifier: REALSET1
    Summary: The article contains exactly the same definitions of group and field as those in \cite{DIEUDONNE}. These definitions were prepared without the help of the definitions and properties of {\it Nat} and {\it Real} modes included in the MML. This is the first of a series of articles in which we are going to introduce the concept of the set of real numbers in a elementary axiomatic way.
  2. Jozef Bialas. Properties of Fields, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 807-812, 1990. MML Identifier: REALSET2
    Summary: The second part of considerations concerning groups and fields. It includes a definition and properties of commutative field $F$ as a structure defined by: the set, a support of $F$, containing two different elements, by two binary operations ${\bf +}_{F}$, ${\bf \cdot}_{F}$ on this set, called addition and multiplication, and by two elements from the support of $F$, ${\bf 0}_{F}$ being neutral for addition and ${\bf 1}_{F}$ being neutral for multiplication. This structure is named a field if $\langle$the support of $F$, ${\bf +}_{F}$, ${\bf 0}_{F} \rangle$ and $\langle$the support of $F$, ${\bf \cdot}_{F}$, ${\bf 1}_{F} \rangle$ are commutative groups and multiplication has the property of left-hand and right-hand distributivity with respect to addition. It is demonstrated that the field $F$ satisfies the definition of a field in the axiomatic approach.
  3. Jozef Bialas. Several Properties of Fields. Field Theory, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 159-162, 1991. MML Identifier: REALSET3
    Summary: The article includes a continuation of the paper \cite{REALSET2.ABS}. Some simple theorems concerning basic properties of a field are proved.
  4. Jozef Bialas. Infimum and Supremum of the Set of Real Numbers. Measure Theory, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 163-171, 1991. MML Identifier: SUPINF_1
    Summary: We introduce some properties of the least upper bound and the greatest lower bound of the subdomain of $\overline{\Bbb R}$ numbers, where $\overline{\Bbb R}$ denotes the enlarged set of real numbers, $\overline{\Bbb R} = {\Bbb R} \cup \{-\infty,+\infty\}$. The paper contains definitions of majorant and minorant elements, bounded from above, bounded from below and bounded sets, sup and inf of set, for nonempty subset of $\overline{\Bbb R}$. We prove theorems describing the basic relationships among those definitions. The work is the first part of the series of articles concerning the Lebesgue measure theory.
  5. Jozef Bialas. Series of Positive Real Numbers. Measure Theory, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 173-183, 1991. MML Identifier: SUPINF_2
    Summary: We introduce properties of a series of nonnegative $\overline{\Bbb R}$ numbers, where $\overline{\Bbb R}$ denotes the enlarged set of real numbers, $\overline{\Bbb R} = {\Bbb R} \cup \{-\infty,+\infty\}$. The paper contains definition of sup $F$ and inf $F$, for $F$ being function, and a definition of a sumable subset of $\overline{\Bbb R}$. We proved the basic theorems regarding the definitions mentioned above. The work is the second part of a series of articles concerning the Lebesgue measure theory.
  6. Jozef Bialas. The $\sigma$-additive Measure Theory, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 263-270, 1991. MML Identifier: MEASURE1
    Summary: The article contains definition and basic properties of $\sigma$-additive, nonnegative measure, with values in $\overline{\Bbb R}$, the enlarged set of real numbers, where $\overline{\Bbb R}$ denotes set $\overline{\Bbb R} = {\Bbb R} \cup \{-\infty,+\infty\}$ - by \cite{SIKORSKI:1}. We present definitions of $\sigma$-field of sets, $\sigma$-additive measure, measurable sets, measure zero sets and the basic theorems describing relationships between the notion mentioned above. The work is the third part of the series of articles concerning the Lebesgue measure theory.
  7. Jozef Bialas. Several Properties of the $\sigma$-additive Measure, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 493-497, 1991. MML Identifier: MEASURE2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{MEASURE1.ABS}. The paper contains the definition and basic properties of a $\sigma$-additive, nonnegative measure, with values in $\overline{\Bbb R}$, the enlarged set of real numbers, where $\overline{\Bbb R}$ denotes set $\overline{\Bbb R} = {\Bbb R} \cup \{-\infty,+\infty\}$ --- by R.~Sikorski \cite{SIKORSKI:1}. Some simple theorems concerning basic properties of a $\sigma$-additive measure, measurable sets, measure zero sets are proved. The work is the fourth part of the series of articles concerning the Lebesgue measure theory.
  8. Jozef Bialas. Completeness of the $\sigma$-Additive Measure. Measure Theory, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 689-693, 1991. MML Identifier: MEASURE3
    Summary: Definitions and basic properties of a $\sigma$-additive, non-negative measure, with values in $\overline{\Bbb R}$, the enlarged set of real numbers, where $\overline{\Bbb R}$ denotes set $\overline{\Bbb R} = {\Bbb R}\cup\{-\infty,+\infty\}$ - by \cite{SIKORSKI:1}. The article includes the text being a continuation of the paper \cite{MEASURE2.ABS}. Some theorems concerning basic properties of a $\sigma$-additive measure and completeness of the measure are proved.
  9. Jozef Bialas. Properties of Caratheodor's Measure, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 67-70, 1992. MML Identifier: MEASURE4
    Summary: The paper contains definitions and basic properties of Ca\-ra\-the\-o\-dor's measure, with values in $\overline{\Bbb R}$, the enlarged set of real numbers, where $\overline{\Bbb R}$ denotes set $\overline{\Bbb R} = {\Bbb R}\cup\{-\infty,+\infty\}$ - by \cite{SIKORSKI:1}. The article includes the text being a continuation of the paper \cite{MEASURE3.ABS}. Caratheodor's theorem and some theorems concerning basic properties of Caratheodor's measure are proved. The work is the sixth part of the series of articles concerning the Lebesgue measure theory.
  10. Jozef Bialas. Properties of the Intervals of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 263-269, 1992. MML Identifier: MEASURE5
    Summary: The paper contains definitions and basic properties of the intervals of real numbers.\par The article includes the text being a continuation of the paper \cite{MEASURE4.ABS}. Some theorems concerning basic properties of intervals are proved.
  11. Jozef Bialas. Some Properties of the Intervals, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 21-26, 1996. MML Identifier: MEASURE6
  12. Jozef Bialas. The One-Dimensional Lebesgue Measure, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 253-258, 1996. MML Identifier: MEASURE7
    Summary: The paper is the crowning of a series of articles written in the Mizar language, being a formalization of notions needed for the description of the one-dimensional Lebesgue measure. The formalization of the notion as classical as the Lebesgue measure determines the powers of the PC Mizar system as a tool for the strict, precise notation and verification of the correctness of deductive theories. Following the successive articles \cite{SUPINF_1.ABS}, \cite{SUPINF_2.ABS}, \cite{MEASURE1.ABS}, \cite{MEASURE6.ABS} constructed so that the final one should include the definition and the basic properties of the Lebesgue measure, we observe one of the paths relatively simple in the sense of the definition, enabling us the formal introduction of this notion. This way, although toilsome, since such is the nature of formal theories, is greatly instructive. It brings home the proper succession of the introduction of the definitions of intermediate notions and points out to those elements of the theory which determine the essence of the complexity of the notion being introduced.\par The paper includes the definition of the $\sigma$-field of Lebesgue measurable sets, the definition of the Lebesgue measure and the basic set of the theorems describing its properties.
  13. Jozef Bialas, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Theorem of Weierstrass, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 353-359, 1996. MML Identifier: WEIERSTR
  14. Jozef Bialas, Yatsuka Nakamura. Dyadic Numbers and T$_4$ Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 361-366, 1996. MML Identifier: URYSOHN1
  15. Jozef Bialas, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Properties of Dyadic Numbers and Intervals, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 627-630, 2001. MML Identifier: URYSOHN2
    Summary: The article is the second part of a paper proving the fundamental Urysohn Theorem concerning the existence of a real valued continuous function on a normal topological space. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, we introduce some definitions and theorems concerning properties of intervals; in the second we prove some of properties of dyadic numbers used in proving Urysohn Lemma.
  16. Jozef Bialas, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Urysohn Lemma, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 631-636, 2001. MML Identifier: URYSOHN3
    Summary: This article is the third part of a paper proving the fundamental Urysohn Theorem concerning the existence of a real valued continuous function on a normal topological space. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, we describe the construction of the function solving thesis of the Urysohn Lemma. The second part contains the proof of the Urysohn Lemma in normal space and the proof of the same theorem for compact space.
Slawomir Bialecki
  1. Bogdan Nowak, Slawomir Bialecki. Zermelo's Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 431-432, 1990. MML Identifier: WELLSET1
    Summary: The article contains direct proof of Zermelo's theorem about the existence of a well ordering for any set and the lemma the proof depends on.
Leszek Borys
  1. Leszek Borys. Paracompact and Metrizable Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 481-485, 1991. MML Identifier: PCOMPS_1
    Summary: We give an example of a compact space. Next we define a locally finite subset family of a topological space and a paracompact topological space. An open sets family of a metric space we define next and it has been shown that the metric space with any open sets family is a topological space. Next we define metrizable space.
  2. Leszek Borys. On Paracompactness of Metrizable Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 81-84, 1992. MML Identifier: PCOMPS_2
    Summary: The aim is to prove, using Mizar System, one of the most important result in general topology, namely the Stone Theorem on paracompactness of metrizable spaces \cite{STONE:2}. Our proof is based on \cite{RUDIN:1} (and also \cite{PATKOWSKA:74}). We prove first auxiliary fact that every open cover of any metrizable space has a locally finite open refinement. We show next the main theorem that every metrizable space is paracompact. The remaining material is devoted to concepts and certain properties needed for the formulation and the proof of that theorem (see also \cite{PCOMPS_1.ABS}).
Patrick Braselmann
  1. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. Substitution in First-Order Formulas: Elementary Properties, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 5-15, 2005. MML Identifier: SUBSTUT1
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"o}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"o}del, ``Die Vollst{\"a}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"u}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349-360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The present article introduces the basic concepts of substitution of a variable for a variable in a first-order formula. The contents of this article correspond to Chapter III par. 8, Definition 8.1, 8.2 of Ebbinghaus, Flum, Thomas.
  2. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. Coincidence Lemma and Substitution Lemma, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 17-26, 2005. MML Identifier: SUBLEMMA
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"o}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"o}del, ``Die Vollst{\"a}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"u}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349--360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The present article establishes further concepts of substitution of a variable for a variable in a first-order formula. The main result is the substitution lemma. The contents of this article correspond to Chapter III par. 5, 5.1 Coincidence Lemma and Chapter III par. 8, 8.3 Substitution Lemma of Ebbinghaus, Flum, Thomas.
  3. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. Substitution in First-Order Formulas. Part II. The Construction of First-Order Formulas, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 27-32, 2005. MML Identifier: SUBSTUT2
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"o}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"o}del, ``Die Vollst{\"a}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"u}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349-360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The present article establishes that every substitution can be applied to every formula as in Chapter III par. 8, Definition 8.1, 8.2 of Ebbinghaus, Flum, Thomas. After that, it is observed that substitution doesn't change the number of quantifiers of a formula. Then further details about substitution and some results about the construction of formulas are proven.
  4. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. A Sequent Calculus for First-Order Logic, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 33-39, 2005. MML Identifier: CALCUL_1
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"o}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"o}del, ``Die Vollst{\"a}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"u}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349--360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The present article introduces a sequent calculus for first-order logic. The correctness of this calculus is shown and some important inferences are derived. The contents of this article correspond to Chapter IV of Ebbinghaus, Flum, Thomas.
  5. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. Consequences of the Sequent Calculus, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 41-44, 2005. MML Identifier: CALCUL_2
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"{o}}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"{o}}del, ``Die Vollst{\"{a}}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"{u}}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349-360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The first main result of the present article is that the derivablility of a sequent doesn't depend on the ordering of the antecedent. The second main result says: if a sequent is derivable, then the formulas in the antecendent only need to occur once.
  6. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. Equivalences of Inconsistency and Henkin Models, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 45-48, 2005. MML Identifier: HENMODEL
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"{o}}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"{o}}del, ``Die Vollst{\"{a}}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"{u}}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349--360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag, New York Inc. The present article establishes some equivalences of inconsistency. It is proved that a countable union of consistent sets is consistent. Then the concept of a Henkin model is introduced. The contents of this article correspond to Chapter IV, par. 7 and Chapter V, par. 1 of Ebbinghaus, Flum, Thomas.
  7. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. G\"odel's Completeness Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 49-53, 2005. MML Identifier: GOEDELCP
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"o}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"o}del, ``Die Vollst{\"a}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"u}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349--360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The present article contains the proof of a simplified completeness theorem for a countable relational language without equality.
Ewa Burakowska
  1. Ewa Burakowska, Beata Madras. Real Function One-Side Differentiability, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 653-656, 1991. MML Identifier: FDIFF_3
    Summary: We define real function one-side differentiability and one-side continuity. Main properties of one-side differentiability function are proved. Connections between one-side differential and differential real function at the point are demonstrated.
  2. Ewa Burakowska. Subalgebras of the Universal Algebra. Lattices of Subalgebras, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 23-27, 1993. MML Identifier: UNIALG_2
    Summary: Introduces a definition of a subalgebra of a universal algebra. A notion of similar algebras and basic operations on subalgebras such as a subalgebra generated by a set, the intersection and the sum of two subalgebras were introduced. Some basic facts concerning the above notions have been proved. The article also contains the definition of a lattice of subalgebras of a universal algebra.
  3. Ewa Burakowska. Subalgebras of Many Sorted Algebra. Lattice of Subalgebras, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 47-54, 1996. MML Identifier: MSUALG_2
Czeslaw Bylinski
  1. Czeslaw Bylinski. Some Basic Properties of Sets, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 47-53, 1990. MML Identifier: ZFMISC_1
    Summary: In this article some basic theorems about singletons, pairs, power sets, unions of families of sets, and the cartesian product of two sets are proved.
  2. Czeslaw Bylinski. Functions and Their Basic Properties, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 55-65, 1990. MML Identifier: FUNCT_1
    Summary: The definitions of the mode Function and the graph of a function are introduced. The graph of a function is defined to be identical with the function. The following concepts are also defined: the domain of a function, the range of a function, the identity function, the composition of functions, the 1-1 function, the inverse function, the restriction of a function, the image and the inverse image. Certain basic facts about functions and the notions defined in the article are proved.
  3. Czeslaw Bylinski. Functions from a Set to a Set, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 153-164, 1990. MML Identifier: FUNCT_2
    Summary: The article is a continuation of \cite{FUNCT_1.ABS}. We define the following concepts: a function from a set $X$ into a set $Y$, denoted by ``Function of $X$,$Y$'', the set of all functions from a set $X$ into a set $Y$, denoted by Funcs($X$,$Y$), and the permutation of a set (mode Permutation of $X$, where $X$ is a set). Theorems and schemes included in the article are reformulations of the theorems of \cite{FUNCT_1.ABS} in the new terminology. Also some basic facts about functions of two variables are proved.
  4. Czeslaw Bylinski. Graphs of Functions, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 169-173, 1990. MML Identifier: GRFUNC_1
    Summary: The graph of a function is defined in \cite{FUNCT_1.ABS}. In this paper the graph of a function is redefined as a Relation. Operations on functions are interpreted as the corresponding operations on relations. Some theorems about graphs of functions are proved.
  5. Czeslaw Bylinski. Binary Operations, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 175-180, 1990. MML Identifier: BINOP_1
    Summary: In this paper we define binary and unary operations on domains. We also define the following predicates concerning the operations: $\dots$ is commutative, $\dots$ is associative, $\dots$ is the unity of $\dots$, and $\dots$ is distributive wrt $\dots$. A number of schemes useful in justifying the existence of the operations are proved.
  6. Czeslaw Bylinski. Basic Functions and Operations on Functions, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 245-254, 1990. MML Identifier: FUNCT_3
    Summary: We define the following mappings: the characteristic function of a subset of a set, the inclusion function (injection or embedding), the projections from a Cartesian product onto its arguments and diagonal function (inclusion of a set into its Cartesian square). Some operations on functions are also defined: the products of two functions (the complex function and the more general product-function), the function induced on power sets by the image and inverse-image. Some simple propositions related to the introduced notions are proved.
  7. Czeslaw Bylinski. Partial Functions, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 357-367, 1990. MML Identifier: PARTFUN1
    Summary: In the article we define partial functions. We also define the following notions related to partial functions and functions themselves: the empty function, the restriction of a function to a partial function from a set into a set, the set of all partial functions from a set into a set, the total functions, the relation of tolerance of two functions and the set of all total functions which are tolerated by a partial function. Some simple propositions related to the introduced notions are proved. In the beginning of this article we prove some auxiliary theorems and schemes related to the articles: \cite{FUNCT_1.ABS} and \cite{FUNCT_2.ABS}.
  8. Czeslaw Bylinski. Introduction to Categories and Functors, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 409-420, 1990. MML Identifier: CAT_1
    Summary: The category is introduced as an ordered 5-tuple of the form $\langle O, M, dom, cod, \cdot, id \rangle$ where $O$ (objects) and $M$ (morphisms) are arbitrary nonempty sets, $dom$ and $cod$ map $M$ onto $O$ and assign to a morphism domain and codomain, $\cdot$ is a partial binary map from $M \times M$ to $M$ (composition of morphisms), $id$ applied to an object yields the identity morphism. We define the basic notions of the category theory such as hom, monic, epi, invertible. We next define functors, the composition of functors, faithfulness and fullness of functors, isomorphism between categories and the identity functor.
  9. Andrzej Trybulec, Czeslaw Bylinski. Some Properties of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 445-449, 1990. MML Identifier: SQUARE_1
    Summary: We define the following operations on real numbers: $max(x,y)$, $min(x,y)$, $x^2$, $\sqrt{x}$. We prove basic properties of introduced operations. A number of auxiliary theorems absent in \cite{REAL_1.ABS} and \cite{ABSVALUE.ABS} is proved.
  10. Czeslaw Bylinski, Grzegorz Bancerek. Variables in Formulae of the First Order Language, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 459-469, 1990. MML Identifier: QC_LANG3
    Summary: We develop the first order language defined in \cite{QC_LANG1.ABS}. We continue the work done in the article \cite{QC_LANG2.ABS}. We prove some schemes of defining by structural induction. We deal with notions of closed subformulae and of still not bound variables in a formula. We introduce the concept of the set of all free variables and the set of all fixed variables occurring in a formula.
  11. Czeslaw Bylinski. The Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 507-513, 1990. MML Identifier: COMPLEX1
    Summary: We define the set $\Bbb C$ of complex numbers as the set of all ordered pairs $z =\langle a,b\rangle$ where $a$ and $b$ are real numbers and where addition and multiplication are defined. We define the real and imaginary parts of $z$ and denote this by $a = \Re(z)$, $b = \Im(z)$. These definitions satisfy all the axioms for a field. $0_{\Bbb C} = 0+0i$ and $1_{\Bbb C} = 1+0i$ are identities for addition and multiplication respectively, and there are multiplicative inverses for each non zero element in $\Bbb C$. The difference and division of complex numbers are also defined. We do not interpret the set of all real numbers $\Bbb R$ as a subset of $\Bbb C$. From here on we do not abandon the ordered pair notation for complex numbers. For example: $i^2 = (0+1i)^2 = -1+0i \neq -1$. We conclude this article by introducing two operations on $\Bbb C$ which are not field operations. We define the absolute value of $z$ denoted by $|z|$ and the conjugate of $z$ denoted by $z^\ast$.
  12. Czeslaw Bylinski. The Modification of a Function by a Function and the Iteration of the Composition of a Function, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 521-527, 1990. MML Identifier: FUNCT_4
    Summary: In the article we introduce some operations on functions. We define the natural ordering relation on functions. The fact that a function $f$ is less than a function $g$ we denote by $f \leq g$ and we define by $\hbox{graph} f \subseteq \hbox{graph} f$. In the sequel we define the modifications of a function $f$ by a function $g$ denoted $f \hbox{+$\cdot$} g$ and the $n$-th iteration of the composition of a function $f$ denoted by $f^n$. We prove some propositions related to the introduced notions.
  13. Czeslaw Bylinski. Finite Sequences and Tuples of Elements of a Non-empty Sets, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 529-536, 1990. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_2
    Summary: The first part of the article is a continuation of \cite{FINSEQ_1.ABS}. Next, we define the identity sequence of natural numbers and the constant sequences. The main part of this article is the definition of tuples. The element of a set of all sequences of the length $n$ of $D$ is called a tuple of a non-empty set $D$ and it is denoted by element of $D^{n}$. Also some basic facts about tuples of a non-empty set are proved.
  14. Czeslaw Bylinski. Binary Operations Applied to Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 643-649, 1990. MML Identifier: FINSEQOP
    Summary: The article contains some propositions and theorems related to \cite{FUNCOP_1.ABS} and \cite{FINSEQ_2.ABS}. The notions introduced in \cite{FUNCOP_1.ABS} are extended to finite sequences. A number of additional propositions related to this notions are proved. There are also proved some properties of distributive operations and unary operations. The notation and propositions for inverses are introduced.
  15. Czeslaw Bylinski. Semigroup operations on finite subsets, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 651-656, 1990. MML Identifier: SETWOP_2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{SETWISEO.ABS}. The propositions and theorems proved in \cite{SETWISEO.ABS} are extended to finite sequences. Several additional theorems related to semigroup operations of functions not included in \cite{SETWISEO.ABS} are proved. The special notation for operations on finite sequences is introduced.
  16. Czeslaw Bylinski. The Sum and Product of Finite Sequences of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 661-668, 1990. MML Identifier: RVSUM_1
    Summary: Some operations on the set of $n$-tuples of real numbers are introduced. Addition, difference of such $n$-tuples, complement of a $n$-tuple and multiplication of these by real numbers are defined. In these definitions more general properties of binary operations applied to finite sequences from \cite{FINSEQOP.ABS} are used. Then the fact that certain properties are satisfied by those operations is demonstrated directly from \cite{FINSEQOP.ABS}. Moreover some properties can be recognized as being those of real vector space. Multiplication of $n$-tuples of real numbers and square power of $n$-tuple of real numbers using for notation of some properties of finite sums and products of real numbers are defined, followed by definitions of the finite sum and product of $n$-tuples of real numbers using notions and properties introduced in \cite{SETWOP_2.ABS}. A number of propositions and theorems on sum and product of finite sequences of real numbers are proved. As additional properties there are proved some properties of real numbers and set representations of binary operations on real numbers.
  17. Czeslaw Bylinski. A Classical First Order Language, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 669-676, 1990. MML Identifier: CQC_LANG
    Summary: The aim is to construct a language for the classical predicate calculus. The language is defined as a subset of the language constructed in \cite{QC_LANG1.ABS}. Well-formed formulas of this language are defined and some usual connectives and quantifiers of \cite{QC_LANG1.ABS}, \cite{QC_LANG2.ABS} are accordingly. We prove inductive and definitional schemes for formulas of our language. Substitution for individual variables in formulas of the introduced language is defined. This definition is borrowed from \cite{POGORZELSKI.1975}. For such purpose some auxiliary notation and propositions are introduced.
  18. Czeslaw Bylinski. Subcategories and Products of Categories, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 725-732, 1990. MML Identifier: CAT_2
    Summary: The {\it subcategory} of a category and product of categories is defined. The {\it inclusion functor} is the injection (inclusion) map $E \atop \hookrightarrow$ which sends each object and each arrow of a Subcategory $E$ of a category $C$ to itself (in $C$). The inclusion functor is faithful. {\it Full subcategories} of $C$, that is, those subcategories $E$ of $C$ such that $\hbox{Hom}_E(a,b) = \hbox{Hom}_C(b,b)$ for any objects $a,b$ of $E$, are defined. A subcategory $E$ of $C$ is full when the inclusion functor $E \atop \hookrightarrow$ is full. The proposition that a full subcategory is determined by giving the set of objects of a category is proved. The product of two categories $B$ and $C$ is constructed in the usual way. Moreover, some simple facts on $bifunctors$ (functors from a product category) are proved. The final notions in this article are that of projection functors and product of two functors ({\it complex} functors and {\it product} functors).
  19. Czeslaw Bylinski, Andrzej Trybulec. Complex Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 151-158, 1991. MML Identifier: COMPLSP1
    Summary: We introduce the concept of $n$-dimensional complex space. We prove a number of simple but useful propositions concerning addition, nultiplication by scalars and similar basic concepts. We introduce metric and topology. We prove that $n$-dimensional complex space is a Hausdorff space and that it is regular.
  20. Czeslaw Bylinski. Opposite Categories and Contravariant Functors, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 419-424, 1991. MML Identifier: OPPCAT_1
    Summary: The opposite category of a category, contravariant functors and duality functors are defined.
  21. Czeslaw Bylinski. Category Ens, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 527-533, 1991. MML Identifier: ENS_1
    Summary: If $V$ is any non-empty set of sets, we define $\hbox{\bf Ens}_V$ to be the category with the objects of all sets $X \in V$, morphisms of all mappings from $X$ into $Y$, with the usual composition of mappings. By a mapping we mean a triple $\langle X,Y,f \rangle$ where $f$ is a function from $X$ into $Y$. The notations and concepts included corresponds to that presented in \cite{SEMAD}, \cite{MacLane:1}. We also introduce representable functors to illustrate properties of the category {\bf Ens}.
  22. Czeslaw Bylinski. Products and Coproducts in Categories, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 701-709, 1991. MML Identifier: CAT_3
    Summary: A product and coproduct in categories are introduced. The concepts included correspond to that presented in \cite{SEMAD}.
  23. Czeslaw Bylinski. Cartesian Categories, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 161-169, 1992. MML Identifier: CAT_4
    Summary: We define and prove some simple facts on Cartesian categories and its duals co-Cartesian categories. The Cartesian category is defined as a category with the fixed terminal object, the fixed projections, and the binary products. Category $C$ has finite products if and only if $C$ has a terminal object and for every pair $a, b$ of objects of $C$ the product $a\times b$ exists. We say that a category $C$ has a finite product if every finite family of objects of $C$ has a product. Our work is based on ideas of \cite{SZABO}, where the algebraic properties of the proof theory are investigated. The terminal object of a Cartesian category $C$ is denoted by $\hbox{\bf 1}_C$. The binary product of $a$ and $b$ is written as $a\times b$. The projections of the product are written as $pr_1(a,b)$ and as $pr_2(a,b)$. We define the products $f\times g$ of arrows $f: a\rightarrow a'$ and $g: b\rightarrow b'$ as $:a\times b\rightarrow a'\times b'$.\par Co-Cartesian category is defined dually to the Cartesian category. Dual to a terminal object is an initial object, and to products are coproducts. The initial object of a Cartesian category $C$ is written as $\hbox{\bf 0}_C$. Binary coproduct of $a$ and $b$ is written as $a+b$. Injections of the coproduct are written as $in_1(a,b)$ and as $in_2(a,b)$.
  24. Yatsuka Nakamura, Czeslaw Bylinski. Extremal Properties of Vertices on Special Polygons. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 97-102, 1996. MML Identifier: SPPOL_1
    Summary: First, extremal properties of endpoints of line segments in n-dimensional Euclidean space are discussed. Some topological properties of line segments are also discussed. Secondly, extremal properties of vertices of special polygons which consist of horizontal and vertical line segments in 2-dimensional Euclidean space, are also derived.
  25. Czeslaw Bylinski. Some Properties of Restrictions of Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 241-245, 1996. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_5
    Summary: The aim of the paper is to define some basic notions of restrictions of finite sequences.
  26. Czeslaw Bylinski, Yatsuka Nakamura. Special Polygons, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 247-252, 1996. MML Identifier: SPPOL_2
  27. Czeslaw Bylinski, Piotr Rudnicki. The Correspondence Between Monotonic Many Sorted Signatures and Well-Founded Graphs. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 577-582, 1996. MML Identifier: MSSCYC_1
    Summary: We prove a number of auxiliary facts about graphs, mainly about vertex sequences of chains and oriented chains. Then we define a graph to be {\em well-founded} if for each vertex in the graph the length of oriented chains ending at the vertex is bounded. A {\em well-founded} graph does not have directed cycles or infinite descending chains. In the second part of the article we prove some auxiliary facts about free algebras and locally-finite algebras.
  28. Czeslaw Bylinski, Piotr Rudnicki. The Correspondence Between Monotonic Many Sorted Signatures and Well-Founded Graphs. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 591-593, 1996. MML Identifier: MSSCYC_2
    Summary: The graph induced by a many sorted signature is defined as follows: the vertices are the symbols of sorts, and if a sort $s$ is an argument of an operation with result sort $t$, then a directed edge $[s, t]$ is in the graph. The key lemma states relationship between the depth of elements of a free many sorted algebra over a signature and the length of directed chains in the graph induced by the signature. Then we prove that a monotonic many sorted signature (every finitely-generated algebra over it is locally-finite) induces a {\em well-founded} graph. The converse holds with an additional assumption that the signature is finitely operated, i.e. there is only a finite number of operations with the given result sort.
  29. Mariusz Zynel, Czeslaw Bylinski. Properties of Relational Structures, Posets, Lattices and Maps, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 123-130, 1997. MML Identifier: YELLOW_2
    Summary: In the paper we present some auxiliary facts concerning posets and maps between them. Our main purpose, however is to give an account on complete lattices and lattices of ideals. A sufficient condition that a lattice might be complete, the fixed-point theorem and two remarks upon images of complete lattices in monotone maps, introduced in \cite[pp. 8--9]{CCL}, can be found in Section~7. Section~8 deals with lattices of ideals. We examine the meet and join of two ideals. In order to show that the lattice of ideals is complete, the infinite intersection of ideals is investigated.
  30. Czeslaw Bylinski. Galois Connections, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 131-143, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL_1
    Summary: The paper is the Mizar encoding of the chapter 0 section 3 of \cite{CCL} In the paper the following concept are defined: Galois connections, Heyting algebras, and Boolean algebras.
  31. Czeslaw Bylinski, Piotr Rudnicki. Bounding Boxes for Compact Sets in $\calE^2$, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 427-440, 1997. MML Identifier: PSCOMP_1
    Summary: We define pseudocompact topological spaces and prove that every compact space is pseudocompact. We also solve an exercise from \cite{mgm}~p.225 that for a topological space $X$ the following are equivalent: \begin{itemize} \item Every continuous real map from $X$ is bounded (i.e. $X$ is pseudocompact). \item Every continuous real map from $X$ attains minimum. \item Every continuous real map from $X$ attains maximum. \end{itemize} Finally, for a compact set in $E^2$ we define its bounding rectangle and introduce a collection of notions associated with the box.
  32. Czeslaw Bylinski, Piotr Rudnicki. The Scott Topology. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 441-446, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL14
    Summary: Mizar formalization of pp. 105--108 of \cite{CCL} which continues \cite{WAYBEL11.ABS}. We found a simplification for the proof of Corollary~1.15, in the last case, see the proof in the Mizar article for details.
  33. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec, Czeslaw Bylinski. Bounded Domains and Unbounded Domains, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 1-13, 1999. MML Identifier: JORDAN2C
    Summary: First, notions of inside components and outside components are introduced for any subset of $n$-dimensional Euclid space. Next, notions of the bounded domain and the unbounded domain are defined using the above components. If the dimension is larger than 1, and if a subset is bounded, a unbounded domain of the subset coincides with an outside component (which is unique) of the subset. For a sphere in $n$-dimensional space, the similar fact is true for a bounded domain. In 2 dimensional space, any rectangle also has such property. We discussed relations between the Jordan property and the concept of boundary, which are necessary to find points in domains near a curve. In the last part, we gave the sufficient criterion for belonging to the left component of some clockwise oriented finite sequences.
  34. Czeslaw Bylinski. Gauges, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 25-27, 1999. MML Identifier: JORDAN8
  35. Czeslaw Bylinski. Some Properties of Cells on Go-Board, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 139-146, 1999. MML Identifier: GOBRD13
  36. Czeslaw Bylinski, Mariusz Zynel. Cages -- the External Approximation of Jordan's Curve, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 19-24, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN9
    Summary: On the Euclidean plane Jordan's curve may be approximated with a polygonal path of sides parallel to coordinate axes, either externally, or internally. The paper deals with the external approximation, and the existence of a {\em Cage} -- an external polygonal path -- is proved.
  37. Czeslaw Bylinski. Introduction to Real Linear Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 99-107, 2005. MML Identifier: RLTOPSP1
Jianbing Cao
  1. Fahui Zhai, Jianbing Cao, Xiquan Liang. Circled Sets, Circled Hull, and Circled Family, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 447-451, 2005. MML Identifier: CIRCLED1
    Summary: In this article, we prove some basic properties of the circled sets. We also define the circled hull, and give the definition of circled family.
  2. Jianbing Cao, Fahui Zhai, Xiquan Liang. Partial Sum and Partial Product of Some Series, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 501-503, 2005. MML Identifier: SERIES_4
    Summary: This article contains partial sum and partial product of some series which are often used.
  3. Jianbing Cao, Fahui Zhai, Xiquan Liang. Some Differentiable Formulas of Special Functions, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 505-509, 2005. MML Identifier: FDIFF_5
    Summary: This article contains some differentiable formulas of special functions.
Patricia L. Carlson
  1. Patricia L. Carlson, Grzegorz Bancerek. Context-Free Grammar -- Part 1, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 683-687, 1991. MML Identifier: LANG1
    Summary: The concept of context-free grammar and of derivability in grammar are introduced. Moreover, the language (set of finite sequences of symbols) generated by grammar and some grammars are defined. The notion convenient to prove facts on language generated by grammar with exchange of symbols on grammar of union and concatenation of languages is included.
Pacharapokin Chanapat
  1. Pacharapokin Chanapat, Kanchun,, Hiroshi Yamazaki. Formulas and Identities of Trigonometric Functions, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 139-141, 2004. MML Identifier: SIN_COS4
    Summary: In this article, we concentrated especially on addition formulas of fundamental trigonometric functions, and their identities.
  2. Pacharapokin Chanapat, Hiroshi Yamazaki. Formulas and Identities of Hyperbolic Functions, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 511-513, 2005. MML Identifier: SIN_COS8
    Summary: In this article, we proved formulas of hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine and hyperbolic tangent, and their identities.
Wenpai Chang
  1. Wenpai Chang, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Inner Products and Angles of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 275-280, 2003. MML Identifier: COMPLEX2
    Summary: An inner product of complex numbers is defined and used to characterize the (counter-clockwise) angle between ($a$,0) and (0,$b$) in the complex plane. For complex $a$, $b$ and $c$ we then define the (counter-clockwise) angle between ($a$,$c$) and ($c$, $b$) and prove theorems about the sum of internal and external angles of a triangle.
  2. Wenpai Chang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. A Theory of Matrices of Complex Elements, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 157-162, 2005. MML Identifier: MATRIX_5
    Summary: A concept of ``Matrix of Complex'' is defined here. Addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and product are introduced using correspondent definitions of ``Matrix of Field''. Many equations for such operations consist of a case of ``Matrix of Field''. A calculation method of product of matrices is shown using a finite sequence of Complex in the last theorem.
  3. Wenpai Chang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Inner Product and Conjugate of Finite Sequences of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 367-373, 2005. MML Identifier: COMPLSP2
    Summary: A concept of "the inner product and conjugate of finite sequences of complex numbers" is defined here. Addition, subtraction, Scalar multiplication and inner product are introduced using correspondent definitions of "conjugate of finite sequences of Field". Many equations for such operations consist like a case of "conjugate of finite sequences of Field". Some operations on the set of $n$-tuples of complex numbers are introduced as well. Addition, difference of such $n$-tuples, complement of a $n$-tuple and multiplication of these are defined in terms of complex numbers.
  4. Wenpai Chang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Inner Product and Conjugate of Matrix of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 493-499, 2005. MML Identifier: MATRIXC1
    Summary: Concepts of the inner product and conjugate of matrix of complex numbers are defined here. Operations such as addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and inner product are introduced using correspondent definitions of the conjugate of a matrix of a complex field. Many equations for such operations consist like a case of the conjugate of matrix of a field and some operations on the set of sum of complex numbers are introduced.
  5. Yatsuka Nakamura, Nobuyuki Tamura, Wenpai Chang. A Theory of Matrices of Real Elements, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 21-28, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIXR1
    Summary: Here, the concept of matrix of real elements is introduced. This is defined as a special case of the general concept of matrix of a field. For such a real matrix, the notions of addition, subtraction, scalar product are defined. For any real finite sequences, two transformations to matrices are introduced. One of the matrices is of width 1, and the other is of length 1. By such transformations, two products of a matrix and a finite sequence are defined. The linearity of such product is shown.
Jing-Chao Chen
  1. Jing-Chao Chen. The Steinitz Theorem and the Dimension of a Real Linear Space, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 411-415, 1997. MML Identifier: RLVECT_5
    Summary: Finite-dimensional real linear spaces are defined. The dimension of such spaces is the cardinality of a basis. Obviously, each two basis have the same cardinality. We prove the Steinitz theorem and the Exchange Lemma. We also investigate some fundamental facts involving the dimension of real linear spaces.
  2. Jing-Chao Chen. While Macro Instructions of \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 553-561, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_9
    Summary: The article defines {\em while macro instructions} based on \SCMFSA. Some theorems about the generalized halting problems of {\em while macro instructions} are proved.
  3. Jing-Chao Chen, Yatsuka Nakamura. Initialization Halting Concepts and Their Basic Properties of \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 139-151, 1998. MML Identifier: SCM_HALT
    Summary: Up to now, many properties of macro instructions of {\SCMFSA} are described by the parahalting concepts. However, many practical programs are not always halting while they are halting for initialization states. For this reason, we propose initialization halting concepts. That a program is initialization halting (called ``InitHalting'' for short) means it is halting for initialization states. In order to make the halting proof of more complicated programs easy, we present ``InitHalting'' basic properties of the compositions of the macro instructions, if-Macro (conditional branch macro instructions) and Times-Macro (for-loop macro instructions) etc.
  4. Jing-Chao Chen, Yatsuka Nakamura. Bubble Sort on \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 153-161, 1998. MML Identifier: SCMBSORT
    Summary: We present the bubble sorting algorithm using macro instructions such as the if-Macro (conditional branch macro instructions) and the Times-Macro (for-loop macro instructions) etc. The correctness proof of the program should include the proof of autonomic, halting and the correctness of the program result. In the three terms, we justify rigorously the correctness of the bubble sorting algorithm. In order to prove it is autonomic, we use the following theorem: if all variables used by the program are initialized, it is autonomic. This justification method probably reveals that autonomic concept is not important.
  5. Jing-Chao Chen. Insert Sort on \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 119-127, 1999. MML Identifier: SCMISORT
    Summary: This article describes the insert sorting algorithm using macro instructions such as if-Macro (conditional branch macro instructions), for-loop macro instructions and While-Macro instructions etc. From the viewpoint of initialization, we generalize the halting and computing problem of the While-Macro. Generally speaking, it is difficult to judge whether the While-Macro is halting or not by way of loop inspection. For this reason, we introduce a practical and simple method, called body-inspection. That is, in many cases, we can prove the halting problem of the While-Macro by only verifying the nature of the body of the While-Macro, rather than the While-Macro itself. In fact, we have used this method in justifying the halting of the insert sorting algorithm. Finally, we prove that the insert sorting algorithm given in the article is autonomic and its computing result is correct.
  6. Jing-Chao Chen. A Small Computer Model with Push-Down Stack, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 175-182, 1999. MML Identifier: SCMPDS_1
    Summary: The SCMFSA computer can prove the correctness of many algorithms. Unfortunately, it cannot prove the correctness of recursive algorithms. For this reason, this article improves the SCMFSA computer and presents a Small Computer Model with Push-Down Stack (called SCMPDS for short). In addition to conventional arithmetic and "goto" instructions, we increase two new instructions such as "return" and "save instruction-counter" in order to be able to design recursive programs.
  7. Jing-Chao Chen. The SCMPDS Computer and the Basic Semantics of its Instructions, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 183-191, 1999. MML Identifier: SCMPDS_2
    Summary: The article defines the SCMPDS computer and its instructions. The SCMPDS computer consists of such instructions as conventional arithmetic, ``goto'', ``return'' and ``save instruction-counter'' (``saveIC'' for short). The address used in the ``goto'' instruction is an offset value rather than a pointer in the standard sense. Thus, we don't define halting instruction directly but define it by ``goto 0'' instruction. The ``saveIC'' and ``return'' equal almost call and return statements in the usual high programming language. Theoretically, the SCMPDS computer can implement all algorithms described by the usual high programming language including recursive routine. In addition, we describe the execution semantics and halting properties of each instruction.
  8. Jing-Chao Chen. Computation and Program Shift in the SCMPDS Computer, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 193-199, 1999. MML Identifier: SCMPDS_3
    Summary: A finite partial state is said to be autonomic if the computation results in any two states containing it are same on its domain. On the basis of this definition, this article presents some computation results about autonomic finite partial states of the SCMPDS computer. Because the instructions of the SCMPDS computer are more complicated than those of the SCMFSA computer, the results given by this article are weaker than those reported previously by the article on the SCMFSA computer. The second task of this article is to define the notion of program shift. The importance of this notion is that the computation of some program blocks can be simplified by shifting a program block to the initial position.
  9. Jing-Chao Chen. The Construction and Shiftability of Program Blocks for SCMPDS, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 201-210, 1999. MML Identifier: SCMPDS_4
    Summary: In this article, a program block is defined as a finite sequence of instructions stored consecutively on initial positions. Based on this definition,any program block with more than two instructions can be viewed as the combination of two smaller program blocks. To describe the computation of a program block by the result of its two sub-blocks, we introduce the notions of paraclosed, parahalting, valid, and shiftable, the meaning of which may be stated as follows: \begin{itemize} \item[-] a program is paraclosed if and only if any state containing it is closed, \item[-] a program is parahalting if and only if any state containing it is halting, \item[-] in a program block, a jumping instruction is valid if its jumping offset is valid, \item[-] a program block is shiftable if it does not contain any return and saveIC instructions, and each instruction in it is valid. \end{itemize} When a program block is shiftable, its computing result does not depend on its storage position.
  10. Jing-Chao Chen. Computation of Two Consecutive Program Blocks for SCMPDS, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 211-217, 1999. MML Identifier: SCMPDS_5
    Summary: In this article, a program block without halting instructions is called No-StopCode program block. If a program consists of two blocks, where the first block is parahalting (i.e. halt for all states) and No-StopCode, and the second block is parahalting and shiftable, it can be computed by combining the computation results of the two blocks. For a program which consists of a instruction and a block, we obtain a similar conclusion. For a large amount of programs, the computation method given in the article is useful, but it is not suitable to recursive programs.
  11. Jing-Chao Chen. The Construction and Computation of Conditional Statements for SCMPDS, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 219-234, 1999. MML Identifier: SCMPDS_6
    Summary: We construct conditional statements like the usual high level program language by program blocks of SCMPDS. Roughly speaking, the article justifies such a fact that when the condition of a conditional statement is true (false), and the true (false) branch is shiftable, parahalting and does not contain any halting instruction, and the false branch is shiftable, then it is halting and its computation result equals that of the true (false) branch. The parahalting means some program halts for all states, this is strong condition. For this reason, we introduce the notions of "is\_closed\_on" and "is\_halting\_on". The predicate "A is\_closed\_on B" denotes program A is closed on state B, and "A is\_halting\_on B" denotes program A is halting on state B. We obtain a similar theorem to the above fact by replacing parahalting by "is\_closed\_on" and "is\_halting\_on".
  12. Jing-Chao Chen. Recursive Euclide Algorithm, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 1-4, 2001. MML Identifier: SCMP_GCD
    Summary: The earlier SCM computer did not contain recursive function, so Trybulec and Nakamura proved the correctness of the Euclid's algorithm only by way of an iterative program. However, the recursive method is a very important programming method, furthermore, for some algorithms, for example Quicksort, only by employing a recursive method (note push-down stack is essentially also a recursive method) can they be implemented. The main goal of the article is to test the recursive function of the SCMPDS computer by proving the correctness of the Euclid's algorithm by way of a recursive program. In this article, we observed that the memory required by the recursive Euclide algorithm is variable but it is still autonomic. Although the algorithm here is more complicated than the non-recursive algorithm, its focus is that the SCMPDS computer will be able to implement many algorithms like Quicksort which the SCM computer cannot do.
  13. Jing-Chao Chen, Piotr Rudnicki. The Construction and Computation of for-loop Programs for SCMPDS, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 209-219, 2001. MML Identifier: SCMPDS_7
    Summary: This article defines two for-loop statements for SCMPDS. One is called for-up, which corresponds to ``for (i=x; i$<$0; i+=n) S'' in C language. Another is called for-down, which corresponds to ``for (i=x; i$>$0; i-=n) S''. Here, we do not present their unconditional halting (called parahalting) property, because we have not found that there exists a useful for-loop statement with unconditional halting, and the proof of unconditional halting is much simpler than that of conditional halting. It is hard to formalize all halting conditions, but some cases can be formalized. We choose loop invariants as halting conditions to prove halting problem of for-up/down statements. When some variables (except the loop control variable) keep undestroyed on a set for the loop invariant, and the loop body is halting for this condition, the corresponding for-up/down is halting and computable under this condition. The computation of for-loop statements can be realized by evaluating its body. At the end of the article, we verify for-down statements by two examples for summing.
  14. Jing-Chao Chen. The Construction and Computation of While-Loop Programs for SCMPDS, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 397-405, 2001. MML Identifier: SCMPDS_8
    Summary: This article defines two while-loop statements on SCMPDS, i.e. ``while$<$0'' and ``while$>$0'', which resemble the while-statements of the common high language such as C. We previously presented a number of tricks for computing while-loop statements on SCMFSA, e.g. step-while. However, after inspecting a few realistic examples, we found that they are neither very useful nor of generalization. To cover much more computation cases of while-loop statements, we generalize the computation model of while-loop statements, based on the principle of Hoare's axioms on the verification of programs.
  15. Jing-Chao Chen. Insert Sort on SCMPDS, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 407-412, 2001. MML Identifier: SCPISORT
    Summary: The goal of this article is to examine the effectiveness of ``for-loop'' and ``while-loop'' statements on SCMPDS by insert sort. In this article, first of all, we present an approach to compute the execution result of ``for-loop'' program by ``loop-invariant'', based on Hoare's axioms for program verification. Secondly, we extend the fundamental properties of the finite sequence and complex instructions of SCMPDS. Finally, we prove the correctness of the insert sort program described in the article.
  16. Jing-Chao Chen. Quick Sort on SCMPDS, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 413-418, 2001. MML Identifier: SCPQSORT
    Summary: Proving the correctness of quick sort is much more complicated than proving the correctness of the insert sort. Its difficulty is determined mainly by the following points: \begin{itemize} \item Quick sort needs to use a push-down stack. \item It contains three nested loops. \item A subroutine of this algorithm, ``Partition'', has no loop-invariant. \end{itemize} This means we cannot justify the correctness of the ``Partition'' subroutine by the Hoare's axiom on program verification. This article is organized as follows. First, we present several fundamental properties of ``while'' program and finite sequence. Second, we define the ``Partition'' subroutine on SCMPDS, the task of which is to split a sequence into a smaller and a larger subsequence. The definition of quick sort on SCMPDS follows. Finally, we describe the basic property of the ``Partition'' and quick sort, and prove their correctness.
  17. Jing-Chao Chen. Justifying the Correctness of the Fibonacci Sequence and the Euclide Algorithm by Loop-Invariant, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 419-427, 2001. MML Identifier: SCPINVAR
    Summary: If a loop-invariant exists in a loop program, computing its result by loop-invariant is simpler and easier than computing its result by the inductive method. For this purpose, the article describes the premise and the final computation result of the program such as ``while$<$0'', ``while$>$0'', ``while$<>$0'' by loop-invariant. To test the effectiveness of the computation method given in this article, by using loop-invariant of the loop programs mentioned above, we justify the correctness of the following three examples: Summing $n$ integers (used for testing ``while$>$0''), Fibonacci sequence (used for testing ``while$<$0''), Greatest Common Divisor, i.e. Euclide algorithm (used for testing ``while$<>$0'').
  18. Jing-Chao Chen, Yatsuka Nakamura. Introduction to Turing Machines, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 721-732, 2001. MML Identifier: TURING_1
    Summary: A Turing machine can be viewed as a simple kind of computer, whose operations are constrainted to reading and writing symbols on a tape, or moving along the tape to the left or right. In theory, one has proven that the computability of Turing machines is equivalent to recursive functions. This article defines and verifies the Turing machines of summation and three primitive functions which are successor, zero and project functions. It is difficult to compute sophisticated functions by simple Turing machines. Therefore, we define the combination of two Turing machines.
  19. Jing-Chao Chen, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Underlying Principle of Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 143-152, 2003. MML Identifier: GRAPH_5
    Summary: A path from a source vertex $v$ to a target vertex $u$ is said to be a shortest path if its total cost is minimum among all $v$-to-$u$ paths. Dijkstra's algorithm is a classic shortest path algorithm, which is described in many textbooks. To justify its correctness (whose rigorous proof will be given in the next article), it is necessary to clarify its underlying principle. For this purpose, the article justifies the following basic facts, which are the core of Dijkstra's algorithm. \begin{itemize} \itemsep-3pt \item A graph is given, its vertex set is denoted by $V.$ Assume $U$ is the subset of $V,$ and if a path $p$ from $s$ to $t$ is the shortest among the set of paths, each of which passes through only the vertices in $U,$ except the source and sink, and its source and sink is $s$ and in $V,$ respectively, then $p$ is a shortest path from $s$ to $t$ in the graph, and for any subgraph which contains at least $U,$ it is also the shortest. \item Let $p(s,x,U)$ denote the shortest path from $s$ to $x$ in a subgraph whose the vertex set is the union of $\{s,x\}$ and $U,$ and cost $(p)$ denote the cost of path $p(s,x,U),$ cost$(x,y)$ the cost of the edge from $x$ to $y.$ Give $p(s,x,U),$ $q(s,y,U)$ and $r(s,y,U \cup \{x\})$. If ${\rm cost}(p) = {\rm min} \{{\rm cost}(w): w(s,t,U) \wedge t \in V\}$, then we have $${\rm cost}(r) = {\rm min} ({\rm cost}(p)+{\rm cost}(x,y),{\rm cost}(q)).$$ \end{itemize} \noindent This is the well-known triangle comparison of Dijkstra's algorithm.
  20. Jing-Chao Chen. Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 237-247, 2003. MML Identifier: GRAPHSP
    Summary: The article formalizes Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm \cite{Dijkstra59}. A path from a source vertex $v$ to $a$ target vertex $u$ is said to be the shortest path if its total cost is minimum among all $v$-to-$u$ paths. Dijkstra's algorithm is based on the following assumptions: \begin{itemize} \item All edge costs are non-negative. \item The number of vertices is finite. \item The source is a single vertex, but the target may be all other vertices. \end{itemize} The underlying principle of the algorithm may be described as follows: the algorithm starts with the source; it visits the vertices in order of increasing cost, and maintains a set $V$ of visited vertices (denoted by UsedVx in the article) whose cost from the source has been computed, and a tentative cost $D(u)$ to each unvisited vertex $u.$ In the article, the set of all unvisited vertices is denoted by UnusedVx. $D(u)$ is the cost of the shortest path from the source to u in the subgraph induced by $V \cup \{u\}.$ We denote the set of all unvisited vertices whose $D$-values are not infinite (i.e. in the subgraph each of which has a path from the source to itself) by OuterVx. Dijkstra's algorithm repeatedly searches OuterVx for the vertex with minimum tentative cost (this procedure is called findmin in the article), adds it to the set $V$ and modifies $D$-values by a procedure, called Relax. Suppose the unvisited vertex with minimum tentative cost is $x$, the procedure Relax replaces $D(u)$ with min$\{D(u),D(u)+cost(x,u)\}$ where $u$ is a vertex in UnusedVx, and cost$(x,u)$ is the cost of edge $(x,u).$ In the Mizar library, there are several computer models, e.g. SCMFSA and SCMPDS etc. However, it is extremely difficult to use these models to formalize the algorithm. Instead, we adopt functions in the Mizar library, which seem to be pseudo-codes, and are similar to those in the functional programming language, e.g. Lisp. To date, there is no rigorous justification with respect to the correctness of Dijkstra's algorithm. The article presents first the rigorous justification.
Marek Chmur
  1. Marek Chmur. The Lattice of Real Numbers. The Lattice of Real Functions, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 681-684, 1990. MML Identifier: REAL_LAT
    Summary: A proof of the fact, that $\llangle {\Bbb R}, {\rm max}, {\rm min} \rrangle$ is a lattice (real lattice). Some basic properties (real lattice is distributive and modular) of it are proved. The same is done for the set ${\Bbb R}^A$ with operations: max($f(A)$) and min($f(A)$), where ${\Bbb R}^A$ means the set of all functions from $A$ (being non-empty set) to $\Bbb R$, $f$ is just such a function.
  2. Marek Chmur. The Lattice of Natural Numbers and The Sublattice of it. The Set of Prime Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 453-459, 1991. MML Identifier: NAT_LAT
    Summary: Basic properties of the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor. The lattice of natural numbers (${\rm L}_{\Bbb N}$) and the lattice of natural numbers greater than zero (${\rm L}_{\Bbb N^+}$) are constructed. The notion of the sublattice of the lattice of natural numbers is given. Some facts about it are proved. The last part of the article deals with some properties of prime numbers and with the notions of the set of prime numbers and the $n$-th prime number. It is proved that the set of prime numbers is infinite.
Dorota Czcestochowska
  1. Dorota Czcestochowska, Adam Grabowski. Catalan Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 351-353, 2004. MML Identifier: CATALAN1
    Summary: In this paper, we define Catalan sequence (starting from $0$) and prove some of its basic properties. The Catalan numbers ($0,1,1,2,5,14,42,\dots$) arise in a number of problems in combinatorics. They can be computed e.g. using the formula $$C_n=\frac{{{2n}\choose {n}}}{n+1},$$ their recursive definition is also well known: $$C_1=1,\quad C_n=\Sigma_{i=1}^{n-1}C_i C_{n-i},\quad n\geq 2.$$ Among other things, the Catalan numbers describe the number of ways in which parentheses can be placed in a sequence of numbers to be multiplied, two at a time.
Stanislaw T. Czuba
  1. Stanislaw T. Czuba. Schemes, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 385-391, 1991. MML Identifier: SCHEMS_1
    Summary: Some basic schemes of quantifier calculus are proved.
Agata Darmochwal
  1. Agata Darmochwal. Finite Sets, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 165-167, 1990. MML Identifier: FINSET_1
    Summary: The article contains the definition of a finite set based on the notion of finite sequence. Some theorems about properties of finite sets and finite families of sets are proved.
  2. Andrzej Trybulec, Agata Darmochwal. Boolean Domains, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 187-190, 1990. MML Identifier: FINSUB_1
    Summary: BOOLE DOMAIN is a SET DOMAIN that is closed under union and difference. This condition is equivalent to being closed under symmetric difference and one of the following operations: union, intersection or difference. We introduce the set of all finite subsets of a set $A$, denoted by Fin $A$. The mode Finite Subset of a set $A$ is introduced with the mother type: Element of Fin $A$. In consequence, ``Finite Subset of \dots '' is an elementary type, therefore one may use such types as ``set of Finite Subset of $A$'', ``[(Finite Subset of $A$), Finite Subset of $A$]'', and so on. The article begins with some auxiliary theorems that belong really to \cite{BOOLE.ABS} or \cite{ORDINAL1.ABS} but are missing there. Moreover, bool $A$ is redefined as a SET DOMAIN, for an arbitrary set $A$.
  3. Beata Padlewska, Agata Darmochwal. Topological Spaces and Continuous Functions, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 223-230, 1990. MML Identifier: PRE_TOPC
    Summary: The paper contains a definition of topological space. The following notions are defined: point of topological space, subset of topological space, subspace of topological space, and continuous function.
  4. Miroslaw Wysocki, Agata Darmochwal. Subsets of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 231-237, 1990. MML Identifier: TOPS_1
    Summary: The article contains some theorems about open and closed sets. The following topological operations on sets are defined: closure, interior and frontier. The following notions are introduced: dense set, boundary set, nowheredense set and set being domain (closed domain and open domain), and some basic facts concerning them are proved.
  5. Agata Darmochwal. Families of Subsets, Subspaces and Mappings in Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 257-261, 1990. MML Identifier: TOPS_2
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{TOPS_1.ABS}. Some basic theorems about families of sets in a topological space have been proved. Following redefinitions have been made: singleton of a set as a family in the topological space and results of boolean operations on families as a family of the topological space. Notion of a family of complements of sets and a closed (open) family have been also introduced. Next some theorems refer to subspaces in a topological space: some facts about types in a subspace, theorems about open and closed sets and families in a subspace. A notion of restriction of a family has been also introduced and basic properties of this notion have been proved. The last part of the article is about mappings. There are proved necessary and sufficient conditions for a mapping to be continuous. A notion of homeomorphism has been defined next. Theorems about homeomorphisms of topological spaces have been also proved.
  6. Agata Darmochwal. Compact Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 383-386, 1990. MML Identifier: COMPTS_1
    Summary: The article contains definition of a compact space and some theorems about compact spaces. The notions of a cover of a set and a centered family are defined in the article to be used in these theorems. A set is compact in the topological space if and only if every open cover of the set has a finite subcover. This definition is equivalent, what has been shown next, to the following definition: a set is compact if and only if a subspace generated by that set is compact. Some theorems about mappings and homeomorphisms of compact spaces have been also proved. The following schemes used in proofs of theorems have been proved in the article: FuncExChoice -- the scheme of choice of a function, BiFuncEx -- the scheme of parallel choice of two functions and the theorem about choice of a finite counter image of a finite image.
  7. Agata Darmochwal. A First--Order Predicate Calculus, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 689-695, 1990. MML Identifier: CQC_THE1
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{CQC_LANG.ABS}, with an axiom system of first-order predicate theory. The consequence Cn of a set of formulas $X$ is defined as the intersection of all theories containing $X$ and some basic properties of it has been proved (monotonicity, idempotency, completeness etc.). The notion of a proof of given formula is also introduced and it is shown that ${\rm Cn} X = \{~p: p $ has a proof w.r.t. $ X\}$. First 14 theorems are rather simple facts. I just wanted them to be included in the data base.
  8. Grzegorz Bancerek, Agata Darmochwal, Andrzej Trybulec. Propositional Calculus, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 147-150, 1991. MML Identifier: LUKASI_1
    Summary: We develop the classical propositional calculus, following \cite{LUKA:1}.
  9. Agata Darmochwal. Calculus of Quantifiers. Deduction Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 309-312, 1991. MML Identifier: CQC_THE2
    Summary: Some tautologies of the Classical Quantifier Calculus. The deduction theorem is also proved.
  10. Agata Darmochwal. The Euclidean Space, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 599-603, 1991. MML Identifier: EUCLID
    Summary: The general definition of Euclidean Space.
  11. Agata Darmochwal, Yatsuka Nakamura. Metric Spaces as Topological Spaces -- Fundamental Concepts, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 605-608, 1991. MML Identifier: TOPMETR
    Summary: Some notions connected with metric spaces and the relationship between metric spaces and topological spaces. Compactness of topological spaces is transferred for the case of metric spaces \cite{KELL55}. Some basic theorems about translations of topological notions for metric spaces are proved. One-dimensional topological space ${\Bbb R^1}$ is introduced, too.
  12. Agata Darmochwal, Yatsuka Nakamura. Heine--Borel's Covering Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 609-610, 1991. MML Identifier: HEINE
    Summary: Heine--Borel's covering theorem, also known as Borel--Lebesgue theorem (\cite{BOURBAKI}), is proved. Some useful theorems about real inequalities, intervals, sequences and notion of power sequence which are necessary for the theorem are also proved.
  13. Yatsuka Nakamura, Agata Darmochwal. Some Facts about Union of Two Functions and Continuity of Union of Functions, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 611-613, 1991. MML Identifier: TOPMETR2
    Summary: Proofs of two theorems connected with union of any two functions and the proofs of two theorems about continuity of the union of two continuous functions between topogical spaces. The theorem stating that union of two subsets of $R^2$, which are homeomorphic to unit interval and have only one terminal joined point is also homeomorphic to unit interval is proved, too.
  14. Agata Darmochwal, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Topological Space $\calE^2_\rmT$. Arcs, Line Segments and Special Polygonal Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 617-621, 1991. MML Identifier: TOPREAL1
    Summary: The notions of arc and line segment are introduced in two-dimensional topological real space ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$. Some basic theorems for these notions are proved. Using line segments, the notion of special polygonal arc is defined. It has been shown that any special polygonal arc is homeomorphic to unit interval ${\Bbb I}$. The notion of unit square $\square_{\cal E^{2}_{\rm T}}$ has been also introduced and some facts about it have been proved.
  15. Agata Darmochwal, Andrzej Trybulec. Similarity of Formulae, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 635-642, 1991. MML Identifier: CQC_SIM1
    Summary: The main objective of the paper is to define the concept of the similarity of formulas. We mean by similar formulas the two formulas that differs only in the names of bound variables. Some authors (compare \cite{RASIOWA-SIKOR}) call such formulas {\em congruent}. We use the word {\em similar} following \cite{POGO:1}, \cite{POGO:2}, \cite{POGORZELSKI.1975}. The concept is unjustfully neglected in many logical handbooks. It is intuitively quite clear, however the exact definition is not simple. As far as we know, only W.A.~Pogorzelski and T.~Prucnal \cite{POGORZELSKI.1975} define it in the precise way. We follow basically the Pogorzelski's definition (compare \cite{POGO:1}). We define renumeration of bound variables and we say that two formulas are similar if after renumeration are equal. Therefore we need a rule of chosing bound variables independent of the original choice. Quite obvious solution is to use consecutively variables $x_{k+1},x_{k+2},\dots$, where $k$ is the maximal index of free variable occurring in the formula. Therefore after the renumeration we get the new formula in which different quantifiers bind different variables. It is the reason that the result of renumeration applied to a formula $\varphi$ we call {\em $\varphi$ with variables separated}.
  16. Agata Darmochwal, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Topological Space $\calE^2_\rmT$. Simple Closed Curves, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 663-664, 1991. MML Identifier: TOPREAL2
    Summary: Continuation of \cite{TOPREAL1.ABS}. The fact that the unit square is compact is shown in the beginning of the article. Next the notion of simple closed curve is introduced. It is proved that any simple closed curve can be divided into two independent parts which are homeomorphic to unit interval ${\Bbb I}$.
  17. Grzegorz Bancerek, Agata Darmochwal. Comma Category, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 679-681, 1991. MML Identifier: COMMACAT
    Summary: Comma category of two functors is introduced.
Yuzhong Ding
  1. Yuzhong Ding, Xiquan Liang. Solving Roots of Polynomial Equation of Degree 2 and 3 with Complex Coefficients, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 85-92, 2004. MML Identifier: POLYEQ_3
    Summary: In the article, solving complex roots of polynomial equation of degree 2 and 3 with real coefficients and complex roots of polynomial equation of degree 2 and 3 with complex coefficients is discussed.
  2. Yuzhong Ding, Xiquan Liang. Formulas and Identities of Trigonometric Functions, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 243-246, 2004. MML Identifier: SIN_COS5
  3. Yuzhong Ding, Xiquan Liang. Solving Roots of the Special Polynomial Equation with Real Coefficients, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 247-250, 2004. MML Identifier: POLYEQ_4
  4. Ming Liang, Yuzhong Ding. Partial Sum of Some Series, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 1-4, 2005. MML Identifier: SERIES_2
    Summary: Solving the partial sum of some often used series.
  5. Yuzhong Ding, Xiquan Liang. Preliminaries to Mathematical Morphology and Its Properties, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 221-225, 2005. MML Identifier: MATHMORP
    Summary: In this paper we have discussed the basic mathematical morphological operators and their properties.
  6. Fuguo Ge, Xiquan Liang, Yuzhong Ding. Formulas and Identities of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 383-387, 2005. MML Identifier: SIN_COS7
    Summary: This article describes definitions of inverse hyperbolic functions and their main properties, as well as some addition formulas with hyperbolic functions.
Marek Dudzicz
  1. Marek Dudzicz. Representation Theorem for Finite Distributive Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 261-264, 2001. MML Identifier: LATTICE7
    Summary: In the article the representation theorem for finite distributive lattice as rings of sets is presented. Auxiliary concepts are introduced. Namely, the concept of the height of an element, the maximal element in a chain, immediate predecessor of an element and ring of sets. Besides the scheme of induction in finite lattice is proved.
  2. Marta Pruszynska, Marek Dudzicz. On the Isomorphism between Finite Chains, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 429-430, 2001. MML Identifier: ORDERS_4
Barbara Dzienis
  1. Barbara Dzienis. On Polynomials with Coefficients in a Ring of Polynomials, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 791-794, 2001. MML Identifier: POLYNOM6
    Summary: The main result of the paper is, that the ring of polynomials with $o_1$ variables and coefficients in the ring of polynomials with $o_2$ variables and coefficient in a ring $L$ is isomorphic with the ring with $o_1+o_2$ variables, and coefficients in $L$.
Masayoshi Eguchi
  1. Hiroshi Imura, Masayoshi Eguchi. Finite Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 189-193, 1992. MML Identifier: FIN_TOPO
    Summary: By borrowing the concept of neighbourhood from the theory of topological space in continuous cases and extending it to a discrete case such as a space of lattice points we have defined such concepts as boundaries, closures, interiors, isolated points, and connected points as in the case of continuity. We have proved various properties which are satisfied by these concepts.
  2. Gang Liu, Yasushi Fuwa, Masayoshi Eguchi. Formal Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 537-543, 2001. MML Identifier: FINTOPO2
    Summary: This article is divided into two parts. In the first part, we prove some useful theorems on finite topological spaces. In the second part, in order to consider a family of neighborhoods to a point in a space, we extend the notion of finite topological space and define a new topological space, which we call formal topological space. We show the relation between formal topological space struct ({\tt FMT\_Space\_Str}) and the {\tt TopStruct} by giving a function ({\tt NeighSp}). And the following notions are introduced in formal topological spaces: boundary, closure, interior, isolated point, connected point, open set and close set, then some basic facts concerning them are proved. We will discuss the relation between the formal topological space and the finite topological space in future work.
Noboru Endou
  1. Katsumi Wasaki, Noboru Endou. Full Subtracter Circuit. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 77-81, 1999. MML Identifier: FSCIRC_1
    Summary: We formalize the concept of the full subtracter circuit, define the structures of bit subtract/borrow units for binary operations, and prove the stability of the circuit.
  2. Noboru Endou, Artur Kornilowicz. The Definition of the Riemann Definite Integral and some Related Lemmas, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 93-102, 1999. MML Identifier: INTEGRA1
    Summary: This article introduces the Riemann definite integral on the closed interval of real. We present the definitions and related lemmas of the closed interval. We formalize the concept of the Riemann definite integral and the division of the closed interval of real, and prove the additivity of the integral.
  3. Akihiko Uchibori, Noboru Endou. Basic Properties of Genetic Algorithm, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 151-160, 1999. MML Identifier: GENEALG1
    Summary: We defined the set of the gene, the space treated by the genetic algorithm and the individual of the space. Moreover, we defined some genetic operators such as one point crossover and two points crossover, and the validity of many characters were proven.
  4. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Scalar Multiple of Riemann Definite Integral, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 191-196, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA2
    Summary: The goal of this article is to prove a scalar multiplicity of Riemann definite integral. Therefore, we defined a scalar product to the subset of real space, and we proved some relating lemmas. At last, we proved a scalar multiplicity of Riemann definite integral. As a result, a linearity of Riemann definite integral was proven by unifying the previous article \cite{INTEGRA1.ABS}.
  5. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Darboux's Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 197-200, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA3
    Summary: In this article, we have proved the Darboux's theorem. This theorem is important to prove the Riemann integrability. We can replace an upper bound and a lower bound of a function which is the definition of Riemann integration with convergence of sequence by Darboux's theorem.
  6. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Integrability of Bounded Total Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 271-274, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA4
    Summary: All these results have been obtained by Darboux's theorem in our previous article \cite{INTEGRA3.ABS}. In addition, we have proved the first mean value theorem to Riemann integral.
  7. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Definition of Integrability for Partial Functions from $\Bbb R$ to $\Bbb R$ and Integrability for Continuous Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 281-284, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA5
    Summary: In this article, we defined the Riemann definite integral of partial function from ${\Bbb R}$ to ${\Bbb R}$. Then we have proved the integrability for the continuous function and differentiable function. Moreover, we have proved an elementary theorem of calculus.
  8. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Introduction to Several Concepts of Convexity and Semicontinuity for Function from $\Bbb R$ to $\Bbb R$, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 285-289, 2001. MML Identifier: RFUNCT_4
    Summary: This article is an introduction to convex analysis. In the beginning, we have defined the concept of strictly convexity and proved some basic properties between convexity and strictly convexity. Moreover, we have defined concepts of other convexity and semicontinuity, and proved their basic properties.
  9. Takashi Mitsuishi, Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. The Concept of Fuzzy Set and Membership Function and Basic Properties of Fuzzy Set Operation, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 351-356, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_1
    Summary: This article introduces the fuzzy theory. At first, the definition of fuzzy set characterized by membership function is described. Next, definitions of empty fuzzy set and universal fuzzy set and basic operations of these fuzzy sets are shown. At last, exclusive sum and absolute difference which are special operation are introduced.
  10. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Basic Properties of Extended Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 491-494, 2001. MML Identifier: EXTREAL1
    Summary: We introduce product, quotient and absolute value, and we prove some basic properties of extended real numbers.
  11. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Definitions and Basic Properties of Measurable Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 495-500, 2001. MML Identifier: MESFUNC1
    Summary: In this article we introduce some definitions concerning measurable functions and prove related properties.
  12. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Some Properties of Extended Real Numbers Operations: abs, min and max, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 511-516, 2001. MML Identifier: EXTREAL2
    Summary: In this article, we extend some properties concerning real numbers to extended real numbers. Almost all properties included in this article are extended properties of other articles: \cite{AXIOMS.ABS}, \cite{REAL_1.ABS}, \cite{ABSVALUE.ABS}, \cite{SQUARE_1.ABS} and \cite{REAL_2.ABS}.
  13. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. The Measurability of Extended Real Valued Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 525-529, 2001. MML Identifier: MESFUNC2
    Summary: In this article we prove the measurablility of some extended real valued functions which are $f$+$g$, $f$\,--\,$g$ and so on. Moreover, we will define the simple function which are defined on the sigma field. It will play an important role for the Lebesgue integral theory.
  14. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Keiji Ohkubo. Properties of Fuzzy Relation, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 691-695, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_4
    Summary: In this article, we introduce four fuzzy relations and the composition, and some useful properties are shown by them. In section 2, the definition of converse relation $R^{-1}$ of fuzzy relation $R$ and properties concerning it are described. In the next section, we define the composition of the fuzzy relation and show some properties. In the final section we describe the identity relation, the universe relation and the zero relation.
  15. Grzegorz Bancerek, Noboru Endou, Yuji Sakai. On the Characterizations of Compactness, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 733-738, 2001. MML Identifier: YELLOW19
    Summary: In the paper we show equivalence of the convergence of filters on a topological space and the convergence of nets in the space. We also give, five characterizations of compactness. Namely, for any topological space $T$ we proved that following condition are equivalent: \begin{itemize} \itemsep-3pt \item $T$ is compact, \item every ultrafilter on $T$ is convergent, \item every proper filter on $T$ has cluster point, \item every net in $T$ has cluster point, \item every net in $T$ has convergent subnet, \item every Cauchy net in $T$ is convergent. \end{itemize}
  16. Grzegorz Bancerek, Noboru Endou. Compactness of Lim-inf Topology, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 739-743, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL33
    Summary: Formalization of \cite{CCL}, chapter III, section 3 (3.4--3.6).
  17. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Subspaces and Cosets of Subspace of Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 1-7, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_1
    Summary: In this article, subspace and the coset of subspace of real unitary space are defined. And we discuss some of their fundamental properties.
  18. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Operations on Subspaces in Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 9-16, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_2
    Summary: In this article, we extend an operation of real linear space to real unitary space. We show theorems proved in \cite{RLSUB_2.ABS} on real unitary space.
  19. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Linear Combinations in Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 17-22, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_3
    Summary: In this article, we mainly discuss linear combination of vectors in Real Unitary Space and dimension of the space. As the result, we obtain some theorems that are similar to those in Real Linear Space.
  20. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Dimension of Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 23-28, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_4
    Summary: In this article we describe the dimension of real unitary space. Most of theorems are restricted from real linear space. In the last section, we introduce affine subset of real unitary space.
  21. Takashi Mitsuishi, Noboru Endou, Keiji Ohkubo. Trigonometric Functions on Complex Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 29-32, 2003. MML Identifier: SIN_COS3
    Summary: This article describes definitions of sine, cosine, hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine. Some of their basic properties are discussed.
  22. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Topology of Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 33-38, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_5
    Summary: In this article we introduce three subjects in real unitary space: parallelism of subsets, orthogonality of subsets and topology of the space. In particular, to introduce the topology of real unitary space, we discuss the metric topology which is induced by the inner product in the space. As the result, we are able to discuss some topological subjects on real unitary space.
  23. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Convex Sets and Convex Combinations, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 53-58, 2003. MML Identifier: CONVEX1
    Summary: Convexity is one of the most important concepts in a study of analysis. Especially, it has been applied around the optimization problem widely. Our purpose is to define the concept of convexity of a set on Mizar, and to develop the generalities of convex analysis. The construction of this article is as follows: Convexity of the set is defined in the section 1. The section 2 gives the definition of convex combination which is a kind of the linear combination and related theorems are proved there. In section 3, we define the convex hull which is an intersection of all convex sets including a given set. The last section is some theorems which are necessary to compose this article.
  24. Noboru Endou, Yasumasa Suzuki, Yasunari Shidama. Real Linear Space of Real Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 249-253, 2003. MML Identifier: RSSPACE
    Summary: The article is a continuation of \cite{RLVECT_1.ABS}. As the example of real linear spaces, we introduce the arithmetic addition in the set of real sequences and also introduce the multiplication. This set has the arithmetic structure which depends on these arithmetic operations.
  25. Noboru Endou, Yasumasa Suzuki, Yasunari Shidama. Hilbert Space of Real Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 255-257, 2003. MML Identifier: RSSPACE2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{RLVECT_1.ABS}. As the example of real unitary spaces, we introduce the arithmetic addition and multiplication in the set of square sum able real sequences and introduce the scaler products also. This set has the structure of the Hilbert space.
  26. Noboru Endou, Yasumasa Suzuki, Yasunari Shidama. Some Properties for Convex Combinations, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 267-270, 2003. MML Identifier: CONVEX2
    Summary: This is a continuation of \cite{CONVEX1.ABS}. In this article, we proved that convex combination on convex family is convex.
  27. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. Convex Hull, Set of Convex Combinations and Convex Cone, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 331-333, 2003. MML Identifier: CONVEX3
    Summary: In this article, there are two themes. One of them is the proof that convex hull of a given subset $M$ consists of all convex combinations of $M.$ Another is definitions of cone and convex cone and some properties of them.
  28. Yasumasa Suzuki, Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. Banach Space of Absolute Summable Real Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 377-380, 2003. MML Identifier: RSSPACE3
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{RSSPACE2.ABS}. As the example of real norm spaces, we introduce the arithmetic addition and multiplication in the set of absolute summable real sequences and introduce the norm also. This set has the structure of the Banach space.
