CADE-13 Call for Workshops (text & LaTeX)

Amy Felty (
Sun, 17 Sep 95 22:01 EDT

[Our apologies for multiple copies.]

The Thirteenth International Conference on Automated Deduction

Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

CADE-13: Call for Workshops

Tuesday, 30 July, 1996

The CADE conferences are the major forum for the presentation of new
research in all aspects of automated deduction. It is proposed to hold
a number of workshops in conjunction with CADE-13. All workshops will
be held in parallel on Tuesday, 30 July, 1996. All tutorials will be
held on the same day.

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| Deadline for Workshop Proposals: 1 December, 1995 |
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CADE conferences cover all aspects of automated deduction:

First vs. Higher Order Logics Classical vs. Non-Classical Logics
Special vs. General Purpose Inference Interactive vs. Automatic Systems

Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Resolution Sequent Calculus Decision Procedures
Unification Rewrite Rules Mathematical Induction

and any applications of automated deduction, including:

Deductive Databases Logic and Functional Programming
Commonsense Reasoning Software and Hardware Development
Distributed Theorem Proving Learning Search Heuristics

The CADE-13 conference itself will be held from Wednesday, 31 July, to
Saturday, 3 August, 1996. It will be held as part of the Federated
Logic Conference (FLoC'96) to be hosted by the Center for Discrete
Mathematics and Computer Science (DIMACS) at Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, from Saturday, 27 July, to Saturday, 3
August, 1996. As well as CADE, other conferences participating in
FLoC'96 will be CAV, (Conference on Computer-Aided Verification), LICS
(IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science), and RTA (Conference on
Rewriting Techniques and Applications). The goal of FLoC is to battle
fragmentation of the technical community by bringing together
synergetic conferences that relate logic to computer science.

Anyone wishing to offer a workshop in conjunction with CADE-13 should
send a proposal no longer than two pages in length to the Program
Co-Chairs by 1 December, 1995. This proposal should describe the topic
of the proposed workshop; explain why this topic is relevant to CADE;
name the organiser(s) and specify the workshop's length. The default
length is a full day. Further information about the arrangements for
workshops, can be obtained from the Local Arrangements Chair or from
the CADE-13 world wide web site:

Note that it is unlikely that more than the equivalant of six full day
workshops will be chosen. The maximum number of workshops running in
parallel is unlikely to exceed six.

Program Co-Chairs Local Arrangements Chair

Michael McRobbie & John Slaney Amy Felty
Centre for Information AT&T Bell Laboratories
Science Research Room 2A-425
The Australian National University 600 Mountain Avenue
ACT 0200 Murray Hill NJ 07974
Australia United States of America

Tel: [+61] 6-249-2035 Tel: [+1] 908-582-4049
Fax: [+61] 6-249-0747 Fax: [+1] 908-582-7550
Email: Email:

TEX Version

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{\Large\bf Thirteenth International Conference on Automated Deduction}
{\Large\bf Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA}
{\Large\bf 30 July, 1996}

The CADE conferences are the major forum for the presentation of new
research in all aspects of automated deduction. It is proposed to hold
number of workshops in conjunction with CADE-13. All workshops will
be held in parallel on Tuesday, 30 July, 1996. All tutorials will be
held on the same day.

Deadline for Workshop Proposals: 1 December, 1995

CADE conferences cover all aspects of automated deduction:
First {\em vs.}\ Higher Order Logics &
Classical {\em vs.}\ Non-Classical Logics \\
Special {\em vs.}\ General Purpose Inference &
Interactive {\em vs.}\ Automatic Systems \\

Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Resolution & Sequent Calculus & Decision Procedures \\
Unification & Rewrite Rules & Mathematical Induction \\

and any applications of automated deduction, including:
Deductive Databases & Logic and Functional Programming \\
Commonsense Reasoning & Software and Hardware Development \\
Distributed Theorem Proving & Learning Search Heuristics \\

The CADE-13 conference itself will be held from Wednesday, 31 July, to
Saturday, 3 August, 1996. It will be held as part of the Federated
Logic Conference (FLoC'96) to be hosted by the Center for Discrete
Mathematics and Computer Science (DIMACS) at Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, from Saturday, 27 July, to Saturday, 3
August, 1996. As well as CADE, other conferences participating in
FLoC'96 will be CAV, (Conference on Computer-Aided Verification), LICS
(IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science), and RTA (Conference on
Rewriting Techniques and Applications). The goal of FLoC is to battle
fragmentation of the technical community by bringing together
synergetic conferences that relate logic to computer science.

