Re: Mechanization of category theory

Roger Bishop Jones (
Fri, 22 Mar 1996 05:16:51 GMT

In message <> Clemens Ballarin writes:
> Has anybody experience in mechanizing category theory or knows of such work?
> I'm about to implement basic parts of category theory in a tactical theorem
> prover based on higher order logic. I would appreciate to learn from anybody's
> earlier experiences.

I once formalised some of the concepts of category theory in HOL, as far as
adjunction, without undertaking any theorem proving. I felt this to be
helpful in improving my understanding of these basic concepts

I also attempted to construct a pure theory of functors analogous to pure
set theories (i.e. something like ZFC, where you have a large Universe
consisting only of sets, except that everything in the pure functor theory
is a functor). This was done in what I then called ZF-HOL, a straightforward
axiomatisation of ZFC in HOL, back in 1988.

Previously I had done a pure function theory and some other systems with
more complicated primitive objects, all of which went through reasonably well.
However, I screwed up with the functor theory and, ended up with not enough
functors to make a foundation system, and never got round to fixing the
problem (I was only playing around with the functors).

Roger Jones
at home