  29. Noboru Endou. Complex Linear Space and Complex Normed Space, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 93-102, 2004. MML Identifier: CLVECT_1
    Summary: In this article, we introduce the notion of complex linear space and complex normed space.
  30. Noboru Endou. Complex Linear Space of Complex Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 109-117, 2004. MML Identifier: CSSPACE
    Summary: In this article, we introduce a notion of complex linear space of complex sequence and complex unitary space.
  31. Noboru Endou. Convergent Sequences in Complex Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 159-165, 2004. MML Identifier: CLVECT_2
    Summary: In this article, we introduce the notion of convergence sequence in complex unitary space and complex Hilbert space.
  32. Noboru Endou. Hilbert Space of Complex Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 187-190, 2004. MML Identifier: CSSPACE2
    Summary: An extension of \cite{RSSPACE2.ABS}. As the example of complex norm spaces, we introduce the arithmetic addition and multiplication in the set of absolute summable complex sequences and also introduce the norm.
  33. Noboru Endou. Banach Space of Absolute Summable Complex Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 191-194, 2004. MML Identifier: CSSPACE3
    Summary: An extension of \cite{RSSPACE3.ABS}. As the example of complex norm spaces, I introduced the arithmetic addition and multiplication in the set of absolute summable complex sequences and also introduced the norm.
  34. Noboru Endou. Complex Banach Space of Bounded Linear Operators, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 201-209, 2004. MML Identifier: CLOPBAN1
    Summary: An extension of \cite{LOPBAN_1.ABS}. In this article, the basic properties of complex linear spaces which are defined by the set of all complex linear operators from one complex linear space to another are described. Finally, a complex Banach space is introduced. This is defined by the set of all bounded complex linear operators, like in \cite{LOPBAN_1.ABS}.
  35. Noboru Endou. Complex Banach Space of Bounded Complex Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 211-218, 2004. MML Identifier: CSSPACE4
    Summary: An extension of \cite{RSSPACE4.ABS}. In this article, we introduce two complex Banach spaces. One of them is the space of bounded complex sequences. The other one is the space of complex bounded functions, which is defined by the set of all complex bounded functions.
  36. Yasumasa Suzuki, Noboru Endou. Cauchy Sequence of Complex Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 225-229, 2004. MML Identifier: CLVECT_3
    Summary: As an extension of \cite{BHSP_4.ABS}, we introduce the Cauchy sequence of complex unitary space and describe its properties.
  37. Noboru Endou. Complex Valued Functions Space, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 231-235, 2004. MML Identifier: CFUNCDOM
    Summary: This article is an extension of \cite{FUNCSDOM.ABS} to complex valued functions.
  38. Noboru Endou. Banach Algebra of Bounded Complex Linear Operators, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 237-242, 2004. MML Identifier: CLOPBAN2
    Summary: This article is an extension of \cite{LOPBAN_2.ABS}.
  39. Noboru Endou. Series on Complex Banach Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 281-288, 2004. MML Identifier: CLOPBAN3
    Summary: This article is an extension of \cite{LOPBAN_3.ABS}.
  40. Noboru Endou. Exponential Function on Complex Banach Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 289-293, 2004. MML Identifier: CLOPBAN4
    Summary: This article is an extension of \cite{LOPBAN_4.ABS}.
  41. Noboru Endou. Algebra of Complex Vector Valued Functions, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 397-401, 2004. MML Identifier: VFUNCT_2
    Summary: This article is an extension of \cite{VFUNCT_1.ABS}.
  42. Noboru Endou. Continuous Functions on Real and Complex Normed Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 403-419, 2004. MML Identifier: NCFCONT1
    Summary: This article is an extension of \cite{NFCONT_1.ABS}.
  43. Yasunari Shidama, Noboru Endou. Lebesgue Integral of Simple Valued Function, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 67-71, 2005. MML Identifier: MESFUNC3
    Summary: In this article, the authors introduce Lebesgue integral of simple valued function.
  44. Noboru Endou. Uniform Continuity of Functions on Normed Complex Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 93-98, 2005. MML Identifier: NCFCONT2
  45. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. Linearity of Lebesgue Integral of Simple Valued Function, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 463-465, 2005. MML Identifier: MESFUNC4
    Summary: In this article, the authors prove linearity of Lebesgue integral of simple valued function.
  46. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. Completeness of the Real Euclidean Space, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 577-580, 2005. MML Identifier: REAL_NS1
    Summary: {}
  47. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. Integral of Measurable Function, Formalized Mathematics 14(2), pages 53-70, 2006. MML Identifier: MESFUNC5
    Summary: In this paper we construct integral of measurable function.
  48. Yasunari Shidama, Noboru Endou. Integral of Real-Valued Measurable Function, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 143-152, 2006. MML Identifier: MESFUNC6
    Summary: Based on \cite{Halmos}, authors formalized the integral of an extended real valued measurable function in \cite{MESFUNC5.ABS} before. However, the integral argued in \cite{MESFUNC5.ABS} cannot be applied to real-valued functions unconditionally. Therefore we formalized the integral of a real-value function in this article.
  49. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama, Masahiko Yamazaki. Integrability and the Integral of Partial Functions from $\Bbb R$ into $\Bbb R$, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 207-212, 2006. MML Identifier: INTEGRA6
  50. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama, Katsumasa Okamura. Baire's Category Theorem and Some Spaces Generated from Real Normed Space, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 213-219, 2006. MML Identifier: NORMSP_2
    Summary: As application of complete metric space, we proved a Baire's category theorem. Then we defined some spaces generated from real normed space and discussed about each. In the second section we showed an equivalence of convergence and a continuity of a function. In other sections, we showed some topological properties of two spaces, which are topological space and linear topological space generated from real normed space.
Yoshinori Fujisawa
  1. Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yasushi Fuwa. The Euler's Function, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 549-551, 1997. MML Identifier: EULER_1
    Summary: This article is concerned with the Euler's function \cite{takagi} that plays an important role in cryptograms. In the first section, we present some selected theorems on integers. Next, we define the Euler's function. Finally, three theorems relating to the Euler's function are proved. The third theorem concerns two relatively prime integers which make up the Euler's function parameter. In the public key cryptography these two integer values are used as public and secret keys.
  2. Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yasushi Fuwa, Hidetaka Shimizu. Euler's Theorem and Small Fermat's Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 123-126, 1998. MML Identifier: EULER_2
    Summary: This article is concerned with Euler's theorem and small Fermat's theorem that play important roles in public-key cryptograms. In the first section, we present some selected theorems on integers. In the following section, we remake definitions about the finite sequence of natural, the function of natural times finite sequence of natural and $\pi$ of the finite sequence of natural. We also prove some basic theorems that concern these redefinitions. Next, we define the function of modulus for finite sequence of natural and some fundamental theorems about this function are proved. Finally, Euler's theorem and small Fermat's theorem are proved.
  3. Yasushi Fuwa, Yoshinori Fujisawa. Algebraic Group on Fixed-length Bit Integer and its Adaptation to IDEA Cryptography, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 203-215, 1998. MML Identifier: IDEA_1
    Summary: In this article, an algebraic group on fixed-length bit integer is constructed and its adaptation to IDEA cryptography is discussed. In the first section, we present some selected theorems on integers. In the continuous section, we construct an algebraic group on fixed-length integer. In the third section, operations of IDEA Cryptograms are defined and some theorems on these operations are proved. In the fourth section, we define sequences of IDEA Cryptogram's operations and discuss their nature. Finally, we make a model of IDEA Cryptogram and prove that the ciphertext that is encrypted by IDEA encryption algorithm can be decrypted by the IDEA decryption algorithm.
  4. Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yasushi Fuwa, Hidetaka Shimizu. Public-Key Cryptography and Pepin's Test for the Primality of Fermat Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 317-321, 1998. MML Identifier: PEPIN
    Summary: In this article, we have proved the correctness of the Public-Key Cryptography and the Pepin's Test for the Primality of Fermat Numbers ($F(n) = 2^{2^n}+1$). It is a very important result in the IDEA Cryptography that F(4) is a prime number. At first, we prepared some useful theorems. Then, we proved the correctness of the Public-Key Cryptography. Next, we defined the Order's function and proved some properties. This function is very important in the proof of the Pepin's Test. Next, we proved some theorems about the Fermat Number. And finally, we proved the Pepin's Test using some properties of the Order's Function. And using the obtained result we have proved that F(1), F(2), F(3) and F(4) are prime number.
  5. Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yasushi Fuwa. Definitions of Radix-$2^k$ Signed-Digit Number and its Adder Algorithm, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 71-75, 2001. MML Identifier: RADIX_1
    Summary: In this article, a radix-$2^k$ signed-digit number (Radix-$2^k$ SD number) is defined and based on it a high-speed adder algorithm is discussed. \par The processes of coding and encoding for public-key cryptograms require a great deal of addition operations of natural number of many figures. This results in a~long time for the encoding and decoding processes. It is possible to reduce the processing time using the high-speed adder algorithm.\par In the first section of this article, we prepared some useful theorems for natural numbers and integers. In the second section, we defined the concept of radix-$2^k$, a set named $k$-SD and proved some properties about them. In the third section, we provide some important functions for generating Radix-$2^k$ SD numbers from natural numbers and natural numbers from Radix-$2^k$ SD numbers. In the fourth section, we defined the carry and data components of addition with Radix-$2^k$ SD numbers and some properties about them. In the fifth section, we defined a theorem for checking whether or not a natural number can be expressed as $n$ digits Radix-$2^k$ SD number. \par In the last section, a high-speed adder algorithm on Radix-$2^k$ SD numbers is proposed and we provided some properties. In this algorithm, the carry of each digit has an effect on only the next digit. Properties of the relationships of the results of this algorithm to the operations of natural numbers are also given.
  6. Yasushi Fuwa, Yoshinori Fujisawa. High-Speed Algorithms for RSA Cryptograms, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 275-279, 2001. MML Identifier: RADIX_2
    Summary: In this article, we propose a new high-speed processing method for encoding and decoding the RSA cryptogram that is a kind of public-key cryptogram. This cryptogram is not only used for encrypting data, but also for such purposes as authentication. However, the encoding and decoding processes take a long time because they require a great deal of calculations. As a result, this cryptogram is not suited for practical use. Until now, we proposed a high-speed algorithm of addition using radix-$2^k$ signed-digit numbers and clarified correctness of it (\cite{RADIX_1.ABS}). In this article, we defined two new operations for a high-speed coding and encoding processes on public-key cryptograms based on radix-$2^k$ signed-digit (SD) numbers. One is calculation of $(a*b)$ mod $c$ ($a,b,c$ are natural numbers). Another one is calculation of $(a^b)$ mod $c$ ($a,b,c$ are natural numbers). Their calculations are realized repetition of addition. We propose a high-speed algorithm of their calculations using proposed addition algorithm and clarify the correctness of them. In the first section, we prepared some useful theorems for natural numbers and integers and so on. In the second section, we proved some properties of addition operation using a radix-$2^k$ SD numbers. In the third section, we defined some functions on the relation between a finite sequence of k-SD and a finite sequence of ${\Bbb N}$ and proved some properties about them. In the fourth section, algorithm of calculation of $(a*b)$ mod $c$ based on radix-$2^k$ SD numbers is proposed and its correctness is clarified. In the last section, algorithm of calculation of $(a^b)$ mod $c$ based on radix-$2^k$ SD numbers is proposed and we clarified its correctness.
  7. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yatsuka Nakamura. On Replace Function and Swap Function for Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 471-474, 2001. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_7
    Summary: In this article, we show the property of the Replace Function and the Swap Function of finite sequences. In the first section, we prepared some useful theorems for finite sequences. In the second section, we defined the Replace function and proved some theorems about the function. This function replaces an element of a sequence by another value. In the third section, we defined the Swap function and proved some theorems about the function. This function swaps two elements of a sequence. In the last section, we show the property of composed functions of the Replace Function and the Swap Function.
Hirofumi Fukura
  1. Hirofumi Fukura, Yatsuka Nakamura. Concatenation of Finite Sequences Reducing Overlapping Part and an Argument of Separators of Sequential Files, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 219-224, 2004. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_8
    Summary: For two finite sequences, we present a notion of their concatenation, reducing overlapping part of the tail of the former and the head of the latter. At the same time, we also give a notion of common part of two finite sequences, which relates to the concatenation given here. A finite sequence is separated by another finite sequence (separator). We examined the condition that a separator separates uniquely any finite sequence. This will become a model of a separator of sequential files.
  2. Takaya Nishiyama, Hirofumi Fukura, Yatsuka Nakamura. Logical Correctness of Vector Calculation Programs, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 375-380, 2004. MML Identifier: PRGCOR_2
    Summary: In C-program, vectors of $n$-dimension are sometimes represented by arrays, where the dimension n is saved in the 0-th element of each array. If we write the program in non-overwriting type, we can gi Here, we give a program calculating inner product of 2 vectors, as an example of such a type, and its Logical-Model. If the Logical-Model is well defined, and theorems tying the model with previous definitions are given, we can say that the program is correct logically. In case the program is given as implicit function form (i.e., the result of calculation is given by a variable of one of arguments of a function), its Logical-Model is given by a definition of a ne Logical correctness of such a program is shown by theorems following the definition. As examples of such programs, we presented vector calculation of add, sub, minus and scalar product.
  3. Hirofumi Fukura, Yatsuka Nakamura. A Theory of Sequential Files, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 443-446, 2005. MML Identifier: FILEREC1
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{FINSEQ_8.ABS}. We present a notion of files and records. These are two finite sequences. One is a record and another is a separator for the carriage return and/or line feed. So, we define a record. The sequential text file contains records and separators. Generally, a record and a separator are paired in the file. And in a special situation, the separator does not exist in the file, for that the record is only one record or record is nothing. And the record does not exist in the file, for that some separator is in file. In this article, we present some theory for files and records.
Yasushi Fuwa
  1. Pauline N. Kawamoto, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Basic Petri Net Concepts, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 183-187, 1992. MML Identifier: PETRI
    Summary: This article presents the basic place/transition net structure definition for building various types of Petri nets. The basic net structure fields include places, transitions, and arcs (place-transition, transition-place) which may be supplemented with other fields (e.g., capacity, weight, marking, etc.) as needed. The theorems included in this article are divided into the following categories: deadlocks, traps, and dual net theorems. Here, a dual net is taken as the result of inverting all arcs (place-transition arcs to transition-place arcs and vice-versa) in the original net.
  2. Pauline N. Kawamoto, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Basic Concepts for Petri Nets with Boolean Markings, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 87-90, 1993. MML Identifier: BOOLMARK
    Summary: Contains basic concepts for Petri nets with Boolean markings and the firability$\slash$firing of single transitions as well as sequences of transitions \cite{Nakamura:5}. The concept of a Boolean marking is introduced as a mapping of a Boolean TRUE$\slash$FALSE to each of the places in a place$\slash$transition net. This simplifies the conventional definitions of the firability and firing of a transition. One note of caution in this article - the definition of firing a transition does not require that the transition be firable. Therefore, it is advisable to check that transitions ARE firable before firing them.
  3. Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yasushi Fuwa. The Euler's Function, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 549-551, 1997. MML Identifier: EULER_1
    Summary: This article is concerned with the Euler's function \cite{takagi} that plays an important role in cryptograms. In the first section, we present some selected theorems on integers. Next, we define the Euler's function. Finally, three theorems relating to the Euler's function are proved. The third theorem concerns two relatively prime integers which make up the Euler's function parameter. In the public key cryptography these two integer values are used as public and secret keys.
  4. Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yasushi Fuwa, Hidetaka Shimizu. Euler's Theorem and Small Fermat's Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 123-126, 1998. MML Identifier: EULER_2
    Summary: This article is concerned with Euler's theorem and small Fermat's theorem that play important roles in public-key cryptograms. In the first section, we present some selected theorems on integers. In the following section, we remake definitions about the finite sequence of natural, the function of natural times finite sequence of natural and $\pi$ of the finite sequence of natural. We also prove some basic theorems that concern these redefinitions. Next, we define the function of modulus for finite sequence of natural and some fundamental theorems about this function are proved. Finally, Euler's theorem and small Fermat's theorem are proved.
  5. Yasushi Fuwa, Yoshinori Fujisawa. Algebraic Group on Fixed-length Bit Integer and its Adaptation to IDEA Cryptography, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 203-215, 1998. MML Identifier: IDEA_1
    Summary: In this article, an algebraic group on fixed-length bit integer is constructed and its adaptation to IDEA cryptography is discussed. In the first section, we present some selected theorems on integers. In the continuous section, we construct an algebraic group on fixed-length integer. In the third section, operations of IDEA Cryptograms are defined and some theorems on these operations are proved. In the fourth section, we define sequences of IDEA Cryptogram's operations and discuss their nature. Finally, we make a model of IDEA Cryptogram and prove that the ciphertext that is encrypted by IDEA encryption algorithm can be decrypted by the IDEA decryption algorithm.
  6. Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yasushi Fuwa, Hidetaka Shimizu. Public-Key Cryptography and Pepin's Test for the Primality of Fermat Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 317-321, 1998. MML Identifier: PEPIN
    Summary: In this article, we have proved the correctness of the Public-Key Cryptography and the Pepin's Test for the Primality of Fermat Numbers ($F(n) = 2^{2^n}+1$). It is a very important result in the IDEA Cryptography that F(4) is a prime number. At first, we prepared some useful theorems. Then, we proved the correctness of the Public-Key Cryptography. Next, we defined the Order's function and proved some properties. This function is very important in the proof of the Pepin's Test. Next, we proved some theorems about the Fermat Number. And finally, we proved the Pepin's Test using some properties of the Order's Function. And using the obtained result we have proved that F(1), F(2), F(3) and F(4) are prime number.
  7. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of Binary Counter Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 83-85, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_2
    Summary: This article introduces the verification of the correctness for the operations and the specification of the 3-bit counter. Both cases: without reset input and with reset input are considered. The proof was proposed by Y. Nakamura in \cite{GATE_1.ABS}.
  8. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of Johnson Counter Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 87-91, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_3
    Summary: This article introduces the verification of the correctness for the operations and the specification of the Johnson counter. We formalize the concepts of 2-bit, 3-bit and 4-bit Johnson counter circuits with a reset input, and define the specification of the state transitions without the minor loop.
  9. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of a Cyclic Redundancy Check Code Generator, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 129-132, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_4
    Summary: We prove the correctness of the division circuit and the CRC (cyclic redundancy checks) circuit by verifying the contents of the register after one shift. Circuits with 12-bit register and 16-bit register are taken as examples. All the proofs are done formally.
  10. Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yasushi Fuwa. Definitions of Radix-$2^k$ Signed-Digit Number and its Adder Algorithm, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 71-75, 2001. MML Identifier: RADIX_1
    Summary: In this article, a radix-$2^k$ signed-digit number (Radix-$2^k$ SD number) is defined and based on it a high-speed adder algorithm is discussed. \par The processes of coding and encoding for public-key cryptograms require a great deal of addition operations of natural number of many figures. This results in a~long time for the encoding and decoding processes. It is possible to reduce the processing time using the high-speed adder algorithm.\par In the first section of this article, we prepared some useful theorems for natural numbers and integers. In the second section, we defined the concept of radix-$2^k$, a set named $k$-SD and proved some properties about them. In the third section, we provide some important functions for generating Radix-$2^k$ SD numbers from natural numbers and natural numbers from Radix-$2^k$ SD numbers. In the fourth section, we defined the carry and data components of addition with Radix-$2^k$ SD numbers and some properties about them. In the fifth section, we defined a theorem for checking whether or not a natural number can be expressed as $n$ digits Radix-$2^k$ SD number. \par In the last section, a high-speed adder algorithm on Radix-$2^k$ SD numbers is proposed and we provided some properties. In this algorithm, the carry of each digit has an effect on only the next digit. Properties of the relationships of the results of this algorithm to the operations of natural numbers are also given.
  11. Yasushi Fuwa, Yoshinori Fujisawa. High-Speed Algorithms for RSA Cryptograms, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 275-279, 2001. MML Identifier: RADIX_2
    Summary: In this article, we propose a new high-speed processing method for encoding and decoding the RSA cryptogram that is a kind of public-key cryptogram. This cryptogram is not only used for encrypting data, but also for such purposes as authentication. However, the encoding and decoding processes take a long time because they require a great deal of calculations. As a result, this cryptogram is not suited for practical use. Until now, we proposed a high-speed algorithm of addition using radix-$2^k$ signed-digit numbers and clarified correctness of it (\cite{RADIX_1.ABS}). In this article, we defined two new operations for a high-speed coding and encoding processes on public-key cryptograms based on radix-$2^k$ signed-digit (SD) numbers. One is calculation of $(a*b)$ mod $c$ ($a,b,c$ are natural numbers). Another one is calculation of $(a^b)$ mod $c$ ($a,b,c$ are natural numbers). Their calculations are realized repetition of addition. We propose a high-speed algorithm of their calculations using proposed addition algorithm and clarify the correctness of them. In the first section, we prepared some useful theorems for natural numbers and integers and so on. In the second section, we proved some properties of addition operation using a radix-$2^k$ SD numbers. In the third section, we defined some functions on the relation between a finite sequence of k-SD and a finite sequence of ${\Bbb N}$ and proved some properties about them. In the fourth section, algorithm of calculation of $(a*b)$ mod $c$ based on radix-$2^k$ SD numbers is proposed and its correctness is clarified. In the last section, algorithm of calculation of $(a^b)$ mod $c$ based on radix-$2^k$ SD numbers is proposed and we clarified its correctness.
  12. Gang Liu, Yasushi Fuwa, Masayoshi Eguchi. Formal Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 537-543, 2001. MML Identifier: FINTOPO2
    Summary: This article is divided into two parts. In the first part, we prove some useful theorems on finite topological spaces. In the second part, in order to consider a family of neighborhoods to a point in a space, we extend the notion of finite topological space and define a new topological space, which we call formal topological space. We show the relation between formal topological space struct ({\tt FMT\_Space\_Str}) and the {\tt TopStruct} by giving a function ({\tt NeighSp}). And the following notions are introduced in formal topological spaces: boundary, closure, interior, isolated point, connected point, open set and close set, then some basic facts concerning them are proved. We will discuss the relation between the formal topological space and the finite topological space in future work.
  13. Masaaki Niimura, Yasushi Fuwa. Improvement of Radix-$2^k$ Signed-Digit Number for High Speed Circuit, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 133-137, 2003. MML Identifier: RADIX_3
    Summary: In this article, a new radix-$2^k$ signed-digit number (Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit number) is defined and its properties for hardware realization are discussed. \par Until now, high speed calculation method with Radix-$2^k$ signed-digit numbers is proposed, but this method used ``Compares With 2" to calculate carry. ``Compares with 2'' is a very simple method, but it needs very complicated hardware especially when the value of $k$ becomes large. In this article, we propose a subset of Radix-$2^k$ signed-digit, named Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers. Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit was designed so that the carry calculation use ``bit compare'' to hardware-realization simplifies more.\par In the first section of this article, we defined the concept of Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers and proved some of their properties. In the second section, we defined the new carry calculation method in consideration of hardware-realization, and proved some of their properties. In the third section, we provide some functions for generating Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers from Radix-$2^k$ signed-digit numbers. In the last section, we defined some functions for generation natural numbers from Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit, and we clarified its correctness.
  14. Masaaki Niimura, Yasushi Fuwa. High Speed Adder Algorithm with Radix-$2^k$ Sub Signed-Digit Number, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 139-141, 2003. MML Identifier: RADIX_4
    Summary: In this article, a new adder algorithm using Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers is defined and properties for the hardware-realization is discussed.\par Until now, we proposed Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers in consideration of the hardware realization. In this article, we proposed High Speed Adder Algorithm using this Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers. This method has two ways to speed up at hardware-realization. One is 'bit compare' at carry calculation, it is proposed in another article. Other is carry calculation between two numbers. We proposed that $n$ digits Radix-$2^k$ signed-digit numbers is expressed in $n+1$ digits Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers, and addition result of two $n+1$ digits Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers is expressed in $n+1$ digits. In this way, carry operation between two Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers can be processed at $n+1$ digit adder circuit and additional circuit to operate carry is not needed.\par In the first section of this article, we prepared some useful theorems for operation of Radix-$2^k$ numbers. In the second section, we proved some properties about carry on Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers. In the last section, we defined the new addition operation using Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers, and we clarified its correctness.
  15. Masaaki Niimura, Yasushi Fuwa. Magnitude Relation Properties of Radix-$2^k$ SD Number, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 5-8, 2004. MML Identifier: RADIX_5
    Summary: In this article, magnitude relation properties of Radix-$2^k$ SD number are discussed. Until now, the Radix-$2^k$ SD Number has been proposed for the high-speed calculations for RSA Cryptograms. In RSA Cryptograms, many modulo calculations are used, and modulo calculations need a comparison between two numbers.\par In this article, we discuss magnitude relation of Radix-$2^k$ SD Number. In the first section, we present some useful theorems for operations of Radix-$2^k$ SD Number. In the second section, we prove some properties of the primary numbers expressed by Radix-$2^k$ SD Number such as 0, 1, and Radix(k). In the third section, we prove primary magnitude relations between two Radix-$2^k$ SD Numbers. In the fourth section, we define Max/Min numbers in some cases. And in the last section, we prove some relations between the addition of Max/Min numbers.
  16. Masaaki Niimura, Yasushi Fuwa. High Speed Modulo Calculation Algorithm with Radix-$2^k$ SD Number, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 9-13, 2004. MML Identifier: RADIX_6
    Summary: In RSA Cryptograms, many modulo calculations are used, but modulo calculation is based on many subtractions and it takes long a time to calculate it. In this article, we explain a new modulo calculation algorithm using a table. And we prove that upper 3 digits of Radix-$2^k$ SD numbers are enough to specify the answer. \par In the first section, we present some useful theorems for operations of Radix-$2^k$ SD Number. In the second section, we define Upper 3 Digits of Radix-$2^k$ SD number and prove that property. In the third section, we prove some property connected with the minimum digits of Radix-$2^k$ SD number. In the fourth section, we identify the range of modulo arithmetic result and prove that the Upper 3 Digits indicate two possible answers. And in the last section, we define a function to select true answer from the results of Upper 3 Digits.
Janusz Ganczarski
  1. Janusz Ganczarski. On the Lattice of Subgroups of a Group, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 309-312, 1996. MML Identifier: LATSUBGR
Fuguo Ge
  1. Fuguo Ge, Xiquan Liang, Yuzhong Ding. Formulas and Identities of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 383-387, 2005. MML Identifier: SIN_COS7
    Summary: This article describes definitions of inverse hyperbolic functions and their main properties, as well as some addition formulas with hyperbolic functions.
  2. Fuguo Ge, Xiquan Liang. On the Partial Product of Series and Related Basic Inequalities, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 413-416, 2005. MML Identifier: SERIES_3
    Summary: This article describes definition of partial product of series, introduced similarly to its related partial sum, as well as several important inequalities true for chosen special series.
  3. Fuguo Ge, Xiquan Liang. On the Partial Product and Partial Sum of Series and Related Basic Inequalities, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 525-528, 2005. MML Identifier: SERIES_5
    Summary: This article introduced some important inequalities on partial sum and partial product, as well as some basic inequalities.
  4. Xiquan Liang, Fuguo Ge, Xiaopeng Yue. Some Special Matrices of Real Elements and Their Properties, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 129-134, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIX10
    Summary: This article describes definitions of positive matrix, negative matrix, nonpositive matrix, nonnegative matrix, nonzero matrix, module matrix of real elements and their main properties, and we also give the basic inequalities in matrices of real elements.
  5. Xiquan Liang, Fuguo Ge. The Quaternion Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 161-169, 2006. MML Identifier: QUATERNI
    Summary: In this article, we define the set $\Bbb Q$ of quaternion numbers as the set of all ordered sequences $q =\langle x,y,w,z\rangle$ where $x$,$y$,$w$ and $z$ are real numbers. The addition, difference and multiplication of the quaternion numbers are also defined. We define the real and imaginary parts of $q$ and denote this by $x = \Rea(q)$, $y = \Im1(q)$, $w = \Im2(q)$, $z = \Im3(q)$. We define the addition, difference, multiplication again and denote this operation by real and three imaginary parts. We define the conjugate of $q$ denoted by $q*'$ and the absolute value of $q$ denoted by $|.q.|$. We also give some properties of quaternion numbers.
Gijs Geleijnse
  1. Gijs Geleijnse, Grzegorz Bancerek. Properties of Groups, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 347-350, 2004. MML Identifier: GROUP_8
    Summary: In this article we formalize theorems from Chapter 1 of \cite{Hall:1959}. Our article covers Theorems 1.5.4, 1.5.5 (inequality on indices), 1.5.6 (equality of indices), Lemma 1.6.1 and several other supporting theorems needed to complete the formalization.
Mariusz Giero
  1. Mariusz Giero. More on Products of Many Sorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 621-626, 1996. MML Identifier: PRALG_3
    Summary: This article is continuation of an article defining products of many sorted algebras \cite{PRALG_2.ABS}. Some properties of notions such as commute, Frege, Args() are shown in this article. Notions of constant of operations in many sorted algebras and projection of products of family of many sorted algebras are defined. There is also introduced the notion of class of family of many sorted algebras. The main theorem states that product of family of many sorted algebras and product of class of family of many sorted algebras are isomorphic.
  2. Mariusz Giero, Roman Matuszewski. Lower Tolerance. Preliminaries to Wroclaw Taxonomy, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 597-603, 2001. MML Identifier: TAXONOM1
    Summary: The paper introduces some preliminary notions concerning the Wroclaw taxonomy according to \cite{MatTry77}. The classifications and tolerances are defined and considered w.r.t. sets and metric spaces. We prove theorems showing various classifications based on tolerances.
  3. Mariusz Giero. Hierarchies and Classifications of Sets, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 865-869, 2001. MML Identifier: TAXONOM2
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{TAXONOM1.ABS} article. Further properties of classification of sets are proved. The notion of hierarchy of a set is introduced. Properties of partitions and hierarchies are shown. The main theorem says that for each hierarchy there exists a classification which union equals to the considered hierarchy.
  4. Mariusz Giero. On the General Position of Special Polygons, Formalized Mathematics 10(2), pages 89-95, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN12
    Summary: In this paper we introduce the notion of general position. We also show some auxiliary theorems for proving Jordan curve theorem. The following main theorems are proved: \begin{enumerate} \item End points of a polygon are in the same component of a complement of another polygon if number of common points of these polygons is even; \item Two points of polygon $L$ are in the same component of a complement of polygon $M$ if two points of polygon $M$ are in the same component of polygon $L.$ \end{enumerate}
Adam Grabowski
  1. Agnieszka Sakowicz, Jaroslaw Gryko, Adam Grabowski. Sequences in $\calE^N_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 93-96, 1996. MML Identifier: TOPRNS_1
  2. Adam Grabowski. The Correspondence Between Homomorphisms of Universal Algebra \& Many Sorted Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 211-214, 1996. MML Identifier: MSUHOM_1
    Summary: The aim of the article is to check the compatibility of the homomorphism of universal algebras introduced in \cite{ALG_1.ABS} and the corresponding concept for many sorted algebras introduced in \cite{MSUALG_3.ABS}.
  3. Adam Grabowski. On the Category of Posets, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 501-505, 1996. MML Identifier: ORDERS_3
    Summary: In the paper the construction of a category of partially ordered sets is shown: in the second section according to \cite{CAT_1.ABS} and in the third section according to the definition given in \cite{ALTCAT_1.ABS}. Some of useful notions such as monotone map and the set of monotone maps between relational structures are given.
  4. Adam Grabowski. Inverse Limits of Many Sorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 5-8, 1997. MML Identifier: MSALIMIT
    Summary: This article introduces the construction of an inverse limit of many sorted algebras. A few preliminary notions such as an ordered family of many sorted algebras and a binding of family are formulated. Definitions of a set of many sorted signatures and a set of signature morphisms are also given.
  5. Adam Grabowski. Examples of Category Structures, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 17-20, 1997. MML Identifier: MSINST_1
    Summary: This article contains definitions of two category structures: the category of many sorted signatures and the category of many sorted algebras. Some facts about these structures are proved.
  6. Adam Grabowski, Robert Milewski. Boolean Posets, Posets under Inclusion and Products of Relational Structures, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 117-121, 1997. MML Identifier: YELLOW_1
    Summary: In the paper some notions useful in formalization of \cite{CCL} are introduced, e.g. the definition of the poset of subsets of a set with inclusion as an ordering relation. Using the theory of many sorted sets authors formulate the definition of product of relational structures.
  7. Adam Grabowski. Auxiliary and Approximating Relations, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 179-188, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL_4
    Summary: The aim of this paper is to formalize the second part of Chapter I Section 1 (1.9--1.19) in \cite{CCL}. Definitions of Scott's auxiliary and approximating relations are introduced in this work. We showed that in a meet-continuous lattice, the way-below relation is the intersection of all approximating auxiliary relations (proposition (40) --- compare 1.13 in \cite[pp.~43--47]{CCL}). By (41) a continuous lattice is a complete lattice in which $\ll$ is the smallest approximating auxiliary relation. The notions of the strong interpolation property and the interpolation property are also introduced.
  8. Yatsuka Nakamura, Roman Matuszewski, Adam Grabowski. Subsequences of Standard Special Circular Sequences in $\calE^2_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 351-358, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN4
    Summary: It is known that a standard special circular sequence in ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$ properly defines a special polygon. We are interested in a part of such a sequence. It is shown that if the first point and the last point of the subsequence are different, it becomes a special polygonal sequence. The concept of ``a part of" is introduced, and the subsequence having this property can be characterized by using ``mid" function. For such subsequences, the concepts of ``Upper" and ``Lower" parts are introduced.
  9. Adam Grabowski. Lattice of Substitutions, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 359-361, 1997. MML Identifier: SUBSTLAT
  10. Adam Grabowski. Introduction to the Homotopy Theory, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 449-454, 1997. MML Identifier: BORSUK_2
    Summary: The paper introduces some preliminary notions concerning the homotopy theory according to \cite{Greenberg}: paths and arcwise connected to topological spaces. The basic operations on paths (addition and reversing) are defined. In the last section the predicate: $P, Q$ {\em are homotopic} is defined. We also showed some properties of the product of two topological spaces needed to prove reflexivity and symmetry of the above predicate.
  11. Adam Grabowski, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Properties of Real Maps, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 455-459, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN5A
    Summary: The main goal of the paper is to show logical equivalence of the two definitions of the {\em open subset}: one from \cite{PCOMPS_1.ABS} and the other from \cite{RCOMP_1.ABS}. This has been used to show that the other two definitions are equivalent: the continuity of the map as in \cite{PRE_TOPC.ABS} and in \cite{FCONT_1.ABS}. We used this to show that continuous and one-to-one maps are monotone (see theorems 16 and 17 for details).
  12. Adam Grabowski, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Ordering of Points on a Curve. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 461-465, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN5B
    Summary: Some auxiliary theorems needed to formalize the proof of the Jordan Curve Theorem according to \cite{TAKE-NAKA} are proved.
  13. Adam Grabowski, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Ordering of Points on a Curve. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 467-473, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN5C
    Summary: The proof of the Jordan Curve Theorem according to \cite{TAKE-NAKA} is continued. The notions of the first and last point of a oriented arc are introduced as well as ordering of points on a curve in $\calE^2_T$.
  14. Adam Grabowski. Scott-Continuous Functions, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 13-18, 1998. MML Identifier: WAYBEL17
    Summary: The article is a translation of \cite[pp. 112--113]{CCL}.
  15. Yatsuka Nakamura, Adam Grabowski. Bounding Boxes for Special Sequences in $\calE^2$, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 115-121, 1998. MML Identifier: JORDAN5D
    Summary: This is the continuation of the proof of the Jordan Theorem according to \cite{TAKE-NAKA}.
  16. Adam Grabowski. Lattice of Substitutions is a Heyting Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 323-327, 1998. MML Identifier: HEYTING2
  17. Adam Grabowski. Properties of the Product of Compact Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 55-59, 1999. MML Identifier: BORSUK_3
  18. Adam Grabowski. Hilbert Positive Propositional Calculus, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 69-72, 1999. MML Identifier: HILBERT1
  19. Adam Grabowski. Scott-Continuous Functions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 5-11, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL24
  20. Adam Grabowski. The Incompleteness of the Lattice of Substitutions, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 449-454, 2001. MML Identifier: HEYTING3
    Summary: In \cite{HEYTING3.ABS} we proved that the lattice of substitutions, as defined in \cite{SUBSTLAT.ABS}, is a Heyting lattice (i.e. it is pseudo-complemented and it has the zero element). We show that the lattice needs not to be complete. Obviously, the example has to be infinite, namely we can take the set of natural numbers as variables and a singleton as a set of constants. The incompleteness has been shown for lattices of substitutions defined in terms of \cite{LATTICES.ABS} and relational structures \cite{ORDERS_1.ABS}.
  21. Adam Grabowski, Artur Kornilowicz, Andrzej Trybulec. Some Properties of Cells and Gauges, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 545-548, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1C
  22. Adam Grabowski. Robbins Algebras vs. Boolean Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 681-690, 2001. MML Identifier: ROBBINS1
    Summary: In the early 1930s, Huntington proposed several axiom systems for Boolean algebras. Robbins slightly changed one of them and asked if the resulted system is still a basis for variety of Boolean algebras. The solution (afirmative answer) was given in 1996 by McCune with the help of automated theorem prover EQP/{\sc Otter}. Some simplified and restucturized versions of this proof are known. In our version of proof that all Robbins algebras are Boolean we use the results of McCune \cite{McCuneRob}, Huntington \cite{Huntington1}, \cite{Huntington2}, \cite{Huntington3} and Dahn \cite{DahnRob}.
  23. Adam Grabowski. On the Decompositions of Intervals and Simple Closed Curves, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 145-151, 2002. MML Identifier: BORSUK_4
    Summary: The aim of the paper is to show that the only subcontinua of the Jordan curve are arcs, the whole curve, and singletons of its points. Additionally, it has been shown that the only subcontinua of the unit interval $\Bbb I$ are closed intervals.
  24. Adam Grabowski. On the Hausdorff Distance Between Compact Subsets, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 153-157, 2003. MML Identifier: HAUSDORF
    Summary: In \cite{WEIERSTR.ABS} the pseudo-metric ${\rm dist}^{\rm max}_{\rm min}$ on compact subsets $A$ and $B$ of a topological space generated from arbitrary metric space is defined. Using this notion we define the Hausdorff distance (see e.g. \cite{Csaszar}) of $A$ and $B$ as a maximum of the two pseudo-distances: from $A$ to $B$ and from $B$ to $A$. We justify its distance properties. At the end we define some special notions which enable to apply the Hausdorff distance operator ${\rm ``HausDist"}$ to the subsets of the Euclidean topological space~$\calE^n_T.$
  25. Adam Grabowski. On the Subcontinua of a Real Line, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 313-322, 2003. MML Identifier: BORSUK_5
    Summary: In \cite{BORSUK_4.ABS} we showed that the only proper subcontinua of the simple closed curve are arcs and single points. In this article we prove that the only proper subcontinua of the real line are closed intervals. We introduce some auxiliary notions such as $\rbrack a,b\lbrack_{\Bbb Q}$, $\rbrack a,b\lbrack_{\Bbb I\Bbb Q}$ -- intervals consisting of rational and irrational numbers respectively. We show also some basic topological properties of intervals.
  26. Lilla Krystyna Baginska, Adam Grabowski. On the Kuratowski Closure-Complement Problem, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 323-329, 2003. MML Identifier: KURATO_1
    Summary: In this article we formalize the Kuratowski closure-complement result: there is at most 14 distinct sets that one can produce from a given subset $A$ of a topological space $T$ by applying closure and complement operators and that all 14 can be obtained from a suitable subset of $\Bbb R,$ namely KuratExSet $=\{1\} \cup {\Bbb Q} (2,3) \cup (3, 4)\cup (4,\infty)$.\par The second part of the article deals with the maximal number of distinct sets which may be obtained from a given subset $A$ of $T$ by applying closure and interior operators. The subset KuratExSet of $\Bbb R$ is also enough to show that 7 can be achieved.
  27. Wioletta Truszkowska, Adam Grabowski. On the Two Short Axiomatizations of Ortholattices, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 335-340, 2003. MML Identifier: ROBBINS2
    Summary: In the paper, two short axiom systems for Boolean algebras are introduced. In the first section we show that the single axiom (DN${}_1$) proposed in \cite{McCune:2001} in terms of disjunction and negation characterizes Boolean algebras. To prove that (DN${}_1$) is a single axiom for Robbins algebras (that is, Boolean algebras as well), we use the Otter theorem prover. The second section contains proof that the two classical axioms (Meredith${}_1$), (Meredith${}_2$) proposed by Meredith \cite{Meredith:1968} may also serve as a basis for Boolean algebras. The results will be used to characterize ortholattices.
  28. Adam Grabowski. On the Kuratowski Limit Operators, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 399-409, 2003. MML Identifier: KURATO_2
    Summary: In the paper we give formal descriptions of the two Kuratowski limit oprators: Li $S$ and Ls $S$, where $S$ is an arbitrary sequence of subsets of a fixed topological space. In the two last sections we prove basic properties of these lower and upper topological limits, which may be found e.g. in \cite{KURAT:2}. In the sections 2--4, we present three operators which are associated in some sense with the above mentioned, that is lim inf $F$, lim sup $F$, and limes $F$, where $F$ is a sequence of subsets of a fixed 1-sorted structure.
  29. Adam Grabowski. Basic Properties of Rough Sets and Rough Membership Function, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 21-28, 2004. MML Identifier: ROUGHS_1
    Summary: We present basic concepts concerning rough set theory. We define tolerance and approximation spaces and rough membership function. Different rough inclusions as well as the predicate of rough equality of sets are also introduced.
  30. Adam Grabowski, Artur Kornilowicz. Algebraic Properties of Homotopies, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 251-260, 2004. MML Identifier: BORSUK_6
  31. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama, Adam Grabowski. The Fundamental Group, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 261-268, 2004. MML Identifier: TOPALG_1
    Summary: This is the next article in a series devoted to homotopy theory (following \cite{BORSUK_2.ABS} and \cite{BORSUK_6.ABS}). The concept of fundamental groups of pointed topological spaces has been introduced. Isomorphism of fundamental groups defined with respect to different points belonging to the same component has been stated. Triviality of fundamental group(s) of ${\Bbb R}^n$ has been shown.
  32. Magdalena Jastrzcebska, Adam Grabowski. Some Properties of Fibonacci Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 307-313, 2004. MML Identifier: FIB_NUM2
    Summary: We formalized some basic properties of the Fibonacci numbers using definitions and lemmas from \cite{PRE_FF.ABS} and \cite{FIB_NUM.ABS}, e.g. Cassini's and Catalan's identities. We also showed the connections between Fibonacci numbers and Pythagorean triples as defined in \cite{PYTHTRIP.ABS}. The main result of this article is a proof of Carmichael Theorem on prime divisors of prime-generated Fibonacci numbers. According to it if we look at the prime factors of a Fibonacci number generated by a prime number, none of them has appeared as a factor in any earlier Fibonacci number. We plan to develop the full proof of the Carmichael Theorem following \cite{Yabuta:01}.
  33. Ewa Romanowicz, Adam Grabowski. The Hall Marriage Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 315-320, 2004. MML Identifier: HALLMAR1
    Summary: The Marriage Theorem, as credited to Philip Hall \cite{Hall:1935}, gives the necessary and sufficient condition allowing us to select a distinct element from each of a finite collection $\{A_i\}$ of $n$ finite subsets. This selection, called a set of different representatives (SDR), exists if and only if the marriage condition (or Hall condition) is satisfied: $$\forall_{J\subseteq\{1,\dots,n\}}|\bigcup_{i\in J} A_i|\geq |J|.$$ The proof which is given in this article (according to Richard Rado, 1967) is based on the lemma that for finite sequences with non-trivial elements which satisfy Hall property there exists a reduction (see Def. 5) such that Hall property again holds (see Th.~29 for details).
  34. Piotr Wojtecki, Adam Grabowski. Lucas Numbers and Generalized Fibonacci Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 329-333, 2004. MML Identifier: FIB_NUM3
    Summary: The recursive definition of Fibonacci sequences \cite{PRE_FF.ABS} is a good starting point for various variants and generalizations. We can point out here e.g. Lucas (with $2$ and $1$ as opening values) and the so-called generalized Fibonacci numbers (starting with arbitrary integers $a$ and $b$). \par In this paper, we introduce Lucas and G-numbers and we state their basic properties analogous to those proven in \cite{FIB_NUM.ABS} and \cite{FIB_NUM2.ABS}.
  35. Katarzyna Romanowicz, Adam Grabowski. The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 335-339, 2004. MML Identifier: LATSUM_1
    Summary: The article contains the formalization of the addition operator on relational structures as defined by A.~Wro{\'n}ski \cite{Wronski:1974} (as a generalization of Troelstra's sum or Ja{\'s}kowski star addition). The ordering relation of $A \otimes B$ is given by $$\le_{A\otimes B}\:=\:\le_A\cup \le_B\cup\: (\le_A \circ \le_B),$$ where the carrier is defined as the set-theoretical union of carriers of $A$ and $B$. Main part -- Section 3 -- is devoted to the Mizar translation of Theorem 1 (iv--xiii), p.~66 of \cite{Wronski:1974}.
  36. Dorota Czcestochowska, Adam Grabowski. Catalan Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 351-353, 2004. MML Identifier: CATALAN1
    Summary: In this paper, we define Catalan sequence (starting from $0$) and prove some of its basic properties. The Catalan numbers ($0,1,1,2,5,14,42,\dots$) arise in a number of problems in combinatorics. They can be computed e.g. using the formula $$C_n=\frac{{{2n}\choose {n}}}{n+1},$$ their recursive definition is also well known: $$C_1=1,\quad C_n=\Sigma_{i=1}^{n-1}C_i C_{n-i},\quad n\geq 2.$$ Among other things, the Catalan numbers describe the number of ways in which parentheses can be placed in a sequence of numbers to be multiplied, two at a time.
  37. Violetta Kozarkiewicz, Adam Grabowski. Axiomatization of Boolean Algebras Based on Sheffer Stroke, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 355-361, 2004. MML Identifier: SHEFFER1
    Summary: We formalized another axiomatization of Boolean algebras. The classical one, as introduced in \cite{LATTICES.ABS}, ``the fourth set of postulates'' due to Huntington \cite{Huntington1} (\cite{ROBBINS1.ABS} in Mizar) and the single axiom in terms of disjunction and negation \cite{ROBBINS2.ABS}. In this article, we aimed at the description of Boolean algebras using Sheffer stroke according to \cite{Sheffer:1913}, namely by the following three axioms: $$(x
  38. Aneta Lukaszuk, Adam Grabowski. Short Sheffer Stroke-Based Single Axiom for Boolean Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 363-370, 2004. MML Identifier: SHEFFER2
    Summary: We continue the description of Boolean algebras in terms of the Sheffer stroke as defined in \cite{SHEFFER1.ABS}. The single axiomatization for BAs in terms of disjunction and negation was shown in \cite{ROBBINS2.ABS}. As was checked automatically with the help of automated theorem prover Otter, single axiom of the form $$(x
  39. Artur Kornilowicz, Adam Grabowski. On Some Points of a Simple Closed Curve. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 89-91, 2005. MML Identifier: JORDAN22
    Summary: In the paper we formalize some lemmas needed by the proof of the Jordan Curve Theorem according to \cite{TAKE-NAKA}. We show basic properties of the upper and the lower approximations of a simple closed curve (as its compactness and connectedness) and some facts about special points of such approximations.
  40. Adam Grabowski. On the Boundary and Derivative of a Set, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 139-146, 2005. MML Identifier: TOPGEN_1
    Summary: This is the first Mizar article in a series aiming at a complete formalization of the textbook ``General Topology'' by Engelking \cite{ENGEL:1}. We cover the first part of Section 1.3, by defining such notions as a derivative of a subset $A$ of a topological space (usually denoted by $A^{\rm d}$, but ${\rm Der~} A$ in our notation), the derivative and the boundary of families of subsets, points of accumulation and isolated points. We also introduce dense-in-itself, perfect and scattered topological spaces and formulate the notion of the density of a space. Some basic properties are given as well as selected exercises from \cite{ENGEL:1}.
  41. Adam Grabowski, Markus Moschner. Formalization of Ortholattices via~Orthoposets, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 189-197, 2005. MML Identifier: ROBBINS3
    Summary: There are two approaches to lattices used in the Mizar Mathematical Library: on the one hand, these structures are based on the set with two binary operations (with an equational characterization as in \cite{LATTICES.ABS}). On the other hand, we may look at them as at relational structures (posets -- see \cite{ORDERS_1.ABS}). As the main result of this article we can state that the Mizar formalization enables us to use both approaches simultaneously (Section 3). This is especially useful because most of lemmas on ortholattices in the literature are stated in the poset setting, so we cannot use equational theorem provers in a straightforward way. We give also short equational characterization of lattices via four axioms (as it was done in \cite{McCune:2005} with the help of the Otter prover). Some corresponding results about ortholattices are also formalized.
  42. Magdalena Jastrzcebska, Adam Grabowski. The Properties of Supercondensed Sets, Subcondensed Sets and Condensed Sets, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 353-359, 2005. MML Identifier: ISOMICHI
    Summary: We formalized article ``New concepts in the theory of topological space -- supercondensed set, subcondensed set, and condensed set'' by Yoshinori Isomichi. First we defined supercondensed, subcondensed, and condensed sets and then gradually, defining other attributes such as regular open set or regular closed set, we formalized all the theorems and remarks that one can find in Isomichi's article.
  43. Adam Grabowski. On the Borel Families of Subsets of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 453-461, 2005. MML Identifier: TOPGEN_4
    Summary: This is the next Mizar article in a series aiming at complete formalization of ``General Topology'' \cite{ENGEL:1} by Engelking. We cover the second part of Section 1.3.
  44. Ewa Romanowicz, Adam Grabowski. On the Permanent of a Matrix, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 13-20, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIX_9
    Summary: We introduce the notion of a permanent of a square matrix. It is a notion somewhat related to a determinant so we follow closely the approach and theorems already introduced in the Mizar Mathematical Library for the determinant. Unfortunately, the formalization of the latter notion is at its early stage, so we had to prove many very elementary auxiliary facts.
  45. Magdalena Jastrzcebska, Adam Grabowski. On the Properties of the M\"obius Function, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 29-36, 2006. MML Identifier: MOEBIUS1
    Summary: We formalized some basic properties of the M\"obius function which is defined classically as $$\mu(n) = \begin{cases} 1, \textrm{~if~} n = 1,\\ 0, \textrm{~if~}p^2|n \textrm{~for~some~prime~}p\\ (-1)^r, \textrm{~if~}n=p_1 p_2 \cdots p_r, \textrm{~where~} p_i \textrm{~are~distinct~primes.}\\ \end{cases},$$ as e.g., its multiplicativity. To enable smooth reasoning about the sum of this number-theoretic function, we introduced an underlying manysorted set indexed by natural numbers. Its elements are just values of the M\"obius function.\par The second part of the paper is devoted to the notion of the radical of number, i.e. the product of its all prime factors.\par The formalization (which is very much like the one developed in Isabelle proof assistant connected with Avigad's formal proof of Prime Number Theorem) was done according to the book \cite{HardyWright}.
Ewa Grdzka
  1. Ewa Grdzka. On the Order-consistent Topology of Complete and Uncomplete Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 377-382, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL32
    Summary: This paper is a continuation of the formalisation of \cite{CCL} pp.~108--109. Order-consistent and upper topologies are defined. The theorem that the Scott and the upper topologies are order-consistent is proved. Remark 1.4 and example 1.5(2) are generalized for proving this theorem.
  2. Ewa Grdzka. The Algebra of Polynomials, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 637-643, 2001. MML Identifier: POLYALG1
    Summary: In this paper we define the algebra of formal power series and the algebra of polynomials over an arbitrary field and prove some properties of these structures. We also formulate and prove theorems showing some general properties of sequences. These preliminaries will be used for defining and considering linear functionals on the algebra of polynomials.
Jaroslaw Gryko
  1. Agnieszka Sakowicz, Jaroslaw Gryko, Adam Grabowski. Sequences in $\calE^N_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 93-96, 1996. MML Identifier: TOPRNS_1
  2. Jaroslaw Gryko. On the Monoid of Endomorphisms of Universal Algebra and Many Sorted Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 439-442, 1996. MML Identifier: ENDALG
  3. Jaroslaw Gryko. The J\'onson's Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 515-524, 1997. MML Identifier: LATTICE5
  4. Jaroslaw Gryko. Injective Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 57-62, 1998. MML Identifier: WAYBEL18
  5. Jaroslaw Gryko, Artur Kornilowicz. Some Properties of Isomorphism between Relational Structures. On the Product of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 13-18, 2001. MML Identifier: YELLOW14
  6. Artur Kornilowicz, Jaroslaw Gryko. Injective Spaces. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 41-47, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL25
Adam Guzowski
  1. Mariusz Zynel, Adam Guzowski. \Tzero\ Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 75-77, 1996. MML Identifier: T_0TOPSP
Krzysztof Hryniewiecki
  1. Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Basic Properties of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 35-40, 1990. MML Identifier: REAL_1
    Summary: Basic facts of arithmetics of real numbers are presented: definitions and properties of the complement element, the inverse element, subtraction and division; some basic properties of the set REAL (e.g. density), and the scheme of separation for sets of reals.
  2. Grzegorz Bancerek, Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Segments of Natural Numbers and Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 107-114, 1990. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_1
    Summary: We define the notion of an initial segment of natural numbers and prove a number of their properties. Using this notion we introduce finite sequences, subsequences, the empty sequence, a sequence of a domain, and the operation of concatenation of two sequences.
  3. Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Recursive Definitions, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 321-328, 1990. MML Identifier: RECDEF_1
    Summary: The text contains some schemes which allow elimination of definitions by recursion.
  4. Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Relations of Tolerance, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 105-109, 1991. MML Identifier: TOLER_1
    Summary: Introduces notions of relations of tolerance, tolerance set and neighbourhood of an element. The basic properties of relations of tolerance are proved.
  5. Krzysztof Hryniewiecki. Graphs, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 365-370, 1991. MML Identifier: GRAPH_1
    Summary: Definitions of graphs are introduced and their basic properties are proved. The following notions related to graph theory are introduced: subgraph, finite graph, chain and oriented chain - as a finite sequence of edges, path and oriented path - as a finite sequence of different edges, cycle and oriented cycle, incidency of graph's vertices, a sum of two graphs, a degree of a vertice, a set of all subgraphs of a graph. Many ideas of this article have been taken from \cite{Wilson}.
Dahai Hu
  1. Xiaopeng Yue, Dahai Hu, Xiquan Liang. Some Properties of Some Special Matrices. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 7-12, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIX_8
    Summary: This article describes definitions of Idempotent Matrix, Nilpotent Matrix, Involutory Matrix, Self Reversible Matrix, Similar Matrix, Congruent Matrix, the Trace of a Matrix and their main properties.
Hiroshi Imura
  1. Hiroshi Imura, Masayoshi Eguchi. Finite Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 189-193, 1992. MML Identifier: FIN_TOPO
    Summary: By borrowing the concept of neighbourhood from the theory of topological space in continuous cases and extending it to a discrete case such as a space of lattice points we have defined such concepts as boundaries, closures, interiors, isolated points, and connected points as in the case of continuity. We have proved various properties which are satisfied by these concepts.
  2. Hiroshi Imura, Morishige Kimura, Yasunari Shidama. The Differentiable Functions on Normed Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 321-327, 2004. MML Identifier: NDIFF_1
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of the differentiable functions on normed linear spaces are described.
  3. Hiroshi Imura, Yuji Sakai, Yasunari Shidama. Differentiable Functions on Normed Linear Spaces. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 371-374, 2004. MML Identifier: NDIFF_2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{NDIFF_1.ABS}, the basic properties of the differentiable functions on normed linear spaces are described.
  4. Hiroshi Imura, Masami Tanaka, Yatsuka Nakamura. Continuous Mappings between Finite and One-Dimensional Finite Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 381-384, 2004. MML Identifier: FINTOPO4
    Summary: We showed relations between separateness and inflation operation. We also gave some relations between separateness and connectedness defined before. For two finite topological spaces, we defined a continuous function from one to another. Some topological concepts are preserved by such continuous functions. We gave one-dimensional concrete models of finite topological space.
  5. Masami Tanaka, Hiroshi Imura, Yatsuka Nakamura. Homeomorphism between Finite Topological Spaces, Two-Dimensional Lattice Spaces and a Fixed Point Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 417-419, 2005. MML Identifier: FINTOPO5
    Summary: In this paper, we first introduced the notion of homeomorphism between finite topological spaces. We also gave a fixed point theorem in finite topological space. Next, we showed two 2-dimensional concrete models of lattice spaces. One was 2-dimensional linear finite topological space. Another was 2-dimensional small finite topological space.
Takao Inoue
  1. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasumasa Suzuki, Takao Inoue, Yasunari Shidama. On Some Properties of Real Hilbert Space. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 225-229, 2003. MML Identifier: BHSP_6
    Summary: In this paper, we first introduce the notion of summability of an infinite set of vectors of real Hilbert space, without using index sets. Further we introduce the notion of weak summability, which is weaker than that of summability. Then, several statements for summable sets and weakly summable ones are proved. In the last part of the paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for summability of an infinite set of vectors of real Hilbert space as our main theorem. The last theorem is due to \cite{Halmos87}.
  2. Takao Inoue. Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus in the Extended Framework with Modal Operator. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 259-266, 2003. MML Identifier: INTPRO_1
    Summary: In this paper, we develop intuitionistic propositional calculus IPC in the extended language with single modal operator. The formulation that we adopt in this paper is very useful not only to formalize the calculus but also to do a number of logics with essentially propositional character. In addition, it is much simpler than the past formalization for modal logic. In the first section, we give the mentioned formulation which the author heavily owes to the formalism of Adam Grabowski's \cite{HILBERT1.ABS}. After the theoretical development of the logic, we prove a number of valid formulas of IPC in the sections 2--4. The last two sections are devoted to present classical propositional calculus and modal calculus S4 in our framework, as a preparation for future study. In the forthcoming Part II of this paper, we shall prove, among others, a number of intuitionistically valid formulas with negation.
  3. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasumasa Suzuki, Takao Inoue, Yasunari Shidama. On Some Properties of Real Hilbert Space. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 271-273, 2003. MML Identifier: BHSP_7
    Summary: This paper is a continuation of our paper \cite{BHSP_6.ABS}. We give an analogue of the necessary and sufficient condition for summable set (i.e. the main theorem of \cite{BHSP_6.ABS}) with respect to summable set by a functional $L$ in real Hilbert space. After presenting certain useful lemmas, we prove our main theorem that the summability for an orthonormal infinite set in real Hilbert space is equivalent to its summability with respect to the square of norm, say $H(x) = (x, x)$. Then we show that the square of norm $H$ commutes with infinite sum operation if the orthonormal set under our consideration is summable. Our main theorem is due to \cite{Halmos87}.
Kazuhisa Ishida
  1. Kazuhisa Ishida. Model Checking. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 171-186, 2006. MML Identifier: MODELC_1
    Summary: This text includes definitions of the Kripke structure, CTL (Computation Tree Logic), and verification of the basic algorithm for Model Checking based on CTL. Text book for reference: Model Checking, E. M. Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Doron Peled, Mit Pr (2000/1/7)
Grigory E. Ivanov
  1. Grigory E. Ivanov. Definition of Convex Function and Jensen's Inequality, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 349-354, 2003. MML Identifier: CONVFUN1
    Summary: Convexity of a function in a real linear space is defined as convexity of its epigraph according to ``Convex analysis'' by R. Tyrrell Rockafellar. The epigraph of a function is a subset of the product of the function's domain space and the space of real numbers. Therefore the product of two real linear spaces should be defined. The values of the functions under consideration are extended real numbers. We define the sum of a finite sequence of extended real numbers and get some properties of the sum. The relation between notions ``function is convex'' and ``function is convex on set'' (see RFUNCT\_3:def 13) is established. We obtain another version of the criterion for a set to be convex (see CONVEX2:6 to compare) that may be more suitable in some cases. Finally we prove Jensen's inequality (both strict and not strict) as criteria for functions to be convex.
Andrzej Iwaniuk
  1. Andrzej Iwaniuk. On the Lattice of Subspaces of a Vector Space, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 305-308, 1996. MML Identifier: VECTSP_8
Wolfgang Jaksch
  1. Claus Zinn, Wolfgang Jaksch. Basic Properties of Functor Structures, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 609-613, 1996. MML Identifier: FUNCTOR1
    Summary: This article presents some theorems about functor structures. We start with some basic lemmata concerning the composition of functor structures. Then, two theorems about the restriction operator are formulated. Later we show two theorems concerning the properties 'full' and 'faithful' of functor structures which are equivalent to the 'onto' and 'one-to-one' properties of their morphmaps, respectively. Furthermore, we prove some theorems about the inversion of functor structures.
Katarzyna Jankowska
  1. Katarzyna Jankowska. Matrices. Abelian Group of Matrices, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 475-480, 1991. MML Identifier: MATRIX_1
    Summary: The basic conceptions of matrix algebra are introduced. The matrix is introduced as the finite sequence of sequences with the same length, i.e. as a sequence of lines. There are considered matrices over a field, and the fact that these matrices with addition form an Abelian group is proved.
  2. Katarzyna Jankowska. Transpose Matrices and Groups of Permutations, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 711-717, 1991. MML Identifier: MATRIX_2
    Summary: Some facts concerning matrices with dimension $2\times 2$ are shown. Upper and lower triangular matrices, and operation of deleting rows and columns in a matrix are introduced. Besides, we deal with sets of permutations and the fact that all permutations of finite set constitute a finite group is proved. Some proofs are based on \cite{HUNGERFORD} and \cite{LANG}.
Magdalena Jastrzcebska
  1. Magdalena Jastrzcebska, Adam Grabowski. Some Properties of Fibonacci Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 307-313, 2004. MML Identifier: FIB_NUM2
    Summary: We formalized some basic properties of the Fibonacci numbers using definitions and lemmas from \cite{PRE_FF.ABS} and \cite{FIB_NUM.ABS}, e.g. Cassini's and Catalan's identities. We also showed the connections between Fibonacci numbers and Pythagorean triples as defined in \cite{PYTHTRIP.ABS}. The main result of this article is a proof of Carmichael Theorem on prime divisors of prime-generated Fibonacci numbers. According to it if we look at the prime factors of a Fibonacci number generated by a prime number, none of them has appeared as a factor in any earlier Fibonacci number. We plan to develop the full proof of the Carmichael Theorem following \cite{Yabuta:01}.
  2. Magdalena Jastrzcebska, Adam Grabowski. The Properties of Supercondensed Sets, Subcondensed Sets and Condensed Sets, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 353-359, 2005. MML Identifier: ISOMICHI
    Summary: We formalized article ``New concepts in the theory of topological space -- supercondensed set, subcondensed set, and condensed set'' by Yoshinori Isomichi. First we defined supercondensed, subcondensed, and condensed sets and then gradually, defining other attributes such as regular open set or regular closed set, we formalized all the theorems and remarks that one can find in Isomichi's article.
  3. Magdalena Jastrzcebska, Adam Grabowski. On the Properties of the M\"obius Function, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 29-36, 2006. MML Identifier: MOEBIUS1
    Summary: We formalized some basic properties of the M\"obius function which is defined classically as $$\mu(n) = \begin{cases} 1, \textrm{~if~} n = 1,\\ 0, \textrm{~if~}p^2|n \textrm{~for~some~prime~}p\\ (-1)^r, \textrm{~if~}n=p_1 p_2 \cdots p_r, \textrm{~where~} p_i \textrm{~are~distinct~primes.}\\ \end{cases},$$ as e.g., its multiplicativity. To enable smooth reasoning about the sum of this number-theoretic function, we introduced an underlying manysorted set indexed by natural numbers. Its elements are just values of the M\"obius function.\par The second part of the paper is devoted to the notion of the radical of number, i.e. the product of its all prime factors.\par The formalization (which is very much like the one developed in Isabelle proof assistant connected with Avigad's formal proof of Prime Number Theorem) was done according to the book \cite{HardyWright}.
Kui Jia
  1. Shunichi Kobayashi, Kui Jia. A Theory of Partitions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 243-247, 1998. MML Identifier: PARTIT1
    Summary: In this paper, we define join and meet operations between partitions. The properties of these operations are proved. Then we introduce the correspondence between partitions and equivalence relations which preserve join and meet operations. The properties of these relationships are proved.
  2. Shunichi Kobayashi, Kui Jia. A Theory of Boolean Valued Functions and Partitions, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 249-254, 1998. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_1
    Summary: In this paper, we define Boolean valued functions. Some of their algebraic properties are proved. We also introduce and examine the infimum and supremum of Boolean valued functions and their properties. In the last section, relations between Boolean valued functions and partitions are discussed.
Miroslava Kaloper
  1. Miroslava Kaloper , Piotr Rudnicki. Minimization of finite state machines, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 173-184, 1996. MML Identifier: FSM_1
    Summary: We have formalized deterministic finite state machines closely following the textbook \cite{ddq}, pp. 88--119 up to the minimization theorem. In places, we have changed the approach presented in the book as it turned out to be too specific and inconvenient. Our work also revealed several minor mistakes in the book. After defining a structure for an outputless finite state machine, we have derived the structures for the transition assigned output machine (Mealy) and state assigned output machine (Moore). The machines are then proved similar, in the sense that for any Mealy (Moore) machine there exists a Moore (Mealy) machine producing essentially the same response for the same input. The rest of work is then done for Mealy machines. Next, we define equivalence of machines, equivalence and $k$-equivalence of states, and characterize a process of constructing for a given Mealy machine, the machine equivalent to it in which no two states are equivalent. The final, minimization theorem states: \begin{quotation} \noindent {\bf Theorem 4.5:} Let {\bf M}$_1$ and {\bf M}$_2$ be reduced, connected finite-state machines. Then the state graphs of {\bf M}$_1$ and {\bf M}$_2$ are isomorphic if and only if {\bf M}$_1$ and {\bf M}$_2$ are equivalent. \end{quotation} and it is the last theorem in this article.
Jolanta Kamienska
  1. Jolanta Kamienska, Jaroslaw Stanislaw Walijewski. Homomorphisms of Lattices, Finite Join and Finite Meet, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 35-40, 1993. MML Identifier: LATTICE4
  2. Jolanta Kamienska. Representation Theorem for Heyting Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 41-45, 1993. MML Identifier: OPENLATT
Stanislawa Kanas
  1. Stanislawa Kanas, Adam Lecko, Mariusz Startek. Metric Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 607-610, 1990. MML Identifier: METRIC_1
    Summary: In this paper we define the metric spaces. Two examples of metric spaces are given. We define the discrete metric and the metric on the real axis. Moreover the open ball, the close ball and the sphere in metric spaces are introduced. We also prove some theorems concerning these concepts.
  2. Stanislawa Kanas, Jan Stankiewicz. Metrics in Cartesian Product, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 193-197, 1991. MML Identifier: METRIC_3
    Summary: A continuation of paper \cite{METRIC_1.ABS}. It deals with the method of creation of the distance in the Cartesian product of metric spaces. The distance of two points belonging to Cartesian product of metric spaces has been defined as sum of distances of appropriate coordinates (or projections) of these points. It is shown that product of metric spaces with such a distance is a metric space.
  3. Stanislawa Kanas, Adam Lecko. Metrics in the Cartesian Product -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 499-504, 1991. MML Identifier: METRIC_4
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{METRIC_3.ABS}. It deals with the method of creation of the distance in the Cartesian product of metric spaces. The distance between two points belonging to Cartesian product of metric spaces has been defined as square root of the sum of squares of distances of appropriate coordinates (or projections) of these points. It is shown that product of metric spaces with such a distance is a metric space. Examples of metric spaces defined in this way are given.
  4. Stanislawa Kanas, Adam Lecko. Sequences in Metric Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 657-661, 1991. MML Identifier: METRIC_6
    Summary: Sequences in metric spaces are defined. The article contains definitions of bounded, convergent, Cauchy sequences. The subsequences are introduced too. Some theorems concerning sequences are proved.
  1. Pacharapokin Chanapat, Kanchun,, Hiroshi Yamazaki. Formulas and Identities of Trigonometric Functions, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 139-141, 2004. MML Identifier: SIN_COS4
    Summary: In this article, we concentrated especially on addition formulas of fundamental trigonometric functions, and their identities.
Zbigniew Karno
  1. Zbigniew Karno. Separated and Weakly Separated Subspaces of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 665-674, 1991. MML Identifier: TSEP_1
    Summary: A new concept of weakly separated subsets and subspaces of topological spaces is described in Mizar formalizm. Based on \cite{KURAT:2}, in comparison with the notion of separated subsets (subspaces), some properties of such subsets (subspaces) are discussed. Some necessary facts concerning closed subspaces, open subspaces and the union and the meet of two subspaces are also introduced. To present the main theorems we first formulate basic definitions. Let $X$ be a topological space. Two subsets $A_1$ and $A_2$ of $X$ are called {\em weakly separated} if $A_1 \setminus A_2$ and $A_2 \setminus A_1$ are separated. Two subspaces $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ of $X$ are called {\em weakly separated} if their carriers are weakly separated. The following theorem contains a useful characterization of weakly separated subsets in the special case when $A_{1} \cup A_{2}$ is equal to the carrier of $X$. {\em $A_{1}$ and $A_{2}$ are weakly separated iff there are such subsets of $X$, $C_{1}$ and $C_{2}$ closed (open) and $C$ open (closed, respectively), that $A_{1} \cup A_{2} = C_{1} \cup C_{2} \cup C$, $C_{1} \subset A_{1}$, $C_{2} \subset A_{2}$ and $C \subset A_{1} \cap A_{2}$}. Next theorem divided into two parts contains similar characterization of weakly separated subspaces in the special case when the union of $X_1$ and $X_2$ is equal to $X$. {\em If $X_{1}$ meets $X_{2}$, then $X_1$ and $X_2$ are weakly separated iff either $X_{1}$ is a subspace of $X_2$ or $X_2$ is a subspace of $X_{1}$ or there are such open (closed) subspaces $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ of $X$ that $Y_1$ is a subspace of $X_1$ and $Y_2$ is a subspace of $X_2$ and either $X$ is equal to the union of $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ or there is a(n) closed (open, respectively) subspace $Y$ of $X$ being a subspace of the meet of $X_1$ and $X_2$ and with the property that $X$ is the union of all $Y_1$, $Y_2$ and $Y$}. {\em If $X_1$ misses $X_{2}$, then $X_1$ and $X_2$ are weakly separated iff $X_1$ and $X_2$ are open (closed) subspaces of $X$}. Moreover, the following simple characterization of separated subspaces by means of weakly separated ones is obtained. {\em $X_1$ and $X_2$ are separated iff there are weakly separated subspaces $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ of $X$ such that $X_1$ is a subspace of $Y_1$, $X_2$ is a subspace of $Y_2$ and either $Y_1$ misses $Y_2$ or the meet of $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ misses the union of $X_1$ and $X_2$}.
  2. Zbigniew Karno. Continuity of Mappings over the Union of Subspaces, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 1-16, 1992. MML Identifier: TMAP_1
    Summary: Let $X$ and $Y$ be topological spaces and let $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ be subspaces of $X$. Let $f : X_{1} \cup X_{2} \rightarrow Y$ be a mapping defined on the union of $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ such that the restriction mappings $f_{\mid X_{1}}$ and $f_{\mid X_{2}}$ are continuous. It is well known that if $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ are both open (closed) subspaces of $X$, then $f$ is continuous (see e.g. \cite[p.106]{KURAT:2}). \par The aim is to show, using Mizar System, the following theorem (see Section 5): {\em If $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ are weakly separated, then $f$ is continuous} (compare also \cite[p.358]{CECH:1} for related results). This theorem generalizes the preceding one because if $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ are both open (closed), then these subspaces are weakly separated (see \cite{TSEP_1.ABS}). However, the following problem remains open. \begin{itemize} \item[ ] {\bf Problem 1.} Characterize the class of pairs of subspaces $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ of a topological space $X$ such that ($\ast$) for any topological space $Y$ and for any mapping $f : X_{1} \cup X_{2} \rightarrow Y$, $f$ is continuous if the restrictions $f_{\mid X_{1}}$ and $f_{\mid X_{2}}$ are continuous. \end{itemize} In some special case we have the following characterization: {\em $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ are separated iff $X_{1}$ misses $X_{2}$ and the condition} ($\ast$) {\em is fulfilled.} In connection with this fact we hope that the following specification of the preceding problem has an affirmative answer. \begin{itemize} \item[ ] {\bf Problem 2.} Suppose the condition ($\ast$) is fulfilled. Must $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ be weakly separated ? \end{itemize} Note that in the last section the concept of the union of two mappings is introduced and studied. In particular, all results presented above are reformulated using this notion. In the remaining sections we introduce concepts needed for the formulation and the proof of theorems on properties of continuous mappings, restriction mappings and modifications of the topology.
  3. Zbigniew Karno, Toshihiko Watanabe. Completeness of the Lattices of Domains of a Topological Space, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 71-79, 1992. MML Identifier: TDLAT_2
    Summary: Let $T$ be a topological space and let $A$ be a subset of $T$. Recall that $A$ is said to be a {\em domain} in $T$ provided ${\rm Int}\,\overline{A} \subseteq A \subseteq \overline{{\rm Int}\,A}$ (see \cite{TOPS_1.ABS} and comp. \cite{ISOMICHI}). This notion is a simple generalization of the notions of open and closed domains in $T$ (see \cite{TOPS_1.ABS}). Our main result is concerned with an extension of the following well--known theorem (see e.g. \cite{BIRKHOFF:1}, \cite{MOST-KURAT:3}, \cite{ENGEL:1}). For a given topological space the Boolean lattices of all its closed domains and all its open domains are complete. It is proved here, using Mizar System, that {\em the complemented lattice of all domains of a given topological space is complete}, too (comp. \cite{TDLAT_1.ABS}).\par It is known that both the lattice of open domains and the lattice of closed domains are sublattices of the lattice of all domains \cite{TDLAT_1.ABS}. However, the following two problems remain open. \begin{itemize} \item[ ] {\bf Problem 1.} Let $L$ be a sublattice of the lattice of all domains. Suppose $L$ is complete, is smallest with respect to inclusion, and contains as sublattices the lattice of all closed domains and the lattice of all open domains. Must $L$ be equal to the lattice of all domains~? \end{itemize} A domain in $T$ is said to be a {\em Borel domain} provided it is a Borel set. Of course every open (closed) domain is a Borel domain. It can be proved that all Borel domains form a sublattice of the lattice of domains. \begin{itemize} \item[ ] {\bf Problem 2.} Let $L$ be a sublattice of the lattice of all domains. Suppose $L$ is smallest with respect to inclusion and contains as sublattices the lattice of all closed domains and the lattice of all open domains. Must $L$ be equal to the lattice of all Borel domains~? \end{itemize} Note that in the beginning the closure and the interior operations for families of subsets of topological spaces are introduced and their important properties are presented (comp. \cite{KURAT:2}, \cite{KURAT:4}, \cite{MOST-KURAT:3}). Using these notions, certain properties of domains, closed domains and open domains are studied (comp. \cite{KURAT:4}, \cite{ENGEL:1}).