Anyone wishing to offer a workshop in conjunction with CADE-13 should
send a proposal no longer than two pages in length by post to the
Program Co-Chairs by 1 December, 1995. This proposal should describe
the topic of the proposed workshop; explain why this topic is relevant
to CADE; name the organiser(s) and specify the workshop's length. The
default length is a full day. Further information about the
arrangements for workshops, can be obtained from the Local Arrangements
Chair or from the CADE-13 world wide web site:

Note that it is unlikely that more than the equivalant of six full day
workshops will be chosen. The maximum number of workshops running in
parallel is unlikely to exceed six.

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{\bf Program Co-Chairs\/}\\[1ex]
Michael McRobbie and John Slaney \\
Centre for Information Science Research \\
The Australian National University\\
ACT 0200 \\
{\bf Local Arrangements Chair\/}\\[1ex]
Amy Felty\\
AT\&T Bell Laboratories \\
Room 2A-425 \\
600 Mountain Avenue \\
Murray Hill NJ 07974 \\
United States of America \\

Tel: [+61] 6-249-2035 \\
Fax: [+61] 6-249-0747 \\
Email: {\tt cade13}{\rm @}{\tt}%
Tel: [+1 ] 908-5824049 \\
Fax: [+1 ] 908-5827550 \\
Email: {\tt cade13-la}{\rm @}{\tt}

{\bf Program Committee\/}

O.~Astrachan (Duke)& J.~Avenhaus (Kaiserslautern)& L.~Bachmair (Stonybrook)\\
D.~Basin (Max-Planck)& W.~Bibel (Darmstadt)& B.~Buchberger (Linz)\\
F.~Bry (Munich)& R.~Caferra (Grenoble)& K.~S.~Choi (KAIST)\\
A.~Cohn (Leeds)& L.~Farinas del Cerro (Toulouse)& W.~Farmer (MITRE)\\
A.~Felty (AT\&T Bell Labs)& M.~Fitting (CUNY)& M.~Fujita (MRI)\\
S.~Garland (MIT)& F.~Giunchiglia (IRST)& E.~Gunter (AT\&T Bell Labs)\\
R.~Hasegawa (Kyushu)& L.~Henschen (North Western)& L.~Hines (Texas)\\
S.~H\"olldobler (Dresden)& M.~Kaufmann (Motorola)& A.~Leitsch (Vienna)\\
E.~Lusk (Argonne)& U.~Martin (St.~Andrews)& D.~McAllester (MIT)\\
W.~McCune (Argonne)& H.-J.~Ohlbach (Max-Planck)& J.~Posegga (Karlsruhe)\\
W.~Pase (Ottawa)& F.~Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon)& F.~Pirri (Rome)\\
D.~Plaisted (North Carolina)& U.~Reddy (Illinois)& M.~Rusinowitch (INRIA)\\
K.~Satoh (Hokkaido)& J.~Schumann (Munich)& C.~Schwind (Marseille)\\
N.~Shankar (SRI)& J.~Siekmann (Saarbr\"ucken)& A.~Smaill~(Edinburgh)\\
G.~Smolka~(Saarbr\"ucken)& M.~Stickel~(SRI)& G.~Sutcliffe (James Cook)\\
E.~Tiden (Siemens)& A.~Voronkov (Uppsala)& L.~Wallen (Oxford)\\
D.~Wang (Grenoble)& H.~Zhang (Iowa)& \\