DAC 1996 - Special Topics Session on Functional Design Verification

Raj Raina (raina@ibmoto.com)
Wed, 27 Sep 95 16:20:36 -0600


JUNE 3 - 7, 1996


The organizing committee for DAC '96 is planning a Special Topic Session
focusing on Functional Design Verification of Microprocessors. Papers are
being solicited from Microprocessor Design groups in the area of functional
design verification. Topics can include (but are not limited to) the
following subjects:

o Functional design verification methodology & experience on a chip.
o Functional verification coverage analysis techniques.
- toggle coverage
- state-machine coverage
- event coverage
o Design Modeling for functional verification - choices & tradeoffs.
o Design verification test generation - focused, random.
o Simulation/Emulation techniques for functional verification.
o When are we done with functional verification? Practical & Formal
methods for establishing "doneness" criteria.
o Techniques for stressing a design.

Authors should submit their papers to the Program Chair postmarked no
later than October 6, 1995. Previously published papers, including
workshop proceedings, will not be considered. Each submission should
include one cover page and ten (10) stapled copies of the complete

The one cover page should include:

-Name, affiliation, and complete address for each author
-A designated contact person including his/her telephone number,
fax number, and email address
-A designated presenter, should the paper be accepted
-A list of topic numbers, ordered by relevancy, most clearly
matching the content of the paper

The following signed statement: "All appropriate organizational
approvals for the publication of this paper have been obtained. If
accepted, the author(s) will prepare the final manuscript in time for
inclusion in the Conference proceedings and will present the paper at
the Conference."

To permit a blind review, do not include name(s) or affiliation(s) of
the author(s) on the manuscript. Include:

-Title of paper
-60 word abstract indicating significance of contribution. The
abstracts of accepted papers will appear on the World Wide Web
before the Conference.
-The complete text of the paper in English, including all
illustrations and references, not exceeding 5000 words. The papers
will be reviewed as finished papers. Preliminary submissions will
be at a disadvantage.

Notice of acceptance will be mailed to the contact person by Feb 16,
1996. Authors of accepted papers must sign a copyright release form.

MP Associates, Inc.
ATTN: Program Chair, 33rd DAC
5305 Spine Rd., Suite A
Boulder, Colorado 80301
For information call: (303) 530-4333

Watch the WWW for updates! (http://www.dac.com/dac.html)

For more information on this Special Topics Session, please contact: 
Raj Raina    * e-mail:  raina@ibmoto.com              * (512) 795-7211  
Address: Motorola at Somerset; MD: OE513; 9737 GH Trail, Austin, TX 78759