  4. Zbigniew Karno. The Lattice of Domains of an Extremally Disconnected Space, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 143-149, 1992. MML Identifier: TDLAT_3
    Summary: Let $X$ be a topological space and let $A$ be a subset of $X$. Recall that $A$ is said to be a {\em domain}\/ in $X$ provided ${\rm Int}\, \overline{A} \subseteq A \subseteq \overline{{\rm Int}\,A}$ (see \cite{TOPS_1.ABS}, \cite{ISOMICHI}). Recall also that $A$ is said to be a(n) {\em closed}\/ ({\em open})\/ {\em domain}\/ in $X$ if $A = \overline{{\rm Int}\,A}$ ($A = {\rm Int}\,\overline{A}$, resp.) (see e.g. \cite{KURAT:2}, \cite{TOPS_1.ABS}). It is well-known that for a given topological space all its closed domains form a Boolean lattice, and similarly all its open domains form a Boolean lattice, too (see e.g., \cite{MOST-KURAT:3}, \cite{BIRKHOFF:1}). In \cite{TDLAT_1.ABS} it is proved that all domains of a given topological space form a complemented lattice. One may ask whether the lattice of all domains is Boolean. The aim is to give an answer to this question.\par To present the main results we first recall the definition of a class of topological spaces which is important here. $X$ is called {\em extremally disconnected}\/ if for every open subset $A$ of $X$ the closure $\overline {A}$ is open in $X$ \cite{STONE:1} (comp. \cite{ENGEL:1}). It is shown here, using Mizar System, that {\em the lattice of all domains of a topological space $X$ is modular iff $X$ is extremally disconnected.} Moreover, for every extremally disconnected space the lattice of all its domains coincides with both the lattice of all its closed domains and the lattice of all its open domains. From these facts it follows that {\em the lattice of all domains of a topological space $X$ is Boolean iff $X$ is extremally disconnected.}\par Note that we also review some of the standard facts on discrete, anti-discrete, almost discrete, extremally disconnected and hereditarily extremally disconnected topological spaces (comp. \cite{KURAT:2}, \cite{ENGEL:1}).
  5. Zbigniew Karno. On a Duality between Weakly Separated Subspaces of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 177-182, 1992. MML Identifier: TSEP_2
    Summary: Let $X$ be a topological space and let $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ be subspaces of $X$ with the carriers $A_{1}$ and $A_{2}$, respectively. Recall that $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ are {\em weakly separated}\/ if $A_{1} \setminus A_{2}$ and $A_{2} \setminus A_{1}$ are separated (see \cite{TSEP_1.ABS} and also \cite{TMAP_1.ABS} for applications). Our purpose is to list a number of properties of such subspaces, supplementary to those given in \cite{TSEP_1.ABS}. Note that in the Mizar formalism the carrier of any topological space (hence the carrier of any its subspace) is always non--empty, therefore for convenience we list beforehand analogous properties of weakly separated subsets without any additional conditions.\par To present the main results we first formulate a useful definition. We say that $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ {\em constitute a decomposition}\/ of $X$ if $A_{1}$ and $A_{2}$ are disjoint and the union of $A_{1}$ and $A_{2}$ covers the carrier of $X$ (comp. \cite{KURAT:2}). We are ready now to present the following duality property between pairs of weakly separated subspaces~: {\em If each pair of subspaces $X_{1}$, $Y_{1}$ and $X_{2}$, $Y_{2}$ of $X$ constitutes a decomposition of $X$, then $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ are weakly separated iff $Y_{1}$ and $Y_{2}$ are weakly separated}. From this theorem we get immediately that under the same hypothesis, {\em $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ are separated iff $X_{1}$ misses $X_{2}$ and $Y_{1}$ and $Y_{2}$ are weakly separated}. Moreover, we show the following enlargement theorem~: {\em If $X_{i}$ and $Y_{i}$ are subspaces of $X$ such that $Y_{i}$ is a subspace of $X_{i}$ and $Y_{1} \cup Y_{2} = X_{1} \cup X_{2}$ and if $Y_{1}$ and $Y_{2}$ are weakly separated, then $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ are weakly separated}. We show also the following dual extenuation theorem~: {\em If $X_{i}$ and $Y_{i}$ are subspaces of $X$ such that $Y_{i}$ is a subspace of $X_{i}$ and $Y_{1} \cap Y_{2} = X_{1} \cap X_{2}$ and if $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ are weakly separated, then $Y_{1}$ and $Y_{2}$ are weakly separated}. At the end we give a few properties of weakly separated subspaces in subspaces.
  6. Zbigniew Karno. Remarks on Special Subsets of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 297-303, 1992. MML Identifier: TOPS_3
    Summary: Let $X$ be a topological space and let $A$ be a subset of $X$. Recall that $A$ is {\em nowhere dense}\/ in $X$ if its closure is a boundary subset of $X$, i.e., if ${\rm Int}\,\overline{A} = \emptyset$ (see \cite{KURAT:2}). We introduce here the concept of everywhere dense subsets in $X$, which is dual to the above one. Namely, $A$ is said to be {\em everywhere dense}\/ in $X$ if its interior is a dense subset of $X$, i.e., if $\overline{{\rm Int}\,A} =$ the carrier of $X$.\par Our purpose is to list a number of properties of such sets (comp. \cite{TOPS_1.ABS}). As a sample we formulate their two dual characterizations. The first one characterizes thin sets in $X$~: {\em $A$ is nowhere dense iff for every open nonempty subset $G$ of $X$ there is an open nonempty subset of $X$ contained in $G$ and disjoint from $A$}. The corresponding second one characterizes thick sets in $X$~: {\em $A$ is everywhere dense iff for every closed subset $F$ of $X$ distinct from the carrier of $X$ there is a closed subset of $X$ distinct from the carrier of $X$, which contains $F$ and together with $A$ covers the carrier of $X$}. We also give some connections between both these concepts. Of course, {\em $A$ is everywhere (nowhere) dense in $X$ iff its complement is nowhere (everywhere) dense}. Moreover, {\em $A$ is nowhere dense iff there are two subsets of $X$, $C$ boundary closed and $B$ everywhere dense, such that $A = C \cap B$ and $C \cup B$ covers the carrier of $X$}. Dually, {\em $A$ is everywhere dense iff there are two disjoint subsets of $X$, $C$ open dense and $B$ nowhere dense, such that $A = C \cup B$}.\par Note that some relationships between everywhere (nowhere) dense sets in $X$ and everywhere (nowhere) dense sets in subspaces of $X$ are also indicated.
  7. Zbigniew Karno. On Discrete and Almost Discrete Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 305-310, 1992. MML Identifier: TEX_1
    Summary: A topological space $X$ is called {\em almost discrete}\/ if every open subset of $X$ is closed; equivalently, if every closed subset of $X$ is open (comp. \cite{KURAT:2},\cite{KURAT:3}). Almost discrete spaces were investigated in Mizar formalism in \cite{TDLAT_3.ABS}. We present here a few properties of such spaces supplementary to those given in \cite{TDLAT_3.ABS}.\par Most interesting is the following characterization~: {\em A topological space $X$ is almost discrete iff every nonempty subset of $X$ is not nowhere dense}. Hence, {\em $X$ is non almost discrete iff there is an everywhere dense subset of $X$ different from the carrier of $X$}. We have an analogous characterization of discrete spaces~: {\em A topological space $X$ is discrete iff every nonempty subset of $X$ is not boundary}. Hence, {\em $X$ is non discrete iff there is a dense subset of $X$ different from the carrier of $X$}. It is well known that the class of all almost discrete spaces contains both the class of discrete spaces and the class of anti-discrete spaces (see e.g., \cite{TDLAT_3.ABS}). Observations presented here show that the class of all almost discrete non discrete spaces is not contained in the class of anti-discrete spaces and the class of all almost discrete non anti-discrete spaces is not contained in the class of discrete spaces. Moreover, the class of almost discrete non discrete non anti-discrete spaces is nonempty. To analyse these interdependencies we use various examples of topological spaces constructed here in Mizar formalism.
  8. Zbigniew Karno. Maximal Discrete Subspaces of Almost Discrete Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 125-135, 1993. MML Identifier: TEX_2
    Summary: Let $X$ be a topological space and let $D$ be a subset of $X$. $D$ is said to be {\em discrete}\/ provided for every subset $A$ of $X$ such that $A \subseteq D$ there is an open subset $G$ of $X$ such that $A = D \cap G$\/ (comp. e.g., \cite{KURAT:2}). A discrete subset $M$ of $X$ is said to be {\em maximal discrete}\/ provided for every discrete subset $D$ of $X$ if $M \subseteq D$ then $M = D$. A subspace of $X$ is {\em discrete}\/ ({\em maximal discrete}) iff its carrier is discrete (maximal discrete) in $X$.\par Our purpose is to list a number of properties of discrete and maximal discrete sets in Mizar formalism. In particular, we show here that {\em if $D$ is dense and discrete then $D$ is maximal discrete}; moreover, {\em if $D$ is open and maximal discrete then $D$ is dense}. We discuss also the problem of the existence of maximal discrete subsets in a topological space.\par To present the main results we first recall a definition of a class of topological spaces considered herein. A topological space $X$ is called {\em almost discrete}\/ if every open subset of $X$ is closed; equivalently, if every closed subset of $X$ is open. Such spaces were investigated in Mizar formalism in \cite{TDLAT_3.ABS} and \cite{TEX_1.ABS}. We show here that {\em every almost discrete space contains a maximal discrete subspace and every such subspace is a retract of the enveloping space}. Moreover, {\em if $X_{0}$ is a maximal discrete subspace of an almost discrete space $X$ and $r : X \rightarrow X_{0}$ is a continuous retraction, then $r^{-1}(x) = \overline{\{x\}}$ for every point $x$ of $X$ belonging to $X_{0}$}. This fact is a specialization, in the case of almost discrete spaces, of the theorem of M.H. Stone that every topological space can be made into a $T_{0}$-space by suitable identification of points (see \cite{STONE:3}).
  9. Zbigniew Karno. On Nowhere and Everywhere Dense Subspaces of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 137-146, 1993. MML Identifier: TEX_3
    Summary: Let $X$ be a topological space and let $X_{0}$ be a subspace of $X$ with the carrier $A$. $X_{0}$ is called {\em boundary}\/ ({\em dense}) in $X$ if $A$ is boundary (dense), i.e., ${\rm Int}\,A = \emptyset$ ($\overline{A} =$ the carrier of $X$); $X_{0}$ is called {\em nowhere dense}\/ ({\em everywhere dense}) in $X$ if $A$ is nowhere dense (everywhere dense), i.e., ${\rm Int}\,\overline{A} = \emptyset$ ($\overline{{\rm Int}\,A} =$ the carrier of $X$) (see \cite{TOPS_3.ABS} and comp. \cite{KURAT:2}).\par Our purpose is to list, using Mizar formalism, a number of properties of such subspaces, mostly in non-discrete (non-almost-discrete) spaces (comp. \cite{TOPS_3.ABS}). Recall that $X$ is called {\em discrete}\/ if every subset of $X$ is open (closed); $X$ is called {\em almost discrete}\/ if every open subset of $X$ is closed; equivalently, if every closed subset of $X$ is open (see \cite{TDLAT_3.ABS}, \cite{TEX_1.ABS} and comp. \cite{KURAT:2},\cite{KURAT:3}). We have the following characterization of non-discrete spaces: {\em $X$ is non-discrete iff there exists a boundary subspace in $X$}. Hence, {\em $X$ is non-discrete iff there exists a dense proper subspace in $X$}. We have the following analogous characterization of non-almost-discrete spaces: {\em $X$ is non-almost-discrete iff there exists a nowhere dense subspace in $X$}. Hence, {\em $X$ is non-almost-discrete iff there exists an everywhere dense proper subspace in $X$}.\par Note that some interdependencies between boundary, dense, nowhere and everywhere dense subspaces are also indicated. These have the form of observations in the text and they correspond to the existential and to the conditional clusters in the Mizar System. These clusters guarantee the existence and ensure the extension of types supported automatically by the Mizar System.
  10. Zbigniew Karno. Maximal Anti-Discrete Subspaces of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 109-118, 1996. MML Identifier: TEX_4
    Summary: Let $X$ be a topological space and let $A$ be a subset of $X$. $A$ is said to be {\em anti-discrete}\/ provided for every open subset $G$ of $X$ either $A \cap G = \emptyset$ or $A \subseteq G$; equivalently, for every closed subset $F$ of $X$ either $A \cap F = \emptyset$ or $A \subseteq F$. An anti-discrete subset $M$ of $X$ is said to be {\em maximal anti-discrete}\/ provided for every anti-discrete subset $A$ of $X$ if $M \subseteq A$ then $M = A$. A subspace of $X$ is {\em maximal anti-discrete}\/ iff its carrier is maximal anti-discrete in $X$. The purpose is to list a few properties of maximal anti-discrete sets and subspaces in Mizar formalism.\par It is shown that every $x \in X$ is contained in a unique maximal anti-discrete subset M$(x)$ of $X$, denoted in the text by MaxADSet($x$). Such subset can be defined by $${\rm M}(x) = \bigcap\ \{ S \subseteq X : x \in S,\ {\rm and}\ S \ {\rm is}\ {\rm open}\ {\rm or}\ {\rm closed}\ {\rm in}\ X\}.$$ It has the following remarkable properties: (1) $y \in {\rm M}(x)$ iff ${\rm M}(y) = {\rm M}(x)$, (2) either ${\rm M}(x) \cap {\rm M}(y) = \emptyset$ or ${\rm M}(x) = {\rm M}(y)$, (3) ${\rm M}(x) = {\rm M}(y)$ iff $\overline{\{x\}} = \overline{\{y\}}$, and (4) ${\rm M}(x) \cap {\rm M}(y) = \emptyset$ iff $\overline{\{x\}} \neq \overline{\{y\}}$. It follows from these properties that $\{{\rm M}(x) : x \in X\}$ is the $T_{0}$-partition of $X$ defined by M.H.~Stone in \cite{STONE:3}.\par Moreover, it is shown that the operation M defined on all subsets of $X$ by $${\rm M}(A) = \bigcup\ \{{\rm M}(x) : x \in A\},$$ denoted in the text by MaxADSet($A$), satisfies the Kuratowski closure axioms (see e.g., \cite{KURAT:2}), i.e., (1) ${\rm M}(A \cup B) = {\rm M}(A) \cup {\rm M}(B)$, (2) ${\rm M}(A) = {\rm M}({\rm M}(A))$, (3) $A \subseteq {\rm M}(A)$,and (4) ${\rm M}(\emptyset) = \emptyset$. Note that this operation commutes with the usual closure operation of $X$, and if $A$ is an open (or a closed) subset of $X$, then ${\rm M}(A) = A$.
  11. Zbigniew Karno. On Kolmogorov Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 119-124, 1996. MML Identifier: TSP_1
    Summary: Let $X$ be a topological space. $X$ is said to be {\em $T_{0}$-space}\/ (or {\em Kolmogorov space}) provided for every pair of distinct points $x,\,y \in X$ there exists an open subset of $X$ containing exactly one of these points; equivalently, for every pair of distinct points $x,\,y \in X$ there exists a closed subset of $X$ containing exactly one of these points (see \cite{ALEX-HOPF}, \cite{KURAT:2}, \cite{ENGEL:1}).\par The purpose is to list some of the standard facts on Kolmogorov spaces, using Mizar formalism. As a sample we formulate the following characteristics of such spaces: {\em $X$ is a Kolmogorov space iff for every pair of distinct points $x,\,y \in X$ the closures $\overline{\{x\}}$ and $\overline{\{y\}}$ are distinct}.\par There is also reviewed analogous facts on Kolmogorov subspaces of topological spaces. In the presented approach $T_{0}$-subsets are introduced and some of their properties developed.
  12. Zbigniew Karno. Maximal Kolmogorov Subspaces of a Topological Space as Stone Retracts of the Ambient Space, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 125-130, 1996. MML Identifier: TSP_2
    Summary: Let $X$ be a topological space. $X$ is said to be {\em $T_{0}$-space}\/ (or {\em Kolmogorov space}) provided for every pair of distinct points $x,\,y \in X$ there exists an open subset of $X$ containing exactly one of these points (see \cite{ALEX-HOPF}, \cite{KURAT:2}, \cite{ENGEL:1}). Such spaces and subspaces were investigated in Mizar formalism in \cite{TSP_1.ABS}. A Kolmogorov subspace $X_{0}$ of a topological space $X$ is said to be {\em maximal}\/ provided for every Kolmogorov subspace $Y$ of $X$ if $X_{0}$ is subspace of $Y$ then the topological structures of $Y$ and $X_{0}$ are the same.\par M.H.~Stone proved in \cite{STONE:3} that every topological space can be made into a Kolmogorov space by identifying points with the same closure (see also \cite{THRON:1}). The purpose is to generalize the Stone result, using Mizar System. It is shown here that: (1) {\em in every topological space $X$ there exists a maximal Kolmogorov subspace $X_{0}$ of $X$}, and (2) {\em every maximal Kolmogorov subspace $X_{0}$ of $X$ is a continuous retract of $X$}. Moreover, {\em if $r : X \rightarrow X_{0}$ is a continuous retraction of $X$ onto a maximal Kolmogorov subspace $X_{0}$ of $X$, then $r^{-1}(x) = {\rm MaxADSet}(x)$ for any point $x$ of $X$ belonging to $X_{0}$, where ${\rm MaxADSet}(x)$ is a unique maximal anti-discrete subset of $X$ containing $x$} (see \cite{TEX_4.ABS} for the precise definition of the set ${\rm MaxADSet}(x)$). The retraction $r$ from the last theorem is defined uniquely, and it is denoted in the text by ``Stone-retraction". It has the following two remarkable properties: $r$ is open, i.e., sends open sets in $X$ to open sets in $X_{0}$, and $r$ is closed, i.e., sends closed sets in $X$ to closed sets in $X_{0}$.\par These results may be obtained by the methods described by R.H. Warren in \cite{WARREN:1}.
Pauline N. Kawamoto
  1. Pauline N. Kawamoto, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Basic Petri Net Concepts, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 183-187, 1992. MML Identifier: PETRI
    Summary: This article presents the basic place/transition net structure definition for building various types of Petri nets. The basic net structure fields include places, transitions, and arcs (place-transition, transition-place) which may be supplemented with other fields (e.g., capacity, weight, marking, etc.) as needed. The theorems included in this article are divided into the following categories: deadlocks, traps, and dual net theorems. Here, a dual net is taken as the result of inverting all arcs (place-transition arcs to transition-place arcs and vice-versa) in the original net.
  2. Pauline N. Kawamoto, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Basic Concepts for Petri Nets with Boolean Markings, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 87-90, 1993. MML Identifier: BOOLMARK
    Summary: Contains basic concepts for Petri nets with Boolean markings and the firability$\slash$firing of single transitions as well as sequences of transitions \cite{Nakamura:5}. The concept of a Boolean marking is introduced as a mapping of a Boolean TRUE$\slash$FALSE to each of the places in a place$\slash$transition net. This simplifies the conventional definitions of the firability and firing of a transition. One note of caution in this article - the definition of firing a transition does not require that the transition be firable. Therefore, it is advisable to check that transitions ARE firable before firing them.
  3. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Preliminaries to Circuits, I, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 167-172, 1996. MML Identifier: PRE_CIRC
    Summary: This article is the first in a series of four articles (continued in \cite{MSAFREE2.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many-sorted algebras.\par Here, we introduce some auxiliary notations and prove auxiliary facts about many sorted sets, many sorted functions and trees.
  4. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Preliminaries to Circuits, II, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 215-220, 1996. MML Identifier: MSAFREE2
    Summary: This article is the second in a series of four articles (started with \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS} and continued in \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par First, we introduce some additional terminology for many sorted signatures. The vertices of such signatures are divided into input vertices and inner vertices. A many sorted signature is called {\em circuit like} if each sort is a result sort of at most one operation. Next, we introduce some notions for many sorted algebras and many sorted free algebras. Free envelope of an algebra is a free algebra generated by the sorts of the algebra. Evaluation of an algebra is defined as a homomorphism from the free envelope of the algebra into the algebra. We define depth of elements of free many sorted algebras.\par A many sorted signature is said to be monotonic if every finitely generated algebra over it is locally finite (finite in each sort). Monotonic signatures are used (see \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) in modelling backbones of circuits without directed cycles.
  5. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Introduction to Circuits, I, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 227-232, 1996. MML Identifier: CIRCUIT1
    Summary: This article is the third in a series of four articles (preceded by \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS},\cite{MSAFREE2.ABS} and continued in \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par A circuit is defined as a locally-finite algebra over a circuit-like many sorted signature. For circuits we define notions of input function and of circuit state which are later used (see \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) to define circuit computations. For circuits over monotonic signatures we introduce notions of vertex size and vertex depth that characterize certain graph properties of circuit's signature in terms of elements of its free envelope algebra. The depth of a finite circuit is defined as the maximal depth over its vertices.
  6. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Introduction to Circuits, II, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 273-278, 1996. MML Identifier: CIRCUIT2
    Summary: This article is the last in a series of four articles (preceded by \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS}, \cite{MSAFREE2.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par The notion of a circuit computation is defined as a sequence of circuit states. For a state of a circuit the next state is given by executing operations at circuit vertices in the current state, according to denotations of the operations. The values at input vertices at each state of a computation are provided by an external sequence of input values. The process of how input values propagate through a circuit is described in terms of a homomorphism of the free envelope algebra of the circuit into itself. We prove that every computation of a circuit over a finite monotonic signature and with constant input values stabilizes after executing the number of steps equal to the depth of the circuit.
  7. Katsumi Wasaki, Pauline N. Kawamoto. 2's Complement Circuit, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 189-197, 1997. MML Identifier: TWOSCOMP
    Summary: This article introduces various Boolean operators which are used in discussing the properties and stability of a 2's complement circuit. We present the definitions and related theorems for the following logical operators which include negative input/output: 'and2a', 'or2a', 'xor2a' and 'nand2a', 'nor2a', etc. We formalize the concept of a 2's complement circuit, define the structures of complementors/incrementors for binary operations, and prove the stability of the circuit.
Morishige Kimura
  1. Hiroshi Imura, Morishige Kimura, Yasunari Shidama. The Differentiable Functions on Normed Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 321-327, 2004. MML Identifier: NDIFF_1
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of the differentiable functions on normed linear spaces are described.
Shunichi Kobayashi
  1. Shunichi Kobayashi, Kui Jia. A Theory of Partitions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 243-247, 1998. MML Identifier: PARTIT1
    Summary: In this paper, we define join and meet operations between partitions. The properties of these operations are proved. Then we introduce the correspondence between partitions and equivalence relations which preserve join and meet operations. The properties of these relationships are proved.
  2. Shunichi Kobayashi, Kui Jia. A Theory of Boolean Valued Functions and Partitions, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 249-254, 1998. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_1
    Summary: In this paper, we define Boolean valued functions. Some of their algebraic properties are proved. We also introduce and examine the infimum and supremum of Boolean valued functions and their properties. In the last section, relations between Boolean valued functions and partitions are discussed.
  3. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. A Theory of Boolean Valued Functions and Quantifiers with Respect to Partitions, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 307-312, 1998. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_2
    Summary: In this paper, we define the coordinate of partitions. We also introduce the universal quantifier and the existential quantifier of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Some predicate calculus formulae containing such quantifiers are proved. Such a theory gives a discussion of semantics to usual predicate logic.
  4. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 313-315, 1998. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_3
    Summary: In this paper, we have proved some elementary predicate calculus formulae containing the quantifiers of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Such a theory is an analogy of usual predicate logic.
  5. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 107-109, 1999. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_4
    Summary: In this paper, we have proved some elementary predicate calculus formulae containing the quantifiers of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Such a theory is an analogy of usual predicate logic.
  6. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Propositional Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 111-113, 1999. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_5
    Summary: In this paper, we have proved some elementary propositional calculus formulae for Boolean valued functions.
  7. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Propositional Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 115-117, 1999. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_6
    Summary: In this paper, we have proved some elementary propositional calculus formulae for Boolean valued functions.
  8. Shunichi Kobayashi. Propositional Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 147-148, 1999. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_7
    Summary: In this paper, we have proved some elementary propositional calculus formulae for Boolean valued functions.
  9. Shunichi Kobayashi. Propositional Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part IV, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 149-150, 1999. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_8
    Summary: In this paper, we have proved some elementary propositional calculus formulae for Boolean valued functions.
  10. Shunichi Kobayashi. Propositional Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part V, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 161-162, 1999. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_9
    Summary: In this paper, we have proved some elementary propositional calculus formulae for Boolean valued functions.
  11. Shunichi Kobayashi. Propositional Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part VI, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 49-50, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC10
    Summary: In this paper, we proved some elementary propositional calculus formulae for Boolean valued functions.
  12. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 51-53, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC11
    Summary: In this paper, we proved some elementary predicate calculus formulae containing the quantifiers of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Such a theory is an analogy of usual predicate logic.
  13. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part IV, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 61-63, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC12
  14. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part V, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 65-70, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC13
    Summary: In this paper, we proved some elementary predicate calculus formulae containing the quantifiers of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Such a theory is an analogy of usual predicate logic.
  15. Shunichi Kobayashi. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part VI, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 119-121, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC14
    Summary: In this paper, we proved some elementary predicate calculus formulae containing the quantifiers of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Such a theory is an analogy of usual predicate logic.
  16. Shunichi Kobayashi. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part VII, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 123-125, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC15
  17. Shunichi Kobayashi. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part VIII, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 127-129, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC16
  18. Shunichi Kobayashi. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part IX, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 131-133, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC17
  19. Shunichi Kobayashi. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part X, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 155-156, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC18
  20. Shunichi Kobayashi. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part XI, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 157-159, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC19
  21. Shunichi Kobayashi. Four Variable Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 161-165, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC20
  22. Shunichi Kobayashi. Four Variable Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 167-170, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC21
  23. Shunichi Kobayashi. Five Variable Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 201-204, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC22
  24. Shunichi Kobayashi. Six Variable Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 205-208, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC23
  25. Shunichi Kobayashi. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part XII, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 221-235, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC24
    Summary: In this paper, we proved some elementary predicate calculus formulae containing the quantifiers of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Such a theory is an analogy of ordinary predicate logic.
  26. Shunichi Kobayashi. Propositional Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part VII, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 197-199, 2003. MML Identifier: BVFUNC25
    Summary: In this paper, we proved some elementary propositional calculus formulae for Boolean valued functions.
  27. Shunichi Kobayashi. On the Calculus of Binary Arithmetics, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 417-419, 2003. MML Identifier: BINARI_5
    Summary: In this paper, we have binary arithmetic and its related operations. We include some theorems concerning logical operators.
  28. Shunichi Kobayashi. Propositional Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part VIII, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 55-58, 2005. MML Identifier: BVFUNC26
    Summary: In this paper, we proved some elementary propositional calculus formulae for Boolean valued functions.
  29. Shunichi Kobayashi. On the Calculus of Binary Arithmetics. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 537-540, 2005. MML Identifier: BINARI_6
Peter Koepke
  1. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. Substitution in First-Order Formulas: Elementary Properties, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 5-15, 2005. MML Identifier: SUBSTUT1
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"o}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"o}del, ``Die Vollst{\"a}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"u}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349-360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The present article introduces the basic concepts of substitution of a variable for a variable in a first-order formula. The contents of this article correspond to Chapter III par. 8, Definition 8.1, 8.2 of Ebbinghaus, Flum, Thomas.
  2. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. Coincidence Lemma and Substitution Lemma, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 17-26, 2005. MML Identifier: SUBLEMMA
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"o}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"o}del, ``Die Vollst{\"a}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"u}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349--360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The present article establishes further concepts of substitution of a variable for a variable in a first-order formula. The main result is the substitution lemma. The contents of this article correspond to Chapter III par. 5, 5.1 Coincidence Lemma and Chapter III par. 8, 8.3 Substitution Lemma of Ebbinghaus, Flum, Thomas.
  3. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. Substitution in First-Order Formulas. Part II. The Construction of First-Order Formulas, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 27-32, 2005. MML Identifier: SUBSTUT2
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"o}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"o}del, ``Die Vollst{\"a}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"u}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349-360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The present article establishes that every substitution can be applied to every formula as in Chapter III par. 8, Definition 8.1, 8.2 of Ebbinghaus, Flum, Thomas. After that, it is observed that substitution doesn't change the number of quantifiers of a formula. Then further details about substitution and some results about the construction of formulas are proven.
  4. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. A Sequent Calculus for First-Order Logic, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 33-39, 2005. MML Identifier: CALCUL_1
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"o}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"o}del, ``Die Vollst{\"a}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"u}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349--360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The present article introduces a sequent calculus for first-order logic. The correctness of this calculus is shown and some important inferences are derived. The contents of this article correspond to Chapter IV of Ebbinghaus, Flum, Thomas.
  5. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. Consequences of the Sequent Calculus, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 41-44, 2005. MML Identifier: CALCUL_2
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"{o}}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"{o}}del, ``Die Vollst{\"{a}}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"{u}}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349-360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The first main result of the present article is that the derivablility of a sequent doesn't depend on the ordering of the antecedent. The second main result says: if a sequent is derivable, then the formulas in the antecendent only need to occur once.
  6. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. Equivalences of Inconsistency and Henkin Models, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 45-48, 2005. MML Identifier: HENMODEL
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"{o}}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"{o}}del, ``Die Vollst{\"{a}}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"{u}}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349--360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag, New York Inc. The present article establishes some equivalences of inconsistency. It is proved that a countable union of consistent sets is consistent. Then the concept of a Henkin model is introduced. The contents of this article correspond to Chapter IV, par. 7 and Chapter V, par. 1 of Ebbinghaus, Flum, Thomas.
  7. Patrick Braselmann, Peter Koepke. G\"odel's Completeness Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 49-53, 2005. MML Identifier: GOEDELCP
    Summary: This article is part of a series of Mizar articles which constitute a formal proof (of a basic version) of Kurt G{\"o}del's famous completeness theorem (K. G{\"o}del, ``Die Vollst{\"a}ndigkeit der Axiome des logischen Funktionenkalk{\"u}ls'', Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik 37 (1930), 349--360). The completeness theorem provides the theoretical basis for a uniform formalization of mathematics as in the Mizar project. We formalize first-order logic up to the completeness theorem as in H. D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, and W. Thomas, Mathematical Logic, 1984, Springer Verlag New York Inc. The present article contains the proof of a simplified completeness theorem for a countable relational language without equality.
Andrzej Kondracki
  1. Andrzej Kondracki. Basic Properties of Rational Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 841-845, 1990. MML Identifier: RAT_1
    Summary: A definition of rational numbers and some basic properties of them. Operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication are redefined for rational numbers. Functors numerator (num $p$) and denominator (den $p$) ($p$ is rational) are defined and some properties of them are presented. Density of rational numbers is also given.
  2. Andrzej Kondracki. Equalities and Inequalities in Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 49-63, 1991. MML Identifier: REAL_2
    Summary: The aim of the article is to give a number of useful theorems concerning equalities and inequalities in real numbers. Some of the theorems are extensions of \cite{REAL_1.ABS} theorems, others were found to be needed in practice.
  3. Andrzej Kondracki. Mostowski's Fundamental Operations -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 371-375, 1991. MML Identifier: ZF_FUND1
    Summary: In the chapter II.4 of his book \cite {MOST:1} A.~Mostowski introduces what he calls fundamental operations:\\ \indent $A_{1}(a,b)=\lbrace\lbrace\langle0,x\rangle,\langle1,y\rangle\rbrace: x\in y \wedge x\in a \wedge y\in a \rbrace$,\\ \indent $A_{2}(a,b)=\lbrace a,b\rbrace$,\\ \indent $A_{3}(a,b)=\bigcup a$,\\ \indent $A_{4}(a,b)=\lbrace\lbrace\langle x,y\rangle\rbrace: x\in a \wedge y\in b \rbrace$,\\ \indent $A_{5}(a,b)=\lbrace x\cup y : x\in a \wedge y\in b \rbrace$,\\ \indent $A_{6}(a,b)=\lbrace x\setminus y : x\in a \wedge y\in b \rbrace$,\\ \indent $A_{7}(a,b)=\lbrace x\circ y : x\in a \wedge y\in b \rbrace$.\\ He proves that if a non-void class is closed under these operations then it is predicatively closed. Then he formulates sufficient criteria for a class to be a model of ZF set theory (theorem 4.12). \par The article includes the translation of this part of Mostowski's book. The fundamental operations are defined (to be precise not these operations, but the notions of closure of a class with respect to them). Some properties of classes closed under these operations are proved. At last it is proved that if a non-void class $X$ is closed with respect to the operations $A_{1}-A_{7}$ then $D_{H}(a)\in X$ for every $a$ in $X$ and every $H$ being formula of ZF language ($D_{H}(a)$ consists of all finite sequences with terms belonging to $a$ which satisfy $H$ in $a$).
  4. Grzegorz Bancerek, Andrzej Kondracki. Mostowski's Fundamental Operations -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 425-427, 1991. MML Identifier: ZF_FUND2
    Summary: The article consists of two parts. The first part is translation of chapter II.3 of \cite{MOST:1}. A section of $D_{H}(a)$ determined by $f$ (symbolically $S_{H}(a,f)$) and a notion of predicative closure of a class are defined. It is proved that if following assumptions are satisfied: (o) $A=\bigcup_{\xi}A_{\xi}$, (i) $A_{\xi} \subset A_{\eta}$ for $\xi < \eta$, (ii) $A_{\lambda}=\bigcup_{\xi<\lambda}A_{\lambda}$ ($\lambda$ is a limit number), (iii) $A_{\xi}\in A$, (iv) $A_{\xi}$ is transitive, (v) $(x,y\in A) \rightarrow (x\cap y\in A)$, (vi) $A$ is predicatively closed, then the axiom of power sets and the axiom of substitution are valid in $A$. The second part is continuation of \cite{ZF_FUND1.ABS}. It is proved that if a non-void, transitive class is closed with respect to the operations $A_{1}-A_{7}$ then it is predicatively closed. At last sufficient criteria for a class to be a model of ZF-theory are formulated: if $A_{\xi}$ satisfies o -- iv and $A$ is closed under the operations $A_{1}-A_{7}$ then $A$ is a model of ZF.
  5. Andrzej Kondracki. The Chinese Remainder Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 573-577, 1997. MML Identifier: WSIERP_1
    Summary: The article is a translation of the first chapters of a book {\em Wst{\Ple}p do teorii liczb} (Eng. {\em Introduction to Number Theory}) by W. Sierpi\'nski, WSiP, Biblioteczka Matematyczna, Warszawa, 1987. The first few pages of this book have already been formalized in MML. We prove the Chinese Remainder Theorem and Thue's Theorem as well as several useful number theory propositions.
Barbara Konstanta
  1. Barbara Konstanta, Urszula Kowieska, Grzegorz Lewandowski, Krzysztof Prazmowski. One-Dimensional Congruence of Segments, Basic Facts and Midpoint Relation, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 233-235, 1991. MML Identifier: AFVECT01
    Summary: We study a theory of one-dimensional congruence of segments. The theory is characterized by a suitable formal axiom system; as a model of this system one can take the structure obtained from any weak directed geometrical bundle, with the congruence interpreted as in the case of ``classical" vectors. Preliminary consequences of our axiom system are proved, basic relations of maximal distance and of midpoint are defined, and several fundamental properties of them are established.
Waldemar Korczynski
  1. Waldemar Korczynski. Some Elementary Notions of the Theory of Petri Nets, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 949-953, 1990. MML Identifier: NET_1
    Summary: Some fundamental notions of the theory of Petri nets are described in Mizar formalism. A Petri net is defined as a triple of the form $\langle {\rm places},\,{\rm transitions},\,{\rm flow} \rangle$ with places and transitions being disjoint sets and flow being a relation included in ${\rm places} \times {\rm transitions}$.
  2. Waldemar Korczynski. Some Properties of Binary Relations, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 131-134, 1992. MML Identifier: SYSREL
    Summary: The article contains some theorems on binary relations, which are used in papers \cite{FF_SIEC.ABS}, \cite{E_SIEC.ABS}, \cite{S_SIEC.ABS}, and other.
Artur Kornilowicz
  1. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Group of Inner Automorphisms, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 43-45, 1996. MML Identifier: AUTGROUP
  2. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Group of Automorphisms of Universal Algebra \& Many Sorted Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 221-226, 1996. MML Identifier: AUTALG_1
    Summary: The aim of the article is to check the compatibility of the automorphisms of universal algebras introduced in \cite{ALG_1.ABS} and the corresponding concept for many sorted algebras introduced in \cite{MSUALG_3.ABS}.
  3. Artur Kornilowicz. Extensions of Mappings on Generator Set, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 269-272, 1996. MML Identifier: EXTENS_1
    Summary: The aim of the article is to prove the fact that if extensions of mappings on generator set are equal then these mappings are equal. The article contains the properties of epimorphisms and monomorphisms between Many Sorted Algebras.
  4. Artur Kornilowicz. Definitions and Basic Properties of Boolean \& Union of Many Sorted Sets, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 279-281, 1996. MML Identifier: MBOOLEAN
    Summary: In the first part of this article I have proved theorems about boolean of many sorted sets which are corresponded to theorems about boolean of sets, whereas the second part of this article contains propositions about union of many sorted sets. Boolean as well as union of many sorted sets are defined as boolean and union on every sorts.
  5. Artur Kornilowicz. Some Basic Properties of Many Sorted Sets, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 395-399, 1996. MML Identifier: PZFMISC1
  6. Artur Kornilowicz. Certain Facts about Families of Subsets of Many Sorted Sets, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 451-456, 1996. MML Identifier: MSSUBFAM
  7. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Many Sorted Closure Operator and the Many Sorted Closure System, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 529-536, 1996. MML Identifier: CLOSURE1
  8. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Closure Operator and the Closure System of Many Sorted Sets, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 543-551, 1996. MML Identifier: CLOSURE2
    Summary: In this paper definitions of many sorted closure system and many sorted closure operator are introduced. These notations are also introduced in \cite{CLOSURE1.ABS}, but in another meaning. In this article closure system is absolutely multiplicative subset family of many sorted sets and in \cite{CLOSURE1.ABS} is many sorted absolutely multiplicative subset family of many sorted sets. Analogously, closure operator is function between many sorted sets and in \cite{CLOSURE1.ABS} is many sorted function from a many sorted set into a many sorted set.
  9. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Trivial Many Sorted Algebras and Many Sorted Congruences, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 9-15, 1997. MML Identifier: MSUALG_9
    Summary: This paper contains properties of many sorted functions between two many sorted sets. Other theorems describe trivial many sorted algebras. In the last section there are theorems about many sorted congruences, which are defined on many sorted algebras. I have also proved facts about natural epimorphism.
  10. Artur Kornilowicz. Cartesian Products of Relations and Relational Structures, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 145-152, 1997. MML Identifier: YELLOW_3
    Summary: In this paper the definitions of cartesian products of relations and relational structures are introduced. Facts about these notions are proved. This work is the continuation of formalization of \cite{CCL}.
  11. Artur Kornilowicz. Definitions and Properties of the Join and Meet of Subsets, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 153-158, 1997. MML Identifier: YELLOW_4
    Summary: This paper is the continuation of formalization of \cite{CCL}. The definitions of meet and join of subsets of relational structures are introduced. The properties of these notions are proved.
  12. Artur Kornilowicz. Meet--Continuous Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 159-167, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL_2
    Summary: The aim of this work is the formalization of Chapter 0 Section 4 of \cite{CCL}. In this paper the definition of meet-continuous lattices is introduced. Theorem 4.2 and Remark 4.3 are proved.
  13. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Topological Properties of Meet-Continuous Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 269-277, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL_9
    Summary: This work is continuation of formalization of \cite{CCL}. Proposition 4.4 from Chapter 0 is proved.
  14. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Baire Category Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 321-327, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL12
    Summary: In this paper Exercise 3.43 from Chapter 1 of \cite{CCL} is solved.
  15. Artur Kornilowicz. Equations in Many Sorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 363-369, 1997. MML Identifier: EQUATION
    Summary: This paper is preparation to prove Birkhoff's Theorem. Some properties of many sorted algebras are proved. The last section of this work shows that every equation valid in a many sorted algebra is also valid in each subalgebra, and each image of it. Moreover for a family of many sorted algebras $(A_i: i \in I)$ if every equation is valid in each $A_i$, $i \in I$ then is also valid in product $\prod(A_i: i \in I)$.
  16. Artur Kornilowicz. Birkhoff Theorem for Many Sorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 389-395, 1997. MML Identifier: BIRKHOFF
    Summary: \newcommand \pred[1]{${\cal P} #1$} In this article Birkhoff Variety Theorem for many sorted algebras is proved. A class of algebras is represented by predicate \pred{}. Notation \pred{[A]}, where $A$ is an algebra, means that $A$ is in class \pred{}. All algebras in our class are many sorted over many sorted signature $S$. The properties of varieties: \begin{itemize} \itemsep-3pt \item a class \pred{ } of algebras is abstract \item a class \pred{ } of algebras is closed under subalgebras \item a class \pred{ } of algebras is closed under congruences \item a class \pred{ } of algebras is closed under products \end{itemize} are published in this paper as: \begin{itemize} \itemsep-3pt \item for all non-empty algebras $A$, $B$ over $S$ such that $A$ and $B$ are\_isomorphic and \pred{[A]} holds \pred{[B]} \item for every non-empty algebra $A$ over $S$ and for strict non-empty subalgebra $B$ of $A$ such that \pred{[A]} holds \pred{[B]} \item for every non-empty algebra $A$ over $S$ and for every congruence $R$ of $A$ such that \pred{[A]} holds \pred{[A\slash R]} \item Let $I$ be a set and $F$ be an algebra family of $I$ over ${\cal A}.$ Suppose that for every set $i$ such that $i \in I$ there exists an algebra $A$ over ${\cal A}$ such that $A = F(i)$ and ${\cal P}[A]$. Then${\cal P}[\prod F]$. \end{itemize} This paper is formalization of parts of \cite{WECHLER}.
  17. Yasunari Shidama, Artur Kornilowicz. Convergence and the Limit of Complex Sequences. Series, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 403-410, 1997. MML Identifier: COMSEQ_3
  18. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Categories Without Uniqueness of \bf cod and \bf dom . Some Properties of the Morphisms and the Functors, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 475-481, 1997. MML Identifier: ALTCAT_4
  19. Artur Kornilowicz. The Composition of Functors and Transformations in Alternative Categories, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 1-7, 1998. MML Identifier: FUNCTOR3
  20. Artur Kornilowicz. The Properties of Product of Relational Structures, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 45-52, 1998. MML Identifier: YELLOW10
    Summary: This work contains useful facts about the product of relational structures. It continues the formalization of \cite{CCL}.
  21. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Characterization of Hausdorff Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 63-68, 1998. MML Identifier: YELLOW12
  22. Artur Kornilowicz. The Product of the Families of the Groups, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 127-134, 1998. MML Identifier: GROUP_7
  23. Artur Kornilowicz. The Definition and Basic Properties of Topological Groups, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 217-225, 1998. MML Identifier: TOPGRP_1
  24. Artur Kornilowicz. Introduction to Meet-Continuous Topological Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 279-283, 1998. MML Identifier: YELLOW13
  25. Artur Kornilowicz. The Construction of \SCM over Ring, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 295-300, 1998. MML Identifier: SCMRING1
  26. Artur Kornilowicz. The Basic Properties of \SCM over Ring, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 301-305, 1998. MML Identifier: SCMRING2
  27. Artur Kornilowicz. Compactness of the Bounded Closed Subsets of $\calE^2_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 61-68, 1999. MML Identifier: TOPREAL6
    Summary: This paper contains theorems which describe the correspondence between topological properties of real numbers subsets introduced in \cite{RCOMP_1.ABS} and introduced in \cite{PRE_TOPC.ABS}, \cite{COMPTS_1.ABS}. We also show the homeomorphism between the cartesian product of two $R^1$ and ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$. The compactness of the bounded closed subset of ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$ is proven.
  28. Artur Kornilowicz. Homeomorphism between [:$\calE^i_\rmT, \calE^j_\rmT$:] and $\calE^i+j_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 73-76, 1999. MML Identifier: TOPREAL7
    Summary: In this paper we introduce the cartesian product of two metric spaces. As the distance between two points in the product we take maximal distance between coordinates of these points. In the main theorem we show the homeomorphism between [:${\cal E}^i_{\rm T}, {\cal E}^j_{\rm T}$:] and ${\cal E}^{i+j}_{\rm T}$.
  29. Noboru Endou, Artur Kornilowicz. The Definition of the Riemann Definite Integral and some Related Lemmas, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 93-102, 1999. MML Identifier: INTEGRA1
    Summary: This article introduces the Riemann definite integral on the closed interval of real. We present the definitions and related lemmas of the closed interval. We formalize the concept of the Riemann definite integral and the division of the closed interval of real, and prove the additivity of the integral.
  30. Artur Kornilowicz. Properties of Left and Right Components, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 163-168, 1999. MML Identifier: GOBRD14
  31. Jaroslaw Gryko, Artur Kornilowicz. Some Properties of Isomorphism between Relational Structures. On the Product of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 13-18, 2001. MML Identifier: YELLOW14
  32. Artur Kornilowicz. Properties of the External Approximation of Jordan's Curve, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 31-34, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN10
  33. Artur Kornilowicz, Jaroslaw Gryko. Injective Spaces. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 41-47, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL25
  34. Artur Kornilowicz. Meet Continuous Lattices Revisited, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 249-254, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL30
    Summary: This work is a continuation of formalization of \cite{CCL}. Theorems from Chapter III, Section 2, pp. 153--156 are proved.
  35. Andrzej Trybulec, Piotr Rudnicki, Artur Kornilowicz. Standard Ordering of Instruction Locations, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 291-301, 2001. MML Identifier: AMISTD_1
  36. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Composition of Macro Instructions of Standard Computers, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 303-316, 2001. MML Identifier: AMISTD_2
  37. Artur Kornilowicz. The Properties of Instructions of SCM over Ring, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 317-322, 2001. MML Identifier: SCMRING3
  38. Artur Kornilowicz, Robert Milewski, Adam Naumowicz, Andrzej Trybulec. Gauges and Cages. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 501-509, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1A
  39. Robert Milewski, Andrzej Trybulec, Artur Kornilowicz, Adam Naumowicz. Some Properties of Cells and Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 531-535, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1B
  40. Adam Grabowski, Artur Kornilowicz, Andrzej Trybulec. Some Properties of Cells and Gauges, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 545-548, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1C
  41. Artur Kornilowicz, Robert Milewski. Gauges and Cages. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 555-558, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1D
  42. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Instructions of \SCM, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 659-663, 2001. MML Identifier: AMI_6
  43. Artur Kornilowicz. Input and Output of Instructions, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 665-671, 2001. MML Identifier: AMI_7
  44. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Instructions of \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 673-679, 2001. MML Identifier: SCMFSA10
  45. Grzegorz Bancerek, Artur Kornilowicz. Yet Another Construction of Free Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 779-785, 2001. MML Identifier: MSAFREE3
  46. Artur Kornilowicz. The Ordering of Points on a Curve. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 169-171, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN17
  47. Artur Kornilowicz. The Ordering of Points on a Curve. Part IV, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 173-177, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN18
  48. Artur Kornilowicz. Morphisms Into Chains. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 189-195, 2003. MML Identifier: WAYBEL35
    Summary: This work is the continuation of formalization of \cite{CCL}. Items from 2.1 to 2.8 of Chapter 4 are proved.
  49. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. SCMPDS Is Not Standard, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 421-424, 2003. MML Identifier: SCMPDS_9
    Summary: The aim of the paper is to show that SCMPDS (\cite{SCMPDS_2.ABS}) does not belong to the class of standard computers (\cite{AMISTD_1.ABS}).
  50. Artur Kornilowicz. A Tree of Execution of a Macroinstruction, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 33-37, 2004. MML Identifier: AMISTD_3
    Summary: A tree of execution of a macroinstruction is defined. It is a tree decorated by the instruction locations of a computer. Successors of each vertex are determined by the set of all possible values of the instruction counter after execution of the instruction placed in the location indicated by given vertex.
  51. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Relocability for SCM over Ring, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 151-157, 2004. MML Identifier: SCMRING4
  52. Artur Kornilowicz. Recursive Definitions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 167-172, 2004. MML Identifier: RECDEF_2
  53. Artur Kornilowicz, Piotr Rudnicki. Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 179-186, 2004. MML Identifier: NAT_3
    Summary: We formalize the notion of the prime-power factorization of a natural number and prove the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. We prove also how prime-power factorization can be used to compute: products, quotients, powers, greatest common divisors and least common multiples.
  54. Adam Grabowski, Artur Kornilowicz. Algebraic Properties of Homotopies, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 251-260, 2004. MML Identifier: BORSUK_6
  55. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama, Adam Grabowski. The Fundamental Group, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 261-268, 2004. MML Identifier: TOPALG_1
    Summary: This is the next article in a series devoted to homotopy theory (following \cite{BORSUK_2.ABS} and \cite{BORSUK_6.ABS}). The concept of fundamental groups of pointed topological spaces has been introduced. Isomorphism of fundamental groups defined with respect to different points belonging to the same component has been stated. Triviality of fundamental group(s) of ${\Bbb R}^n$ has been shown.
  56. Takaya Nishiyama, Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. The Uniform Continuity of Functions on Normed Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 277-279, 2004. MML Identifier: NFCONT_2
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of uniform continuity of functions on normed linear spaces are described.
  57. Artur Kornilowicz. The Fundamental Group of Convex Subspaces of $\calE^n_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 295-299, 2004. MML Identifier: TOPALG_2
    Summary: The triviality of the fundamental group of subspaces of ${\cal E}^n_{\rm T}$ and ${\Bbb R}^{\bf 1}$ have been shown.
  58. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Intersections of Intervals and Balls in $\calE^n_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 301-306, 2004. MML Identifier: TOPREAL9
  59. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Isomorphism of Fundamental Groups, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 391-396, 2004. MML Identifier: TOPALG_3
  60. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Fundamental Groups of Products of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 421-425, 2004. MML Identifier: TOPALG_4
    Summary: In the paper we show that fundamental group of the product of two topological spaces is isomorphic to the product of fundamental groups of the spaces.
  61. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Inverse Trigonometric Functions Arcsin and Arccos, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 73-79, 2005. MML Identifier: SIN_COS6
    Summary: Notions of inverse sine and inverse cosine have been introduced. Their basic properties have been proved.
  62. Artur Kornilowicz. On Some Points of a Simple Closed Curve, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 81-87, 2005. MML Identifier: JORDAN21
  63. Artur Kornilowicz, Adam Grabowski. On Some Points of a Simple Closed Curve. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 89-91, 2005. MML Identifier: JORDAN22
    Summary: In the paper we formalize some lemmas needed by the proof of the Jordan Curve Theorem according to \cite{TAKE-NAKA}. We show basic properties of the upper and the lower approximations of a simple closed curve (as its compactness and connectedness) and some facts about special points of such approximations.
  64. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Some Properties of Rectangles on the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 109-115, 2005. MML Identifier: TOPREALA
  65. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Some Properties of Circles on the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 117-124, 2005. MML Identifier: TOPREALB
  66. Artur Kornilowicz. On the Real Valued Functions, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 181-187, 2005. MML Identifier: PARTFUN3
  67. Artur Kornilowicz. Properties of Connected Subsets of the Real Line, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 315-323, 2005. MML Identifier: RCOMP_3
    Summary: {}
  68. Artur Kornilowicz. The Fundamental Group of the Circle, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 325-331, 2005. MML Identifier: TOPALG_5
    Summary: {}
  69. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem for Disks on the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 333-336, 2005. MML Identifier: BROUWER
    Summary: {}
  70. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec, Artur Kornilowicz. The Fashoda Meet Theorem for Continuous Mappings, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 467-469, 2005. MML Identifier: JGRAPH_8
    Summary: {}
  71. Artur Kornilowicz, Grzegorz Bancerek, Adam Naumowicz. Tietze Extension Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 471-475, 2005. MML Identifier: TIETZE
    Summary: In this paper we formalize the Tietze extension theorem using as a basis the proof presented at the PlanetMath web server (\url{}).
  72. Artur Kornilowicz. Jordan Curve Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 481-491, 2005. MML Identifier: JORDAN
    Summary: This paper formalizes the Jordan Curve Theorem following \cite{BrouwerJordan}.
  73. Artur Kornilowicz. Quotient Rings, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 573-576, 2005. MML Identifier: RING_1
    Summary: The notions of prime ideals and maximal ideals of a ring are introduced. Quotient rings are defined. Characterisation of of prime and maximal ideals using quotient rings are proved.
  74. Bo Li, Yan Zhang, Artur Kornilowicz. Simple Continued Fractions and Their Convergents, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 71-78, 2006. MML Identifier: REAL_3
    Summary: The article introduces simple continued fractions. They are defined as an infinite sequence of integers. The characterization of rational numbers in terms of simple continued fractions is shown. We also give definitions of convergents of continued fractions, and several important properties of simple continued fractions and their convergents.
Malgorzata Korolkiewicz
  1. Malgorzata Korolkiewicz. The de l'Hospital Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 675-678, 1991. MML Identifier: L_HOSPIT
    Summary: List of theorems concerning the de l'Hospital Theorem. We discuss the case when both functions have the zero value at a point and when the quotient of their differentials is convergent at this point.
  2. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Beata Madras, Malgorzata Korolkiewicz. Basic Notation of Universal Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 251-253, 1992. MML Identifier: UNIALG_1
    Summary: We present the basic notation of universal algebra.
  3. Malgorzata Korolkiewicz. Homomorphisms of Algebras. Quotient Universal Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 109-113, 1993. MML Identifier: ALG_1
    Summary: The first part introduces homomorphisms of universal algebras and their basic properties. The second is concerned with the construction of a quotient universal algebra. The first isomorphism theorem is proved.
  4. Malgorzata Korolkiewicz. Homomorphisms of Many Sorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 61-65, 1996. MML Identifier: MSUALG_3
    Summary: The aim of this article is to present the definition and some properties of homomorphisms of many sorted algebras. Some auxiliary properties of many sorted functions also have been shown.
  5. Malgorzata Korolkiewicz. Many Sorted Quotient Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 79-84, 1996. MML Identifier: MSUALG_4
    Summary: This article introduces the construction of a many sorted quotient algebra. A few preliminary notions such as a many sorted relation, a many sorted equivalence relation, a many sorted congruence and the set of all classes of a many sorted relation are also formulated.
Jaroslaw Kotowicz
  1. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Real Sequences and Basic Operations on Them, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 269-272, 1990. MML Identifier: SEQ_1
    Summary: Definition of real sequence and operations on sequences (multiplication of sequences and multiplication by a real number, addition, subtraction, division and absolute value of sequence) are given.
  2. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Convergent Sequences and the Limit of Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 273-275, 1990. MML Identifier: SEQ_2
    Summary: The article contains definitions and same basic properties of bounded sequences (above and below), convergent sequences and the limit of sequences. In the article there are some properties of real numbers useful in the other theorems of this article.
  3. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Monotone Real Sequences. Subsequences, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 471-475, 1990. MML Identifier: SEQM_3
    Summary: The article contains definitions of constant, increasing, decreasing, non decreasing, non increasing sequences, the definition of a subsequence and their basic properties.
  4. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Convergent Real Sequences. Upper and Lower Bound of Sets of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 477-481, 1990. MML Identifier: SEQ_4
    Summary: The article contains theorems about convergent sequences and the limit of sequences occurring in \cite{SEQ_2.ABS} such as Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, Cauchy theorem and others. Bounded sets of real numbers and lower and upper bound of subset of real numbers are defined.
  5. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Partial Functions from a Domain to a Domain, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 697-702, 1990. MML Identifier: PARTFUN2
    Summary: The value of a partial function from a domain to a domain and a inverse partial function are introduced. The value and inverse function were defined in the article \cite{FUNCT_1.ABS}, but new definitions are introduced. The basic properties of the value, the inverse partial function, the identity partial function, the composition of partial functions, the $1{-}1$ partial function, the restriction of a partial function, the image, the inverse image and the graph are proved. Constant partial functions are introduced, too.
  6. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Partial Functions from a Domain to the Set of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 703-709, 1990. MML Identifier: RFUNCT_1
    Summary: Basic operations in the set of partial functions which map a domain to the set of all real numbers are introduced. They include adition, subtraction, multiplication, division, multipication by a real number and also module. Main properties of these operations are proved. A definition of the partial function bounded on a set (bounded below and bounded above) is presented. There are theorems showing the laws of conservation of totality and boundedness for operations of partial functions. The characteristic function of a subset of a domain as a partial function is redefined and a few properties are proved.
  7. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Properties of Real Functions, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 781-786, 1990. MML Identifier: RFUNCT_2
    Summary: The list of theorems concerning properties of real sequences and functions is enlarged. (See e.g. \cite{SEQ_1.ABS}, \cite{SEQ_4.ABS}, \cite{RFUNCT_1.ABS}). The monotone real functions are introduced and their properties are discussed.
  8. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Konrad Raczkowski. Real Function Uniform Continuity, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 793-795, 1990. MML Identifier: FCONT_2
    Summary: The uniform continuity for real functions is introduced. More theorems concerning continuous functions are given. (See \cite{FCONT_1.ABS}) The Darboux Theorem is exposed. Algebraic features for uniformly continuous functions are presented. Various facts, e.g., a continuous function on a compact set is uniformly continuous are proved.
  9. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Konrad Raczkowski, Pawel Sadowski. Average Value Theorems for Real Functions of One Variable, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 803-805, 1990. MML Identifier: ROLLE
    Summary: Three basic theorems in differential calculus of one variable functions are presented: Rolle Theorem, Lagrange Theorem and Cauchy Theorem. There are also direct conclusions.
  10. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. The Limit of a Real Function at Infinity, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 17-28, 1991. MML Identifier: LIMFUNC1
  11. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. One-Side Limits of a Real Function at a Point, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 29-40, 1991. MML Identifier: LIMFUNC2
    Summary: We introduce the left-side and the right-side limit of a real function at a point. We prove a few properties of the operations on the proper and improper one-side limits and show that Cauchy and Heine characterizations of the one-side limit are equivalent.
  12. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. The Limit of a Real Function at a Point, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 71-80, 1991. MML Identifier: LIMFUNC3
    Summary: We define the proper and the improper limit of a real function at a point. The main properties of the operations on the limit of function are proved. The connection between the one-side limits and the limit of function at a point are exposed. Equivalent Cauchy and Heine characterizations of the limit of real function at a point are proved.
  13. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. The Limit of a Composition of Real Functions, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 81-92, 1991. MML Identifier: LIMFUNC4
    Summary: The theorem on the proper and improper limit of a composition of real functions at a point, at infinity and one-side limits at a point are presented.
  14. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Schemes of Existence of some Types of Functions, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 117-123, 1991. MML Identifier: SCHEME1
    Summary: We prove some useful schemes of existence of real sequences, partial functions from a domain into a domain, partial functions from a set to a set and functions from a domain into a domain. At the beginning we prove some related auxiliary theorems related to the article \cite{NAT_1.ABS}.
  15. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Monotonic and Continuous Real Function, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 403-405, 1991. MML Identifier: FCONT_3
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{FCONT_1.ABS} and \cite{FCONT_2.ABS}. We prove a few theorems about real functions monotonic and continuous on interval, on halfline and on the set of real numbers and continuity of the inverse function. At the beginning of the paper we show some facts about topological properties of the set of real numbers, halflines and intervals which rather belong to \cite{RCOMP_1.ABS}.
  16. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Konrad Raczkowski. Real Function Differentiability -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 407-411, 1991. MML Identifier: FDIFF_2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{FDIFF_1.ABS}. We prove equivalent definition of the derivative of the real function at the point and theorems about derivative of composite functions, inverse function and derivative of quotient of two functions. At the beginning of the paper a few facts which rather belong to \cite{SEQ_2.ABS}, \cite{SEQM_3.ABS} and \cite{SEQ_4.ABS} are proved.
  17. Yatsuka Nakamura, Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Basic Properties of Connecting Points with Line Segments in $\calE^2_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 95-99, 1992. MML Identifier: TOPREAL3
    Summary: Some properties of line segments in 2-dimensional Euclidean space and some relations between line segments and balls are proved.
  18. Yatsuka Nakamura, Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Connectedness Conditions Using Polygonal Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 101-106, 1992. MML Identifier: TOPREAL4
    Summary: A concept of special polygonal arc joining two different points is defined. Any two points in a ball can be connected by this kind of arc, and that is also true for any region in ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$.
  19. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Yatsuka Nakamura. Introduction to Go-Board -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 107-115, 1992. MML Identifier: GOBOARD1
    Summary: In the article we introduce Go-board as some kinds of matrix which elements belong to topological space ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$. We define the functor of delaying column in Go-board and relation between Go-board and finite sequence of point from ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$. Basic facts about those notations are proved. The concept of the article is based on \cite{TAKE-NAKA}.
  20. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Yatsuka Nakamura. Introduction to Go-Board -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 117-121, 1992. MML Identifier: GOBOARD2
    Summary: In article we define Go-board determined by finite sequence of points from topological space ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$. A few facts about this notation are proved.
  21. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Yatsuka Nakamura. Properties of Go-Board -- Part III, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 123-124, 1992. MML Identifier: GOBOARD3
    Summary: Two useful facts about Go-board are proved.
  22. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Yatsuka Nakamura. Go-Board Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 125-129, 1992. MML Identifier: GOBOARD4
    Summary: We prove the Go-board theorem which is a special case of Hex Theorem. The article is based on \cite{TAKE-NAKA}.
  23. Yatsuka Nakamura, Jaroslaw Kotowicz. The Jordan's Property for Certain Subsets of the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 137-142, 1992. MML Identifier: JORDAN1
    Summary: Let $S$ be a subset of the topological Euclidean plane ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$. We say that $S$ has Jordan's property if there exist two non-empty, disjoint and connected subsets $G_1$ and $G_2$ of ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$ such that $S \mathclose{^{\rm c}} = G_1 \cup G_2$ and $\overline{G_1} \setminus G_1 = \overline{G_2} \setminus{G_2}$ (see \cite{TAKE-NAKA}, \cite{Dick}). The aim is to prove that the boundaries of some special polygons in ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$ have this property (see Section 3). Moreover, it is proved that both the interior and the exterior of the boundary of any rectangle in ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$ is open and connected.
  24. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Beata Madras, Malgorzata Korolkiewicz. Basic Notation of Universal Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 251-253, 1992. MML Identifier: UNIALG_1
    Summary: We present the basic notation of universal algebra.
  25. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Konrad Raczkowski. Coherent Space, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 255-261, 1992. MML Identifier: COH_SP
    Summary: Coherent Space, web of coherent space and two categories: category of coherent spaces and category of tolerances on same fixed set.
  26. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Functions and Finite Sequences of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 275-278, 1992. MML Identifier: RFINSEQ
    Summary: We define notions of fiberwise equipotent functions, non-increasing finite sequences of real numbers and new operations on finite sequences. Equivalent conditions for fiberwise equivalent functions and basic facts about new constructions are shown.
  27. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Yuji Sakai. Properties of Partial Functions from a Domain to the Set of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 279-288, 1992. MML Identifier: RFUNCT_3
    Summary: The article consists of two parts. In the first one we consider notion of nonnegative and nonpositive part of a real numbers. In the second we consider partial function from a domain to the set of real numbers (or more general to a domain). We define a few new operations for these functions and show connections between finite sequences of real numbers and functions which domain is finite. We introduce {\em integrations} for finite domain real valued functions.
  28. Yuji Sakai, Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Introduction to Theory of Rearrangement, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 9-13, 1993. MML Identifier: REARRAN1
    Summary: An introduction to the rearrangement theory for finite functions (e.g. with the finite domain and codomain). The notion of generators and cogenerators of finite sets (equivalent to the order in the language of finite sequences) has been defined. The notion of rearrangement for a function into finite set is presented. Some basic properties of these notions have been proved.
  29. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Quotient Vector Spaces and Functionals, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 59-68, 2003. MML Identifier: VECTSP10
    Summary: The article presents well known facts about quotient vector spaces and functionals (see \cite{SLang}). There are repeated theorems and constructions with either weaker assumptions or in more general situations (see \cite{HAHNBAN.ABS}, \cite{VECTSP_1.ABS}, \cite{LMOD_7.ABS}). The construction of coefficient functionals and non degenerated functional in quotient vector space generated by functional in the given vector space are the only new things which are done.
  30. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Bilinear Functionals in Vector Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 69-86, 2003. MML Identifier: BILINEAR
    Summary: The main goal of the article is the presentation of the theory of bilinear functionals in vector spaces. It introduces standard operations on bilinear functionals and proves their classical properties. It is shown that quotient functionals are non degenerated on the left and the right. In the case of symmetric and alternating bilinear functionals it is shown that the left and right kernels are equal.
  31. Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Hermitan Functionals. Canonical Construction of Scalar Product in Quotient Vector Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 87-98, 2003. MML Identifier: HERMITAN
    Summary: In the article we present antilinear functionals, sesquilinear and hermitan forms. We prove Schwarz and Minkowski inequalities, and Parallelogram Law for non negative hermitan form. The proof of Schwarz inequality is based on \cite{RUDIN:2}. The incorrect proof of this fact can be found in \cite{Maurin}. The construction of scalar product in quotient vector space from non negative hermitan functions is the main result of the article.
Urszula Kowieska
  1. Barbara Konstanta, Urszula Kowieska, Grzegorz Lewandowski, Krzysztof Prazmowski. One-Dimensional Congruence of Segments, Basic Facts and Midpoint Relation, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 233-235, 1991. MML Identifier: AFVECT01
    Summary: We study a theory of one-dimensional congruence of segments. The theory is characterized by a suitable formal axiom system; as a model of this system one can take the structure obtained from any weak directed geometrical bundle, with the congruence interpreted as in the case of ``classical" vectors. Preliminary consequences of our axiom system are proved, basic relations of maximal distance and of midpoint are defined, and several fundamental properties of them are established.
Violetta Kozarkiewicz
  1. Violetta Kozarkiewicz, Adam Grabowski. Axiomatization of Boolean Algebras Based on Sheffer Stroke, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 355-361, 2004. MML Identifier: SHEFFER1
    Summary: We formalized another axiomatization of Boolean algebras. The classical one, as introduced in \cite{LATTICES.ABS}, ``the fourth set of postulates'' due to Huntington \cite{Huntington1} (\cite{ROBBINS1.ABS} in Mizar) and the single axiom in terms of disjunction and negation \cite{ROBBINS2.ABS}. In this article, we aimed at the description of Boolean algebras using Sheffer stroke according to \cite{Sheffer:1913}, namely by the following three axioms: $$(x
Elzbieta Kraszewska
  1. Elzbieta Kraszewska, Jan Popiolek. Series in Banach and Hilbert Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 695-699, 1991. MML Identifier: BHSP_4
    Summary: In \cite{SERIES_1.ABS} the series of real numbers were investigated. The introduction to Banach and Hilbert spaces (\cite{BHSP_1.ABS}, \cite{BHSP_2.ABS},\cite{BHSP_3.ABS}), enables us to arrive at the concept of series in Hilbert space. We start with the notions: partial sums of series, sum and $n$-th sum of series, convergent series (summable series), absolutely convergent series. We prove some basic theorems: the necessary condition for a series to converge, Weierstrass' test, d'Alembert's test, Cauchy's test.
Richard Krueger
  1. Richard Krueger, Piotr Rudnicki, Paul Shelley. Asymptotic Notation. Part I: Theory, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 135-142, 2001. MML Identifier: ASYMPT_0
    Summary: The widely used textbook by Brassard and Bratley \cite{BraBra96} includes a chapter devoted to asymptotic notation (Chapter 3, pp. 79--97). We have attempted to test how suitable the current version of Mizar is for recording this type of material in its entirety. A more detailed report on this experiment will be available separately. This article presents the development of notions and a follow-up article \cite{ASYMPT_1.ABS} includes examples and solutions to problems. The preliminaries introduce a number of properties of real sequences, some operations on real sequences, and a characterization of convergence. The remaining sections in this article correspond to sections of Chapter 3 of \cite{BraBra96}. Section 2 defines the $O$ notation and proves the threshold, maximum, and limit rules. Section 3 introduces the $\Omega$ and $\Theta$ notations and their analogous rules. Conditional asymptotic notation is defined in Section 4 where smooth functions are also discussed. Section 5 defines some operations on asymptotic notation (we have decided not to introduce the asymptotic notation for functions of several variables as it is a straightforward generalization of notions for unary functions).
  2. Richard Krueger, Piotr Rudnicki, Paul Shelley. Asymptotic Notation. Part II: Examples and Problems, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 143-154, 2001. MML Identifier: ASYMPT_1
    Summary: The widely used textbook by Brassard and Bratley \cite{BraBra96} includes a chapter devoted to asymptotic notation (Chapter 3, pp. 79--97). We have attempted to test how suitable the current version of Mizar is for recording this type of material in its entirety. This article is a follow-up to \cite{ASYMPT_0.ABS} in which we introduced the basic notions and general theory. This article presents a Mizar formalization of examples and solutions to problems from Chapter 3 of \cite{BraBra96} (some of the examples and solved problems are also in \cite{ASYMPT_0.ABS}). Not all problems have been solved as some required solutions not amenable for formalization.
Akihiro Kubo
  1. Akihiro Kubo, Yatsuka Nakamura. Angle and Triangle in Euclidian Topological Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 281-287, 2003. MML Identifier: EUCLID_3
    Summary: Two transformations between the complex space and 2-dimensional Euclidian topological space are defined. By them, the concept of argument is induced to 2-dimensional vectors using argument of complex number. Similarly, the concept of an angle is introduced using the angle of two complex numbers. The concept of a triangle and related concepts are also defined in $n$-dimensional Euclidian topological spaces.
  2. Akihiro Kubo. Lines in $n$-Dimensional Euclidean Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 371-376, 2003. MML Identifier: EUCLID_4
    Summary: In this paper, we define the line of $n$-dimensional Euclidian space and we introduce basic properties of affine space on this space. Next, we define the inner product of elements of this space. At the end, we introduce orthogonality of lines of this space.
  3. Akihiro Kubo. Lines on Planes in $n$-Dimensional Euclidean Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 389-397, 2005. MML Identifier: EUCLIDLP
    Summary: In this paper, we introduce basic properties of lines in the plane on this space. Lines and planes are expressed by the vector equation and are the image of $R$ and $R^2.$ By this, we can say that the properties of the classic Euclid geometry are satisfied also in $R^n$ as we know them intuitively. Next, we define the metric between the point and the line of this space.
Hisayoshi Kunimune
  1. Hisayoshi Kunimune, Grzegorz Bancerek, Yatsuka Nakamura. On State Machines of Calculating Type, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 857-864, 2001. MML Identifier: FSM_2
    Summary: In this article, we show the properties of the calculating type state machines. In the first section, we have defined calculating type state machines of which the state transition only depends on the first input. We have also proved theorems of the state machines. In the second section, we defined Moore machines with final states. We also introduced the concept of result of the Moore machines. In the last section, we proved the correctness of several calculating type of Moore machines.
  2. Hisayoshi Kunimune, Yatsuka Nakamura. A Representation of Integers by Binary Arithmetics and Addition of Integers, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 175-178, 2003. MML Identifier: BINARI_4
    Summary: In this article, we introduce the new concept of 2's complement representation. Natural numbers that are congruent mod $n$ can be represented by the same $n$ bits binary. Using the concept introduced here, negative numbers that are congruent mod $n$ also can be represented by the same $n$ bit binary. We also show some properties of addition of integers using this concept.
Eugeniusz Kusak
  1. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Abelian Groups, Fields and Vector Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 335-342, 1990. MML Identifier: VECTSP_1
    Summary: This text includes definitions of the Abelian group, field and vector space over a field and some elementary theorems about them.
  2. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Parallelity Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 343-348, 1990. MML Identifier: PARSP_1
    Summary: In the monography \cite{SZMIELEW:1} W. Szmielew introduced the parallelity planes $\langle S$; $\parallel \rangle$, where $\parallel \subseteq S\times S\times S\times S$. In this text we omit upper bound axiom which must be satisfied by the parallelity planes (see also E.Kusak \cite{KUSAK:1}). Further we will list those theorems which remain true when we pass from the parallelity planes to the parallelity spaces. We construct a model of the parallelity space in Abelian group $\langle F\times F\times F; +_F, -_F, {\bf 0}_F \rangle$, where $F$ is a field.
  3. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Construction of a bilinear antisymmetric form in simplectic vector space, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 349-352, 1990. MML Identifier: SYMSP_1
    Summary: In this text we will present unpublished results by Eu\-ge\-niusz Ku\-sak. It contains an axiomatic description of the class of all spaces $\langle V$; $\perp_\xi \rangle$, where $V$ is a vector space over a field F, $\xi: V \times V \to F$ is a bilinear antisymmetric form i.e. $\xi(x,y) = -\xi(y,x)$ and $x \perp_\xi y $ iff $\xi(x,y) = 0$ for $x$, $y \in V$. It also contains an effective construction of bilinear antisymmetric form $\xi$ for given symplectic space $\langle V$; $\perp \rangle$ such that $\perp = \perp_\xi$. The basic tool used in this method is the notion of orthogonal projection J$(a,b,x)$ for $a,b,x \in V$. We should stress the fact that axioms of orthogonal and symplectic spaces differ only by one axiom, namely: $x\perp y+\varepsilon z \>\&\> y\perp z+\varepsilon x \Rightarrow z\perp x+\varepsilon y. $ For $\varepsilon=+1$ we get the axiom characterizing symplectic geometry. For $\varepsilon=-1$ we get the axiom on three perpendiculars characterizing orthogonal geometry - see \cite{ORTSP_1.ABS}.
  4. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Construction of a bilinear symmetric form in orthogonal vector space, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 353-356, 1990. MML Identifier: ORTSP_1
    Summary: In this text we present unpublished results by Eu\-ge\-niusz Ku\-sak and Wojciech Leo\'nczuk. They contain an axiomatic description of the class of all spaces $\langle V$; $\perp_\xi \rangle$, where $V$ is a vector space over a field F, $\xi: V \times V \to F$ is a bilinear symmetric form i.e. $\xi(x,y) = \xi(y,x)$ and $x \perp_\xi y$ iff $\xi(x,y) = 0$ for $x$, $y \in V$. They also contain an effective construction of bilinear symmetric form $\xi$ for given orthogonal space $\langle V$; $\perp \rangle$ such that $\perp = \perp_\xi$. The basic tool used in this method is the notion of orthogonal projection J$(a,b,x)$ for $a,b,x \in V$. We should stress the fact that axioms of orthogonal and symplectic spaces differ only by one axiom, namely: $x\perp y+\varepsilon z \>\&\> y\perp z+\varepsilon x \Rightarrow z\perp x+\varepsilon y.$ For $\varepsilon=-1$ we get the axiom on three perpendiculars characterizing orthogonal geometry. For $\varepsilon=+1$ we get the axiom characterizing symplectic geometry - see \cite{SYMSP_1.ABS}.
  5. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk. Fano-Desargues Parallelity Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 549-553, 1990. MML Identifier: PARSP_2
    Summary: This article is the second part of Parallelity Space. It contains definition of a Fano-Desargues space, axioms of a Fano-Desargues parallelity space, definition of the relations: collinearity, parallelogram and directed congruence and some basic facts concerned with them.
  6. Eugeniusz Kusak, Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Affine Localizations of Desargues Axiom, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 635-642, 1990. MML Identifier: AFF_3
    Summary: Several affine localizations of Major Desargues Axiom together with its indirect forms are introduced. Logical relationships between these formulas and between them and the classical Desargues Axiom are demonstrated.
  7. Eugeniusz Kusak. Desargues Theorem In Projective 3-Space, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 13-16, 1991. MML Identifier: PROJDES1
    Summary: Proof of the Desargues theorem in Fanoian projective at least 3-dimensional space.
  8. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk. Hessenberg Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 217-219, 1991. MML Identifier: HESSENBE
    Summary: We prove the Hessenberg theorem which states that every Pappian projective space is Desarguesian.
  9. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk. Incidence Projective Space (a reduction theorem in a plane), Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 271-274, 1991. MML Identifier: PROJRED1
    Summary: The article begins with basic facts concerning arbitrary projective spaces. Further we are concerned with Fano projective spaces (we prove it has rank at least four). Finally we restrict ourselves to Desarguesian planes; we define the notion of perspectivity and we prove the reduction theorem for projectivities with concurrent axes.
  10. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. On Projections in Projective Planes (Part II ), Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 323-329, 1991. MML Identifier: PROJRED2
    Summary: We study in greater details projectivities on Desarguesian projective planes. We are particularly interested in the situation when the composition of given two projectivities can be replaced by another two, with given axis or centre of one of them.
  11. Eugeniusz Kusak, Krzysztof Radziszewski. Semi_Affine Space, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 349-356, 1991. MML Identifier: SEMI_AF1
    Summary: A brief survey on semi-affine geometry, which results from the classical Pappian and Desarguesian affine (dimension free) geometry by weakening the so called trapezium axiom. With the help of the relation of parallelogram in every semi-affine space we define the operation of ``addition" of ``vectors". Next we investigate in greater details the relation of (affine) trapezium in such spaces.
Rafal Kwiatek
  1. Rafal Kwiatek, Grzegorz Zwara. The Divisibility of Integers and Integer Relative Primes, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 829-832, 1990. MML Identifier: INT_2
    Summary: { We introduce the following notions: 1)
  2. Rafal Kwiatek. Factorial and Newton coefficients, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 887-890, 1990. MML Identifier: NEWTON
    Summary: We define the following functions: exponential function (for natural exponent), factorial function and Newton coefficients. We prove some basic properties of notions introduced. There is also a proof of binominal formula. We prove also that $\sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k}=2^n$.
Anna Lango
  1. Anna Lango, Grzegorz Bancerek. Product of Families of Groups and Vector Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 235-240, 1992. MML Identifier: PRVECT_1
    Summary: In the first section we present properties of fields and Abelian groups in terms of commutativity, associativity, etc. Next, we are concerned with operations on $n$-tuples on some set which are generalization of operations on this set. It is used in third section to introduce the $n$-power of a group and the $n$-power of a field. Besides, we introduce a concept of indexed family of binary (unary) operations over some indexed family of sets and a product of such families which is binary (unary) operation on a product of family sets. We use that product in the last section to introduce the product of a finite sequence of Abelian groups.
Mariusz Lapinski
  1. Adam Naumowicz, Mariusz Lapinski. On \Tone\ Reflex of Topological Space, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 31-34, 1998. MML Identifier: T_1TOPSP
    Summary: This article contains a definition of $T_{1}$ reflex of a topological space as a quotient space which is $T_{1}$ and fulfils the condition that every continuous map $f$ from a topological space $T$ into $S$ being $T_{1}$ space can be considered as a superposition of two continuous maps: the first from $T$ onto its $T_{1}$ reflex and the last from $T_{1}$ reflex of $T$ into $S$.
  2. Mariusz Lapinski. The J\'onsson Theorem about the Representation of Modular Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 431-438, 2001. MML Identifier: LATTICE8
    Summary: Formalization of \cite[pp. 192--199]{Gratzer}, chapter IV. Partition Lattices, theorem 8.
Adam Lecko
  1. Stanislawa Kanas, Adam Lecko, Mariusz Startek. Metric Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 607-610, 1990. MML Identifier: METRIC_1
    Summary: In this paper we define the metric spaces. Two examples of metric spaces are given. We define the discrete metric and the metric on the real axis. Moreover the open ball, the close ball and the sphere in metric spaces are introduced. We also prove some theorems concerning these concepts.
  2. Adam Lecko, Mariusz Startek. Submetric Spaces -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 199-203, 1991. MML Identifier: SUB_METR
  3. Adam Lecko, Mariusz Startek. On Pseudometric Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 205-211, 1991. MML Identifier: METRIC_2
  4. Stanislawa Kanas, Adam Lecko. Metrics in the Cartesian Product -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 499-504, 1991. MML Identifier: METRIC_4
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{METRIC_3.ABS}. It deals with the method of creation of the distance in the Cartesian product of metric spaces. The distance between two points belonging to Cartesian product of metric spaces has been defined as square root of the sum of squares of distances of appropriate coordinates (or projections) of these points. It is shown that product of metric spaces with such a distance is a metric space. Examples of metric spaces defined in this way are given.
  5. Stanislawa Kanas, Adam Lecko. Sequences in Metric Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 657-661, 1991. MML Identifier: METRIC_6
    Summary: Sequences in metric spaces are defined. The article contains definitions of bounded, convergent, Cauchy sequences. The subsequences are introduced too. Some theorems concerning sequences are proved.
Gilbert Lee
  1. Gilbert Lee, Piotr Rudnicki. Dickson's Lemma, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 29-37, 2002. MML Identifier: DICKSON
    Summary: We present a Mizar formalization of the proof of Dickson's lemma following \cite{Becker93}, chapters 4.2 and 4.3.
  2. Gilbert Lee, Piotr Rudnicki. On Ordering of Bags, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 39-46, 2002. MML Identifier: BAGORDER
    Summary: We present a Mizar formalization of chapter 4.4 of \cite{Becker93} devoted to special orderings in additive monoids to be used for ordering terms in multivariate polynomials. We have extended the treatment to the case of infinite number of variables. It turns out that in such case admissible orderings are not necessarily well orderings.
  3. Gilbert Lee, Piotr Rudnicki. Alternative Graph Structures, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 235-252, 2005. MML Identifier: GLIB_000
    Summary: We define the notion of a graph anew without using the available Mizar structures. In our approach, we model graph structure as a finite function whose domain is a subset of natural numbers. The elements of the domain of the function play the role of selectors for accessing the components of the structure. As these selectors are first class objects, many future extensions of the new graph structure turned out to be easier to formalize in Mizar than with the traditional Mizar structures. \par After introducing graph structure, we define its selectors and then conditions that the structure needs to satisfy to form a directed graph (in the spirit of \cite{GRAPH_1.ABS}). For these graphs we define a collection of basic graph notions; the presentation of these notions is continued in articles \cite{GLIB_001.ABS,GLIB_002.ABS,GLIB_003.ABS}. \par We have tried to follow a number of graph theory books in choosing graph terminology but since the terminology is not commonly agreed upon, we had to make a number of compromises, see \cite{gl04}.
  4. Gilbert Lee. Walks in Graphs, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 253-269, 2005. MML Identifier: GLIB_001
    Summary: We define walks for graphs introduced in \cite{GLIB_000.ABS}, introduce walk attributes and functors for walk creation and modification of walks. Subwalks of a walk are also defined.
  5. Gilbert Lee. Trees and Graph Components, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 271-277, 2005. MML Identifier: GLIB_002
    Summary: In the graph framework of \cite{GLIB_000.ABS} we define connected and acyclic graphs, components of a graph, and define the notion of cut-vertex (articulation point).
  6. Gilbert Lee. Weighted and Labeled Graphs, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 279-293, 2005. MML Identifier: GLIB_003
    Summary: In the graph framework of \cite{GLIB_000.ABS} we introduce new selectors: weights for edges and lables for both edges and vertices. We introduce also a number of tools for accessing and modifying these new fields.
  7. Gilbert Lee, Piotr Rudnicki. Correctness of Dijkstra's Shortest Path and Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 295-304, 2005. MML Identifier: GLIB_004
    Summary: We prove correctness for Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm, and Prim's minimum weight spanning tree algorithm at the level of graph manipulations.
  8. Gilbert Lee. Correctnesss of Ford-Fulkerson's Maximum Flow Algorithm, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 305-314, 2005. MML Identifier: GLIB_005
    Summary: We define and prove correctness of Ford/Fulkerson's Maximum Network-Flow algorithm at the level of graph manipulations.
Wojciech Leonczuk
  1. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Abelian Groups, Fields and Vector Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 335-342, 1990. MML Identifier: VECTSP_1
    Summary: This text includes definitions of the Abelian group, field and vector space over a field and some elementary theorems about them.
  2. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Parallelity Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 343-348, 1990. MML Identifier: PARSP_1
    Summary: In the monography \cite{SZMIELEW:1} W. Szmielew introduced the parallelity planes $\langle S$; $\parallel \rangle$, where $\parallel \subseteq S\times S\times S\times S$. In this text we omit upper bound axiom which must be satisfied by the parallelity planes (see also E.Kusak \cite{KUSAK:1}). Further we will list those theorems which remain true when we pass from the parallelity planes to the parallelity spaces. We construct a model of the parallelity space in Abelian group $\langle F\times F\times F; +_F, -_F, {\bf 0}_F \rangle$, where $F$ is a field.
  3. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Construction of a bilinear antisymmetric form in simplectic vector space, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 349-352, 1990. MML Identifier: SYMSP_1
    Summary: In this text we will present unpublished results by Eu\-ge\-niusz Ku\-sak. It contains an axiomatic description of the class of all spaces $\langle V$; $\perp_\xi \rangle$, where $V$ is a vector space over a field F, $\xi: V \times V \to F$ is a bilinear antisymmetric form i.e. $\xi(x,y) = -\xi(y,x)$ and $x \perp_\xi y $ iff $\xi(x,y) = 0$ for $x$, $y \in V$. It also contains an effective construction of bilinear antisymmetric form $\xi$ for given symplectic space $\langle V$; $\perp \rangle$ such that $\perp = \perp_\xi$. The basic tool used in this method is the notion of orthogonal projection J$(a,b,x)$ for $a,b,x \in V$. We should stress the fact that axioms of orthogonal and symplectic spaces differ only by one axiom, namely: $x\perp y+\varepsilon z \>\&\> y\perp z+\varepsilon x \Rightarrow z\perp x+\varepsilon y. $ For $\varepsilon=+1$ we get the axiom characterizing symplectic geometry. For $\varepsilon=-1$ we get the axiom on three perpendiculars characterizing orthogonal geometry - see \cite{ORTSP_1.ABS}.
  4. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Construction of a bilinear symmetric form in orthogonal vector space, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 353-356, 1990. MML Identifier: ORTSP_1
    Summary: In this text we present unpublished results by Eu\-ge\-niusz Ku\-sak and Wojciech Leo\'nczuk. They contain an axiomatic description of the class of all spaces $\langle V$; $\perp_\xi \rangle$, where $V$ is a vector space over a field F, $\xi: V \times V \to F$ is a bilinear symmetric form i.e. $\xi(x,y) = \xi(y,x)$ and $x \perp_\xi y$ iff $\xi(x,y) = 0$ for $x$, $y \in V$. They also contain an effective construction of bilinear symmetric form $\xi$ for given orthogonal space $\langle V$; $\perp \rangle$ such that $\perp = \perp_\xi$. The basic tool used in this method is the notion of orthogonal projection J$(a,b,x)$ for $a,b,x \in V$. We should stress the fact that axioms of orthogonal and symplectic spaces differ only by one axiom, namely: $x\perp y+\varepsilon z \>\&\> y\perp z+\varepsilon x \Rightarrow z\perp x+\varepsilon y.$ For $\varepsilon=-1$ we get the axiom on three perpendiculars characterizing orthogonal geometry. For $\varepsilon=+1$ we get the axiom characterizing symplectic geometry - see \cite{SYMSP_1.ABS}.
  5. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk. Fano-Desargues Parallelity Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 549-553, 1990. MML Identifier: PARSP_2
    Summary: This article is the second part of Parallelity Space. It contains definition of a Fano-Desargues space, axioms of a Fano-Desargues parallelity space, definition of the relations: collinearity, parallelogram and directed congruence and some basic facts concerned with them.
  6. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. A Construction of Analytical Projective Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 761-766, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_1
    Summary: The collinearity structure denoted by Projec\-ti\-ve\-Spa\-ce(V) is correlated with a given vector space $V$ (over the field of Reals). It is a formalization of the standard construction of a projective space, where points are interpreted as equivalence classes of the relation of proportionality considered in the set of all non-zero vectors. Then the relation of collinearity corresponds to the relation of linear dependence of vectors. Several facts concerning vectors are proved, which correspond in this language to some classical axioms of projective geometry.
  7. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 767-776, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_2
    Summary: In the class of all collinearity structures a subclass of (dimension free) projective spaces, defined by means of a suitable axiom system, is singled out. Whenever a real vector space V is at least 3-dimensional, the structure ProjectiveSpace(V) is a projective space in the above meaning. Some narrower classes of projective spaces are defined: Fano projective spaces, projective planes, and Fano projective planes. For any of the above classes an explicit axiom system is given, as well as an analytical example. There is also a construction a of 3-dimensional and a 4-dimensional real vector space; these are needed to show appropriate examples of projective spaces.
  8. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- part II, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 901-907, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_3
  9. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- part III, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 909-918, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_4
  10. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- part IV, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 919-927, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_5
  11. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- part V, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 929-938, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_6
  12. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- part VI, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 939-947, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_7
  13. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk. Hessenberg Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 217-219, 1991. MML Identifier: HESSENBE
    Summary: We prove the Hessenberg theorem which states that every Pappian projective space is Desarguesian.
  14. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Incidence Projective Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 225-232, 1991. MML Identifier: INCPROJ
    Summary: A basis for investigations on incidence projective spaces. With every projective space defined in terms of collinearity relation we associate the incidence structure consisting of points and of lines of the given space. We introduce general notion of projective space defined in terms of incidence and define several properties of such structures (like satisfability of the Desargues Axiom or conditions on the dimension).
  15. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk. Incidence Projective Space (a reduction theorem in a plane), Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 271-274, 1991. MML Identifier: PROJRED1
    Summary: The article begins with basic facts concerning arbitrary projective spaces. Further we are concerned with Fano projective spaces (we prove it has rank at least four). Finally we restrict ourselves to Desarguesian planes; we define the notion of perspectivity and we prove the reduction theorem for projectivities with concurrent axes.
  16. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. On Projections in Projective Planes (Part II ), Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 323-329, 1991. MML Identifier: PROJRED2
    Summary: We study in greater details projectivities on Desarguesian projective planes. We are particularly interested in the situation when the composition of given two projectivities can be replaced by another two, with given axis or centre of one of them.
  17. Wojciech Leonczuk, Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Planes in Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 357-363, 1991. MML Identifier: AFF_4
    Summary: We introduce the notion of plane in affine space and investigate fundamental properties of them. Further we introduce the relation of parallelism defined for arbitrary subsets. In particular we are concerned with parallelisms which hold between lines and planes and between planes. We also define a function which assigns to every line and every point the unique line passing through the point and parallel to the given line. With the help of the introduced notions we prove that every at least 3-dimensional affine space is Desarguesian and translation.
Bozena Lewandowska
  1. Grzegorz Lewandowski, Krzysztof Prazmowski, Bozena Lewandowska. Directed Geometrical Bundles and Their Analytical Representation, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 135-141, 1991. MML Identifier: AFVECT0
    Summary: We introduce the notion of weak directed geometrical bundle. We prove representation theorems for directed and weak directed geometrical bundles which establishes a one-to-one correspondence between such structures and appropriate 2-divisible abelian groups. To this aim we construct over arbitrary weak directed geometrical bundle a group defined entirely in terms of geometrical notions -- the group of (abstract) ``free vectors".
Grzegorz Lewandowski
  1. Grzegorz Lewandowski, Krzysztof Prazmowski. A Construction of an Abstract Space of Congruence of Vectors, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 685-688, 1990. MML Identifier: TDGROUP
    Summary: In the class of abelian groups a subclass of two-divisible-groups is singled out, and in the latter, a subclass of uniquely-two-divisible-groups. With every such a group a special geometrical structure, more precisely the structure of ``congruence of vectors'' is correlated. The notion of ``affine vector space'' (denoted by AffVect) is introduced. This term is defined by means of suitable axiom system. It is proved that every structure of the congruence of vectors determined by a non trivial uniquely two divisible group is a affine vector space.
  2. Grzegorz Lewandowski, Krzysztof Prazmowski, Bozena Lewandowska. Directed Geometrical Bundles and Their Analytical Representation, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 135-141, 1991. MML Identifier: AFVECT0
    Summary: We introduce the notion of weak directed geometrical bundle. We prove representation theorems for directed and weak directed geometrical bundles which establishes a one-to-one correspondence between such structures and appropriate 2-divisible abelian groups. To this aim we construct over arbitrary weak directed geometrical bundle a group defined entirely in terms of geometrical notions -- the group of (abstract) ``free vectors".
  3. Barbara Konstanta, Urszula Kowieska, Grzegorz Lewandowski, Krzysztof Prazmowski. One-Dimensional Congruence of Segments, Basic Facts and Midpoint Relation, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 233-235, 1991. MML Identifier: AFVECT01
    Summary: We study a theory of one-dimensional congruence of segments. The theory is characterized by a suitable formal axiom system; as a model of this system one can take the structure obtained from any weak directed geometrical bundle, with the congruence interpreted as in the case of ``classical" vectors. Preliminary consequences of our axiom system are proved, basic relations of maximal distance and of midpoint are defined, and several fundamental properties of them are established.
Bo Li
  1. Yan Zhang, Bo Li, Xiquan Liang. Several Differentiable Formulas of Special Functions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 529-535, 2005. MML Identifier: FDIFF_6
    Summary: In this article, we give other several differentiable formulas of special functions.
  2. Bo Li, Yan Zhang, Xiquan Liang. Several Differentiation Formulas of Special Functions. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 37-45, 2006. MML Identifier: FDIFF_7
    Summary: In this article, we give several differentiation formulas of special and composite functions including trigonometric function, inverse trigonometric function, polynomial function and logarithmic function.
  3. Bo Li, Yan Zhang, Artur Kornilowicz. Simple Continued Fractions and Their Convergents, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 71-78, 2006. MML Identifier: REAL_3
    Summary: The article introduces simple continued fractions. They are defined as an infinite sequence of integers. The characterization of rational numbers in terms of simple continued fractions is shown. We also give definitions of convergents of continued fractions, and several important properties of simple continued fractions and their convergents.
  4. Bo Li, Peng Wang. Several Differentiation Formulas of Special Functions. Part IV, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 109-114, 2006. MML Identifier: FDIFF_8
    Summary: In this article, we give several differentiation formulas of special and composite functions including trigonometric function, polynomial function and logarithmic function.
  5. Bo Li, Yan Zhang, Xiquan Liang. Difference and Difference Quotient, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 115-119, 2006. MML Identifier: DIFF_1
    Summary: In this article, we give the definitions of forward difference, backward difference, central difference and difference quotient, and some important properties of them.
Ming Liang
  1. Ming Liang, Yuzhong Ding. Partial Sum of Some Series, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 1-4, 2005. MML Identifier: SERIES_2
    Summary: Solving the partial sum of some often used series.
Xiquan Liang
  1. Xiquan Liang. Solving Roots of Polynomial Equations of Degree 2 and 3 with Real Coefficients, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 347-350, 2001. MML Identifier: POLYEQ_1
    Summary: In this paper, we describe the definition of the first, second, and third degree algebraic equations and their properties. In Section 1, we defined the simple first-degree and second-degree (quadratic) equation and discussed the relation between the roots of each equation and their coefficients. Also, we clarified the form of the root within the range of real numbers. Furthermore, the extraction of the root using the discriminant of equation is clarified. In Section 2, we defined the third-degree (cubic) equation and clarified the relation between the three roots of this equation and its coefficient. Also, the form of these roots for various conditions is discussed. This solution is known as the Cardano solution.
  2. Xiquan Liang. Solving Roots of Polynomial Equation of Degree 4 with Real Coefficients, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 185-187, 2003. MML Identifier: POLYEQ_2
    Summary: In this paper, we describe the definition of the fourth degree algebraic equations and their properties. We clarify the relation between the four roots of this equation and its coefficient. Also, the form of these roots for various conditions is discussed. This solution is known as the Cardano solution.
  3. Yuzhong Ding, Xiquan Liang. Solving Roots of Polynomial Equation of Degree 2 and 3 with Complex Coefficients, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 85-92, 2004. MML Identifier: POLYEQ_3
    Summary: In the article, solving complex roots of polynomial equation of degree 2 and 3 with real coefficients and complex roots of polynomial equation of degree 2 and 3 with complex coefficients is discussed.
  4. Yuzhong Ding, Xiquan Liang. Formulas and Identities of Trigonometric Functions, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 243-246, 2004. MML Identifier: SIN_COS5
  5. Yuzhong Ding, Xiquan Liang. Solving Roots of the Special Polynomial Equation with Real Coefficients, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 247-250, 2004. MML Identifier: POLYEQ_4
  6. Yuzhong Ding, Xiquan Liang. Preliminaries to Mathematical Morphology and Its Properties, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 221-225, 2005. MML Identifier: MATHMORP
    Summary: In this paper we have discussed the basic mathematical morphological operators and their properties.
  7. Fuguo Ge, Xiquan Liang, Yuzhong Ding. Formulas and Identities of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 383-387, 2005. MML Identifier: SIN_COS7
    Summary: This article describes definitions of inverse hyperbolic functions and their main properties, as well as some addition formulas with hyperbolic functions.
  8. Fuguo Ge, Xiquan Liang. On the Partial Product of Series and Related Basic Inequalities, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 413-416, 2005. MML Identifier: SERIES_3
    Summary: This article describes definition of partial product of series, introduced similarly to its related partial sum, as well as several important inequalities true for chosen special series.
  9. Yan Zhang, Xiquan Liang. Several Differentiable Formulas of Special Functions, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 427-434, 2005. MML Identifier: FDIFF_4
    Summary: In this article, we give several differentiable formulas of special functions.
  10. Fahui Zhai, Jianbing Cao, Xiquan Liang. Circled Sets, Circled Hull, and Circled Family, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 447-451, 2005. MML Identifier: CIRCLED1
    Summary: In this article, we prove some basic properties of the circled sets. We also define the circled hull, and give the definition of circled family.
  11. Jianbing Cao, Fahui Zhai, Xiquan Liang. Partial Sum and Partial Product of Some Series, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 501-503, 2005. MML Identifier: SERIES_4
    Summary: This article contains partial sum and partial product of some series which are often used.
  12. Jianbing Cao, Fahui Zhai, Xiquan Liang. Some Differentiable Formulas of Special Functions, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 505-509, 2005. MML Identifier: FDIFF_5
    Summary: This article contains some differentiable formulas of special functions.
  13. Fuguo Ge, Xiquan Liang. On the Partial Product and Partial Sum of Series and Related Basic Inequalities, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 525-528, 2005. MML Identifier: SERIES_5
    Summary: This article introduced some important inequalities on partial sum and partial product, as well as some basic inequalities.
  14. Yan Zhang, Bo Li, Xiquan Liang. Several Differentiable Formulas of Special Functions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 529-535, 2005. MML Identifier: FDIFF_6
    Summary: In this article, we give other several differentiable formulas of special functions.
  15. Xiaopeng Yue, Xiquan Liang, Zhongpin Sun. Some Properties of Some Special Matrices, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 541-547, 2005. MML Identifier: MATRIX_6
    Summary: This article describes definitions of reversible matrix, symmetrical matrix, antisymmetric matrix, orthogonal matrix and their main properties.
  16. Xiaopeng Yue, Dahai Hu, Xiquan Liang. Some Properties of Some Special Matrices. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 7-12, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIX_8
    Summary: This article describes definitions of Idempotent Matrix, Nilpotent Matrix, Involutory Matrix, Self Reversible Matrix, Similar Matrix, Congruent Matrix, the Trace of a Matrix and their main properties.
  17. Bo Li, Yan Zhang, Xiquan Liang. Several Differentiation Formulas of Special Functions. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 37-45, 2006. MML Identifier: FDIFF_7
    Summary: In this article, we give several differentiation formulas of special and composite functions including trigonometric function, inverse trigonometric function, polynomial function and logarithmic function.
  18. Bo Li, Yan Zhang, Xiquan Liang. Difference and Difference Quotient, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 115-119, 2006. MML Identifier: DIFF_1
    Summary: In this article, we give the definitions of forward difference, backward difference, central difference and difference quotient, and some important properties of them.
  19. Xiquan Liang, Fuguo Ge, Xiaopeng Yue. Some Special Matrices of Real Elements and Their Properties, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 129-134, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIX10
    Summary: This article describes definitions of positive matrix, negative matrix, nonpositive matrix, nonnegative matrix, nonzero matrix, module matrix of real elements and their main properties, and we also give the basic inequalities in matrices of real elements.
  20. Xiquan Liang, Fuguo Ge. The Quaternion Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 161-169, 2006. MML Identifier: QUATERNI
    Summary: In this article, we define the set $\Bbb Q$ of quaternion numbers as the set of all ordered sequences $q =\langle x,y,w,z\rangle$ where $x$,$y$,$w$ and $z$ are real numbers. The addition, difference and multiplication of the quaternion numbers are also defined. We define the real and imaginary parts of $q$ and denote this by $x = \Rea(q)$, $y = \Im1(q)$, $w = \Im2(q)$, $z = \Im3(q)$. We define the addition, difference, multiplication again and denote this operation by real and three imaginary parts. We define the conjugate of $q$ denoted by $q*'$ and the absolute value of $q$ denoted by $|.q.|$. We also give some properties of quaternion numbers.
Gang Liu
  1. Gang Liu, Yasushi Fuwa, Masayoshi Eguchi. Formal Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 537-543, 2001. MML Identifier: FINTOPO2
    Summary: This article is divided into two parts. In the first part, we prove some useful theorems on finite topological spaces. In the second part, in order to consider a family of neighborhoods to a point in a space, we extend the notion of finite topological space and define a new topological space, which we call formal topological space. We show the relation between formal topological space struct ({\tt FMT\_Space\_Str}) and the {\tt TopStruct} by giving a function ({\tt NeighSp}). And the following notions are introduced in formal topological spaces: boundary, closure, interior, isolated point, connected point, open set and close set, then some basic facts concerning them are proved. We will discuss the relation between the formal topological space and the finite topological space in future work.
Aneta Lukaszuk
  1. Aneta Lukaszuk, Adam Grabowski. Short Sheffer Stroke-Based Single Axiom for Boolean Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 363-370, 2004. MML Identifier: SHEFFER2
    Summary: We continue the description of Boolean algebras in terms of the Sheffer stroke as defined in \cite{SHEFFER1.ABS}. The single axiomatization for BAs in terms of disjunction and negation was shown in \cite{ROBBINS2.ABS}. As was checked automatically with the help of automated theorem prover Otter, single axiom of the form $$(x
Beata Madras
  1. Ewa Burakowska, Beata Madras. Real Function One-Side Differentiability, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 653-656, 1991. MML Identifier: FDIFF_3
    Summary: We define real function one-side differentiability and one-side continuity. Main properties of one-side differentiability function are proved. Connections between one-side differential and differential real function at the point are demonstrated.
  2. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Beata Madras, Malgorzata Korolkiewicz. Basic Notation of Universal Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 251-253, 1992. MML Identifier: UNIALG_1
    Summary: We present the basic notation of universal algebra.
  3. Beata Madras. Product of Family of Universal Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 103-108, 1993. MML Identifier: PRALG_1
    Summary: The product of two algebras, trivial algebra determined by an empty set and product of a family of algebras are defined. Some basic properties are shown.
  4. Beata Madras. Products of Many Sorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 55-60, 1996. MML Identifier: PRALG_2
    Summary: Product of two many sorted universal algebras and product of family of many sorted universal algebras are defined in this article. Operations on functions, such that commute, Frege, are also introduced.
  5. Beata Madras. On the Concept of the Triangulation, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 457-462, 1996. MML Identifier: TRIANG_1
  6. Beata Madras. Irreducible and Prime Elements, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 233-239, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL_6
    Summary: In the paper open and order generating subsets are defined. Irreducible and prime elements are also defined. The article includes definitions and facts presented in \cite[pp.~68--72]{CCL}.
  7. Beata Madras. Basic Properties of Objects and Morphisms, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 329-334, 1997. MML Identifier: ALTCAT_3
Agnieszka Julia Marasik
  1. Agnieszka Julia Marasik. Boolean Properties of Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 31-35, 1996. MML Identifier: BOOLEALG
  2. Agnieszka Julia Marasik. Miscellaneous Facts about Relation Structure, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 207-211, 1997. MML Identifier: YELLOW_5
    Summary: In the article notation and facts necessary to start with formalization of continuous lattices according to \cite{CCL} are introduced.
  3. Agnieszka Julia Marasik. Algebraic Operation on Subsets of Many Sorted Sets, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 397-401, 1997. MML Identifier: CLOSURE3
  4. Adam Naumowicz, Agnieszka Julia Marasik. The Correspondence Between Lattices of Subalgebras of Universal Algebras and Many Sorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 227-231, 1998. MML Identifier: MSSUBLAT
    Summary: The main goal of this paper is to show some properties of subalgebras of universal algebras and many sorted algebras, and then the isomorphic correspondence between lattices of such subalgebras.
Akio Matsumoto
  1. Grzegorz Bancerek, Mitsuru Aoki, Akio Matsumoto, Yasunari Shidama. Processes in Petri nets, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 125-132, 2003. MML Identifier: PNPROC_1
    Summary: Sequential and concurrent compositions of processes in Petri nets are introduced. A process is formalized as a set of (possible), so called, firing sequences. In the definition of the sequential composition the standard concatenation is used $$ R_1 \mathop{\rm before} R_2 = \{p_1\mathop{^\frown}p_2: p_1\in R_1\ \land\ p_2\in R_2\} $$ The definition of the concurrent composition is more complicated $$ R_1 \mathop{\rm concur} R_2 = \{ q_1\cup q_2: q_1\ {\rm misses}\ q_2\ \land\ \mathop{\rm Seq} q_1\in R_1\ \land\ \mathop{\rm Seq} q_2\in R_2\} $$ For example, $$ \{\langle t_0\rangle\} \mathop{\rm concur} \{\langle t_1,t_2\rangle\} = \{\langle t_0,t_1,t_2\rangle , \langle t_1,t_0,t_2\rangle , \langle t_1,t_2,t_0\rangle\} $$ The basic properties of the compositions are shown.
Roman Matuszewski
  1. Yatsuka Nakamura, Roman Matuszewski. Reconstructions of Special Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 255-263, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN3
    Summary: We discuss here some methods for reconstructing special sequences which generate special polygonal arcs in ${\cal E}^{2}_{\rm T}$. For such reconstructions we introduce a ``mid" function which cuts out the middle part of a sequence; the ``$\downharpoonleft$" function, which cuts down the left part of a sequence at some point; the ``$\downharpoonright$" function for cutting down the right part at some point; and the ``$\downharpoonleft \downharpoonright$" function for cutting down both sides at two given points.\par We also introduce some methods glueing two special sequences. By such cutting and glueing methods, the speciality of sequences (generatability of special polygonal arcs) is shown to be preserved.
  2. Yatsuka Nakamura, Roman Matuszewski, Adam Grabowski. Subsequences of Standard Special Circular Sequences in $\calE^2_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 351-358, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN4
    Summary: It is known that a standard special circular sequence in ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$ properly defines a special polygon. We are interested in a part of such a sequence. It is shown that if the first point and the last point of the subsequence are different, it becomes a special polygonal sequence. The concept of ``a part of" is introduced, and the subsequence having this property can be characterized by using ``mid" function. For such subsequences, the concepts of ``Upper" and ``Lower" parts are introduced.
  3. Roman Matuszewski, Yatsuka Nakamura. Projections in n-Dimensional Euclidean Space to Each Coordinates, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 505-509, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN2B
    Summary: In the $n$-dimensional Euclidean space ${\cal E}^n_{\rm T}$, a projection operator to each coordinate is defined. It is proven that such an operator is linear. Moreover, it is continuous as a mapping from ${\cal E}^n_{\rm T}$ to ${R}^{1}$, the carrier of which is a set of all reals. If $n$ is 1, the projection becomes a homeomorphism, which means that ${\cal E}^1_{\rm T}$ is homeomorphic to ${R}^{1}$.
  4. Mariusz Giero, Roman Matuszewski. Lower Tolerance. Preliminaries to Wroclaw Taxonomy, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 597-603, 2001. MML Identifier: TAXONOM1
    Summary: The paper introduces some preliminary notions concerning the Wroclaw taxonomy according to \cite{MatTry77}. The classifications and tolerances are defined and considered w.r.t. sets and metric spaces. We prove theorems showing various classifications based on tolerances.
Franz Merkl
  1. Franz Merkl. Dynkin's Lemma in Measure Theory, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 591-595, 2001. MML Identifier: DYNKIN
    Summary: This article formalizes the proof of Dynkin's lemma in measure theory. Dynkin's lemma is a useful tool in measure theory and probability theory: it helps frequently to generalize a statement about all elements of a intersection-stable set system to all elements of the sigma-field generated by that system.
Anna Justyna Milewska
  1. Anna Justyna Milewska. The Field of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 265-269, 2001. MML Identifier: COMPLFLD
    Summary: This article contains the definition and many facts about the field of complex numbers.
  2. Anna Justyna Milewska. The Hahn Banach Theorem in the Vector Space over the Field of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 363-371, 2001. MML Identifier: HAHNBAN1
    Summary: This article contains the Hahn Banach theorem in the vector space over the field of complex numbers.
Robert Milewski
  1. Robert Milewski. Associated Matrix of Linear Map, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 339-345, 1996. MML Identifier: MATRLIN
  2. Robert Milewski. Lattice of Congruences in Many Sorted Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 479-483, 1996. MML Identifier: MSUALG_5
  3. Robert Milewski. More on the Lattice of Many Sorted Equivalence Relations, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 565-569, 1996. MML Identifier: MSUALG_7
  4. Robert Milewski. More on the Lattice of Congruences in Many Sorted Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 587-590, 1996. MML Identifier: MSUALG_8
  5. Adam Grabowski, Robert Milewski. Boolean Posets, Posets under Inclusion and Products of Relational Structures, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 117-121, 1997. MML Identifier: YELLOW_1
    Summary: In the paper some notions useful in formalization of \cite{CCL} are introduced, e.g. the definition of the poset of subsets of a set with inclusion as an ordering relation. Using the theory of many sorted sets authors formulate the definition of product of relational structures.
  6. Robert Milewski. Algebraic Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 249-254, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL_8
  7. Robert Milewski. Algebraic and Arithmetic Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 345-349, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL13
    Summary: We formalize \cite[pp. 87--89]{CCL}.
  8. Robert Milewski. Algebraic and Arithmetic Lattices. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 499-503, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL15
    Summary: The article is a translation of \cite[pp. 89--92]{CCL}.
  9. Robert Milewski. Completely-Irreducible Elements, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 9-12, 1998. MML Identifier: WAYBEL16
    Summary: The article is a translation of \cite[92--93]{CCL}.
  10. Robert Milewski. Natural Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 19-22, 1998. MML Identifier: NAT_2
  11. Robert Milewski. Binary Arithmetics. Binary Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 23-26, 1998. MML Identifier: BINARI_3
  12. Robert Milewski. Full Trees, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 27-30, 1998. MML Identifier: BINTREE2
  13. Robert Milewski. Real Linear-Metric Space and Isometric Functions, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 273-277, 1998. MML Identifier: VECTMETR
  14. Robert Milewski. Bases of Continuous Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 285-294, 1998. MML Identifier: WAYBEL23
    Summary: The article is a Mizar formalization of \cite[168--169]{CCL}. We show definition and fundamental theorems from theory of basis of continuous lattices.
  15. Robert Milewski. Components and Basis of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 25-29, 2001. MML Identifier: YELLOW15
    Summary: This article contains many facts about components and basis of topological spaces.
  16. Robert Milewski. Weights of Continuous Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 255-259, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL31
    Summary: This work is a continuation of formalization of \cite{CCL}. Theorems from Chapter III, Section 4, pp. 170--171 are proved.
  17. Robert Milewski. The Ring of Polynomials, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 339-346, 2001. MML Identifier: POLYNOM3
  18. Robert Milewski. The Evaluation of Polynomials, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 391-395, 2001. MML Identifier: POLYNOM4
  19. Robert Milewski. Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 455-460, 2001. MML Identifier: COMPTRIG
  20. Robert Milewski. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 461-470, 2001. MML Identifier: POLYNOM5
  21. Artur Kornilowicz, Robert Milewski, Adam Naumowicz, Andrzej Trybulec. Gauges and Cages. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 501-509, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1A
  22. Robert Milewski, Andrzej Trybulec, Artur Kornilowicz, Adam Naumowicz. Some Properties of Cells and Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 531-535, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1B
  23. Artur Kornilowicz, Robert Milewski. Gauges and Cages. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 555-558, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1D
  24. Robert Milewski. Upper and Lower Sequence of a Cage, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 787-790, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1E
  25. Robert Milewski. Upper and Lower Sequence on the Cage. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 817-823, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1G
  26. Adam Naumowicz, Robert Milewski. Some Remarks on Clockwise Oriented Sequences on Go-boards, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 23-27, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN1I
    Summary: The main goal of this paper is to present alternative characterizations of clockwise oriented sequences on Go-boards.
  27. Robert Milewski. Upper and Lower Sequence on the Cage, Upper and Lower Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 10(2), pages 73-80, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN1J
  28. Robert Milewski. Properties of the Internal Approximation of Jordan's Curve, Formalized Mathematics 10(2), pages 111-115, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN14
  29. Robert Milewski. Properties of the Upper and Lower Sequence on the Cage, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 135-143, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN15
  30. Robert Milewski. On the Upper and Lower Approximations of the Curve, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 425-430, 2003. MML Identifier: JORDAN19
  31. Robert Milewski. Subsequences of Almost, Weakly and Poorly One-to-one Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 227-233, 2005. MML Identifier: JORDAN23
    Summary: {}
Takashi Mitsuishi
  1. Takashi Mitsuishi, Yuguang Yang. Properties of the Trigonometric Function, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 103-106, 1999. MML Identifier: SIN_COS2
    Summary: This article introduces the monotone increasing and the monotone decreasing of {\em sinus} and {\em cosine}, and definitions of hyperbolic {\em sinus}, hyperbolic {\em cosine} and hyperbolic {\em tangent}, and some related formulas about them.
  2. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Property of Complex Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 179-184, 2001. MML Identifier: CFUNCT_1
    Summary: This article introduces properties of complex function, calculations of them, boundedness and constant.
  3. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Property of Complex Sequence and Continuity of Complex Function, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 185-190, 2001. MML Identifier: CFCONT_1
    Summary: This article introduces properties of complex sequence and continuity of complex function. The first section shows convergence of complex sequence and constant complex sequence. In the next section, definition of continuity of complex function and properties of continuous complex function are shown.
  4. Takashi Mitsuishi, Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. The Concept of Fuzzy Set and Membership Function and Basic Properties of Fuzzy Set Operation, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 351-356, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_1
    Summary: This article introduces the fuzzy theory. At first, the definition of fuzzy set characterized by membership function is described. Next, definitions of empty fuzzy set and universal fuzzy set and basic operations of these fuzzy sets are shown. At last, exclusive sum and absolute difference which are special operation are introduced.
  5. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Basic Properties of Fuzzy Set Operation and Membership Function, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 357-362, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_2
    Summary: This article introduces the fuzzy theory. The definition of the difference set, algebraic product and algebraic sum of fuzzy set is shown. In addition, basic properties of those operations are described. Basic properties of fuzzy set are a~little different from those of crisp set.
  6. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. The Concept of Fuzzy Relation and Basic Properties of its Operation, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 517-524, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_3
    Summary: This article introduces the fuzzy relation. This is the expansion of usual relation, and the value is given at the fuzzy value. At first, the definition of the fuzzy relation characterized by membership function is described. Next, the definitions of the zero relation and universe relation and basic operations of these relations are shown.
  7. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Keiji Ohkubo. Properties of Fuzzy Relation, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 691-695, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_4
    Summary: In this article, we introduce four fuzzy relations and the composition, and some useful properties are shown by them. In section 2, the definition of converse relation $R^{-1}$ of fuzzy relation $R$ and properties concerning it are described. In the next section, we define the composition of the fuzzy relation and show some properties. In the final section we describe the identity relation, the universe relation and the zero relation.
  8. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Subspaces and Cosets of Subspace of Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 1-7, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_1
    Summary: In this article, subspace and the coset of subspace of real unitary space are defined. And we discuss some of their fundamental properties.
  9. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Operations on Subspaces in Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 9-16, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_2
    Summary: In this article, we extend an operation of real linear space to real unitary space. We show theorems proved in \cite{RLSUB_2.ABS} on real unitary space.
  10. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Linear Combinations in Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 17-22, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_3
    Summary: In this article, we mainly discuss linear combination of vectors in Real Unitary Space and dimension of the space. As the result, we obtain some theorems that are similar to those in Real Linear Space.
  11. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Dimension of Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 23-28, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_4
    Summary: In this article we describe the dimension of real unitary space. Most of theorems are restricted from real linear space. In the last section, we introduce affine subset of real unitary space.
  12. Takashi Mitsuishi, Noboru Endou, Keiji Ohkubo. Trigonometric Functions on Complex Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 29-32, 2003. MML Identifier: SIN_COS3
    Summary: This article describes definitions of sine, cosine, hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine. Some of their basic properties are discussed.
  13. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Topology of Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 33-38, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_5
    Summary: In this article we introduce three subjects in real unitary space: parallelism of subsets, orthogonality of subsets and topology of the space. In particular, to introduce the topology of real unitary space, we discuss the metric topology which is induced by the inner product in the space. As the result, we are able to discuss some topological subjects on real unitary space.
  14. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Convex Sets and Convex Combinations, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 53-58, 2003. MML Identifier: CONVEX1
    Summary: Convexity is one of the most important concepts in a study of analysis. Especially, it has been applied around the optimization problem widely. Our purpose is to define the concept of convexity of a set on Mizar, and to develop the generalities of convex analysis. The construction of this article is as follows: Convexity of the set is defined in the section 1. The section 2 gives the definition of convex combination which is a kind of the linear combination and related theorems are proved there. In section 3, we define the convex hull which is an intersection of all convex sets including a given set. The last section is some theorems which are necessary to compose this article.
  15. Takashi Mitsuishi, Grzegorz Bancerek. Lattice of Fuzzy Sets, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 393-398, 2003. MML Identifier: LFUZZY_0
    Summary: This article concerns a connection of fuzzy logic and lattice theory. Namely, the fuzzy sets form a Heyting lattice with union and intersection of fuzzy sets as meet and join operations. The lattice of fuzzy sets is defined as the product of interval posets. As the final result, we have characterized the composition of fuzzy relations in terms of lattice theory and proved its associativity.
  16. Takashi Mitsuishi, Grzegorz Bancerek. Transitive Closure of Fuzzy Relations, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 15-20, 2004. MML Identifier: LFUZZY_1
Yasuho Mizuhara
  1. Takaya Nishiyama, Yasuho Mizuhara. Binary Arithmetics, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 83-86, 1993. MML Identifier: BINARITH
    Summary: Formalizes the basic concepts of binary arithmetic and its related operations. We present the definitions for the following logical operators: 'or' and 'xor' (exclusive or) and include in this article some theorems concerning these operators. We also introduce the concept of an $n$-bit register. Such registers are used in the definition of binary unsigned arithmetic presented in this article. Theorems on the relationships of such concepts to the operations of natural numbers are also given.
  2. Yasuho Mizuhara, Takaya Nishiyama. Binary Arithmetics, Addition and Subtraction of Integers, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 27-29, 1996. MML Identifier: BINARI_2
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{BINARITH.ABS} and presents the concepts of binary arithmetic operations for integers. There is introduced 2's complement representation of integers and natural numbers to integers are expanded. The binary addition and subtraction for integers are defined and theorems on the relationship between binary and numerical operations presented.
Markus Moschner
  1. Markus Moschner. Basic Notions and Properties of Orthoposets, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 201-210, 2003. MML Identifier: OPOSET_1
    Summary: Orthoposets are defined. The approach is the standard one via order relation similar to common text books on algebra like \cite{Gratzer}.
  2. Adam Grabowski, Markus Moschner. Formalization of Ortholattices via~Orthoposets, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 189-197, 2005. MML Identifier: ROBBINS3
    Summary: There are two approaches to lattices used in the Mizar Mathematical Library: on the one hand, these structures are based on the set with two binary operations (with an equational characterization as in \cite{LATTICES.ABS}). On the other hand, we may look at them as at relational structures (posets -- see \cite{ORDERS_1.ABS}). As the main result of this article we can state that the Mizar formalization enables us to use both approaches simultaneously (Section 3). This is especially useful because most of lemmas on ortholattices in the literature are stated in the poset setting, so we cannot use equational theorem provers in a straightforward way. We give also short equational characterization of lattices via four axioms (as it was done in \cite{McCune:2005} with the help of the Otter prover). Some corresponding results about ortholattices are also formalized.
Michal Muzalewski
  1. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Abelian Groups, Fields and Vector Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 335-342, 1990. MML Identifier: VECTSP_1
    Summary: This text includes definitions of the Abelian group, field and vector space over a field and some elementary theorems about them.
  2. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Parallelity Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 343-348, 1990. MML Identifier: PARSP_1
    Summary: In the monography \cite{SZMIELEW:1} W. Szmielew introduced the parallelity planes $\langle S$; $\parallel \rangle$, where $\parallel \subseteq S\times S\times S\times S$. In this text we omit upper bound axiom which must be satisfied by the parallelity planes (see also E.Kusak \cite{KUSAK:1}). Further we will list those theorems which remain true when we pass from the parallelity planes to the parallelity spaces. We construct a model of the parallelity space in Abelian group $\langle F\times F\times F; +_F, -_F, {\bf 0}_F \rangle$, where $F$ is a field.
  3. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Construction of a bilinear antisymmetric form in simplectic vector space, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 349-352, 1990. MML Identifier: SYMSP_1
    Summary: In this text we will present unpublished results by Eu\-ge\-niusz Ku\-sak. It contains an axiomatic description of the class of all spaces $\langle V$; $\perp_\xi \rangle$, where $V$ is a vector space over a field F, $\xi: V \times V \to F$ is a bilinear antisymmetric form i.e. $\xi(x,y) = -\xi(y,x)$ and $x \perp_\xi y $ iff $\xi(x,y) = 0$ for $x$, $y \in V$. It also contains an effective construction of bilinear antisymmetric form $\xi$ for given symplectic space $\langle V$; $\perp \rangle$ such that $\perp = \perp_\xi$. The basic tool used in this method is the notion of orthogonal projection J$(a,b,x)$ for $a,b,x \in V$. We should stress the fact that axioms of orthogonal and symplectic spaces differ only by one axiom, namely: $x\perp y+\varepsilon z \>\&\> y\perp z+\varepsilon x \Rightarrow z\perp x+\varepsilon y. $ For $\varepsilon=+1$ we get the axiom characterizing symplectic geometry. For $\varepsilon=-1$ we get the axiom on three perpendiculars characterizing orthogonal geometry - see \cite{ORTSP_1.ABS}.
  4. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Michal Muzalewski. Construction of a bilinear symmetric form in orthogonal vector space, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 353-356, 1990. MML Identifier: ORTSP_1
    Summary: In this text we present unpublished results by Eu\-ge\-niusz Ku\-sak and Wojciech Leo\'nczuk. They contain an axiomatic description of the class of all spaces $\langle V$; $\perp_\xi \rangle$, where $V$ is a vector space over a field F, $\xi: V \times V \to F$ is a bilinear symmetric form i.e. $\xi(x,y) = \xi(y,x)$ and $x \perp_\xi y$ iff $\xi(x,y) = 0$ for $x$, $y \in V$. They also contain an effective construction of bilinear symmetric form $\xi$ for given orthogonal space $\langle V$; $\perp \rangle$ such that $\perp = \perp_\xi$. The basic tool used in this method is the notion of orthogonal projection J$(a,b,x)$ for $a,b,x \in V$. We should stress the fact that axioms of orthogonal and symplectic spaces differ only by one axiom, namely: $x\perp y+\varepsilon z \>\&\> y\perp z+\varepsilon x \Rightarrow z\perp x+\varepsilon y.$ For $\varepsilon=-1$ we get the axiom on three perpendiculars characterizing orthogonal geometry. For $\varepsilon=+1$ we get the axiom characterizing symplectic geometry - see \cite{SYMSP_1.ABS}.
  5. Michal Muzalewski. Midpoint algebras, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 483-488, 1990. MML Identifier: MIDSP_1
    Summary: In this article basic properties of midpoint algebras are proved. We define a congruence relation $\equiv$ on bound vectors and free vectors as the equivalence classes of $\equiv$.
  6. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. From Loops to Abelian Multiplicative Groups with Zero, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 833-840, 1990. MML Identifier: ALGSTR_1
    Summary: Elementary axioms and theorems on the theory of algebraic structures, taken from the book \cite{SZMIELEW:1}. First a loop structure $\langle G, 0, +\rangle$ is defined and six axioms corresponding to it are given. Group is defined by extending the set of axioms with $(a+b)+c = a+(b+c)$. At the same time an alternate approach to the set of axioms is shown and both sets are proved to yield the same algebraic structure. A trivial example of loop is used to ensure the existence of the modes being constructed. A multiplicative group is contemplated, which is quite similar to the previously defined additive group (called simply a group here), but is supposed to be of greater interest in the future considerations of algebraic structures. The final section brings a slightly more sophisticated structure i.e: a multiplicative loop/group with zero: $\langle G, \cdot, 1, 0\rangle$. Here the proofs are a more challenging and the above trivial example is replaced by a more common (and comprehensive) structure built on the foundation of real numbers.
  7. Michal Muzalewski. Construction of Rings and Left-, Right-, and Bi-Modules over a Ring, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 3-11, 1991. MML Identifier: VECTSP_2
    Summary: Definitions of some classes of rings and left-, right-, and bi-modules over a ring and some elementary theorems on rings and skew fields.
  8. Michal Muzalewski, Leslaw W. Szczerba. Construction of Finite Sequences over Ring and Left-, Right-, and Bi-Modules over a Ring, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 97-104, 1991. MML Identifier: ALGSEQ_1
    Summary: This text includes definitions of finite sequences over rings and left-, right-, and bi-module over a ring treated as functions defined for {\sl all} natural numbers, but with almost everywhere equal to zero. Some elementary theorems are proved, in particular for each category of sequences the scheme about existence is proved. In all four cases, i.e. for rings, left-, right and bi- modules are almost exactly the same, hovewer we do not know how to do the job in Mizar in a different way. The paper is mostly based on the paper \cite{FINSEQ_1.ABS}. In particular the notion of initial segment of natural numbers is introduced which differs from that of \cite{FINSEQ_1.ABS} by starting with zero. This proved to be more convenient for algebraic purposes.
  9. Wojciech Skaba, Michal Muzalewski. From Double Loops to Fields, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 185-191, 1991. MML Identifier: ALGSTR_2
    Summary: This paper contains the second part of the set of articles concerning the theory of algebraic structures, based on \cite[pp. 9-12]{SZMIELEW:1} (pages 4--6 of the English edition).\par First the basic structure $\langle F, +, \cdot, 1, 0\rangle$ is defined. Following it the consecutive structures are contemplated in details, including double loop, left quasi-field, right quasi-field, double sided quasi-field, skew field and field. These structures are created by gradually augmenting the basic structure with new axioms of commutativity, associativity, distributivity etc. Each part of the article begins with the set of auxiliary theorems related to the structure under consideration, that are necessary for the existence proof of each defined mode. Next the mode and proof of its existence is included. If the current set of axioms may be replaced with a different and equivalent one, the appropriate proof is performed following the definition of that mode. With the introduction of double loop the ``-'' function is defined. Some interesting features of this function are also included.
  10. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Three-Argument Operations and Four-Argument Operations, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 221-224, 1991. MML Identifier: MULTOP_1
    Summary: The article contains the definition of three- and four- argument operations. The article introduces also a few operation related schemes: {\it FuncEx3D}, {\it TriOpEx}, {\it Lambda3D}, {\it TriOpLambda}, {\it FuncEx4D}, {\it QuaOpEx}, {\it Lambda4D}, {\it QuaOpLambda}.
  11. Michal Muzalewski, Leslaw W. Szczerba. Ordered Rings -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 243-245, 1991. MML Identifier: O_RING_1
    Summary: This series of papers is devoted to the notion of the ordered ring, and one of its most important cases: the notion of ordered field. It follows the results of \cite{SZMIELEW:1}. The idea of the notion of order in the ring is based on that of positive cone i.e. the set of positive elements. Positive cone has to contain at least squares of all elements, and be closed under sum and product. Therefore the key notions of this theory are that of square, sum of squares, product of squares, etc. and finally elements generated from squares by means of sums and products. Part I contains definitions of all those key notions and inclusions between them.
  12. Michal Muzalewski, Leslaw W. Szczerba. Ordered Rings -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 247-249, 1991. MML Identifier: O_RING_2
    Summary: This series of papers is devoted to the notion of the ordered ring, and one of its most important cases: the notion of ordered field. It follows the results of \cite{SZMIELEW:1}. The idea of the notion of order in the ring is based on that of positive cone i.e. the set of positive elements. Positive cone has to contain at least squares of all elements, and has to be closed under sum and product. Therefore the key notions of this theory are that of square, sum of squares, product of squares, etc. and finally elements generated from squares by means of sums and products. Part II contains classification of sums of such elements.
  13. Michal Muzalewski, Leslaw W. Szczerba. Ordered Rings -- Part III, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 251-253, 1991. MML Identifier: O_RING_3
    Summary: This series of papers is devoted to the notion of the ordered ring, and one of its most important cases: the notion of ordered field. It follows the results of \cite{SZMIELEW:1}. The idea of the notion of order in the ring is based on that of positive cone i.e. the set of positive elements. Positive cone has to contain at least squares of all elements, and be closed under sum and product. Therefore the key notions of this theory are that of square, sum of squares, product of squares, etc. and finally elements generated from squares by means of sums and products. Part III contains classification of products of such elements.
  14. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. N-Tuples and Cartesian Products for n$=$5, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 255-258, 1991. MML Identifier: MCART_2
    Summary: This article defines ordered $n$-tuples, projections and Cartesian products for $n=5$. We prove many theorems concerning the basic properties of the $n$-tuples and Cartesian products that may be utilized in several further, more challenging applications. A few of these theorems are a strightforward consequence of the regularity axiom. The article originated as an upgrade of the article \cite{MCART_1.ABS}.
  15. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Ternary Fields, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 259-261, 1991. MML Identifier: ALGSTR_3
    Summary: This article contains part 3 of the set of papers concerning the theory of algebraic structures, based on the book \cite[pp. 13--15]{SZMIELEW:1} (pages 6--8 for English edition).\par First the basic structure $\langle F, 0, 1, T\rangle$ is defined, where $T$ is a ternary operation on $F$ (three argument operations have been introduced in the article \cite{MULTOP_1.ABS}. Following it, the basic axioms of a ternary field are displayed, the mode is defined and its existence proved. The basic properties of a ternary field are also contemplated there.}
  16. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Groups, Rings, Left- and Right-Modules, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 275-278, 1991. MML Identifier: MOD_1
    Summary: The notion of group was defined as a group structure introduced in the article \cite{VECTSP_1.ABS}. The article contains the basic properties of groups, rings, left- and right-modules of an associative ring.
  17. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Finite Sums of Vectors in Left Module over Associative Ring, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 279-282, 1991. MML Identifier: LMOD_1
  18. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Submodules and Cosets of Submodules in Left Module over Associative Ring, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 283-287, 1991. MML Identifier: LMOD_2
  19. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Operations on Submodules in Left Module over Associative Ring, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 289-293, 1991. MML Identifier: LMOD_3
  20. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Linear Combinations in Left Module over Associative Ring, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 295-300, 1991. MML Identifier: LMOD_4
  21. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Linear Independence in Left Module over Domain, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 301-303, 1991. MML Identifier: LMOD_5
    Summary: Notion of a submodule generated by a set of vectors and linear independence of a set of vectors. A few theorems originated as a generalization of the theorems from the article \cite{VECTSP_7.ABS}.
  22. Michal Muzalewski. Atlas of Midpoint Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 487-491, 1991. MML Identifier: MIDSP_2
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{MIDSP_1.ABS}. We have established a one-to-one correspondence between midpoint algebras and groups with the operator 1/2. In general we shall say that a given midpoint algebra $M$ and a group $V$ are $w$-assotiated iff $w$ is an atlas from $M$ to $V$. At the beginning of the paper a few facts which rather belong to \cite{VECTSP_1.ABS}, \cite{MOD_1.MIZ} are proved.
  23. Michal Muzalewski. Categories of Groups, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 563-571, 1991. MML Identifier: GRCAT_1
    Summary: We define the category of groups and its subcategories: category of Abelian groups and category of groups with the operator of $1/2$. The carriers of the groups are included in a universum. The universum is a parameter of the categories.
  24. Michal Muzalewski. Rings and Modules -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 579-585, 1991. MML Identifier: MOD_2
    Summary: We define the trivial left module, morphism of left modules and the field $Z_3$. We prove some elementary facts.
  25. Michal Muzalewski. Free Modules, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 587-589, 1991. MML Identifier: MOD_3
    Summary: We define free modules and prove that every left module over Skew-Field is free.
  26. Michal Muzalewski. Category of Rings, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 643-648, 1991. MML Identifier: RINGCAT1
    Summary: We define the category of non-associative rings. The carriers of the rings are included in a universum. The universum is a parameter of the category.
  27. Michal Muzalewski. Category of Left Modules, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 649-652, 1991. MML Identifier: MODCAT_1
    Summary: We define the category of left modules over an associative ring. The carriers of the modules are included in a universum. The universum is a parameter of the category.
  28. Michal Muzalewski. Reper Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 23-28, 1992. MML Identifier: MIDSP_3
    Summary: We shall describe $n$-dimensional spaces with the reper operation \cite[pages 72--79]{MUZALEWSKI:1}. An inspiration to such approach comes from the monograph \cite{SZMIELEW:1} and so-called Leibniz program. Let us recall that the Leibniz program is a program of algebraization of geometry using purely geometric notions. Leibniz formulated his program in opposition to algebraization method developed by Descartes. The Euclidean geometry in Szmielew's approach \cite {SZMIELEW:1} is a theory of structures $\langle S$; $\parallel, \oplus, O \rangle$, where $\langle S$; $\parallel, \oplus, O \rangle$ is Desarguesian midpoint plane and $O \subseteq S\times S\times S$ is the relation of equi-orthogonal basis. Points $o, p, q$ are in relation $O$ if they form an isosceles triangle with the right angle in vertex $a$. If we fix vertices $a, p$, then there exist exactly two points $q, q'$ such that $O(apq)$, $O(apq')$. Moreover $q \oplus q' = a$. In accordance with the Leibniz program we replace the relation of equi-orthogonal basis by a binary operation $\ast : S\times S \rightarrow S$, called the reper operation. A standard model for the Euclidean geometry in the above sense is the oriented plane over the field of real numbers with the reper operations $\ast$ defined by the condition: $a \ast b = q$ iff the point $q$ is the result of rotating of $p$ about right angle around the center $a$.
  29. Michal Muzalewski. Submodules, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 47-51, 1992. MML Identifier: LMOD_6
    Summary: This article contains the notions of trivial and non-trivial leftmodules and rings, cyclic submodules and inclusion of submodules. A few basic theorems related to these notions are proved.
  30. Michal Muzalewski. Opposite Rings, Modules and their Morphisms, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 57-65, 1992. MML Identifier: MOD_4
    Summary: Let $\Bbb K = \langle S; K, 0, 1, +, \cdot \rangle$ be a ring. The structure ${}^{\rm op}\Bbb K = \langle S; K, 0, 1, +, \bullet \rangle$ is called anti-ring, if $\alpha \bullet \beta = \beta \cdot \alpha$ for elements $\alpha$, $\beta$ of $K$ \cite[pages 5--7]{MUZALEWSKI:1}. It is easily seen that ${}^{\rm op}\Bbb K$ is also a ring. If $V$ is a left module over $\Bbb K$, then $V$ is a right module over ${}^{\rm op}\Bbb K$. If $W$ is a right module over $\Bbb K$, then $W$ is a left module over ${}^{\rm op}\Bbb K$. Let $K, L$ be rings. A morphism $J: K \longrightarrow L$ is called anti-homomorphism, if $J(\alpha\cdot\beta) = J(\beta)\cdot J(\alpha)$ for elements $\alpha$, $\beta$ of $K$. If $J:K \longrightarrow L$ is a homomorphism, then $J:K \longrightarrow {}^{\rm op}L$ is an anti-homomorphism. Let $K, L$ be rings, $V, W$ left modules over $K, L$ respectively and $J:K \longrightarrow L$ an anti-monomorphism. A map $f:V \longrightarrow W$ is called $J$ - semilinear, if $f(x+y) = f(x)+f(y)$ and $f(\alpha\cdot x) = J(\alpha)\cdot f(x)$ for vectors $x, y$ of $V$ and a scalar $\alpha$ of $K$.
  31. Michal Muzalewski. Domains of Submodules, Join and Meet of Finite Sequences of Submodules and Quotient Modules, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 289-296, 1992. MML Identifier: LMOD_7
    Summary: Notions of domains of submodules, join and meet of finite sequences of submodules and quotient modules. A few basic theorems and schemes related to these notions are proved.
  32. Michal Muzalewski. Projective Planes, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 131-136, 1996. MML Identifier: PROJPL_1
    Summary: The line of points $a$, $b$, denoted by $a\cdot b$ and the point of lines $A$, $B$ denoted by $A\cdot B$ are defined. A few basic theorems related to these notions are proved. An inspiration for such approach comes from so called Leibniz program. Let us recall that the Leibniz program is a program of algebraization of geometry using purely geometric notions. Leibniz formulated his program in opposition to algebraization method developed by Descartes.
Yatsuka Nakamura
  1. Agata Darmochwal, Yatsuka Nakamura. Metric Spaces as Topological Spaces -- Fundamental Concepts, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 605-608, 1991. MML Identifier: TOPMETR
    Summary: Some notions connected with metric spaces and the relationship between metric spaces and topological spaces. Compactness of topological spaces is transferred for the case of metric spaces \cite{KELL55}. Some basic theorems about translations of topological notions for metric spaces are proved. One-dimensional topological space ${\Bbb R^1}$ is introduced, too.
  2. Agata Darmochwal, Yatsuka Nakamura. Heine--Borel's Covering Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 609-610, 1991. MML Identifier: HEINE
    Summary: Heine--Borel's covering theorem, also known as Borel--Lebesgue theorem (\cite{BOURBAKI}), is proved. Some useful theorems about real inequalities, intervals, sequences and notion of power sequence which are necessary for the theorem are also proved.
  3. Yatsuka Nakamura, Agata Darmochwal. Some Facts about Union of Two Functions and Continuity of Union of Functions, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 611-613, 1991. MML Identifier: TOPMETR2
    Summary: Proofs of two theorems connected with union of any two functions and the proofs of two theorems about continuity of the union of two continuous functions between topogical spaces. The theorem stating that union of two subsets of $R^2$, which are homeomorphic to unit interval and have only one terminal joined point is also homeomorphic to unit interval is proved, too.
  4. Agata Darmochwal, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Topological Space $\calE^2_\rmT$. Arcs, Line Segments and Special Polygonal Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 617-621, 1991. MML Identifier: TOPREAL1
    Summary: The notions of arc and line segment are introduced in two-dimensional topological real space ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$. Some basic theorems for these notions are proved. Using line segments, the notion of special polygonal arc is defined. It has been shown that any special polygonal arc is homeomorphic to unit interval ${\Bbb I}$. The notion of unit square $\square_{\cal E^{2}_{\rm T}}$ has been also introduced and some facts about it have been proved.
  5. Agata Darmochwal, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Topological Space $\calE^2_\rmT$. Simple Closed Curves, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 663-664, 1991. MML Identifier: TOPREAL2
    Summary: Continuation of \cite{TOPREAL1.ABS}. The fact that the unit square is compact is shown in the beginning of the article. Next the notion of simple closed curve is introduced. It is proved that any simple closed curve can be divided into two independent parts which are homeomorphic to unit interval ${\Bbb I}$.
  6. Yatsuka Nakamura, Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Basic Properties of Connecting Points with Line Segments in $\calE^2_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 95-99, 1992. MML Identifier: TOPREAL3
    Summary: Some properties of line segments in 2-dimensional Euclidean space and some relations between line segments and balls are proved.
  7. Yatsuka Nakamura, Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Connectedness Conditions Using Polygonal Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 101-106, 1992. MML Identifier: TOPREAL4
    Summary: A concept of special polygonal arc joining two different points is defined. Any two points in a ball can be connected by this kind of arc, and that is also true for any region in ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$.
  8. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Yatsuka Nakamura. Introduction to Go-Board -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 107-115, 1992. MML Identifier: GOBOARD1
    Summary: In the article we introduce Go-board as some kinds of matrix which elements belong to topological space ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$. We define the functor of delaying column in Go-board and relation between Go-board and finite sequence of point from ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$. Basic facts about those notations are proved. The concept of the article is based on \cite{TAKE-NAKA}.
  9. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Yatsuka Nakamura. Introduction to Go-Board -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 117-121, 1992. MML Identifier: GOBOARD2
    Summary: In article we define Go-board determined by finite sequence of points from topological space ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$. A few facts about this notation are proved.
  10. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Yatsuka Nakamura. Properties of Go-Board -- Part III, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 123-124, 1992. MML Identifier: GOBOARD3
    Summary: Two useful facts about Go-board are proved.
  11. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Yatsuka Nakamura. Go-Board Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 125-129, 1992. MML Identifier: GOBOARD4
    Summary: We prove the Go-board theorem which is a special case of Hex Theorem. The article is based on \cite{TAKE-NAKA}.
  12. Yatsuka Nakamura, Jaroslaw Kotowicz. The Jordan's Property for Certain Subsets of the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 137-142, 1992. MML Identifier: JORDAN1
    Summary: Let $S$ be a subset of the topological Euclidean plane ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$. We say that $S$ has Jordan's property if there exist two non-empty, disjoint and connected subsets $G_1$ and $G_2$ of ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$ such that $S \mathclose{^{\rm c}} = G_1 \cup G_2$ and $\overline{G_1} \setminus G_1 = \overline{G_2} \setminus{G_2}$ (see \cite{TAKE-NAKA}, \cite{Dick}). The aim is to prove that the boundaries of some special polygons in ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$ have this property (see Section 3). Moreover, it is proved that both the interior and the exterior of the boundary of any rectangle in ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$ is open and connected.
  13. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. A Mathematical Model of CPU, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 151-160, 1992. MML Identifier: AMI_1
    Summary: This paper is based on a previous work of the first author \cite{NAKAMURA1} in which a mathematical model of the computer has been presented. The model deals with random access memory, such as RASP of C. C. Elgot and A. Robinson \cite{ELGOT-ROBIN}, however, it allows for a more realistic modeling of real computers. This new model of computers has been named by the author (Y. Nakamura, \cite{NAKAMURA1}) Architecture Model for Instructions (AMI). It is more developed than previous models, both in the description of hardware (e.g., the concept of the program counter, the structure of memory) as well as in the description of instructions (instruction codes, addresses). The structure of AMI over an arbitrary collection of mathematical domains N consists of: \begin{description} \item{ - }a non-empty set of objects, \item{ - }the instruction counter, \item{ - }a non-empty set of objects called instruction locations, \item{ - }a non-empty set of instruction codes, \item{ - }an instruction code for halting, \item{ - }a set of instructions that are ordered pairs with the first element being an instruction code and the second a finite sequence in which members are either objects of the AMI or elements of one of the domains included in N, \item{ - }a function that assigns to every object of AMI its kind that is either {\em an instruction} or {\em an instruction location} or an element of N, \item{ - }a function that assigns to every instruction its execution that is again a function mapping states of AMI into the set of states. \end{description} By a state of AMI we mean a function that assigns to every object of AMI an element of the same kind. In this paper we develop the theory of AMI. Some properties of AMI are introduced ensuring it to have some properties of real computers: \begin{description} \item{ - }a von Neumann AMI, in which only addresses to instruction locations are stored in the program counter, \item{ - }data oriented, those in which instructions cannot be stored in data locations, \item{ - }halting, in which the execution of the halt instruction is the identity mapping of the states of an AMI, \item{ - }steady programmed, the condition in which the contents of the instruction locations do not change during execution, \item{ - }definite, a property in which only instructions may be stored in instruction locations. \end{description} We present an example of AMI called a Small Concrete Model which has been constructed in \cite{NAKAMURA1}. The Small Concrete Model has only one kind of data: integers and a set of instructions, small but sufficient to cope with integers.
  14. Pauline N. Kawamoto, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Basic Petri Net Concepts, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 183-187, 1992. MML Identifier: PETRI
    Summary: This article presents the basic place/transition net structure definition for building various types of Petri nets. The basic net structure fields include places, transitions, and arcs (place-transition, transition-place) which may be supplemented with other fields (e.g., capacity, weight, marking, etc.) as needed. The theorems included in this article are divided into the following categories: deadlocks, traps, and dual net theorems. Here, a dual net is taken as the result of inverting all arcs (place-transition arcs to transition-place arcs and vice-versa) in the original net.
  15. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. On a Mathematical Model of Programs, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 241-250, 1992. MML Identifier: AMI_2
    Summary: We continue the work on mathematical modeling of hardware and software started in \cite{AMI_1.ABS}. The main objective of this paper is the definition of a program. We start with the concept of partial product, i.e. the set of all partial functions $f$ from $I$ to $\bigcup_{i\in I} A_i$, fulfilling the condition $f.i \in A_i$ for $i \in dom f$. The computation and the result of a computation are defined in usual way. A finite partial state is called autonomic if the result of a computation starting with it does not depend on the remaining memory and an AMI is called programmable if it has a non empty autonomic partial finite state. We prove the consistency of the following set of properties of an AMI: data-oriented, halting, steady-programmed, realistic and programmable. For this purpose we define a trivial AMI. It has only the instruction counter and one instruction location. The only instruction of it is the halt instruction. A preprogram is a finite partial state that halts. We conclude with the definition of a program of a partial function $F$ mapping the set of the finite partial states into itself. It is a finite partial state $s$ such that for every finite partial state $s' \in dom F$ the result of any computation starting with $s+s'$ includes $F.s'$.
  16. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Remarks on the Simple Concrete Model of Computer, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 51-56, 1993. MML Identifier: AMI_3
    Summary: We prove some results on {\bf SCM} needed for the proof of the correctness of Euclid's algorithm. We introduce the following concepts: \begin{itemize} \item[-] starting finite partial state (Start-At$(l)$), then assigns to the instruction counter an instruction location (and consists only of this assignment), \item[-] programmed finite partial state, that consists of the instructions (to be more precise, a finite partial state with the domain consisting of instruction locations). \end{itemize} We define for a total state $s$ what it means that $s$ starts at $l$ (the value of the instruction counter in the state $s$ is $l$) and $s$ halts at $l$ (the halt instruction is assigned to $l$ in the state $s$). Similar notions are defined for finite partial states.
  17. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Euclid's Algorithm, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 57-60, 1993. MML Identifier: AMI_4
    Summary: The main goal of the paper is to prove the correctness of the Euclid's algorithm for {\bf SCM}. We define the Euclid's algorithm and describe the natural semantics of it. Eventually we prove that the Euclid's algorithm computes the Euclid's function. Let us observe that the Euclid's function is defined as a function mapping finite partial states to finite partial states of {\bf SCM} rather than pairs of integers to integers.
  18. Pauline N. Kawamoto, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Basic Concepts for Petri Nets with Boolean Markings, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 87-90, 1993. MML Identifier: BOOLMARK
    Summary: Contains basic concepts for Petri nets with Boolean markings and the firability$\slash$firing of single transitions as well as sequences of transitions \cite{Nakamura:5}. The concept of a Boolean marking is introduced as a mapping of a Boolean TRUE$\slash$FALSE to each of the places in a place$\slash$transition net. This simplifies the conventional definitions of the firability and firing of a transition. One note of caution in this article - the definition of firing a transition does not require that the transition be firable. Therefore, it is advisable to check that transitions ARE firable before firing them.
  19. Yatsuka Nakamura, Czeslaw Bylinski. Extremal Properties of Vertices on Special Polygons. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 97-102, 1996. MML Identifier: SPPOL_1
    Summary: First, extremal properties of endpoints of line segments in n-dimensional Euclidean space are discussed. Some topological properties of line segments are also discussed. Secondly, extremal properties of vertices of special polygons which consist of horizontal and vertical line segments in 2-dimensional Euclidean space, are also derived.
  20. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Preliminaries to Circuits, I, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 167-172, 1996. MML Identifier: PRE_CIRC
    Summary: This article is the first in a series of four articles (continued in \cite{MSAFREE2.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many-sorted algebras.\par Here, we introduce some auxiliary notations and prove auxiliary facts about many sorted sets, many sorted functions and trees.
  21. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Preliminaries to Circuits, II, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 215-220, 1996. MML Identifier: MSAFREE2
    Summary: This article is the second in a series of four articles (started with \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS} and continued in \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par First, we introduce some additional terminology for many sorted signatures. The vertices of such signatures are divided into input vertices and inner vertices. A many sorted signature is called {\em circuit like} if each sort is a result sort of at most one operation. Next, we introduce some notions for many sorted algebras and many sorted free algebras. Free envelope of an algebra is a free algebra generated by the sorts of the algebra. Evaluation of an algebra is defined as a homomorphism from the free envelope of the algebra into the algebra. We define depth of elements of free many sorted algebras.\par A many sorted signature is said to be monotonic if every finitely generated algebra over it is locally finite (finite in each sort). Monotonic signatures are used (see \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) in modelling backbones of circuits without directed cycles.
  22. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Introduction to Circuits, I, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 227-232, 1996. MML Identifier: CIRCUIT1
    Summary: This article is the third in a series of four articles (preceded by \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS},\cite{MSAFREE2.ABS} and continued in \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par A circuit is defined as a locally-finite algebra over a circuit-like many sorted signature. For circuits we define notions of input function and of circuit state which are later used (see \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) to define circuit computations. For circuits over monotonic signatures we introduce notions of vertex size and vertex depth that characterize certain graph properties of circuit's signature in terms of elements of its free envelope algebra. The depth of a finite circuit is defined as the maximal depth over its vertices.
  23. Czeslaw Bylinski, Yatsuka Nakamura. Special Polygons, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 247-252, 1996. MML Identifier: SPPOL_2
  24. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Introduction to Circuits, II, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 273-278, 1996. MML Identifier: CIRCUIT2
    Summary: This article is the last in a series of four articles (preceded by \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS}, \cite{MSAFREE2.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par The notion of a circuit computation is defined as a sequence of circuit states. For a state of a circuit the next state is given by executing operations at circuit vertices in the current state, according to denotations of the operations. The values at input vertices at each state of a computation are provided by an external sequence of input values. The process of how input values propagate through a circuit is described in terms of a homomorphism of the free envelope algebra of the circuit into itself. We prove that every computation of a circuit over a finite monotonic signature and with constant input values stabilizes after executing the number of steps equal to the depth of the circuit.
  25. Yatsuka Nakamura, Grzegorz Bancerek. Combining of Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 283-295, 1996. MML Identifier: CIRCCOMB
    Summary: We continue the formalisation of circuits started in \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS},\cite{MSAFREE2.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}. Our goal was to work out the notation of combining circuits which could be employed to prove the properties of real circuits.
  26. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Vertex Sequences Induced by Chains, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 297-304, 1996. MML Identifier: GRAPH_2
    Summary: In the three preliminary sections to the article we define two operations on finite sequences which seem to be of general interest. The first is the $cut$ operation that extracts a contiguous chunk of a finite sequence from a position to a position. The second operation is a glueing catenation that given two finite sequences catenates them with removal of the first element of the second sequence. The main topic of the article is to define an operation which for a given chain in a graph returns the sequence of vertices through which the chain passes. We define the exact conditions when such an operation is uniquely definable. This is done with the help of the so called two-valued alternating finite sequences. We also prove theorems about the existence of simple chains which are subchains of a given chain. In order to do this we define the notion of a finite subsequence of a typed finite sequence.
  27. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Decomposing a Go-Board into Cells, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 323-328, 1996. MML Identifier: GOBOARD5
  28. Jozef Bialas, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Theorem of Weierstrass, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 353-359, 1996. MML Identifier: WEIERSTR
  29. Jozef Bialas, Yatsuka Nakamura. Dyadic Numbers and T$_4$ Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 361-366, 1996. MML Identifier: URYSOHN1
  30. Grzegorz Bancerek, Yatsuka Nakamura. Full Adder Circuit. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 367-380, 1996. MML Identifier: FACIRC_1
    Summary: We continue the formalisation of circuits started by Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline Kawamoto, and the second author in \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS}, \cite{MSAFREE2.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}. The first step in proving properties of full $n$-bit adder circuit, i.e. 1-bit adder, is presented. We employ the notation of combining circuits introduced in \cite{CIRCCOMB.ABS}.
  31. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. An Extension of \bf SCM, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 507-512, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_1
  32. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Components and Unions of Components, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 513-517, 1996. MML Identifier: CONNSP_3
    Summary: First, we generalized {\bf skl} function for a subset of topological spaces the value of which is the component including the set. Second, we introduced a concept of union of components a family of which has good algebraic properties. At the end, we discuss relationship between connectivity of a set as a subset in the whole space and as a subset of a subspace.
  33. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. The \SCMFSA Computer, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 519-528, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_2
  34. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Computation in \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 537-542, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_3
    Summary: The properties of computations in ${\bf SCM}_{\rm FSA}$ are investigated.
  35. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Modifying Addresses of Instructions of \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 571-576, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_4
  36. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Relocability for \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 583-586, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_5
  37. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Adjacency Concept for Pairs of Natural Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 1-3, 1997. MML Identifier: GOBRD10
    Summary: First, we introduce the concept of adjacency for a pair of natural numbers. Second, we extend the concept for two pairs of natural numbers. The pairs represent points of a lattice in a plane. We show that if some property is infectious among adjacent points, and some points have the property, then all points have the property.
  38. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura, Noriko Asamoto. On the Compositions of Macro Instructions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 21-27, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA6A
  39. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Some Topological Properties of Cells in $\calE^2_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 37-40, 1997. MML Identifier: GOBRD11
    Summary: We examine the topological property of cells (rectangles) in a plane. First, some Fraenkel expressions of cells are shown. Second, it is proved that cells are closed. The last theorem asserts that the closure of the interior of a cell is the same as itself.
  40. Noriko Asamoto, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. On the Composition of Macro Instructions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 41-47, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA6B
    Summary: We define the semantics of macro instructions (introduced in \cite{SCMFSA6A.ABS}) in terms of executions of ${\bf SCM}_{\rm FSA}$. In a similar way, we define the semantics of macro composition. Several attributes of macro instructions are introduced (paraclosed, parahalting, keeping 0) and their usage enables a systematic treatment of the composition of macro intructions. This article is continued in \cite{SCMFSA6C.ABS}.
  41. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. The First Part of Jordan's Theorem for Special Polygons, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 49-51, 1997. MML Identifier: GOBRD12
    Summary: We prove here the first part of Jordan's theorem for special polygons, i.e., the complement of a special polygon is the union of two components (a left component and a right component). At this stage, we do not know if the two components are different from each other.
  42. Noriko Asamoto, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. On the Composition of Macro Instructions. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 53-57, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA6C
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{SCMFSA6A.ABS} and \cite{SCMFSA6C.ABS}. First, we recast the semantics of the macro composition in more convenient terms. Then, we introduce terminology and basic properties of macros constructed out of single instructions of ${\bf SCM}_{\rm FSA}$. We give the complete semantics of composing a macro instruction with an instruction and for composing two machine instructions (this is also done in terms of macros). The introduced terminology is tested on the simple example of a macro for swapping two integer locations.
  43. Yatsuka Nakamura, Roman Matuszewski. Reconstructions of Special Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 255-263, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN3
    Summary: We discuss here some methods for reconstructing special sequences which generate special polygonal arcs in ${\cal E}^{2}_{\rm T}$. For such reconstructions we introduce a ``mid" function which cuts out the middle part of a sequence; the ``$\downharpoonleft$" function, which cuts down the left part of a sequence at some point; the ``$\downharpoonright$" function for cutting down the right part at some point; and the ``$\downharpoonleft \downharpoonright$" function for cutting down both sides at two given points.\par We also introduce some methods glueing two special sequences. By such cutting and glueing methods, the speciality of sequences (generatability of special polygonal arcs) is shown to be preserved.
  44. Yatsuka Nakamura, Roman Matuszewski, Adam Grabowski. Subsequences of Standard Special Circular Sequences in $\calE^2_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 351-358, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN4
    Summary: It is known that a standard special circular sequence in ${\cal E}^2_{\rm T}$ properly defines a special polygon. We are interested in a part of such a sequence. It is shown that if the first point and the last point of the subsequence are different, it becomes a special polygonal sequence. The concept of ``a part of" is introduced, and the subsequence having this property can be characterized by using ``mid" function. For such subsequences, the concepts of ``Upper" and ``Lower" parts are introduced.
  45. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Euler Circuits and Paths, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 417-425, 1997. MML Identifier: GRAPH_3
    Summary: We prove the Euler theorem on existence of Euler circuits and paths in multigraphs.
  46. Adam Grabowski, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Properties of Real Maps, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 455-459, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN5A
    Summary: The main goal of the paper is to show logical equivalence of the two definitions of the {\em open subset}: one from \cite{PCOMPS_1.ABS} and the other from \cite{RCOMP_1.ABS}. This has been used to show that the other two definitions are equivalent: the continuity of the map as in \cite{PRE_TOPC.ABS} and in \cite{FCONT_1.ABS}. We used this to show that continuous and one-to-one maps are monotone (see theorems 16 and 17 for details).
  47. Adam Grabowski, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Ordering of Points on a Curve. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 461-465, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN5B
    Summary: Some auxiliary theorems needed to formalize the proof of the Jordan Curve Theorem according to \cite{TAKE-NAKA} are proved.
  48. Adam Grabowski, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Ordering of Points on a Curve. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 467-473, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN5C
    Summary: The proof of the Jordan Curve Theorem according to \cite{TAKE-NAKA} is continued. The notions of the first and last point of a oriented arc are introduced as well as ordering of points on a curve in $\calE^2_T$.
  49. Roman Matuszewski, Yatsuka Nakamura. Projections in n-Dimensional Euclidean Space to Each Coordinates, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 505-509, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN2B
    Summary: In the $n$-dimensional Euclidean space ${\cal E}^n_{\rm T}$, a projection operator to each coordinate is defined. It is proven that such an operator is linear. Moreover, it is continuous as a mapping from ${\cal E}^n_{\rm T}$ to ${R}^{1}$, the carrier of which is a set of all reals. If $n$ is 1, the projection becomes a homeomorphism, which means that ${\cal E}^1_{\rm T}$ is homeomorphic to ${R}^{1}$.
  50. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Intermediate Value Theorem and Thickness of Simple Closed Curves, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 511-514, 1997. MML Identifier: TOPREAL5
    Summary: Various types of the intermediate value theorem (\cite {shilov}) are proved. For their special cases, the Bolzano theorem is also proved. Using such a theorem, it is shown that if a curve is a simple closed curve, then it is not horizontally degenerated, neither is it vertically degenerated.
  51. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Lebesgue's Covering Lemma, Uniform Continuity and Segmentation of Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 525-529, 1997. MML Identifier: UNIFORM1
    Summary: For mappings from a metric space to a metric space, a notion of uniform continuity is defined. If we introduce natural topologies to the metric spaces, a uniformly continuous function becomes continuous. On the other hand, if the domain is compact, a continuous function is uniformly continuous. For this proof, Lebesgue's covering lemma is also proved. An arc, which is homeomorphic to [0,1], can be divided into small segments, as small as one wishes.
  52. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. On the Rectangular Finite Sequences of the Points of the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 531-539, 1997. MML Identifier: SPRECT_1
    Summary: The article deals with a rather technical concept -- rectangular sequences of the points of the plane. We mean by that a finite sequence consisting of five elements, that is circular, i.e. the first element and the fifth one of it are equal, and such that the polygon determined by it is a non degenerated rectangle, with sides parallel to axes. The main result is that for the rectangle determined by such a sequence the left and the right component of the complement of it are different and disjoint.
  53. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. On the Order on a Special Polygon, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 541-548, 1997. MML Identifier: SPRECT_2
    Summary: The goal of the article is to determine the order of the special points defined in \cite{PSCOMP_1.ABS} on a special polygon. We restrict ourselves to the clockwise oriented finite sequences (the concept defined in this article) that start in N-min C (C being a compact non empty subset of the plane).
  54. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. A Decomposition of a Simple Closed Curves and the Order of Their Points, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 563-572, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN6
    Summary: The goal of the article is to introduce an order on a simple closed curve. To do this, we fix two points on the curve and devide it into two arcs. We prove that such a decomposition is unique. Other auxiliary theorems about arcs are proven for preparation of the proof of the above.
  55. Yatsuka Nakamura, Adam Grabowski. Bounding Boxes for Special Sequences in $\calE^2$, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 115-121, 1998. MML Identifier: JORDAN5D
    Summary: This is the continuation of the proof of the Jordan Theorem according to \cite{TAKE-NAKA}.
  56. Yatsuka Nakamura. On the Dividing Function of the Simple Closed Curve into Segments, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 135-138, 1998. MML Identifier: JORDAN7
    Summary: At the beginning, the concept of the segment of the simple closed curve in 2-dimensional Euclidean space is defined. Some properties of segments are shown in the succeeding theorems. At the end, the existence of the function which can divide the simple closed curve into segments is shown. We can make the diameter of segments as small as we want.
  57. Jing-Chao Chen, Yatsuka Nakamura. Initialization Halting Concepts and Their Basic Properties of \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 139-151, 1998. MML Identifier: SCM_HALT
    Summary: Up to now, many properties of macro instructions of {\SCMFSA} are described by the parahalting concepts. However, many practical programs are not always halting while they are halting for initialization states. For this reason, we propose initialization halting concepts. That a program is initialization halting (called ``InitHalting'' for short) means it is halting for initialization states. In order to make the halting proof of more complicated programs easy, we present ``InitHalting'' basic properties of the compositions of the macro instructions, if-Macro (conditional branch macro instructions) and Times-Macro (for-loop macro instructions) etc.
  58. Jing-Chao Chen, Yatsuka Nakamura. Bubble Sort on \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 153-161, 1998. MML Identifier: SCMBSORT
    Summary: We present the bubble sorting algorithm using macro instructions such as the if-Macro (conditional branch macro instructions) and the Times-Macro (for-loop macro instructions) etc. The correctness proof of the program should include the proof of autonomic, halting and the correctness of the program result. In the three terms, we justify rigorously the correctness of the bubble sorting algorithm. In order to prove it is autonomic, we use the following theorem: if all variables used by the program are initialized, it is autonomic. This justification method probably reveals that autonomic concept is not important.
  59. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Oriented Chains, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 189-192, 1998. MML Identifier: GRAPH_4
    Summary: In \cite{GRAPH_2.ABS} we introduced a number of notions about vertex sequences associated with undirected chains of edges in graphs. In this article, we introduce analogous concepts for oriented chains and use them to prove properties of cutting and glueing of oriented chains, and the existence of a simple oriented chain in an oriented chain.
  60. Yatsuka Nakamura. Graph Theoretical Properties of Arcs in the Plane and Fashoda Meet Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 193-201, 1998. MML Identifier: JGRAPH_1
    Summary: We define a graph on an abstract set, edges of which are pairs of any two elements. For any finite sequence of a plane, we give a definition of nodic, which means that edges by a finite sequence are crossed only at terminals. If the first point and the last point of a finite sequence differs, simpleness as a chain and nodic condition imply unfoldedness and s.n.c. condition. We generalize Goboard Theorem, proved by us before, to a continuous case. We call this Fashoda Meet Theorem, which was taken from Fashoda incident of 100 years ago.
  61. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Properties of Special Polygonal Curves, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 265-272, 1998. MML Identifier: SPRECT_3
    Summary: In the paper some auxiliary theorems are proved, needed in the proof of the second part of the Jordan curve theorem for special polygons. They deal mostly with characteristic points of plane non empty compacts introduced in \cite{PSCOMP_1.ABS}, operation {\em mid} introduced in \cite{JORDAN3.ABS} and the predicate ``$f$ is in the area of $g$'' ($f$ and $g$ : finite sequences of points of the plane) introduced in \cite{SPRECT_2.ABS}.
  62. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. A Theory of Boolean Valued Functions and Quantifiers with Respect to Partitions, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 307-312, 1998. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_2
    Summary: In this paper, we define the coordinate of partitions. We also introduce the universal quantifier and the existential quantifier of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Some predicate calculus formulae containing such quantifiers are proved. Such a theory gives a discussion of semantics to usual predicate logic.
  63. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 313-315, 1998. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_3
    Summary: In this paper, we have proved some elementary predicate calculus formulae containing the quantifiers of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Such a theory is an analogy of usual predicate logic.
  64. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec, Czeslaw Bylinski. Bounded Domains and Unbounded Domains, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 1-13, 1999. MML Identifier: JORDAN2C
    Summary: First, notions of inside components and outside components are introduced for any subset of $n$-dimensional Euclid space. Next, notions of the bounded domain and the unbounded domain are defined using the above components. If the dimension is larger than 1, and if a subset is bounded, a unbounded domain of the subset coincides with an outside component (which is unique) of the subset. For a sphere in $n$-dimensional space, the similar fact is true for a bounded domain. In 2 dimensional space, any rectangle also has such property. We discussed relations between the Jordan property and the concept of boundary, which are necessary to find points in domains near a curve. In the last part, we gave the sufficient criterion for belonging to the left component of some clockwise oriented finite sequences.
  65. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. On the Components of the Complement of a Special Polygonal Curve, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 21-23, 1999. MML Identifier: SPRECT_4
    Summary: By the special polygonal curve we meana simple closed curve, that is a polygone and moreover has edges parallel to axes. We continue the formalization of the Takeuti-Nakamura proof \cite{TAKE-NAKA} of the Jordan curve theorem. In the paper we prove that the complement of the special polygonal curve consists of at least two components. With the theorem which has at most two components we completed the theorem that a special polygonal curve cuts the plane into exactly two components.
  66. Yatsuka Nakamura. Logic Gates and Logical Equivalence of Adders, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 35-45, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_1
    Summary: This is an experimental article which shows that logical correctness of logic circuits can be easily proven by the Mizar system. First, we define the notion of logic gates. Then we prove that an MSB carry of `4 Bit Carry Skip Adder' is equivalent to an MSB carry of a normal 4 bit adder. In the last theorem, we show that outputs of the `4 Bit Carry Look Ahead Adder' are equivalent to the corresponding outputs of the normal 4 bits adder. The policy here is as follows: when the functional (semantic) correctness of a system is already proven, and the correspondence of the system to a (normal) logic circuit is given, it is enough to prove the correctness of the new circuit if we only prove the logical equivalence between them. Although the article is very fundamental (it contains few environment files), it can be applied to real problems. The key of the method introduced here is to put the specification of the logic circuit into the Mizar propositional formulae, and to use the strong inference ability of the Mizar checker. The proof is done formally so that the automation of the proof writing is possible. Even in the 5.3.07 version of Mizar, it can handle a formulae of more than 100 lines, and a formula which contains more than 100 variables. This means that the Mizar system is enough to prove logical correctness of middle scaled logic circuits.
  67. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of Binary Counter Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 83-85, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_2
    Summary: This article introduces the verification of the correctness for the operations and the specification of the 3-bit counter. Both cases: without reset input and with reset input are considered. The proof was proposed by Y. Nakamura in \cite{GATE_1.ABS}.
  68. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of Johnson Counter Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 87-91, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_3
    Summary: This article introduces the verification of the correctness for the operations and the specification of the Johnson counter. We formalize the concepts of 2-bit, 3-bit and 4-bit Johnson counter circuits with a reset input, and define the specification of the state transitions without the minor loop.
  69. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 107-109, 1999. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_4
    Summary: In this paper, we have proved some elementary predicate calculus formulae containing the quantifiers of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Such a theory is an analogy of usual predicate logic.
  70. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Propositional Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 111-113, 1999. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_5
    Summary: In this paper, we have proved some elementary propositional calculus formulae for Boolean valued functions.
  71. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Propositional Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 115-117, 1999. MML Identifier: BVFUNC_6
    Summary: In this paper, we have proved some elementary propositional calculus formulae for Boolean valued functions.
  72. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of a Cyclic Redundancy Check Code Generator, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 129-132, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_4
    Summary: We prove the correctness of the division circuit and the CRC (cyclic redundancy checks) circuit by verifying the contents of the register after one shift. Circuits with 12-bit register and 16-bit register are taken as examples. All the proofs are done formally.
  73. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 51-53, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC11
    Summary: In this paper, we proved some elementary predicate calculus formulae containing the quantifiers of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Such a theory is an analogy of usual predicate logic.
  74. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part IV, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 61-63, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC12
  75. Shunichi Kobayashi, Yatsuka Nakamura. Predicate Calculus for Boolean Valued Functions. Part V, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 65-70, 2001. MML Identifier: BVFUNC13
    Summary: In this paper, we proved some elementary predicate calculus formulae containing the quantifiers of Boolean valued functions with respect to partitions. Such a theory is an analogy of usual predicate logic.
  76. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yatsuka Nakamura. On Replace Function and Swap Function for Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 471-474, 2001. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_7
    Summary: In this article, we show the property of the Replace Function and the Swap Function of finite sequences. In the first section, we prepared some useful theorems for finite sequences. In the second section, we defined the Replace function and proved some theorems about the function. This function replaces an element of a sequence by another value. In the third section, we defined the Swap function and proved some theorems about the function. This function swaps two elements of a sequence. In the last section, we show the property of composed functions of the Replace Function and the Swap Function.
  77. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Again on the Order on a Special Polygon, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 549-553, 2001. MML Identifier: SPRECT_5
  78. Jozef Bialas, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Properties of Dyadic Numbers and Intervals, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 627-630, 2001. MML Identifier: URYSOHN2
    Summary: The article is the second part of a paper proving the fundamental Urysohn Theorem concerning the existence of a real valued continuous function on a normal topological space. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, we introduce some definitions and theorems concerning properties of intervals; in the second we prove some of properties of dyadic numbers used in proving Urysohn Lemma.
  79. Jozef Bialas, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Urysohn Lemma, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 631-636, 2001. MML Identifier: URYSOHN3
    Summary: This article is the third part of a paper proving the fundamental Urysohn Theorem concerning the existence of a real valued continuous function on a normal topological space. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, we describe the construction of the function solving thesis of the Urysohn Lemma. The second part contains the proof of the Urysohn Lemma in normal space and the proof of the same theorem for compact space.
  80. Yatsuka Nakamura. On Outside Fashoda Meet Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 697-704, 2001. MML Identifier: JGRAPH_2
    Summary: We have proven the ``Fashoda Meet Theorem'' in \cite{JGRAPH_1.ABS}. Here we prove the outside version of it. It says that if Britain and France intended to set the courses for ships to the opposite side of Africa, they must also meet.
  81. Jing-Chao Chen, Yatsuka Nakamura. Introduction to Turing Machines, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 721-732, 2001. MML Identifier: TURING_1
    Summary: A Turing machine can be viewed as a simple kind of computer, whose operations are constrainted to reading and writing symbols on a tape, or moving along the tape to the left or right. In theory, one has proven that the computability of Turing machines is equivalent to recursive functions. This article defines and verifies the Turing machines of summation and three primitive functions which are successor, zero and project functions. It is difficult to compute sophisticated functions by simple Turing machines. Therefore, we define the combination of two Turing machines.
  82. Yatsuka Nakamura. On the Simple Closed Curve Property of the Circle and the Fashoda Meet Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 801-808, 2001. MML Identifier: JGRAPH_3
    Summary: First, we prove the fact that the circle is the simple closed curve, which was defined as a curve homeomorphic to the square. For this proof, we introduce a mapping which is a homeomorphism from 2-dimensional plane to itself. This mapping maps the square to the circle. Secondly, we prove the Fashoda meet theorem for the circle using this homeomorphism.
  83. Tetsuya Tsunetou, Grzegorz Bancerek, Yatsuka Nakamura. Zero-Based Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 825-829, 2001. MML Identifier: AFINSQ_1
  84. Hisayoshi Kunimune, Grzegorz Bancerek, Yatsuka Nakamura. On State Machines of Calculating Type, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 857-864, 2001. MML Identifier: FSM_2
    Summary: In this article, we show the properties of the calculating type state machines. In the first section, we have defined calculating type state machines of which the state transition only depends on the first input. We have also proved theorems of the state machines. In the second section, we defined Moore machines with final states. We also introduced the concept of result of the Moore machines. In the last section, we proved the correctness of several calculating type of Moore machines.
  85. Yatsuka Nakamura. Fan Homeomorphisms in the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 1-19, 2002. MML Identifier: JGRAPH_4
    Summary: We will introduce four homeomorphisms (Fan morphisms) which give spoke-like distortion to the plane. They do not change the norms of vectors and preserve halfplanes invariant. These morphisms are used to regulate placement of points on the circle.
  86. Yatsuka Nakamura. Half Open Intervals in Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 21-22, 2002. MML Identifier: RCOMP_2
    Summary: Left and right half open intervals in the real line are defined. Their properties are investigated. A class of all finite union of such intervals are, in a sense, closed by operations of union, intersection and the difference of sets.
  87. Yatsuka Nakamura. General Fashoda Meet Theorem for Unit Circle, Formalized Mathematics 10(2), pages 99-109, 2002. MML Identifier: JGRAPH_5
    Summary: Outside and inside Fashoda theorems are proven for points in general position on unit circle. Four points must be ordered in a sense of ordering for simple closed curve. For preparation of proof, the relation between the order and condition of coordinates of points on unit circle is discussed.
  88. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Sequences of Metric Spaces and an Abstract Intermediate Value Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 159-161, 2002. MML Identifier: TOPMETR3
    Summary: Relations of convergence of real sequences and convergence of metric spaces are investigated. An abstract intermediate value theorem for two closed sets in the range is presented. At the end, it is proven that an arc connecting the west minimal point and the east maximal point in a simple closed curve must be identical to the upper arc or lower arc of the closed curve.
  89. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. On the Decomposition of a Simple Closed Curve into Two Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 163-167, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN16
    Summary: The purpose of the paper is to prove lemmas needed for the Jordan curve theorem. The main result is that the decomposition of a simple closed curve into two arcs with the ends $p_1, p_2$ is unique in the sense that every arc on the curve with the same ends must be equal to one of them.
  90. William W. Armstrong, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Armstrong's Axioms, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 39-51, 2003. MML Identifier: ARMSTRNG
    Summary: We present a formalization of the seminal paper by W.~W.~Armstrong~\cite{arm74} on functional dependencies in relational data bases. The paper is formalized in its entirety including examples and applications. The formalization was done with a routine effort albeit some new notions were defined which simplified formulation of some theorems and proofs.\par The definitive reference to the theory of relational databases is~\cite{Maier}, where saturated sets are called closed sets. Armstrong's ``axioms'' for functional dependencies are still widely taught at all levels of database design, see for instance~\cite{Elmasri}.
  91. Jing-Chao Chen, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Underlying Principle of Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 143-152, 2003. MML Identifier: GRAPH_5
    Summary: A path from a source vertex $v$ to a target vertex $u$ is said to be a shortest path if its total cost is minimum among all $v$-to-$u$ paths. Dijkstra's algorithm is a classic shortest path algorithm, which is described in many textbooks. To justify its correctness (whose rigorous proof will be given in the next article), it is necessary to clarify its underlying principle. For this purpose, the article justifies the following basic facts, which are the core of Dijkstra's algorithm. \begin{itemize} \itemsep-3pt \item A graph is given, its vertex set is denoted by $V.$ Assume $U$ is the subset of $V,$ and if a path $p$ from $s$ to $t$ is the shortest among the set of paths, each of which passes through only the vertices in $U,$ except the source and sink, and its source and sink is $s$ and in $V,$ respectively, then $p$ is a shortest path from $s$ to $t$ in the graph, and for any subgraph which contains at least $U,$ it is also the shortest. \item Let $p(s,x,U)$ denote the shortest path from $s$ to $x$ in a subgraph whose the vertex set is the union of $\{s,x\}$ and $U,$ and cost $(p)$ denote the cost of path $p(s,x,U),$ cost$(x,y)$ the cost of the edge from $x$ to $y.$ Give $p(s,x,U),$ $q(s,y,U)$ and $r(s,y,U \cup \{x\})$. If ${\rm cost}(p) = {\rm min} \{{\rm cost}(w): w(s,t,U) \wedge t \in V\}$, then we have $${\rm cost}(r) = {\rm min} ({\rm cost}(p)+{\rm cost}(x,y),{\rm cost}(q)).$$ \end{itemize} \noindent This is the well-known triangle comparison of Dijkstra's algorithm.
  92. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasunari Shidama, Yatsuka Nakamura. Bessel's Inequality, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 169-173, 2003. MML Identifier: BHSP_5
    Summary: In this article we defined the operation of a set and proved Bessel's inequality. In the first section, we defined the sum of all results of an operation, in which the results are given by taking each element of a set. In the second section, we defined Orthogonal Family and Orthonormal Family. In the last section, we proved some properties of operation of set and Bessel's inequality.
  93. Hisayoshi Kunimune, Yatsuka Nakamura. A Representation of Integers by Binary Arithmetics and Addition of Integers, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 175-178, 2003. MML Identifier: BINARI_4
    Summary: In this article, we introduce the new concept of 2's complement representation. Natural numbers that are congruent mod $n$ can be represented by the same $n$ bits binary. Using the concept introduced here, negative numbers that are congruent mod $n$ also can be represented by the same $n$ bit binary. We also show some properties of addition of integers using this concept.
  94. Kanchun , Yatsuka Nakamura. The Inner Product of Finite Sequences and of Points of $n$-dimensional Topological Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 179-183, 2003. MML Identifier: EUCLID_2
    Summary: First, we define the inner product to finite sequences of real value. Next, we extend it to points of $n$-dimensional topological space ${\calE}^{n}_{\rmT}$. At the end, orthogonality is introduced to this space.
  95. Yatsuka Nakamura. General Fashoda Meet Theorem for Unit Circle and Square, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 213-224, 2003. MML Identifier: JGRAPH_6
    Summary: Here we will prove Fashoda meet theorem for the unit circle and for a square, when 4 points on the boundary are ordered cyclically. Also, the concepts of general rectangle and general circle are defined.
  96. Wenpai Chang, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Inner Products and Angles of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 275-280, 2003. MML Identifier: COMPLEX2
    Summary: An inner product of complex numbers is defined and used to characterize the (counter-clockwise) angle between ($a$,0) and (0,$b$) in the complex plane. For complex $a$, $b$ and $c$ we then define the (counter-clockwise) angle between ($a$,$c$) and ($c$, $b$) and prove theorems about the sum of internal and external angles of a triangle.
  97. Akihiro Kubo, Yatsuka Nakamura. Angle and Triangle in Euclidian Topological Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 281-287, 2003. MML Identifier: EUCLID_3
    Summary: Two transformations between the complex space and 2-dimensional Euclidian topological space are defined. By them, the concept of argument is induced to 2-dimensional vectors using argument of complex number. Similarly, the concept of an angle is introduced using the angle of two complex numbers. The concept of a triangle and related concepts are also defined in $n$-dimensional Euclidian topological spaces.
  98. Kanchun , Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Cross Products and Tripple Vector Products in 3-dimensional Euclidean Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 381-383, 2003. MML Identifier: EUCLID_5
    Summary: First, we extend the basic theorems of 3-dimensional euclidian space, and then define the cross product in the same space and relative vector relations using the above definition.
  99. Yatsuka Nakamura, Hiroshi Yamazaki. Calculation of Matrices of Field Elements. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 385-391, 2003. MML Identifier: MATRIX_4
    Summary: This article gives property of calculation of matrices.
  100. Yatsuka Nakamura. Sorting Operators for Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 1-4, 2004. MML Identifier: RFINSEQ2
    Summary: Two kinds of sorting operators, descendent one and ascendent one are introduced for finite sequences of reals. They are also called rearrangement of finite sequences of reals. Maximum and minimum values of finite sequences of reals are also defined. We also discuss relations between these concepts.
  101. Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of Non Overwriting Programs. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 29-32, 2004. MML Identifier: PRGCOR_1
    Summary: Non overwriting program is a program where each variable used in it is written only just one time, but the control variables used for ``for-statement'' are exceptional. Contrarily, variables are allowed to be read many times. There are other restrictions for the non overwriting program. For statements, only the following are allowed: ``substituting-statement'', ``if-else-statement'', ``for-statement'' (with break and without break), function (correct one) -- ``call-statement'' and ``return-statement''. Grammar of non overwriting program is like the one of the C-language. For type of variables, ``int'', ``real", ``char'' and ``float'' can be used, and array of them can also be used. For operation, ``+'', ``$-$'' and ``*'' are used for a type ``int''; ``+'', ``$-$'', ``*'' and ``/'' are used for a type ``float''. User can also define structures like in C. Non overwriting program can be translated to (predicative) logic formula in definition part to define functions. If a new function is correctly defined, a corresponding program is correct, if it does not use arrays. If it uses arrays, area check is necessary in the following theorem.\par Semantic correctness is shown by some theorems following the definition. These theorems must tie up the result of the program and mathematical concepts introduced before. Correctness is proven {\it function-wise}. We must use only {\it correctness-proven} functions to define a new function (to write a new program as a form of a function). Here, we present two programs of division function of two natural numbers and of two integers. An algorithm is checked for each case by proving correctness of the definitions. We also perform an area check of the index of arrays used in one of the programs.
  102. Yatsuka Nakamura. Behaviour of an Arc Crossing a Line, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 119-124, 2004. MML Identifier: JORDAN20
    Summary: In 2-dimensional Euclidean space, we examine behaviour of an arc when it crosses a vertical line. There are 3 types when an arc enters into a line, which are: ``Left-In'', ``Right-In'' and ``Oscilating-In''. Also, there are 3 types when an arc goes out from a line, which are: ``Left-Out'', ``Right-Out'' and ``Oscilating-Out''. If an arc is a special polygonal arc, there are only 2 types for each case, entering in and going out. They are ``Left-In'' and ``Right-In'' for entering in, and ``Left-Out'' and ``Right-Out'' for going out.
  103. Masami Tanaka, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Set Series in Finite Topological Spaces. Fundamental Concepts for Image Processing, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 125-129, 2004. MML Identifier: FINTOPO3
    Summary: First we give a definition of ``inflation'' of a set in finite topological spaces. Then a concept of ``deflation'' of a set is also defined. In the remaining part, we give a concept of the ``set series'' for a subset of a finite topological space. Using this, we can define a series of neighbourhoods for each point in the space. The work is done according to \cite{Nakamura:2}.
  104. Hirofumi Fukura, Yatsuka Nakamura. Concatenation of Finite Sequences Reducing Overlapping Part and an Argument of Separators of Sequential Files, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 219-224, 2004. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_8
    Summary: For two finite sequences, we present a notion of their concatenation, reducing overlapping part of the tail of the former and the head of the latter. At the same time, we also give a notion of common part of two finite sequences, which relates to the concatenation given here. A finite sequence is separated by another finite sequence (separator). We examined the condition that a separator separates uniquely any finite sequence. This will become a model of a separator of sequential files.
  105. Takaya Nishiyama, Hirofumi Fukura, Yatsuka Nakamura. Logical Correctness of Vector Calculation Programs, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 375-380, 2004. MML Identifier: PRGCOR_2
    Summary: In C-program, vectors of $n$-dimension are sometimes represented by arrays, where the dimension n is saved in the 0-th element of each array. If we write the program in non-overwriting type, we can gi Here, we give a program calculating inner product of 2 vectors, as an example of such a type, and its Logical-Model. If the Logical-Model is well defined, and theorems tying the model with previous definitions are given, we can say that the program is correct logically. In case the program is given as implicit function form (i.e., the result of calculation is given by a variable of one of arguments of a function), its Logical-Model is given by a definition of a ne Logical correctness of such a program is shown by theorems following the definition. As examples of such programs, we presented vector calculation of add, sub, minus and scalar product.
  106. Hiroshi Imura, Masami Tanaka, Yatsuka Nakamura. Continuous Mappings between Finite and One-Dimensional Finite Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 381-384, 2004. MML Identifier: FINTOPO4
    Summary: We showed relations between separateness and inflation operation. We also gave some relations between separateness and connectedness defined before. For two finite topological spaces, we defined a continuous function from one to another. Some topological concepts are preserved by such continuous functions. We gave one-dimensional concrete models of finite topological space.
  107. Wenpai Chang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. A Theory of Matrices of Complex Elements, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 157-162, 2005. MML Identifier: MATRIX_5
    Summary: A concept of ``Matrix of Complex'' is defined here. Addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and product are introduced using correspondent definitions of ``Matrix of Field''. Many equations for such operations consist of a case of ``Matrix of Field''. A calculation method of product of matrices is shown using a finite sequence of Complex in the last theorem.
  108. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. The Fashoda Meet Theorem for Rectangles, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 199-219, 2005. MML Identifier: JGRAPH_7
    Summary: Here, so called Fashoda Meet Theorem is proven in the case of rectangles. All cases of proper location of arcs are listed up, and it is shown that the theorem consists in each case. Such a list of cases will be useful when one wants to apply the theorem.
  109. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Limit of Sequence of Subsets, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 347-352, 2005. MML Identifier: SETLIM_1
    Summary: A concept of "limit of sequence of subsets" is defined here. This article contains the following items: 1. definition of the superior sequence and the inferior sequence of sets. 2. definition of the superior limit and the inferior limit of sets, and additional properties for the sigma-field of sets. and 3, definition of the limit value of a convergent sequence of sets, and additional properties for the sigma-field of sets.
  110. Wenpai Chang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Inner Product and Conjugate of Finite Sequences of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 367-373, 2005. MML Identifier: COMPLSP2
    Summary: A concept of "the inner product and conjugate of finite sequences of complex numbers" is defined here. Addition, subtraction, Scalar multiplication and inner product are introduced using correspondent definitions of "conjugate of finite sequences of Field". Many equations for such operations consist like a case of "conjugate of finite sequences of Field". Some operations on the set of $n$-tuples of complex numbers are introduced as well. Addition, difference of such $n$-tuples, complement of a $n$-tuple and multiplication of these are defined in terms of complex numbers.
  111. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Inferior Limit and Superior Limit of Sequences of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 375-381, 2005. MML Identifier: RINFSUP1
    Summary: A concept of inferior limit and superior limit of sequences of real numbers is defined here. This article contains the following items: definition of the superior sequence and the inferior sequence of real numbers, definition of the superior limit and the inferior limit of real number, and definition of the relation between the limit value and the superior limit, the inferior limit of sequences of real numbers.
  112. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Equations Related to the Limit of Sequence of Subsets, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 407-412, 2005. MML Identifier: SETLIM_2
    Summary: Set operations for sequences of subsets are introduced here. Some relations for these operations with the limit of sequences of subsets, also with the inferior sequence and the superior sequence of sets, and with the inferior limit and the superior limit of sets are shown.
  113. Masami Tanaka, Hiroshi Imura, Yatsuka Nakamura. Homeomorphism between Finite Topological Spaces, Two-Dimensional Lattice Spaces and a Fixed Point Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 417-419, 2005. MML Identifier: FINTOPO5
    Summary: In this paper, we first introduced the notion of homeomorphism between finite topological spaces. We also gave a fixed point theorem in finite topological space. Next, we showed two 2-dimensional concrete models of lattice spaces. One was 2-dimensional linear finite topological space. Another was 2-dimensional small finite topological space.
  114. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Set Sequences and Monotone Class, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 435-441, 2005. MML Identifier: PROB_3
    Summary: In this paper, we first defined the partial-union sequence, the partial-intersection sequence, and the partial-difference-union sequence of given sequence of subsets, and then proved the additive theorem of infinite sequences and sub-additive theorem of finite sequences for probability. Further, we defined the monotone class of families of subsets, and discussed about the relations between the monotone class and the $\sigma$-field which are generated by field of subsets of a given set.
  115. Hirofumi Fukura, Yatsuka Nakamura. A Theory of Sequential Files, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 443-446, 2005. MML Identifier: FILEREC1
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{FINSEQ_8.ABS}. We present a notion of files and records. These are two finite sequences. One is a record and another is a separator for the carriage return and/or line feed. So, we define a record. The sequential text file contains records and separators. Generally, a record and a separator are paired in the file. And in a special situation, the separator does not exist in the file, for that the record is only one record or record is nothing. And the record does not exist in the file, for that some separator is in file. In this article, we present some theory for files and records.
  116. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec, Artur Kornilowicz. The Fashoda Meet Theorem for Continuous Mappings, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 467-469, 2005. MML Identifier: JGRAPH_8
    Summary: {}
  117. Wenpai Chang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Inner Product and Conjugate of Matrix of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 493-499, 2005. MML Identifier: MATRIXC1
    Summary: Concepts of the inner product and conjugate of matrix of complex numbers are defined here. Operations such as addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and inner product are introduced using correspondent definitions of the conjugate of a matrix of a complex field. Many equations for such operations consist like a case of the conjugate of matrix of a field and some operations on the set of sum of complex numbers are introduced.
  118. Yatsuka Nakamura. Determinant of Some Matrices of Field Elements, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 1-5, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIX_7
    Summary: Here, we present determinants of some square matrices of field elements. First, the determinat of $2*2$ matrix is shown. Secondly, the determinants of zero matrix and unit matrix are shown, which are equal to 0 in the field and 1 in the field respectively. Thirdly, the determinant of diagonal matrix is shown, which is a product of all diagonal elements of the matrix. At the end, we prove that the determinant of a matrix is same as the determinant of its transpose.
  119. Yatsuka Nakamura, Nobuyuki Tamura, Wenpai Chang. A Theory of Matrices of Real Elements, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 21-28, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIXR1
    Summary: Here, the concept of matrix of real elements is introduced. This is defined as a special case of the general concept of matrix of a field. For such a real matrix, the notions of addition, subtraction, scalar product are defined. For any real finite sequences, two transformations to matrices are introduced. One of the matrices is of width 1, and the other is of length 1. By such transformations, two products of a matrix and a finite sequence are defined. The linearity of such product is shown.
  120. Yatsuka Nakamura. Connectedness and Continuous Sequences in Finite Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 93-100, 2006. MML Identifier: FINTOPO6
    Summary: First, equivalence conditions for connectedness are examined, for a finite topological space (originated in \cite{Nakamura:2}). Secondly, definitions of subspace, and components of the subspace of a finite topological space are given. Lastly, concepts of continuous finite sequence and minimum path of finite topological space are proposed.
  121. Bo Zhang, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Definition of Finite Sequences and Matrices of Probability, and Addition of Matrices of Real Elements, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 101-108, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRPROB
    Summary: In this article, we first define finite sequences of probability distribution and matrices of joint probability and conditional probability. We discuss also the concept of marginal probability. Further, we describe some theorems of matrices of real elements including quadratic form.
  122. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki and Yatsuka Nakamura. The Relevance of Measure and Probability, and Definition of Completeness of Probability, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 225-229, 2006. MML Identifier: PROB_4
    Summary: In this article, we first discuss the relation between measure defined using extended real numbers and probability defined using real numbers. Further, we define completeness of probability, and its completion method, and also show that they coincide with those of measure.
Adam Naumowicz
  1. Adam Naumowicz. Conjugate Sequences, Bounded Complex Sequences and Convergent Complex Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 265-268, 1997. MML Identifier: COMSEQ_2
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{COMSEQ_1.ABS}. It is divided into five sections. The first one contains a few useful lemmas. In the second part there is a definition of conjugate sequences and proofs of some basic properties of such sequences. The third segment treats of bounded complex sequences,next one contains description of convergent complex sequences. The last and the biggest part of the article contains proofs of main theorems concerning the theory of bounded and convergent complex sequences.
  2. Adam Naumowicz, Mariusz Lapinski. On \Tone\ Reflex of Topological Space, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 31-34, 1998. MML Identifier: T_1TOPSP
    Summary: This article contains a definition of $T_{1}$ reflex of a topological space as a quotient space which is $T_{1}$ and fulfils the condition that every continuous map $f$ from a topological space $T$ into $S$ being $T_{1}$ space can be considered as a superposition of two continuous maps: the first from $T$ onto its $T_{1}$ reflex and the last from $T_{1}$ reflex of $T$ into $S$.
  3. Adam Naumowicz. On the Characterization of Modular and Distributive Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 53-55, 1998. MML Identifier: YELLOW11
    Summary: This article contains definitions of the ``pentagon'' lattice $N_5$ and the ``diamond'' lattice $M_3$. It is followed by the characterization of modular and distributive lattices depending on the possible shape of substructures. The last part treats of interval-like sublattices of any lattice.
  4. Adam Naumowicz, Agnieszka Julia Marasik. The Correspondence Between Lattices of Subalgebras of Universal Algebras and Many Sorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 227-231, 1998. MML Identifier: MSSUBLAT
    Summary: The main goal of this paper is to show some properties of subalgebras of universal algebras and many sorted algebras, and then the isomorphic correspondence between lattices of such subalgebras.
  5. Grzegorz Bancerek, Adam Naumowicz. Function Spaces in the Category of Directed Suprema Preserving Maps, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 171-177, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL27
    Summary: Formalization of \cite[pp. 115--117]{ccl}, chapter II, section 2 (2.5 -- 2.10).
  6. Grzegorz Bancerek, Adam Naumowicz. The Characterization of the Continuity of Topologies, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 241-247, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL29
    Summary: Formalization of \cite[pp. 128--130]{CCL}, chapter II, section 4 (4.10, 4.11).
  7. Adam Naumowicz. On Segre's Product of Partial Line Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 383-390, 2001. MML Identifier: PENCIL_1
    Summary: In this paper the concept of partial line spaces is presented. We also construct the Segre's product for a family of partial line spaces indexed by an arbitrary nonempty set.
  8. Artur Kornilowicz, Robert Milewski, Adam Naumowicz, Andrzej Trybulec. Gauges and Cages. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 501-509, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1A
  9. Robert Milewski, Andrzej Trybulec, Artur Kornilowicz, Adam Naumowicz. Some Properties of Cells and Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 531-535, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1B
  10. Adam Naumowicz. On Cosets in Segre's Product of Partial Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 795-800, 2001. MML Identifier: PENCIL_2
    Summary: This paper is a continuation of \cite{PENCIL_1.ABS}. We prove that the family of cosets in the Segre's product of partial linear spaces remains invariant under automorphisms.
  11. Adam Naumowicz. Some Remarks on Finite Sequences on Go-boards, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 813-816, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1F
    Summary: This paper shows some properties of finite sequences on Go-boards. It also provides the partial correspondence between two ways of decomposition of curves induced by cages.
  12. Adam Naumowicz, Robert Milewski. Some Remarks on Clockwise Oriented Sequences on Go-boards, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 23-27, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN1I
    Summary: The main goal of this paper is to present alternative characterizations of clockwise oriented sequences on Go-boards.
  13. Grzegorz Bancerek, Adam Naumowicz. Preliminaries to Automatic Generation of Mizar Documentation for Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 117-133, 2002. MML Identifier: CIRCCMB3
    Summary: In this paper we introduce technical notions used by a system which automatically generates Mizar documentation for specified circuits. They provide a ready for use elements needed to justify correctness of circuits' construction. We concentrate on the concept of stabilization and analyze one-gate circuits and their combinations.
  14. Adam Naumowicz. On the Characterization of Collineations of the Segre Product of Strongly Connected Partial Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 125-131, 2005. MML Identifier: PENCIL_3
    Summary: In this paper we characterize the automorphisms (collineations) of the Segre product of partial linear spaces. In particular, we show that if all components of the product are strongly connected, then every collineation is determined by a set of isomorphisms between its components. The formalization follows the ideas presented in the {\em Journal of Geometry} paper \cite{ANKPJG} by Naumowicz and Pra\.zmowski.
  15. Adam Naumowicz. Spaces of Pencils, Grassmann Spaces, and Generalized Veronese Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 133-138, 2005. MML Identifier: PENCIL_4
    Summary: In this paper we construct several examples of partial linear spaces. First, we define two algebraic structures, namely the spaces of $k$-pencils and Grassmann spaces for vector spaces over an arbitrary field. Then we introduce the notion of generalized Veronese spaces following the definition presented in the paper \cite{ANKPRM} by Naumowicz and Pra\.zmowski. For all spaces defined, we state the conditions under which they are not degenerated to a single line.
  16. Artur Kornilowicz, Grzegorz Bancerek, Adam Naumowicz. Tietze Extension Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 471-475, 2005. MML Identifier: TIETZE
    Summary: In this paper we formalize the Tietze extension theorem using as a basis the proof presented at the PlanetMath web server (\url{}).
  17. Adam Naumowicz, Grzegorz Bancerek. Homeomorphisms of Jordan Curves, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 477-480, 2005. MML Identifier: JORDAN24
    Summary: In this paper we prove that simple closed curves can be homeomorphically framed into a given rectangle. We also show that homeomorphisms preserve the Jordan property.
  18. Adam Naumowicz. On the Representation of Natural Numbers in Positional Numeral Systems, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 221-223, 2006. MML Identifier: NUMERAL1
    Summary: In this paper we show that every natural number can be uniquely represented as a base-$b$ numeral. The formalization is based on the proof presented in \cite{SIERPINSKI:1}. We also prove selected divisibility criteria in the base-$10$ numeral system.
Andrzej Ndzusiak
  1. Andrzej Ndzusiak. $\sigma$-Fields and Probability, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 401-407, 1990. MML Identifier: PROB_1
    Summary: This article contains definitions and theorems concerning basic properties of following objects: - a field of subsets of given nonempty set; - a sequence of subsets of given nonempty set; - a $\sigma$-field of subsets of given nonempty set and events from this $\sigma$-field; - a probability i.e. $\sigma$-additive normed measure defined on previously introduced $\sigma$-field; - a $\sigma$-field generated by family of subsets of given set; - family of Borel Sets.
  2. Andrzej Ndzusiak. Probability, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 745-749, 1990. MML Identifier: PROB_2
    Summary: Some further theorems concerning probability, among them the equivalent definition of probability are discussed, followed by notions of independence of events and conditional probability and basic theorems on them.
  3. Konrad Raczkowski, Andrzej Ndzusiak. Real Exponents and Logarithms, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 213-216, 1991. MML Identifier: POWER
    Summary: Definitions and properties of the following concepts: root, real exponent and logarithm. Also the number $e$ is defined.
  4. Konrad Raczkowski, Andrzej Ndzusiak. Series, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 449-452, 1991. MML Identifier: SERIES_1
    Summary: The article contains definitions and properties of convergent serieses.
Robert Nieszczerzewski
  1. Robert Nieszczerzewski. Category of Functors Between Alternative Categories, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 371-375, 1997. MML Identifier: FUNCTOR2
Masaaki Niimura
  1. Masaaki Niimura, Yasushi Fuwa. Improvement of Radix-$2^k$ Signed-Digit Number for High Speed Circuit, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 133-137, 2003. MML Identifier: RADIX_3
    Summary: In this article, a new radix-$2^k$ signed-digit number (Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit number) is defined and its properties for hardware realization are discussed. \par Until now, high speed calculation method with Radix-$2^k$ signed-digit numbers is proposed, but this method used ``Compares With 2" to calculate carry. ``Compares with 2'' is a very simple method, but it needs very complicated hardware especially when the value of $k$ becomes large. In this article, we propose a subset of Radix-$2^k$ signed-digit, named Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers. Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit was designed so that the carry calculation use ``bit compare'' to hardware-realization simplifies more.\par In the first section of this article, we defined the concept of Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers and proved some of their properties. In the second section, we defined the new carry calculation method in consideration of hardware-realization, and proved some of their properties. In the third section, we provide some functions for generating Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers from Radix-$2^k$ signed-digit numbers. In the last section, we defined some functions for generation natural numbers from Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit, and we clarified its correctness.
  2. Masaaki Niimura, Yasushi Fuwa. High Speed Adder Algorithm with Radix-$2^k$ Sub Signed-Digit Number, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 139-141, 2003. MML Identifier: RADIX_4
    Summary: In this article, a new adder algorithm using Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers is defined and properties for the hardware-realization is discussed.\par Until now, we proposed Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers in consideration of the hardware realization. In this article, we proposed High Speed Adder Algorithm using this Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers. This method has two ways to speed up at hardware-realization. One is 'bit compare' at carry calculation, it is proposed in another article. Other is carry calculation between two numbers. We proposed that $n$ digits Radix-$2^k$ signed-digit numbers is expressed in $n+1$ digits Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers, and addition result of two $n+1$ digits Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers is expressed in $n+1$ digits. In this way, carry operation between two Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers can be processed at $n+1$ digit adder circuit and additional circuit to operate carry is not needed.\par In the first section of this article, we prepared some useful theorems for operation of Radix-$2^k$ numbers. In the second section, we proved some properties about carry on Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers. In the last section, we defined the new addition operation using Radix-$2^k$ sub signed-digit numbers, and we clarified its correctness.
  3. Masaaki Niimura, Yasushi Fuwa. Magnitude Relation Properties of Radix-$2^k$ SD Number, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 5-8, 2004. MML Identifier: RADIX_5
    Summary: In this article, magnitude relation properties of Radix-$2^k$ SD number are discussed. Until now, the Radix-$2^k$ SD Number has been proposed for the high-speed calculations for RSA Cryptograms. In RSA Cryptograms, many modulo calculations are used, and modulo calculations need a comparison between two numbers.\par In this article, we discuss magnitude relation of Radix-$2^k$ SD Number. In the first section, we present some useful theorems for operations of Radix-$2^k$ SD Number. In the second section, we prove some properties of the primary numbers expressed by Radix-$2^k$ SD Number such as 0, 1, and Radix(k). In the third section, we prove primary magnitude relations between two Radix-$2^k$ SD Numbers. In the fourth section, we define Max/Min numbers in some cases. And in the last section, we prove some relations between the addition of Max/Min numbers.
  4. Masaaki Niimura, Yasushi Fuwa. High Speed Modulo Calculation Algorithm with Radix-$2^k$ SD Number, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 9-13, 2004. MML Identifier: RADIX_6
    Summary: In RSA Cryptograms, many modulo calculations are used, but modulo calculation is based on many subtractions and it takes long a time to calculate it. In this article, we explain a new modulo calculation algorithm using a table. And we prove that upper 3 digits of Radix-$2^k$ SD numbers are enough to specify the answer. \par In the first section, we present some useful theorems for operations of Radix-$2^k$ SD Number. In the second section, we define Upper 3 Digits of Radix-$2^k$ SD number and prove that property. In the third section, we prove some property connected with the minimum digits of Radix-$2^k$ SD number. In the fourth section, we identify the range of modulo arithmetic result and prove that the Upper 3 Digits indicate two possible answers. And in the last section, we define a function to select true answer from the results of Upper 3 Digits.
Akira Nishino
  1. Akira Nishino, Yasunari Shidama. The Maclaurin Expansions, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 421-425, 2005. MML Identifier: TAYLOR_2
    Summary: A concept of the Maclaurin expansions is defined here. This article contains the definition of the Maclaurin expansion and expansions of exp, sin and cos functions.
Takaya Nishiyama
  1. Takaya Nishiyama, Yasuho Mizuhara. Binary Arithmetics, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 83-86, 1993. MML Identifier: BINARITH
    Summary: Formalizes the basic concepts of binary arithmetic and its related operations. We present the definitions for the following logical operators: 'or' and 'xor' (exclusive or) and include in this article some theorems concerning these operators. We also introduce the concept of an $n$-bit register. Such registers are used in the definition of binary unsigned arithmetic presented in this article. Theorems on the relationships of such concepts to the operations of natural numbers are also given.
  2. Yasuho Mizuhara, Takaya Nishiyama. Binary Arithmetics, Addition and Subtraction of Integers, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 27-29, 1996. MML Identifier: BINARI_2
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{BINARITH.ABS} and presents the concepts of binary arithmetic operations for integers. There is introduced 2's complement representation of integers and natural numbers to integers are expanded. The binary addition and subtraction for integers are defined and theorems on the relationship between binary and numerical operations presented.
  3. Takaya Nishiyama, Keiji Ohkubo, Yasunari Shidama. The Continuous Functions on Normed Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 269-275, 2004. MML Identifier: NFCONT_1
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of the continuous function on normed linear spaces are described.
  4. Takaya Nishiyama, Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. The Uniform Continuity of Functions on Normed Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 277-279, 2004. MML Identifier: NFCONT_2
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of uniform continuity of functions on normed linear spaces are described.
  5. Takaya Nishiyama, Hirofumi Fukura, Yatsuka Nakamura. Logical Correctness of Vector Calculation Programs, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 375-380, 2004. MML Identifier: PRGCOR_2
    Summary: In C-program, vectors of $n$-dimension are sometimes represented by arrays, where the dimension n is saved in the 0-th element of each array. If we write the program in non-overwriting type, we can gi Here, we give a program calculating inner product of 2 vectors, as an example of such a type, and its Logical-Model. If the Logical-Model is well defined, and theorems tying the model with previous definitions are given, we can say that the program is correct logically. In case the program is given as implicit function form (i.e., the result of calculation is given by a variable of one of arguments of a function), its Logical-Model is given by a definition of a ne Logical correctness of such a program is shown by theorems following the definition. As examples of such programs, we presented vector calculation of add, sub, minus and scalar product.
Bogdan Nowak
  1. Bogdan Nowak, Slawomir Bialecki. Zermelo's Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 431-432, 1990. MML Identifier: WELLSET1
    Summary: The article contains direct proof of Zermelo's theorem about the existence of a well ordering for any set and the lemma the proof depends on.
  2. Bogdan Nowak, Grzegorz Bancerek. Universal Classes, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 595-600, 1990. MML Identifier: CLASSES2
    Summary: In the article we have shown that there exist universal classes, i.e. there are sets which are closed w.r.t. basic set theory operations.
  3. Bogdan Nowak, Andrzej Trybulec. Hahn-Banach Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 29-34, 1993. MML Identifier: HAHNBAN
    Summary: We prove a version of Hahn-Banach Theorem.
Keiji Ohkubo
  1. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Keiji Ohkubo. Properties of Fuzzy Relation, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 691-695, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_4
    Summary: In this article, we introduce four fuzzy relations and the composition, and some useful properties are shown by them. In section 2, the definition of converse relation $R^{-1}$ of fuzzy relation $R$ and properties concerning it are described. In the next section, we define the composition of the fuzzy relation and show some properties. In the final section we describe the identity relation, the universe relation and the zero relation.
  2. Takashi Mitsuishi, Noboru Endou, Keiji Ohkubo. Trigonometric Functions on Complex Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 29-32, 2003. MML Identifier: SIN_COS3
    Summary: This article describes definitions of sine, cosine, hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine. Some of their basic properties are discussed.
  3. Takaya Nishiyama, Keiji Ohkubo, Yasunari Shidama. The Continuous Functions on Normed Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 269-275, 2004. MML Identifier: NFCONT_1
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of the continuous function on normed linear spaces are described.
Katsumasa Okamura
  1. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama, Katsumasa Okamura. Baire's Category Theorem and Some Spaces Generated from Real Normed Space, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 213-219, 2006. MML Identifier: NORMSP_2
    Summary: As application of complete metric space, we proved a Baire's category theorem. Then we defined some spaces generated from real normed space and discussed about each. In the second section we showed an equivalence of convergence and a continuity of a function. In other sections, we showed some topological properties of two spaces, which are topological space and linear topological space generated from real normed space.
Oleg Okhotnikov
  1. Oleg Okhotnikov. Logical Equivalence of Formulae, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 237-240, 1996. MML Identifier: CQC_THE3
  2. Oleg Okhotnikov. Replacement of Subtrees in a Tree, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 401-403, 1996. MML Identifier: TREES_A
    Summary: This paper is based on previous works \cite{TREES_1.ABS}, \cite{TREES_2.ABS} in which the operation replacement of subtree in a tree has been defined. We extend this notion for arbitrary non empty antichain.
  3. Oleg Okhotnikov. The Subformula Tree of a Formula of the First Order Language, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 415-422, 1996. MML Identifier: QC_LANG4
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{QC_LANG3.ABS}. The notions of list of immediate constituents of a formula and subformula tree of a formula are introduced. The some propositions related to these notions are proved.
Henryk Oryszczyszyn
  1. Henryk Oryszczyszyn , Krzysztof Prazmowski. Real Functions Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 555-561, 1990. MML Identifier: FUNCSDOM
    Summary: This abstract contains a construction of the domain of functions defined in an arbitrary nonempty set, with values being real numbers. In every such set of functions we introduce several algebraic operations, which yield in this set the structures of a real linear space, of a ring, and of a real algebra. Formal definitions of such concepts are given.
Henryk Oryszczyszyn
  1. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Analytical Ordered Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 601-605, 1990. MML Identifier: ANALOAF
    Summary: In the article with a given arbitrary real linear space we correlate the (ordered) affine space defined in terms of a directed parallelity of segments. The abstract contains a construction of the ordered affine structure associated with a vector space; this is a structure of the type which frequently occurs in geometry and consists of the set of points and a binary relation on segments. For suitable underlying vector spaces we prove that the corresponding affine structures are ordered affine spaces or ordered affine planes, i.e. that they satisfy appropriate axioms. A formal definition of an arbitrary ordered affine space and an arbitrary ordered affine plane is given.
  2. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Ordered Affine Spaces Defined in Terms of Directed Parallelity -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 611-615, 1990. MML Identifier: DIRAF
    Summary: In the article we consider several geometrical relations in given arbitrary ordered affine space defined in terms of directed parallelity. In particular we introduce the notions of the nondirected parallelity of segments, of collinearity, and the betweenness relation determined by the given relation of directed parallelity. The obtained structures satisfy commonly accepted axioms for affine spaces. At the end of the article we introduce a formal definition of affine space and affine plane (defined in terms of parallelity of segments).
  3. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Parallelity and Lines in Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 617-621, 1990. MML Identifier: AFF_1
    Summary: In the article we introduce basic notions concerning affine spaces and investigate their fundamental properties. We define the function which to every nondegenerate pair of points assigns the line joining them and we extend the relation of parallelity to a relation between segments and lines, and between lines.
  4. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Classical Configurations in Affine Planes, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 625-633, 1990. MML Identifier: AFF_2
    Summary: The classical sequence of implications which hold between Desargues and Pappus Axioms is proved. Formally Minor and Major Desargues Axiom (as suitable properties -- predicates -- of an affine plane) together with all its indirect forms are introduced; the same procedure is applied to Pappus Axioms. The so called Trapezium Desargues Axiom is also considered.
  5. Eugeniusz Kusak, Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Affine Localizations of Desargues Axiom, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 635-642, 1990. MML Identifier: AFF_3
    Summary: Several affine localizations of Major Desargues Axiom together with its indirect forms are introduced. Logical relationships between these formulas and between them and the classical Desargues Axiom are demonstrated.
  6. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski, Malgorzata Prazmowska. Classical and Non--classical Pasch Configurations in Ordered Affine Planes, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 677-680, 1990. MML Identifier: PASCH
    Summary: Several configuration axioms, which are commonly called in the literature ``Pasch Axioms" are introduced; three of them were investigated by Szmielew and concern invariantability of the betweenness relation under parallel projections, and two other were introduced by Tarski. It is demonstrated that they all are consequences of the trapezium axiom, adopted to characterize ordered affine spaces.
  7. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Transformations in Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 715-723, 1990. MML Identifier: TRANSGEO
    Summary: Two classes of bijections of its point universe are correlated with every affine structure. The first class consists of the transformations, called formal isometries, which map every segment onto congruent segment, the second class consists of the automorphisms of such a structure. Each of these two classes of bijections forms a group for a given affine structure, if it satisfies a very weak axiom system (models of these axioms are called congruence spaces); formal isometries form a normal subgroup in the group of automorphism. In particular ordered affine spaces and affine spaces are congruence spaces; therefore formal isometries of these structures can be considered. They are called positive dilatations and dilatations, resp. For convenience the class of negative dilatations, transformations which map every ``vector" onto parallel ``vector", but with opposite sense, is singled out. The class of translations is distinguished as well. Basic facts concerning all these types of transformations are established, like rigidity, decomposition principle, introductory group-theoretical properties. At the end collineations of affine spaces and their properties are investigated; for affine planes it is proved that the class of collineations coincides with the class of bijections preserving lines.
  8. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Translations in Affine Planes, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 751-753, 1990. MML Identifier: TRANSLAC
    Summary: Connections between Minor Desargues Axiom and the transitivity of translation groups are investigated. A formal proof of the theorem which establishes the equivalence of these two properties of affine planes is given. We also prove that, under additional requirement, the plane in question satisfies Fano Axiom; its translation group is uniquely two-divisible.
  9. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Analytical Metric Affine Spaces and Planes, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 891-899, 1990. MML Identifier: ANALMETR
    Summary: We introduce relations of orthogonality of vectors and of orthogonality of segments (considered as pairs of vectors) in real linear space of dimension two. This enables us to show an example of (in fact anisotropic and satisfying theorem on three perpendiculars) metric affine space (and plane as well). These two types of objects are defined formally as "Mizar" modes. They are to be understood as structures consisting of a point universe and two binary relations on segments --- a parallelity relation and orthogonality relation, satisfying appropriate axioms. With every such structure we correlate a structure obtained as a reduct of the given one to the parallelity relation only. Some relationships between metric affine spaces and their affine parts are proved; they enable us to use "affine" facts and constructions in investigating metric affine geometry. We define the notions of line, parallelity of lines and two derived relations of orthogonality: between segments and lines, and between lines. Some basic properties of the introduced notions are proved.
  10. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Homotheties and Shears in Affine Planes, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 131-133, 1991. MML Identifier: HOMOTHET
    Summary: We study connections between Major Desargues Axiom and the transitivity of group of homotheties. A formal proof of the theorem which establishes an equivalence of these two properties of affine planes is given. We also study connections between trapezium version of Major Desargues Axiom and the existence of the shears in affine planes. The article contains investigations on ``Scherungssatz".
  11. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. A construction of analytical Ordered Trapezium Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 315-322, 1991. MML Identifier: ANALTRAP
  12. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. A construction of analytical Ordered Trapezium Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 315-322, 1991. MML Identifier: GEOMTRAP
    Summary: We define, in a given real linear space, the midpoint operation on vectors and, with the help of the notions of directed parallelism of vectors and orthogonality of vectors, we define the relation of directed trapezium. We consider structures being enrichments of affine structures by one binary operation, together with a function which assigns to every such a structure its ``affine" reduct. Theorems concerning midpoint operation and trapezium relation are proved which enables us to introduce an abstract notion of (regular in fact) ordered trapezium space with midpoint, ordered trapezium space, and (unordered) trapezium space.
  13. Wojciech Leonczuk, Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Planes in Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 357-363, 1991. MML Identifier: AFF_4
    Summary: We introduce the notion of plane in affine space and investigate fundamental properties of them. Further we introduce the relation of parallelism defined for arbitrary subsets. In particular we are concerned with parallelisms which hold between lines and planes and between planes. We also define a function which assigns to every line and every point the unique line passing through the point and parallel to the given line. With the help of the introduced notions we prove that every at least 3-dimensional affine space is Desarguesian and translation.
  14. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. A Projective Closure and Projective Horizon of an Affine Space, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 377-384, 1991. MML Identifier: AFPROJ
    Summary: With every affine space $A$ we correlate two incidence structures. The first, called Inc-ProjSp($A$), is the usual projective closure of $A$, i.e. the structure obtained from $A$ by adding directions of lines and planes of $A$. The second, called projective horizon of $A$, is the structure built from directions. We prove that Inc-ProjSp($A$) is always a projective space, and projective horizon of $A$ is a projective space provided $A$ is at least 3-dimensional. Some evident relationships between projective and affine configurational axioms that may hold in $A$ and in Inc-ProjSp($A$) are established.
  15. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Fundamental Types of Metric Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 429-432, 1991. MML Identifier: EUCLMETR
    Summary: We distinguish in the class of metric affine spaces some fundamental types of them. First we can assume the underlying affine space to satisfy classical affine configurational axiom; thus we come to Pappian, Desarguesian, Moufangian, and translation spaces. Next we distinguish the spaces satisfying theorem on three perpendiculars and the homogeneous spaces; these properties directly refer to some axioms involving orthogonality. Some known relationships between the introduced classes of structures are established. We also show that the commonly investigated models of metric affine geometry constructed in a real linear space with the help of a symmetric bilinear form belong to all the classes introduced in the paper.
Beata Padlewska
  1. Beata Padlewska. Families of Sets, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 147-152, 1990. MML Identifier: SETFAM_1
    Summary: The article contains definitions of the following concepts: family of sets, family of subsets of a set, the intersection of a family of sets. Functors $\cup$, $\cap$, and $\setminus$ are redefined for families of subsets of a set. Some properties of these notions are presented.
  2. Beata Padlewska, Agata Darmochwal. Topological Spaces and Continuous Functions, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 223-230, 1990. MML Identifier: PRE_TOPC
    Summary: The paper contains a definition of topological space. The following notions are defined: point of topological space, subset of topological space, subspace of topological space, and continuous function.
  3. Beata Padlewska. Connected Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 239-244, 1990. MML Identifier: CONNSP_1
    Summary: The following notions are defined: separated sets, connected spaces, connected sets, components of a topological space, the component of a point. The definition of the boundary of a set is also included. The singleton of a point of a topological space is redefined as a subset of the space. Some theorems about these notions are proved.
  4. Beata Padlewska. Locally Connected Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 93-96, 1991. MML Identifier: CONNSP_2
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{CONNSP_1.ABS}. We define a neighbourhood of a point and a neighbourhood of a set and prove some facts about them. Then the definitions of a locally connected space and a locally connected set are introduced. Some theorems about locally connected spaces are given (based on \cite{KURAT:1}). We also define a quasi-component of a point and prove some of its basic properties.
Miroslaw Jan Paszek
  1. Miroslaw Jan Paszek. On the Lattice of Subalgebras of a Universal Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 313-316, 1996. MML Identifier: UNIALG_3
Karol P\k{a}k
  1. Karol P\k{a}k. The Nagata-Smirnov Theorem. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 341-346, 2004. MML Identifier: NAGATA_1
    Summary: In this paper we define a discrete subset family of a topological space and basis sigma locally finite and sigma discrete. We prove first an auxiliary fact for discrete family and sigma locally finite and sigma discrete basis. We show also the necessary condition for the Nagata Smirnov theorem: every metrizable space is $T_3$ and has a sigma locally finite basis. Also, we define a sufficient condition for a $T_3$ topological space to be $T_4$. We introduce the concept of pseudo metric.
  2. Karol P\k{a}k. The Nagata-Smirnov Theorem. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 385-389, 2004. MML Identifier: NAGATA_2
    Summary: In this paper we show some auxiliary facts for sequence function to be pseudo-metric. Next we prove the Nagata-Smirnov theorem that every topological space is metrizable if and only if it has $\sigma$-locally finite basis. We attach also the proof of the Bing's theorem that every topological space is metrizable if and only if its basis is $\sigma$-discrete.
  3. Karol P\k{a}k. Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 337-345, 2005. MML Identifier: STIRL2_1
    Summary: In this paper we define Stirling numbers of the second kind by cardinality of certain functional classes such that $$S(n,k) = \{f {\rm ~where~} f {\rm~is~function~of~}n,k : f {\rm ~is~onto~"increasing} \}$$ After that we show basic properties of this number in order to prove recursive dependence of Stirling number of the second kind. Next theorems are introduced to prove formula $$S(n,k) = \frac{1}{k!} \mathop\Sigma_{i=0}^{k-1}(-1)^i {{k}\choose{i}}(k-i)^n$$ where $k\leq n.$
  4. Karol P\k{a}k. Cardinal Numbers and Finite Sets, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 399-406, 2005. MML Identifier: CARD_FIN
    Summary: In this paper we define class of functions and operators needed for proof of the principle of inclusions and the disconnections. We given also certain cardinal numbers concerning elementary class of functions (of course this function mapping finite set in finite set).
  5. Karol P\k{a}k. The Catalan Numbers. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 153-159, 2006. MML Identifier: CATALAN2
    Summary: In this paper, we define sequence dominated by $0$, in which every initial fragment contains more zeroes than ones. If $n \geq 2 \cdot m$ and $n>0$, then the number of sequences dominated by $0$ the length $n$ including $m$ of ones, is given by the formula $$D(n,m)=\frac{n+1-2\cdot m}{n+1-m}\cdot{n \choose m}$$ and satisfies the recurrence relation $$D(n,m)=D(n-1,m)\:+\:\sum_{i=0}^{m-1} D(2\cdot i,i)\cdot D(n-2\cdot(i+1),m - (i+1)).$$ Obviously, if $n = 2 \cdot m$, then we obtain the recurrence relation for the Catalan numbers (starting from $0$) $$C_{m+1}=\sum_{i=0}^{m-1} C_{i+1}\cdot C_{m-i}.$$ Using the above recurrence relation we can see that $$\sum_{i=0}^\infty\,C_{i+1}\cdot x^i\,= \,1\,+\,\left(\sum_{i=0}^\infty\, C_{i+1}\cdot x^i\right)^2$$ where ($| x |< \frac{1}{4}$) and hence $$\sum_{i=0}^\infty\, C_{i+1}\cdot x^i\,= \,\frac{1-\sqrt[]{1-4\cdot x}}{2\cdot x}.$$
Beata Perkowska
  1. Beata Perkowska. Functional Sequence from a Domain to a Domain, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 17-21, 1992. MML Identifier: SEQFUNC
    Summary: Definitions of functional sequences and basic operations on functional sequences from a domain to a domain, point and uniform convergence, limit of functional sequence from a domain to the set of real numbers and facts about properties of the limit of functional sequences are proved.
  2. Beata Perkowska. Free Universal Algebra Construction, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 115-120, 1993. MML Identifier: FREEALG
    Summary: A construction of the free universal algebra with fixed signature and a given set of generators.
  3. Beata Perkowska. Free Many Sorted Universal Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 67-74, 1996. MML Identifier: MSAFREE
Jan Popiolek
  1. Jan Popiolek. Some Properties of Functions Modul and Signum, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 263-264, 1990. MML Identifier: ANAL_1
  2. Jan Popiolek. Some Properties of Functions Modul and Signum, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 263-264, 1990. MML Identifier: ABSVALUE
    Summary: The article includes definitions and theorems concerning basic properties of the following functions: $|x|$ -- modul of real number, sgn $x$ -- signum of real number.
  3. Jan Popiolek. Introduction to Probability, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 755-760, 1990. MML Identifier: RPR_1
    Summary: Definitions of Elementary Event and Event in any sample space $E$ are given. Next, the probability of an Event when $E$ is finite is introduced and some properties of this function are investigated. Last part of the paper is devoted to the conditional probability and essential properties of this function (Bayes Theorem).
  4. Jan Popiolek. Real Normed Space, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 111-115, 1991. MML Identifier: NORMSP_1
    Summary: We construct a real normed space $\langle V,~\Vert.\Vert\rangle$, where $V$ is a real vector space and $\Vert.\Vert$ is a norm. Auxillary properties of the norm are proved. Next, we introduce a notion of sequence in the real normed space. The basic operations on sequences (addition, subtraction, multiplication by real number) are defined. We study some properties of sequences in the real normed space and the operations on them.
  5. Jan Popiolek, Andrzej Trybulec. Calculus of Propositions, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 305-307, 1991. MML Identifier: PROCAL_1
    Summary: Continues the analysis of classical language of first order (see \cite{QC_LANG1.ABS}, \cite{QC_LANG2.ABS}, \cite{CQC_LANG.ABS}, \cite{CQC_THE1.ABS}, \cite{LUKASI_1.ABS}). Three connectives: truth, negation and conjuction are primary (see \cite{QC_LANG1.ABS}). The others (alternative, implication and equivalence) are defined with respect to them (see \cite{QC_LANG2.ABS}). We prove some important tautologies of the calculus of propositions. Most of them are given as the axioms of classical logical calculus (see \cite{GRZEG1}). In the last part of our article we give some basic rules of inference.
  6. Jan Popiolek. Quadratic Inequalities, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 507-509, 1991. MML Identifier: QUIN_1
    Summary: Consider a quadratic trinomial of the form $P(x)=ax^2+bx+c$, where $a\ne 0$. The determinant of the equation $P(x)=0$ is of the form $\Delta(a,b,c)=b^2-4ac$. We prove several quadratic inequalities when $\Delta(a,b,c)<0$, $\Delta(a,b,c)=0$ and $\Delta(a,b,c)>0$.
  7. Jan Popiolek. Introduction to Banach and Hilbert Spaces -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 511-516, 1991. MML Identifier: BHSP_1
    Summary: Basing on the notion of real linear space (see \cite{RLVECT_1.ABS}) we introduce real unitary space. At first, we define the scalar product of two vectors and examine some of its properties. On the base of this notion we introduce the norm and the distance in real unitary space and study properties of these concepts. Next, proceeding from the definition of the sequence in real unitary space and basic operations on sequences we prove several theorems which will be used in our further considerations.
  8. Jan Popiolek. Introduction to Banach and Hilbert Spaces -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 517-521, 1991. MML Identifier: BHSP_2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{BHSP_1.ABS}. It contains the definitions of the convergent sequence and limit of the sequence. The convergence with respect to the norm and the distance is also introduced. Last part of this article is devoted to the following concepts: ball, closed ball and sphere.
  9. Jan Popiolek. Introduction to Banach and Hilbert Spaces -- Part III, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 523-526, 1991. MML Identifier: BHSP_3
    Summary: The article is a continuation of \cite{BHSP_1.ABS} and of \cite{BHSP_2.ABS}. First we define the following concepts: the Cauchy sequence, the bounded sequence and the subsequence. The last part of this article contains definitions of the complete space and the Hilbert space.
  10. Elzbieta Kraszewska, Jan Popiolek. Series in Banach and Hilbert Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 695-699, 1991. MML Identifier: BHSP_4
    Summary: In \cite{SERIES_1.ABS} the series of real numbers were investigated. The introduction to Banach and Hilbert spaces (\cite{BHSP_1.ABS}, \cite{BHSP_2.ABS},\cite{BHSP_3.ABS}), enables us to arrive at the concept of series in Hilbert space. We start with the notions: partial sums of series, sum and $n$-th sum of series, convergent series (summable series), absolutely convergent series. We prove some basic theorems: the necessary condition for a series to converge, Weierstrass' test, d'Alembert's test, Cauchy's test.
Malgorzata Prazmowska
  1. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski, Malgorzata Prazmowska. Classical and Non--classical Pasch Configurations in Ordered Affine Planes, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 677-680, 1990. MML Identifier: PASCH
    Summary: Several configuration axioms, which are commonly called in the literature ``Pasch Axioms" are introduced; three of them were investigated by Szmielew and concern invariantability of the betweenness relation under parallel projections, and two other were introduced by Tarski. It is demonstrated that they all are consequences of the trapezium axiom, adopted to characterize ordered affine spaces.
Krzysztof Prazmowski
  1. Henryk Oryszczyszyn , Krzysztof Prazmowski. Real Functions Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 555-561, 1990. MML Identifier: FUNCSDOM
    Summary: This abstract contains a construction of the domain of functions defined in an arbitrary nonempty set, with values being real numbers. In every such set of functions we introduce several algebraic operations, which yield in this set the structures of a real linear space, of a ring, and of a real algebra. Formal definitions of such concepts are given.
  2. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Analytical Ordered Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 601-605, 1990. MML Identifier: ANALOAF
    Summary: In the article with a given arbitrary real linear space we correlate the (ordered) affine space defined in terms of a directed parallelity of segments. The abstract contains a construction of the ordered affine structure associated with a vector space; this is a structure of the type which frequently occurs in geometry and consists of the set of points and a binary relation on segments. For suitable underlying vector spaces we prove that the corresponding affine structures are ordered affine spaces or ordered affine planes, i.e. that they satisfy appropriate axioms. A formal definition of an arbitrary ordered affine space and an arbitrary ordered affine plane is given.
  3. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Ordered Affine Spaces Defined in Terms of Directed Parallelity -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 611-615, 1990. MML Identifier: DIRAF
    Summary: In the article we consider several geometrical relations in given arbitrary ordered affine space defined in terms of directed parallelity. In particular we introduce the notions of the nondirected parallelity of segments, of collinearity, and the betweenness relation determined by the given relation of directed parallelity. The obtained structures satisfy commonly accepted axioms for affine spaces. At the end of the article we introduce a formal definition of affine space and affine plane (defined in terms of parallelity of segments).
  4. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Parallelity and Lines in Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 617-621, 1990. MML Identifier: AFF_1
    Summary: In the article we introduce basic notions concerning affine spaces and investigate their fundamental properties. We define the function which to every nondegenerate pair of points assigns the line joining them and we extend the relation of parallelity to a relation between segments and lines, and between lines.
  5. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Classical Configurations in Affine Planes, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 625-633, 1990. MML Identifier: AFF_2
    Summary: The classical sequence of implications which hold between Desargues and Pappus Axioms is proved. Formally Minor and Major Desargues Axiom (as suitable properties -- predicates -- of an affine plane) together with all its indirect forms are introduced; the same procedure is applied to Pappus Axioms. The so called Trapezium Desargues Axiom is also considered.
  6. Eugeniusz Kusak, Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Affine Localizations of Desargues Axiom, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 635-642, 1990. MML Identifier: AFF_3
    Summary: Several affine localizations of Major Desargues Axiom together with its indirect forms are introduced. Logical relationships between these formulas and between them and the classical Desargues Axiom are demonstrated.
  7. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski, Malgorzata Prazmowska. Classical and Non--classical Pasch Configurations in Ordered Affine Planes, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 677-680, 1990. MML Identifier: PASCH
    Summary: Several configuration axioms, which are commonly called in the literature ``Pasch Axioms" are introduced; three of them were investigated by Szmielew and concern invariantability of the betweenness relation under parallel projections, and two other were introduced by Tarski. It is demonstrated that they all are consequences of the trapezium axiom, adopted to characterize ordered affine spaces.
  8. Grzegorz Lewandowski, Krzysztof Prazmowski. A Construction of an Abstract Space of Congruence of Vectors, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 685-688, 1990. MML Identifier: TDGROUP
    Summary: In the class of abelian groups a subclass of two-divisible-groups is singled out, and in the latter, a subclass of uniquely-two-divisible-groups. With every such a group a special geometrical structure, more precisely the structure of ``congruence of vectors'' is correlated. The notion of ``affine vector space'' (denoted by AffVect) is introduced. This term is defined by means of suitable axiom system. It is proved that every structure of the congruence of vectors determined by a non trivial uniquely two divisible group is a affine vector space.
  9. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Transformations in Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 715-723, 1990. MML Identifier: TRANSGEO
    Summary: Two classes of bijections of its point universe are correlated with every affine structure. The first class consists of the transformations, called formal isometries, which map every segment onto congruent segment, the second class consists of the automorphisms of such a structure. Each of these two classes of bijections forms a group for a given affine structure, if it satisfies a very weak axiom system (models of these axioms are called congruence spaces); formal isometries form a normal subgroup in the group of automorphism. In particular ordered affine spaces and affine spaces are congruence spaces; therefore formal isometries of these structures can be considered. They are called positive dilatations and dilatations, resp. For convenience the class of negative dilatations, transformations which map every ``vector" onto parallel ``vector", but with opposite sense, is singled out. The class of translations is distinguished as well. Basic facts concerning all these types of transformations are established, like rigidity, decomposition principle, introductory group-theoretical properties. At the end collineations of affine spaces and their properties are investigated; for affine planes it is proved that the class of collineations coincides with the class of bijections preserving lines.
  10. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Translations in Affine Planes, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 751-753, 1990. MML Identifier: TRANSLAC
    Summary: Connections between Minor Desargues Axiom and the transitivity of translation groups are investigated. A formal proof of the theorem which establishes the equivalence of these two properties of affine planes is given. We also prove that, under additional requirement, the plane in question satisfies Fano Axiom; its translation group is uniquely two-divisible.
  11. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. A Construction of Analytical Projective Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 761-766, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_1
    Summary: The collinearity structure denoted by Projec\-ti\-ve\-Spa\-ce(V) is correlated with a given vector space $V$ (over the field of Reals). It is a formalization of the standard construction of a projective space, where points are interpreted as equivalence classes of the relation of proportionality considered in the set of all non-zero vectors. Then the relation of collinearity corresponds to the relation of linear dependence of vectors. Several facts concerning vectors are proved, which correspond in this language to some classical axioms of projective geometry.
  12. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 767-776, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_2
    Summary: In the class of all collinearity structures a subclass of (dimension free) projective spaces, defined by means of a suitable axiom system, is singled out. Whenever a real vector space V is at least 3-dimensional, the structure ProjectiveSpace(V) is a projective space in the above meaning. Some narrower classes of projective spaces are defined: Fano projective spaces, projective planes, and Fano projective planes. For any of the above classes an explicit axiom system is given, as well as an analytical example. There is also a construction a of 3-dimensional and a 4-dimensional real vector space; these are needed to show appropriate examples of projective spaces.
  13. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Analytical Metric Affine Spaces and Planes, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 891-899, 1990. MML Identifier: ANALMETR
    Summary: We introduce relations of orthogonality of vectors and of orthogonality of segments (considered as pairs of vectors) in real linear space of dimension two. This enables us to show an example of (in fact anisotropic and satisfying theorem on three perpendiculars) metric affine space (and plane as well). These two types of objects are defined formally as "Mizar" modes. They are to be understood as structures consisting of a point universe and two binary relations on segments --- a parallelity relation and orthogonality relation, satisfying appropriate axioms. With every such structure we correlate a structure obtained as a reduct of the given one to the parallelity relation only. Some relationships between metric affine spaces and their affine parts are proved; they enable us to use "affine" facts and constructions in investigating metric affine geometry. We define the notions of line, parallelity of lines and two derived relations of orthogonality: between segments and lines, and between lines. Some basic properties of the introduced notions are proved.
  14. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- part II, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 901-907, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_3
  15. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- part III, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 909-918, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_4
  16. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- part IV, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 919-927, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_5
  17. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- part V, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 929-938, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_6
  18. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Projective Spaces -- part VI, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 939-947, 1990. MML Identifier: ANPROJ_7
  19. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Homotheties and Shears in Affine Planes, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 131-133, 1991. MML Identifier: HOMOTHET
    Summary: We study connections between Major Desargues Axiom and the transitivity of group of homotheties. A formal proof of the theorem which establishes an equivalence of these two properties of affine planes is given. We also study connections between trapezium version of Major Desargues Axiom and the existence of the shears in affine planes. The article contains investigations on ``Scherungssatz".
  20. Grzegorz Lewandowski, Krzysztof Prazmowski, Bozena Lewandowska. Directed Geometrical Bundles and Their Analytical Representation, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 135-141, 1991. MML Identifier: AFVECT0
    Summary: We introduce the notion of weak directed geometrical bundle. We prove representation theorems for directed and weak directed geometrical bundles which establishes a one-to-one correspondence between such structures and appropriate 2-divisible abelian groups. To this aim we construct over arbitrary weak directed geometrical bundle a group defined entirely in terms of geometrical notions -- the group of (abstract) ``free vectors".
  21. Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Incidence Projective Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 225-232, 1991. MML Identifier: INCPROJ
    Summary: A basis for investigations on incidence projective spaces. With every projective space defined in terms of collinearity relation we associate the incidence structure consisting of points and of lines of the given space. We introduce general notion of projective space defined in terms of incidence and define several properties of such structures (like satisfability of the Desargues Axiom or conditions on the dimension).
  22. Barbara Konstanta, Urszula Kowieska, Grzegorz Lewandowski, Krzysztof Prazmowski. One-Dimensional Congruence of Segments, Basic Facts and Midpoint Relation, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 233-235, 1991. MML Identifier: AFVECT01
    Summary: We study a theory of one-dimensional congruence of segments. The theory is characterized by a suitable formal axiom system; as a model of this system one can take the structure obtained from any weak directed geometrical bundle, with the congruence interpreted as in the case of ``classical" vectors. Preliminary consequences of our axiom system are proved, basic relations of maximal distance and of midpoint are defined, and several fundamental properties of them are established.
  23. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. A construction of analytical Ordered Trapezium Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 315-322, 1991. MML Identifier: ANALTRAP
  24. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. A construction of analytical Ordered Trapezium Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 315-322, 1991. MML Identifier: GEOMTRAP
    Summary: We define, in a given real linear space, the midpoint operation on vectors and, with the help of the notions of directed parallelism of vectors and orthogonality of vectors, we define the relation of directed trapezium. We consider structures being enrichments of affine structures by one binary operation, together with a function which assigns to every such a structure its ``affine" reduct. Theorems concerning midpoint operation and trapezium relation are proved which enables us to introduce an abstract notion of (regular in fact) ordered trapezium space with midpoint, ordered trapezium space, and (unordered) trapezium space.
  25. Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leonczuk, Krzysztof Prazmowski. On Projections in Projective Planes (Part II ), Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 323-329, 1991. MML Identifier: PROJRED2
    Summary: We study in greater details projectivities on Desarguesian projective planes. We are particularly interested in the situation when the composition of given two projectivities can be replaced by another two, with given axis or centre of one of them.
  26. Krzysztof Prazmowski. Fanoian, Pappian and Desarguesian Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 341-346, 1991. MML Identifier: PAPDESAF
    Summary: We introduce basic types of affine spaces such as Desarguesian, Fanoian, Pappian, and translation affine and ordered affine sapces and we prove that suitably choosen analytically defined affine structures satisfy the required properties.
  27. Krzysztof Prazmowski, Krzysztof Radziszewski. Elementary Variants of Affine Configurational Theorems, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 347-348, 1991. MML Identifier: PARDEPAP
    Summary: We present elementary versions of Pappus, Major Desargues and Minor Desargues Axioms (i.e. statements formulated entirely in the language of points and parallelity of segments). Evidently they are consequences of appropriate configurational axioms introduced in the article \cite{AFF_2.ABS}. In particular it follows that there exists an affine plane satisfying all of them.
  28. Wojciech Leonczuk, Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Planes in Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 357-363, 1991. MML Identifier: AFF_4
    Summary: We introduce the notion of plane in affine space and investigate fundamental properties of them. Further we introduce the relation of parallelism defined for arbitrary subsets. In particular we are concerned with parallelisms which hold between lines and planes and between planes. We also define a function which assigns to every line and every point the unique line passing through the point and parallel to the given line. With the help of the introduced notions we prove that every at least 3-dimensional affine space is Desarguesian and translation.
  29. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. A Projective Closure and Projective Horizon of an Affine Space, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 377-384, 1991. MML Identifier: AFPROJ
    Summary: With every affine space $A$ we correlate two incidence structures. The first, called Inc-ProjSp($A$), is the usual projective closure of $A$, i.e. the structure obtained from $A$ by adding directions of lines and planes of $A$. The second, called projective horizon of $A$, is the structure built from directions. We prove that Inc-ProjSp($A$) is always a projective space, and projective horizon of $A$ is a projective space provided $A$ is at least 3-dimensional. Some evident relationships between projective and affine configurational axioms that may hold in $A$ and in Inc-ProjSp($A$) are established.
  30. Henryk Oryszczyszyn, Krzysztof Prazmowski. Fundamental Types of Metric Affine Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 429-432, 1991. MML Identifier: EUCLMETR
    Summary: We distinguish in the class of metric affine spaces some fundamental types of them. First we can assume the underlying affine space to satisfy classical affine configurational axiom; thus we come to Pappian, Desarguesian, Moufangian, and translation spaces. Next we distinguish the spaces satisfying theorem on three perpendiculars and the homogeneous spaces; these properties directly refer to some axioms involving orthogonality. Some known relationships between the introduced classes of structures are established. We also show that the commonly investigated models of metric affine geometry constructed in a real linear space with the help of a symmetric bilinear form belong to all the classes introduced in the paper.
Marta Pruszynska
  1. Marta Pruszynska, Marek Dudzicz. On the Isomorphism between Finite Chains, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 429-430, 2001. MML Identifier: ORDERS_4
Marian Przemski
  1. Marian Przemski. On the Decomposition of the Continuity, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 199-204, 1996. MML Identifier: DECOMP_1
    Summary: This article is devoted to functions of general topological spaces. A function from $X$ to $Y$ is $A$-continuous if the counterimage of every open set $V$ of $Y$ belongs to $A$, where $A$ is a collection of subsets of $X$. We give the following characteristics of the continuity, called decomposition of continuity: A function $f$ is continuous if and only if it is both $A$-continuous and $B$-continuous.
Konrad Raczkowski
  1. Konrad Raczkowski, Pawel Sadowski. Equivalence Relations and Classes of Abstraction, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 441-444, 1990. MML Identifier: EQREL_1
    Summary: In this article we deal with the notion of equivalence relation. The main properties of equivalence relations are proved. Then we define the classes of abstraction determined by an equivalence relation. Finally, the connections between a partition of a set and an equivalence relation are presented. We introduce the following notation of modes: {\it Equivalence Relation, a partition}.
  2. Pawel Sadowski, Andrzej Trybulec, Konrad Raczkowski. The Fundamental Logic Structure in Quantum Mechanics, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 489-494, 1990. MML Identifier: QMAX_1
    Summary: In this article we present the logical structure given by four axioms of Mackey \cite{MACKEY} in the set of propositions of Quantum Mechanics. The equivalence relation (PropRel(Q)) in the set of propositions (Prop Q) for given Quantum Mechanics Q is considered. The main text for this article is \cite{EQREL_1.ABS} where the structure of quotient space and the properties of equivalence relations, classes and partitions are studied.
  3. Konrad Raczkowski, Pawel Sadowski. Topological Properties of Subsets in Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 777-780, 1990. MML Identifier: RCOMP_1
    Summary: The following notions for real subsets are defined: open set, closed set, compact set, intervals and neighbourhoods. In the sequel some theorems involving above mentioned notions are proved.
  4. Konrad Raczkowski, Pawel Sadowski. Real Function Continuity, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 787-791, 1990. MML Identifier: FCONT_1
    Summary: The continuity of real functions is discussed. There is a function defined on some domain in real numbers which is continuous in a single point and on a subset of domain of the function. Main properties of real continuous functions are proved. Among them there is the Weierstra{\ss} Theorem. Algebraic features for real continuous functions are shown. Lipschitzian functions are introduced. The Lipschitz condition entails continuity.
  5. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Konrad Raczkowski. Real Function Uniform Continuity, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 793-795, 1990. MML Identifier: FCONT_2
    Summary: The uniform continuity for real functions is introduced. More theorems concerning continuous functions are given. (See \cite{FCONT_1.ABS}) The Darboux Theorem is exposed. Algebraic features for uniformly continuous functions are presented. Various facts, e.g., a continuous function on a compact set is uniformly continuous are proved.
  6. Konrad Raczkowski, Pawel Sadowski. Real Function Differentiability, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 797-801, 1990. MML Identifier: FDIFF_1
    Summary: For a real valued function defined on its domain in real numbers the differentiability in a single point and on a subset of the domain is presented. The main elements of differential calculus are developed. The algebraic properties of differential real functions are shown.
  7. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Konrad Raczkowski, Pawel Sadowski. Average Value Theorems for Real Functions of One Variable, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 803-805, 1990. MML Identifier: ROLLE
    Summary: Three basic theorems in differential calculus of one variable functions are presented: Rolle Theorem, Lagrange Theorem and Cauchy Theorem. There are also direct conclusions.
  8. Konrad Raczkowski. Integer and Rational Exponents, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 125-130, 1991. MML Identifier: PREPOWER
    Summary: The article includes definitios and theorems which are needed to define real exponent. The following notions are defined: natural exponent, integer exponent and rational exponent.
  9. Konrad Raczkowski, Andrzej Ndzusiak. Real Exponents and Logarithms, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 213-216, 1991. MML Identifier: POWER
    Summary: Definitions and properties of the following concepts: root, real exponent and logarithm. Also the number $e$ is defined.
  10. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Konrad Raczkowski. Real Function Differentiability -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 407-411, 1991. MML Identifier: FDIFF_2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{FDIFF_1.ABS}. We prove equivalent definition of the derivative of the real function at the point and theorems about derivative of composite functions, inverse function and derivative of quotient of two functions. At the beginning of the paper a few facts which rather belong to \cite{SEQ_2.ABS}, \cite{SEQM_3.ABS} and \cite{SEQ_4.ABS} are proved.
  11. Konrad Raczkowski, Andrzej Ndzusiak. Series, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 449-452, 1991. MML Identifier: SERIES_1
    Summary: The article contains definitions and properties of convergent serieses.
  12. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Konrad Raczkowski. Coherent Space, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 255-261, 1992. MML Identifier: COH_SP
    Summary: Coherent Space, web of coherent space and two categories: category of coherent spaces and category of tolerances on same fixed set.
Krzysztof Radziszewski
  1. Krzysztof Prazmowski, Krzysztof Radziszewski. Elementary Variants of Affine Configurational Theorems, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 347-348, 1991. MML Identifier: PARDEPAP
    Summary: We present elementary versions of Pappus, Major Desargues and Minor Desargues Axioms (i.e. statements formulated entirely in the language of points and parallelity of segments). Evidently they are consequences of appropriate configurational axioms introduced in the article \cite{AFF_2.ABS}. In particular it follows that there exists an affine plane satisfying all of them.
  2. Eugeniusz Kusak, Krzysztof Radziszewski. Semi_Affine Space, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 349-356, 1991. MML Identifier: SEMI_AF1
    Summary: A brief survey on semi-affine geometry, which results from the classical Pappian and Desarguesian affine (dimension free) geometry by weakening the so called trapezium axiom. With the help of the relation of parallelogram in every semi-affine space we define the operation of ``addition" of ``vectors". Next we investigate in greater details the relation of (affine) trapezium in such spaces.
Krzysztof Retel
  1. Krzysztof Retel. The Class of Series -- Parallel Graphs. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 99-103, 2003. MML Identifier: NECKLACE
    Summary: The paper introduces some preliminary notions concerning the graph theory according to \cite{Thomasse}. We define Necklace $n$ as a graph with vertex $\{1,2,3,\dots,n\}$ and edge set $\{(1,2),(2,3),\dots,(n-1,n)\}.$ The goal of the article is to prove that Necklace $n$ and Complement of Necklace $n$ are isomorphic for $n = 0, 1, 4.$
  2. Krzysztof Retel. The Class of Series-Parallel Graphs. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 289-291, 2003. MML Identifier: NECKLA_2
    Summary: In this paper we introduce two new operations on graphs: sum and union corresponding to parallel and series operation respectively. We determine $N$-free graph as the graph that does not embed Necklace $4$. We define ``fin\_RelStr" as the set of all graphs with finite carriers. We also define the smallest class of graphs which contains the one-element graph and which is closed under parallel and series operations. The goal of the article is to prove the theorem that the class of finite series-parallel graphs is the class of finite $N$-free graphs. This paper formalizes the next part of \cite{Thomasse}.
  3. Krzysztof Retel. The Class of Series-Parallel Graphs. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 143-149, 2004. MML Identifier: NECKLA_3
    Summary: This paper contains some facts and theorems relating to the following operations on graphs: union, sum, complement and ``embeds''. We also introduce connected graphs to prove that a finite irreflexive symmetric N-free graph is a finite series-parallel graph. This article continues the formalization of \cite{Thomasse}.
  4. Krzysztof Retel. Properties of First and Second Order Cutting of Binary Relations, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 361-365, 2005. MML Identifier: RELSET_2
    Summary: This paper introduces some notions concerning binary relations according to \cite{Riguet}. It is also an attempt to complement the knowledge contained in Mizar Mathematical Library regarding binary relations. We define here an image and inverse image of element of set A under binary relation of two sets A,B as image and inverse image of singleton of the element under this relation, respectively. Next, we define "The First Order Cutting Relation of two sets A,B under a subset of the set A" as the union of images of elements of this subset under the relation. We also define "The Second Order Cutting Subset of the Cartesian Product of two sets A,B under a subset of the set A" as an intersection of images of elements of this subset under the subset of the cartesian product. The paper also defines first and second projection of binary relations. The main goal of the article is to prove properties and collocations of introduced definitions in this paper. The numbers written in parenthesis after the label of theorems correspond to the numbers of expressions contained in the original article.
Marco Riccardi
  1. Marco Riccardi. Pocklington's Theorem and Bertrand's Postulate, Formalized Mathematics 14(2), pages 47-52, 2006. MML Identifier: NAT_4
    Summary: The first four sections include some auxiliary theorems related to number and finite sequence of numbers, in particular a primality test, the Pocklington's theorem (see \cite{LeVeque}). The last section presents the formalization of Bertrand's postulate closely following the book \cite{PFTB}, pp. 7--9.
Ewa Romanowicz
  1. Ewa Romanowicz, Adam Grabowski. The Hall Marriage Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 315-320, 2004. MML Identifier: HALLMAR1
    Summary: The Marriage Theorem, as credited to Philip Hall \cite{Hall:1935}, gives the necessary and sufficient condition allowing us to select a distinct element from each of a finite collection $\{A_i\}$ of $n$ finite subsets. This selection, called a set of different representatives (SDR), exists if and only if the marriage condition (or Hall condition) is satisfied: $$\forall_{J\subseteq\{1,\dots,n\}}|\bigcup_{i\in J} A_i|\geq |J|.$$ The proof which is given in this article (according to Richard Rado, 1967) is based on the lemma that for finite sequences with non-trivial elements which satisfy Hall property there exists a reduction (see Def. 5) such that Hall property again holds (see Th.~29 for details).
  2. Ewa Romanowicz, Adam Grabowski. On the Permanent of a Matrix, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 13-20, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIX_9
    Summary: We introduce the notion of a permanent of a square matrix. It is a notion somewhat related to a determinant so we follow closely the approach and theorems already introduced in the Mizar Mathematical Library for the determinant. Unfortunately, the formalization of the latter notion is at its early stage, so we had to prove many very elementary auxiliary facts.
Katarzyna Romanowicz
  1. Katarzyna Romanowicz, Adam Grabowski. The Operation of Addition of Relational Structures, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 335-339, 2004. MML Identifier: LATSUM_1
    Summary: The article contains the formalization of the addition operator on relational structures as defined by A.~Wro{\'n}ski \cite{Wronski:1974} (as a generalization of Troelstra's sum or Ja{\'s}kowski star addition). The ordering relation of $A \otimes B$ is given by $$\le_{A\otimes B}\:=\:\le_A\cup \le_B\cup\: (\le_A \circ \le_B),$$ where the carrier is defined as the set-theoretical union of carriers of $A$ and $B$. Main part -- Section 3 -- is devoted to the Mizar translation of Theorem 1 (iv--xiii), p.~66 of \cite{Wronski:1974}.
Agnieszka Rowinska-Schwarzweller
  1. Christoph Schwarzweller, Agnieszka Rowinska-Schwarzweller. Schur's Theorem on the Stability of Networks, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 135-142, 2006. MML Identifier: HURWITZ
    Summary: A complex polynomial is called a Hurwitz polynomial, if all its roots have a real part smaller than zero. This kind of polynomial plays an all-dominant role in stability checks of electrical networks.\par In this article we prove Schur's criterion \cite{SCHUR:1} that allows to decide whether a polynomial $p(x)$ is Hurwitz without explicitely computing its roots: Schur's recursive algorithm successively constructs polynomials $p_i(x)$ of lesser degree by division with $x-c$, $\Re\{c\} < 0$.
Piotr Rudnicki
  1. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. A First Order Language, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 303-311, 1990. MML Identifier: QC_LANG1
    Summary: In the paper a first order language is constructed. It includes the universal quantifier and the following propositional connectives: truth, negation, and conjunction. The variables are divided into three kinds: bound variables, fixed variables, and free variables. An infinite number of predicates for each arity is provided. Schemes of structural induction and schemes justifying definitions by structural induction have been proved. The concept of a closed formula (a formula without free occurrences of bound variables) is introduced.
  2. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. Development of Terminology for \bf SCM, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 61-67, 1993. MML Identifier: SCM_1
    Summary: We develop a higher level terminology for the {\bf SCM} machine defined by Nakamura and Trybulec in \cite{AMI_1.ABS}. Among numerous technical definitions and lemmas we define a complexity measure of a halting state of {\bf SCM} and a loader for {\bf SCM} for arbitrary finite sequence of instructions. In order to test the introduced terminology we discuss properties of eight shortest halting programs, one for each instruction.
  3. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. Two Programs for \bf SCM. Part I -- Preliminaries, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 69-72, 1993. MML Identifier: PRE_FF
    Summary: In two articles (this one and \cite{FIB_FUSC.ABS}) we discuss correctness of two short programs for the {\bf SCM} machine: one computes Fibonacci numbers and the other computes the {\em fusc} function of Dijkstra \cite{DIJKSTRA}. The limitations of current Mizar implementation rendered it impossible to present the correctness proofs for the programs in one article. This part is purely technical and contains a number of very specific lemmas about integer division, floor, exponentiation and logarithms. The formal definitions of the Fibonacci sequence and the {\em fusc} function may be of general interest.
  4. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. Two Programs for \bf SCM. Part II -- Programs, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 73-75, 1993. MML Identifier: FIB_FUSC
    Summary: We prove the correctness of two short programs for the {\bf SCM} machine: one computes Fibonacci numbers and the other computes the {\em fusc} function of Dijkstra \cite{DIJKSTRA}. The formal definitions of these functions can be found in \cite{PRE_FF.ABS}. We prove the total correctness of the programs in two ways: by conducting inductions on computations and inductions on input data. In addition we characterize the concrete complexity of the programs as defined in \cite{SCM_1.ABS}.
  5. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. On Defining Functions on Trees, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 91-101, 1993. MML Identifier: DTCONSTR
    Summary: The continuation of the sequence of articles on trees (see \cite{TREES_1.ABS}, \cite{TREES_2.ABS}, \cite{TREES_3.ABS}, \cite{TREES_4.ABS}) and on context-free grammars (\cite{LANG1.ABS}). We define the set of complete parse trees for a given context-free grammar. Next we define the scheme of induction for the set and the scheme of defining functions by induction on the set. For each symbol of a context-free grammar we define the terminal, the pretraversal, and the posttraversal languages. The introduced terminology is tested on the example of Peano naturals.
  6. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. On Defining Functions on Binary Trees, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 9-13, 1996. MML Identifier: BINTREE1
    Summary: This article is a continuation of an article on defining functions on trees (see \cite{DTCONSTR.ABS}). In this article we develop terminology specialized for binary trees, first defining binary trees and binary grammars. We recast the induction principle for the set of parse trees of binary grammars and the scheme of defining functions inductively with the set as domain. We conclude with defining the scheme of defining such functions by lambda-like expressions.
  7. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. A Compiler of Arithmetic Expressions for SCM, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 15-20, 1996. MML Identifier: SCM_COMP
    Summary: We define a set of binary arithmetic expressions with the following operations: $+$, $-$, $\cdot$, {\tt mod}, and {\tt div} and formalize the common meaning of the expressions in the set of integers. Then, we define a compile function that for a given expression results in a program for the {\bf SCM} machine defined by Nakamura and Trybulec in \cite{AMI_1.ABS}. We prove that the generated program when loaded into the machine and executed computes the value of the expression. The program uses additional memory and runs in time linear in length of the expression.
  8. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Preliminaries to Circuits, I, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 167-172, 1996. MML Identifier: PRE_CIRC
    Summary: This article is the first in a series of four articles (continued in \cite{MSAFREE2.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many-sorted algebras.\par Here, we introduce some auxiliary notations and prove auxiliary facts about many sorted sets, many sorted functions and trees.
  9. Miroslava Kaloper , Piotr Rudnicki. Minimization of finite state machines, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 173-184, 1996. MML Identifier: FSM_1
    Summary: We have formalized deterministic finite state machines closely following the textbook \cite{ddq}, pp. 88--119 up to the minimization theorem. In places, we have changed the approach presented in the book as it turned out to be too specific and inconvenient. Our work also revealed several minor mistakes in the book. After defining a structure for an outputless finite state machine, we have derived the structures for the transition assigned output machine (Mealy) and state assigned output machine (Moore). The machines are then proved similar, in the sense that for any Mealy (Moore) machine there exists a Moore (Mealy) machine producing essentially the same response for the same input. The rest of work is then done for Mealy machines. Next, we define equivalence of machines, equivalence and $k$-equivalence of states, and characterize a process of constructing for a given Mealy machine, the machine equivalent to it in which no two states are equivalent. The final, minimization theorem states: \begin{quotation} \noindent {\bf Theorem 4.5:} Let {\bf M}$_1$ and {\bf M}$_2$ be reduced, connected finite-state machines. Then the state graphs of {\bf M}$_1$ and {\bf M}$_2$ are isomorphic if and only if {\bf M}$_1$ and {\bf M}$_2$ are equivalent. \end{quotation} and it is the last theorem in this article.
  10. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Preliminaries to Circuits, II, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 215-220, 1996. MML Identifier: MSAFREE2
    Summary: This article is the second in a series of four articles (started with \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS} and continued in \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par First, we introduce some additional terminology for many sorted signatures. The vertices of such signatures are divided into input vertices and inner vertices. A many sorted signature is called {\em circuit like} if each sort is a result sort of at most one operation. Next, we introduce some notions for many sorted algebras and many sorted free algebras. Free envelope of an algebra is a free algebra generated by the sorts of the algebra. Evaluation of an algebra is defined as a homomorphism from the free envelope of the algebra into the algebra. We define depth of elements of free many sorted algebras.\par A many sorted signature is said to be monotonic if every finitely generated algebra over it is locally finite (finite in each sort). Monotonic signatures are used (see \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) in modelling backbones of circuits without directed cycles.
  11. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Introduction to Circuits, I, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 227-232, 1996. MML Identifier: CIRCUIT1
    Summary: This article is the third in a series of four articles (preceded by \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS},\cite{MSAFREE2.ABS} and continued in \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par A circuit is defined as a locally-finite algebra over a circuit-like many sorted signature. For circuits we define notions of input function and of circuit state which are later used (see \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) to define circuit computations. For circuits over monotonic signatures we introduce notions of vertex size and vertex depth that characterize certain graph properties of circuit's signature in terms of elements of its free envelope algebra. The depth of a finite circuit is defined as the maximal depth over its vertices.
  12. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Introduction to Circuits, II, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 273-278, 1996. MML Identifier: CIRCUIT2
    Summary: This article is the last in a series of four articles (preceded by \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS}, \cite{MSAFREE2.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par The notion of a circuit computation is defined as a sequence of circuit states. For a state of a circuit the next state is given by executing operations at circuit vertices in the current state, according to denotations of the operations. The values at input vertices at each state of a computation are provided by an external sequence of input values. The process of how input values propagate through a circuit is described in terms of a homomorphism of the free envelope algebra of the circuit into itself. We prove that every computation of a circuit over a finite monotonic signature and with constant input values stabilizes after executing the number of steps equal to the depth of the circuit.
  13. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Vertex Sequences Induced by Chains, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 297-304, 1996. MML Identifier: GRAPH_2
    Summary: In the three preliminary sections to the article we define two operations on finite sequences which seem to be of general interest. The first is the $cut$ operation that extracts a contiguous chunk of a finite sequence from a position to a position. The second operation is a glueing catenation that given two finite sequences catenates them with removal of the first element of the second sequence. The main topic of the article is to define an operation which for a given chain in a graph returns the sequence of vertices through which the chain passes. We define the exact conditions when such an operation is uniquely definable. This is done with the help of the so called two-valued alternating finite sequences. We also prove theorems about the existence of simple chains which are subchains of a given chain. In order to do this we define the notion of a finite subsequence of a typed finite sequence.
  14. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. An Extension of \bf SCM, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 507-512, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_1
  15. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. The \SCMFSA Computer, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 519-528, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_2
  16. Czeslaw Bylinski, Piotr Rudnicki. The Correspondence Between Monotonic Many Sorted Signatures and Well-Founded Graphs. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 577-582, 1996. MML Identifier: MSSCYC_1
    Summary: We prove a number of auxiliary facts about graphs, mainly about vertex sequences of chains and oriented chains. Then we define a graph to be {\em well-founded} if for each vertex in the graph the length of oriented chains ending at the vertex is bounded. A {\em well-founded} graph does not have directed cycles or infinite descending chains. In the second part of the article we prove some auxiliary facts about free algebras and locally-finite algebras.
  17. Czeslaw Bylinski, Piotr Rudnicki. The Correspondence Between Monotonic Many Sorted Signatures and Well-Founded Graphs. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 591-593, 1996. MML Identifier: MSSCYC_2
    Summary: The graph induced by a many sorted signature is defined as follows: the vertices are the symbols of sorts, and if a sort $s$ is an argument of an operation with result sort $t$, then a directed edge $[s, t]$ is in the graph. The key lemma states relationship between the depth of elements of a free many sorted algebra over a signature and the length of directed chains in the graph induced by the signature. Then we prove that a monotonic many sorted signature (every finitely-generated algebra over it is locally-finite) induces a {\em well-founded} graph. The converse holds with an additional assumption that the signature is finitely operated, i.e. there is only a finite number of operations with the given result sort.
  18. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. Memory Handling for \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 29-36, 1997. MML Identifier: SF_MASTR
    Summary: We introduce some terminology for reasoning about memory used in programs in general and in macro instructions (introduced in \cite{SCMFSA6A.ABS}) in particular. The usage of integer locations and of finite sequence locations by a program is treated separately. We define some functors for selecting memory locations needed for local (temporary) variables in macro instructions. Some semantic properties of the introduced notions are given in terms of executions of macro instructions.
  19. Noriko Asamoto, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. On the Composition of Macro Instructions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 41-47, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA6B
    Summary: We define the semantics of macro instructions (introduced in \cite{SCMFSA6A.ABS}) in terms of executions of ${\bf SCM}_{\rm FSA}$. In a similar way, we define the semantics of macro composition. Several attributes of macro instructions are introduced (paraclosed, parahalting, keeping 0) and their usage enables a systematic treatment of the composition of macro intructions. This article is continued in \cite{SCMFSA6C.ABS}.
  20. Noriko Asamoto, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. On the Composition of Macro Instructions. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 53-57, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA6C
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{SCMFSA6A.ABS} and \cite{SCMFSA6C.ABS}. First, we recast the semantics of the macro composition in more convenient terms. Then, we introduce terminology and basic properties of macros constructed out of single instructions of ${\bf SCM}_{\rm FSA}$. We give the complete semantics of composing a macro instruction with an instruction and for composing two machine instructions (this is also done in terms of macros). The introduced terminology is tested on the simple example of a macro for swapping two integer locations.
  21. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. Fixpoints in Complete Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 109-115, 1997. MML Identifier: KNASTER
    Summary: Theorem (5) states that if an iterate of a function has a unique fixpoint then it is also the fixpoint of the function. It has been included here in response to P. Andrews claim that such a proof in set theory takes thousands of lines when one starts with the axioms. While probably true, such a claim is misleading about the usefulness of proof-checking systems based on set theory.\par Next, we prove the existence of the least and the greatest fixpoints for $\subseteq$-monotone functions from a powerset to a powerset of a set. Scheme {\it Knaster} is the Knaster theorem about the existence of fixpoints, cf. \cite{lns82}. Theorem (11) is the Banach decomposition theorem which is then used to prove the Schr\"{o}der-Bernstein theorem (12) (we followed Paulson's development of these theorems in Isabelle \cite{lcp95}). It is interesting to note that the last theorem when stated in Mizar in terms of cardinals becomes trivial to prove as in the Mizar development of cardinals the $\leq$ relation is synonymous with $\subseteq$.\par Section 3 introduces the notion of the lattice of a lattice subset provided the subset has lubs and glbs.\par The main theorem of Section 4 is the Tarski theorem (43) that every monotone function $f$ over a complete lattice $L$ has a complete lattice of fixpoints. As the consequence of this theorem we get the existence of the least fixpoint equal to $f^\beta(\bot_L)$ for some ordinal $\beta$ with cardinality not bigger than the cardinality of the carrier of $L$, cf. \cite{lns82}, and analogously the existence of the greatest fixpoint equal to $f^\beta(\top_L)$.\par Section 5 connects the fixpoint properties of monotone functions over complete lattices with the fixpoints of $\subseteq$-monotone functions over the lattice of subsets of a set (Boolean lattice).
  22. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. Abian's Fixed Point Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 335-338, 1997. MML Identifier: ABIAN
    Summary: A. Abian \cite{abi68} proved the following theorem: \begin{quotation} Let $f$ be a mapping from a finite set $D$. Then $f$ has a fixed point if and only if $D$ is not a union of three mutually disjoint sets $A$, $B$ and $C$ such that \[ A \cap f[A] = B \cap f[B] = C \cap f[C] = \emptyset.\] \end{quotation} (The range of $f$ is not necessarily the subset of its domain). The proof of the sufficiency is by induction on the number of elements of $D$. A.~M\k{a}kowski and K.~Wi{\'s}niewski \cite{maw69} have shown that the assumption of finiteness is superfluous. They proved their version of the theorem for $f$ being a function from $D$ into $D$. In the proof, the required partition was constructed and the construction used the axiom of choice. Their main point was to demonstrate that the use of this axiom in the proof is essential. We have proved in Mizar the generalized version of Abian's theorem, i.e. without assuming finiteness of $D$. We have simplified the proof from \cite{maw69} which uses well-ordering principle and transfinite ordinals---our proof does not use these notions but otherwise is based on their idea (we employ choice functions).
  23. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. On Same Equivalents of Well-foundedness, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 339-343, 1997. MML Identifier: WELLFND1
    Summary: Four statements equivalent to well-foundedness (well-founded induction, existence of recursively defined functions, uniqueness of recursively defined functions, and absence of descending $\omega$-chains) have been proved in Mizar and the proofs were mechanically checked for correctness. It seems not to be widely known that the existence (without the uniqueness assumption) of recursively defined functions implies well-foundedness. In the proof we used regular cardinals, a fairly advanced notion of set theory. This work was inspired by T.~Franzen's paper ~\cite{tor96}. Franzen's proofs were written by a mathematician having an argument with a computer scientist. We were curious about the effort needed to formalize Franzen's proofs given the state of the Mizar Mathematical Library at that time (July 1996). The formalization went quite smoothly once the mathematics was sorted out.
  24. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Euler Circuits and Paths, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 417-425, 1997. MML Identifier: GRAPH_3
    Summary: We prove the Euler theorem on existence of Euler circuits and paths in multigraphs.
  25. Czeslaw Bylinski, Piotr Rudnicki. Bounding Boxes for Compact Sets in $\calE^2$, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 427-440, 1997. MML Identifier: PSCOMP_1
    Summary: We define pseudocompact topological spaces and prove that every compact space is pseudocompact. We also solve an exercise from \cite{mgm}~p.225 that for a topological space $X$ the following are equivalent: \begin{itemize} \item Every continuous real map from $X$ is bounded (i.e. $X$ is pseudocompact). \item Every continuous real map from $X$ attains minimum. \item Every continuous real map from $X$ attains maximum. \end{itemize} Finally, for a compact set in $E^2$ we define its bounding rectangle and introduce a collection of notions associated with the box.
  26. Czeslaw Bylinski, Piotr Rudnicki. The Scott Topology. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 441-446, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL14
    Summary: Mizar formalization of pp. 105--108 of \cite{CCL} which continues \cite{WAYBEL11.ABS}. We found a simplification for the proof of Corollary~1.15, in the last case, see the proof in the Mizar article for details.
  27. Piotr Rudnicki. On the Composition of Non-parahalting Macro Instructions, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 87-92, 1998. MML Identifier: SFMASTR1
    Summary: An attempt to use the {\tt Times} macro, \cite{SCMFSA8C.ABS}, was the origin of writing this article. First, the semantics of the macro composition as developed in \cite{SCMFSA6A.ABS}, \cite{SCMFSA6B.ABS}, \cite{SCMFSA6C.ABS} is extended to the case of macro instructions which are not always halting. Next, several functors extending the memory handling for {\SCMFSA}, \cite{SF_MASTR.ABS}, are defined; they are convenient when writing more complicated programs. After this preparatory work, we define a macro instruction computing the Fibonacci sequence (see the SCM program computing the same sequence in \cite{FIB_FUSC.ABS}) and prove its correctness. The semantics of the {\tt Times} macro is given in \cite{SCMFSA8C.ABS} only for the case when the iterated instruction is parahalting; this is remedied in \cite{SFMASTR2.ABS}.
  28. Piotr Rudnicki. The while Macro Instructions of \SCMFSA. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 93-100, 1998. MML Identifier: SCMFSA9A
    Summary: An attempt to use the {\tt while} macro, \cite{SCMFSA_9.ABS}, was the origin of writing this article. The {\tt while} semantics, as given by J.-C.~Chen, is slightly extended by weakening its correctness conditions and this forced a quite straightforward remake of a number of theorems from \cite{SCMFSA_9.ABS}. Numerous additional properties of the {\tt while} macro are then proven. In the last section, we define a macro instruction computing the {\tt fusc} function (see the SCM program computing the same function in \cite{FIB_FUSC.ABS}) and prove its correctness.
  29. Piotr Rudnicki. Another times Macro Instruction, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 101-105, 1998. MML Identifier: SFMASTR2
    Summary: The semantics of the {\tt times} macro is given in \cite{SCMFSA8C.ABS} only for the case when the body of the macro is parahalting. We remedy this by defining a new {\tt times} macro instruction in terms of {\tt while} (see \cite{SCMFSA_9.ABS}, \cite{SCMFSA9A.ABS}). The semantics of the new {\tt times} macro is given in a way analogous to the semantics of {\tt while} macros. The new {\tt times} uses an anonymous variable to control the number of its executions. We present two examples: a trivial one and a remake of the macro for the Fibonacci sequence (see \cite{SFMASTR1.ABS}).
  30. Piotr Rudnicki. The for (going up) Macro Instruction, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 107-114, 1998. MML Identifier: SFMASTR3
    Summary: We define a {\tt for} type (going up) macro instruction in terms of the {\tt while} macro. This gives an iterative macro with an explicit control variable. The {\tt for} macro is used to define a macro for the selection sort acting on a finite sequence location of {\SCMFSA}. On the way, a macro for finding a minimum in a section of an array is defined.
  31. Piotr Rudnicki. Kernel Projections and Quotient Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 169-175, 1998. MML Identifier: WAYBEL20
    Summary: This article completes the Mizar formalization of Chapter I, Section 2 from \cite{CCL}. After presenting some preliminary material (not all of which is later used in this article) we give the proof of theorem 2.7 (i), p.60. We do not follow the hint from \cite{CCL} suggesting using the equations 2.3, p. 58. The proof is taken directly from the definition of continuous lattice. The goal of the last section is to prove the correspondence between the set of all congruences of a continuous lattice and the set of all kernel operators of the lattice which preserve directed sups (Corollary 2.13).
  32. Piotr Rudnicki. Representation Theorem for Free Continuous Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 185-188, 1998. MML Identifier: WAYBEL22
    Summary: We present the Mizar formalization of theorem 4.17, Chapter I from \cite{CCL}: a free continuous lattice with $m$ generators is isomorphic to the lattice of filters of $2^X$ ($\overline{\overline{X}} = m$) which is freely generated by $\{\uparrow x : x \in X\}$ (the set of ultrafilters).
  33. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Oriented Chains, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 189-192, 1998. MML Identifier: GRAPH_4
    Summary: In \cite{GRAPH_2.ABS} we introduced a number of notions about vertex sequences associated with undirected chains of edges in graphs. In this article, we introduce analogous concepts for oriented chains and use them to prove properties of cutting and glueing of oriented chains, and the existence of a simple oriented chain in an oriented chain.
  34. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. Multivariate Polynomials with Arbitrary Number of Variables, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 95-110, 2001. MML Identifier: POLYNOM1
    Summary: The goal of this article is to define multivariate polynomials in arbitrary number of indeterminates and then to prove that they constitute a ring (over appropriate structure of coefficients).\par The introductory section includes quite a number of auxiliary lemmas related to many different parts of the MML. The second section characterizes the sequence flattening operation, introduced in \cite{DTCONSTR.ABS}, but so far lacking theorems about its fundamental properties.\par We first define formal power series in arbitrary number of variables. The auxiliary concept on which the construction of formal power series is based is the notion of a bag. A bag of a set $X$ is a natural function on $X$ which is zero almost everywhere. The elements of $X$ play the role of formal variables and a bag gives their exponents thus forming a power product. Series are defined for an ordered set of variables (we use ordinal numbers). A series in $o$ variables over a structure $S$ is a function assigning an element of the carrier of $S$ (coefficient) to each bag of $o$.\par We define the operations of addition, complement and multiplication for formal power series and prove their properties which depend on assumed properties of the structure from which the coefficients are taken. (We would like to note that proving associativity of multiplication turned out to be technically complicated.)\par Polynomial is defined as a formal power series with finite number of non zero coefficients. In conclusion, the ring of polynomials is defined.
  35. Richard Krueger, Piotr Rudnicki, Paul Shelley. Asymptotic Notation. Part I: Theory, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 135-142, 2001. MML Identifier: ASYMPT_0
    Summary: The widely used textbook by Brassard and Bratley \cite{BraBra96} includes a chapter devoted to asymptotic notation (Chapter 3, pp. 79--97). We have attempted to test how suitable the current version of Mizar is for recording this type of material in its entirety. A more detailed report on this experiment will be available separately. This article presents the development of notions and a follow-up article \cite{ASYMPT_1.ABS} includes examples and solutions to problems. The preliminaries introduce a number of properties of real sequences, some operations on real sequences, and a characterization of convergence. The remaining sections in this article correspond to sections of Chapter 3 of \cite{BraBra96}. Section 2 defines the $O$ notation and proves the threshold, maximum, and limit rules. Section 3 introduces the $\Omega$ and $\Theta$ notations and their analogous rules. Conditional asymptotic notation is defined in Section 4 where smooth functions are also discussed. Section 5 defines some operations on asymptotic notation (we have decided not to introduce the asymptotic notation for functions of several variables as it is a straightforward generalization of notions for unary functions).
  36. Richard Krueger, Piotr Rudnicki, Paul Shelley. Asymptotic Notation. Part II: Examples and Problems, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 143-154, 2001. MML Identifier: ASYMPT_1
    Summary: The widely used textbook by Brassard and Bratley \cite{BraBra96} includes a chapter devoted to asymptotic notation (Chapter 3, pp. 79--97). We have attempted to test how suitable the current version of Mizar is for recording this type of material in its entirety. This article is a follow-up to \cite{ASYMPT_0.ABS} in which we introduced the basic notions and general theory. This article presents a Mizar formalization of examples and solutions to problems from Chapter 3 of \cite{BraBra96} (some of the examples and solved problems are also in \cite{ASYMPT_0.ABS}). Not all problems have been solved as some required solutions not amenable for formalization.
  37. Jing-Chao Chen, Piotr Rudnicki. The Construction and Computation of for-loop Programs for SCMPDS, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 209-219, 2001. MML Identifier: SCMPDS_7
    Summary: This article defines two for-loop statements for SCMPDS. One is called for-up, which corresponds to ``for (i=x; i$<$0; i+=n) S'' in C language. Another is called for-down, which corresponds to ``for (i=x; i$>$0; i-=n) S''. Here, we do not present their unconditional halting (called parahalting) property, because we have not found that there exists a useful for-loop statement with unconditional halting, and the proof of unconditional halting is much simpler than that of conditional halting. It is hard to formalize all halting conditions, but some cases can be formalized. We choose loop invariants as halting conditions to prove halting problem of for-up/down statements. When some variables (except the loop control variable) keep undestroyed on a set for the loop invariant, and the loop body is halting for this condition, the corresponding for-up/down is halting and computable under this condition. The computation of for-loop statements can be realized by evaluating its body. At the end of the article, we verify for-down statements by two examples for summing.
  38. Andrzej Trybulec, Piotr Rudnicki, Artur Kornilowicz. Standard Ordering of Instruction Locations, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 291-301, 2001. MML Identifier: AMISTD_1
  39. Jonathan Backer, Piotr Rudnicki, Christoph Schwarzweller. Ring Ideals, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 565-582, 2001. MML Identifier: IDEAL_1
    Summary: We introduce the basic notions of ideal theory in rings. This includes left and right ideals, (finitely) generated ideals and some operations on ideals such as the addition of ideals and the radical of an ideal. In addition we introduce linear combinations to formalize the well-known characterization of generated ideals. Principal ideal domains and Noetherian rings are defined. The latter development follows \cite{Becker93}, pages 144--145.
  40. Jonathan Backer, Piotr Rudnicki. Hilbert Basis Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 583-589, 2001. MML Identifier: HILBASIS
    Summary: We prove the Hilbert basis theorem following \cite{Becker93}, page 145. First we prove the theorem for the univariate case and then for the multivariate case. Our proof for the latter is slightly different than in \cite{Becker93}. As a base case we take the ring of polynomilas with no variables. We also prove that a polynomial ring with infinite number of variables is not Noetherian.
  41. Grzegorz Bancerek, Piotr Rudnicki. The Set of Primitive Recursive Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 705-720, 2001. MML Identifier: COMPUT_1
    Summary: We follow \cite{Uspenski60} in defining the set of primitive recursive functions. The important helper notion is the homogeneous function from finite sequences of natural numbers into natural numbers where homogeneous means that all the sequences in the domain are of the same length. The set of all such functions is then used to define the notion of a set closed under composition of functions and under primitive recursion. We call a set primitively recursively closed iff it contains the initial functions (nullary constant function returning 0, unary successor and projection functions for all arities) and is closed under composition and primitive recursion. The set of primitive recursive functions is then defined as the smallest set of functions which is primitive recursively closed. We show that this set can be obtained by primitive recursive approximation. We finish with showing that some simple and well known functions are primitive recursive.
  42. Gilbert Lee, Piotr Rudnicki. Dickson's Lemma, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 29-37, 2002. MML Identifier: DICKSON
    Summary: We present a Mizar formalization of the proof of Dickson's lemma following \cite{Becker93}, chapters 4.2 and 4.3.
  43. Gilbert Lee, Piotr Rudnicki. On Ordering of Bags, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 39-46, 2002. MML Identifier: BAGORDER
    Summary: We present a Mizar formalization of chapter 4.4 of \cite{Becker93} devoted to special orderings in additive monoids to be used for ordering terms in multivariate polynomials. We have extended the treatment to the case of infinite number of variables. It turns out that in such case admissible orderings are not necessarily well orderings.
  44. William W. Armstrong, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Armstrong's Axioms, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 39-51, 2003. MML Identifier: ARMSTRNG
    Summary: We present a formalization of the seminal paper by W.~W.~Armstrong~\cite{arm74} on functional dependencies in relational data bases. The paper is formalized in its entirety including examples and applications. The formalization was done with a routine effort albeit some new notions were defined which simplified formulation of some theorems and proofs.\par The definitive reference to the theory of relational databases is~\cite{Maier}, where saturated sets are called closed sets. Armstrong's ``axioms'' for functional dependencies are still widely taught at all levels of database design, see for instance~\cite{Elmasri}.
  45. Wenpai Chang, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. Inner Products and Angles of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 275-280, 2003. MML Identifier: COMPLEX2
    Summary: An inner product of complex numbers is defined and used to characterize the (counter-clockwise) angle between ($a$,0) and (0,$b$) in the complex plane. For complex $a$, $b$ and $c$ we then define the (counter-clockwise) angle between ($a$,$c$) and ($c$, $b$) and prove theorems about the sum of internal and external angles of a triangle.
  46. Piotr Rudnicki. Little Bezout Theorem (Factor Theorem), Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 49-58, 2004. MML Identifier: UPROOTS
    Summary: We present a formalization of the factor theorem for univariate polynomials, also called the (little) Bezout theorem: Let $r$ belong to a commutative ring $L$ and $p(x)$ be a polynomial over $L$. Then $x-r$ divides $p(x)$ iff $p(r) = 0$. We also prove some consequences of this theorem like that any non zero polynomial of degree $n$ over an algebraically closed integral domain has $n$ (non necessarily distinct) roots.
  47. Broderick Arneson, Piotr Rudnicki. Primitive Roots of Unity and Cyclotomic Polynomials, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 59-67, 2004. MML Identifier: UNIROOTS
    Summary: We present a formalization of roots of unity, define cyclotomic polynomials and demonstrate the relationship between cyclotomic polynomials and unital polynomials.
  48. Broderick Arneson, Matthias Baaz, Piotr Rudnicki. Witt's Proof of the Wedderburn Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 69-75, 2004. MML Identifier: WEDDWITT
    Summary: We present a formalization of Witt's proof of the Wedderburn theorem following Chapter 5 of {\em Proofs from THE BOOK} by Martin Aigner and G\"{u}nter M. Ziegler, 2nd ed., Springer 1999.
  49. Artur Kornilowicz, Piotr Rudnicki. Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 179-186, 2004. MML Identifier: NAT_3
    Summary: We formalize the notion of the prime-power factorization of a natural number and prove the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. We prove also how prime-power factorization can be used to compute: products, quotients, powers, greatest common divisors and least common multiples.
  50. Gilbert Lee, Piotr Rudnicki. Alternative Graph Structures, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 235-252, 2005. MML Identifier: GLIB_000
    Summary: We define the notion of a graph anew without using the available Mizar structures. In our approach, we model graph structure as a finite function whose domain is a subset of natural numbers. The elements of the domain of the function play the role of selectors for accessing the components of the structure. As these selectors are first class objects, many future extensions of the new graph structure turned out to be easier to formalize in Mizar than with the traditional Mizar structures. \par After introducing graph structure, we define its selectors and then conditions that the structure needs to satisfy to form a directed graph (in the spirit of \cite{GRAPH_1.ABS}). For these graphs we define a collection of basic graph notions; the presentation of these notions is continued in articles \cite{GLIB_001.ABS,GLIB_002.ABS,GLIB_003.ABS}. \par We have tried to follow a number of graph theory books in choosing graph terminology but since the terminology is not commonly agreed upon, we had to make a number of compromises, see \cite{gl04}.
  51. Gilbert Lee, Piotr Rudnicki. Correctness of Dijkstra's Shortest Path and Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 295-304, 2005. MML Identifier: GLIB_004
    Summary: We prove correctness for Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm, and Prim's minimum weight spanning tree algorithm at the level of graph manipulations.
  52. Broderick Arneson, Piotr Rudnicki. Chordal Graphs, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 79-92, 2006. MML Identifier: CHORD
    Summary: We are formalizing \cite[pp.~81--84]{Golumbic} where chordal graphs are defined and their basic characterization is given. This formalization is a part of the M.Sc. work of the first author under supervision of the second author.
  53. Broderick Arneson, Piotr Rudnicki. Recognizing Chordal Graphs: Lex BFS and MCS, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 187-205, 2006. MML Identifier: LEXBFS
    Summary: We are formalizing the algorithm for recognizing chordal graphs by lexicographic breadth-first search as presented in \cite[Section 3 of Chapter4, pp.~81--84]{Golumbic}. Then we follow with a formalization of another algorithm serving the same end but based on maximum cardinality search as presented by Tarjan and Yannakakis~\cite{TY84}.\par This work is a part of the MSc work of the first author under supervision of the second author. We would like to thank one of the anonymous reviewers for very useful suggestions.
Pawel Sadowski
  1. Konrad Raczkowski, Pawel Sadowski. Equivalence Relations and Classes of Abstraction, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 441-444, 1990. MML Identifier: EQREL_1
    Summary: In this article we deal with the notion of equivalence relation. The main properties of equivalence relations are proved. Then we define the classes of abstraction determined by an equivalence relation. Finally, the connections between a partition of a set and an equivalence relation are presented. We introduce the following notation of modes: {\it Equivalence Relation, a partition}.
  2. Pawel Sadowski, Andrzej Trybulec, Konrad Raczkowski. The Fundamental Logic Structure in Quantum Mechanics, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 489-494, 1990. MML Identifier: QMAX_1
    Summary: In this article we present the logical structure given by four axioms of Mackey \cite{MACKEY} in the set of propositions of Quantum Mechanics. The equivalence relation (PropRel(Q)) in the set of propositions (Prop Q) for given Quantum Mechanics Q is considered. The main text for this article is \cite{EQREL_1.ABS} where the structure of quotient space and the properties of equivalence relations, classes and partitions are studied.
  3. Konrad Raczkowski, Pawel Sadowski. Topological Properties of Subsets in Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 777-780, 1990. MML Identifier: RCOMP_1
    Summary: The following notions for real subsets are defined: open set, closed set, compact set, intervals and neighbourhoods. In the sequel some theorems involving above mentioned notions are proved.
  4. Konrad Raczkowski, Pawel Sadowski. Real Function Continuity, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 787-791, 1990. MML Identifier: FCONT_1
    Summary: The continuity of real functions is discussed. There is a function defined on some domain in real numbers which is continuous in a single point and on a subset of domain of the function. Main properties of real continuous functions are proved. Among them there is the Weierstra{\ss} Theorem. Algebraic features for real continuous functions are shown. Lipschitzian functions are introduced. The Lipschitz condition entails continuity.
  5. Konrad Raczkowski, Pawel Sadowski. Real Function Differentiability, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 797-801, 1990. MML Identifier: FDIFF_1
    Summary: For a real valued function defined on its domain in real numbers the differentiability in a single point and on a subset of the domain is presented. The main elements of differential calculus are developed. The algebraic properties of differential real functions are shown.
  6. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Konrad Raczkowski, Pawel Sadowski. Average Value Theorems for Real Functions of One Variable, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 803-805, 1990. MML Identifier: ROLLE
    Summary: Three basic theorems in differential calculus of one variable functions are presented: Rolle Theorem, Lagrange Theorem and Cauchy Theorem. There are also direct conclusions.
Yuji Sakai
  1. Jaroslaw Kotowicz, Yuji Sakai. Properties of Partial Functions from a Domain to the Set of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 279-288, 1992. MML Identifier: RFUNCT_3
    Summary: The article consists of two parts. In the first one we consider notion of nonnegative and nonpositive part of a real numbers. In the second we consider partial function from a domain to the set of real numbers (or more general to a domain). We define a few new operations for these functions and show connections between finite sequences of real numbers and functions which domain is finite. We introduce {\em integrations} for finite domain real valued functions.
  2. Yuji Sakai, Jaroslaw Kotowicz. Introduction to Theory of Rearrangement, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 9-13, 1993. MML Identifier: REARRAN1
    Summary: An introduction to the rearrangement theory for finite functions (e.g. with the finite domain and codomain). The notion of generators and cogenerators of finite sets (equivalent to the order in the language of finite sequences) has been defined. The notion of rearrangement for a function into finite set is presented. Some basic properties of these notions have been proved.
  3. Grzegorz Bancerek, Noboru Endou, Yuji Sakai. On the Characterizations of Compactness, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 733-738, 2001. MML Identifier: YELLOW19
    Summary: In the paper we show equivalence of the convergence of filters on a topological space and the convergence of nets in the space. We also give, five characterizations of compactness. Namely, for any topological space $T$ we proved that following condition are equivalent: \begin{itemize} \itemsep-3pt \item $T$ is compact, \item every ultrafilter on $T$ is convergent, \item every proper filter on $T$ has cluster point, \item every net in $T$ has cluster point, \item every net in $T$ has convergent subnet, \item every Cauchy net in $T$ is convergent. \end{itemize}
  4. Hiroshi Imura, Yuji Sakai, Yasunari Shidama. Differentiable Functions on Normed Linear Spaces. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 371-374, 2004. MML Identifier: NDIFF_2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{NDIFF_1.ABS}, the basic properties of the differentiable functions on normed linear spaces are described.
Agnieszka Sakowicz
  1. Agnieszka Sakowicz, Jaroslaw Gryko, Adam Grabowski. Sequences in $\calE^N_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 93-96, 1996. MML Identifier: TOPRNS_1
Christoph Schwarzweller
  1. Christoph Schwarzweller. The Correctness of the Generic Algorithms of Brown and Henrici Concerning Addition and Multiplication in Fraction Fields, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 381-388, 1997. MML Identifier: GCD_1
    Summary: We prove the correctness of the generic algorithms of Brown and Henrici concerning addition and multiplication in fraction fields of gcd-domains. For that we first prove some basic facts about divisibility in integral domains and introduce the concept of amplesets. After that we are able to define gcd-domains and to prove the theorems of Brown and Henrici which are crucial for the correctness of the algorithms. In the last section we define Mizar functions mirroring their input/output behaviour and prove properties of these functions that ensure the correctness of the algorithms.
  2. Christoph Schwarzweller. The Field of Quotients Over an Integral Domain, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 69-79, 1998. MML Identifier: QUOFIELD
    Summary: We introduce the field of quotients over an integral domain following the well-known construction using pairs over integral domains. In addition we define ring homomorphisms and prove some basic facts about fields of quotients including their universal property.
  3. Christoph Schwarzweller. Introduction to Concept Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 233-241, 1998. MML Identifier: CONLAT_1
    Summary: In this paper we give Mizar formalization of concept lattices. Concept lattices stem from the so-called formal concept analysis --- a part of applied mathematics that brings mathematical methods into the field of data analysis and knowledge processing. Our approach follows the one given in \cite{GanterWille}.
  4. Christoph Schwarzweller. The Ring of Integers, Euclidean Rings and Modulo Integers, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 29-34, 1999. MML Identifier: INT_3
    Summary: In this article we introduce the ring of Integers, Euclidean rings and Integers modulo $p$. In particular we prove that the Ring of Integers is an Euclidean ring and that the Integers modulo $p$ constitutes a field if and only if $p$ is a prime.
  5. Christoph Schwarzweller. Noetherian Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 169-174, 1999. MML Identifier: LATTICE6
    Summary: In this article we define noetherian and co-noetherian lattices and show how some properties concerning upper and lower neighbours, irreducibility and density can be improved when restricted to these kinds of lattices. In addition we define atomic lattices.
  6. Christoph Schwarzweller. A Characterization of Concept Lattices. Dual Concept Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 55-59, 2001. MML Identifier: CONLAT_2
    Summary: In this article we continue the formalization of concept lattices following \cite{GanterWille}. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a complete lattice to be isomorphic to a given formal context. As a by-product we get that a lattice is complete if and only if it is isomorphic to a concept lattice. In addition we introduce dual formal concepts and dual concept lattices and prove that the dual of a concept lattice over a formal context is isomorphic to the concept lattice over the dual formal context.
  7. Christoph Schwarzweller, Andrzej Trybulec. The Evaluation of Multivariate Polynomials, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 331-338, 2001. MML Identifier: POLYNOM2
  8. Christoph Schwarzweller. The Binomial Theorem for Algebraic Structures, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 559-564, 2001. MML Identifier: BINOM
    Summary: In this paper we prove the well-known binomial theorem for algebraic structures. In doing so we tried to be as modest as possible concerning the algebraic properties of the underlying structure. Consequently, we proved the binomial theorem for ``commutative rings'' in which the existence of an inverse with respect to addition is replaced by a weaker property of cancellation.
  9. Jonathan Backer, Piotr Rudnicki, Christoph Schwarzweller. Ring Ideals, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 565-582, 2001. MML Identifier: IDEAL_1
    Summary: We introduce the basic notions of ideal theory in rings. This includes left and right ideals, (finitely) generated ideals and some operations on ideals such as the addition of ideals and the radical of an ideal. In addition we introduce linear combinations to formalize the well-known characterization of generated ideals. Principal ideal domains and Noetherian rings are defined. The latter development follows \cite{Becker93}, pages 144--145.
  10. Christoph Schwarzweller. More on Multivariate Polynomials: Monomials and Constant Polynomials, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 849-855, 2001. MML Identifier: POLYNOM7
    Summary: In this article we give some technical concepts for multivariate polynomials with arbitrary number of variables. Monomials and constant polynomials are introduced and their properties with respect to the eval functor are shown. In addition, the multiplication of polynomials with coefficients is defined and investigated.
  11. Christoph Schwarzweller. Term Orders, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 105-111, 2003. MML Identifier: TERMORD
    Summary: We continue the formalization of \cite{Becker93} towards Gr\"obner Bases. Here we deal with term orders, that is with orders on bags. We introduce the notions of head term, head coefficient, and head monomial necessary to define reduction for polynomials.
  12. Christoph Schwarzweller. Polynomial Reduction, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 113-123, 2003. MML Identifier: POLYRED
    Summary: We continue the formalization of \cite{Becker93} towards Gr\"obner Bases. In this article we introduce reduction of polynomials and prove its termination, its adequateness for ideal congruence as well as the translation lemma used later to show confluence of reduction.
  13. Christoph Schwarzweller. Characterization and Existence of Gr\"obner Bases, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 293-301, 2003. MML Identifier: GROEB_1
    Summary: We continue the Mizar formalization of Gr\"{o}bner bases following \cite{Becker93}. In this article we prove a number of characterizations of Gr\"{o}bner bases among them that Gr\"{o}bner bases are convergent rewriting systems. We also show the existence and uniqueness of reduced Gr\"{o}bner bases.
  14. Christoph Schwarzweller. Construction of Gr\"obner bases. S-Polynomials and Standard Representations, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 303-312, 2003. MML Identifier: GROEB_2
    Summary: We continue the Mizar formalization of Gr\"{o}bner bases following \cite{Becker93}. In this article we introduce S-polynomials and standard representations and show how these notions can be used to characterize Gr\"{o}bner bases.
  15. Christoph Schwarzweller. Construction of Gr\"obner Bases: Avoiding S-Polynomials -- Buchberger's First Criterium, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 147-156, 2005. MML Identifier: GROEB_3
    Summary: We continue the formalization of Groebner bases following the book ``Groebner Bases -- A Computational Approach to Commutative Algebra'' by Becker and Weispfenning. Here we prove Buchberger's first criterium on avoiding S-polynomials: S-polynomials for polynomials with disjoint head terms need not be considered when constructing Groebner bases. In the course of formalizing this theorem we also introduced the splitting of a polynomial in an upper and a lower polynomial containing the greater resp. smaller terms of the original polynomial with respect to a given term order.
  16. Krzysztof Treyderowski, Christoph Schwarzweller. Multiplication of Polynomials using Discrete Fourier Transformation, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 121-128, 2006. MML Identifier: POLYNOM8
    Summary: In this article we define the Discrete Fourier Transformation for univariate polynomials and show that multiplication of polynomials can be carried out by two Fourier Transformations with a vector multiplication inbetween. Our proof follows the standard one found in the literature and uses Vandermonde matrices, see e.g. \cite{ModernComputerAlgebra}.
  17. Christoph Schwarzweller, Agnieszka Rowinska-Schwarzweller. Schur's Theorem on the Stability of Networks, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 135-142, 2006. MML Identifier: HURWITZ
    Summary: A complex polynomial is called a Hurwitz polynomial, if all its roots have a real part smaller than zero. This kind of polynomial plays an all-dominant role in stability checks of electrical networks.\par In this article we prove Schur's criterion \cite{SCHUR:1} that allows to decide whether a polynomial $p(x)$ is Hurwitz without explicitely computing its roots: Schur's recursive algorithm successively constructs polynomials $p_i(x)$ of lesser degree by division with $x-c$, $\Re\{c\} < 0$.
Paul Shelley
  1. Richard Krueger, Piotr Rudnicki, Paul Shelley. Asymptotic Notation. Part I: Theory, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 135-142, 2001. MML Identifier: ASYMPT_0
    Summary: The widely used textbook by Brassard and Bratley \cite{BraBra96} includes a chapter devoted to asymptotic notation (Chapter 3, pp. 79--97). We have attempted to test how suitable the current version of Mizar is for recording this type of material in its entirety. A more detailed report on this experiment will be available separately. This article presents the development of notions and a follow-up article \cite{ASYMPT_1.ABS} includes examples and solutions to problems. The preliminaries introduce a number of properties of real sequences, some operations on real sequences, and a characterization of convergence. The remaining sections in this article correspond to sections of Chapter 3 of \cite{BraBra96}. Section 2 defines the $O$ notation and proves the threshold, maximum, and limit rules. Section 3 introduces the $\Omega$ and $\Theta$ notations and their analogous rules. Conditional asymptotic notation is defined in Section 4 where smooth functions are also discussed. Section 5 defines some operations on asymptotic notation (we have decided not to introduce the asymptotic notation for functions of several variables as it is a straightforward generalization of notions for unary functions).
  2. Richard Krueger, Piotr Rudnicki, Paul Shelley. Asymptotic Notation. Part II: Examples and Problems, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 143-154, 2001. MML Identifier: ASYMPT_1
    Summary: The widely used textbook by Brassard and Bratley \cite{BraBra96} includes a chapter devoted to asymptotic notation (Chapter 3, pp. 79--97). We have attempted to test how suitable the current version of Mizar is for recording this type of material in its entirety. This article is a follow-up to \cite{ASYMPT_0.ABS} in which we introduced the basic notions and general theory. This article presents a Mizar formalization of examples and solutions to problems from Chapter 3 of \cite{BraBra96} (some of the examples and solved problems are also in \cite{ASYMPT_0.ABS}). Not all problems have been solved as some required solutions not amenable for formalization.
Alexander Yu. Shibakov
  1. Alexander Yu. Shibakov, Andrzej Trybulec. The Cantor Set, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 233-236, 1996. MML Identifier: CANTOR_1
    Summary: The aim of the paper is to define some basic notions of the theory of topological spaces like basis and prebasis, and to prove their simple properties. The definition of the Cantor set is given in terms of countable product of $\{0,1\}$ and a collection of its subsets to serve as a prebasis.
Yasunari Shidama
  1. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasunari Shidama. Algebra of Vector Functions, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 171-175, 1992. MML Identifier: VFUNCT_1
    Summary: We develop the algebra of partial vector functions, with domains being algebra of vector functions.
  2. Yasunari Shidama, Artur Kornilowicz. Convergence and the Limit of Complex Sequences. Series, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 403-410, 1997. MML Identifier: COMSEQ_3
  3. Yuguang Yang, Yasunari Shidama. Trigonometric Functions and Existence of Circle Ratio, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 255-263, 1998. MML Identifier: SIN_COS
    Summary: In this article, we defined {\em sinus} and {\em cosine} as the real part and the imaginary part of the exponential function on complex, and also give their series expression. Then we proved the differentiablity of {\em sinus}, {\em cosine} and the exponential function of real. Finally, we showed the existence of the circle ratio, and some formulas of {\em sinus}, {\em cosine}.
  4. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Property of Complex Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 179-184, 2001. MML Identifier: CFUNCT_1
    Summary: This article introduces properties of complex function, calculations of them, boundedness and constant.
  5. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Property of Complex Sequence and Continuity of Complex Function, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 185-190, 2001. MML Identifier: CFCONT_1
    Summary: This article introduces properties of complex sequence and continuity of complex function. The first section shows convergence of complex sequence and constant complex sequence. In the next section, definition of continuity of complex function and properties of continuous complex function are shown.
  6. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Scalar Multiple of Riemann Definite Integral, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 191-196, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA2
    Summary: The goal of this article is to prove a scalar multiplicity of Riemann definite integral. Therefore, we defined a scalar product to the subset of real space, and we proved some relating lemmas. At last, we proved a scalar multiplicity of Riemann definite integral. As a result, a linearity of Riemann definite integral was proven by unifying the previous article \cite{INTEGRA1.ABS}.
  7. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Darboux's Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 197-200, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA3
    Summary: In this article, we have proved the Darboux's theorem. This theorem is important to prove the Riemann integrability. We can replace an upper bound and a lower bound of a function which is the definition of Riemann integration with convergence of sequence by Darboux's theorem.
  8. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Integrability of Bounded Total Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 271-274, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA4
    Summary: All these results have been obtained by Darboux's theorem in our previous article \cite{INTEGRA3.ABS}. In addition, we have proved the first mean value theorem to Riemann integral.
  9. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Definition of Integrability for Partial Functions from $\Bbb R$ to $\Bbb R$ and Integrability for Continuous Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 281-284, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA5
    Summary: In this article, we defined the Riemann definite integral of partial function from ${\Bbb R}$ to ${\Bbb R}$. Then we have proved the integrability for the continuous function and differentiable function. Moreover, we have proved an elementary theorem of calculus.
  10. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Introduction to Several Concepts of Convexity and Semicontinuity for Function from $\Bbb R$ to $\Bbb R$, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 285-289, 2001. MML Identifier: RFUNCT_4
    Summary: This article is an introduction to convex analysis. In the beginning, we have defined the concept of strictly convexity and proved some basic properties between convexity and strictly convexity. Moreover, we have defined concepts of other convexity and semicontinuity, and proved their basic properties.
  11. Takashi Mitsuishi, Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. The Concept of Fuzzy Set and Membership Function and Basic Properties of Fuzzy Set Operation, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 351-356, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_1
    Summary: This article introduces the fuzzy theory. At first, the definition of fuzzy set characterized by membership function is described. Next, definitions of empty fuzzy set and universal fuzzy set and basic operations of these fuzzy sets are shown. At last, exclusive sum and absolute difference which are special operation are introduced.
  12. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Basic Properties of Fuzzy Set Operation and Membership Function, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 357-362, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_2
    Summary: This article introduces the fuzzy theory. The definition of the difference set, algebraic product and algebraic sum of fuzzy set is shown. In addition, basic properties of those operations are described. Basic properties of fuzzy set are a~little different from those of crisp set.
  13. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Basic Properties of Extended Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 491-494, 2001. MML Identifier: EXTREAL1
    Summary: We introduce product, quotient and absolute value, and we prove some basic properties of extended real numbers.
  14. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Definitions and Basic Properties of Measurable Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 495-500, 2001. MML Identifier: MESFUNC1
    Summary: In this article we introduce some definitions concerning measurable functions and prove related properties.
  15. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Some Properties of Extended Real Numbers Operations: abs, min and max, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 511-516, 2001. MML Identifier: EXTREAL2
    Summary: In this article, we extend some properties concerning real numbers to extended real numbers. Almost all properties included in this article are extended properties of other articles: \cite{AXIOMS.ABS}, \cite{REAL_1.ABS}, \cite{ABSVALUE.ABS}, \cite{SQUARE_1.ABS} and \cite{REAL_2.ABS}.
  16. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. The Concept of Fuzzy Relation and Basic Properties of its Operation, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 517-524, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_3
    Summary: This article introduces the fuzzy relation. This is the expansion of usual relation, and the value is given at the fuzzy value. At first, the definition of the fuzzy relation characterized by membership function is described. Next, the definitions of the zero relation and universe relation and basic operations of these relations are shown.
  17. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. The Measurability of Extended Real Valued Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 525-529, 2001. MML Identifier: MESFUNC2
    Summary: In this article we prove the measurablility of some extended real valued functions which are $f$+$g$, $f$\,--\,$g$ and so on. Moreover, we will define the simple function which are defined on the sigma field. It will play an important role for the Lebesgue integral theory.
  18. Grzegorz Bancerek, Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Yasunari Shidama. Combining of Multi Cell Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 47-64, 2002. MML Identifier: CIRCCMB2
    Summary: In this article we continue the investigations from \cite{CIRCCOMB.ABS} and \cite{FACIRC_1.ABS} of verification of a circuit design. We concentrate on the combination of multi cell circuits from given cells (circuit modules). Namely, we formalize a design of the form \\ \input CIRCCMB2.PIC and prove its stability. The formalization proposed consists in a series of schemes which allow to define multi cells circuits and prove their properties. Our goal is to achive mathematical formalization which will allow to verify designs of real circuits.
  19. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Subspaces and Cosets of Subspace of Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 1-7, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_1
    Summary: In this article, subspace and the coset of subspace of real unitary space are defined. And we discuss some of their fundamental properties.
  20. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Operations on Subspaces in Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 9-16, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_2
    Summary: In this article, we extend an operation of real linear space to real unitary space. We show theorems proved in \cite{RLSUB_2.ABS} on real unitary space.
  21. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Linear Combinations in Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 17-22, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_3
    Summary: In this article, we mainly discuss linear combination of vectors in Real Unitary Space and dimension of the space. As the result, we obtain some theorems that are similar to those in Real Linear Space.
  22. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Dimension of Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 23-28, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_4
    Summary: In this article we describe the dimension of real unitary space. Most of theorems are restricted from real linear space. In the last section, we introduce affine subset of real unitary space.
  23. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Topology of Real Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 33-38, 2003. MML Identifier: RUSUB_5
    Summary: In this article we introduce three subjects in real unitary space: parallelism of subsets, orthogonality of subsets and topology of the space. In particular, to introduce the topology of real unitary space, we discuss the metric topology which is induced by the inner product in the space. As the result, we are able to discuss some topological subjects on real unitary space.
  24. Noboru Endou, Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. Convex Sets and Convex Combinations, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 53-58, 2003. MML Identifier: CONVEX1
    Summary: Convexity is one of the most important concepts in a study of analysis. Especially, it has been applied around the optimization problem widely. Our purpose is to define the concept of convexity of a set on Mizar, and to develop the generalities of convex analysis. The construction of this article is as follows: Convexity of the set is defined in the section 1. The section 2 gives the definition of convex combination which is a kind of the linear combination and related theorems are proved there. In section 3, we define the convex hull which is an intersection of all convex sets including a given set. The last section is some theorems which are necessary to compose this article.
  25. Grzegorz Bancerek, Mitsuru Aoki, Akio Matsumoto, Yasunari Shidama. Processes in Petri nets, Formalized Mathematics 11(1), pages 125-132, 2003. MML Identifier: PNPROC_1
    Summary: Sequential and concurrent compositions of processes in Petri nets are introduced. A process is formalized as a set of (possible), so called, firing sequences. In the definition of the sequential composition the standard concatenation is used $$ R_1 \mathop{\rm before} R_2 = \{p_1\mathop{^\frown}p_2: p_1\in R_1\ \land\ p_2\in R_2\} $$ The definition of the concurrent composition is more complicated $$ R_1 \mathop{\rm concur} R_2 = \{ q_1\cup q_2: q_1\ {\rm misses}\ q_2\ \land\ \mathop{\rm Seq} q_1\in R_1\ \land\ \mathop{\rm Seq} q_2\in R_2\} $$ For example, $$ \{\langle t_0\rangle\} \mathop{\rm concur} \{\langle t_1,t_2\rangle\} = \{\langle t_0,t_1,t_2\rangle , \langle t_1,t_0,t_2\rangle , \langle t_1,t_2,t_0\rangle\} $$ The basic properties of the compositions are shown.
  26. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasunari Shidama, Yatsuka Nakamura. Bessel's Inequality, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 169-173, 2003. MML Identifier: BHSP_5
    Summary: In this article we defined the operation of a set and proved Bessel's inequality. In the first section, we defined the sum of all results of an operation, in which the results are given by taking each element of a set. In the second section, we defined Orthogonal Family and Orthonormal Family. In the last section, we proved some properties of operation of set and Bessel's inequality.
  27. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasumasa Suzuki, Takao Inoue, Yasunari Shidama. On Some Properties of Real Hilbert Space. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 225-229, 2003. MML Identifier: BHSP_6
    Summary: In this paper, we first introduce the notion of summability of an infinite set of vectors of real Hilbert space, without using index sets. Further we introduce the notion of weak summability, which is weaker than that of summability. Then, several statements for summable sets and weakly summable ones are proved. In the last part of the paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for summability of an infinite set of vectors of real Hilbert space as our main theorem. The last theorem is due to \cite{Halmos87}.
  28. Noboru Endou, Yasumasa Suzuki, Yasunari Shidama. Real Linear Space of Real Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 249-253, 2003. MML Identifier: RSSPACE
    Summary: The article is a continuation of \cite{RLVECT_1.ABS}. As the example of real linear spaces, we introduce the arithmetic addition in the set of real sequences and also introduce the multiplication. This set has the arithmetic structure which depends on these arithmetic operations.
  29. Noboru Endou, Yasumasa Suzuki, Yasunari Shidama. Hilbert Space of Real Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 255-257, 2003. MML Identifier: RSSPACE2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{RLVECT_1.ABS}. As the example of real unitary spaces, we introduce the arithmetic addition and multiplication in the set of square sum able real sequences and introduce the scaler products also. This set has the structure of the Hilbert space.
  30. Noboru Endou, Yasumasa Suzuki, Yasunari Shidama. Some Properties for Convex Combinations, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 267-270, 2003. MML Identifier: CONVEX2
    Summary: This is a continuation of \cite{CONVEX1.ABS}. In this article, we proved that convex combination on convex family is convex.
  31. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasumasa Suzuki, Takao Inoue, Yasunari Shidama. On Some Properties of Real Hilbert Space. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 271-273, 2003. MML Identifier: BHSP_7
    Summary: This paper is a continuation of our paper \cite{BHSP_6.ABS}. We give an analogue of the necessary and sufficient condition for summable set (i.e. the main theorem of \cite{BHSP_6.ABS}) with respect to summable set by a functional $L$ in real Hilbert space. After presenting certain useful lemmas, we prove our main theorem that the summability for an orthonormal infinite set in real Hilbert space is equivalent to its summability with respect to the square of norm, say $H(x) = (x, x)$. Then we show that the square of norm $H$ commutes with infinite sum operation if the orthonormal set under our consideration is summable. Our main theorem is due to \cite{Halmos87}.
  32. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. Convex Hull, Set of Convex Combinations and Convex Cone, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 331-333, 2003. MML Identifier: CONVEX3
    Summary: In this article, there are two themes. One of them is the proof that convex hull of a given subset $M$ consists of all convex combinations of $M.$ Another is definitions of cone and convex cone and some properties of them.
  33. Yasumasa Suzuki, Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. Banach Space of Absolute Summable Real Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 377-380, 2003. MML Identifier: RSSPACE3
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{RSSPACE2.ABS}. As the example of real norm spaces, we introduce the arithmetic addition and multiplication in the set of absolute summable real sequences and introduce the norm also. This set has the structure of the Banach space.
  34. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. SCMPDS Is Not Standard, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 421-424, 2003. MML Identifier: SCMPDS_9
    Summary: The aim of the paper is to show that SCMPDS (\cite{SCMPDS_2.ABS}) does not belong to the class of standard computers (\cite{AMISTD_1.ABS}).
  35. Yasunari Shidama. Banach Space of Bounded Linear Operators, Formalized Mathematics 12(1), pages 39-48, 2004. MML Identifier: LOPBAN_1
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of linear spaces which are defined as the set of all linear operators from one linear space to another, are described. Especially, the Banach space is introduced. This is defined by the set of all bounded linear operators.
  36. Yasunari Shidama. The Banach Algebra of Bounded Linear Operators, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 103-108, 2004. MML Identifier: LOPBAN_2
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of Banach algebra are described. This algebra is defined as the set of all bounded linear operators from one normed space to another.
  37. Yasunari Shidama. The Series on Banach Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 131-138, 2004. MML Identifier: LOPBAN_3
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of the series on Banach algebra are described. The Neumann series is introduced in the last section.
  38. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Relocability for SCM over Ring, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 151-157, 2004. MML Identifier: SCMRING4
  39. Yasunari Shidama. The Exponential Function on Banach Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 173-177, 2004. MML Identifier: LOPBAN_4
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of the exponential function on Banach algebra are described.
  40. Yasunari Shidama. The Taylor Expansions, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 195-200, 2004. MML Identifier: TAYLOR_1
    Summary: In this article, some classic theorems of calculus are described. The Taylor expansions and the logarithmic differentiation, etc. are included here.
  41. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama, Adam Grabowski. The Fundamental Group, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 261-268, 2004. MML Identifier: TOPALG_1
    Summary: This is the next article in a series devoted to homotopy theory (following \cite{BORSUK_2.ABS} and \cite{BORSUK_6.ABS}). The concept of fundamental groups of pointed topological spaces has been introduced. Isomorphism of fundamental groups defined with respect to different points belonging to the same component has been stated. Triviality of fundamental group(s) of ${\Bbb R}^n$ has been shown.
  42. Takaya Nishiyama, Keiji Ohkubo, Yasunari Shidama. The Continuous Functions on Normed Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 269-275, 2004. MML Identifier: NFCONT_1
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of the continuous function on normed linear spaces are described.
  43. Takaya Nishiyama, Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. The Uniform Continuity of Functions on Normed Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 277-279, 2004. MML Identifier: NFCONT_2
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of uniform continuity of functions on normed linear spaces are described.
  44. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Intersections of Intervals and Balls in $\calE^n_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 301-306, 2004. MML Identifier: TOPREAL9
  45. Hiroshi Imura, Morishige Kimura, Yasunari Shidama. The Differentiable Functions on Normed Linear Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 321-327, 2004. MML Identifier: NDIFF_1
    Summary: In this article, the basic properties of the differentiable functions on normed linear spaces are described.
  46. Hiroshi Imura, Yuji Sakai, Yasunari Shidama. Differentiable Functions on Normed Linear Spaces. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 371-374, 2004. MML Identifier: NDIFF_2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{NDIFF_1.ABS}, the basic properties of the differentiable functions on normed linear spaces are described.
  47. Yasunari Shidama, Noboru Endou. Lebesgue Integral of Simple Valued Function, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 67-71, 2005. MML Identifier: MESFUNC3
    Summary: In this article, the authors introduce Lebesgue integral of simple valued function.
  48. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Inverse Trigonometric Functions Arcsin and Arccos, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 73-79, 2005. MML Identifier: SIN_COS6
    Summary: Notions of inverse sine and inverse cosine have been introduced. Their basic properties have been proved.
  49. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Some Properties of Rectangles on the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 109-115, 2005. MML Identifier: TOPREALA
  50. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Some Properties of Circles on the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 117-124, 2005. MML Identifier: TOPREALB
  51. Artur Kornilowicz, Yasunari Shidama. Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem for Disks on the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 333-336, 2005. MML Identifier: BROUWER
    Summary: {}
  52. Akira Nishino, Yasunari Shidama. The Maclaurin Expansions, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 421-425, 2005. MML Identifier: TAYLOR_2
    Summary: A concept of the Maclaurin expansions is defined here. This article contains the definition of the Maclaurin expansion and expansions of exp, sin and cos functions.
  53. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. Linearity of Lebesgue Integral of Simple Valued Function, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 463-465, 2005. MML Identifier: MESFUNC4
    Summary: In this article, the authors prove linearity of Lebesgue integral of simple valued function.
  54. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. Completeness of the Real Euclidean Space, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 577-580, 2005. MML Identifier: REAL_NS1
    Summary: {}
  55. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. Integral of Measurable Function, Formalized Mathematics 14(2), pages 53-70, 2006. MML Identifier: MESFUNC5
    Summary: In this paper we construct integral of measurable function.
  56. Yasunari Shidama, Noboru Endou. Integral of Real-Valued Measurable Function, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 143-152, 2006. MML Identifier: MESFUNC6
    Summary: Based on \cite{Halmos}, authors formalized the integral of an extended real valued measurable function in \cite{MESFUNC5.ABS} before. However, the integral argued in \cite{MESFUNC5.ABS} cannot be applied to real-valued functions unconditionally. Therefore we formalized the integral of a real-value function in this article.
  57. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama, Masahiko Yamazaki. Integrability and the Integral of Partial Functions from $\Bbb R$ into $\Bbb R$, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 207-212, 2006. MML Identifier: INTEGRA6
  58. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama, Katsumasa Okamura. Baire's Category Theorem and Some Spaces Generated from Real Normed Space, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 213-219, 2006. MML Identifier: NORMSP_2
    Summary: As application of complete metric space, we proved a Baire's category theorem. Then we defined some spaces generated from real normed space and discussed about each. In the second section we showed an equivalence of convergence and a continuity of a function. In other sections, we showed some topological properties of two spaces, which are topological space and linear topological space generated from real normed space.
Hidetaka Shimizu
  1. Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yasushi Fuwa, Hidetaka Shimizu. Euler's Theorem and Small Fermat's Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 123-126, 1998. MML Identifier: EULER_2
    Summary: This article is concerned with Euler's theorem and small Fermat's theorem that play important roles in public-key cryptograms. In the first section, we present some selected theorems on integers. In the following section, we remake definitions about the finite sequence of natural, the function of natural times finite sequence of natural and $\pi$ of the finite sequence of natural. We also prove some basic theorems that concern these redefinitions. Next, we define the function of modulus for finite sequence of natural and some fundamental theorems about this function are proved. Finally, Euler's theorem and small Fermat's theorem are proved.
  2. Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yasushi Fuwa, Hidetaka Shimizu. Public-Key Cryptography and Pepin's Test for the Primality of Fermat Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 317-321, 1998. MML Identifier: PEPIN
    Summary: In this article, we have proved the correctness of the Public-Key Cryptography and the Pepin's Test for the Primality of Fermat Numbers ($F(n) = 2^{2^n}+1$). It is a very important result in the IDEA Cryptography that F(4) is a prime number. At first, we prepared some useful theorems. Then, we proved the correctness of the Public-Key Cryptography. Next, we defined the Order's function and proved some properties. This function is very important in the proof of the Pepin's Test. Next, we proved some theorems about the Fermat Number. And finally, we proved the Pepin's Test using some properties of the Order's Function. And using the obtained result we have proved that F(1), F(2), F(3) and F(4) are prime number.
Nobuhiro Shimoi
  1. Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Katsumi Wasaki, Nobuhiro Shimoi. Generalized Full Adder Circuits (GFAs). Part I, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 549-571, 2005. MML Identifier: GFACIRC1
    Summary: We formalize the concept of the Generalized Full Addition and Subtraction circuits (GFAs), define the structures of calculation units for the redundant signed digit (RSD) operations, and prove the stability of the circuits. Generally, one-bit binary full adder assumes positive weights to all of its three binary inputs and two outputs. We obtain four type of 1-bit GFA to constract the RSD arithmetic logical units that we generalize full adder to have both positive and negative weights to inputs and outputs.
Wojciech Skaba
  1. Wojciech Skaba. The Collinearity Structure, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 657-659, 1990. MML Identifier: COLLSP
    Summary: The text includes basic axioms and theorems concerning the collinearity structure based on Wanda Szmielew \cite{SZMIELEW:1}, pp. 18--20. Collinearity is defined as a relation on Cartesian product $\mizleftcart S, S, S \mizrightcart$ of set $S$. The basic text is preceeded with a few auxiliary theorems (e.g: ternary relation). Then come the two basic axioms of the collinearity structure: A1.1.1 and A1.1.2 and a few theorems. Another axiom: Aks dim, which states that there exist at least 3 non-collinear points, excludes the trivial structures (i.e. pairs $\llangle S, \mizleftcart S, S, S \mizrightcart\rrangle$). Following it the notion of a line is included and several additional theorems are appended.
  2. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. From Loops to Abelian Multiplicative Groups with Zero, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 833-840, 1990. MML Identifier: ALGSTR_1
    Summary: Elementary axioms and theorems on the theory of algebraic structures, taken from the book \cite{SZMIELEW:1}. First a loop structure $\langle G, 0, +\rangle$ is defined and six axioms corresponding to it are given. Group is defined by extending the set of axioms with $(a+b)+c = a+(b+c)$. At the same time an alternate approach to the set of axioms is shown and both sets are proved to yield the same algebraic structure. A trivial example of loop is used to ensure the existence of the modes being constructed. A multiplicative group is contemplated, which is quite similar to the previously defined additive group (called simply a group here), but is supposed to be of greater interest in the future considerations of algebraic structures. The final section brings a slightly more sophisticated structure i.e: a multiplicative loop/group with zero: $\langle G, \cdot, 1, 0\rangle$. Here the proofs are a more challenging and the above trivial example is replaced by a more common (and comprehensive) structure built on the foundation of real numbers.
  3. Wojciech Skaba, Michal Muzalewski. From Double Loops to Fields, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 185-191, 1991. MML Identifier: ALGSTR_2
    Summary: This paper contains the second part of the set of articles concerning the theory of algebraic structures, based on \cite[pp. 9-12]{SZMIELEW:1} (pages 4--6 of the English edition).\par First the basic structure $\langle F, +, \cdot, 1, 0\rangle$ is defined. Following it the consecutive structures are contemplated in details, including double loop, left quasi-field, right quasi-field, double sided quasi-field, skew field and field. These structures are created by gradually augmenting the basic structure with new axioms of commutativity, associativity, distributivity etc. Each part of the article begins with the set of auxiliary theorems related to the structure under consideration, that are necessary for the existence proof of each defined mode. Next the mode and proof of its existence is included. If the current set of axioms may be replaced with a different and equivalent one, the appropriate proof is performed following the definition of that mode. With the introduction of double loop the ``-'' function is defined. Some interesting features of this function are also included.
  4. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Three-Argument Operations and Four-Argument Operations, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 221-224, 1991. MML Identifier: MULTOP_1
    Summary: The article contains the definition of three- and four- argument operations. The article introduces also a few operation related schemes: {\it FuncEx3D}, {\it TriOpEx}, {\it Lambda3D}, {\it TriOpLambda}, {\it FuncEx4D}, {\it QuaOpEx}, {\it Lambda4D}, {\it QuaOpLambda}.
  5. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. N-Tuples and Cartesian Products for n$=$5, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 255-258, 1991. MML Identifier: MCART_2
    Summary: This article defines ordered $n$-tuples, projections and Cartesian products for $n=5$. We prove many theorems concerning the basic properties of the $n$-tuples and Cartesian products that may be utilized in several further, more challenging applications. A few of these theorems are a strightforward consequence of the regularity axiom. The article originated as an upgrade of the article \cite{MCART_1.ABS}.
  6. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Ternary Fields, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 259-261, 1991. MML Identifier: ALGSTR_3
    Summary: This article contains part 3 of the set of papers concerning the theory of algebraic structures, based on the book \cite[pp. 13--15]{SZMIELEW:1} (pages 6--8 for English edition).\par First the basic structure $\langle F, 0, 1, T\rangle$ is defined, where $T$ is a ternary operation on $F$ (three argument operations have been introduced in the article \cite{MULTOP_1.ABS}. Following it, the basic axioms of a ternary field are displayed, the mode is defined and its existence proved. The basic properties of a ternary field are also contemplated there.}
  7. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Groups, Rings, Left- and Right-Modules, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 275-278, 1991. MML Identifier: MOD_1
    Summary: The notion of group was defined as a group structure introduced in the article \cite{VECTSP_1.ABS}. The article contains the basic properties of groups, rings, left- and right-modules of an associative ring.
  8. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Finite Sums of Vectors in Left Module over Associative Ring, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 279-282, 1991. MML Identifier: LMOD_1
  9. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Submodules and Cosets of Submodules in Left Module over Associative Ring, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 283-287, 1991. MML Identifier: LMOD_2
  10. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Operations on Submodules in Left Module over Associative Ring, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 289-293, 1991. MML Identifier: LMOD_3
  11. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Linear Combinations in Left Module over Associative Ring, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 295-300, 1991. MML Identifier: LMOD_4
  12. Michal Muzalewski, Wojciech Skaba. Linear Independence in Left Module over Domain, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 301-303, 1991. MML Identifier: LMOD_5
    Summary: Notion of a submodule generated by a set of vectors and linear independence of a set of vectors. A few theorems originated as a generalization of the theorems from the article \cite{VECTSP_7.ABS}.
Bartlomiej Skorulski
  1. Bartlomiej Skorulski. First-countable, Sequential, and Frechet Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 7(1), pages 81-86, 1998. MML Identifier: FRECHET
    Summary: This article contains a definition of three classes of topological spaces: first-countable, Frechet, and sequential. Next there are some facts about them, that every first-countable space is Frechet and every Frechet space is sequential. Next section contains a formalized construction of topological space which is Frechet but not first-countable. This article is based on \cite[pp. 73--81]{ENGEL:1}.
  2. Bartlomiej Skorulski. The Sequential Closure Operator in Sequential and Frechet Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 47-54, 1999. MML Identifier: FRECHET2
  3. Bartlomiej Skorulski. Lim-Inf Convergence, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 237-240, 2001. MML Identifier: WAYBEL28
    Summary: This work continues the formalization of \cite{CCL}. Theorems from Chapter III, Section 3, pp. 158--159 are proved.
  4. Bartlomiej Skorulski. The Tichonov Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 373-376, 2001. MML Identifier: YELLOW17
Robert M. Solovay
  1. Robert M. Solovay. Fibonacci Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 10(2), pages 81-83, 2002. MML Identifier: FIB_NUM
    Summary: We show that Fibonacci commutes with g.c.d.; we then derive the formula connecting the Fibonacci sequence with the roots of the polynomial $x^2 - x - 1.$
Jan Stankiewicz
  1. Stanislawa Kanas, Jan Stankiewicz. Metrics in Cartesian Product, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 193-197, 1991. MML Identifier: METRIC_3
    Summary: A continuation of paper \cite{METRIC_1.ABS}. It deals with the method of creation of the distance in the Cartesian product of metric spaces. The distance of two points belonging to Cartesian product of metric spaces has been defined as sum of distances of appropriate coordinates (or projections) of these points. It is shown that product of metric spaces with such a distance is a metric space.
Mariusz Startek
  1. Stanislawa Kanas, Adam Lecko, Mariusz Startek. Metric Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 607-610, 1990. MML Identifier: METRIC_1
    Summary: In this paper we define the metric spaces. Two examples of metric spaces are given. We define the discrete metric and the metric on the real axis. Moreover the open ball, the close ball and the sphere in metric spaces are introduced. We also prove some theorems concerning these concepts.
  2. Adam Lecko, Mariusz Startek. Submetric Spaces -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 199-203, 1991. MML Identifier: SUB_METR
  3. Adam Lecko, Mariusz Startek. On Pseudometric Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 205-211, 1991. MML Identifier: METRIC_2
Zhongpin Sun
  1. Xiaopeng Yue, Xiquan Liang, Zhongpin Sun. Some Properties of Some Special Matrices, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 541-547, 2005. MML Identifier: MATRIX_6
    Summary: This article describes definitions of reversible matrix, symmetrical matrix, antisymmetric matrix, orthogonal matrix and their main properties.
Dariusz Surowik
  1. Dariusz Surowik. Cyclic Groups and Some of Their Properties -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 623-627, 1991. MML Identifier: GR_CY_1
    Summary: Some properties of finite groups are proved. The notion of cyclic group is defined next, some cyclic groups are given, for example the group of integers with addition operations. Chosen properties of cyclic groups are proved next.
  2. Dariusz Surowik. Isomorphisms of Cyclic Groups. Some Properties of Cyclic Groups, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 29-32, 1992. MML Identifier: GR_CY_2
    Summary: Some theorems and properties of cyclic groups have been proved with special regard to isomorphisms of these groups. Among other things it has been proved that an arbitrary cyclic group is isomorphic with groups of integers with addition or group of integers with addition modulo $m$. Moreover, it has been proved that two arbitrary cyclic groups of the same order are isomorphic and that the class of cyclic groups is closed in consideration of homomorphism images. Some other properties of groups of this type have been proved too.
Yasumasa Suzuki
  1. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasumasa Suzuki, Takao Inoue, Yasunari Shidama. On Some Properties of Real Hilbert Space. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 225-229, 2003. MML Identifier: BHSP_6
    Summary: In this paper, we first introduce the notion of summability of an infinite set of vectors of real Hilbert space, without using index sets. Further we introduce the notion of weak summability, which is weaker than that of summability. Then, several statements for summable sets and weakly summable ones are proved. In the last part of the paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for summability of an infinite set of vectors of real Hilbert space as our main theorem. The last theorem is due to \cite{Halmos87}.
  2. Noboru Endou, Yasumasa Suzuki, Yasunari Shidama. Real Linear Space of Real Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 249-253, 2003. MML Identifier: RSSPACE
    Summary: The article is a continuation of \cite{RLVECT_1.ABS}. As the example of real linear spaces, we introduce the arithmetic addition in the set of real sequences and also introduce the multiplication. This set has the arithmetic structure which depends on these arithmetic operations.
  3. Noboru Endou, Yasumasa Suzuki, Yasunari Shidama. Hilbert Space of Real Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 255-257, 2003. MML Identifier: RSSPACE2
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{RLVECT_1.ABS}. As the example of real unitary spaces, we introduce the arithmetic addition and multiplication in the set of square sum able real sequences and introduce the scaler products also. This set has the structure of the Hilbert space.
  4. Noboru Endou, Yasumasa Suzuki, Yasunari Shidama. Some Properties for Convex Combinations, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 267-270, 2003. MML Identifier: CONVEX2
    Summary: This is a continuation of \cite{CONVEX1.ABS}. In this article, we proved that convex combination on convex family is convex.
  5. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasumasa Suzuki, Takao Inoue, Yasunari Shidama. On Some Properties of Real Hilbert Space. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 271-273, 2003. MML Identifier: BHSP_7
    Summary: This paper is a continuation of our paper \cite{BHSP_6.ABS}. We give an analogue of the necessary and sufficient condition for summable set (i.e. the main theorem of \cite{BHSP_6.ABS}) with respect to summable set by a functional $L$ in real Hilbert space. After presenting certain useful lemmas, we prove our main theorem that the summability for an orthonormal infinite set in real Hilbert space is equivalent to its summability with respect to the square of norm, say $H(x) = (x, x)$. Then we show that the square of norm $H$ commutes with infinite sum operation if the orthonormal set under our consideration is summable. Our main theorem is due to \cite{Halmos87}.
  6. Yasumasa Suzuki, Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama. Banach Space of Absolute Summable Real Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 377-380, 2003. MML Identifier: RSSPACE3
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{RSSPACE2.ABS}. As the example of real norm spaces, we introduce the arithmetic addition and multiplication in the set of absolute summable real sequences and introduce the norm also. This set has the structure of the Banach space.
  7. Yasumasa Suzuki. Banach Space of Bounded Real Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 77-83, 2004. MML Identifier: RSSPACE4
    Summary: We introduce the arithmetic addition and multiplication in the set of bounded real sequences and also introduce the norm. This set has the structure of the Banach space.
  8. Yasumasa Suzuki, Noboru Endou. Cauchy Sequence of Complex Unitary Space, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 225-229, 2004. MML Identifier: CLVECT_3
    Summary: As an extension of \cite{BHSP_4.ABS}, we introduce the Cauchy sequence of complex unitary space and describe its properties.
  9. Yasumasa Suzuki. H\"older's Inequality and Minkowski's Inequality, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 59-61, 2005. MML Identifier: HOLDER_1
    Summary: In this article, H\"older's inequality and Minkowski's inequality are proved. These equalities are basic ones of functional analysis.
  10. Yasumasa Suzuki. The Banach Space $l^p$, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 63-66, 2005. MML Identifier: LP_SPACE
    Summary: We introduce the arithmetic addition and multiplication in the set of $l^p$ real sequences and also introduce the norm. This set has the structure of the Banach space.
Halina Swiczkowska
  1. Zinaida Trybulec, Halina Swiczkowska. Boolean Properties of Sets, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 17-23, 1990. MML Identifier: BOOLE
    Summary: This article contains proofs of the theorems which are obvious if the directive 'requirements BOOLE;' will be added to enviroment declaration of the Mizar article.
Jolanta Swierzynska
  1. Jolanta Swierzynska, Bogdan Swierzynski. Metric-Affine Configurations in Metric Affine Planes -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 331-334, 1991. MML Identifier: CONAFFM
    Summary: We introduce several configurational axioms for metric affine planes such as theorem on three perpendiculars, orthogonalization of major Desargues Axiom, orthogonalization of the trapezium variant of Desargues Axiom, axiom on parallel projection together with its indirect forms. For convenience we also consider affine Major Desargues Axiom. The aim is to prove logical relationships which hold between the introduced statements.
  2. Jolanta Swierzynska, Bogdan Swierzynski. Metric-Affine Configurations in Metric Affine Planes -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 335-340, 1991. MML Identifier: CONMETR
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{CONAFFM.ABS}. We introduce more configurational axioms i.e. orthogonalizations of ``scherungssatzes" (direct and indirect), ``Scherungssatz" with orthogonal axes, Pappus axiom with orthogonal axes; we also consider the affine Major Pappus Axiom and affine minor Desargues Axiom. We prove a number of implications which hold between the above axioms.
  3. Jolanta Swierzynska, Bogdan Swierzynski. Shear Theorems and their role in Affine Geometry, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 439-444, 1991. MML Identifier: CONMETR1
    Summary: Investigations on affine shear theorems, major and minor, direct and indirect. We prove logical relationships which hold between these statements and between them and other classical affine configurational axioms (eg. minor and major Pappus Axiom, Desargues Axioms et al.). For the shear, Desargues, and Pappus Axioms formulated in terms of metric affine spaces we prove they are equivalent to corresponding statements formulated in terms of affine reduct of the given space.
Bogdan Swierzynski
  1. Jolanta Swierzynska, Bogdan Swierzynski. Metric-Affine Configurations in Metric Affine Planes -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 331-334, 1991. MML Identifier: CONAFFM
    Summary: We introduce several configurational axioms for metric affine planes such as theorem on three perpendiculars, orthogonalization of major Desargues Axiom, orthogonalization of the trapezium variant of Desargues Axiom, axiom on parallel projection together with its indirect forms. For convenience we also consider affine Major Desargues Axiom. The aim is to prove logical relationships which hold between the introduced statements.
  2. Jolanta Swierzynska, Bogdan Swierzynski. Metric-Affine Configurations in Metric Affine Planes -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 335-340, 1991. MML Identifier: CONMETR
    Summary: A continuation of \cite{CONAFFM.ABS}. We introduce more configurational axioms i.e. orthogonalizations of ``scherungssatzes" (direct and indirect), ``Scherungssatz" with orthogonal axes, Pappus axiom with orthogonal axes; we also consider the affine Major Pappus Axiom and affine minor Desargues Axiom. We prove a number of implications which hold between the above axioms.
  3. Jolanta Swierzynska, Bogdan Swierzynski. Shear Theorems and their role in Affine Geometry, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 439-444, 1991. MML Identifier: CONMETR1
    Summary: Investigations on affine shear theorems, major and minor, direct and indirect. We prove logical relationships which hold between these statements and between them and other classical affine configurational axioms (eg. minor and major Pappus Axiom, Desargues Axioms et al.). For the shear, Desargues, and Pappus Axioms formulated in terms of metric affine spaces we prove they are equivalent to corresponding statements formulated in terms of affine reduct of the given space.
Leslaw W. Szczerba
  1. Michal Muzalewski, Leslaw W. Szczerba. Construction of Finite Sequences over Ring and Left-, Right-, and Bi-Modules over a Ring, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 97-104, 1991. MML Identifier: ALGSEQ_1
    Summary: This text includes definitions of finite sequences over rings and left-, right-, and bi-module over a ring treated as functions defined for {\sl all} natural numbers, but with almost everywhere equal to zero. Some elementary theorems are proved, in particular for each category of sequences the scheme about existence is proved. In all four cases, i.e. for rings, left-, right and bi- modules are almost exactly the same, hovewer we do not know how to do the job in Mizar in a different way. The paper is mostly based on the paper \cite{FINSEQ_1.ABS}. In particular the notion of initial segment of natural numbers is introduced which differs from that of \cite{FINSEQ_1.ABS} by starting with zero. This proved to be more convenient for algebraic purposes.
  2. Michal Muzalewski, Leslaw W. Szczerba. Ordered Rings -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 243-245, 1991. MML Identifier: O_RING_1
    Summary: This series of papers is devoted to the notion of the ordered ring, and one of its most important cases: the notion of ordered field. It follows the results of \cite{SZMIELEW:1}. The idea of the notion of order in the ring is based on that of positive cone i.e. the set of positive elements. Positive cone has to contain at least squares of all elements, and be closed under sum and product. Therefore the key notions of this theory are that of square, sum of squares, product of squares, etc. and finally elements generated from squares by means of sums and products. Part I contains definitions of all those key notions and inclusions between them.
  3. Michal Muzalewski, Leslaw W. Szczerba. Ordered Rings -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 247-249, 1991. MML Identifier: O_RING_2
    Summary: This series of papers is devoted to the notion of the ordered ring, and one of its most important cases: the notion of ordered field. It follows the results of \cite{SZMIELEW:1}. The idea of the notion of order in the ring is based on that of positive cone i.e. the set of positive elements. Positive cone has to contain at least squares of all elements, and has to be closed under sum and product. Therefore the key notions of this theory are that of square, sum of squares, product of squares, etc. and finally elements generated from squares by means of sums and products. Part II contains classification of sums of such elements.
  4. Michal Muzalewski, Leslaw W. Szczerba. Ordered Rings -- Part III, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 251-253, 1991. MML Identifier: O_RING_3
    Summary: This series of papers is devoted to the notion of the ordered ring, and one of its most important cases: the notion of ordered field. It follows the results of \cite{SZMIELEW:1}. The idea of the notion of order in the ring is based on that of positive cone i.e. the set of positive elements. Positive cone has to contain at least squares of all elements, and be closed under sum and product. Therefore the key notions of this theory are that of square, sum of squares, product of squares, etc. and finally elements generated from squares by means of sums and products. Part III contains classification of products of such elements.
Nobuyuki Tamura
  1. Yatsuka Nakamura, Nobuyuki Tamura, Wenpai Chang. A Theory of Matrices of Real Elements, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 21-28, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIXR1
    Summary: Here, the concept of matrix of real elements is introduced. This is defined as a special case of the general concept of matrix of a field. For such a real matrix, the notions of addition, subtraction, scalar product are defined. For any real finite sequences, two transformations to matrices are introduced. One of the matrices is of width 1, and the other is of length 1. By such transformations, two products of a matrix and a finite sequence are defined. The linearity of such product is shown.
Masami Tanaka
  1. Masami Tanaka, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Set Series in Finite Topological Spaces. Fundamental Concepts for Image Processing, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 125-129, 2004. MML Identifier: FINTOPO3
    Summary: First we give a definition of ``inflation'' of a set in finite topological spaces. Then a concept of ``deflation'' of a set is also defined. In the remaining part, we give a concept of the ``set series'' for a subset of a finite topological space. Using this, we can define a series of neighbourhoods for each point in the space. The work is done according to \cite{Nakamura:2}.
  2. Hiroshi Imura, Masami Tanaka, Yatsuka Nakamura. Continuous Mappings between Finite and One-Dimensional Finite Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 381-384, 2004. MML Identifier: FINTOPO4
    Summary: We showed relations between separateness and inflation operation. We also gave some relations between separateness and connectedness defined before. For two finite topological spaces, we defined a continuous function from one to another. Some topological concepts are preserved by such continuous functions. We gave one-dimensional concrete models of finite topological space.
  3. Masami Tanaka, Hiroshi Imura, Yatsuka Nakamura. Homeomorphism between Finite Topological Spaces, Two-Dimensional Lattice Spaces and a Fixed Point Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 417-419, 2005. MML Identifier: FINTOPO5
    Summary: In this paper, we first introduced the notion of homeomorphism between finite topological spaces. We also gave a fixed point theorem in finite topological space. Next, we showed two 2-dimensional concrete models of lattice spaces. One was 2-dimensional linear finite topological space. Another was 2-dimensional small finite topological space.
Yasushi Tanaka
  1. Yasushi Tanaka. On the Decomposition of the States of SCM, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 1-8, 1996. MML Identifier: AMI_5
    Summary: This article continues the development of the basic terminology for the {\bf SCM} as defined in \cite{AMI_1.ABS},\cite{AMI_2.ABS}, \cite{AMI_3.ABS}. There is developed of the terminology for discussing static properties of instructions (i.e. not related to execution), for data locations, instruction locations, as well as for states and partial states of {\bf SCM}. The main contribution of the article consists in characterizing {\bf SCM} computations starting in states containing autonomic finite partial states.
  2. Yasushi Tanaka. Relocatability, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 103-108, 1996. MML Identifier: RELOC
    Summary: This article defines the concept of relocating the program part of a finite partial state of {\bf SCM} (data part stays intact). The relocated program differs from the original program in that all jump instructions are adjusted by the relocation factor and other instructions remain unchanged. The main theorem states that if a program computes a function then the relocated program computes the same function, and vice versa.
Yozo Toda
  1. Yozo Toda. The Formalization of Simple Graphs, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 137-144, 1996. MML Identifier: SGRAPH1
    Summary: A graph is simple when \begin{itemize} \parskip -1mm \item it is non-directed, \item there is at most one edge between two vertices, \item there is no loop of length one. \end{itemize} A formalization of simple graphs is given from scratch. There is already an article \cite{GRAPH_1.ABS}, dealing with the similar subject. It is not used as a starting-point, because \cite{GRAPH_1.ABS} formalizes directed non-empty graphs. Given a set of vertices, edge is defined as an (unordered) pair of different two vertices and graph as a pair of a set of vertices and a set of edges.\par The following concepts are introduced: \begin{itemize} \parskip -1mm \item simple graph structure, \item the set of all simple graphs, \item equality relation on graphs. \item the notion of degrees of vertices; the number of edges connected to, or the number of adjacent vertices, \item the notion of subgraphs, \item path, cycle, \item complete and bipartite complete graphs, \end{itemize}\par Theorems proved in this articles include: \begin{itemize} \parskip -1mm \item the set of simple graphs satisfies a certain minimality condition, \item equivalence between two notions of degrees. \end{itemize}
Krzysztof Treyderowski
  1. Krzysztof Treyderowski, Christoph Schwarzweller. Multiplication of Polynomials using Discrete Fourier Transformation, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 121-128, 2006. MML Identifier: POLYNOM8
    Summary: In this article we define the Discrete Fourier Transformation for univariate polynomials and show that multiplication of polynomials can be carried out by two Fourier Transformations with a vector multiplication inbetween. Our proof follows the standard one found in the literature and uses Vandermonde matrices, see e.g. \cite{ModernComputerAlgebra}.
Wioletta Truszkowska
  1. Wioletta Truszkowska, Adam Grabowski. On the Two Short Axiomatizations of Ortholattices, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 335-340, 2003. MML Identifier: ROBBINS2
    Summary: In the paper, two short axiom systems for Boolean algebras are introduced. In the first section we show that the single axiom (DN${}_1$) proposed in \cite{McCune:2001} in terms of disjunction and negation characterizes Boolean algebras. To prove that (DN${}_1$) is a single axiom for Robbins algebras (that is, Boolean algebras as well), we use the Otter theorem prover. The second section contains proof that the two classical axioms (Meredith${}_1$), (Meredith${}_2$) proposed by Meredith \cite{Meredith:1968} may also serve as a basis for Boolean algebras. The results will be used to characterize ortholattices.
Andrzej Trybulec
  1. Andrzej Trybulec. Tarski Grothendieck Set Theory, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 9-11, 1990. MML Identifier: TARSKI
    Summary: This is the first part of the axiomatics of the Mizar system. It includes the axioms of the Tarski Grothendieck set theory. They are: the axiom stating that everything is a set, the extensionality axiom, the definitional axiom of the singleton, the definitional axiom of the pair, the definitional axiom of the union of a family of sets, the definitional axiom of the boolean (the power set) of a set, the regularity axiom, the definitional axiom of the ordered pair, the Tarski's axiom~A introduced in \cite{TARSKI:1} (see also \cite{TARSKI:2}), and the Fr\ae nkel scheme. Also, the definition of equinumerosity is introduced.
  2. Andrzej Trybulec. Built-in Concepts, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 13-15, 1990. MML Identifier: AXIOMS
    Summary: This abstract contains the second part of the axiomatics of the Mizar system (the first part is in abstract \cite{TARSKI.ABS}). The axioms listed here characterize the Mizar built-in concepts that are automatically attached to every Mizar article. We give definitional axioms of the following concepts: element, subset, Cartesian product, domain (non empty subset), subdomain (non empty subset of a domain), set domain (domain consisting of sets). Axioms of strong arithmetics of real numbers are also included.
  3. Andrzej Trybulec. Enumerated Sets, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 25-34, 1990. MML Identifier: ENUMSET1
    Summary: We prove basic facts about enumerated sets: definitional theorems and their immediate consequences, some theorems related to the decomposition of an enumerated set into union of two sets, facts about removing elements that occur more than once, and facts about permutations of enumerated sets (with the length $\le$ 4). The article includes also schemes enabling instantiation of up to nine universal quantifiers.
  4. Andrzej Trybulec. Tuples, Projections and Cartesian Products, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 97-105, 1990. MML Identifier: MCART_1
    Summary: The purpose of this article is to define projections of ordered pairs, and to introduce triples and quadruples, and their projections. The theorems in this paper may be roughly divided into two groups: theorems describing basic properties of introduced concepts and theorems related to the regularity, analogous to those proved for ordered pairs by Cz. Byli\'nski \cite{ZFMISC_1.ABS}. Cartesian products of subsets are redefined as subsets of Cartesian products.
  5. Andrzej Trybulec. Domains and Their Cartesian Products, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 115-122, 1990. MML Identifier: DOMAIN_1
    Summary: The article includes: theorems related to domains, theorems related to Cartesian products presented earlier in various articles and simplified here by substituting domains for sets and omitting the assumption that the sets involved must not be empty. Several schemes and theorems related to Fraenkel operator are given. We also redefine subset yielding functions such as the pair of elements of a set and the union of two subsets of a set.
  6. Andrzej Trybulec, Agata Darmochwal. Boolean Domains, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 187-190, 1990. MML Identifier: FINSUB_1
    Summary: BOOLE DOMAIN is a SET DOMAIN that is closed under union and difference. This condition is equivalent to being closed under symmetric difference and one of the following operations: union, intersection or difference. We introduce the set of all finite subsets of a set $A$, denoted by Fin $A$. The mode Finite Subset of a set $A$ is introduced with the mother type: Element of Fin $A$. In consequence, ``Finite Subset of \dots '' is an elementary type, therefore one may use such types as ``set of Finite Subset of $A$'', ``[(Finite Subset of $A$), Finite Subset of $A$]'', and so on. The article begins with some auxiliary theorems that belong really to \cite{BOOLE.ABS} or \cite{ORDINAL1.ABS} but are missing there. Moreover, bool $A$ is redefined as a SET DOMAIN, for an arbitrary set $A$.
  7. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. A First Order Language, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 303-311, 1990. MML Identifier: QC_LANG1
    Summary: In the paper a first order language is constructed. It includes the universal quantifier and the following propositional connectives: truth, negation, and conjunction. The variables are divided into three kinds: bound variables, fixed variables, and free variables. An infinite number of predicates for each arity is provided. Schemes of structural induction and schemes justifying definitions by structural induction have been proved. The concept of a closed formula (a formula without free occurrences of bound variables) is introduced.
  8. Andrzej Trybulec. Binary Operations Applied to Functions, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 329-334, 1990. MML Identifier: FUNCOP_1
    Summary: In the article we introduce functors yielding to a binary operation its composition with an arbitrary functions on its left side, its right side or both. We prove theorems describing the basic properties of these functors. We introduce also constant functions and converse of a function. The recent concept is defined for an arbitrary function, however is meaningful in the case of functions which range is a subset of a Cartesian product of two sets. Then the converse of a function has the same domain as the function itself and assigns to an element of the domain the mirror image of the ordered pair assigned by the function. In the case of functions defined on a non-empty set we redefine the above mentioned functors and prove simplified versions of theorems proved in the general case. We prove also theorems stating relationships between introduced concepts and such properties of binary operations as commutativity or associativity.
  9. Andrzej Trybulec. Semilattice Operations on Finite Subsets, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 369-376, 1990. MML Identifier: SETWISEO
    Summary: In the article we deal with a binary operation that is associative, commutative. We define for such an operation a functor that depends on two more arguments: a finite set of indices and a function indexing elements of the domain of the operation and yields the result of applying the operation to all indexed elements. The definition has a restriction that requires that either the set of indices is non empty or the operation has the unity. We prove theorems describing some properties of the functor introduced. Most of them we prove in two versions depending on which requirement is fulfilled. In the second part we deal with the union of finite sets that enjoys mentioned above properties. We prove analogs of the theorems proved in the first part. We precede the main part of the article with auxiliary theorems related to boolean properties of sets, enumerated sets, finite subsets, and functions. We define a casting function that yields to a set the empty set typed as a finite subset of the set. We prove also two schemes of the induction on finite sets.
  10. Andrzej Trybulec, Czeslaw Bylinski. Some Properties of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 445-449, 1990. MML Identifier: SQUARE_1
    Summary: We define the following operations on real numbers: $max(x,y)$, $min(x,y)$, $x^2$, $\sqrt{x}$. We prove basic properties of introduced operations. A number of auxiliary theorems absent in \cite{REAL_1.ABS} and \cite{ABSVALUE.ABS} is proved.
  11. Pawel Sadowski, Andrzej Trybulec, Konrad Raczkowski. The Fundamental Logic Structure in Quantum Mechanics, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 489-494, 1990. MML Identifier: QMAX_1
    Summary: In this article we present the logical structure given by four axioms of Mackey \cite{MACKEY} in the set of propositions of Quantum Mechanics. The equivalence relation (PropRel(Q)) in the set of propositions (Prop Q) for given Quantum Mechanics Q is considered. The main text for this article is \cite{EQREL_1.ABS} where the structure of quotient space and the properties of equivalence relations, classes and partitions are studied.
  12. Andrzej Trybulec. Function Domains and Fr\aenkel Operator, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 495-500, 1990. MML Identifier: FRAENKEL
    Summary: We deal with a non--empty set of functions and a non--empty set of functions from a set $A$ to a non--empty set $B$. In the case when $B$ is a non--empty set, $B^A$ is redefined. It yields a non--empty set of functions from $A$ to $B$. An element of such a set is redefined as a function from $A$ to $B$. Some theorems concerning these concepts are proved, as well as a number of schemes dealing with infinity and the Axiom of Choice. The article contains a number of schemes allowing for simple logical transformations related to terms constructed with the Fr{\ae}nkel Operator.
  13. Andrzej Trybulec. Finite Join and Finite Meet and Dual Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 983-988, 1990. MML Identifier: LATTICE2
    Summary: The concepts of finite join and finite meet in a lattice are introduced. Some properties of the finite join are proved. After introducing the concept of dual lattice in view of dualism we obtain analogous properties of the meet. We prove these properties of binary operations in a lattice, which are usually included in axioms of the lattice theory. We also introduce the concept of Heyting lattice (a bounded lattice with relative pseudo-complements).
  14. Grzegorz Bancerek, Agata Darmochwal, Andrzej Trybulec. Propositional Calculus, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 147-150, 1991. MML Identifier: LUKASI_1
    Summary: We develop the classical propositional calculus, following \cite{LUKA:1}.
  15. Czeslaw Bylinski, Andrzej Trybulec. Complex Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 151-158, 1991. MML Identifier: COMPLSP1
    Summary: We introduce the concept of $n$-dimensional complex space. We prove a number of simple but useful propositions concerning addition, nultiplication by scalars and similar basic concepts. We introduce metric and topology. We prove that $n$-dimensional complex space is a Hausdorff space and that it is regular.
  16. Andrzej Trybulec. Algebra of Normal Forms, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 237-242, 1991. MML Identifier: NORMFORM
    Summary: We mean by a normal form a finite set of ordered pairs of subsets of a fixed set that fulfils two conditions: elements of it consist of disjoint sets and element of it are incomparable w.r.t. inclusion. The underlying set corresponds to a set of propositional variables but it is arbitrary. The correspondents to a normal form of a formula, e.g. a disjunctive normal form is as follows. The normal form is the set of disjuncts and a disjunct is an ordered pair consisting of the sets of propositional variables that occur in the disjunct non-negated and negated. The requirement that the element of a normal form consists of disjoint sets means that contradictory disjuncts have been removed and the second condition means that the absorption law has been used to shorten the normal form. We construct a lattice $\langle {\Bbb N},\sqcup,\sqcap \rangle$, where $ a \sqcup b = \mu (a \cup b)$ and $a \sqcap b = \mu c$, $c$ being set of all pairs $\langle X_1 \cup Y_1, X_2 \cup Y_2 \rangle$, $\langle X_1, X_2 \rangle \in a$ and $\langle Y_1,Y_2 \rangle \in b$, which consist of disjoiny sets. $\mu a$ denotes here the set of all minimal, w.r.t. inclusion, elements of $a$. We prove that the lattice of normal forms over a set defined in this way is distributive and that $\emptyset$ is the minimal element of it.
  17. Jan Popiolek, Andrzej Trybulec. Calculus of Propositions, Formalized Mathematics 2(2), pages 305-307, 1991. MML Identifier: PROCAL_1
    Summary: Continues the analysis of classical language of first order (see \cite{QC_LANG1.ABS}, \cite{QC_LANG2.ABS}, \cite{CQC_LANG.ABS}, \cite{CQC_THE1.ABS}, \cite{LUKASI_1.ABS}). Three connectives: truth, negation and conjuction are primary (see \cite{QC_LANG1.ABS}). The others (alternative, implication and equivalence) are defined with respect to them (see \cite{QC_LANG2.ABS}). We prove some important tautologies of the calculus of propositions. Most of them are given as the axioms of classical logical calculus (see \cite{GRZEG1}). In the last part of our article we give some basic rules of inference.
  18. Andrzej Trybulec. Algebra of Normal Forms Is a Heyting Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 393-396, 1991. MML Identifier: HEYTING1
    Summary: We prove that the lattice of normal forms over an arbitrary set, introduced in \cite{NORMFORM.ABS}, is an implicative lattice. The relative pseudo-complement $\alpha\Rightarrow\beta$ is defined as $\bigsqcup_{\alpha_1\cup\alpha_2=\alpha}-\alpha_1\sqcap \alpha_2\rightarrowtail\beta$, where $-\alpha$ is the pseudo-complement of $\alpha$ and $\alpha\rightarrowtail\beta$ is a rather strong implication introduced in this paper.
  19. Andrzej Trybulec. Natural Transformations. Discrete Categories, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 467-474, 1991. MML Identifier: NATTRA_1
    Summary: We present well known concepts of category theory: natural transformations and functor categories, and prove propositions related to. Because of the formalization it proved to be convenient to introduce some auxiliary notions, for instance: transformations. We mean by a transformation of a functor $F$ to a functor $G$, both covariant functors from $A$ to $B$, a function mapping the objects of $A$ to the morphisms of $B$ and assigning to an object $a$ of $A$ an element of $\mathop{\rm Hom}(F(a),G(a))$. The material included roughly corresponds to that presented on pages 18,129--130,137--138 of the monography (\cite{SEMAD}). We also introduce discrete categories and prove some propositions to illustrate the concepts introduced.
  20. Andrzej Trybulec. A Borsuk Theorem on Homotopy Types, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 535-545, 1991. MML Identifier: BORSUK_1
    Summary: We present a Borsuk's theorem published first in \cite{BORSUK:3} (compare also \cite[pages 119--120]{BORSUK:2}). It is slightly generalized, the assumption of the metrizability is omitted. We introduce concepts needed for the formulation and the proofs of the theorems on upper semi-continuous decompositions, retracts, strong deformation retract. However, only those facts that are necessary in the proof have been proved.
  21. Andrzej Trybulec. Isomorphisms of Categories, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 629-634, 1991. MML Identifier: ISOCAT_1
    Summary: We continue the development of the category theory basically following \cite{SEMAD} (compare also \cite{MacLane:1}). We define the concept of isomorphic categories and prove basic facts related, e.g. that the Cartesian product of categories is associative up to the isomorphism. We introduce the composition of a functor and a transformation, and of transformation and a functor, and afterwards we define again those concepts for natural transformations. Let us observe, that we have to duplicate those concepts because of the permissiveness: if a functor $F$ is not naturally transformable to $G$, then natural transformation from $F$ to $G$ has no fixed meaning, hence we cannot claim that the composition of it with a functor as a transformation results in a natural transformation. We define also the so called horizontal composition of transformations (\cite{SEMAD}, p.~140, exercise {\bf 4}.{\bf 2},{\bf 5}(C)) and prove {\em interchange law} (\cite{MacLane:1}, p.44). We conclude with the definition of equivalent categories.
  22. Agata Darmochwal, Andrzej Trybulec. Similarity of Formulae, Formalized Mathematics 2(5), pages 635-642, 1991. MML Identifier: CQC_SIM1
    Summary: The main objective of the paper is to define the concept of the similarity of formulas. We mean by similar formulas the two formulas that differs only in the names of bound variables. Some authors (compare \cite{RASIOWA-SIKOR}) call such formulas {\em congruent}. We use the word {\em similar} following \cite{POGO:1}, \cite{POGO:2}, \cite{POGORZELSKI.1975}. The concept is unjustfully neglected in many logical handbooks. It is intuitively quite clear, however the exact definition is not simple. As far as we know, only W.A.~Pogorzelski and T.~Prucnal \cite{POGORZELSKI.1975} define it in the precise way. We follow basically the Pogorzelski's definition (compare \cite{POGO:1}). We define renumeration of bound variables and we say that two formulas are similar if after renumeration are equal. Therefore we need a rule of chosing bound variables independent of the original choice. Quite obvious solution is to use consecutively variables $x_{k+1},x_{k+2},\dots$, where $k$ is the maximal index of free variable occurring in the formula. Therefore after the renumeration we get the new formula in which different quantifiers bind different variables. It is the reason that the result of renumeration applied to a formula $\varphi$ we call {\em $\varphi$ with variables separated}.
  23. Andrzej Trybulec. Some Isomorphisms Between Functor Categories, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 33-40, 1992. MML Identifier: ISOCAT_2
    Summary: We define some well known isomorphisms between functor categories: between $A^{\mathop{\dot\circlearrowright}(o,m)}$ and $A$, between $C^{\mizleftcart A,B\mizrightcart}$ and ${(C^B)}^A$, and between ${\mizleftcart B,C\mizrightcart}^A$ and $\mizleftcart B^A,C^A\mizrightcart$. Compare \cite{SEMAD} and \cite{MacLane:1}. Unfortunately in this paper "functor" is used in two different meanings, as a lingual function and as a functor between categories.
  24. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. A Mathematical Model of CPU, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 151-160, 1992. MML Identifier: AMI_1
    Summary: This paper is based on a previous work of the first author \cite{NAKAMURA1} in which a mathematical model of the computer has been presented. The model deals with random access memory, such as RASP of C. C. Elgot and A. Robinson \cite{ELGOT-ROBIN}, however, it allows for a more realistic modeling of real computers. This new model of computers has been named by the author (Y. Nakamura, \cite{NAKAMURA1}) Architecture Model for Instructions (AMI). It is more developed than previous models, both in the description of hardware (e.g., the concept of the program counter, the structure of memory) as well as in the description of instructions (instruction codes, addresses). The structure of AMI over an arbitrary collection of mathematical domains N consists of: \begin{description} \item{ - }a non-empty set of objects, \item{ - }the instruction counter, \item{ - }a non-empty set of objects called instruction locations, \item{ - }a non-empty set of instruction codes, \item{ - }an instruction code for halting, \item{ - }a set of instructions that are ordered pairs with the first element being an instruction code and the second a finite sequence in which members are either objects of the AMI or elements of one of the domains included in N, \item{ - }a function that assigns to every object of AMI its kind that is either {\em an instruction} or {\em an instruction location} or an element of N, \item{ - }a function that assigns to every instruction its execution that is again a function mapping states of AMI into the set of states. \end{description} By a state of AMI we mean a function that assigns to every object of AMI an element of the same kind. In this paper we develop the theory of AMI. Some properties of AMI are introduced ensuring it to have some properties of real computers: \begin{description} \item{ - }a von Neumann AMI, in which only addresses to instruction locations are stored in the program counter, \item{ - }data oriented, those in which instructions cannot be stored in data locations, \item{ - }halting, in which the execution of the halt instruction is the identity mapping of the states of an AMI, \item{ - }steady programmed, the condition in which the contents of the instruction locations do not change during execution, \item{ - }definite, a property in which only instructions may be stored in instruction locations. \end{description} We present an example of AMI called a Small Concrete Model which has been constructed in \cite{NAKAMURA1}. The Small Concrete Model has only one kind of data: integers and a set of instructions, small but sufficient to cope with integers.
  25. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. On a Mathematical Model of Programs, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 241-250, 1992. MML Identifier: AMI_2
    Summary: We continue the work on mathematical modeling of hardware and software started in \cite{AMI_1.ABS}. The main objective of this paper is the definition of a program. We start with the concept of partial product, i.e. the set of all partial functions $f$ from $I$ to $\bigcup_{i\in I} A_i$, fulfilling the condition $f.i \in A_i$ for $i \in dom f$. The computation and the result of a computation are defined in usual way. A finite partial state is called autonomic if the result of a computation starting with it does not depend on the remaining memory and an AMI is called programmable if it has a non empty autonomic partial finite state. We prove the consistency of the following set of properties of an AMI: data-oriented, halting, steady-programmed, realistic and programmable. For this purpose we define a trivial AMI. It has only the instruction counter and one instruction location. The only instruction of it is the halt instruction. A preprogram is a finite partial state that halts. We conclude with the definition of a program of a partial function $F$ mapping the set of the finite partial states into itself. It is a finite partial state $s$ such that for every finite partial state $s' \in dom F$ the result of any computation starting with $s+s'$ includes $F.s'$.
  26. Andrzej Trybulec. Many-sorted Sets, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 15-22, 1993. MML Identifier: PBOOLE
    Summary: The article deals with parameterized families of sets. When treated in a similar way as sets (due to systematic overloading notation used for sets) they are called many sorted sets. For instance, if $x$ and $X$ are two many-sorted sets (with the same set of indices $I$) then relation $x \in X$ is defined as $\forall_{i \in I} x_i \in X_i$.\par I was prompted by a remark in a paper by Tarlecki and Wirsing: ``Throughout the paper we deal with many-sorted sets, functions, relations etc. ... We feel free to use any standard set-theoretic notation without explicit use of indices'' \cite[p.~97]{Tar-Wir1}. The aim of this work was to check the feasibility of such approach in Mizar. It works.\par Let us observe some peculiarities: \begin{itemize} \item[-] empty set (i.e. the many sorted set with empty set of indices) belongs to itself (theorem 133), \item[-] we get two different inclusions $X \subseteq Y$ iff $\forall_{i \in I} X_i \subseteq Y_i$ and $X \sqsubseteq Y$ iff $\forall_x x \in X \Rightarrow x \in Y$ equivalent only for sets that yield non empty values. \end{itemize} Therefore the care is advised.
  27. Bogdan Nowak, Andrzej Trybulec. Hahn-Banach Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 29-34, 1993. MML Identifier: HAHNBAN
    Summary: We prove a version of Hahn-Banach Theorem.
  28. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Remarks on the Simple Concrete Model of Computer, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 51-56, 1993. MML Identifier: AMI_3
    Summary: We prove some results on {\bf SCM} needed for the proof of the correctness of Euclid's algorithm. We introduce the following concepts: \begin{itemize} \item[-] starting finite partial state (Start-At$(l)$), then assigns to the instruction counter an instruction location (and consists only of this assignment), \item[-] programmed finite partial state, that consists of the instructions (to be more precise, a finite partial state with the domain consisting of instruction locations). \end{itemize} We define for a total state $s$ what it means that $s$ starts at $l$ (the value of the instruction counter in the state $s$ is $l$) and $s$ halts at $l$ (the halt instruction is assigned to $l$ in the state $s$). Similar notions are defined for finite partial states.
  29. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Euclid's Algorithm, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 57-60, 1993. MML Identifier: AMI_4
    Summary: The main goal of the paper is to prove the correctness of the Euclid's algorithm for {\bf SCM}. We define the Euclid's algorithm and describe the natural semantics of it. Eventually we prove that the Euclid's algorithm computes the Euclid's function. Let us observe that the Euclid's function is defined as a function mapping finite partial states to finite partial states of {\bf SCM} rather than pairs of integers to integers.
  30. Andrzej Trybulec. Many Sorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 37-42, 1996. MML Identifier: MSUALG_1
    Summary: The basic purpose of the paper is to prepare preliminaries of the theory of many sorted algebras. The concept of the signature of a many sorted algebra is introduced as well as the concept of many sorted algebra itself. Some auxiliary related notions are defined. The correspondence between (1 sorted) universal algebras \cite{UNIALG_1.ABS} and many sorted algebras with one sort only is described by introducing two functors mapping one into the other. The construction is done this way that the composition of both functors is the identity on universal algebras.
  31. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Preliminaries to Circuits, I, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 167-172, 1996. MML Identifier: PRE_CIRC
    Summary: This article is the first in a series of four articles (continued in \cite{MSAFREE2.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many-sorted algebras.\par Here, we introduce some auxiliary notations and prove auxiliary facts about many sorted sets, many sorted functions and trees.
  32. Andrzej Trybulec. A Scheme for Extensions of Homomorphisms of Manysorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 205-209, 1996. MML Identifier: MSAFREE1
    Summary: The aim of this work is to provide a bridge between the theory of context-free grammars developed in \cite{LANG1.ABS}, \cite{DTCONSTR.ABS} and universally free manysorted algebras(\cite{MSAFREE.ABS}. The third scheme proved in the article allows to prove that two homomorphisms equal on the set of free generators are equal. The first scheme is a slight modification of the scheme in \cite{DTCONSTR.ABS} and the second is rather technical, but since it was useful for me, perhaps it might be useful for somebody else. The concept of flattening of a many sorted function $F$ between two manysorted sets $A$ and $B$ (with common set of indices $I$) is introduced for $A$ with mutually disjoint components (pairwise disjoint function -- the concept introduced in \cite{PROB_2.ABS}). This is a function on the union of $A$, that is equal to $F$ on every component of $A$. A trivial many sorted algebra over a signature $S$ is defined with sorts being singletons of corresponding sort symbols. It has mutually disjoint sorts.}
  33. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Preliminaries to Circuits, II, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 215-220, 1996. MML Identifier: MSAFREE2
    Summary: This article is the second in a series of four articles (started with \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS} and continued in \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par First, we introduce some additional terminology for many sorted signatures. The vertices of such signatures are divided into input vertices and inner vertices. A many sorted signature is called {\em circuit like} if each sort is a result sort of at most one operation. Next, we introduce some notions for many sorted algebras and many sorted free algebras. Free envelope of an algebra is a free algebra generated by the sorts of the algebra. Evaluation of an algebra is defined as a homomorphism from the free envelope of the algebra into the algebra. We define depth of elements of free many sorted algebras.\par A many sorted signature is said to be monotonic if every finitely generated algebra over it is locally finite (finite in each sort). Monotonic signatures are used (see \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS},\cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) in modelling backbones of circuits without directed cycles.
  34. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Introduction to Circuits, I, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 227-232, 1996. MML Identifier: CIRCUIT1
    Summary: This article is the third in a series of four articles (preceded by \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS},\cite{MSAFREE2.ABS} and continued in \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par A circuit is defined as a locally-finite algebra over a circuit-like many sorted signature. For circuits we define notions of input function and of circuit state which are later used (see \cite{CIRCUIT2.ABS}) to define circuit computations. For circuits over monotonic signatures we introduce notions of vertex size and vertex depth that characterize certain graph properties of circuit's signature in terms of elements of its free envelope algebra. The depth of a finite circuit is defined as the maximal depth over its vertices.
  35. Alexander Yu. Shibakov, Andrzej Trybulec. The Cantor Set, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 233-236, 1996. MML Identifier: CANTOR_1
    Summary: The aim of the paper is to define some basic notions of the theory of topological spaces like basis and prebasis, and to prove their simple properties. The definition of the Cantor set is given in terms of countable product of $\{0,1\}$ and a collection of its subsets to serve as a prebasis.
  36. Andrzej Trybulec. Categories without Uniqueness of \bf cod and \bf dom, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 259-267, 1996. MML Identifier: ALTCAT_1
    Summary: Category theory had been formalized in Mizar quite early \cite{CAT_1.ABS}. This had been done closely to the handbook of S. McLane \cite{MACLANE:1}. In this paper we use a different approach. Category is a triple $$\langle O, {\{ \langle o_1,o_2 \rangle \}}_{o_1,o_2 \in O}, {\{ \circ_{o_1,o_2,o_3}\}}_{o_1,o_2,o_3 \in O} \rangle$$ where $\circ_{o_1,o_2,o_3}: \langle o_2,o_3 \rangle \times \langle o_1,o_2 \rangle \to \langle o_1, o_3 \rangle$ that satisfies usual conditions (associativity and the existence of the identities). This approach is closer to the way in which categories are presented in homological algebra (e.g. \cite{BALCERZYK}, pp.58-59). We do not assume that $\langle o_1,o_2 \rangle$'s are mutually disjoint. If $f$ is simultaneously a morphism from $o_1$ to $o_2$ and $o_1'$ to $o_2$ ($o_1 \neq o_1'$) than different compositions are used ($\circ_{o_1,o_2,o_3}$ or $\circ_{o_1',o_2,o_3}$) to compose it with a morphism $g$ from $o_2$ to $o_3$. The operation $g\cdot f$ has actually six arguments (two visible and four hidden: three objects and the category).\par We introduce some simple properties of categories. Perhaps more than necessary. It is partially caused by the formalization. The functional categories are characterized by the following properties: \begin{itemize} \item quasi-functional that means that morphisms are functions (rather meaningless, if it stands alone) \item semi-functional that means that the composition of morphism is the composition of functions, provided they are functions. \item pseudo-functional that means that the composition of morphisms is the composition of functions. \end{itemize} For categories pseudo-functional is just quasi-functional and semi-functional, but we work in a bit more general setting. Similarly the concept of a discrete category is split into two: \begin{itemize} \item quasi-discrete that means that $\langle o_1,o_2 \rangle$ is empty for $o_1 \neq o_2$ and \item pseudo-discrete that means that $\langle o, o \rangle$ is trivial, i.e. consists of the identity only, in a category. \end{itemize}\par We plan to follow Semadeni-Wiweger book \cite{SEMAD}, in the development the category theory in Mizar. However, the beginning is not very close to \cite{SEMAD}, because of the approach adopted and because we work in Tarski-Grothendieck set theory.
  37. Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec, Pauline N. Kawamoto. Introduction to Circuits, II, Formalized Mathematics 5(2), pages 273-278, 1996. MML Identifier: CIRCUIT2
    Summary: This article is the last in a series of four articles (preceded by \cite{PRE_CIRC.ABS}, \cite{MSAFREE2.ABS}, \cite{CIRCUIT1.ABS}) about modelling circuits by many sorted algebras.\par The notion of a circuit computation is defined as a sequence of circuit states. For a state of a circuit the next state is given by executing operations at circuit vertices in the current state, according to denotations of the operations. The values at input vertices at each state of a computation are provided by an external sequence of input values. The process of how input values propagate through a circuit is described in terms of a homomorphism of the free envelope algebra of the circuit into itself. We prove that every computation of a circuit over a finite monotonic signature and with constant input values stabilizes after executing the number of steps equal to the depth of the circuit.
  38. Andrzej Trybulec. On the Decomposition of Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 317-322, 1996. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_6
  39. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Decomposing a Go-Board into Cells, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 323-328, 1996. MML Identifier: GOBOARD5
  40. Andrzej Trybulec. On the Geometry of a Go-Board, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 347-352, 1996. MML Identifier: GOBOARD6
  41. Andrzej Trybulec. On the Go-Board of a Standard Special Circular Sequence, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 429-438, 1996. MML Identifier: GOBOARD7
  42. Andrzej Trybulec. More on Segments on a Go-Board, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 443-450, 1996. MML Identifier: GOBOARD8
    Summary: We continue the preparatory work for the Jordan Curve Theorem.
  43. Andrzej Trybulec. Left and Right Component of the Complement of a Special Closed Curve, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 465-468, 1996. MML Identifier: GOBOARD9
    Summary: In the article the concept of the left and right component are introduced. These are the auxiliary notions needed in the proof of Jordan Curve Theorem.
  44. Grzegorz Bancerek, Andrzej Trybulec. Miscellaneous Facts about Functions, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 485-492, 1996. MML Identifier: FUNCT_7
  45. Andrzej Trybulec. Examples of Category Structures, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 493-500, 1996. MML Identifier: ALTCAT_2
    Summary: We continue the formalization of the category theory.
  46. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. An Extension of \bf SCM, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 507-512, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_1
  47. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Components and Unions of Components, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 513-517, 1996. MML Identifier: CONNSP_3
    Summary: First, we generalized {\bf skl} function for a subset of topological spaces the value of which is the component including the set. Second, we introduced a concept of union of components a family of which has good algebraic properties. At the end, we discuss relationship between connectivity of a set as a subset in the whole space and as a subset of a subspace.
  48. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki. The \SCMFSA Computer, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 519-528, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_2
  49. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Computation in \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 537-542, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_3
    Summary: The properties of computations in ${\bf SCM}_{\rm FSA}$ are investigated.
  50. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Modifying Addresses of Instructions of \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 571-576, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_4
  51. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Relocability for \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 583-586, 1996. MML Identifier: SCMFSA_5
  52. Andrzej Trybulec. Functors for Alternative Categories, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 595-608, 1996. MML Identifier: FUNCTOR0
    Summary: An attempt to define the concept of a functor covering both cases (covariant and contravariant) resulted in a structure consisting of two fields: the object map and the morphism map, the first one mapping the Cartesian squares of the set of objects rather than the set of objects. We start with an auxiliary notion of {\em bifunction}, i.e. a function mapping the Cartesian square of a set $A$ into the Cartesian square of a set $B$. A {\em bifunction} $f$ is said to be {\em covariant} if there is a function $g$ from $A$ into $B$ that $f$ is the Cartesian square of $g$ and $f$ is {\em contravariant} if there is a function $g$ such that $f(o_1,o_2) = \langle g(o_2),g(o_1) \rangle$. The term {\em transformation}, another auxiliary notion, might be misleading. It is not related to natural transformations. A transformation from a many sorted set $A$ indexed by $I$ into a many sorted set $B$ indexed by $J$ w.r.t. a function $f$ from $I$ into $J$ is a (many sorted) function from $A$ into $B \cdot f$. Eventually, the morphism map of a functor from $C_1$ into $C_2$ is a transformation from the arrows of the category $C_1$ into the composition of the object map of the functor and the arrows of $C_2$.\par Several kinds of functor structures have been defined: one-to-one, faithful, onto, full and id-preserving. We were pressed to split property that the composition be preserved into two: comp-preserving (for covariant functors) and comp-reversing (for contravariant functors). We defined also some operation on functors, e.g. the composition, the inverse functor. In the last section it is defined what is meant that two categories are isomorphic (anti-isomorphic).
  53. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Adjacency Concept for Pairs of Natural Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 1-3, 1997. MML Identifier: GOBRD10
    Summary: First, we introduce the concept of adjacency for a pair of natural numbers. Second, we extend the concept for two pairs of natural numbers. The pairs represent points of a lattice in a plane. We show that if some property is infectious among adjacent points, and some points have the property, then all points have the property.
  54. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura, Noriko Asamoto. On the Compositions of Macro Instructions. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 21-27, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA6A
  55. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. Memory Handling for \SCMFSA, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 29-36, 1997. MML Identifier: SF_MASTR
    Summary: We introduce some terminology for reasoning about memory used in programs in general and in macro instructions (introduced in \cite{SCMFSA6A.ABS}) in particular. The usage of integer locations and of finite sequence locations by a program is treated separately. We define some functors for selecting memory locations needed for local (temporary) variables in macro instructions. Some semantic properties of the introduced notions are given in terms of executions of macro instructions.
  56. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Some Topological Properties of Cells in $\calE^2_\rmT$, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 37-40, 1997. MML Identifier: GOBRD11
    Summary: We examine the topological property of cells (rectangles) in a plane. First, some Fraenkel expressions of cells are shown. Second, it is proved that cells are closed. The last theorem asserts that the closure of the interior of a cell is the same as itself.
  57. Noriko Asamoto, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. On the Composition of Macro Instructions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 41-47, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA6B
    Summary: We define the semantics of macro instructions (introduced in \cite{SCMFSA6A.ABS}) in terms of executions of ${\bf SCM}_{\rm FSA}$. In a similar way, we define the semantics of macro composition. Several attributes of macro instructions are introduced (paraclosed, parahalting, keeping 0) and their usage enables a systematic treatment of the composition of macro intructions. This article is continued in \cite{SCMFSA6C.ABS}.
  58. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. The First Part of Jordan's Theorem for Special Polygons, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 49-51, 1997. MML Identifier: GOBRD12
    Summary: We prove here the first part of Jordan's theorem for special polygons, i.e., the complement of a special polygon is the union of two components (a left component and a right component). At this stage, we do not know if the two components are different from each other.
  59. Noriko Asamoto, Yatsuka Nakamura, Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. On the Composition of Macro Instructions. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 53-57, 1997. MML Identifier: SCMFSA6C
    Summary: This article is a continuation of \cite{SCMFSA6A.ABS} and \cite{SCMFSA6C.ABS}. First, we recast the semantics of the macro composition in more convenient terms. Then, we introduce terminology and basic properties of macros constructed out of single instructions of ${\bf SCM}_{\rm FSA}$. We give the complete semantics of composing a macro instruction with an instruction and for composing two machine instructions (this is also done in terms of macros). The introduced terminology is tested on the simple example of a macro for swapping two integer locations.
  60. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. Fixpoints in Complete Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 109-115, 1997. MML Identifier: KNASTER
    Summary: Theorem (5) states that if an iterate of a function has a unique fixpoint then it is also the fixpoint of the function. It has been included here in response to P. Andrews claim that such a proof in set theory takes thousands of lines when one starts with the axioms. While probably true, such a claim is misleading about the usefulness of proof-checking systems based on set theory.\par Next, we prove the existence of the least and the greatest fixpoints for $\subseteq$-monotone functions from a powerset to a powerset of a set. Scheme {\it Knaster} is the Knaster theorem about the existence of fixpoints, cf. \cite{lns82}. Theorem (11) is the Banach decomposition theorem which is then used to prove the Schr\"{o}der-Bernstein theorem (12) (we followed Paulson's development of these theorems in Isabelle \cite{lcp95}). It is interesting to note that the last theorem when stated in Mizar in terms of cardinals becomes trivial to prove as in the Mizar development of cardinals the $\leq$ relation is synonymous with $\subseteq$.\par Section 3 introduces the notion of the lattice of a lattice subset provided the subset has lubs and glbs.\par The main theorem of Section 4 is the Tarski theorem (43) that every monotone function $f$ over a complete lattice $L$ has a complete lattice of fixpoints. As the consequence of this theorem we get the existence of the least fixpoint equal to $f^\beta(\bot_L)$ for some ordinal $\beta$ with cardinality not bigger than the cardinality of the carrier of $L$, cf. \cite{lns82}, and analogously the existence of the greatest fixpoint equal to $f^\beta(\top_L)$.\par Section 5 connects the fixpoint properties of monotone functions over complete lattices with the fixpoints of $\subseteq$-monotone functions over the lattice of subsets of a set (Boolean lattice).
  61. Andrzej Trybulec. Moore-Smith Convergence, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 213-225, 1997. MML Identifier: YELLOW_6
    Summary: The paper introduces the concept of a net (a generalized sequence). The goal is to enable the continuation of the translation of \cite{CCL}.
  62. Andrzej Trybulec. Baire Spaces, Sober Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 289-294, 1997. MML Identifier: YELLOW_8
    Summary: In the article concepts and facts necessary to continue formalization of theory of continuous lattices according to \cite{CCL} are introduced.
  63. Andrzej Trybulec. Scott Topology, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 311-319, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL11
    Summary: In the article we continue the formalization in Mizar of \cite[98--105]{CCL}. We work with structures of the form $$L = \langle C,\ \leq,\ \tau \rangle,$$ where $C$ is the carrier of the structure, $\leq$ - an ordering relation on $C$ and $\tau$ a family of subsets of $C$. When $\langle C,\ \leq \rangle$ is a complete lattice we say that $L$ is Scott, if $\tau$ is the Scott topology of $\langle C,\ \leq \rangle$. We define the Scott convergence (lim inf convergence). Following \cite{CCL} we prove that in the case of a continuous lattice $\langle C,\ \leq \rangle$ the Scott convergence is topological, i.e. enjoys the properties: (CONSTANTS), (SUBNETS), (DIVERGENCE), (ITERATED LIMITS). We formalize the theorem, that if the Scott convergence has the (ITERATED LIMITS) property, the $\langle C,\ \leq \rangle$ is continuous.
  64. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. Abian's Fixed Point Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 335-338, 1997. MML Identifier: ABIAN
    Summary: A. Abian \cite{abi68} proved the following theorem: \begin{quotation} Let $f$ be a mapping from a finite set $D$. Then $f$ has a fixed point if and only if $D$ is not a union of three mutually disjoint sets $A$, $B$ and $C$ such that \[ A \cap f[A] = B \cap f[B] = C \cap f[C] = \emptyset.\] \end{quotation} (The range of $f$ is not necessarily the subset of its domain). The proof of the sufficiency is by induction on the number of elements of $D$. A.~M\k{a}kowski and K.~Wi{\'s}niewski \cite{maw69} have shown that the assumption of finiteness is superfluous. They proved their version of the theorem for $f$ being a function from $D$ into $D$. In the proof, the required partition was constructed and the construction used the axiom of choice. Their main point was to demonstrate that the use of this axiom in the proof is essential. We have proved in Mizar the generalized version of Abian's theorem, i.e. without assuming finiteness of $D$. We have simplified the proof from \cite{maw69} which uses well-ordering principle and transfinite ordinals---our proof does not use these notions but otherwise is based on their idea (we employ choice functions).
  65. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. On Same Equivalents of Well-foundedness, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 339-343, 1997. MML Identifier: WELLFND1
    Summary: Four statements equivalent to well-foundedness (well-founded induction, existence of recursively defined functions, uniqueness of recursively defined functions, and absence of descending $\omega$-chains) have been proved in Mizar and the proofs were mechanically checked for correctness. It seems not to be widely known that the existence (without the uniqueness assumption) of recursively defined functions implies well-foundedness. In the proof we used regular cardinals, a fairly advanced notion of set theory. This work was inspired by T.~Franzen's paper ~\cite{tor96}. Franzen's proofs were written by a mathematician having an argument with a computer scientist. We were curious about the effort needed to formalize Franzen's proofs given the state of the Mizar Mathematical Library at that time (July 1996). The formalization went quite smoothly once the mathematics was sorted out.
  66. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Intermediate Value Theorem and Thickness of Simple Closed Curves, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 511-514, 1997. MML Identifier: TOPREAL5
    Summary: Various types of the intermediate value theorem (\cite {shilov}) are proved. For their special cases, the Bolzano theorem is also proved. Using such a theorem, it is shown that if a curve is a simple closed curve, then it is not horizontally degenerated, neither is it vertically degenerated.
  67. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Lebesgue's Covering Lemma, Uniform Continuity and Segmentation of Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 525-529, 1997. MML Identifier: UNIFORM1
    Summary: For mappings from a metric space to a metric space, a notion of uniform continuity is defined. If we introduce natural topologies to the metric spaces, a uniformly continuous function becomes continuous. On the other hand, if the domain is compact, a continuous function is uniformly continuous. For this proof, Lebesgue's covering lemma is also proved. An arc, which is homeomorphic to [0,1], can be divided into small segments, as small as one wishes.
  68. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. On the Rectangular Finite Sequences of the Points of the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 531-539, 1997. MML Identifier: SPRECT_1
    Summary: The article deals with a rather technical concept -- rectangular sequences of the points of the plane. We mean by that a finite sequence consisting of five elements, that is circular, i.e. the first element and the fifth one of it are equal, and such that the polygon determined by it is a non degenerated rectangle, with sides parallel to axes. The main result is that for the rectangle determined by such a sequence the left and the right component of the complement of it are different and disjoint.
  69. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. On the Order on a Special Polygon, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 541-548, 1997. MML Identifier: SPRECT_2
    Summary: The goal of the article is to determine the order of the special points defined in \cite{PSCOMP_1.ABS} on a special polygon. We restrict ourselves to the clockwise oriented finite sequences (the concept defined in this article) that start in N-min C (C being a compact non empty subset of the plane).
  70. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. A Decomposition of a Simple Closed Curves and the Order of Their Points, Formalized Mathematics 6(4), pages 563-572, 1997. MML Identifier: JORDAN6
    Summary: The goal of the article is to introduce an order on a simple closed curve. To do this, we fix two points on the curve and devide it into two arcs. We prove that such a decomposition is unique. Other auxiliary theorems about arcs are proven for preparation of the proof of the above.
  71. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Properties of Special Polygonal Curves, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 265-272, 1998. MML Identifier: SPRECT_3
    Summary: In the paper some auxiliary theorems are proved, needed in the proof of the second part of the Jordan curve theorem for special polygons. They deal mostly with characteristic points of plane non empty compacts introduced in \cite{PSCOMP_1.ABS}, operation {\em mid} introduced in \cite{JORDAN3.ABS} and the predicate ``$f$ is in the area of $g$'' ($f$ and $g$ : finite sequences of points of the plane) introduced in \cite{SPRECT_2.ABS}.
  72. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec, Czeslaw Bylinski. Bounded Domains and Unbounded Domains, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 1-13, 1999. MML Identifier: JORDAN2C
    Summary: First, notions of inside components and outside components are introduced for any subset of $n$-dimensional Euclid space. Next, notions of the bounded domain and the unbounded domain are defined using the above components. If the dimension is larger than 1, and if a subset is bounded, a unbounded domain of the subset coincides with an outside component (which is unique) of the subset. For a sphere in $n$-dimensional space, the similar fact is true for a bounded domain. In 2 dimensional space, any rectangle also has such property. We discussed relations between the Jordan property and the concept of boundary, which are necessary to find points in domains near a curve. In the last part, we gave the sufficient criterion for belonging to the left component of some clockwise oriented finite sequences.
  73. Andrzej Trybulec. Rotating and Reversing, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 15-20, 1999. MML Identifier: REVROT_1
    Summary: Quite a number of lemmas for the Jordan curve theorem, as yet in the case of the special polygonal curves, have been proved. By ``special" we mean, that it is a polygonal curve with edges parallel to axes and actually the lemmas have been proved, mostly, for the triangulations i.e. for finite sequences that define the curve. Moreover some of the results deal only with a special case: \begin{itemize} \item[-] finite sequences are clockwise oriented, \item[-] the first member of the sequence is the member with the lowest ordinate among those with the highest abscissa (N-min $f,$ where $f$ is a finite sequence, in the Mizar jargon). \end{itemize} In the change of the orientation one has to reverse the sequence (the operation introduced in \cite{FINSEQ_5.ABS}) and to change the second restriction one has to rotate the sequence (the operation introduced in \cite{FINSEQ_6.ABS}). The goal of the paper is to prove, mostly simple, facts about the relationship between properties and attributes of the finite sequence and its rotation (similar results about reversing had been proved in \cite{FINSEQ_5.ABS}). Some of them deal with recounting parameters, others with properties that are invariant under the rotation. We prove also that the finite sequence is either clockwise oriented or it is such after reversing. Everything is proved for the so called standard finite sequences, which means that if a point belongs to it then every point with the same abscissa or with the same ordinate, that belongs to the polygon, belongs also to the finite sequence. It does not seem that this requirement causes serious technical obstacles.
  74. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. On the Components of the Complement of a Special Polygonal Curve, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 21-23, 1999. MML Identifier: SPRECT_4
    Summary: By the special polygonal curve we meana simple closed curve, that is a polygone and moreover has edges parallel to axes. We continue the formalization of the Takeuti-Nakamura proof \cite{TAKE-NAKA} of the Jordan curve theorem. In the paper we prove that the complement of the special polygonal curve consists of at least two components. With the theorem which has at most two components we completed the theorem that a special polygonal curve cuts the plane into exactly two components.
  75. Andrzej Trybulec. Defining by Structural Induction in the Positive Propositional Language, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 133-137, 1999. MML Identifier: HILBERT2
    Summary: The main goal of the paper consists in proving schemes for defining by structural induction in the language defined by Adam Grabowski \cite{HILBERT1.ABS}. The article consists of four parts. Besides the preliminaries where we prove some simple facts still missing in the library, they are: \item{-} ``About the language'' in which the consequences of the fact that the algebra of formulae is free are formulated, \item{-} ``Defining by structural induction'' in which two schemes are proved, \item{-} ``The tree of the subformulae'' in which a scheme proved in the previous section is used to define the tree of subformulae; also some simple facts about the tree are proved.
  76. Piotr Rudnicki, Andrzej Trybulec. Multivariate Polynomials with Arbitrary Number of Variables, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 95-110, 2001. MML Identifier: POLYNOM1
    Summary: The goal of this article is to define multivariate polynomials in arbitrary number of indeterminates and then to prove that they constitute a ring (over appropriate structure of coefficients).\par The introductory section includes quite a number of auxiliary lemmas related to many different parts of the MML. The second section characterizes the sequence flattening operation, introduced in \cite{DTCONSTR.ABS}, but so far lacking theorems about its fundamental properties.\par We first define formal power series in arbitrary number of variables. The auxiliary concept on which the construction of formal power series is based is the notion of a bag. A bag of a set $X$ is a natural function on $X$ which is zero almost everywhere. The elements of $X$ play the role of formal variables and a bag gives their exponents thus forming a power product. Series are defined for an ordered set of variables (we use ordinal numbers). A series in $o$ variables over a structure $S$ is a function assigning an element of the carrier of $S$ (coefficient) to each bag of $o$.\par We define the operations of addition, complement and multiplication for formal power series and prove their properties which depend on assumed properties of the structure from which the coefficients are taken. (We would like to note that proving associativity of multiplication turned out to be technically complicated.)\par Polynomial is defined as a formal power series with finite number of non zero coefficients. In conclusion, the ring of polynomials is defined.
  77. Andrzej Trybulec, Piotr Rudnicki, Artur Kornilowicz. Standard Ordering of Instruction Locations, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 291-301, 2001. MML Identifier: AMISTD_1
  78. Christoph Schwarzweller, Andrzej Trybulec. The Evaluation of Multivariate Polynomials, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 331-338, 2001. MML Identifier: POLYNOM2
  79. Andrzej Trybulec. The Canonical Formulae, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 441-447, 2001. MML Identifier: HILBERT3
  80. Andrzej Trybulec. Some Lemmas for the Jordan Curve Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 481-484, 2001. MML Identifier: JCT_MISC
    Summary: I present some miscellaneous simple facts that are still missing in the library. The only common feature is that, most of them, were needed as lemmas in the proof of the Jordan curve theorem.
  81. Artur Kornilowicz, Robert Milewski, Adam Naumowicz, Andrzej Trybulec. Gauges and Cages. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 501-509, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1A
  82. Robert Milewski, Andrzej Trybulec, Artur Kornilowicz, Adam Naumowicz. Some Properties of Cells and Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 531-535, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1B
  83. Adam Grabowski, Artur Kornilowicz, Andrzej Trybulec. Some Properties of Cells and Gauges, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 545-548, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1C
  84. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. Again on the Order on a Special Polygon, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 549-553, 2001. MML Identifier: SPRECT_5
  85. Andrzej Trybulec. Classes of Independent Partitions, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 623-625, 2001. MML Identifier: PARTIT_2
    Summary: The paper includes proofs of few theorems proved earlier by Shunichi Kobayashi in many different settings.
  86. Andrzej Trybulec. More on the External Approximation of a~Continuum, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 831-841, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN1H
    Summary: The main goal was to prove two facts: \begin{itemize} \itemsep-3pt \item the gauge is the Go-Board of a corresponding cage, \item the left components of the complement of the curve determined by a cage are monotonic wrt the index of the approximation. \end{itemize} Some auxiliary facts are proved, too. At the end the new notion needed for the internal approximation are defined and some useful lemmas are proved.
  87. Andrzej Trybulec. More on the Finite Sequences on the Plane, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 843-847, 2001. MML Identifier: TOPREAL8
    Summary: We continue proving lemmas needed for the proof of the Jordan curve theorem. The main goal was to prove the last theorem being a mutation of the first theorem in \cite{GOBOARD3.ABS}.
  88. Andrzej Trybulec. Preparing the Internal Approximations of Simple Closed Curves, Formalized Mathematics 10(2), pages 85-87, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN11
    Summary: We mean by an internal approximation of a simple closed curve a special polygon disjoint with it but sufficiently close to it, i.e. such that it is clock-wise oriented and its right cells meet the curve. We prove lemmas used in the next article to construct a sequence of internal approximations.
  89. Andrzej Trybulec. Introducing Spans, Formalized Mathematics 10(2), pages 97-98, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN13
    Summary: A sequence of internal approximations of simple closed curves is introduced. They are called spans.
  90. Andrzej Trybulec. On the Minimal Distance Between Sets in Euclidean Space, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 153-158, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN1K
    Summary: The concept of the minimal distance between two sets in a Euclidean space is introduced and some useful lemmas are proved.
  91. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. Sequences of Metric Spaces and an Abstract Intermediate Value Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 159-161, 2002. MML Identifier: TOPMETR3
    Summary: Relations of convergence of real sequences and convergence of metric spaces are investigated. An abstract intermediate value theorem for two closed sets in the range is presented. At the end, it is proven that an arc connecting the west minimal point and the east maximal point in a simple closed curve must be identical to the upper arc or lower arc of the closed curve.
  92. Andrzej Trybulec, Yatsuka Nakamura. On the Decomposition of a Simple Closed Curve into Two Arcs, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 163-167, 2002. MML Identifier: JORDAN16
    Summary: The purpose of the paper is to prove lemmas needed for the Jordan curve theorem. The main result is that the decomposition of a simple closed curve into two arcs with the ends $p_1, p_2$ is unique in the sense that every arc on the curve with the same ends must be equal to one of them.
  93. Andrzej Trybulec. On the Sets Inhabited by Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 341-347, 2003. MML Identifier: MEMBERED
    Summary: The information that all members of a set enjoy a property expressed by an adjective can be processed in a systematic way. The purpose of the work is to find out how to do that. If it works, `membered' will become a reserved word and the work with it will be automated. I have chosen {\it membered} rather than {\it inhabited} because of the compatibility with the Automath terminology. The phrase $\tau$ {\it inhabits} $\theta$ could be translated to $\tau$ {\bfseries\itshape is} $\theta$ in Mizar.
  94. Andrzej Trybulec. On the Segmentation of a Simple Closed Curve, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 411-416, 2003. MML Identifier: JORDAN_A
    Summary: The main goal of the work was to introduce the concept of the segmentation of a simple closed curve into (arbitrary small) arcs. The existence of it has been proved by Yatsuka Nakamura \cite{JORDAN7.ABS}. The concept of the gap of a segmentation is also introduced. It is the smallest distance between disjoint segments in the segmentation. For this purpose, the relationship between segments of an arc \cite{JORDAN6.ABS} and segments on a simple closed curve \cite{JORDAN7.ABS} has been shown.
  95. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec. The Fashoda Meet Theorem for Rectangles, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 199-219, 2005. MML Identifier: JGRAPH_7
    Summary: Here, so called Fashoda Meet Theorem is proven in the case of rectangles. All cases of proper location of arcs are listed up, and it is shown that the theorem consists in each case. Such a list of cases will be useful when one wants to apply the theorem.
  96. Yatsuka Nakamura, Andrzej Trybulec, Artur Kornilowicz. The Fashoda Meet Theorem for Continuous Mappings, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 467-469, 2005. MML Identifier: JGRAPH_8
    Summary: {}
Michal J. Trybulec
  1. Michal J. Trybulec. Integers, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 501-505, 1990. MML Identifier: INT_1
    Summary: In the article the following concepts were introduced: the set of integers (${\Bbb Z }$) and its elements (integers), congruences ($i_1 \equiv i_2 (\mathop{\rm mod} i_3)$), the ceiling and floor functors ($\mathopen{\lceil} x \mathclose{\rceil}$ and $\mathopen{\lfloor} x \mathclose{\rfloor}$), also the fraction part of a real number (frac), the integer division ($\div$) and remainder of integer division (mod). The following schemes were also included: the separation scheme ({\it SepInt}), the schemes of integer induction ({\it Int\_Ind\_Down}, {\it Int\_Ind\_Up}, {\it Int\_Ind\_Full}), the minimum ({\it Int\_Min}) and maximum ({\it Int\_Max}) schemes (the existence of minimum and maximum integers enjoying a given property).
  2. Wojciech A. Trybulec, Michal J. Trybulec. Homomorphisms and Isomorphisms of Groups. Quotient Group, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 573-578, 1991. MML Identifier: GROUP_6
    Summary: Quotient group, homomorphisms and isomorphisms of groups are introduced. The so called isomorphism theorems are proved following \cite{KARGAP:1}.
Wojciech A. Trybulec
  1. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Axioms of Incidency, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 205-213, 1990. MML Identifier: INCSP_1
    Summary: This article is based on {\it ``Foundations of Geometry''} by Karol Borsuk and Wanda Szmielew (\cite{BORSUK:1}). The fourth axiom of incidency is weakened. In \cite{BORSUK:1} it has the form {\it for any plane there exist three non-collinear points in the plane} and in the article {\it for any plane there exists one point in the plane}. The original axiom is proved. The article includes: theorems concerning collinearity of points and coplanarity of points and lines, basic theorems concerning lines and planes, fundamental existence theorems, theorems concerning intersection of lines and planes.
  2. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Vectors in Real Linear Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 291-296, 1990. MML Identifier: RLVECT_1
    Summary: In this article we introduce a notion of real linear space, operations on vectors: addition, multiplication by real number, inverse vector, subtraction. The sum of finite sequence of the vectors is also defined. Theorems that belong rather to \cite{NAT_1.ABS} or \cite{FINSEQ_1.ABS} are proved.
  3. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Subspaces and Cosets of Subspaces in Real Linear Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 297-301, 1990. MML Identifier: RLSUB_1
    Summary: The following notions are introduced in the article: subspace of a real linear space, zero subspace and improper subspace, coset of a subspace. The relation of a subset of the vectors being linearly closed is also introduced. Basic theorems concerning those notions are proved in the article.
  4. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Partially Ordered Sets, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 313-319, 1990. MML Identifier: ORDERS_1
    Summary: In the beginning of this article we define the choice function of a non-empty set family that does not contain $\emptyset$ as introduced in \cite[pages 88--89]{KURAT:1}. We define order of a set as a relation being reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive in the set, partially ordered set as structure non-empty set and order of the set, chains, lower and upper cone of a subset, initial segments of element and subset of partially ordered set. Some theorems that belong rather to \cite{ZFMISC_1.ABS} or \cite{RELAT_2.ABS} are proved.
  5. Wojciech A. Trybulec, Grzegorz Bancerek. Kuratowski -- Zorn Lemma, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 387-393, 1990. MML Identifier: ORDERS_2
    Summary: The goal of this article is to prove Kuratowski - Zorn lemma. We prove it in a number of forms (theorems and schemes). We introduce the following notions: a relation is a quasi (or partial, or linear) order, a relation quasi (or partially, or linearly) orders a set, minimal and maximal element in a relation, inferior and superior element of a relation, a set has lower (or upper) Zorn property w.r.t. a relation. We prove basic theorems concerning those notions and theorems that relate them to the notions introduced in \cite{ORDERS_1.ABS}. At the end of the article we prove some theorems that belong rather to \cite{RELAT_1.ABS}, \cite{RELAT_2.ABS} or \cite{WELLORD1.ABS}.
  6. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Operations on Subspaces in Real Linear Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(2), pages 395-399, 1990. MML Identifier: RLSUB_2
    Summary: In this article the following operations on subspaces of real linear space are intoduced: sum, intersection and direct sum. Some theorems about those notions are proved. We define linear complement of a subspace. Some theorems about decomposition of a vector onto two subspaces and onto subspace and its linear complement are proved. We also show that a set of subspaces with operations sum and intersection is a lattice. At the end of the article theorems that belong rather to \cite{BOOLE.ABS}, \cite{RLVECT_1.ABS}, \cite{RLSUB_1.ABS} or \cite{LATTICES.ABS} are proved.
  7. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Non-contiguous Substrings and One-to-one Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 569-573, 1990. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_3
    Summary: This text is a continuation of \cite{FINSEQ_1.ABS}. We prove a number of theorems concerning both notions introduced there and one-to-one finite sequences. We introduce a function that removes from a string elements of the string that belongs to a given set.
  8. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Pigeon Hole Principle, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 575-579, 1990. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_4
    Summary: We introduce the notion of a predicate that states that a function is one-to-one at a given element of its domain (i.e. counterimage of image of the element is equal to its singleton). We also introduce some rather technical functors concerning finite sequences: the lowest index of the given element of the range of the finite sequence, the substring preceding (and succeeding) the first occurrence of given element of the range. At the end of the article we prove the pigeon hole principle.
  9. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Linear Combinations in Real Linear Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(3), pages 581-588, 1990. MML Identifier: RLVECT_2
    Summary: The article is continuation of \cite{RLVECT_1.ABS}. At the beginning we prove some theorems concerning sums of finite sequence of vectors. We introduce the following notions: sum of finite subset of vectors, linear combination, carrier of linear combination, linear combination of elements of a given set of vectors, sum of linear combination. We also show that the set of linear combinations is a real linear space. At the end of article we prove some auxiliary theorems that should be proved in \cite{BOOLE.ABS}, \cite{FUNCT_1.ABS}, \cite{FINSET_1.ABS}, \cite{NAT_1.ABS} or \cite{REAL_1.ABS}.
  10. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Groups, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 821-827, 1990. MML Identifier: GROUP_1
    Summary: Notions of group and abelian group are introduced. The power of an element of a group, order of group and order of an element of a group are defined. Basic theorems concerning those notions are presented.
  11. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Basis of Real Linear Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 847-850, 1990. MML Identifier: RLVECT_3
    Summary: Notions of linear independence and dependence of set of vectors, the subspace generated by a set of vectors and basis of real linear space are introduced. Some theorems concerning those notions are proved.
  12. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Finite Sums of Vectors in Vector Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 851-854, 1990. MML Identifier: VECTSP_3
    Summary: We define the sum of finite sequences of vectors in vector space. Theorems concerning those sums are proved.
  13. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Subgroup and Cosets of Subgroups, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 855-864, 1990. MML Identifier: GROUP_2
    Summary: We introduce notion of subgroup, coset of a subgroup, sets of left and right cosets of a subgroup. We define multiplication of two subset of a group, subset of reverse elemens of a group, intersection of two subgroups. We define the notion of an index of a subgroup and prove Lagrange theorem which states that in a finite group the order of the group equals the order of a subgroup multiplied by the index of the subgroup. Some theorems that belong rather to \cite{CARD_1.ABS} are proved.
  14. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Subspaces and Cosets of Subspaces in Vector Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 865-870, 1990. MML Identifier: VECTSP_4
    Summary: We introduce the notions of subspace of vector space and coset of a subspace. We prove a number of theorems concerning those notions. Some theorems that belong rather to \cite{VECTSP_1.ABS} are proved.
  15. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Operations on Subspaces in Vector Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 871-876, 1990. MML Identifier: VECTSP_5
    Summary: Sum, direct sum and intersection of subspaces are introduced. We prove some theorems concerning those notions and the decomposition of vector onto two subspaces. Linear complement of a subspace is also defined. We prove theorems that belong rather to \cite{VECTSP_1.ABS}.
  16. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Linear Combinations in Vector Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 877-882, 1990. MML Identifier: VECTSP_6
    Summary: The notion of linear combination of vectors is introduced as a function from the carrier of a vector space to the carrier of the field. Definition of linear combination of set of vectors is also presented. We define addition and subtraction of combinations and multiplication of combination by element of the field. Sum of finite set of vectors and sum of linear combination is defined. We prove theorems that belong rather to \cite{VECTSP_1.ABS}.
  17. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Basis of Vector Space, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 883-885, 1990. MML Identifier: VECTSP_7
    Summary: We prove the existence of a basis of a vector space, i.e., a set of vectors that generates the vector space and is linearly independent. We also introduce the notion of a subspace generated by a set of vectors and linear independence of set of vectors.
  18. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Classes of Conjugation. Normal Subgroups, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 955-962, 1990. MML Identifier: GROUP_3
    Summary: Theorems that were not proved in \cite{GROUP_1.ABS} and in \cite{GROUP_2.ABS} are discussed. In the article we define notion of conjugation for elements, subsets and subgroups of a group. We define the classes of conjugation. Normal subgroups of a group and normalizator of a subset of a group or of a subgroup are introduced. We also define the set of all subgroups of a group. An auxiliary theorem that belongs rather to \cite{CARD_2.ABS} is proved.
  19. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Binary Operations on Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 979-981, 1990. MML Identifier: FINSOP_1
    Summary: We generalize the semigroup operation on finite sequences introduced in \cite{SETWOP_2.ABS} for binary operations that have a unity or for non-empty finite sequences.
  20. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Lattice of Subgroups of a Group. Frattini Subgroup, Formalized Mathematics 2(1), pages 41-47, 1991. MML Identifier: GROUP_4
    Summary: We define the notion of a subgroup generated by a set of element of a group and two closely connected notions. Namely lattice of subgroups and Frattini subgroup. The operations in the lattice are the intersection of subgroups (introduced in \cite{GROUP_2.ABS}) and multiplication of subgroups which result is defined as a subgroup generated by a sum of carriers of the two subgroups. In order to define Frattini subgroup and to prove theorems concerning it we introduce notion of maximal subgroup and non-generating element of the group (see \cite[page 30]{KARGAP:1}). Frattini subgroup is defined as in \cite{KARGAP:1} as an intersection of all maximal subgroups. We show that an element of the group belongs to Frattini subgroup of the group if and only if it is a non-generating element. We also prove theorems that should be proved in \cite{NAT_1.ABS} but are not.
  21. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Commutator and Center of a Group, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 461-466, 1991. MML Identifier: GROUP_5
    Summary: We introduce the notions of commutators of element, subgroups of a group, commutator of a group and center of a group. We prove P.Hall identity. The article is based on \cite{KARGAP:1}.
  22. Wojciech A. Trybulec, Michal J. Trybulec. Homomorphisms and Isomorphisms of Groups. Quotient Group, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 573-578, 1991. MML Identifier: GROUP_6
    Summary: Quotient group, homomorphisms and isomorphisms of groups are introduced. The so called isomorphism theorems are proved following \cite{KARGAP:1}.
  23. Wojciech A. Trybulec. Subspaces of Real Linear Space generated by One, Two, or Three Vectors and Their Cosets, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 271-274, 1992. MML Identifier: RLVECT_4
Zinaida Trybulec
  1. Zinaida Trybulec, Halina Swiczkowska. Boolean Properties of Sets, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 17-23, 1990. MML Identifier: BOOLE
    Summary: This article contains proofs of the theorems which are obvious if the directive 'requirements BOOLE;' will be added to enviroment declaration of the Mizar article.
  2. Zinaida Trybulec. Properties of Subsets, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 67-71, 1990. MML Identifier: SUBSET_1
    Summary: The text includes theorems concerning properties of subsets, and some operations on sets. The functions yielding improper subsets of a set, i.e. the empty set and the set itself are introduced. Functions and predicates introduced for sets are redefined. Some theorems about enumerated sets are proved.
Tetsuya Tsunetou
  1. Tetsuya Tsunetou, Grzegorz Bancerek, Yatsuka Nakamura. Zero-Based Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 825-829, 2001. MML Identifier: AFINSQ_1
Akihiko Uchibori
  1. Akihiko Uchibori, Noboru Endou. Basic Properties of Genetic Algorithm, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 151-160, 1999. MML Identifier: GENEALG1
    Summary: We defined the set of the gene, the space treated by the genetic algorithm and the individual of the space. Moreover, we defined some genetic operators such as one point crossover and two points crossover, and the validity of many characters were proven.
Josef Urban
  1. Josef Urban. Basic Facts about Inaccessible and Measurable Cardinals, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 323-329, 2001. MML Identifier: CARD_FIL
    Summary: Inaccessible, strongly inaccessible and measurable cardinals are defined, and it is proved that a measurable cardinal is strongly inaccessible. Filters on sets are defined, some facts related to the section about cardinals are proved. Existence of the Ulam matrix on non-limit cardinals is proved.
  2. Josef Urban. Mahlo and Inaccessible Cardinals, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 485-489, 2001. MML Identifier: CARD_LAR
    Summary: This article contains basic ordinal topology: closed unbounded and stationary sets and necessary theorems about them, completness of the centered system of Clubs of $M$, Mahlo and strongly Mahlo cardinals, the proof that (strongly) Mahlo is (strongly) inaccessible, and the proof that Rank of strongly inaccessible is a model of ZF.
  3. Josef Urban. Order Sorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 179-188, 2002. MML Identifier: OSALG_1
    Summary: Initial notions for order sorted algebras.
  4. Josef Urban. Subalgebras of an Order Sorted Algebra. Lattice of Subalgebras, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 189-196, 2002. MML Identifier: OSALG_2
  5. Josef Urban. Homomorphisms of Order Sorted Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 197-200, 2002. MML Identifier: OSALG_3
  6. Josef Urban. Order Sorted Quotient Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 201-210, 2002. MML Identifier: OSALG_4
  7. Josef Urban. Free Order Sorted Universal Algebra, Formalized Mathematics 10(3), pages 211-225, 2002. MML Identifier: OSAFREE
    Summary: Free Order Sorted Universal Algebra --- the general construction for any locally directed signatures.
Library Committee of the Association of Mizar Users
    Jaroslaw Stanislaw Walijewski
    1. Jolanta Kamienska, Jaroslaw Stanislaw Walijewski. Homomorphisms of Lattices, Finite Join and Finite Meet, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 35-40, 1993. MML Identifier: LATTICE4
    2. Jaroslaw Stanislaw Walijewski. Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 45-50, 1993. MML Identifier: LOPCLSET
    Peng Wang
    1. Bo Li, Peng Wang. Several Differentiation Formulas of Special Functions. Part IV, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 109-114, 2006. MML Identifier: FDIFF_8
      Summary: In this article, we give several differentiation formulas of special and composite functions including trigonometric function, polynomial function and logarithmic function.
    Katsumi Wasaki
    1. Katsumi Wasaki, Pauline N. Kawamoto. 2's Complement Circuit, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 189-197, 1997. MML Identifier: TWOSCOMP
      Summary: This article introduces various Boolean operators which are used in discussing the properties and stability of a 2's complement circuit. We present the definitions and related theorems for the following logical operators which include negative input/output: 'and2a', 'or2a', 'xor2a' and 'nand2a', 'nor2a', etc. We formalize the concept of a 2's complement circuit, define the structures of complementors/incrementors for binary operations, and prove the stability of the circuit.
    2. Katsumi Wasaki, Noboru Endou. Full Subtracter Circuit. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 77-81, 1999. MML Identifier: FSCIRC_1
      Summary: We formalize the concept of the full subtracter circuit, define the structures of bit subtract/borrow units for binary operations, and prove the stability of the circuit.
    3. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of Binary Counter Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 83-85, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_2
      Summary: This article introduces the verification of the correctness for the operations and the specification of the 3-bit counter. Both cases: without reset input and with reset input are considered. The proof was proposed by Y. Nakamura in \cite{GATE_1.ABS}.
    4. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of Johnson Counter Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 87-91, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_3
      Summary: This article introduces the verification of the correctness for the operations and the specification of the Johnson counter. We formalize the concepts of 2-bit, 3-bit and 4-bit Johnson counter circuits with a reset input, and define the specification of the state transitions without the minor loop.
    5. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of a Cyclic Redundancy Check Code Generator, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 129-132, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_4
      Summary: We prove the correctness of the division circuit and the CRC (cyclic redundancy checks) circuit by verifying the contents of the register after one shift. Circuits with 12-bit register and 16-bit register are taken as examples. All the proofs are done formally.
    6. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Property of Complex Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 179-184, 2001. MML Identifier: CFUNCT_1
      Summary: This article introduces properties of complex function, calculations of them, boundedness and constant.
    7. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Property of Complex Sequence and Continuity of Complex Function, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 185-190, 2001. MML Identifier: CFCONT_1
      Summary: This article introduces properties of complex sequence and continuity of complex function. The first section shows convergence of complex sequence and constant complex sequence. In the next section, definition of continuity of complex function and properties of continuous complex function are shown.
    8. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Scalar Multiple of Riemann Definite Integral, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 191-196, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA2
      Summary: The goal of this article is to prove a scalar multiplicity of Riemann definite integral. Therefore, we defined a scalar product to the subset of real space, and we proved some relating lemmas. At last, we proved a scalar multiplicity of Riemann definite integral. As a result, a linearity of Riemann definite integral was proven by unifying the previous article \cite{INTEGRA1.ABS}.
    9. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Darboux's Theorem, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 197-200, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA3
      Summary: In this article, we have proved the Darboux's theorem. This theorem is important to prove the Riemann integrability. We can replace an upper bound and a lower bound of a function which is the definition of Riemann integration with convergence of sequence by Darboux's theorem.
    10. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Integrability of Bounded Total Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 271-274, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA4
      Summary: All these results have been obtained by Darboux's theorem in our previous article \cite{INTEGRA3.ABS}. In addition, we have proved the first mean value theorem to Riemann integral.
    11. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Definition of Integrability for Partial Functions from $\Bbb R$ to $\Bbb R$ and Integrability for Continuous Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 281-284, 2001. MML Identifier: INTEGRA5
      Summary: In this article, we defined the Riemann definite integral of partial function from ${\Bbb R}$ to ${\Bbb R}$. Then we have proved the integrability for the continuous function and differentiable function. Moreover, we have proved an elementary theorem of calculus.
    12. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Introduction to Several Concepts of Convexity and Semicontinuity for Function from $\Bbb R$ to $\Bbb R$, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 285-289, 2001. MML Identifier: RFUNCT_4
      Summary: This article is an introduction to convex analysis. In the beginning, we have defined the concept of strictly convexity and proved some basic properties between convexity and strictly convexity. Moreover, we have defined concepts of other convexity and semicontinuity, and proved their basic properties.
    13. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Basic Properties of Fuzzy Set Operation and Membership Function, Formalized Mathematics 9(2), pages 357-362, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_2
      Summary: This article introduces the fuzzy theory. The definition of the difference set, algebraic product and algebraic sum of fuzzy set is shown. In addition, basic properties of those operations are described. Basic properties of fuzzy set are a~little different from those of crisp set.
    14. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Katsumi Wasaki. The Correctness of the High Speed Array Multiplier Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 475-479, 2001. MML Identifier: GATE_5
      Summary: This article introduces the verification of the correctness for the operations and the specification of the high speed array multiplier. We formalize the concepts of 2-by-2 and 3-by-3 bit Plain array multiplier, 3-by-3 Wallace tree multiplier circuit, and show that outputs of the array multiplier are equivalent to outputs of normal (sequencial) multiplier.
    15. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Basic Properties of Extended Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 491-494, 2001. MML Identifier: EXTREAL1
      Summary: We introduce product, quotient and absolute value, and we prove some basic properties of extended real numbers.
    16. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Definitions and Basic Properties of Measurable Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 495-500, 2001. MML Identifier: MESFUNC1
      Summary: In this article we introduce some definitions concerning measurable functions and prove related properties.
    17. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. Some Properties of Extended Real Numbers Operations: abs, min and max, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 511-516, 2001. MML Identifier: EXTREAL2
      Summary: In this article, we extend some properties concerning real numbers to extended real numbers. Almost all properties included in this article are extended properties of other articles: \cite{AXIOMS.ABS}, \cite{REAL_1.ABS}, \cite{ABSVALUE.ABS}, \cite{SQUARE_1.ABS} and \cite{REAL_2.ABS}.
    18. Takashi Mitsuishi, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. The Concept of Fuzzy Relation and Basic Properties of its Operation, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 517-524, 2001. MML Identifier: FUZZY_3
      Summary: This article introduces the fuzzy relation. This is the expansion of usual relation, and the value is given at the fuzzy value. At first, the definition of the fuzzy relation characterized by membership function is described. Next, the definitions of the zero relation and universe relation and basic operations of these relations are shown.
    19. Noboru Endou, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasunari Shidama. The Measurability of Extended Real Valued Functions, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 525-529, 2001. MML Identifier: MESFUNC2
      Summary: In this article we prove the measurablility of some extended real valued functions which are $f$+$g$, $f$\,--\,$g$ and so on. Moreover, we will define the simple function which are defined on the sigma field. It will play an important role for the Lebesgue integral theory.
    20. Grzegorz Bancerek, Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Katsumi Wasaki. Full Adder Circuit. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 65-71, 2002. MML Identifier: FACIRC_2
      Summary: In this article we continue the investigations from \cite{FACIRC_1.ABS} of verification of a design of adder circuit. We define it as a combination of 1-bit adders using schemes from \cite{CIRCCMB2.ABS}. $n$-bit adder circuit has the following structure\\ \input FACIRC_2.PIC As the main result we prove the stability of the circuit. Further works will consist of the proof of full correctness of the circuit.
    21. Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Grzegorz Bancerek, Katsumi Wasaki. Full Subtracter Circuit. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 231-236, 2003. MML Identifier: FSCIRC_2
      Summary: In this article we continue investigations from \cite{FSCIRC_1.ABS} of verification of a design of subtracter circuit. We define it as a combination of multi cell circuit using schemes from \cite{CIRCCMB2.ABS}. As the main result we prove the stability of the circuit.
    22. Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Katsumi Wasaki, Nobuhiro Shimoi. Generalized Full Adder Circuits (GFAs). Part I, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 549-571, 2005. MML Identifier: GFACIRC1
      Summary: We formalize the concept of the Generalized Full Addition and Subtraction circuits (GFAs), define the structures of calculation units for the redundant signed digit (RSD) operations, and prove the stability of the circuits. Generally, one-bit binary full adder assumes positive weights to all of its three binary inputs and two outputs. We obtain four type of 1-bit GFA to constract the RSD arithmetic logical units that we generalize full adder to have both positive and negative weights to inputs and outputs.
    Toshihiko Watanabe
    1. Toshihiko Watanabe. The Lattice of Domains of a Topological Space, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 41-46, 1992. MML Identifier: TDLAT_1
      Summary: Let $T$ be a topological space and let $A$ be a subset of $T$. Recall that $A$ is said to be a {\em closed domain} of $T$ if $A = \overline{{\rm Int}\,A}$ and $A$ is said to be an {\em open domain} of $T$ if $A = {\rm Int}\,\overline{A}$ (see e.g. \cite{KURAT:2}, \cite{TOPS_1.ABS}). Some simple generalization of these notions is the following one. $A$ is said to be a {\em domain} of $T$ provided ${\rm Int}\,\overline{A} \subseteq A \subseteq \overline{{\rm Int}\,A}$ (see \cite{TOPS_1.ABS} and compare \cite{ISOMICHI}). In this paper certain connections between these concepts are introduced and studied. \par Our main results are concerned with the following well--known theorems (see e.g. \cite{MOST-KURAT:3}, \cite{BIRKHOFF:1}). For a given topological space all its closed domains form a Boolean lattice, and similarly all its open domains form a Boolean lattice, too. It is proved that {\em all domains of a given topological space form a complemented lattice.} Moreover, it is shown that both {\em the lattice of open domains and the lattice of closed domains are sublattices of the lattice of all domains.} In the beginning some useful theorems about subsets of topological spaces are proved and certain properties of domains, closed domains and open domains are discussed.
    2. Zbigniew Karno, Toshihiko Watanabe. Completeness of the Lattices of Domains of a Topological Space, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 71-79, 1992. MML Identifier: TDLAT_2
      Summary: Let $T$ be a topological space and let $A$ be a subset of $T$. Recall that $A$ is said to be a {\em domain} in $T$ provided ${\rm Int}\,\overline{A} \subseteq A \subseteq \overline{{\rm Int}\,A}$ (see \cite{TOPS_1.ABS} and comp. \cite{ISOMICHI}). This notion is a simple generalization of the notions of open and closed domains in $T$ (see \cite{TOPS_1.ABS}). Our main result is concerned with an extension of the following well--known theorem (see e.g. \cite{BIRKHOFF:1}, \cite{MOST-KURAT:3}, \cite{ENGEL:1}). For a given topological space the Boolean lattices of all its closed domains and all its open domains are complete. It is proved here, using Mizar System, that {\em the complemented lattice of all domains of a given topological space is complete}, too (comp. \cite{TDLAT_1.ABS}).\par It is known that both the lattice of open domains and the lattice of closed domains are sublattices of the lattice of all domains \cite{TDLAT_1.ABS}. However, the following two problems remain open. \begin{itemize} \item[ ] {\bf Problem 1.} Let $L$ be a sublattice of the lattice of all domains. Suppose $L$ is complete, is smallest with respect to inclusion, and contains as sublattices the lattice of all closed domains and the lattice of all open domains. Must $L$ be equal to the lattice of all domains~? \end{itemize} A domain in $T$ is said to be a {\em Borel domain} provided it is a Borel set. Of course every open (closed) domain is a Borel domain. It can be proved that all Borel domains form a sublattice of the lattice of domains. \begin{itemize} \item[ ] {\bf Problem 2.} Let $L$ be a sublattice of the lattice of all domains. Suppose $L$ is smallest with respect to inclusion and contains as sublattices the lattice of all closed domains and the lattice of all open domains. Must $L$ be equal to the lattice of all Borel domains~? \end{itemize} Note that in the beginning the closure and the interior operations for families of subsets of topological spaces are introduced and their important properties are presented (comp. \cite{KURAT:2}, \cite{KURAT:4}, \cite{MOST-KURAT:3}). Using these notions, certain properties of domains, closed domains and open domains are studied (comp. \cite{KURAT:4}, \cite{ENGEL:1}).
    3. Toshihiko Watanabe. The Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem for Intervals, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 85-88, 1992. MML Identifier: TREAL_1
      Summary: The aim is to prove, using Mizar System, the following simplest version of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem \cite{BROUWER:1}. {\em For every continuous mapping $f : {\Bbb I} \rightarrow {\Bbb I}$ of the topological unit interval $\Bbb I$ there exists a point $x$ such that $f(x) = x$} (see e.g. \cite{DUG-GRAN:1}, \cite{BROWN:1}).
    Freek Wiedijk
    1. Freek Wiedijk. Irrationality of $e$, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 35-39, 2001. MML Identifier: IRRAT_1
      Summary: We prove the irrationality of square roots of prime numbers and of the number $e$. In order to be able to prove the last, a proof is given that {\tt number\_e = exp(1)} as defined in the Mizar library, that is that $$\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} (1+{1\over n})^n = \sum_{k=0}^\infty {1\over k!}$$
    2. Freek Wiedijk. Pythagorean Triples, Formalized Mathematics 9(4), pages 809-812, 2001. MML Identifier: PYTHTRIP
      Summary: A Pythagorean triple is a set of positive integers $\{ a,b,c \}$ with $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. We prove that every Pythagorean triple is of the form $$a = n^2 - m^2 \qquad b = 2mn \qquad c = n^2 + m^2$$ or is a multiple of such a triple. Using this characterization we show that for every $n > 2$ there exists a Pythagorean triple $X$ with $n\in X$. Also we show that even the set of {\em simplified\/} Pythagorean triples is infinite.
    3. Freek Wiedijk. Chains on a Grating in Euclidean Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 159-167, 2003. MML Identifier: CHAIN_1
      Summary: Translation of pages 101, the second half of 102, and 103 of \cite{Newman51}.
    Anna Winnicka
    1. Agnieszka Banachowicz, Anna Winnicka. Complex Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 121-124, 1993. MML Identifier: COMSEQ_1
      Summary: Definitions of complex sequence and operations on sequences (multiplication of sequences and multiplication by a complex number, addition, subtraction, division and absolute value of sequence) are given. We followed \cite{SEQ_1.ABS}.
    Miroslaw Wojciechowski
    1. Miroslaw Wojciechowski. Yoneda Embedding, Formalized Mathematics 6(3), pages 377-379, 1997. MML Identifier: YONEDA_1
    Piotr Wojtecki
    1. Piotr Wojtecki, Adam Grabowski. Lucas Numbers and Generalized Fibonacci Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 12(3), pages 329-333, 2004. MML Identifier: FIB_NUM3
      Summary: The recursive definition of Fibonacci sequences \cite{PRE_FF.ABS} is a good starting point for various variants and generalizations. We can point out here e.g. Lucas (with $2$ and $1$ as opening values) and the so-called generalized Fibonacci numbers (starting with arbitrary integers $a$ and $b$). \par In this paper, we introduce Lucas and G-numbers and we state their basic properties analogous to those proven in \cite{FIB_NUM.ABS} and \cite{FIB_NUM2.ABS}.
    Edmund Woronowicz
    1. Edmund Woronowicz. Relations and Their Basic Properties, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 73-83, 1990. MML Identifier: RELAT_1
      Summary: We define here: mode Relation as a set of pairs, the domain, the codomain, and the field of relation; the empty and the identity relations, the composition of relations, the image and the inverse image of a set under a relation. Two predicates, = and $\subseteq$, and three functions, $\cup$, $\cap$ and $\setminus$ are redefined. Basic facts about the above mentioned notions are presented.
    2. Edmund Woronowicz, Anna Zalewska. Properties of Binary Relations, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 85-89, 1990. MML Identifier: RELAT_2
      Summary: The paper contains definitions of some properties of binary relations: reflexivity, irreflexivity, symmetry, asymmetry, antisymmetry, connectedness, strong connectedness, and transitivity. Basic theorems relating the above mentioned notions are given.
    3. Edmund Woronowicz. Relations Defined on Sets, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 181-186, 1990. MML Identifier: RELSET_1
      Summary: The article includes theorems concerning properties of relations defined as a subset of the Cartesian product of two sets (mode Relation of $X$,$Y$ where $X$,$Y$ are sets). Some notions, introduced in \cite{RELAT_1.ABS} such as domain, codomain, field of a relation, composition of relations, image and inverse image of a set under a relation are redefined.
    4. Edmund Woronowicz. Many--Argument Relations, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 733-737, 1990. MML Identifier: MARGREL1
      Summary: Definitions of relations based on finite sequences. The arity of relation, the set of logical values {\it Boolean} consisting of {\it false} and {\it true} and the operations of negation and conjunction on them are defined.
    5. Edmund Woronowicz. Interpretation and Satisfiability in the First Order Logic, Formalized Mathematics 1(4), pages 739-743, 1990. MML Identifier: VALUAT_1
      Summary: The main notion discussed is satisfiability. Interpretation and some auxiliary concepts are also introduced.
    Miroslaw Wysocki
    1. Miroslaw Wysocki, Agata Darmochwal. Subsets of Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 231-237, 1990. MML Identifier: TOPS_1
      Summary: The article contains some theorems about open and closed sets. The following topological operations on sets are defined: closure, interior and frontier. The following notions are introduced: dense set, boundary set, nowheredense set and set being domain (closed domain and open domain), and some basic facts concerning them are proved.
    Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi
    1. Grzegorz Bancerek, Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Yasunari Shidama. Combining of Multi Cell Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 47-64, 2002. MML Identifier: CIRCCMB2
      Summary: In this article we continue the investigations from \cite{CIRCCOMB.ABS} and \cite{FACIRC_1.ABS} of verification of a circuit design. We concentrate on the combination of multi cell circuits from given cells (circuit modules). Namely, we formalize a design of the form \\ \input CIRCCMB2.PIC and prove its stability. The formalization proposed consists in a series of schemes which allow to define multi cells circuits and prove their properties. Our goal is to achive mathematical formalization which will allow to verify designs of real circuits.
    2. Grzegorz Bancerek, Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Katsumi Wasaki. Full Adder Circuit. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 10(1), pages 65-71, 2002. MML Identifier: FACIRC_2
      Summary: In this article we continue the investigations from \cite{FACIRC_1.ABS} of verification of a design of adder circuit. We define it as a combination of 1-bit adders using schemes from \cite{CIRCCMB2.ABS}. $n$-bit adder circuit has the following structure\\ \input FACIRC_2.PIC As the main result we prove the stability of the circuit. Further works will consist of the proof of full correctness of the circuit.
    3. Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Grzegorz Bancerek, Katsumi Wasaki. Full Subtracter Circuit. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 231-236, 2003. MML Identifier: FSCIRC_2
      Summary: In this article we continue investigations from \cite{FSCIRC_1.ABS} of verification of a design of subtracter circuit. We define it as a combination of multi cell circuit using schemes from \cite{CIRCCMB2.ABS}. As the main result we prove the stability of the circuit.
    4. Shin'nosuke Yamaguchi, Katsumi Wasaki, Nobuhiro Shimoi. Generalized Full Adder Circuits (GFAs). Part I, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 549-571, 2005. MML Identifier: GFACIRC1
      Summary: We formalize the concept of the Generalized Full Addition and Subtraction circuits (GFAs), define the structures of calculation units for the redundant signed digit (RSD) operations, and prove the stability of the circuits. Generally, one-bit binary full adder assumes positive weights to all of its three binary inputs and two outputs. We obtain four type of 1-bit GFA to constract the RSD arithmetic logical units that we generalize full adder to have both positive and negative weights to inputs and outputs.
    Hiroshi Yamazaki
    1. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasunari Shidama. Algebra of Vector Functions, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 171-175, 1992. MML Identifier: VFUNCT_1
      Summary: We develop the algebra of partial vector functions, with domains being algebra of vector functions.
    2. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yoshinori Fujisawa, Yatsuka Nakamura. On Replace Function and Swap Function for Finite Sequences, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 471-474, 2001. MML Identifier: FINSEQ_7
      Summary: In this article, we show the property of the Replace Function and the Swap Function of finite sequences. In the first section, we prepared some useful theorems for finite sequences. In the second section, we defined the Replace function and proved some theorems about the function. This function replaces an element of a sequence by another value. In the third section, we defined the Swap function and proved some theorems about the function. This function swaps two elements of a sequence. In the last section, we show the property of composed functions of the Replace Function and the Swap Function.
    3. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Katsumi Wasaki. The Correctness of the High Speed Array Multiplier Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 9(3), pages 475-479, 2001. MML Identifier: GATE_5
      Summary: This article introduces the verification of the correctness for the operations and the specification of the high speed array multiplier. We formalize the concepts of 2-by-2 and 3-by-3 bit Plain array multiplier, 3-by-3 Wallace tree multiplier circuit, and show that outputs of the array multiplier are equivalent to outputs of normal (sequencial) multiplier.
    4. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasunari Shidama, Yatsuka Nakamura. Bessel's Inequality, Formalized Mathematics 11(2), pages 169-173, 2003. MML Identifier: BHSP_5
      Summary: In this article we defined the operation of a set and proved Bessel's inequality. In the first section, we defined the sum of all results of an operation, in which the results are given by taking each element of a set. In the second section, we defined Orthogonal Family and Orthonormal Family. In the last section, we proved some properties of operation of set and Bessel's inequality.
    5. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasumasa Suzuki, Takao Inoue, Yasunari Shidama. On Some Properties of Real Hilbert Space. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 225-229, 2003. MML Identifier: BHSP_6
      Summary: In this paper, we first introduce the notion of summability of an infinite set of vectors of real Hilbert space, without using index sets. Further we introduce the notion of weak summability, which is weaker than that of summability. Then, several statements for summable sets and weakly summable ones are proved. In the last part of the paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for summability of an infinite set of vectors of real Hilbert space as our main theorem. The last theorem is due to \cite{Halmos87}.
    6. Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasumasa Suzuki, Takao Inoue, Yasunari Shidama. On Some Properties of Real Hilbert Space. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 11(3), pages 271-273, 2003. MML Identifier: BHSP_7
      Summary: This paper is a continuation of our paper \cite{BHSP_6.ABS}. We give an analogue of the necessary and sufficient condition for summable set (i.e. the main theorem of \cite{BHSP_6.ABS}) with respect to summable set by a functional $L$ in real Hilbert space. After presenting certain useful lemmas, we prove our main theorem that the summability for an orthonormal infinite set in real Hilbert space is equivalent to its summability with respect to the square of norm, say $H(x) = (x, x)$. Then we show that the square of norm $H$ commutes with infinite sum operation if the orthonormal set under our consideration is summable. Our main theorem is due to \cite{Halmos87}.
    7. Kanchun , Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Cross Products and Tripple Vector Products in 3-dimensional Euclidean Space, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 381-383, 2003. MML Identifier: EUCLID_5
      Summary: First, we extend the basic theorems of 3-dimensional euclidian space, and then define the cross product in the same space and relative vector relations using the above definition.
    8. Yatsuka Nakamura, Hiroshi Yamazaki. Calculation of Matrices of Field Elements. Part I, Formalized Mathematics 11(4), pages 385-391, 2003. MML Identifier: MATRIX_4
      Summary: This article gives property of calculation of matrices.
    9. Pacharapokin Chanapat, Kanchun,, Hiroshi Yamazaki. Formulas and Identities of Trigonometric Functions, Formalized Mathematics 12(2), pages 139-141, 2004. MML Identifier: SIN_COS4
      Summary: In this article, we concentrated especially on addition formulas of fundamental trigonometric functions, and their identities.
    10. Wenpai Chang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. A Theory of Matrices of Complex Elements, Formalized Mathematics 13(1), pages 157-162, 2005. MML Identifier: MATRIX_5
      Summary: A concept of ``Matrix of Complex'' is defined here. Addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and product are introduced using correspondent definitions of ``Matrix of Field''. Many equations for such operations consist of a case of ``Matrix of Field''. A calculation method of product of matrices is shown using a finite sequence of Complex in the last theorem.
    11. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Limit of Sequence of Subsets, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 347-352, 2005. MML Identifier: SETLIM_1
      Summary: A concept of "limit of sequence of subsets" is defined here. This article contains the following items: 1. definition of the superior sequence and the inferior sequence of sets. 2. definition of the superior limit and the inferior limit of sets, and additional properties for the sigma-field of sets. and 3, definition of the limit value of a convergent sequence of sets, and additional properties for the sigma-field of sets.
    12. Wenpai Chang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Inner Product and Conjugate of Finite Sequences of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 367-373, 2005. MML Identifier: COMPLSP2
      Summary: A concept of "the inner product and conjugate of finite sequences of complex numbers" is defined here. Addition, subtraction, Scalar multiplication and inner product are introduced using correspondent definitions of "conjugate of finite sequences of Field". Many equations for such operations consist like a case of "conjugate of finite sequences of Field". Some operations on the set of $n$-tuples of complex numbers are introduced as well. Addition, difference of such $n$-tuples, complement of a $n$-tuple and multiplication of these are defined in terms of complex numbers.
    13. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Inferior Limit and Superior Limit of Sequences of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 375-381, 2005. MML Identifier: RINFSUP1
      Summary: A concept of inferior limit and superior limit of sequences of real numbers is defined here. This article contains the following items: definition of the superior sequence and the inferior sequence of real numbers, definition of the superior limit and the inferior limit of real number, and definition of the relation between the limit value and the superior limit, the inferior limit of sequences of real numbers.
    14. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Equations Related to the Limit of Sequence of Subsets, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 407-412, 2005. MML Identifier: SETLIM_2
      Summary: Set operations for sequences of subsets are introduced here. Some relations for these operations with the limit of sequences of subsets, also with the inferior sequence and the superior sequence of sets, and with the inferior limit and the superior limit of sets are shown.
    15. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Set Sequences and Monotone Class, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 435-441, 2005. MML Identifier: PROB_3
      Summary: In this paper, we first defined the partial-union sequence, the partial-intersection sequence, and the partial-difference-union sequence of given sequence of subsets, and then proved the additive theorem of infinite sequences and sub-additive theorem of finite sequences for probability. Further, we defined the monotone class of families of subsets, and discussed about the relations between the monotone class and the $\sigma$-field which are generated by field of subsets of a given set.
    16. Wenpai Chang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Inner Product and Conjugate of Matrix of Complex Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 493-499, 2005. MML Identifier: MATRIXC1
      Summary: Concepts of the inner product and conjugate of matrix of complex numbers are defined here. Operations such as addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication and inner product are introduced using correspondent definitions of the conjugate of a matrix of a complex field. Many equations for such operations consist like a case of the conjugate of matrix of a field and some operations on the set of sum of complex numbers are introduced.
    17. Pacharapokin Chanapat, Hiroshi Yamazaki. Formulas and Identities of Hyperbolic Functions, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 511-513, 2005. MML Identifier: SIN_COS8
      Summary: In this article, we proved formulas of hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine and hyperbolic tangent, and their identities.
    18. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki and Yatsuka Nakamura. The Relevance of Measure and Probability, and Definition of Completeness of Probability, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 225-229, 2006. MML Identifier: PROB_4
      Summary: In this article, we first discuss the relation between measure defined using extended real numbers and probability defined using real numbers. Further, we define completeness of probability, and its completion method, and also show that they coincide with those of measure.
    Masahiko Yamazaki
    1. Noboru Endou, Yasunari Shidama, Masahiko Yamazaki. Integrability and the Integral of Partial Functions from $\Bbb R$ into $\Bbb R$, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 207-212, 2006. MML Identifier: INTEGRA6
    Yuguang Yang
    1. Yuguang Yang, Yasunari Shidama. Trigonometric Functions and Existence of Circle Ratio, Formalized Mathematics 7(2), pages 255-263, 1998. MML Identifier: SIN_COS
      Summary: In this article, we defined {\em sinus} and {\em cosine} as the real part and the imaginary part of the exponential function on complex, and also give their series expression. Then we proved the differentiablity of {\em sinus}, {\em cosine} and the exponential function of real. Finally, we showed the existence of the circle ratio, and some formulas of {\em sinus}, {\em cosine}.
    2. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of Binary Counter Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 83-85, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_2
      Summary: This article introduces the verification of the correctness for the operations and the specification of the 3-bit counter. Both cases: without reset input and with reset input are considered. The proof was proposed by Y. Nakamura in \cite{GATE_1.ABS}.
    3. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of Johnson Counter Circuits, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 87-91, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_3
      Summary: This article introduces the verification of the correctness for the operations and the specification of the Johnson counter. We formalize the concepts of 2-bit, 3-bit and 4-bit Johnson counter circuits with a reset input, and define the specification of the state transitions without the minor loop.
    4. Takashi Mitsuishi, Yuguang Yang. Properties of the Trigonometric Function, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 103-106, 1999. MML Identifier: SIN_COS2
      Summary: This article introduces the monotone increasing and the monotone decreasing of {\em sinus} and {\em cosine}, and definitions of hyperbolic {\em sinus}, hyperbolic {\em cosine} and hyperbolic {\em tangent}, and some related formulas about them.
    5. Yuguang Yang, Katsumi Wasaki, Yasushi Fuwa, Yatsuka Nakamura. Correctness of a Cyclic Redundancy Check Code Generator, Formalized Mathematics 8(1), pages 129-132, 1999. MML Identifier: GATE_4
      Summary: We prove the correctness of the division circuit and the CRC (cyclic redundancy checks) circuit by verifying the contents of the register after one shift. Circuits with 12-bit register and 16-bit register are taken as examples. All the proofs are done formally.
    Xiaopeng Yue
    1. Xiaopeng Yue, Xiquan Liang, Zhongpin Sun. Some Properties of Some Special Matrices, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 541-547, 2005. MML Identifier: MATRIX_6
      Summary: This article describes definitions of reversible matrix, symmetrical matrix, antisymmetric matrix, orthogonal matrix and their main properties.
    2. Xiaopeng Yue, Dahai Hu, Xiquan Liang. Some Properties of Some Special Matrices. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 7-12, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIX_8
      Summary: This article describes definitions of Idempotent Matrix, Nilpotent Matrix, Involutory Matrix, Self Reversible Matrix, Similar Matrix, Congruent Matrix, the Trace of a Matrix and their main properties.
    3. Xiquan Liang, Fuguo Ge, Xiaopeng Yue. Some Special Matrices of Real Elements and Their Properties, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 129-134, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRIX10
      Summary: This article describes definitions of positive matrix, negative matrix, nonpositive matrix, nonnegative matrix, nonzero matrix, module matrix of real elements and their main properties, and we also give the basic inequalities in matrices of real elements.
    Jaroslaw Zajkowski
    1. Jaroslaw Zajkowski. Oriented Metric-Affine Plane -- Part I, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 591-597, 1991. MML Identifier: ANALORT
      Summary: We present (in Euclidean and Minkowskian geometry) definitions and some properties of oriented orthogonality relation. Next we consider consistence Euclidean space and consistence Minkowskian space.
    2. Jaroslaw Zajkowski. Oriented Metric-Affine Plane -- Part II, Formalized Mathematics 3(1), pages 53-56, 1992. MML Identifier: DIRORT
      Summary: Axiomatic description of properties of the oriented orthogonality relation. Next we construct (with the help of the oriented orthogonality relation) vector space and give the definitions of left-, right-, and semi-transitives.
    Anna Zalewska
    1. Edmund Woronowicz, Anna Zalewska. Properties of Binary Relations, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 85-89, 1990. MML Identifier: RELAT_2
      Summary: The paper contains definitions of some properties of binary relations: reflexivity, irreflexivity, symmetry, asymmetry, antisymmetry, connectedness, strong connectedness, and transitivity. Basic theorems relating the above mentioned notions are given.
    Katarzyna Zawadzka
    1. Katarzyna Zawadzka. The Sum and Product of Finite Sequences of Elements of a Field, Formalized Mathematics 3(2), pages 205-211, 1992. MML Identifier: FVSUM_1
      Summary: This article is concerned with a generalization of concepts introduced in \cite{RVSUM_1.ABS}, i.e., there are introduced the sum and the product of finite number of elements of any field. Moreover, the product of vectors which yields a vector is introduced. According to \cite{RVSUM_1.ABS}, some operations on $i$-tuples of elements of field are introduced: addition, subtraction, and complement. Some properties of the sum and the product of finite number of elements of a field are present.
    2. Katarzyna Zawadzka. The Product and the Determinant of Matrices with Entries in a Field, Formalized Mathematics 4(1), pages 1-8, 1993. MML Identifier: MATRIX_3
      Summary: Concerned with a generalization of concepts introduced in \cite{MATRIX_1.ABS}, i.e. there are introduced the sum and the product of matrices of any dimension of elements of any field.
    3. Katarzyna Zawadzka. Solvable Groups, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 145-147, 1996. MML Identifier: GRSOLV_1
      Summary: The concept of solvable group is introduced. Some theorems concerning heirdom of solvability are proved.
    Fahui Zhai
    1. Fahui Zhai, Jianbing Cao, Xiquan Liang. Circled Sets, Circled Hull, and Circled Family, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 447-451, 2005. MML Identifier: CIRCLED1
      Summary: In this article, we prove some basic properties of the circled sets. We also define the circled hull, and give the definition of circled family.
    2. Jianbing Cao, Fahui Zhai, Xiquan Liang. Partial Sum and Partial Product of Some Series, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 501-503, 2005. MML Identifier: SERIES_4
      Summary: This article contains partial sum and partial product of some series which are often used.
    3. Jianbing Cao, Fahui Zhai, Xiquan Liang. Some Differentiable Formulas of Special Functions, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 505-509, 2005. MML Identifier: FDIFF_5
      Summary: This article contains some differentiable formulas of special functions.
    Bo Zhang
    1. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Limit of Sequence of Subsets, Formalized Mathematics 13(2), pages 347-352, 2005. MML Identifier: SETLIM_1
      Summary: A concept of "limit of sequence of subsets" is defined here. This article contains the following items: 1. definition of the superior sequence and the inferior sequence of sets. 2. definition of the superior limit and the inferior limit of sets, and additional properties for the sigma-field of sets. and 3, definition of the limit value of a convergent sequence of sets, and additional properties for the sigma-field of sets.
    2. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Inferior Limit and Superior Limit of Sequences of Real Numbers, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 375-381, 2005. MML Identifier: RINFSUP1
      Summary: A concept of inferior limit and superior limit of sequences of real numbers is defined here. This article contains the following items: definition of the superior sequence and the inferior sequence of real numbers, definition of the superior limit and the inferior limit of real number, and definition of the relation between the limit value and the superior limit, the inferior limit of sequences of real numbers.
    3. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Some Equations Related to the Limit of Sequence of Subsets, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 407-412, 2005. MML Identifier: SETLIM_2
      Summary: Set operations for sequences of subsets are introduced here. Some relations for these operations with the limit of sequences of subsets, also with the inferior sequence and the superior sequence of sets, and with the inferior limit and the superior limit of sets are shown.
    4. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yatsuka Nakamura. Set Sequences and Monotone Class, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 435-441, 2005. MML Identifier: PROB_3
      Summary: In this paper, we first defined the partial-union sequence, the partial-intersection sequence, and the partial-difference-union sequence of given sequence of subsets, and then proved the additive theorem of infinite sequences and sub-additive theorem of finite sequences for probability. Further, we defined the monotone class of families of subsets, and discussed about the relations between the monotone class and the $\sigma$-field which are generated by field of subsets of a given set.
    5. Bo Zhang, Yatsuka Nakamura. The Definition of Finite Sequences and Matrices of Probability, and Addition of Matrices of Real Elements, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 101-108, 2006. MML Identifier: MATRPROB
      Summary: In this article, we first define finite sequences of probability distribution and matrices of joint probability and conditional probability. We discuss also the concept of marginal probability. Further, we describe some theorems of matrices of real elements including quadratic form.
    6. Bo Zhang, Hiroshi Yamazaki and Yatsuka Nakamura. The Relevance of Measure and Probability, and Definition of Completeness of Probability, Formalized Mathematics 14(4), pages 225-229, 2006. MML Identifier: PROB_4
      Summary: In this article, we first discuss the relation between measure defined using extended real numbers and probability defined using real numbers. Further, we define completeness of probability, and its completion method, and also show that they coincide with those of measure.
    Yan Zhang
    1. Yan Zhang, Xiquan Liang. Several Differentiable Formulas of Special Functions, Formalized Mathematics 13(3), pages 427-434, 2005. MML Identifier: FDIFF_4
      Summary: In this article, we give several differentiable formulas of special functions.
    2. Yan Zhang, Bo Li, Xiquan Liang. Several Differentiable Formulas of Special Functions. Part II, Formalized Mathematics 13(4), pages 529-535, 2005. MML Identifier: FDIFF_6
      Summary: In this article, we give other several differentiable formulas of special functions.
    3. Bo Li, Yan Zhang, Xiquan Liang. Several Differentiation Formulas of Special Functions. Part III, Formalized Mathematics 14(1), pages 37-45, 2006. MML Identifier: FDIFF_7
      Summary: In this article, we give several differentiation formulas of special and composite functions including trigonometric function, inverse trigonometric function, polynomial function and logarithmic function.
    4. Bo Li, Yan Zhang, Artur Kornilowicz. Simple Continued Fractions and Their Convergents, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 71-78, 2006. MML Identifier: REAL_3
      Summary: The article introduces simple continued fractions. They are defined as an infinite sequence of integers. The characterization of rational numbers in terms of simple continued fractions is shown. We also give definitions of convergents of continued fractions, and several important properties of simple continued fractions and their convergents.
    5. Bo Li, Yan Zhang, Xiquan Liang. Difference and Difference Quotient, Formalized Mathematics 14(3), pages 115-119, 2006. MML Identifier: DIFF_1
      Summary: In this article, we give the definitions of forward difference, backward difference, central difference and difference quotient, and some important properties of them.
    Wojciech Zielonka
    1. Wojciech Zielonka. Preliminaries to the Lambek calculus, Formalized Mathematics 2(3), pages 413-418, 1991. MML Identifier: PRELAMB
      Summary: Some preliminary facts concerning completeness and decidability problems for the Lambek Calculus \cite{LAMBEK:1} are proved as well as some theses and derived rules of the calculus itself.
    Claus Zinn
    1. Claus Zinn, Wolfgang Jaksch. Basic Properties of Functor Structures, Formalized Mathematics 5(4), pages 609-613, 1996. MML Identifier: FUNCTOR1
      Summary: This article presents some theorems about functor structures. We start with some basic lemmata concerning the composition of functor structures. Then, two theorems about the restriction operator are formulated. Later we show two theorems concerning the properties 'full' and 'faithful' of functor structures which are equivalent to the 'onto' and 'one-to-one' properties of their morphmaps, respectively. Furthermore, we prove some theorems about the inversion of functor structures.
    Stanislaw Zukowski
    1. Stanislaw Zukowski. Introduction to Lattice Theory, Formalized Mathematics 1(1), pages 215-222, 1990. MML Identifier: LATTICES
      Summary: A lattice is defined as an algebra on a nonempty set with binary operations join and meet which are commutative and associative, and satisfy the absorption identities. The following kinds of lattices are considered: distributive, modular, bounded (with zero and unit elements), complemented, and Boolean (with complement). The article includes also theorems which immediately follow from definitions.
    Grzegorz Zwara
    1. Rafal Kwiatek, Grzegorz Zwara. The Divisibility of Integers and Integer Relative Primes, Formalized Mathematics 1(5), pages 829-832, 1990. MML Identifier: INT_2
      Summary: { We introduce the following notions: 1)
    Mariusz Zynel
    1. Mariusz Zynel, Adam Guzowski. \Tzero\ Topological Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 5(1), pages 75-77, 1996. MML Identifier: T_0TOPSP
    2. Mariusz Zynel. The Steinitz Theorem and the Dimension of a Vector Space, Formalized Mathematics 5(3), pages 423-428, 1996. MML Identifier: VECTSP_9
      Summary: The main purpose of the paper is to define the dimension of an abstract vector space. The dimension of a finite-dimensional vector space is, by the most common definition, the number of vectors in a basis. Obviously, each basis contains the same number of vectors. We prove the Steinitz Theorem together with Exchange Lemma in the second section. The Steinitz Theorem says that each linearly-independent subset of a vector space has cardinality less than any subset that generates the space, moreover it can be extended to a basis. Further we review some of the standard facts involving the dimension of a vector space. Additionally, in the last section, we introduce two notions: the family of subspaces of a fixed dimension and the pencil of subspaces. Both of them can be applied in the algebraic representation of several geometries.
    3. Mariusz Zynel, Czeslaw Bylinski. Properties of Relational Structures, Posets, Lattices and Maps, Formalized Mathematics 6(1), pages 123-130, 1997. MML Identifier: YELLOW_2
      Summary: In the paper we present some auxiliary facts concerning posets and maps between them. Our main purpose, however is to give an account on complete lattices and lattices of ideals. A sufficient condition that a lattice might be complete, the fixed-point theorem and two remarks upon images of complete lattices in monotone maps, introduced in \cite[pp. 8--9]{CCL}, can be found in Section~7. Section~8 deals with lattices of ideals. We examine the meet and join of two ideals. In order to show that the lattice of ideals is complete, the infinite intersection of ideals is investigated.
    4. Mariusz Zynel. The Equational Characterization of Continuous Lattices, Formalized Mathematics 6(2), pages 199-205, 1997. MML Identifier: WAYBEL_5
      Summary: The class of continuous lattices can be characterized by infinitary equations. Therefore, it is closed under the formation of subalgebras and homomorphic images. Following the terminology of \cite{Johnstone} we introduce a continuous lattice subframe to be a sublattice closed under the formation of arbitrary infs and directed sups. This notion corresponds with a subalgebra of a continuous lattice in \cite{CCL}.\par The class of completely distributive lattices is also introduced in the paper. Such lattices are complete and satisfy the most restrictive type of the general distributivity law. Obviously each completely distributive lattice is a Heyting algebra. It was hard to find the best Mizar implementation of the complete distributivity equational condition (denoted by CD in \cite{CCL}). The powerful and well developed Many Sorted Theory gives the most convenient way of this formalization. A set double indexed by $K$, introduced in the paper, corresponds with a family $\{x_{j,k}: j\in J, k\in K(j)\}$. It is defined to be a suitable many sorted function. Two special functors: $\rm Sups$ and $\rm Infs$ as counterparts of $\rm Sup$ and $\rm Inf$ respectively, introduced in \cite{YELLOW_2.ABS}, are also defined. Originally the equation in Definition~2.4 of \cite[p.~58]{CCL} looks as follows: $${\textstyle\bigwedge}_{j\in J} {\textstyle\bigvee}_{k\in K(j)} x_{j,k} = {\textstyle\bigvee}_{f\in M} {\textstyle\bigwedge}_{j\in J} x_{j,f(j)},$$ where $M$ is the set of functions defined on $J$ with values $f(j)\in K(j)$.
    5. Czeslaw Bylinski, Mariusz Zynel. Cages -- the External Approximation of Jordan's Curve, Formalized Mathematics 9(1), pages 19-24, 2001. MML Identifier: JORDAN9
      Summary: On the Euclidean plane Jordan's curve may be approximated with a polygonal path of sides parallel to coordinate axes, either externally, or internally. The paper deals with the external approximation, and the existence of a {\em Cage} -- an external polygonal path -- is proved.
    Alicia de la Cruz
    1. Alicia de la Cruz. Fix Point Theorem for Compact Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 505-506, 1991. MML Identifier: ALI2
      Summary: The Banach theorem in compact metric spaces is proved.
    2. Alicia de la Cruz. Introduction to Modal Propositional Logic, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 553-558, 1991. MML Identifier: MODAL_1
    3. Alicia de la Cruz. Totally Bounded Metric Spaces, Formalized Mathematics 2(4), pages 559-562, 1991. MML Identifier: TBSP_1